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100% A mutant Messiah / Chapter 2: It's a promise

Chapitre 2: It's a promise



"Wake up punk"

"Argh!! I'm fucking up dumbass!" I shouted in pain as the guard tased me.

It's been about 5 years since I got kidnapped and sold off to Stryker to conduct his sick experiments on me.

From what I've gathered from the guards and other fellow…. Mutants… I found out the reason that I was kidnapped. It is due to the mysterious energy I and all others here seem to have.

This energy is caused by a strand of different DNA which separates us from normal humans, making us mutants. It is supposed to grant people like us a special trait or ability, whatever it's called.

One can crawl walls while the other can bend spoons, the abilities couldn't be any different, but that's the nature of mutant genes, being purely random.

At least what I'm aware of.

The traits are purely random to the point I'm not aware of mutants with the same trait, but there are indeed similar traits among us. I've seen people with heat vision and pyrokinesis…. Which are quite similar in terms of magic. 

Some awaken it naturally and some awaken it during extreme trauma.

"Get going mutie!" The guard shouted.

"Yeah yeah…" I got out of my cell and went to the place where we were fed.

Mutie is the term every human here calls us as…to make us agitated and feel that we are different from humans.

As you can see from me separating humans and mutants…. It fucking works.

Too well.

"The same trash huh?" I sat on the floor where they 'fed' us.

They basically give us leftovers and molding bread.

"Nothing new Jared." Kevin, a fellow prisoner here said.

He's a few years older than me, and similar to me he too got kidnapped at a very young age to the point he has no memories beyond this place.

Since I'm the only one close to his age in this division of this prison, he talks to me most of the time.

He and I are one of the few kids who survived the dose of 'medicine' and torture he gave us. The babies whom I was put together with during the beginning all died.

Though 90% of his talks are just shit. It's better than being quiet.

"At least we aren't getting experimented."

"Yet!" I shouted, as my emotions got over me.

Everyone around looked at us including the guards nearby.

"..yet. We haven't been experimented on yet." 

"Right…" He sighed.

Unlike me, he never felt the sense of freedom and adapted to live here, not his fault at all.

"The moment we awaken our powers and in case it's a weak one, we'll get on experimenting forever… it's like dying" He muttered while looking at the paste which we eat as food.

"You know, sometimes I wish I was born a human." His mutter got more and more quiet, "To see the outside, the sun… I heard from the other prisoners that the sun almost lights up the whole world, do you believe that?"

I didn't reply and continued to eat. Feeling more and more sad. I can already guess what he's going to say.

"I wanted to feel like a human… is that betraying our race?" He asked me with empty eyes.

The few traces of life that were left in his eyes were now absent.

"No, Kevin. It's not the genes that make one a human." I tried to cheer him up a bit, "It's the heart. And I'll be honest, you're one of the few humans I've met in this life."

"Heh, you talk like you're an old man!" He laughed.

We then fell into silence as the guards pushed us back into our cells. Since we haven't awakened our powers yet we are just kept on our cells to rot away until we naturally awaken our traits.

But worry not, Stryker is not that much of a dumbass.

He tortures us every month so that we can awaken our abilities. Those with weak minds easily awaken their powers, leading them to be experimented on.

That bastard is sick to the core to the point he still thinks the unawakened mutants are 'half-pure', so he doesn't do mutilating experiments on us… but the same can't be said for the ones who awakened.

They die quickly if they are lucky.

The worst case is that… they die a horrible and painful death. 

But the ones who have powerful traits get brainwashed into becoming his subordinates and do horrible stuff with their powers.

Most often the ones with strength will kill themself after awakening their powers. 

I sat on the corner of my cell and leaned back on the cold wall. The ragged cloth they gave me does nothing but stink and hide my dick and balls.

"What trait did you get Kevin?" I asked aloud, since Kevin's on the cell next to me.

"I don't know, the collar activated the moment I awakened my power." Kevin muttered, "The only reason I'm so sure is because I've never wanted this collar off me like this anytime in my life… it's like my body's shouting to get that thing off me."

"So that's how it feels huh?" 

"Yeah… the regular check-up will be in a few hours… then they'll take me away won't they?"

".... yeah," I said sadly. The collar around our necks prevents us from using our powers even in the caste we awaken them. So they conduct a regular check-up every week to check if someone is hiding."

There's really nothing we can do… all of us are malnourished and weak almost all the time… so no hope to escape this hell.

"Should I kill myself?"

He asked the question I was very afraid to answer.

He was my first and only friend in this life… while everyone around acted like zombies he was one of the few who actually wanted to live… 

And hearing him ask that question makes me wanna commit genocide.

Which I definitely will after I get free.

Though I don't want him to go through those painful experiments…. He can't die…

He's my only friend…

"No… don't do it.."

My selfishness… is gonna make him wish he died…



Won't stop…

"Ok friend, I'll try to live… at least for you. I don't know why but seeing you cry for me makes me happy. Is that bad?" I could 'see' his smile though he was behind a wall.

"N-no… not at all" I strained a smile.

Knowing damn well that this could be the last time I ever talk to him.

Stryker…. Military…

I'll make them pay…

My rage…. I won't let it die… till I make everyone pay….

"I vow… in my life… that I'll kill whoever that comes in the way of my- no, our revenge. Even if a whole country opposes me…" I muttered as my body quivered in rage.

It's a promise… I'll end human supremacy.


"Ahhh, why are you coming in!!? DON'T TOUCH ME!"

I woke up from my sleep at the sound of the shout of a girl on one of the cells near me.


The shout was followed by the sound of clothes being ripped, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out what was happening.

The guards are raping a girl, it's not a new thing here.

Mostly they go for the same girl, but that girl committed suicide today so this new girl got the short end of the stick. 

I feel more and more distant from my own feelings ever since they took Kevin… It's been a year? Two years? Honestly, I lost count…

He was the one who kept count of the days….

How old am I? I don't even know when my birthday is…

I should be about 7 or 8 years old right?


"Shut up you low life!"

The fact that she's my age makes this more and more vile…

Should I be a sheep and stay quiet or put my free will to actual use?

Well, the pick was obvious.

"OI! YOU SICK CUNTS!! ARE YOU DICKS SO SMALL THAT YOU HAVE TO USE IT ON A CHILD!!??" I shouted using all my strength and immediately the sick noises went quiet, the only thing that was audible at that moment was the muffled sobs of the girl.

"Hahahahah!" "Ahahahaha!" "Ohahahah!" It was soon followed by the loud laughs of the other prisoners who laughed even harder.

"He's got a point you know!?" another prisoner shouted.

"No wonder you guys locked us up here, if we were out you'd be ashamed for having a small dick right!?" I shouted more to spite them.

"Ganging up on a small girl! Is that what you call human supremacy? Pretty sure your moms got the same treatment from their brothers when they were young which led to defective kids like you." I cursed them.

"Shut up you brat! Don't make me come here!!"

"Can you even come with that small dick? You know that your mom wanted to abort you right?"

The sound of footsteps and cages opening was heard.

"What? Now want to square up with a kid huh you fat fuck?" I shamed him even more as he stood there in front of my cage with unbuckled pants and sweat all over his body.

"Can you even see your own dick your double chin?" I spat on him as he tried to open the cell.

The guards behind him were getting ready to give me a beating. Lucky for me they looked very drunk.

"Just wait you Mu-"

"Ah, what is that forehead? It's not even a forehead anymore, call it a nine head" I shut up another balding guard who was waiting behind him.

I really didn't expect this to happen but this is perfect… I'll fuck all of them up even if I get beat badly.

"Get ready you little shit!" Just as the fat fuck opened the gate I threw all the shit I took to his face.

I didn't flush for years just for this moment.

"Ahhh! My eyes!"

Since the fat fuck was so fat the rest of the guards couldn't get in.

I went forward and kicked hard in his balls, relishing the feeling of his balls morphing on the force of my kick.

"EAHhhhHHHhH!!!" He got on his knees and collapsed on the door.

"Thanks for being so fat you fatso!" I thanked him for blocking the food and not letting the other guards in and stomped his throat, breaking it.

"Eh! Aug! Eeee! Hel-" He was struggling to breathe as the other two guards rushed towards me.

I simply tore off my clothes threw it on the leading one's face and stepped sideways. He directly stepped on the poop I trew and fell down.

"AH!" *THUD!*

I grabbed his head and started basing it on the floor multiple times till I heard the skull crack.

The other guy stopped for a moment and stepped back scared,

Seeing fear in his eyes made me feel happy after a long time.

 I didn't waste the interval and jumped on him.

He stumbled on the fat guard and fell back, making it more perfect for me to attack. I used my poop-stained hand and scratched all over his body.

My nails were not smooth after scratching on rocks all day, I didn't stop.

The rage in me can never be quenched by just giving him infection all over his body.

I thrust both my thumbs into his eye sockets, making them pop out as my thumb went deeper in.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" He shouted in pain, trying to push me off. But my grip on his head was hard, he lifted my whole body up but I still held on to him.

Soon I felt the bone block my thumbs but that didn't do it. I started to wiggle them, pushing the eyes even more out.

"STOOPPP!!! PLEASSEEE!!"His shouts were inaudible to me amidst the cheers of the prisoners around me.



"THEN I'M SAVING THEM FROM GETTING RAPED TO I GUESS!" I pulled my thumb out and got off his hold easily.

He tried to touch his face but couldn't in fear of what happened to him.


Before I could react to the sound behind me I felt a sting on my neck.





That sting…

Did I get sedated?

The recent memories of me killing the guards were still fresh in my brain.

I slowly opened my eyes. At first I couldn't see anything properly due to my blurred eyes.

I tried to move my hands but it was chained to something heavy. I tried to move my legs but they too were chained up. 

I was suspended in the air with all my limbs tied, only my head was free.

"You truly are fascinating Jared…"

I heard the voice I hated the most in this life.

"STRYKER!!" I shouted his name.

"Shh… quiet now." He stepped forward towards me, "Wouldn't want to wake up your friend would you?"

I looked at the direction he was pointing towards, just to see Kevin.

His whole body was metal from which Stryker was chipping out….


But I controlled my anger, if I show my anger at Kevin's situation it would just make him use Kevin to blackmail me.

"Friend?" I laughed, "He was more like a pet… that cunt wasn't even strong enough to kill himself when I told him to" I lied to make him confused.

"No empathy huh? You guys really are monsters…" He said while slowly walking towards me with a small knife.

"You know I always kept an eye on you, especially since you were the only kid who actually survived the intense dose of drugs without any external help or a healing factor and came out still unawakened." He traced the knife on my cheek.

I could feel the coldness of that metal as it cut me.

But I wasn't scared… he showed no intent of killing me.

*Thu* I spat on his face, "I'll kill you one day."

"Ha!" He laughed, wiping off my spit with his bare hands, "I'm used to the threats of your kind, do you think it'll scare me?"

He pulled my head near him, he was a lot stronger than what I thought. 

"I've dealt with beasts much more dangerous than you… what so if you killed a few guards? I'll employ more. Just remember that nothing you do will cause a change… even your death will be nothing but a small thing."

"Just like what you're doing… do you really think you can make mutants go extinct with that sick mind of yours?" I moved my head even closer to him.

Just to observe his eyes closer, to see the traces of fear in his eyes.

"All of this is for nothing… you're just gonna die a useless death… in a ditch filled with people like you. Rotting away endlessly as I become what you think I am." 

I got what I wanted to see.

The small amount of fear that started to form in his eyes.

Seeing it showed his fear, an indication of what would torment him.

"Ha! Kill me?" He laughed, but the caution in his eye was evident. "I dare you to even touch me"

"It's not a dare Stryker, It's a promise."

He let go of my head and tried to step back.

But I didn't let the opportunity go and tried to bite his eyes.


But I missed and just bit off his eyelid.

"You want blood right?" He punched me hard, making my head black out for a moment.

"Guards! Put him in a cell and don't feed him!" He ordered the ones who were around while placing a piece of cloth on his bleeding eye.

I spat out his eyelid and the blood.

He handled the pain well… but can he handle the infection I wonder?

After all, I haven't brushed my teeth ever since I had them. But since the food they provide us is mostly paste, I hardly use my teeth.

Though they are white, I'm sure a bite from me could cause various infections….

My only regret now is not taking his eyes out…

If I had known this would happen a while ago, I would have eaten my own shit just to give this guy incurable infections.

I thought of trying to fight the guards when they unchained me, but since they had guns I knew my place and acted like that punch knocked me out.

They put a handcuff on me and started dragging me by leg. Since I tore off my shirt to blind the guard before the skin on my back was peeled as the guard dragged me on the rough floor.

But the pain didn't bother me much since the cold made my skin numb a long time ago.

But the sight of Kevin being used as a fucking mine haunted my mind, he looked to be unconscious.

So I can only hope that he is sedated and didn't faint due to the pain….

I wish that he's not dead.


"Damn, he's heavier than he looks" The guard said as he threw me away.

I slowly sat up and looked at the guard who quickly locked the gate of the cell.

"The sick taste still lingers…" I spat out in disgust as the taste of his blood still lingered on my mouth.

I rubbed my wrists since they were uncomfortable after being chained up, thankfully they weren't cut by the metal.

It's a bit warmer in this cell.

Not gonna lie, this new cell is a bit better than my old one…

And a lot quieter too. I wonder why that is?

"Oi kid" I heard a deep voice call me out.

I didn't reply and just stayed quiet, to see what the reaction of the speaker would be. But similar to me he too stayed quiet.

"Yes?" I asked after a minute.

"Finally talking huh? Thought you were a deaf. Anyway, What's your power?" The voice asked.

"Power? I haven't awakened mine yet."

"...really?" The voice asked with confusion.


"Then why did they put you on the cells made for awakened mutants?"






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