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100% A Muggleborn Serpent. [Rewriting] / Chapter 83: Daily life (Rewrite)

Chapitre 83: Daily life (Rewrite)

Sorry if there are any mistakes, It's 4 am right now and I can;t even think properly right now. Can you guys please point out the mistakes and plot hole if you find one. Thank you. I will try to solve the mistakes tomorrow when I wake up.




A menacing raspy male voice shouted in rage as green light slithered through his wand and dashed straight towards a tall man standing near the entrance of the shop who was wearing a dark blue robe and a pitch-black spiral wand in his right hand,

"There is no point fighting back Rory," said the man near the entrance in his calm cold voice as he easily brought the cauldron placed on the left shelf, right in front of him to shield himself from the killing curse.

"I am never going to that hell hole, I would rather die than go there Abrumpo-Severus-Selious" another flair of violet spells shot through his wand, Which were again, easily deflected by the rapid counters from his opponent, His opponent didn't even flinch as he blocked the spells, His moments were calm and the flow of his wand gestures looked natural and perfect without any flaws. His attitude was relaxed as if he was walking in a park rather than dulling a dangerous dark wizard who could perform all of the three unforgivables.

"Unfortunately, This is post-war ear and I am forbidden from killing scums like you or believe me I would have fulfilled your wishes, the moment I saw what you did to that little girl," The man's voice turned colder as he replied to Rory, His steps moving forward in a threatening manner. His calm facade breaking into a barely restrained angry expression, breaking the first rule of mind tactcts when fighting an enemy, keeping a poker face. (Which makes you look more threatening in the opponents eyes)

"So what if I torture that little mudblood, If the Aurors hadn't intervened I would have succeeded in my task. That little animal was just another Crucitus away from being turn into mindless filth that they are," But the man didn't even notice Blair's broken facade let alone the glowing cold grey eyes rested on him, pure fury blazing through them. He was too busy bosting about how he tortured a little girl a few moments ago. "I should have killed her instantly just like I killed her parents rather than wasti....."

The man in the entrance who was right now fuming with anger lashed his black Pheonix wand towards Rory and


As an unforgivable escaped Blair mouth, a long-forgotten yet familiar feeling embraced him and raw magic began to surge throughout his body. His intent converting it into a dark spell which left an intoxicating feeling through the parts of his body where the magic passed through.

The unforgivable went right through Rory's shield smashing into his chest and the next moment the dark wizard was down on the ground shouting in agony. Rory wasn't expecting one of the unforgivable from a bounty hunter, nowadays it was highly restricted, and was highly unlikely that one of the bounty hunters would use these spells and risk getting himself into Azkaban, After all, it was extremely difficult to hide the Ecos of Cruciatus Curse from the victim's body.


Blair suddenly stopped his spree in the middle, as realization dawned upon him and he instantly withdrew his intent from his spell and fought the urge to cast another Cruciatus Curse before making another wand motion.


The horrifying screams of Rory stopped abruptly and silence descended throughout the shop. Blair could only hear his heavy breaths as he just stood there looking at his violently trembling wand hand, which was itching to cast one more unforgivable, itching to cast a darker curse. The killing curse. For a millisecond a thought about casting that curse went through his brain, after all, the man in front of him deserved it just like every other dark wizard. But that was only for a second and that's it, It went away as he began to perform Occlumency and clear his mind. Even though the mind magic helped him in emptying his mind to think clearly, But the itch was still there and Blair was barely restraining it.

After trying to calm himself for a few more seconds and fighting that itch. Blair took out a small vial with his trembling left hand. The vial had a triangular symbol on it with a circle in the middle and a line cutting the circle and triangle in half vertically. It was filled with transparent glowing liquid with little white molecule roaming here and there in the liquid. He opened the cock of the vial and emptied it in one go. His eyes closed instantly as he felt the warm liquid going down through his neck and the itch slowly began to fade away. He took a deep breath and by the time he opened his eyes the urge to cast an unforgivable has completely stopped, so was his trembling hands. The only evidence that an unforgivable was casted was an indescribable smell of the Cruciatus curse, that was lingering in his nose.

Blair glanced at the limp stunned body and gave a heavy depressed sigh. He has been trying to control his urge as well his instincts to cast any type of dark magic for a decade now.

You see in the world of magic when a wizard or a witch cast a spell, they are not the only one who are bending magic into something they desire through their intent. The magic is also doing the same to the caster. Maybe not at a rapid pace as the wizard convert magic into a spell. But it does. Different types of spells change wizard in different ways. Like take the killing curse for an example, It fractures the caster's soul a little as soon as it hits the target and If the wizard continuous on using it without any break that curse it would fracture the soul little by little without giving a chance to heal itself, Which leads to unrepairable damage to the soul, Hence leading the caster into insanity. Right now Blair was suffering from this condition, He could feel losing himself slowly. At first, a decade ago he ignored the little addiction of using dark spells as he was too occupied in the war, Reality hit him after the war when he was catching bounties of run away Death Eaters, As at that time he was forbidden from using any unforgivable to catch them by the orders of the ministry. At that time he couldn't control himself from casting a black curse, His body refused to obey him.

After years of research he only found one thing that can temperorly stop the addiction, Calming Draught, He couldn't find anything about healing his fractured soul or how to permanently stop the addiction. Occlumency also helped a little but that was just to restrain the addiction until he could take the potion.

The use of Cruciatus cures three times repeatedly had just put Blair a step near to madness. He wondered if he was already insane with hunting Death Eaters and constant nightmares which deprived him of a good sleep.

Blair looked at the stunned body which was still shaking, Side effects of the curse he just casted..

'Frank was going to be pissed'

He made another wand motion.



"So let me get this straight, He tried to oblivate you, but it rebounded off your shield hitting him back,"


"And for some reason, he was only trying to make you forgot your fight and not your entire memories,"


Right now Blair was standing in front of the Head Aurora of the Ministry of Magic, Frank Longbottom, who was glaring at him with resignation.

"Blair, I am not a 3rd-year Gryffindor, that I can't notice a Cruciatus Curse victim. He is stunned and is still shaking for Merlin's sake. The way I see it, He is suffering from second-degree effect of the Cruciatus Curse and has been oblivated to hide who cursed him.....Sigh.....Blair you can't just perform an unforgivable as well as oblivation on another person even if he is a Dark Wizard and a wanted criminal,"

"I ....."

"Don't lie to me Blair, I already told you I know what a Cruciatus Victim looks likes,"

"Sigh.....Ok. I lost control. You would have lost it too should you have seen that bastards face when he was boasting about how he tortured a little girl, a little girl Frank and Then he had to go and tell me how he regretted not being able to torture that child into madness. If it was up to me I would have done the same thing he did to that little girl. Hell I would have skinned that bastard Ali.....

Blair stopped in midsentence as he meets Frank's calm eyes, before taking a long breath and exhaling,"I am sorry Frank, it just when it comes to innocent children getting torture, I just can't take it,"

After that sentence, both of them went into a brief silence.

"Blair I think you should stop taking bounties for a while, I don't know, It is changing you, The Blair a decade ago would never have an outburst you just had, That Blair's knew how to control his emotions. I don't know what's happening to you, But it is not good for you, I think its time for you to retire from being a bounty hunter," Frank took out a paper from his drawer and handed it to Blair " You have to understand this, This is not an easy decision for me as a Head Auror as you are quit a skilled bounty hunter, But as a friend, I have to do this."

" you can't do that" Blair rebuked in anger as he read the title of the paper.

'Notice for Bounty Hunter's Blacklist'

"I just did it.... Blair listen, you are my friend ok. Hell, I and Alice both owe our lives to you. But the way you are handling Bounties is getting worse and worse. And today? Today you crossed the line. If Malfoy found about this, It will be like Christmas has come early for him, He has been looking for a chance to bring you down. He will eat you alive in Wizangamotes, you know that right? "

" ....."

"Hell, He even wanted to meet the last Bounty you brought in. The one whose legs were crushed into a literal bloody mess, remember? It was quite hard to stop anyone from registering his injuries into the report,"

" You are saying it like they are some kind of victims" He replied angrily as Anger began to build inside him as he heard Frank talking about his last Bounty, and that scum was no way a victim.

" I know but they will make him look like a victim in Wizengamotes, if they found out what you have done, There are so many powerful people up in the ministry who looks at you as a threat. Hell one-third of the Wizangamote wants you in Azkaban. If it wasn't for Dumbledore and few of the members you fought side by side, having your back in the wizengamotes, you would already be a wanted fugitive or dead,"

Blair sighed as he kept his mouth shut, What Frank pointed out was true, He really was losing control over his emotions, and this job was causing him more harm then his enemies ever could. Agreed they tortured him, injured him took few of his friends away from him, But it was not permanent as the Delema he was facing regarding his soul. Maybe it was time for him to retire, He wondered what he would do next, Maybe he should consider finding a job in the muggle world like Remus.

Blair left the Head Auror office calmly as he continued to think about what to do next. He was not angry with Frank after all at some point he would have to leave the job, Better sooner than later.

Outside the Head Auror Office near the reception desk, Blair bumped into the most humble person he ever meet in his life, Lucius Malfoy. The blonde ex Death Eater was bantering with the front desk lady of the Auror office..

" Mr Malfoy, I have been given specific instruction by the Head Auror to not let anyone inside his office or disturb him, when he is dealing with criminals,"

"I am representing the Minister of Magic himself and by his orders, I was sent to check up if the Aurors were treating their suspects properly, I demand to see Mister Rory right this instant,"

" Mister Rorey has already been declared criminal by the Ministry, That's the reason we were able to place a bounty on him in the first place. Now if you don't leave now I would have to call Aurors on you"

"You dare....t...." He stopped in mid-sentence as soon as he saw Blair walking out of the Head Auror office. "Well well if it isn't the lawless Bounty Hunter,"

Blair had to admit, If there was one thing that Lucius Malfoy was better in other than controlling most of the ministry with his gallons was pissing Blair off. Blair already wanted to cast a killing curse on the blonde Death Eater just by seeing his face.

In the Wizarding war, Blair has tried to hunt this bastard for months, But by the time he could catch him, The death eater had already turned himself to the ministry and faked his innocence by claiming he was under Imperious Curse. Since then, He has been trying to provoke Blair to somehow bring Blair in front of Wizengamotes. After that, it is only a matter of time before they sentence him to Azkaban.

Blair just glared at him, before ignoring him completely, Right now, He didn't know if he could control himself from cursing the former Death Eater


Blair's next stop was the house of one of the few people he could call friends, His place was as gloomy as it comes and the portraits of his ancestors didn't make it any better, The dark floor and creepy antique decor made it look like a layer of a death eater, And it really was until his friend moved in.

As he moved through the hallway his gaze instinctively turned towards a black designed wooden wall, unconsciously bracing himdself to hear few curses and rant from the portrait of the previous mistress of this house.

Thankfully his friend have removed.....well technically a designer wooden panel was placed in front of the portrait matching the dark theme of the house perfectly.

Though It didn't stop the portrait from cursing his friend from other portraits. What did stop her was the threat of removing all of the paintings from the house if she didn't shut up.

"Master's mudblood friend has come does mudblood want anything from Kreacher" An old house elf came through the other side of the hallway wearing his usual grey rag.

"Nothing Kreacher, You can continue what you were doing," Blair said calmly, Ignoring the foul language the house elf just used to address him.

Kreacher was probably the only creature who got away from calling Blair a mudblood, As he believed that it was not the elf's fault that his previous masters taught him that term and it's not like House elfs were cheap.

Hell even Lucas who didn't have any initial training, cost him a fortune and that was during the war era, When there was a shortage of gallons, and the value of 1 Gallon was far more than its value in the current time. As the economy of Magical world was at abrupt stop for years and those damned goblins refused to pump more gallons in the economy.

Blair heard another pair of footsteps running down the stair on his right revealing A 11-year-old moderately skinny kid wearing a round-framed glasses and a small dark maroon shiny silk blazer with an excited smile on his face. Even though he was skinny there was still a little baby fat left under his cheeks which made him looked a little healthier than he actually was. His green eyes glowing with life and excitement.

" Uncle Blair, how do I look,"

As Blair was about to answer.

"Please don't encourage them, Godfather, They have just stopped that damn Sirius joke and now they want to wear everything identical when going outside, even mother have gotten tired of this and has decided to ignore it,"

A voice came from the upstairs field with annoyance and there stood a pale-skinned boy wearing a Black waistcoat and a white shirt under it, his pitch-black eyes just as sharp as his jawline and a tuft of his black hair hanging above his left eye. His eyes filled with intelligence and maturity which didn't look like the eyes of an 11-year-old at all.

A small smile crept on Blair's face as soon as he heard the annoyance in his godson's voice.

Looking at his Godfather's little smile which was quite rare Sirius jr figured out something and his eyes widen in realization as if he knew what Blair was about to say, and then his godfather said it.

"Are you serious?"

"Oh come o...."

"Of course he is Sirius" Blair's friend Sirius Black Sr came down the stairs and stood beside his own Godson, Harry Potter, Also wearing an identical maroon blazer and a black formal pant.

"So is he," Harry pointed towards Sirius sr, who then gave a satisfied wide grin to his godson and then both of them laughed.

Looking at this scene a little laugh escaped Blair's mouth. Aside from the few depressing matters like today, the dark curse problem and daily nightmares his life was really on track.

"Where is Aurora"

"With Isabella. Apparently, they both wanted to see how a Muggle Mall looks like, Harry how about you bring your letter from your room, We don't want to forget our shopping list do we,"

Harry gave an excited nod before rushing back to his room.

"And Siri.....sigh.....This kid," Sirius sr shook his head in resignation as he looked towards the direction of his son.

Blair also looked in the direction where his godson was standing a few seconds ago just to see empty air.

"Library?" Blair's questioned.

"Yup.....all day long...Have no interest in playing with the kids or any excitement for quidditch, The only time he was excited this year was when he got his Hogwarts letter and his wand,"

"He does love to learn magic,"

"Yes he does and because of that, He tried to cast a levitation spell with my wand, After that day Isabella keeps hers as well as mine wand into the bedside cabinet before going to sleep,"

"He is 11 years old, There is no harm in him performing magic now."

"Haah, why don't you say that to Isabella and her fro...or whatever brand that shoe was,"

There was a brief silence.

"Harry got his letter today" Sirius finally said.

"Good,....Does Aurora know?"

"No, the owl came a few hours later after she went with Isabella.,"


"Don't worry mate, There is still a month left before the school starts anyway "

Blair just gave a small nod, He wasn't worried about Aurora being a squib, Sirius didn't know about his recreation ritual on Olivia's soul or any other thing, Hell only 4 people in the world knew about it, Dumbledore, That old man helped him with few complications when a year old Aurora was lashing her magic here and there, Lucas, Aurora's personal house-elf, as well as her caretaker, Snape who reluctantly created her body and Grindlewald. If words were to get out, An entire branch of unspeakable knocking on his door would be the least of his problem. After all, who didn't desire immortality, Various dark wizards as well as alchemist tried, for years but failed and A perfect rebirth was unheard of, Even Grindlewald who was probably the only person who took Dark magic to new heights near-immortality, Only had everything in theory, Blair who was nothing but a normal talented person, He had to Imperious various brilliant dark wizards as well as Threaten to do his work to achieve what he desired,

Anyway back to the topic, Aurora was probably the most talented witch ever born in past, present and future and Blair made sure of it. Though he doubted Aurora could ever be more than an above-average witch in her life, after all that little brat had nothing else in her mind other than mischief or quidditch.

"Where is Remus?" Blair tried to change the topic, Maybe he have to letter Dumbledore for this deliama.

"Probably doing his muggle job. Stubborn little arse refuses to come today. He says he have to do overtime for the full moon this week," Sirius sr ranted about his friend as he went through his pockets, Making sure he had his vault key. He has been trying to lend him some money for wolfbane every month, But Remus refused it outright.

"Sigh.....look from his perspective Sirius, How would you feel if you keep on depending on your friends for every month and have to take his money,"

"Well if I had a friend, who is as rich as I am, I would have no problem accepting his help. Hell, If would have freeloaded on him for the rest of my life"


"Ya...ya I know it's about that damn pride, I am not young, But still, It feels bad to see your friend suffer and work his ass off just because the wizarding world refuses to employ him. He was the smartest of the Marauders, If anyone deserves to be employed it should be him,"

"I know, But that how it is for now, Also don't forget he is an adult and knows how to handle these things, Unlike certain someone who has to be kept in check by a certain Mrs Black"

"Hay Isabella doesn't keep me in check,"


"I am serious :

"Yes, you are Sirius,"

"I see what you did there.....Nice one"

Both of them gave a little chuckle

Same day at 8.00 pm

"Minerva, you didn't bring me the list of today's invitation letter," Dumbledore said as he pooped a lemon drop in his mouth, Right now he was sitting on his Headmaster chair, in his Nightrobe much to Minerva's disapproval.

"Headmaster, yesterday was the last day for sending letters. From tomorrow we only visit the students who haven't replied to the letters" The Server looking Transfiguration teacher said in her usual sharp voice.

"Ohh dear me, It's August already? I have been more forgetful lately, makes me wonder if this is what they call finally getting old," To which the old headmaster only got another sharp stare from the Transfiguration professor.

"Do you need anything else Headmaster,"

"Nothing else, thank you Minerva,"

The Transfiguration professor turned around and left the headmaster's office. But not before muttering,

"If you are young, Then I am a first-year student,"

After the Transfiguration Professor left, Dumbledore took out an ancient book from his table drawer. It had a thick black leather book and a Hogwarts symbol on it. It was old too old, But still looked as good as new. It may have sounded weird but it looked like it was repaired by magic. He examined the book for a second looking for any wear and tear before finally placing it on the table and waved his hand over it The book suddenly began to rapidly flip the pages before stopping somewhere in the middle with a title written on the top of the page.

'1991 to 2000 Batches'

The old man placed his Bonny fingers on the page and began to go through all the names of the students before giving a sigh.

"I am getting old, aren't I Fawkes?"

To which he only got a weak response from his lifelong friend who was sitting in his usual place and looked like it was about to die from old age.

"Ohh, my apologies old friend you should rest, Your burning day is not far"

He picked up the quil from his quil stand and began to write a name on the list. He then made a hand gesture towards his bookshelf, a paper and an envelope came flying towards him before resting on the table and the quil automatically began to write a name on the envelope in an elite that font.

'Aurora Grindlewald''





I know you guys must be pissed about how I just made an announcement of a rewritten chapter release and vanished for weeks, But believe me the last few days has been frustrating to me, My laptop just broke down, More precisely It's screen was ripped out of it's hinge. Anyway I lost 18000 words of my draft of other novels as well as this fanfic. I tried everything to recover it, plugging an HDMI, removing the screen plug then plugging in the HDMI, But nothing worked. Anyway I had to write the entire damned chapter on my iPad which is quite slow.



This links are just to tell you I am not making excuses And nothing more.

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