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29.31% A Hero With/Out Time / Chapter 34: Chapter 11: My Waking Dream. (Part 1)

Chapitre 34: Chapter 11: My Waking Dream. (Part 1)

Chapter 11: My Waking Dream.

All my pain vanished and when I opened my eyes it was white. I was back in that room, that world of endless white. Like last time my body was naked and unblemished however I was comfortable. I had dreams before where I knew I was naked and during those dreams I had felt bare and exposed. Right now I felt natural.

"You're there aren't you?" I called out.

The feminine voice replied, "I am."

"Are we here to talk again?"

The body appeared, a vague outline of shadow on the surrounding white. It laughed, "As long as we have time." Slowly it approached me, then, reaching out a hand gently touched my face and sighed, "You cut it close. A few minutes sooner and you'd be stuck facing that Monster once more."

"And I would have hated that," I folded my arms.

The body let go and stepped back, "That's what I like about you. You knew the risks, what would happen, the logical option and yet despite that you somehow convinced yourself to go."

I frowned, "I didn't have a choice."

"But you did," once more its hand reached out but this time with a cheeky tap its finger pressed against my nose causing me to step back.

"Is there anything else you wanted or are you just here to mess with me?"

"Well… I'm always keen to see you. Unfortunately we don't have as much time as before. I'll have to say goodbye now." The body shuffled back and curtsied, "Goodbye."

"Till next time," I bowed myself.

She laughed, "Yes till next time." And with that the world collapsed.


I was back in my inn room. A dull ache crossed over my muscles and as I looked around I was greeted with the same scenery. If it was really the same then she would be showing up soon. I looked to the window and as expected Taylor climbed inside carrying a bag of apples.

"Oh you're awake," she greeted me with a light smile.

I wanted to smile back but a flash crossed my mind as I stared at the town visible behind her. Smoke rising from the burnt and broken buildings as the screams of the innocent flooded the air. My fists clenched on top the blankets.

Taylor leaned closer to me, "Are you okay?"

I shook off the feeling, "I'm fine. It's nice to see you're concerned though."

She laughed haughtily, "Maybe but that's all you're getting. I'll leave the soppy stuff to someone else."

"How is everyone?" I asked as I did last time and Taylor replied the same. It felt like I had only gone back four days but really it must have been seven. My unconscious state had sped things up. On one hand it was a blessing but on the other I had less time to figure out my plans.

I played my role like last time and hid my true state of mind. Ronalt came and apologised, Marley helped heal my body, Lara made a fuss… it was the same or at least as much as I tried to make it. As night came around I pushed myself from the bed. My body was still crooked and each step threatened to make me fall. I sighed. The past few days had felt like a dream and now knowing that it would all collapse my heart couldn't help but to shake with anxiety. The demons would attack three days from now in the middle of night. That I knew. Now it was all just a matter of being ready for it.

I reached the window and let the fresh air cool down my thoughts as I opened it.

"You should be resting," Taylor's voice came from the window beside mine.

"Probably," I replied wryly.

"Are you really alright?" her voice pressured me and when I turned to her, her eyes locked onto mine.

I smirked, "I could ask you the same question. How's town life? You weren't looking all too upbeat."

Her eyes widened in surprise, then she smiled, "So you could tell. And here I was building up the courage to get your advice. What can I say? Of course I find it strange, everyone here is so 'normal' it freaks me out."

"You're just not used to it yet. Give it some time," I gazed out into the distant streets. A guilt clung inside me. The obvious truth was that I hadn't noticed Taylor's feelings. To put it simply I was cheating.

"Hey Rain… have you ever fallen in love with someone before?"

"Can't say I have…." I couldn't look her in the eyes.

"Of all the things I've stolen, a person's heart is the most satisfying. It was a challenge to make them yours. Women, men, the old or the young," she sighed, "I didn't care. That rush of emotions they showed when I left… when I was with them… there's nothing quite like it."

"I've never felt like that or at least I'm pretty sure I haven't," I spoke honestly. "I'm guessing you want to do it again, steal someone's heart?"

"Maybe…," she rubbed her head angrily. "I don't know! Why'd you have to spring all this on me so soon? I'm not ready yet…."

"Taylor," I breathed out knowing already what I needed to say. "You're not alone anymore. I mean I'm here, Lara's here, we're all going to be together for a while to come. You don't need to steal someone's heart or anything else for that matter. If you want some attention, talk to me." I felt my face heat up. Unlike last time I knew just how embarrassing my words were.

Taylor laughed, and turned away, "Attention huh… yeah that's why I did it." She faced me again with a wide smile. My heart clenched. "I'll take you up on that. Next time I feel like stealing or whatever else, I'll talk to you first. So… save some time for me okay?"

"Sure," I smiled back.

"You know I have some time right now," she winked. "My door's unlocked."

Some things really never did change. "As much as I'd like to take you up on that offer my body right now would only disappoint you," I joked. "Try again next time."

"I will," the words were said so quietly I doubted I heard them but before I could ask she was gone.


In the morning I waited for Ronalt in the downstairs lounge. He was usually an early riser and thankfully he woke before Earnest appeared. I had plans for Earnest later.

"Good morning Ronalt," I greeted him with forced cheer.

"Good morning Rain," he looked at me with a strained smile. I honestly couldn't tell if he was just having trouble and being awkward or he really did still have it out for me.

"Shall we have breakfast?" I stood up from my chair and gestured to the dining area.

His surprise was clear but he nodded and led the way. No one else had come down yet so it was only us. We ordered our meals and waited. The silence between us was palpable. The lull of the early morning only made it clearer.

I started first, "So… how are things?"

"They're… good," he answered. Nothing else. What the heck, was that really it? I was regretting my decision of striking while the others were away. Finally he spoke, "How are things with you? Are your injuries healed?"

"I can move," I smiled in reply. "How about you? After all that happened aren't you at least a little sore?"

"Unlike yours my body has been trained for many years Rain," he smirked, he actually smirked.

I hid my frown, "Oh that's great. Unfortunately we can't all have servants at our beck and call. Some of us have to work for a living."

"I'll have you know I worked hard for my position," he folded his arms.

I apologised sarcastically, "Oh my mistake. Life in the palace must have been very hard with all parties you had to attend. You mustn't have had the time to cook your own meals." Ronalt frowned. Oops. I probably shouldn't have been so patronising, we were meant to be getting along.

"What do you mean palace? I'm a Knight Captain. The most I have seen of the palace is by guarding it."

I paused, "Wait, you are the prince aren't you?"

His hand shot out to stop me, "Who told you that?"

"The Queen," I answered hesitantly. Was it meant to be a secret? Come to think of it no one ever called him as royalty, a noble yes but never prince. "Before we left she asked me to look after everyone including you, her son."

Ronalt lowered his hand and sighed, "Keep that information to yourself."

"Why? It's not like it changes much does it?" I mean I was always treating him politely… except for right now and when I tried to kill him.

"The only ones who know are Lara and Ardent. While it won't change much between us, it's the society that can't know," he looked downcast. "For that matter it goes unsaid."

"I'm sorry but I'm a little confused. Being from the country side and all I don't get much city gossip."

He laughed spitefully, "How many children does the Queen have?"

"Two." Even I knew that one.

His voice quietened, "Now guess how many children her husband had?"

"Ah… I see, sorry I shouldn't have pried," I bowed my head sincerely. The Queen was the leading figure of the Kingdom. There was no King but rather the Queen's consort. Which meant really Ronalt wasn't royalty.

"It's okay. The only mother I knew was her highness. It was my choice to remain unknown to the public. I'm simply surprised she told you," Ronalt half smiled.

The food came while we sat in silence and slowly we began to eat. I had to wonder why the Queen told me Ronalt was her son. We had only talked for a few minutes but it couldn't have been a simple slip of her tongue. I shook off the thoughts and looked at Ronalt once more. Tall and handsome like the storybook knight in a children's book. His natural stern expression might have made children cry but there was a stiff kindness to his gaze. Also from experience when he was mad he was damn scary. It was just too bad that he had a real stick up his arse about our differences otherwise I may not have had to repeat my death so many times.

"So how was living in the Capital?" I asked suddenly, mostly to get my mind off the past. "I've only ever visited for a week at most."

"It's… convenient," he answered after a small pause.

"Oh come on," I waved my fork at him. "That's it? Give me some detail, or what? Can't even remember how it was to tie your own laces?"

"The Capital is comfortable. The streets are clean and whatever produce, tool or equipment is procured somehow. Whatever is needed is available."

I sighed, "Too dreary and template. You're not doing a presentation, I'm just asking about you specifically. Then again if you don't want to talk we can eat in silence but at least throw me a bone."

"Right…," Ronalt placed down his fork. "It was busy. There was always something that needed to be done. Even as a child I hardly ever had a proper break. I spent most of my time keeping order or at least trying to."

"And I bet people like Taylor didn't help."

"Ha," he laughed. "Let me tell you, Taylor is one of the nicer ones. She did it for the stardom. The one's who made it hard are the people who play under the table. Still, I enjoyed it. Everyone has their place in the Capital and it truly is the crown jewel of the Kingdom."

"Sounds like you really love the place," I smiled.

"Of course I do," he smiled as well. "It's my home." He picked up his fork again only to look at me with a tender seriousness and place it down again. "Rain… I need to apologise."

"You already did before," I raised my brow at him, double checking in my mind that he actually had on this current cycle.

"I did, however I need to be clear." He paused and glanced about the room to see how private we really were. Satisfied he spoke slowly, "The reason I was…, the reason I held you in contempt, it was because of who you are."

"Who I am?" I couldn't help feel personally attacked for that one.

Realising his mistake he shook his head, "My words were misplaced. As I said before, I worked hard for my position. Though I had the best education and training, the effort I put in proved to put me above my peers. I believed that my blessings as a noble was what allowed me to achieve that, that I had a purpose to stand and protect my people."

I folded my arms, "Those sound like good ideals but how does that relate to me exactly?"

"Because you are a commoner, one from a countryside town and yet, you are amazing. When I first read about what you could do I couldn't believe it, however you proved me wrong. It was as if my noble birth meant nothing, that an everyday man like you could achieve so much…. Was there any point in me being a noble?"

I couldn't reply. Though my intention this morning was to have a conversation, it wasn't meant to reach such a delicate point. Taylor was one thing already, but with Ronalt who I had never spoken much with before, my mind was pulling blank.

He continued, "So I tried to pick at everything you did, to keep you away from us and the result almost killed us all. While you were still unconscious I managed to settle my thoughts…. I intended not to explain the details however I believed you deserved to know. You are truly someone deserving to aid the Hero."

For a moment I could only blink at him awkwardly, "Th-thanks. I'll try my best."

Ronalt nodded and took up his fork again, "Now I am curious Rain. How was life in Axel? How exactly did you become 'who' you are?"

"Me? Well as you know I'm kind of an orphan but then again not really. I learnt the ins and outs of life while being passed around the village to be raised. That's why I have so many skills. As for what Axel was like? Peaceful. In the summer we set up giant cloths to make shade, in the winter we lit bonfires." My expression became loose thinking about home, "To be honest I think we we're an oddball town. We have more than a few characters."

"I assume they were the ones who raised you?"

"What gave it away, my endless charm?" I chuckled. "You have your pride as a noble and I also have my pride as a member of Axel. While I didn't have what you had, to me I had it better. There was no shortage of love or those who wanted to raise me. Also for what it's worth, thank you for telling me about yourself. You're a good man Ronalt." With talks of home my mind had cleared and I was sincere with my words. In the end Ronalt was simply a human with his own set of problems. The urge I had before to end his life, the pain he had caused me… it felt strangely far away now.

With an awkward shuffle I decided to bring up my actual reason to inviting Ronalt for breakfast. "Greytree isn't a bad place either."

"Indeed," Ronalt nodded. "The streets are laid our evenly and public order is good."

"From what I saw trade is going great. Even being so close to the border the people here don't seem to care at all."

"Well they are well guarded. The fort commander has close to two thousand men under his command and constant scouts patrolling the area. Even if the demon's attacked with ten times that number the town could survive a siege far longer than it would take for reinforcements to arrive." Ronalt spoke proudly. I frowned. If that really was the case, why did Greytree fall so easily?

I cleared my throat, "About that, I'm actually a little worried that the demons might try something."

"What makes you say that?" Ronalt focused his attention on me. "The demons have been quiet so far aside from a few small skirmishes. There hasn't been any reports either however…, I'll trust your judgement." After all Ronalt had said I couldn't help feel a pleasant mutual understanding from him. Sure it came from some pretty extreme events but it was a start.

The words came out easily. After all I had given it a lot of thought since I had died. "When we entered the border the path we took was meant to be safe from patrols but thinking about it, that was only because the Monster existed. Now suddenly that wall, a defence for both us and them is gone, worse still we're the ones who killed it. If you were their leaders what would you think?"

Ronalt creased his brow in thought, "I would think we were invading or preparing to."

"Exactly and to counter that, as they say a good offense is the best defence. They might be preparing to invade." I raised my hands, "Though this is just what I've been thinking."

"Your deduction is correct." Ronalt huffed at himself, "I should have thought of this myself. I'll talk to the fort commander and see what he has to say… and Rain."


"Thank you for speaking with me."

I lifted my lips into a smile, "Glad to."

next chapter
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