I looked around the alley and saw no one. Slightly confused about who Leviathan was talking about that's when I hear footsteps behind me.
I turn around to see the door open and a succubus walk out. She is in a simple baggy grey T-shirt and some sweatpants.
"What are you looking at? Want something?" She asks with a slight tese. Then she takes a long drag of a cigarette held between her fingers.
"Nothing really." I then go back to looking around the alley.
"Either I'm loosing my touch or he's gay."
I hear her mutter to herself. That gets me to let out a laugh at that.
"What's so funny big guy?" She asks even though I'm shorter than her.
"Nothing, just that either option you said isn't true." I give my reply.
"Then what is going on here?" She asks with a little laugh at the end.
"I just have good self control." She immediately Bursts out laughing at my reply.
Which causes me to look at her confused.
"Your serious?" I nod in reply.
"You must be the weirdest hellhound I've ever met. Let alone the fact of you having self control in the Greed ring mind you. But that ain't a bad thing in my opinion. Not like that's worth anything." She mutters the last part to herself. I decide not to comment on it.
We then kind of just sit in silence. Neither speaking. It's not uncomfortable though. We're just two people standing outside doing our own thing. It was slightly comforting knowing some normalcy existed in Hell.
"Well sugar I got to get back to my shift. Maybe I'll see you around another time." As she walks away she winks and sways her hips. I'm stunned by the audacity for a moment before I remember where I am.
I stand back at my post expecting nothing else to happen for a while. Only to be proven wrong immediately, as a shark man who had been walking down the alley walks up to the door behind me.
Without a second thought I grab the shark man's suit collar and pull. But instead of just being slightly pulled back he is instead flung to the ground behind me.
I turn around to face him before I speak.
"No one enters Crimson's orders." The shark man recovered quickly before walking up to me. He stood at least a foot above me in height.
"And what are you gonna do about it punk?" Seemingly forgetting me accidentally throwing him with a simple tug I grab his throat.
With his throat in my very firm grasp it doesn't take long before the shark man passes out. No matter how hard he struggled. I was pretty violent there but I had really just wanted to get it over with. I then slowly walk over to a garbage bin a toss the man in.
Seeing his crumpled form reminds me that I should look into some more spells. Especially if just the first one had effects like these.
For now though I have a post to gaurd. So I slowly walk back to the back door. Hoping for no more trouble. And for a little while there was no trouble.
That changed when light from the end of the alleyway started to brighten. Next thing I knew there was a car pulled up in front of me. It was a black sedan with what looked like several people inside. My guess was they were here to cause trouble.
As if to confirm my suspicions, they immediately draw their weapons upon leaving the car. They then walk directly towards me. All of them are male imps of different sizes. They walk up to me at a little below eye level.
"What are you looking at bitch?" The lead imp asks with gruff of a smoker.
"I could ask the same of you. Now leave before this gets messy." I reply, dripping with bloodlust. That does cause the imp to stop for a moment, before trying to raise thier pistol at me.That prompts me into action.
I first grab their wrist and shatter it. Next I dig my teeth into thier throat. The othe imps are shocked for a moment before they too raise their guns at me.
I use the now dead imp in my hands as a body shield as I rush the second imp to soon be dead. They fire at me but the body of the dead imp blocks most of the shots.
When the body in my hands is nothing but mush I toss it aside to takle the second imp. Me and him then crash into the sedan which crushed the imp instantly.
"Horatio No!" I hear a imp behind me yell. I take that moment to hop over the hood of the car into cover. Just in time as well, because I hear a scream of anger and gunfire behind me.
The car does an admirable job of protecting me from the gunfire. And soon I hear the sound of reloading. I try to get up and rush them only to be forced back behind cover. Now that the shock has worn off they seem to be working together.
This puts me in a pickle. Im not sure what to do, as the gunfire starts up again. I take a look at my surroundings. And there's nothing of use just a fucking dumpster and… Wait a minute that might work! I immediately set my plan into motion.
(Imp P.O.V)
I finally stop firing and reload. Horatio and our boss Jack are dead. This was not supposed to happen tonight. It was supposed to be a simple smash and grab. Take out the guard at the back Rob the club of thier drugs and money shipment. And get the hell out of here.
But now we're stuck fighting for our lives against a single fucking hellhound. He seemed just like any other at first, if a little small. But as soon as Jack tried to pull his gun on him things went to shit.
He was terrifyingly strong. He treated Jack like a fucking plaything. And.. He killed my brother Horatio. But that doesn't matter right now because he's trapped. He's stuck behind our car nowhere left to run.
I motion for Tyler to move to the right while me and Tom head left around the front of the car. We slowly approach making sure to be careful. We're not going to underestimate the feral beast of a hellhound again.
— Un nouveau chapitre arrive bientôt — Écrire un avis