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43.07% A Flawless Legacy (Waifu Catalog SI) / Chapter 28: Chapter 28- Getting another S-class waifu

Chapitre 28: Chapter 28- Getting another S-class waifu

Mei Terumi POV

She woke up in a cozy bed, her surroundings filled with brightness. This caught her off guard, as she had anticipated awakening in a dark cell, restrained against a chilly wall.

She stretched her body and found that the wounds she'd suffered in that battle against Konoha's Yellow Butcher and that strangely capable Anbu had been healed. Yet, even though she felt no pain, a sense of unease lingered as she sensed something amiss with her body.

She tried to manipulate her chakra, but her control fizzled out before she could even grasp it. She remembered that Anbu using the Hyuuga's Taijutsu technique to seal her Tenketsu points but this was something else. Something more insidious.

Swiftly rising from the bed, she examined her body more closely and quickly discovered the issue. Her pristine white skin bore a collection of Fuinjutsu arrays, meticulously drawn with the intent of preventing her from accessing her chakra.

Well, this clarified why she found herself in a room instead of a cell. Without her chakra, she would struggle to defeat an average Genin and didn't pose much of a threat.

Perhaps, had she dedicated more attention to Taijutsu and physical training, she might still hold some advantage. However, her reliance on Ninjutsu, fuelled by her dual Bloodline and abundant chakra, had now come to bite her in the ass.

She let out a defeated sigh and reclined back on the bed.

Her darkest fears had come true.

It was a fear shared by all Kunoichi. That someday they'll be captured by the enemy forces and being turned into a broodmare, valued only for popping out children for their captor.

With her extensive chakra reserves and possession of two bloodlines, the threat had always been distressingly real for her. However, upon reaching the status of an S-class Kunoichi, she had naively believed that her strength would render such a situation improbable.

So much for that.

The worst part was that she knew that there a small possibility of this outcome when they fought Konoha's Yellow Butcher.

After all, he was known as one of the most dangerous shinobi in the entire elemental nations. Even when they had outnumbered him, she knew that the odds of her either dying or being captured were quite significant.

But she'd fought regardless. Fought for a clan that she despised with every fibre of her being.

She fought despite resenting her parents for dying and leaving her all alone in this cruel world. She fought for the peers that she detested. Peers that only saw her as an object to be seduced or envied. She fought for the elders who saw her as nothing but a ticket to a brighter future for their clan. And the rest of the clan who watched it all from the sidelines with indifferent eyes.

And finally, she fought beside her uncle, who always stared at her with those lecherous gaze. The one who she feared the most in her clan. And one who was the driving force behind her relentless training, if only to defy her fate of ending up as one of his concubines.

And she had succeeded as well. She finally become an S-class Kunoichi who could fight her uncle with a decent chance of success. Or, desert the village and survive the Kiri Hunter-nins that'll eventually be sent after her.

If only she had run away. Why had she stayed behind to fight? For what reason?

She had no real family, no true friends, no obligation to stay and fight for a clan she hated. She should have left her clan. Left her village. Gone out into the world and started a new life.

Wasn't that what she had always wanted. To live a peaceful life, away from all this chaos and violence. To marry a handsome young man, who would care for her and love her.

They would live in a cozy home, and raise many children. And she would not abandon them like her own parents had done for her. No, she would keep them safe from the meaningless, cruel life of a shinobi.

But now, here she was, in the hands of her enemies. The life she'd dreamed of was snatched away before she ever had the chance to live it.

She let out another heavy sigh at that realisation. A part of her wondered if she could escape from this place but she quickly discarded that idea.

The Fuinjutsu seals drawn by a master were not something that you could be simply washed away with some water. Once drawn on skin, they became a permanent fixture, and lasted until another skilled Fuinjutsu master decided to erase them.

And as long as she had those seals, she was about as dangerous as your average genin. A pack of wild animals had a decent chance at killing her.

Plus, she was sure that she was tagged with the Hiraishin marker that the Yellow Butcher and that mysterious Anbu used to Teleport around. So even if she succeeded in escaping Konoha (an outcome she doubted), they would simply teleport to her side and retrieve her.

And she would be put inside an actual cell this time, for trying to run away.

She sighed once again and wondered who her Captor was.

Was it the Yellow Butcher?

As reluctant as she was to admit it, that man was undeniably handsome. If he treated her with kindness and respect, then she might not even put up a fight. She would not be free, of course, but it would be facsimile of her dream, no?

But what if she was in the hands of some old elder who only wanted her as a broodmare.

Well… there was only one way to find out.

She got up from the bed and noticed that her usual attire had been replaced with a hospital gown. Never mind that for now.

She walked over to the door and tried to open it. To her great surprise, the door clicked open without any resistance. She'd expected it to be sealed shut with Fuinjutsu barriers.

It seems like her captor wanted her to have greater freedom. It would still be a cage, but it would be a large, comfortable golden cage.

She walked out of her room and into the corridor, and observed that the entire house was made up of wood and stone. It was not as luxurious as she'd expected, but it definitely gave off a comfortable, homely vibe.

She could live with that.

Eventually, she stepped out of the house and found herself captivated by the sight of a stunning, shimmering lake nestled down the hill.

Having spent her entire life in Kiri, which was perpetually shrouded in heavy mist, picturesque scenes like these appeared downright magical to her.

…yeah, whoever owned this house definitely has a good taste.

But where the heck was he? Or any other residents of this house, for that matter.

For a fleeting moment, the notion of escaping crossed her mind once again. However, she swiftly dismissed the idea. There was no point in going there when she already knew the inevitable outcome.

She began walking toward the lake to get a closer look at its crystal-clear blue water when she heard a familiar sound.

The sound of metal clashing against metal.

She strained her ears till she heard that sound again and was able to pinpoint where the sound was coming from.

She moved in that direction until she came upon a training ground, and witnessed two people sparring with one another.

She instantly recognise both of them.

One of them was Ringo Ameyuri, the only female member of the 7 Swordsmen. The traitor who had abandoned Kiri during the 3rd shinobi war. A woman she had admired, as she too had wanted to escape from the Bloody Mist when she was young.

But… what was Ringo doing here. Had she been captured and brought to this place to serve as a broodmare as well?

She decided to shelve her questions for later and directed her attention to the second person. A child. And not just any child, but The Child. The catalyst of the 4th Shinobi war.

Ren Uchiha.

She doubted that there was a single shinobi in the elemental nations who didn't know about him by now. What with his bounty of 85 million Ryo despite him being only 6 years old.

It was rumoured that the boy was extremely dangerous and had defeated an S-class kunoichi in a single combat. The identity of the kunoichi he had defeated was never revealed in Kiri, but… could that kunoichi be Ringo Ameyuri? But, how was that even possible?

Ringo Ameyuri had served as a veteran in both the 2nd and 3rd Shinobi Wars. The notion of a 6-year-old child defeating her appeared ludicrous.

But even as she thought that, the spar going in front of her very eyes made it was clear to her that the both of them were equals. But surely Ringo must have been holding back, right?

She was well aware that had Kiri taken part in this war as well, then she might've been asked to target this boy. What with this boy's immense potential. But now, Kiri was gone. Destroyed to the point that it would take the village decades to recover, if it ever recovered at all.

She was brought out of her thoughts as the two of them finished their spar and started walking in her direction.

A sense of apprehension crept in as they reached her, uncertain if they would reprimand her for leaving her room. Fortunately, no such reprimand came. As the first thing the boy said was, "You're awake. Good. Have you fully recovered from your injuries? Or do you still experience any pain in your body?"

"I'm fine." She said, moving her body a bit to confirm that fact. "Whoever treated me did an excellent job."

And she wasn't even lying about that. Fighting that mysterious Anbu had definitely left her with numerous internal injures. The fact that she could feel none of that right now was nothing short of miraculous.

Then again, Konoha is home to the greatest medic-nin in the entire Elemental Nations, Tsunade Senju, so she perhaps shouldn't be as surprised by that.

"Good to hear that. Took me quite a while to heal you while being careful to not leave behind any internal scars." The boy said.

"Wait, what?" She asked in disbelief.

"What?" The boy asked, looking utterly innocent and clueless, as if he hadn't just uttered a load of bullshit to her.

"You are claiming that you were the one who healed my wounds?" She asked, wondering if the boy really thought her so gullible.

The boy gave a casual shrug in response. "It's not a claim. I did it. But feel free to not believe me. By the way, how are the Fuinjutsu seals treating you? They aren't causing any discomfort aside from restricting your chakra, right? No pinching, heavy feeling, or vertigo?"

"No. It's only restricting my chakra." She retorted with a glower before she paused. "Let me guess, you're now going to claim that you were the one who drew this sealing array on my body?"

"Once again, it's not a claim when I did it. And I know it's hard to believe just how awesome I can be. But you can praise me later. For now, how about breakfast?"

She scoffed at the boy's white lies, but her stomach chose that precise moment to emit a growling sound, making her go beet red in embarrassment.

Even Ringo, who had remained silent until now, erupted into laughter, causing her to wish for the ground to open up and swallow her.

"Aye. She wants some food in her belly alright." Ringo remarked, and she shot a glare at the woman, resulting in even more laughter from the older woman, thanks to her reddened face.

"Come then. My clones must've prepared the food by now." The boy said as he started heading back toward the house.

"Clones? You can make clones?" She asked, wondering which kind of clones are capable enough of making food.

Water clones aren't very reliable and tend to pop if taken too far from the main body. Earth clones are somewhat slow and clumsy. Lightning clones are primarily useful for combat, and they demand precise chakra control to form, along with a great amount of chakra.

"Yup, my Shadow Clones." The boy informed her.

"Shadow Clones" She mumbled to herself, wondering what kind of clones they were before she remembered having read about it in one of her texts.

A secret technique of Konoha. Used mostly for the task of spying and espionage as it can return its memories to the original body upon being dispelled.

But, she also remembered hearing that Shadow Clones take a significant amount of chakra to create. So much so, in fact, that only people with Jounin level Chakra and above were granted access to the Jutsu.

She cast another glance to the boy, reassessing the potential threat he posed. Then she side glanced at Ringo, wondering if there was any truth to the rumours. Surely not, right?

A few minutes later.

She held back a moan as she savoured one of the most delicious food she'd ever tasted in her entire life.

Unlike her, Ringo Ameyuri seemed to have no shame at all and released an erotic moan that caused her to flush red in embarrassment.

She shot a glare at the older Kunoichi who simply gazed back at her with barely suppressed amusement."

That bitch was doing this on purpose.

But… the food was indeed very delicious so she ignored the older woman and focused on her plate instead.


She ate.


She ate some more.


Then she ate even more.

By the time she finished eating, there was a tower of bowls balancing precariously in front of her and her belly did an admirable job of resembling that of a pregnant woman.

"Do you want more?" The boy asked, gazing at her in great amusement. As if he had just seen some exotic creature.

She flushed under his gaze. "Hey! The food was very good, okay. And no, I'm done."

"I'm not denying that. My cooking skill has levelled up quite a bit recently after all." The boy said. "I'm just surprised to see someone eating even more than Kushina-Sensei."

She nodded, and then thought of something. "Did you really cook that food? Or are you lying about it like how you lied about healing my wounds and drawing this sealing array on me?"

The boy's left eye twitched even as he maintained his smile. "I'm suddenly getting the urge the bend you over my knee and spank you. Did you forget the beating I gave you last night?" He remarked and then paused. "No, wait. Ignore the last part. It makes me sound like an abusive spouse."

But far from ignoring it, she latched right onto that piece of information.

"You really have no shame, do you?" She asked the boy, now getting a bit upset. "Taking the accomplishment of others like this. Where are your parents?"

"Dead." The boy replied without a second's pause, making her flinch. "And once again, I'm not lying to you. The Anbu who defeated you? It was me."

With that, the brat made a hand sign and used Transformation Jutsu to become the Anbu who had defeated her yesterday.

She sighed, wondering why the boy was even lying about something like this.

"Transformation Jutsu break upon the lightest of damage. You're fooling no one here." She pointed out.

The crow maked Anbu simply stared at her for a moment. Then he vanished.


She flinched, massaging her ass that had just received a spank, and glared at the boy, who immediately returned back to his original position.

Then, she halted as she comprehended exactly what he had just done.

"Hiraishin. You used the Hiraishin Jutsu." She said in disbelief, before pausing as she realised the absurdity of her statement. "No, there's no way you could've done such a thing. You probably used Genjutsu or something to fool me."

The brat dropped the anbu transformation and rolled his eyes in exasperation. "It seems like you're really not going to believe me no matter what, right?"

"Come up with better lies next time if you want me to believe you." She said with a scoff.

"In that case, I have no choice." The boy said before he stepped forward and placed his palm in her bloated stomach. A green glow emanated from his palm, causing her to step back.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Helping you digest your food faster."

"And why are you doing that?"

"So what when we spar and I eventually defeat you, you won't complain about not being at your best."

She rolled her eyes at the boy and raised her hands, displaying the Fuinjutsu seals covering them. "How do you expect me to spar with you when I can't even access my chakra."

The brat simply performed a handseal, and in the next moment, the Fuinjutsu characters withdrew from her body and returned to a large seal drawn right over her heart.

…and she gained access to her chakra once again.



She swiftly lunged for the boy, fully intending to take him hostage as a means to secure her freedom.

The next moment, she found herself sprawled flat on the ground, gazing at the sky, with all her primary Tenketsu points sealed.

"Patience." The boy said, his red eyes and calm demeanour taking a more dangerous edge. "We're going to spar in a moment. Don't be in such a rush to get your ass kicked."

She staredat Ringo, who hadn't budged from her seat during her attempt to attack the boy. And it dawned on her that maybe, just maybe, the boy wasn't lying to her after all.

Half an hour later, after the boy defeated her for the 18th time in single combat and then proceeded to heal her once again, she finally acknowledged that the boy hadn't lied to her about anything.

And the rumours about the boy, if anything, were watered down.

A realisation that filled her with no small amount of dread.

"Now, are you ready to talk?" The boy asked, offering her his hand.

And what else could she do but nod and take his offered hand.


"…you do not need to apologise for killing my uncle." She told, not that Ren had even killed her lecherous uncle. It was the Hokage who had done that. However, even if it was Ren who did it, she would never hold it against him.

"Are you sure? I might not have swung the blade but I certainly played a part in his demise." Ren said.

She chuckled before leaning forward to kiss him on the cheeks. "Yes, I'm sure. I despised my uncle and didn't really care for the rest of my clan. And while I wouldn't have wished for their deaths, I'm not going to mourn them either."

The only people in the clan she didn't dislike were the children. And the non-shinobi members of her clan had escaped with them to the secret underground tunnels as soon as the battle begin.

"It seems like your clan was as bad to you than the Uchiha clan was to Itachi." Ren murmured to himself, making her wonder who this Itachi person was.

"Maybe if I was a boy, things wouldn't have been so bad for me." She said. "But I was born a girl with vast chakra reserves and two bloodlines. And no parents to protect me. Everyone either wanted to fuck me, or were jealous of me."

"Hmm… in that case, you may thank me for rescuing you from that horrid place." Ren said magnanimously and she suddenly felt the urge to punch him in his face.

But then she remembered the completely one-sided beat down she received at his hands and calmed down.

"I'm not going to thank you. You may treat me nicely here, but I'm under no illusion that I'm anything other than a prisoner of war in Konoha."

"I suppose you can see it that way." Ren said and then leaned forward, his red eyes peering into hers. "Or… you can see this as a new start to your life. One where you can live the life you've always wanted."

"And what kind of life do you think I want to live?"

"A peaceful one. With family." Ren said and her retort died in her throat.

"…how did you know that?"

"My bloodline gives me basic information about anyone I look at."

"Seems like a handy ability to root out any spies and gather information on your enemies."

Ren simply smiled at her words, declining to say anything further about his bloodline. She nodded, realising she shouldn't press further on this topic.

"So… where do we go from here?" She asked. "What are your plans for me?"

"I want to marry you and raise a family with you." Ren replied with a straight face.

She felt an impulse to laugh at his words, but when as his expression remained unchanged, she realised he was completely serious about this.

"…how old are you again?"

"Six years old."

She tried to think back on the kind of person she was at the age of 6. And while she wasn't bad for her age, she didn't even come close to Ren in terms or maturity or power. Still...

"Aren't you too young to be thinking about marriage right now?" She asked.

"I like to prepare for things in advance."

"…you are ten years younger than me."

"Ringo doesn't mind. And she's over 3 decades older than me." Ren said, gesturing toward the swordswoman who lay naked under the sun, receiving an oil massage from a Shadow Clone of Ren.

She opened her mouth to respond but found herself at a loss for words, and quietly closed her mouth instead.

"If… if I accepted this proposal. Then when will we marry?" She asked. "Like, how old would you be…"

"At age 12. So six years from now. Five and half, if you want to be more accurate."

She felt faint at the idea that she might have to actually marry a boy ten years younger than her.

"Do I have any other choice?" She asked, dreading the answer.

"What choice would I have had if Kiri had attacked Konoha and captured me?" Ren asked and her hopes withered as she knew the answer.

They would brainwash him until he's completely loyal to Kiri. And that's if they're feeling generous. More likely than not, they would simply slit his throat and consider it a job well done.

"Why did Ringo accept your offer?" She asked, suddenly curious about her fellow, older kunoichi, who was also defeated and captured by Ren.

She was seeing a pattern here.

"I don't know. Maybe she got tired of living as a rogue-nin and wanted to live a peaceful life. Maybe she felt her biological clock was ticking and desired to have children before it was too late. Maybe she sought safety and security. Or maybe, she wanted the bragging rights of being the wife of the next God of Shinobi." Ren said with a shrug. "I don't know her exact reasons. If you truly want to know, then you'll have to go and ask her yourself."

She nodded dumbly, a bit fixated on the God of Shinobi part.

And, Ren wasn't even exaggerating about this. If he had grown this strong in just 6 years, then how formidable would he become by the age of 12?

Suddenly, the idea of being married to him didn't seem as undesirable as she had initially thought.

Yes, he would be ten years younger than her, still just a boy when they eventually wed. However, she could make it work. Her dream of having a caring husband, a peaceful life, and a home filled with children could still become a reality.

Yes, she might have to share him with other women, which was annoying. But, she could make this work. It would just mean that her children will have many more brothers and sisters to play with.

With that in mind, she got up from her chair and nodded to Ren. "In that case, I accept your offer."


AN: From Canon, we understand that Mei's primary desire was a happy marriage. Another aspect we know about her is that she either didn't care for her parents or they passed away early in her life, to the extent that she doesn't even remember them. Mainly because she didn't mention them even once in the entire story, nor did we see them in any flashbacks.

Furthermore, I deliberately crafted her background to prevent her from harbouring resentment towards Ren and Konoha for the death of her clan members. It might come off as cheap plot but I don't want Ren to spend the rest of his life dealing with family drama. And I believe that you readers wouldn't want to read such a story either.

I want my story to be realistic but not realistic to the point that it starts to resemble real life. With my mother nagging me at every waking hour.

Plus, the Universal Calibration he brought for 10 points automatically changes the world so that MC will have a higher chance of getting together with the waifus.

So... yeah. That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

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Have a nice day.

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