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30.76% A Fake Familiar Reborn / Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Grayfia

Chapitre 8: Chapter 8: Grayfia

Beta read by Paragon of Awesomeness and Fluffy Slayer





In this enigmatic world, Devils were remarkably peculiar creatures, possessing a complex magic system that eluded his comprehension. The elusive nature of their powers instilled in him a profound sense of caution, for strong adversaries in any form demanded his utmost wariness.

Indeed, it has given way to a heightened sense of paranoia that surpassed his previous boundaries.

The Evil Piece system shattered numerous preconceived notions he held, primarily due to its capacity to bestow distinct powers upon specific chess pieces. For instance, Knights gained heightened speed, while Rooks possessed superior strength and durability. However, it bewildered him that a seemingly insignificantPawn, merely by traversing enemy territory and obtaining permission from their own King, could ascend to the level of a Queen.. Even if it was what Yuuto stated, how did that even work? Were Pawn pieces imbued with the same attributes as every other piece, yet burdened by stringent limitations for their utilization? 

Either way, that was just a tip of the iceberg. 

The truly bewildering revelation lay in the notion that Devil magic was intricately entwined with desire. TWhile certain boundaries still existed, that realization alone instilled a profound wariness within him towards formidable Devil opponents. 

Which was why he didn't hesitate to attack this maid who came out of nowhere. 

Normally, Archer would employ every tactic available to avoid engaging in a direct confrontation, instead trying to prolong the encounter so he could strategize and then execute a well-thought-out plan. But this case was different; the instant she emerged from the shadows, an ominous chill coursed through his skin, the same sensation he felt when he knew that someone harbored hostile intentions towards him. 

She was going to attack no matter what he did, as such Archer seized the initiative and decisively struck first, leveraging the element of surprise to his advantage. 


Yet she still managed to unleash an explosion with such force that it propelled Archer several meters backwards. "Argh!" His back crashed through a number of tree trunks before eventually halting, leaving him with torn sleeves but no visible damage to his body yet. 

Casting a sidelong glance, he observed Kalawarna's motionless body hanging on a branch. If left undisturbed she wouldn't fall nor suffer any harm from wayward attacks — he didn't need her alive but it was a more favorable option. 

"You have yet to answer my previous question," the maid stated, maintaining her unblemished appearance and composed demeanor. "I'm giving you a chance to resolve this situation amicably, to spare you from further harm." 

"Heh, quite an audacious claim don't you think?" He scoffed, rolling his shoulders without a hint of intimidation. "You speak of a peaceful resolution, but I highly doubt you're truly going to stop even if I do comply. No matter how I answer your questions, something tells me you're going to twist them to paint me as the villain. Or perhaps you've already made up your mind about me, in which case what's the point of talking? Furthermore, you have yet to reveal your identity. Considering those points, I can only assume you're an enemy seeking information. So as you can imagine, I can't allow you to walk away freely." 

A frown etched across the woman's face as her powers surged, emanating a mesmerizing aura of vibrant blue that enveloped her body. The leaves around her danced in response, while a swirl of dust stirred the air. 

"Under the orders of my master, I, Grayfia, am left with no choice but to extract the answers from you." With a wave of her hand, numerous intricate magic circles materialized behind her, pulsating with energy. In a dazzling display, condensed silver magic surged forth, hurtling toward him with blinding speed, leaving little time for evasion.. 

'A Caster-like opponent… Her apparel and maid accessories don't convey the image of a close quarters combatant. However appearances can be deceiving, she might try to surprise me by promptly switching to a melee weapon if I close the distance.' Gripping Kanshou and Bakuya firmly in his hands, Archer effortlessly sliced through two of the orb attacks with a single swipe.

Archer's magical and physical resistance received a significant boost with the twin dao swords, elevating the former by several grades. This enhancement enabled him to effortlessly slice through magic attacks, although direct hits still posed a threat and were best avoided. 

'If I were to use my bow right now, it could potentially play into her favor, considering her demonstrated proficiency as a long-range fighter. However, by continually exerting pressure through proximity combat, I can disrupt her stance and overcome her defenses. In the event that she demonstrates equal proficiency in close quarters combat, then I'll opt for the bow and subject her to a barrage of Rank B and A Noble and Broken Phantasms.' 

With a plan in mind, Archer pushed against the ground, moving at an incredible speed that surpassed the limits of human perception.He replicated his previous maneuver, reappearing directly in front of Grayfia, with Kanshou already halfway to her torso. 

The maid swiftly summoned another magical field, effectively creating a shield that blocked the attack.


As sparks erupted in every direction, a small shockwave disturbed the pristine silver locks of Grayfia's hair, while her gaze towards Archer remained frigid and unwavering. 

"Your previous attacks failed to yield any results. What makes you believe that the outcome will be any different this time?" 

Her answer was met with a smirk, "Have you already forgotten what occurred a mere few seconds ago?" As he spoke, the sound of shattering glass resonated from her defensive spell. The maid observed in astonishment as the once-impervious barrier of bluish-silver substance was effortlessly cleaved through by the swords, causing them to almost graze Grayfia if she hadn't evaded them in the nick of time. 

'Impressive. To maneuver at such a speed without relying on her wings is a testament to her overall speed. Nevertheless, it's a pointless endeavor against a Servant.' Archer sprinted towards Grayfia, employing both Kanshou and Bakuya to maintain pressure on her. With relentless persistence, he aimed each strike at vital or crippling areas such as her throat, legs, waist and hands. 


Whenever she attempted to cast a spell, Archer would swiftly sliced through the magic circle as it was being formed, rendering them useless. If she proceeded to create more distance between them then the Servant would simply close the gap in a mere instant, vigorously pursuing his offensive advantage. 

Undoubtedly an expert in combat, capable of matching my speed effortlessly. And despite me maintaining pressure on her, I sense that she's still holding back.'

"Tch!" The maid's frustration became evident as she abandoned any further attempts to employ magic and instead launched a punch at Archer's face. Swiftly, he intercepted the strike, using the flat side of his blades as a shield. With a loud clang, he slid backwards under the sheer force of the attack. 

'Surprisingly strong, and her form was impeccable. It's evident that she possessed considerable experience in close quarters combat and had been restricting herself to simple spell attacks. That punch didn't seem like it was bolstered by any type of reinforcement and could have been just her raw strength — which is quite impressive. I can't tell if she's a peerage Devil, if so then she's possibly a Bishop. But then again, the power behind that punch just now makes me lean considerably towards a Queen. Though it is very possible that Devils can grow this strong without needing the help of an Evil Piece.'

"Your blades... there is more to them than meets the eye." Grayfia concluded, now looking much worse than before. Despite not having any bruises or cuts on her body, the maid's clothes now lay in tatters. Countless tears and gashes marred her upper and lower body, exposing a significant portion of her flesh and undergarments. However, the most prominent damage to her attire was the slash across the center of her outfit where he attacked first. 

"I'm impressed you managed to notice that, even though it took you a while. It would have been regrettable if you struggled to this extent against mere steel weapons." The sarcasm in his tone couldn't be any more obvious, yet to his slight disappointment, the woman appeared unperturbed as she calmly observed him from a distance. 

"Anti-magic properties? I have seldom encountered weapons with such attributes aside from the previous users of Blade Blacksmith and Sword Birth." Without further delay, she summoned a multitude of spells around her, some forming multiple layers of shield while others launched barrages of magical attacks. "Is it perhaps a Sacred Gear? No magic should be capable of forging blades like that." 

"Whether it be a Sacred Gear, Mystic Code, a regular sword enhanced by my own magic or even a simple construct — you'll just have to guess." 

"Do not be deceived by what has happened so far. I was being lenient with you and held back until now. Should you persist with your pointless defiance, then I'll be left with no alternative but to get serious." Bat-like wings unfurled from her back as she flew up into the sky. Numerous magic circles started manifesting, filling the space above until the entire area was bathed in their illuminating glow. "I shall ask once more, what is your relationship with Ouroboros and what intentions do you harbor towards the Gremory heir?" 

Archer remained silent, his gaze fixed on the unfolding scene, a subtle amusement playing on his features. Had Grayfia been adorned in a dark robe, clutching a staff or twisted dagger, then this spectacle would have mirrored his past encounter with a certain Witch of a Caster. 

'Though even now I sense no killing intent emanating from her. It's clear she never intended to kill me ,or seriously engage in this fight. Ouroboros… what does that have to do with me? As for my plans with Rias… nothing for the moment. I was summoned here as her Servant and I shall fulfill my role accordingly unless unforeseen circumstances befalls this world. There are still numerous unknown factors surrounding my summoning here, the foremost one being whatever entity is responsible for creating whatever is acting as a substitute of sorts for the Greater Grail to act as an anchor. Nevertheless, I should wrap things up now.'

"I suppose I can provide an answer to one of your inquiries," Archer responded, piquing the curiosity of the silver haired maid. "I am Rias Gremory's Servant, which means that my primary objective is to safeguard her from any and all dangers and annihilate all obstacles or enemies that would stand in her path. For better or worse, my duty can only be thwarted by my own demise or the capricious nature of Fate."

A glimmer sparked in her eyes as she asked a follow-up question, "You say you protect her from anyone, without exception?" 

"That is indeed a fundamental aspect of the contract," Archer's mind flashed with hundreds of different swords, most of them nameless Noble Phantasms he had acquired throughout his journey as a Counter Guardian and his service as a Servant. 

"Even when faced with an adversary who far surpasses your capabilities? An enemy possessing the unquestionable power to end your life… Will you still speak those same words then? While you undoubtedly possess considerable speed and are quite skilled with the blade, nothing you've demonstrated so far has impressed me in the slightest." 

'So the narrative has shifted from interrogating me to evaluating my skills as Rias' Servant? With that I'm past the point of seeing her as a genuine enemy. If anything she's probably someone tasked with safeguarding Rias. Good to know but ultimately pointless. The only course of action left for me is to demonstrate my true capabilities and leave no doubt in her mind.'

He chuckled, something Grayfia picked up on. 

"What do you find so funny?" 

"Nothing that might capture your interest, except for perhaps one thing." In one fell swoop, he hurled Kanshou and Bakuya at Grayfia. Responding swiftly, she activated the spells positioned behind her, unleashing a barrage of counterattacks while simultaneously deflecting the white Dao sword as it descended towards the ground near Archer's feet. Kanshou on the other hand, sailed past Grayfia who deftly avoided the blade. 

"Such attacks won't work on me, you can't seem to handle an airborne target." She said dryly. 

"Funny you should say that, considering the fact that they call me Archer." 

She tilted her head, reminiscing about the name written in Sirzechs' report. Given that throughout their entire confrontation he solely used swords, it did arouse suspicion about his supposed moniker. A Servant of the bow who fought with swords? How contradictory. 

"I cannot discern whether you were already aware of this, Ice Queen, considering your impassive demeanor. Nevertheless, the truth remains that I am indeed an archer first and foremost. My abilities to use swords can be considered an advantageous supplement to my style, particularly in sticky situations against certain enemies. My strategy revolves around preemptive thinking, aiming to bewilder and confound my adversaries. Hence, they often become entranced by the unique capabilities of my swords and magic. Furthermore, you should watch your back too, Grayfia!"


As she swiftly shifted to the side, Grayfia's senses faltered momentarily. Despite being near enough to react in time, she was unable to evade a familiar dao sword that she recalled Archer throwing earlier. The blade sliced through her wings, leaving behind a large bloody gash. Fueled by adrenaline — she unleashed a torrent of her spells. 

Demonic magic attacks rained down from the sky, destroying the surrounding trees and creating small craters upon impact. With uncanny agility, Archer deftly maneuvered, evading every single shot as though he possessed foreknowledge of their impending trajectories. A bow materialized in his hand, a weapon that Grayfia distinctly recalled him wielding against the Fallen. 

'Trace, on.' 


Dozens of swords materialized around him, their numbers growing and doubling every few seconds until they matched the number of spells Grayfia had casted up above. 

With a simple mental command they all discharged simultaneously and clashed against her. The mountains were engulfed in dazzling lights and explosive eruptions as steel clashed against Devil magic, before erupting in a cataclysmic detonation. Worried that siphoning too much Magical Energy from his Master could drive her to take reckless actions — Archer was prepared to unleash his last attack. 

'My swords will provide ample cover for at least a few seconds, which is all I require. A single Broken Phantasm is more than enough to prove my point,' he leaped backwards, a spiral weapon already taking form within his grasp. Nocking it to his bow, he pulled the string along the weapon, causing it to gradually shrink and contort until it resembled nothing less than a twisted arrow. 

The bow creaked, accompanied by a powerful gust of wind and a surge of crimson energy that billowed forth from his body. The twisted arrow had already grown brighter by the second. 

"I am the bone of my sword." 

Regardless of the layers of protection she had on her, it still paled in comparison to Medea's magic. 


The arrow soared from the bow with enough force to generate vibrations that reverberated through the surrounding air. 


Grayfia's senses had long detected the imminent peril lurking behind her, but time had betrayed her as it was too late to do anything. The projectile pierced —no, twisted through — all of her defensive magical spells. In a blinding streak of brilliance, the sky itself seemed to be illuminated, parting the clouds before a colossal explosion consumed the very battleground where Archer and Grayfia had clashed. 



"Come on!" 

Rias was having a panic attack right now, her distress mounting since the moment she and Sona felt the explosion resonating from the mountains. Archer was just supposed to guard Issei in case the boy got attacked again. It wasn't supposed to be a dangerous mission given how easily her Servant managed to take down Raynare previously. 

Yet now out of nowhere he was being attacked by someone else. By his description Rias immediately thought of someone but dismissed the notion. It couldn't be her, why would she come here in secret and attack Archer? It didn't make sense!

"Buchou! I have safely escorted Issei back to his house. I put him to sleep just in case he tried to go out or search for us". Yuuto flew next to her alongside Koneko and Akeno. Everyone was worried about Archer and made their way to the mountains. 

"Nicely done, Yuuto." 

Her mind was consumed with worry for Archer. Rias was contemplating whether to use her Command Seals to summon him by her side, despite the potential consequences Archer had mentioned. He had advised her to use it only in the most dire of cases but Rias' conscience was pleading with her that this was one of them! 

"Look over there!" Akeno pointed beneath the mountain where they saw the body of a Fallen Angel with blue hair, likely the same one Archer had spared. "Should I take her out?" her Queen asked, though her tone was just as calm as before, Rias understood that she was suppressing a lot of hate at this moment and resisting the urge to outright kill the Fallen.

"Leave it. Koneko, escort her back to the club and bind her inside of an empty room. Ensure she doesn't escape and don't hesitate to break her wings in case she tries something fishy." 

"But, Archer…" 

Her Rook's hushed whisper conveyed enough about her worries for Rias' Servant, revealing her strong inclination to join the others in aiding Archer rather than dealing with the captured enemy. She was reluctant to return without him. However, a stroke of fortune came when Yuuto volunteered once more, taking the Fallen away without saying a word.

"Thank you, Yuuto-senpai." 

"Not a problem, just make sure he's okay," the group nodded before flying up the mountain where they witnessed more and more carnage along the way. 

"Oh Lucifer, just look at the destruction…" 

The landscape bore the unmistakable marks of a fierce and devastating battle, with scattered trees and deep craters littering the terrain. The magnitude of destruction only heightened the intensity of the redhead's worry, her heart growing heavier with each passing second as they drew nearer. 

"Look out!" she exclaimed, as the sky ahead became a canvas of swirling magic circles. Like clockwork, a torrential downpour of destructive spells rained down from above, pummeling the earth below and generating tremors that rippled through the ground like a small earthquake. "Ugh!" The overwhelming force of the attack compelled their group to plummet to the ground in an effort to shield themselves from the intense shockwaves and pressure emanating from the magic user on the other end. 

A pit formed in Rias' stomach as she recognised who this person was. "Grayfia!?" 

"Stop!" Akeno swiftly intervened, halting Rias from advancing any further, which although intended to protect Rias and the group from further harm, didn't sit well with her. 

"Why are you stopping me!? That's Grayfia, she's fighting Archer! We must stop her before it's too late!" 

Renowned as the strongest Queen in the Underworld, Grayfia's fearsome power was a well-known fact, recognized by all who resided in those realms. As the wife and Queen of Rias's brother, her reputation as an ultimate class entity preceded her, being one of the few elite who could rival even the likes of Serafall for the title of Leviathan. Though her past encounter resulted in defeat, the mere fact that she had come close to victory solidified her status as a formidable and frightening existence,easily considered as of the most powerful Devils in the Underworld. 

And for reasons she could not fathom, this same existence was now facing her Servant in a serious battle! 

"If you go any further, there's a high chance you'll get hurt or be caught in the crossfire of stray shots! It's dangerous and we need to consider how to approach those two safely without putting ourselves… at… risk…" 

Her voice gradually trailed off, as a shocked expression spread across her face — mirroring the astonishment that gripped Koneko. Following their gaze Rias witnessed an impossible sight, hundreds of swords intercepting and countering each and everyone of Grayfia's attacks. Keeping up pace without showing any signs of being pushed back. 

"Ah," Rias felt her reserves depleting rapidly, caused by an external source that was draining her at an alarming rate. If this continued, she would fall unconscious from mana exhaustion in twenty minutes! "It's Archer, he's the one firing all those… swords?"

Her mind raced as she recalled their previous conversation. When she first summoned him, he introduced himself as a Servant of the bow, going so far as to use it as his name. He then explained how each Heroic Spirit summoned in a specific class would possess the corresponding weapon associated with that class. So a Saber wielded swords, Lancers fought with spears whilst Archers, true to their name, wielded bows and arrows. "Yet, he used a sword even back then," she remembered vividly the day he faced Raynare with a falchion. The chaos of dealing with Issei and the destroyed Pawn piece had clouded her memory!

Yet here she was, awestruck at the scene before her as dozens, if not hundreds of swords materialized, transforming the battlefield into a mesmerizing display of steel and power, with Grayfia of all people forced into a stalemate! 

'Is Archer as strong as a high Ultimate Class Devil!?' 

It wasn't as if he had concealed this fact from her. Her Servant had openly discussed on numerous occasions how most Heroic Spirits were terrifyingly powerful beings that very few could contend against. She had always trusted his words without question, but witnessing his true prowess firsthand was a completely different story. 

'If he's this powerful, surely he can beat… that insufferable bastard!'

However Rias found herself unable to experience any trace of happiness amidst the escalating battle. The intensity grew unabated and she could no longer bear to remain on the sidelines.


Against Akeno's advice, she mustered the courage to defy her fear and flew directly towards the heart of the battle. But before she could utter a plea for them to cease, a blinding streak of light erupted from the ground, piercing the sky with a clear target, the maid who had deployed all of her available shields. 

Her heart sank with abject horror as the twisted arrow tore through each of her shields with ruthless ease, as if they were nothing more than flimsy paper. For the first time in her life, Rias was worried that her sister-in-law, the woman she regarded as an unbeatable monster, was now in imminent danger of… death?



Her voice was instantly swallowed by the earthshaking explosion that propelled her and her entourage out of the sky, hurtling towards the ground.




Back with Archer, the Servant instinctively shielded his eyes, seeking refuge from the intense light emanating from the explosion just now. 

'Who would have thought that this reckless woman would unleash a magic attack at Caladbolg instead of evading or safeguarding herself.' Archer mused, struggling to find a more suitable term for her. he very act of confronting such an attack was perilous enough, but to deliberately ignite it at such proximity seemed tantamount to suicide. 

"Urgh," Archer grunted as the shockwave had propelled some debris over his body, which he brushed away before getting back up. "Hmm, it appears she did succeed in injuring me in the end, albeit through my own attack." 

The majority of his shroud had been reduced to charred remnants, leaving him solely clad in his black armor. His skin bore an array of bruises and light burns, nothing major that couldn't be healed in a few hours with the help of his Master's Magical Energy. 

"You are truly deranged, do you realize that?" He calmly remarked to the figure before him, who was in a significantly worse state. 

"How so?" Her voice remained unchanged, devoid of any hint of exhaustion or pain despite the injuries she suffered. At present, his opponent was kneeling on the ground, bearing not only damaged wings but also severe burns to her arm and legs. A steady stream of blood cascaded down from her forehead. How she survived such an impact remained an enigma, a testament to the exceptional resilience of her body when contrasted with that of a Caster. A shame she lacked the ability to regenerate using the near limitless Mana derived from the leylines, and the added role her own territory played in sustaining her. 

'I hope she doesn't attack me again for seeing the state of her clothes… or lack there of.' 

Indeed, the disheveled state of Grayfia's attire was unmistakable with the entirety of her clothing having been reduced to tatters before turning into ash, leaving not a single stitch of cloth on her curvaceous form… with one exception. Surprisingly, her maid headpiece remained fully unscathed. How that one article of clothing remained unmarred was a miracle in its own right. 

"If you hadn't intercepted the arrow, it would have flown past you while leaving minor fractures or injuries to your arm. Instead, your actions have led to your current state." 

"Never did I anticipate that the arrow would possess such explosive capabilities, let alone dismantle all of my defensive spells so easily. I had presumed it to be a conventional projectile, one I could easily deflect." Grayfia lamented with a sigh, "You have proven me wrong, I grossly underestimated your power and paid the price. It's my fault for not giving due seriousness to my adversary." 

Archer scoffed, "Are you still trying to keep up the act?" 

"I'm… afraid I don't know what you're talking about." She tried to act ignorant, but he didn't fall for it one bit. 

"You had no intention of killing me from the start. Merely playing the role of a villain to provoke me into fighting you seriously, using subterfuge to assess one's abilities. I strongly suspect that you haven't even exerted half of your true power… You obviously were dispatched here by someone related to Rias, likely with the purpose of spying on me and gathering information about my origins, amongst other things." 

His answer was met with a small chuckle.

"Hm, I failed in many ways it seems. Eh?" She was surprised when Archer extended his hand to her. 

"Just helping you to get back up on your feet. While I may not be well-versed in Devils' physiology, I can imagine that your injuries are far from painless. Consider it as a gesture of truce so that we may engage in a civilized conversation without resorting to hostilities." 

Grayfia gazed at him in silence for a couple of seconds, her inscrutable demeanor making it difficult for him to discern her true thoughts. Thankfully, she eventually accepted and he grasped her hand before slowly pulling her up. 

"Do not worry about my injuries, Archer-sama. They are not as agonizing as you might hope them to be. I have a high tolerance for such things."

"Hoo, what a respectful way of addressing me all of a sudden. Shall I consider myself honored to have earned your favor?" he replied, sporting a smug smirk. Guiding her to the side of the field, he found a large rock for her to sit upon.. 

In response, she returned a gentle smile. "Your unwavering dedication to safeguarding Ojou-sama has sufficiently convinced me to no longer view you as an adversary Notwithstanding the fact that our prowess is more than enough to put me at ease."

"Well I accept your praise, on the condition that you refrain from further acts of stalking and surprise attacks in the middle of the wilderness. Can I interpret this as me having your blessing?" 

"Indeed. Also, I do apologize for the hostility I displayed." 

He watched with great interest as a small magic circle materialized on her palm before a small vial appeared. Without hesitation, she uncorked the vial and downed the contents immediately. Before his eyes, the burns and cuts adorning her body began to heal at an incredible rate, swiftly regenerating until they vanished entirely within a matter of seconds. 

Archer whistled, not bothering to hide his curiosity over the effect.

Grayfia, seeing his reaction, decided to give him a small explanation. 

"This is a rather precious potion in the Supernatural world. It is known as a Phoenix tear, and judging by the name and witnessing the remarkable healing of my body, I assume you have some understanding of what it's capable of." She handed him the empty gold bottle for closer examination. 

"A healing potion I take it, emulating the effects of regeneration and mending all kinds of physical ailments." While most individuals would no doubt find it challenging to maintain composure in the presence of Grayfia's exposed form, Archer displayed an almost clinical detachment, barely reacting at all to the sight of her naked flesh. Instead, his gaze was solely focused on her skin, examining with precision the remnants of her burns darkening before sloughing off, revealing nothing but flawlessly smooth and supple skin in their wake. 

"Fascinating, though before we proceed, take this." He projected a large blanket, carefully draping it over Grayfia and preserving her modesty. "Considering our recent attempt to harm one another, the atmosphere between us is already awkward enough."

"Thank you, Archer-sama. I must admit your magic intrigues me greatly. I haven't observed you employing any magic circles, yet your weapons and this blanket materialized in a flash of light. Were it not for this blanket I would have mistaken it for another manifestation of Blade Blacksmith or Sword Birth." 

"It's not that amazing. Rather, your remarkable proficiency in deploying numerous offensive spells while simultaneously maintaining an array of defensive measures active is truly more impressive. Regrettably, I'm not capable of such things. Moving on, considering your previous attire as a maid and the manner in which you addressed Rias, I take it you're working for her family?"

Having no reason to deceive nor withhold information, Grayfia answered his question truthfully. "Yes, I am Sirzechs Lucifer's wife and the head maid of the Gremory family — Grayfia Lucifuge." She understood the reasons behind her husband's worries regarding this person; he cares greatly for Rias and the added pressure from the Phenex engagement weighs heavily on him. The sudden emergence of issues connected to an entity that his sister should never encounter, understandably pushed him over the edge. But sometimes what appears as a curse could unexpectedly be a blessing in disguise. A notion she believed to be the case with Archer. 

Archer's composure wavered when she unveiled her identity as Lucifer's wife… while also being a maid! This… this didn't make sense!

"Wait wait wait, back up a bit here. Why would Lucifer's wife dress as a maid and refer to herself as a head maid ?" 


Before she could answer, their attention was drawn to Rias and her peerage running towards them with a haggard face. 

"S–Stop fighting! Archer is my Servant!" She screamed, "Please… stop?" The redheaded girl and the rest of her group came to an abrupt alt.Expecting a gruesome scene of Archer and Grayfia locked in a deadly struggle, , what they found instead was the pair relaxing under a tree, with Grayfia covered by a blanket. "Wha-Wha…" 

"Oh, I apologize for causing concern, Master. Grayfia and I had a rough start in the beginning but we managed to resolve our differences in the end. She even granted me her blessing to continue serving you as your Servant, although it did take destroying a mountaintop for me to earn that privilege." He explained, crossing his arms as he surveyed the scattered debris surrounding them. "Fortunately this didn't happen inside Kuoh, or else it would have been a headache to take you on."

"I must remind you Archer-sama, that I have already already extended my apology for that. Nevertheless, you have performed admirably, I have never experienced such a lethal attack from a bow before." 

"Really? Is it uncommon for beings such as Angels, Devils, Fallens, or any other pantheons in this world to wield bows?" 

"I do believe the Hindu and Greek pantheons in particular boast numerous formidable bow users and even powerful gods who wield bows as their primary weapons — though I have never personally faced any myself. We Devils predominantly rely on our magic powers, while those who are blessed to be part of the 72 pillar families have the added luxury of clan-inherited abilities." 

"And your clan powers are?" 

She cast a sidelong glance at him, "That is a secret, Archer-sama. Just like how you keep secrets of your own."

Rias found herself on the verge of a mental breakdown as she listened to those two talk to each other as if nothing had transpired. Mere seconds ago Archer unleashed a deadly attack on Grayfia and gravely injured her in the process. 

And now the same woman was sitting there naked with only a blanket covering her body, making smalltalk with her Servant while seemingly oblivious to the presence of Rias and her group. 

And why was Grayfia smirking!?

"I'm curious, can your magic create new clothes as well?" Grayfia inquired, rising from her spot, causing the blanket to cling to her body, accentuating her curves. 

"Why do you ask?" He could make clothes, but unlike the gear he was wearing now, any other type of clothing would just disappear if damaged to a certain extent or if he chose to dismiss them. They weren't permanent items so fashioning them for long-term use wasn't a practical approach. 

"I was hoping you could make me a new set of clothes for the time being."

"Uh, sure, I could make you some pants or a skirt and a shirt to go with it, but keep in mind they'll just be temporary constructs." The request was rather peculiar as he had never been asked to utilize his magecraft for creating clothes in the past. As the situation was a new experience for him, acknowledged that he was capable of conjuring a baggy shirt and pants appropriate for her size. "Though I'd honestly advise you to instead ask my Master or her Queen for something that'll fit better."

"I would prefer to wear my maid outfit if possible." 

Once again, Archer had to remind himself that the person asking him to make maid clothing was none other than the wife of Sirzechs Lucifer —the very epitome of the highest-ranking Satan in the Underworld. 

"...You're weird." 

As for Rias, she finally had enough and felt something break inside her psyche.

"ALRIGHT, ENOUGH OF THIS!!! Grayfia, why are you here and why did you attack my Archer!?" 

Her piercing scream reverberated throughout the entire mountain, leaving Akeno and Koneko equally dumbfounded as their King about the whole situation. 


(An hour later)

-Occult Research Club-

With the battle concluded, everyone returned to the club where Yuuto waited for them. Kalawarna had been securely placed in one of the spare rooms in the basement and bound by magic restraints just to make sure she wouldn't escape upon awakening. 

In the main room, Akeno arrived with another tray of tea, accompanied by Archer who stood behind Rias. The latter, visibly overwhelmed by the accumulated stress, rubbed her temples wearily. 

"So let me get this straight, not only did Onii-sama ask you to spy on Archer and test him behind my back, but he also believed that my own Servant posed a potential threat solely based on a single symbol on my hand?" 

Akeno handed the tea to both Grayfia and Archer, observing the white haired man closely as he took a sip. Unfortunately, he provided no discernable reaction to indicate his opinion on the quality of the beverage. 

"For the most part, that is indeed the case. However I am also here on behalf of Ajuka-sama to deliver this to you, Ojou-sama." The maid explained, placing a box on the table. "This may be different from what you may have been waiting for, a small token of appreciation from him in his own words." 

Bewildered by the maid's statement, Rias eagerly seized the box and opened it. "What!?" Almost dropping it, she rose abruptly from her seat, visibly shocked and clutching a Pawn piece in her hand. But this was no ordinary piece, it emanated a mysterious power, its black exterior tinged with an aura of extraordinary significance. "A Mutation Piece!" 

Seeing his Master's reaction, Archer also paid close attention to the item in question. It did in fact look very different from the other pieces Rias had on her and given her reaction, it must have been a valuable asset. He did remember Rias mentioning certain extremely rare pieces but refrained from providing any further information, as it had not seemed particularly relevant at the time. 

Fortunately, Akeno decided to give him the general details. "Mutation pieces are a rare anomaly within the system created by Ajuka Beelzebub. They occur only once in every hundred pieces. It is believed to be a glitch or a playful addition within the Evil Pieces system." 

"I take it that it holds some special properties?" 

The buxom raven haired girl nodded, "Yes, it is a highly coveted trait that many would pay a fortune for. Basically, if a particularly powerful individual holding a Sacred Gear with immense potential, like a Longinus class, were to be turned into a Devil — the cost could easily exceed six Pawn pieces to the full Pawn set. While such cases are extremely rare and almost unheard of, they are not entirely impossible. I trust you grasp the implications of requiring such a vast number of pieces?" 

"It's more a question of quality over quantity. I get what you're entailing with the King having fewer members in their Peerage if one of them required multiple pieces, although it is generally desirable to have both quality and quantity. This Mutation sort of bridges that gap and will allow Rias to add a powerful member to her peerage without sacrificing any more Pawns." He didn't miss how convenient this event was for Rias, given he knew Issei would have normally required all eight pieces, and for this cost to be reduced to a single one… It seemed like her brother knew how to help out his sister from the background. It was understandable, considering he couldn't openly assist his sister due to Satans like him being required to sever ties with their clan and adopt a neutral stance. 

"This… This is amazing." Rias exclaimed, her hands trembling as she held the piece. She took a moment to steady her breath before placing the newly acquired piece with the rest. Making a mental note to summon Issei to the club tomorrow and complete the ritual to change him into a Devil. 

"If that is all, I should return to the Underworld, Ojou-sama." 

"Wait, before that, I need to make a call." Although Rias acknowledged that her brother may have played a role in securing the Mutation Piece from Ajuka, that still didn't mean she was willing to forgive him for what he ordered Grayfia to do! He crossed a line in her eyes and she was going to give him the cruelest punishment possible that would consume him from within. 

Grabbing her phone, she dialed his number and waited for him to pick up. Everyone in the room could see that Rias was a volcano on the verge of erupting and those present couldn't help but feel a sense of pity for their Satan. He had indeed stirred the hornets' nest, earning the ire of their King. Koneko in particular, eagerly anticipated the confrontation, harboring her own resentment for what Sirzechs did. Jis distrust over Archer was a transgression she deemed unforgivable. 

Perhaps she could have Grayfia bring back some of Archer's delectable sweets for her brother to sample? As much as she didn't want to part with those irresistible treats, that would certainly show him the truth and shed some light to the Servant's true nature.

The Silver haired Queen calmly enjoyed her tea the entire time, fully aware of the impending fate that awaited her husband and how he fully deserved it.




The beeping lasted for barely a second before the call was picked up by an overenthusiastic Sirzechs.

"Woaaaaa! Ria-tan finally called her older brothe—"

"Shut up!" Rias cut him off instantly. "I got the new Pawn Piece… and for that I want to thank you."

 "E-Eh, that's no issue, it was all thanks to Ajuka's hel—"

"BUT YOU SENT GRAYFIA TO FIGHT ARCHER AND FOR THAT I'M NOT TALKING WITH YOU FOR A MONTH!" She shouted so loud that Archer briefly contemplated creating some earplugs for himself and poor Koneko, who trembled from the banshee-worthy screech. 

"W-W-What!? Wait, Ria-tan, I-I can explai—" 

Not giving him the light of day, she swiftly terminated the call and blocked his number. The evident fluster and panic in Lucifer's voice caused the bowman to sigh, finding the absurdity of the situation and the behavior of people in this world rather bemusing. Granted Sirzechs wasn't the original Lucifer but as a Devil of significant power and Influence, the thought of him cowering to his little sister's furious tone and subsequently being blocked was both pathetic and comical. 

'Hard to believe that guy is actually a Satan.'

Despite recognizing the immense power wielded by his wife, Archer harbored no intention of underestimating him in any way. He understood that it was often the most eccentric personalities that tended to hold the most fearsome power.

"Humph, that will make him think twice about repeating such antics in the future." Rias nodded confidently.

And somehow, Archer found himself believing that statement.


"Ugh," Kalawarna was experiencing the mother of all headaches. "Where… where am I?" 

Her surroundings were shrouded in eerie dimness, with the faltering lightbulb hanging on the ceiling being the only thing illuminating this ghastly prison. She spotted dilapidated storage boxes and weathered books scattered about, evidence of their neglect over time. No windows greeted her gaze in any direction, and her attempts to shift even slightly revealed the presence of restraints securing her limbs to a sturdy metal chair.

"Just what happened?" Her memory was foggy due to the throbbing headache, having little to no idea how she could have ended up in such a situation. The last thing she remembered was embarking on a mission alongside Donhaseek and Mittelt to hunt down the Hyoudou Issei boy. Their primary objective was to lure out the individual who had defeated Raynare and eliminate him post haste. 

"Right, we then flew out around the city to find that kid and it didn't take us long to spot him walking on the streets… yeah, Donhaseek and Mittelt went over to corner him." Bit by bit, her reminiscing of that particular day kept coming back with more detail and familiarity. "Yeah, the human kid was quite pathetic to look at, trying to escape while crying out loud. His voice grated on my nerves, and I considered impaling him from a distance, just to cease the sound that pierced my ears. But then…"

Her eyes widened in sheer terror when the next wave of memories crashed upon her, unfurling a macabre tableau of horror and unbridled carnage. "Mittlet, sh-she w-was pierced by some arrows before getting slashed in the face! And Dohnaseek… oh god! H-He killed them both and then came for me!" Right as she was about to remember how she got knocked out, the doors to the basement swung open with a resounding creak. Standing there was a solitary figure, an unsettling smirk adorning her face, while sparks of lightning crackled ominously around her fingertips.

"Ara ara~ It seems our little crow has awoken from her slumber." 

Kalawarna trembled, the realization sinking in that she was captured by the Devils and held as a prisoner. Despite her centuries of existence, this was her first time in such a situation and the woman didn't know what else to do aside from starting to beg for mercy. 

To plead with the enemy to let her live.

"P-Please, d-don't kill me!" 

 The woman's smile widened at her feeble plea, her expression assuming an almost demonic visage as she advanced closer. The crackling lightning on her fingertips grew more intense, each stride of Akeno sending a chilling surge through the Fallen's heart. The twisted smile on Akeno's face mirrored the sadistic glint that Kalawarna had witnessed on Raynare's face whenever she hunted a human. In fact, the resemblance between these two was uncanny, even down to the same eye color.

"Well, if you answer my questions then I won't hurt you much. But before that, let's see how good your are with electroshocks~"

With swift and merciless intent, Akeno extended her right hand towards Kalawarna, unleashing a surge of searing white lightning that struck Kalawarna right in the chest. "Aaaaahh!" She screamed out in pain, convulsing in the confines of her chair as her vision blurred, disoriented by the powerful shock coursing through her body. Her hair stood on end, as if charged with electricity. 

Though she managed to stay conscious in the end.

"Fufufufu! You're more fun than I thought, I guess since you're a Fallen you can resist electricity, huh? Though it'll still hurt a lot, so don't worry~"

The young Devil snapped her fingers and intensified the lightning, amplifying its ferocity and transforming the torment into an infernal ordeal. Causing the Fallen to feel as if her body was subjected to the searing heat of a boiling cauldron. Each strike of the electrifying assault seared her body, causing unimaginable pain to course through her being, forcing Kalawara to scream out in agony.

Her cries for mercy only made Akeno's smile stretch further upwards with a large blush appearing on her face. Her breathing deepened with every shock, and her thighs began to rub against each other as the girl was beginning to have a hard time concentrating.

"N-No, please! I'll say anything! Just stop!"


"A-Anything… Just please…" 

In the end, Akeno knew she couldn't let herself get swallowed up by her desires just for a quick burst of pleasure. There was still the matter with Raynare to deal with and the true objective behind these people's arrival in Kuoh. 

So with a sigh of disappointment, she stopped and began her interrogation. 

"Why did your group come to Kuoh?" 

"I-I don't know the exact reas—argh!" An arc of lightning surged from Akeno's fingertips towards Kalawarna's face. 

"Lie to me again and this time I won't stop having fun with you until your body is naught but a charred corpse." She uttered in a tone so chilling that it carried a hint of killing intent. 

Gritting her teeth, the Fallen reluctantly began to speak. "W-We were mostly sent here along with Raynare to aid her in… retrieving an excommunicated nun from Italy."

"An excommunicated nun…" Akeno repeated, her curiosity piqued. She pondered the significance of this individual that would lead to the Fallen to confront not only Rias but Sona as well — both being siblings of the two Satans. "Why is that?" 

"I-It's Raynare, she w-wants to use this person to gain more power or something. I-I don't know how, I swear! I'm not lying!" She trembled with fear as the sparks danced around Akeno's fingers. "A-Ah, I heard something about a… a Sacred Gear! Yes, that must be the case!" Her words spilled out in a rush as she recalled a brief conversation she accidentally eavesdropped once between Donhaseek and Raynare. Something about a nun and a Sacred Gear which seemed to hold significance in Raynare's plan to become stronger and gain favor with the Governor General. Kalawarna wasn't entirely sure of the details, but her life was on the line here!

"Alright then, I will take that into consideration. Now my second question, why did you try to kill Hyoudou Issei?" 

At that question, Kalawarna hastily shook her head, not wanting to lie about this matter whatsoever. "That wasn't us! I-It was Raynare who suddenly decided to do all of this for no apparent reason! She said something about a Sacred Gear user in a school joining the Devils would be a disaster waiting to happen, and that it needed to be taken care of immediately! I-I had nothing to do with it, she forced me into this!" 

"Okay, last question. Where is Raynare hiding?" 

"At the abandoned church!" Since that bitch was the reason she was locked here and being tortured by this psycho, she didn't hesitate to betray Raynare. There was never any loyalty in the group to begin with so this wasn't something difficult for her. "She's surrounded by many rogue priests and one who's especially crazy but also skilled."

The way she so easily revealed Raynare's whereabouts with a twisted smirk on her face without even realizing it told Akeno enough about their dynamic. It was clear to her that these people truly had no sense of loyalty amongst them, and their willingness to betray one another only served to intensify her disdain for them.

"Humph, it's no surprise that your kind would abandon your own and leave them to perish at the hands of the enemy without a second thought. Typical Fallen, tt seems fitting to rid the world of treacherous filth like you right here and now." 

Getting more desperate as the lightning in Akeno's hand grew even brighter, Kalawarna scoured her mind for something… anything that could spare her from a brutal and painful death. 'Wait, lightning, violet eyes and raven hair… isn't she the Fallen girl turned Devil that Donhaseek spoke about in the past?' 

Donhaseek, once the former guardian of the gates of Heaven and a keeper of knowledge, Donhaseek retained many of his traits even after his fall from God's grace. Among these characteristics was his insatiable thirst for information, which led him to gather all sorts of rumors and tales from the members of the Grigori. One such rumor that circulated among them was about a member of the Cadres who allegedly had a girl transformed into a Devil by a member of the prestigious Gremory. However this information remained unconfirmed and no one dared discuss it openly with their superiors. Kalawarna distinctly remembered Donhaseek sharing this tidbit as nothing more than idle gossip with her and Mittlet. 

But now…

"Y-You can't kill me, p-please let me go, as a fellow Fallen you must help me out!" 


Seeing Akeno freeze up in shock just further proves to Kalawarna that the rumors were indeed true and that she might have a genuine opportunity to escape the clutches of death and survive this ordeal!

"Yes, you understand me, right!? I know you're now a Devil but you can't deny your Fallen Angel heritage! We are like family, distant family but one nonetheless. Just to honor this connection we share, the least you can do is let me li—AAAAARRGG!" 

Before she could even finish, a storm of lightning far stronger than before descended upon her from the ceiling. A large, intricate magic circle spun around Akeno, her hands crackling with intense white magic. 

Her eyes brimmed with a tsunami of unbridled killing intent, emanating a palpable aura of wrath and revulsion. Gritting her teeth,she struggled to contain her seething anger and disgust in response to Kalawarna's words. 

"Don't. You. Call. Me. A Fallen Angel!" She screamed, preparing to use a deadly attack to just kill her off once and for all. "You're better off dead." 

As she brought her hands up to execute the attack, a voice came from behind her. 

"Akeno," shaken by the unexpected arrival and possibility that someone overheard their conversation — she swung around to find Archer standing at the door carrying a platter of food and a cup of water. He looked at her with an unreadable expression, similar to Grayfia. Her heart shook when thinking about whether or not he heard what Kalawarna said.

"I believe I was the one Master put in charge of the interrogation, not you. So why are you here?" 


Did he truly not hear anything?



It had taken him a long time to set up the hundreds of different intertwining magic circles and inscriptions for this summoning. 

Hidden in a secret chamber inside one of his many manors, Diodora Astaroth had spent the better part of a week setting up the preparation for the summoning ritual. "Tch, my precious Asia should be arriving at any moment in Kuoh. Those pathetic crows better do a good job keeping her away from the Gremory and Sitri." 

He didn't expect that the creation of this ritual would be such a time-consuming endeavor. The intricate spells and meticulously inscribed symbols required for the ritual were complex and detailed, occupying more than half of the hall. Though having the maidens from his peerage do most of the work did ease up some of the burden.

Though given they were taking a lot of time he forced them to skip over the unimportant nonsense of these notes and just focus on the main part.

"Hehehe, summoning a Heroic Spirit from the past to become my slave? Can't believe such a thing could even exist! Now who should I hope for? There is Joan of Arc, hehehehe… If I get her then I can have her body all to myself. Ahh~ just thinking about it makes my heart beat so wildly. There is also Mary Magdalene and Saint Martha, but I'm not sure if those can be considered as Heroic Spirits. No matter, as long as it's a pure holy maiden then I'll be more than happy to bind her to me, and if she resists then the Command Seals will come in handy." His perverse grin couldn't hide the carnality within him when imagining the mere idea of tainting such renowned pure maidens. 

"For the element silver and iron, the foundation stone and the Archduke of Pacts, and for the great mistress, Lilith.

Raise a wall against the wind and close the gate in four directions.

Fill, fill, fill, fill, fill. Repeat five times, but when each is filled, destroy it.

Heed my words.

My will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny.

If you abide by this feeling and obey my will and reason, then answer my summoning.

I hereby swear that I shall be all the good in the world,

That I shall defeat all evil in the world.

Seven realms clad in the great words of power, come forth from the circle of binding, Guardian of Scales!" 

With an excited grin, he exclaimed the last verse of the chant loudly with his arms opened wide.

"Now come forth, my innocent holy maiden, for I your Master order you!" 

Ready to see the spell activate and for his Servant maiden to appear before him.





"Hm?" Something wasn't right, "Only half of the spell has been activated?" He noticed that the other half of the hall remained dark with none of the inscriptions or magic circles glowing like the ones near him. 


"W-What?" Something broke, he looked everywhere for the source but couldn't find it. "What is going on!?" The hall grew brighter and brighter till it was far too blinding. More parts of the circles started to break apart before the gathered mana became far too chaotic. "Don't tell me it failed! How!? I made sure it was perfect!" 

As the cracking grew louder, Diodora snapped his gaze over to one of his servants. "You, come here!" He dragged one of the peerage girls near him and used her body as a shield just in time before the entire space erupted into a massive ball of searing flames. 


Diodora let out a piercing shriek as his body was violently propelled through the air, flung out of the castle by the force of the raging flames.


The next 5 chapters of Snafu, Harry Potter and my 3 other Fate fics (Fate Coiling Sword with 3 chapters, A Fake Familiar Reborn with 3 chapters and To love a sword having 4 chapters) are already available on my P@treon. With 4 more Broly chapters at /NimtheWriter. Also, I post monthly commissioned arts on each story, already posted a few on an Archer's Promise, Broly and Snafu.

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