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28.57% A Different Path (MCU) / Chapter 2: Tonys guide to making friends

Chapitre 2: Tonys guide to making friends

AN:Lol, this chapter was fun. So much fun. We get to see some of Nova's closest relationships start to develop.

Do you guys know the drill. If you like this character and would like to see her past lives, check out the rest of the series, but everything can be read independently. I hope you guys like it, thank you so much for reading, and leave a comment. 💙


It has been over a year since I had come to Asgard and I'd earned myself a bit of a reputation. It wasn't bad, per say, since I spent so much of my time with Frigga, but after several incidents that might have involved some minor stabbing, people had learned better than to recklessly speak of the second prince.

Thor's coronation had been set for a few years from now, which brought to mind a few things I needed to do, particularly in regards to one genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. There was also the hulk, and Thor himself to consider,

Thor… wasn't bad. He was actually rather kind, always greeting me and praising my friendship with Loki, but he was also a bit of an idiot and arrogant as hell. He can't become king as he is, too naive and ready to fight. It was the primary reason Loki planned to interrupt his coronation in the first place, despite the popular belief that it was out of jealousy. Since I have no intention of letting that dumpster fire commence, I need to figure out a different way for Thor to get his head on straight, and without having the entire Jotunheim realm be destroyed. This is, of course, assuming I'm able to stop the event at all since I am fairly sure some aspect of it is a fixed point in time.

Seriously, what the fuck even was that. I'm actually quite convinced Loki either went mad or was already being mindfucked before he fell off the bifrost.

"What are you thinking about so hard, my friend?" I can't help the smile that curls around my lips. I lean forward, gently brushing my hands over a velvet muzzle. Today, Loki had been allowed to visit Sleipnir. The child was bound into his animal form, and locked up in his own stable. The situation made me nauseous, but I was honored that Loki would let me meet him.

Sleipnir had been shy at first, but after a few visits the eight legged horse had warmed up. He was a pristine white with a black mane and eyes, and fucking massive even though he was just a kid. I had gotten to meet Fenrir once as well, but Loki hadn't been allowed to see his other kids in the time I've known him.

"Loki," I hesitate, but remind myself it's time. "Do you trust me?"

"You wouldn't be here if I didn't," he points out wryly, gesturing to were Sleipnir had plopped his head in my lap.

"There are something's I need to tell you. I… need your help."

Loki's eyes narrow, and I feel Slei press closer in a mix of curiosity and worry. Loki nudges me with his boot clad foot, ducking his head to meet my eyes with his emerald ones. "Tell me."

And I do.


"So, a great danger comes, one you wish to prevent with your visions. A danger to the whole universe?" Loki sounds stressed, and I relate so hard.


"And there is a secret you need to tell me, but can't yet because my reaction." He sounds alarmed.

"Yeah," I agree. "Honestly, I'd let you rampage, but you could get seriously hurt and I'm not willing to risk it."

He stares. "You're trying to keep me safe."

I give him a flat look. "You're my best friend and I love you. Of course I am."

He freezes. "I'm your best friend and you love me?"

"Are you just going to keep repeating my words?" I intone in confusion, currently braiding flowers in Sleipnir's mane.

Loki releases a breathless, incredulous laugh, long fingers raking through his hair. "I- yes. Me too." He doesn't say the words, perhaps not yet able to, but I know what he means, and I lean against his shoulder for a heartbeat, warmth in my chest. "Okay. We'll get back to that. You need to go to Midgard?"

"Yes. Things are about to get very messy and Midgard will be in the thick of it. Best we make the first move."

Loki nods, eyes uncharacteristically serious. "Is tomorrow fine?" I'll need some time to find the paths through the Yggdrasil and prepare the magic to block Heindal."

"Leave the Watcher to me," I wave him off. I am fairly certain that I can get the man to refrain from snitching. Now, going to earth wasn't really a big deal, but Loki was banned from leaving Asgard after he ran away and had kids. The Allfather would definitely not be willing to give him to me as an escort, even with my position as a god of Foresight.

But, the Allmother was a different story. And damn if she wasn't a good ally to have.


I sit across Frigga, calmly watch the Queen sip her tea even as her blue eyes bore into my skull. Finally, the goddess sets her cup down, pinching the bridge of her nose. "It was not long ago that I could not see more than a handful of years into the future."

"You were going to die," I confirm directly. Frigga was a strong woman who had been declared a goddess of prophecy by the Norns similar to myself. For people like us, there was no need to tip toe around such things.

Frigga nods. "These days my dreams of the future are filled with blood, chaos, and war, my sons in the center of it." She sighs, her hands shaking. I feel my heart soften for the woman who would soon watch her children suffer to save the universe, and I gather her hands in mine, kneeling next to her chair.

"I swear to you, Queen Frigga of Asgard, that I will do my best to spare them what misery I can, and to be there for them as much as possible. They will always have a friend in me." I vow to her, doing my best to connect my blurry eyes with her own.

She squeezed my hands back, a sad smile finding it's way onto her lovely face. "I never doubted it. Leave the King to me and prepare for your trip with Loki."

"Thank you," I breathe, gratitude overwhelming, Frigga just smiles, her hand settling gently on my head, and I have to swallow the sudden lump forming in my throat at the maternal gesture. As kind as Freya always was to me, our relationship had never been like that of a parent and child. At best, she was a fun aunt. The last year leaning under Frigga had been far different, the godess of motherhood easily taking me into her care.

"No, my child. Thank you," she murmurs back.


"You are lucky I like you," Heindal chuckles, accepting my bribe of snickerdoodle cookies, baked personally since they didn't exist in Asgard before my appearance. They were a ridiculously effective bribe for anyone with a sweet tooth, including the dark skinned, golden eyed god of foresight in front of me.

I snort. "Oh, please. You know I aim only to save lives, including Asgardian ones. Otherwise, bribe or not, you would hardly let me pass."

"True enough," he agrees easily, even as Loki shifts nervously behind me. "You know, I saw your birth."

I blink, taken of gaurd by the seemingly random tangent, but he continues unbothered as his eyes shift off into realms beyond us. "The moment you appeared, the Norns tore apart their own tapestry, for you had been touched by powers far beyond us so called gods." He bites into a cookie, a soft smile curling his lips. "In the time I've known you in person, I've seen nothing to suggest such a blessing misplaced, and even now, I believe the future will only grow better in your care. You have my trust."

I can't help the slight embarrassment from rising inside at the praise. Like Frigga, Heindal had been kind to me, lending his aid in deciphering my visions. But, unlike the Queen, he could not leave his post guarding the bifrost. In quiet moments, I would give him company on the bridge between realms, and I am happy to be able to call him a friend.

"We gods of Sight must stick together I suppose," I huff, bemused. Realizing something, I perk up. "Wait, Heindal do you know who my parents are?"

Heindal frowns, shaking his head as he sets a large hand on my shoulder in comfort. "Your father was hidden from my gaze entirely, although I know not how. Your mother, however, I did see."

I raise an eyebrow, curious. Perhaps I should have been desperete to know, but I had learned that family was beyond blood lifetimes ago, and all I felt was vague curiosity at this point. I felt Loki step closer, his hand on my back in support nonetheless, and the gesture warmed my heart. Heindal, aura oddly cautious, continues. "Her name was Göndul." Loki makes a squeaking noise that is ignored. "She led the Valkyrie, but after a… battle that killed almost all of the shieldmaidens-," Oh, shit, he means the battle against Hela! "-she was badly crippled and sent to Vanaheim to rest. Later, she died in labor, the birth too much for her already damaged body. Your identity was lost when you ended up in the orphanage," Heindal finishes.I shut my eyes briefly, but nod my acceptance. I don't feel particularly vengeful, but perhaps, if given the chance to fight Hela, I'll draw some blood in honor of Göndul.

"Thank you, Heindal. Trully." I tell him, stepping back.

"Go, be on your way, young Star. The quicker you return, the less likely the Allfather will notice your absence and demand answers of me I cannot avoid giving," Heindal rumbles, starry eyes soft and sad. My mother's fate was a bit tragic, but while I could respect it, I couldn't feel overly pained about it, especially considering I didn't see death as bad due to my history with the afterlife. Hurriedly, I sent a prayer to Death to convey my gratitude and well wishes to the women who birthed me. And then Loki is gathering me into his side, green magic swirling around us, strong and wild, and we are slipping through the branches of the Tree of Life.


The music was so loud I could barely hear my own thoughts.

Thankfully. I am so fucking tired of thinking.

Most days, it didn't bother me. Not the fake baby mamas, the law suits, the accusing stares. But, other days, it's all too much and Howard's voice starts ringing in my head telling me how useless I am and that all my efforts eventually amount to nothing.

Obie had been on my ass this last week like he was trying to squeeze every last idea out of my head. My godfather has been trying to get me to pump out designs and inventions nonstop. It's like he's running on some deadline I don't know about.

So, here I am in another overpriced club, people hanging off me as I buy bottles for faceless leeches after my money or my body or both. I set down the bottle I'm holding and push the model on my lap onto the cushion next to me, her perfume starting to suffocate me. Standing, I brush off the grasping hands and head to the dance floor, ignoring the way my vision blurs from the motion and the way my stomach rolls from drinks and flashing lights.

Nice job, Tony. You're drunk ass will be in the paparazzi rags again.

Self loathing starting to swallow me, I look for a distraction. A flash of deep red catches my eye through the flashing lights, drawing my attention. A women with dark hair falling in ripples to her knees sways in the arms of a tall man, his button up matching her crimson dress. The woman is facing away, but the way the silk hugged her curves all the way to her caves and the flashes of smooth skin displayed by her backless attire promised a fantastic sight. Her partner, tall, lean, and lithe, takes a moment to glance up and my eyes meet blazing green. The man smirks, something wicked that promises to be endlessly fun on his sharp features as he bends down to whisper in the woman's ear.

The women turns around in the circle of his arms, eyes shut, and I got a glimpse of exotic features that were striking, even if not traditionally beautiful. Then red lips curl at corners, and a graceful hand lifts as she waves me over.

Oh, fuck. Who am I to turn down a sexy mystery couple?

Gathering myself, I put on my most charming mask and swagger over, hoping I'm not as sloppy drunk as I feel. The woman with a dimpled smile holds her hands out to me, and when I take them, she tugs me into place in front of her, arms curling around my neck. Distantly, the part of my brain still functioning despite my blood being half alcohol at this point wonders how the hell she did that without opening her eyes, but the rest of me is distracted by the man's hand carefully wrapping around my waist, sharp eyes watching for any sign of discomfort. When I grin, and wrap an arm around him in return, caging the beauty between us, those emerald eyes glow, but that might have just been the lights flashing.

"Well," I purr, dipping my head to the woman's ear, who's head barely reached my collarbone. The man, taller and slimmer than me, bends down as well, warm breath on mycheek sending shivers down my spine. "My night just got so much better."

The woman grins, silky hair brushing my skin, and the man just chuckles, eyes locked with mine even as he pressed his lips to the woman's head. Damn, they were both crazy attractive.

"So glad we could assist," a soft voices chimes up, amused, and thick lashes part to reveal dark eyes that promised just as much mischief as her partner.

I hum, grazing my hand through her hair lie I'd been wanting to since I'd first seen it. "Are you willing to assist some more? I have the strangest feeling that my night would only get better the longer you stuck around."

The man snickers, but the women just brushes a thum against my jaw, the gesture heating my blood despite its simplicity. "Why, Dr. Stark, are you asking us to come home with you?"

I blink, addled mind unable to compute the fact that someone actually called me that, but I shake it off eventually. "For assistance, of course," I reply, words slurring just a hint.

Something flickers behind her eyes, but I can't tell what it is with the room spinning like this. The man slides his hand down my back, bringing my attention to the strong chest peaking through his semi open shirt. "Is "assistance" slang for sex nowadays?"

The woman laughs, her lips brushing my neck. The adrenaline was starting to rush and the pair felt good against my body. I wanted out of this place with too much noise and the stink of cologne and sweat. "Come home with me," I blurt, imedietly disapointed by my own lack of finesse.

The woman's eyes narrow, but she nods. The man however, steps back, looking as though he's departing. Instinctually, I grasp his hand. "Not joining us, handsome?"

The man blinks, startled, but just smiles again, this time something softer as he shakes his head, and I regret the missed opportunity to touch his shoulder length locks like I did his partner. "Not this time, I think, but perhaps another." He turns the woman around and gathers her into his arms, kissing her cheek and whispering something to her before turning to me again. Now, his eyes are practically predatory as he steps into my space, mouth pressed to my ear. "Have fun, but harm her and I will be rip you limb from limb."

Before I can process that, and the way that it somehow makes him more attractive rather than less, he's gone, and my new companion is holding her hand out for me. I guide her out of the club, noting how odd her classy tea length dress looks compared to all the short sequin and leather outfits around us. Almost like she was in the wrong time or place although I couldn't say it wasn't stunning on her.

She hides her face in my shoulder as we step out, cameras flashing. When was the last time someone didn't want to be seen with me?

The moment we are inside the limo, Happy silently driving us back to the Malibu mansion, I tug the woman -Damn, what is her name?- into my side, dipping my head to kiss petal lips, but all I get is a hand. "No."

I reel back instantly. Drunk as fuck or not I understood consent. How could I not after years of dealing with handsy assholes wanting a piece of Tony Stark?

"Not into exhibitionism. Got it. Happy can't see or hear anything, but we can wait." I tell her stumblingly. In response she smiles warmly, pressing a kiss to my cheek, and promptly asking what around here was good to eat.

"Oooh, dountus. Those sound really good right now. I know the perfect place-" Soon enough, I find myself odering dounuts and pizza and tacos as the woman, Nova, coaxes water into me, her brow furrowed in what I think is …worry.

Which is ridiculous, because why would someone I didn't know give a shit? And I was perfectly fine anyway.


I stagger inside, My arm thrown over Nova's shoulders. With some minor difficulties, I guide her to my bedroom, sitting on the edge and tugging her close, but she presses on my shoulders keeping her distance.

"Yeah, no. I'm not sleeping with you when you're drunk, especially not this drunk." She sighs,a hand running through her hair in frustration.

"What?" I mutter.

"You're too drunk." She repeats. Indignant, I get to my feet instantly, but the sudden move finally sets my stomach off and I'm rather violently puking all over the ground before the world goes dark.


"Bro." I stare at the mess at my feet. Literally. "Tony Stark really takes "never let them know your next move" to the max, huh?"

I adjust my grip under the man's arms, dragging him back a bit away from the puddle of vomit, inwardly laughing at the blackmail I'd just inadvertently achieved. It would be endlesssly amusing amo when we eventually become friends, because as far as I was concerned, Tony Stark was going to be my bestie.

He just didn't know it yet.

"Um hello? Anyone there?" I call out, as I set Tony down against a wall.

"Hello, Miss," I flinch despit knowing exactly who would answer. The lack of aura was far more unsettling than anticipated. "What can I… Oh, Dear."

I laugh, knowing exactly when the A.I.'s sensors pick up this mess. "Yeah. Who am I speaking to?"

"I am J.A.R.V.I.S., Mr. Starks Artificial Intelligence." The crisp British voice intoned politely.

I huff, amused despite the disgustingness on my poor feet, but to be honest, I'd stepped in worse. "I'm Novahna. Can you help me assist your master?"

"Indeed, Miss Novahna."

"Cool. Where are your wash clothes and a bucket? Oh, and I'm visually impaired so if you could be specific with your instructions, I'd aprentice it."

Jarvis does so with extreme efficiency, albeit with slight suspicion in his time.When I get what's needed, pausing to ditch my heels and get my feet clean, I hurry back to Tony.

Frowning, I wipe Tony's face and hands. "Jarvis, I'm going to take off his shirt, but I promise not to take advantage or anything."

"Hmm," Jarvis responds, a surprisingly human gesture with the underlying threat in his tone. "I'll be watching."

I grin, facinated. "You are an excellent friend to your master, Jarvis."

"Thank you, Miss." the A.I. sounds smug.

I strip his top, cleaning up the vomit. After that, with little effort due to my super strength, I put Tony on the bed, sideways in case he upchucks. I set a bucket next to him and cover the dumbass genius with a throw blanket.

"Jarvis, should we call a doctor? What if he had alcohol poisoning?" I wonder worriedly. I don't want to risk using my magic in front of the A.I.'s sensors, though. Not yet, anyway. Getting shot is a pain and I would expect no less from the legendary Jarvis.

"My sensors indicate the master is merely intoxicated. Your concern is appreciated, however."

I shrug, setting myself down at Tony's feet so I can keep an ear on his breathing. "I need to talk to Dr. Stark, so I'll be waiting until he wakes up, if that's fine."

The AI seems to hesitate, but eventually agrees, even helping me work the TV. Ironically, with all my power's and ability, I still had trouble reading most of the time. In fact, here on Earth, where there was so little magic around me, I couldn't use the atmospheric magic to "See" like I normally would. Typically, my ability to sense magic compensates for my shitty eyes by working like a magical form of echolocation. I could still technically do it here on earth by using my own magic to feel things out, but that still wouldn't help me read.

"Jarvis, who's your favorite character,"

I ask, munching on a frankly amazing dounut. Say what you want about Tony Stark, the man knew his food joints.

"I find myself partial ro Lisa Simpson. She is the most clever and reasonable of the family."

"I feel that," I agree. Jarvis, after a few hours of warming up to me, was an excellent TV watching companion. "My favorite is probably Maggie, though. I have a soft spot for clever, badass babies."

Then, remembering my various adventures in diapers, I snicker.

"What is happening?" A voice breathes behind me, and I yelp, flinging my donut in surprise at Tony's face. Thankfully, I wasn't able to put any real strength behind it. It would fucking suck if the future Iron Man was killed by dounut of all things.

"Shit," Tony hisses, barely managing to dodge and I can't help but laugh because tonight has been wild. Abruptly, Tony freezes, turning towards me with mounting horror. "Please tell me everything from earlier this night was a drunken hallucination."

I cackle in his face. "Nope. You totally barfed on me and fainted."

"Oh my god. Please just try to kill me with another dounut." The man moans, head in hands.

I wheeze, utterly entertained.

"And you've just been, what, making friends with my A.I."

"He's pretty awseome," I tell him, handing the man a glass of water.

"Thank you, Miss Nova. I find your presence rather agreeable as well." The British voice intones plesantly.

Tony stares. "Did you… clean up my puke?"

I wince. "Yeah, well. No one else was here."

"And then you took care of me?" The disbelief in his aura made me pity him. I'd noticed it at the club before Tony even touched me, the anger, the hurt and sadness, that world weariness. It is dreadfully similar to Loki, actually.

Tony Stark, despite all appearances, did not have an easy or happy life.

Trully, it is a terrible thing to have to constantly worry about daggers aimed at your back. To not be able to trust human kindness, and never expect human decency. It made my heart ache.

"I needed to make sure you weee okay and talk to you. Eat." I had him some Pizza. We eat silently for a while. It's wary on his part, but I'm unconcerned.

"So.' He states abruptly. "I don't suppose I can convince you to pick up where we left off before I, ya know…"

I blink. "Oh. I had no intention of sleeping with you, to be honest."

"W-what? Seriously? Wait, why are you here? Not that I'm not grateful, of course, but I thought we were having a moment."

"You were way too drunk. You're still too drunk." I inform him sternly. "That would be taking advantage of you. If I was the drunk one, would you have-"

"No," he answers sharply, and I smile, feeling the sincerity.

"I believe you." I tell him sincerely.


I didn't have many people believing the best of me. Hell, I hardly had anyone who believed me capable of the bare minimum of decency let along the fucking best. Who the fuck did I bring home?

By the time I manage to stop my reeling mind, my unexpected nurse has already stepped out onto the balcony, the breeze tossing her hair as she shuts her eyes again, head tilted to the moon above. Against the backdrop of the starry sky and seashore, it's a lovely sight that has me following her into the night. When was the last time I took a second to savor this view?

"You never answered my question. Why?" I remind her, eyes narrowing. Now soberish, my mind was starting to pick up how fucking weird this all was. She isn't some psycho after my toes or something, right?

"I'm sorry. I didn't know how else to approach you. I came to warn you." she states bluntly, leaning against the railing, dark eyes focused, and it makes my blood chill in my veins. "Obadiah Stane. He is embezzling and backdealing, selling weapons to the enemy. You're all that stands in between him and owning all of Stark industries and he will try to change that very soon."

There is a moment of dead silence and then words are tumbling out of my mouth before I can even process them. "I don't believe you."

My stomach clenches as the genius part of my head starts analyzing every little interaction with Obie I can think of, discomfort spreading through me as certain things begin to make sense in this context of a potential betrayal by my godfather, but I shove it down. No, not Obie. He's the only one who's never talked down to me or thought less of me. He's been more of a father to me than Howard ever was. There is no way. Right?

Nova sighs softly, but rather than angry at my denial, she just looks tired. "I know. But, maybe your A.I. will find something. Maybe you'll be cautious. Maybe…" she trails off, eyes finding their way to the sky.

Then she's climbing up onto the railing, stretching her arms out and my stomach drops. Even if this woman was wrong or crazy or god knows what else, I definitely didn't want her to die. Panic flaring, I go rigid, arms outstretched. "What, what are you doing?! Hey, hey. L – let's talk about this, OK? We can talk about this!"

She tilts her head, looking confused before dark eyes light up in realization. "Oh. Oh! Shit, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you!"

"Just-just come down, okay? Let's just, we can talk about it. You don't need to do this" I plead carefully, inching towards her, arms outstretched. If I can grab her, I can pull her back onto the balcony. Crazy she might be, but she also seems ridiculously kind. Maybe I can help pay for her treatment because I'm starting to feel vaguely responsible for this whole mess. Did my puking on her trigger something? Oh god, oh god, ohgodohgodohgod-

To my surprise, she crouches, offering me her own hand, and I lunge, grabbing it and throwing all my body weight back in order to pull her onto the floor of the balcony.

But she doesn't even sway.

What the fuck? She's tiny and unbalanced. Why isn't she budging? Panic mounting, I yank on her again, socked feet scrabbling at the ground, but once more, she's unmovable. Through the confused, horrified haze, soft hands grasp mine delicately, and I glance up to meet warm, calm eyes. My stomach rebels again as I realize that nothing about them looks even slightly insane.

"Hey, hey. It's OK, it's OK. I'm not trying to hurt myself. Fuck." she murmurs, sounding regretful. Then gently, she locks eyes with me and I can't help the way my breath hitches in my chest as brown eyes suddenly turn silver, the pupils vanishing as they glow, and like cascading moonlight, her hair lightens as well."See? Everything's OK. I wasn't trying to hurt myself, I am just not human, and forgot how that would look to you."

Face slack, and ice blank, I nonetheless respond on autopilot as I take in the woman, cataloging everything I can think of about her and her potential abilities. What kind of an accent is that? It's not British- "Mutants are human."

That seems to startle a laugh out of her, something delighted as she shakes her head, dimples appearing once more, and even though I shouldn't, I feel my muscles start to relax. She had unknown abilities, and what I think is super strength, and she had come to me under false pretenses, but I couldn't imagine someone who smiles like that, who cleans up vomit for hungover strangers and worries about consent, being someone bad. If I were to think objectively, out of the three people who are my closest friends, Pepper, Happy, and Rhodey, I'd become friends with the latter two of the three because they had taken care of me when I was too drunk to defend myself, just like she had. That is a good sign, right? God, I need to stop meeting people like this- "You are right, Stark. But I am not a mutant."

With a flick of her fingers, a bracelet appears in her perm, and my mind whirls wondering about how that works with the law of conservation of matter. Moving slowly and checking for any sign of resistance, she clicks the thin silver band closed around my wrist. It was just a flat band of metal with a hinge about an inch thick, but I could see symbols (Runes?) carved into its oddly warm surface.

Immediately, I poke at it, wildly interested, but her amused voice calls me back. "I didn't really expect you to believe me, especially without proof. But, I was hoping that my attempt at warning you would at least make it easier for us to become friends later on. I'm hoping to gain a bit of trust, I suppose." She smiles ruefully, standing back onto her feet, and instinctively, I step closer to her again. Smiling down on me, silver strands tumbling forward, she continues. "Well. I can say I tried. If you are in danger, just open that bracelet while thinking hard about calling me. I'll come running."

I still have so many things I want to ask like why the hell she wants to help me at all, but all that comes out is "I still don't trust you."

"One day." She says, and then with a grin, she steps backwards, twisting mid air to fall head first towards the rocky waves below. I gasp, trying to comprehend what the fuck just happened, but before I can do more than take a shaky step, something silver rockets past the railing to hover above me.

There Nova stands midair, wings spread wide, colored in shades of white and gray. "Until next time." she laughs at my gaping, sputtering self as I try to figure out how the fuck she's flying with wings that aren't even flapping, and then she's blasting off, wind whistling as she weaves in and out of air currents.

Wheezing, I called out. "Jay, buddy? Did you see all that, too or have I finally just lost it?"

"Sir, you lost it a long time ago, but if you are referring to the winged flying lady who so generously informed you of potential betrayal, then yes, I did in fact see it."

Something begins to burn in my chest, something I haven't felt in a while. A desire to solve a particularly difficult puzzle, to invent, making my fingertips twitch. Turning on my heels I head towards my personal lab, grabbing a pizza box along the way. "Baby boy, I want you to show me all the footage we have of her. Search up the name Novahna, though I don't think you'll get anything. Hack the night club, the CCTV cams, anything on her and the man with her earlier tonight. I've got questions." I hesitate, wanting to forget her warning entirely, but if there was one thing Tony Stark wasn't, it was a fool. "And Jay? I want you to do a preliminary audit of Obie's accounts and communication. Just in case."


Raat_Ki_Rani Raat_Ki_Rani

Lol, Tony needs to stop finding his best friends like this. I had an actually meant to make it end up like this, but it fits so well with their characters. I think it’s hilarious and a bit sad that it is pretty much Cannon for how he met Rhodey and happy as well, though.

Did you like the characterization of drunk Tony? I think I did pretty well. He’s and interesting character my dudes.

Anyway, let me know if there’s someone from the Marvel universe you want to see show up in this and I’ll make it happen.

next chapter
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