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36% A Cromwell Rogue / Chapter 18: C17. Into The Wolves Den

Chapitre 18: C17. Into The Wolves Den

Nathalie's POV:


     Cheryl's voice woke me up. I sat up quickly as the moments of what happened last hit me. I had been knocked out from that werewolf's bite! I dug at the soreness affecting my neck. My nails itching away at the surrface.


     Cheryl's irritated voice made my head snap towards my apartment door. They must have brought me here afterwards. I could smell the remaining scent of Josephine in here... Along with the sweet aroma of the enemy. I pushed off the couch and to my surprise I noticed I was wearing a shirt big enough to be a night gown. It still had the purchase tag hanging on the sleeve. I pulled the tag off as I walked towards the door. I unlocked it as I came face to face with Cheryl's worried look.

     "If you're going to stay home and sleep all day can't you keep your daughter?" Cheryl's attitude stung my mind as she placed a hand on her hip. She could be sweet when she wanted to... But, I could tell she was annoyed right now. "I love babysitting Malaya. Don't get me wrong darling... But, she could have stayed home today with you! Especially if all you're going to do is sleep." She eyed me over with judgmental eyes. But, her expression soon turned into something else. Like she meant to immeidantly apologize for what she said. Cheryl was a retired vet. Her clinic is being run by her son. But, her granddaughter is an omega working directly under Alpha Camren. I think her name was Charlotte? Cheryl is human... Her son mated into the pack.

     As a safe assumption... Cheryl didn't know how I ended up here. I can forgive her for her attitude.

     I faked a smile as I took two steps in her direction. I placed a hand on the door handle to stablize myself. I can't... take this situation I'm in out on her. I bowed quickly. My body trembled in pain as I was still healing from the beat-down I took earlier. My head throbbed as I struggled not to show my condition to her.

     "I'm so sorry! I know this is last second... But, I'm going out of town and need you to watch Malaya for a few days."

     How the hell did she know I was home?

"What?" She asked and scoffed. "You never go out of town!"

"That's how important this trip is," I explained as I looked back up at her.

     "You look like a wreck," she told me. Her eyes seemed to be taking in something on my face. Her hands reached out and caressed my forehead. I flinched when she struck a nerve. I realized she had touched a bruise. "You should be going to the police station. Then maybe to a doctor," she said as she pushed her way into my apartment. I let her in and shut the door behind her. "Where are you going?" She asked as she crossed her arms. She could be very motherly when she wanted.

     Cheryl wasn't completely in the dark about werewolves. Her son tried explaining to her before. But, her old mind wasn't used to the new-ways of different species amongst humans. She chose to keep it far from her as possible. At least what she could control. When she was a child... werewolves were bedtime stories her parents read her to sleep. Werewolves became real within the last century. Before our uprising... we were just fiction. Having werewolves for grandchildren gave her some knowledge that made me trust her with watching Malaya.

     "By the time I get to a police station it will be healed," I explained to her. It was a reminder that I healed faster than her. "I have to go check on my friend. She went back to her family... But, I'm not sure it was a good idea."

     "What? That still doesn't explain what happened to you," she said. I grabbed a spare key from the kitchen island counter to give to her. She followed me there. "Who did that to you face?"

     "Someone that's taking my friend back to her family," I explained.

     "Good lord!" She gasped out as she pocketed the key. "Don't go! What if-"

     "If I was in her shoes I would want someone to come and rescue me. Like I said... I'm going. If she needs my help to leave I will bring her back." We went into my bedroom as I picked out something to wear from my closet and started to put it on. She avoided looking at me. I remembered the bite from last night. Curiosity brought me over to my stand up mirror where I took the nightgown off to expose my neck.

     Staring at my bruised neck made it sink in deeper. The light teen marking left behind was her teeth indentures. I was sure... after smelling the air. I knew it... That bitch marked me. I threw on my clothes as my head ran circles in my mind. Cheryl kept talking as if nothing just happened.

     "I wish you would ask your pack for help," she told me. "I don't think you should go alone."

     "If I don't then I won't stand a chance at seeing her again," I explained. "I can manuviar my way to her faster alone then with people that will give me away."

     Now I have to go no matter what. This bite mark is an agreement we have to meet again. She planted it on me for a reason. She wanted to secure a way to see me once more. Even if it results in rejection.

     "What do I tell Malaya?" She asked me.

     "Just tell her mommy will be back soon. Tell her I'm working overtime at the restaurant. Whatever you do, don't tell her the truth." I finished getting dressed and walked out to my livingroom. There on the couch... I saw my purse and grabbed it. Cheryl wobbled after me.

     "Never in my life would I pick doing something so crazy," she hissed out to me. "You know the risk you're taking!" She was begining to sound like a grandma to me. I sighed as I looked her in the eyes.

     "If you're that worried about me then call your grandaughter and tattle on me. She'll decide if she wants to inform Alpha Camren on Beta Ethan. They'll make a decision to follow up with me in Rabidcrest pack to make sure of my return."

     "I will!" She said furiously. "I'll call her first, Nathalie. I hope you're stopped at the border! Crossing into other territories is basic suicide!" She's so dramatic. I chuckled lightly. I can't believe she has no faith in me! I left her as I rushed down the stairs. Her disability prevented her from coming after me. She wasn't in bad shape as an old lady... But, she still walked with a cane. She didn't take the stairs without assistance.

     When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I realized my car was back at the restaurant. I'd have to walk back to my car and take it. I didn't want to run to Rabidcrest in wolf form. It would take too long to get there. At least I can leave the restaurant with a notice I will be gone for a few days. I could leave Marlowe in charge in my place. He was perfect for a substitute.

Matthew's POV:

     "Beta Matthew, the truck holding the prisoner is here. What should we do with him?" A pack mate asked. He looked about the same age as Zeke. He was an officer in training. I couldn't remember his name until I saw his nametag, Gabriel. I got up from my desk and picked up my phone to take with me.

     "Assist Zeke with placing him in a cell for holding," I ordered. I dialed my sister's number and watched Gabriel leave. I walked out into the hall myself.

     "Hello Matthew," April sighed out as she answered. "What is it this time?"

     "I thought I would tell you the package has arrived," I whispered into the phone. "Will you come down for a show?" She groaned lightly. "F-fine. But, we don't do anything until Josephine is back in the area."

"Not even a little bit of torturing?"

"You don't have to feed him," she suggested. "I'll be there in a few. I'm actually in town."

"Really? What are you doing besides remodeling your bedroom?" I asked in a teasing tone.

"Mother," she growled out in annoyance.

     I wanted to bust out laughing. I only snorted as I decided to hang up on her. At least mother wasn't here torturing me. I went out front to chase down whereever Gabriel went. I had to circle around back to find the van packed near the back door. They had yet to unload the rogue. Zeke waved as he spotted me coming. I smiled at him as I walked up to the rear of the van.

     "He's in there?" I asked.

     "Yes Beta! What should we do with him?"

     "We're just going to hold him in a cell until Luna April arrives." I looked towards Gabriel... as I wondered if I wanted to trade him out with someone stronger. But, Gabriel looked like he could hold his own grounds. He was a tough with a body built strong enough to take on a regular sized guy. He couldn't compare to guys like Zeke... But, I figured I could trust to have him with us. I hit the back door. "Alright... open up," I ordered Zeke. Gabriel handed me an extra taser he had on his belt. Zeke took a set of keys out of his pocket and used it to unlock the door. I watched as Gabriel took out a gun and aimed the doors down. I turned on the taser. Zeke nodded my way before opening the doors.

     We were ready for anything. Any attempt at escape. We expected him to try. What we didn't expect was him to be sitting at the back of the truck. His head tucked into his arms. He was breathing. Defintely aware of the situation he was in.

     "Zeke," I said as I nodded for him to go in and get him. Zeke stepped up into the van slowly. It was like approaching a tiger. He hunched over as he cautiously approached. "Cooperate and things will be a lot smoother," I said towards the rogue. I'll process his prints in the database and see who we're dealing with. Then ask him the basic questions. I don't expect him to tell the truth... But, its protocol.

     Zeke approached him and when he was in arms length I could hear him demand, "Show your hands." The rogue slowly moved his hands apart. He was fast when he decided to strike. He jumped Zeke in a matter of seconds. They fought until he was able to free the cuffs from Zeke and start to choke him by the chain. Gabriel's gun went off in one shot. The rogue fell over and let out a scream as the bullet got him in his stomach. Zeke was then able to kick away from the rogue. He took the handcuffs back and locked the rogue's wrists.

     Zeke kicked the rogue viciously for a few minutes after he got up. Endlessly kicking the breath out of the rogue and damaging his bullet wound even more. I could hear a few ribs break. But, the rogue showed no signs of trasforming. He took every kick as he let silent growls slip. He was tamer than I imagined for a rogue. I let Zeke continue to take his anger out on the rogue. Until he was too tired to continue. He pulled the rogue up to stand and shoved him outside the van. I moved quickly to get out of the way as the rogue face planted the ground. He spat up blood before sending me a sharp glare.

     "I just want to make one thing clear," he growled out.

     "What's that?" I asked in amusement.

     "I didn't kill your Alpha!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. "And, you will regret it if you don't let me go."

     I heard the clicking of heels approaching us and I glanced up to see my sister. She walked over to us from the building's back entrance. She crossed her arms as she looked us over.

     "Luna," Zeke said as he bowed his head submissively.

     "Luna," Gabriel would say quickly after and do the same.

     My sister only ignored them. Her eyes glaring the rogue down. She crossed her arms furiously. She straightened her back as she dug her sharp heels into the concrete sidewalk seperating us from her. We were still down on the pavement. She didn't speak until the rogue looked up at her.

     "You say you didn't kill my husband... But, you'll soon be confessing the complete oposite when they start tearing those pretty k-9s right out of your jaw!" April snapped as she looked directly into my eyes. "What are ya'll doing standing around? Get him in a cell before he runs away." I don't think he can run... Not after Zeke just kicked the shit out of him. I'll have to call a doctor to get that bullet out of his stomach. We want him alive for his interigation.

     I looked at Zeke and we both knelt down before grabbing the rogue's arms and picked him up by force. We started to drag him. Gabriel helped get the doors as we took the rogue inside. He was too weak to fight back. At least he was good to handle after taking a beating.

     "Gabriel, call a pack doctor to come get the bullet out of his wound. Also pay the doc to stay on stand by incase the interogation becomes to severe."

     "Yes sir," Gabriel said as he left us to get it done. My sister stopped following us suddenly as her phone went off. I looked over my shoulder curiously. I wanted to know who was bothering her this time.

     "Hold," I whispered to Zeke. We stopped walking as I listened into my sister's phone call.

     "I'm here," Vee's voice was clear from the other side of the phone. My sister's face went pale as she looked at me. "Where should I take her?" Vee's voice asked. My neice is back? April didn't look excited as she bit her bottom lip.

     "Take her... to the police station. I'm here... There's something we'd like to show her first." April hung up on Vee and looked me in the eyes. "She's back early," she said in surprise. She suddenly gestured me to keep going. "What are you two doing standing there?" She asked. I looked at Zeke before we started back up taking the prisioner to his cell. Gabriel came back to us when we reached the cell. He tossed a blue jump suite at the rogue.

     "Put that on," Gabriel ordered him. We stepped out of the cell before locking the rogue up alone in it. My sister pulled me aside so we could have a quiet conversation together in an empty cell.

     "We need to consider her still a conspirator. We better interogate her just to be sure," she suggested as she gave me a serious look.

      "Jossie?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. "I saw the damages in the kitchen the day it happened, sister. There's no way Jossie did that."

     "What if they were conspiring together?" She asked in a serious tone. "Do you really want to take that chance?"

     "I don't think its her we should be worried about," I assured her and pulled her into a hug. "You're over reacting. Jossie might have the looks of her father's side... But, she is nothing like a rogue. She's not even a shifter. All you should be worried about is getting the pack's heir arranged. We need to know if it will be Juliette or Edith." She nodded as we seperated from our hug.

"You're right brother... I might be overreacting."

"No... this time it might be good you are. I'll use a lie detector test on Jossie to easy your mind," I suggested."

     I sighed as I knew it was good for her to have her doubts. I'll make sure to do my job of interrogating and make sure Josephine had nothing to do with the death of Alpha William.

     It'll clear my sister's mind and that's the important thing. Besides... why would a rogue lie about who commited a crime with him? Or rather... what reason does he have to keep the information after being caught red-handed.

     If he's going to confess to the murder he might as well give out the names of his partners. Josephine won't be able to keep a lie under a dectector. She'll give herself away in an instant if she does.

next chapter
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