Zheng followed the colonel and the thousand troops into the base. Xuan had sent him message that he had come in contact with the commander of the base using the identity people from the future.
“People from the future… we came from 2077 through a time machine. This war between Transformers and humans lasted tens of years. Our technology advanced and so did the Transformer’s. The two parties came to a stand off. We are the special soldiers the government sent back in time.” Zheng said what they had planned.
The ten officers in front of him looked shocked. It was clear that they were hesitating and suspicious, yet also excited. One officer said. “The future government only sent the few of you? What result will it achieve? What technologies have you brought back? Weapons? Time machine?”
Another officer asked loudly. “Which country are you from? Why is there only one Russian and so many Asians?”
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