Zheng was connected to Lan’s scan the whole time monitoring the bugs’ movement, the hoppers, the other team’s location, and the rescue ships. The boarding finally came to order after Xuan ordered to kill almost a hundred people. Everyone walked calmly. There were a hundred troopers that came with each ship. They had never been in any actual combat so they were totally shocked when they saw the bloody suppression by Xuan’s group. The new troopers soon began following Xuan’s orders and helped defend against the cliffs.
The hoppers showing up were much more dangerous than the frontline. Humans needed more than ten times the numbers to fight the bugs in close combat. Many troopers fell back in defeat. They weren’t in the bronze age anymore. Combat without firearms was near impossible. Furthermore, Zero was the leader of the group. He wasn’t as familiar with military tactics. Once the troopers backed off, about a hundred hoppers climbed onto the top.
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