“The savage child returned! What is he trying to do now? He shouldn’t be trying to create some kind of heaven overflowing chaos, right?” Many people truly feared him. This fellow was full of energy, and only heaven knew what kind of things he was going to do.
Those great powers that were nearly flattened were feeling even more fearful. They were gnashing their teeth in anger after hearing about the devilish brat’s return, because who knew if they were going to be targeted. It was as if these people were facing a great enemy; their faces turned ugly as they nervously waited.
The little guy was completely unaware of this. After appearing, he seemed extremely familiar as he called out, waved his hand and patted the shoulders of random people.
“Why do you seem so familiar? I think I killed you before! You already recovered in just three months, truly not simple.” The devilish child was extremely friendly, giving people an unbearable feeling.
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