Wu Zhangkong said, “You’re still young and there are some things you needn’t know about just yet. As long as you remember my words, you’ll be fine. The Spirit Pagoda doesn’t think the same way you do. They possess so much power that even the Federation is afraid of them. Moreover, the Spirit Pagoda spans across to other continents too.”
Tang Wulin was stunned. Other continents? The Star Luo Continent and the Heaven Dou Continent?
“Teacher, have you ever been to the other two continents? Do you know what’s different about them?” Tang Wulin curiously asked.
Wu Zhangkong calmly answered, “There are many different kinds of places in this world, and you’ll know what they are like when you visit them in the future, but for now, you shouldn’t be thinking about that. Now tell me, what did you feel in the spirit ascension platform today?”
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