Players had all the right to spend every single second, fighting for merit points. But, wisdom sometimes trumps strength. Reviving on the spot would only give you 20% HP for a start. It’s not safe to roam around with such low health. The battlefield may look empty, but the place was filled with invisible Thieves lurking about, preying on the weak. Suffice to say, if you are newly revived, the first few seconds where you sit down to heal would be the most dangerous period. Since you can only revive yourself for a total of three times, the remaining players would be extremely cautious about their lives, while Thieves would have their eyes and ears wide open. Professional players had something else in mind, besides obtaining equipment, they wanted to get Titles. Those rewards can never be discarded after gaining levels, unlike that of an equipment. It would be something that you can wear on your name tag till kingdom comes! Plus, it’s cool!
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