In the cartoon, Devastator was one of the savage generals of Decepticons, and its iconic combination function was extremely strong!
Admittedly, to smack around a strong villain from a childhood cartoon was a very exhilarating moment! Zhang Yang was very excited, as this cartoon was a classic, over 60 years ago.
{Berserker's Heal}, {Shield Wall} and [Heart of the Death Knight]’s effect were activated in succession, and Zhang Yang drank the Grade 10 Transmutation potions like a jug of water, while also drinking a health potion. Then, he used {Rearm} to reactivate {Berserker's Heal} and {Shield Wall} once again. He vigorously bombarded Devastator’ HP down to less than 10%!
"No! D*mn it, earthling!" Devastator roared as its body pivoted, its left arm suddenly falling off and transforming into Long Haul, "I will crush you to pieces! I will!"
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