There is a song out there with lyrics that goes like this: “A woman’s heart is like a puzzle~”
Zhang Yang did not understand what was happening to him. Could it be? That he was reborn with the hidden attribute of a bastard?! Sun Xin Yu wanted him to be her boyfriend (well, technically, he did ask for it), Li Ru has this “I’ve been m*st*rb*t*ng to you for several years” kind of look on her! If he had not died and had his rebirth, he would have quickly hopped onto this train of pleasure and went off to sexville. However, this time, in his better sense of mind, he could not possibly accept things lying down like this -- literally!
The gods must be crazy! How could they just toy with his life! Zhang Yang had never wished to be the center of a huge harem! Why would the gods keep sending these minxes to compel him into committing such sins!
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