After waking up from a good night’s sleep, Zhang Yang logged into the game filled with energy and spirit. Opening his Friend List, he saw Fatty Han online and realized that he was only Level 15! So painfully low! Hundred Shots was online too, and he was only a level lower than Fatty Han!
Looking through the Level Ranking Board, Floating Fire Ball was at Level 19, while the other three were Level 18, except for Clear Color who was Level 17. Hundred Shots and Fatty Han’s levels were just too low!
Zhang Yang suddenly had an idea; I know an excellent place for a quick level up! He sent the party invitations to them, and Fatty Han accepted it immediately.
Even Hundred Shots accepted it. He has been maintaining good ties with Zhang Yang by chatting him up for the past few days.
“Guys, I found an amazing place to grind!” exclaimed Zhang Yang through the party channel. “Go, go, go!” Fatty Han shouted excitedly.
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