Wang Tong charged into the ball of blames and delivered a blow to Guan Dongyang, snuffing out the fire in the process. Wang Tong's attack struck home, as Guan Dongyang stumbled a few steps back before he finally collapsed to the ground.
Wang Tong calmly put out the fire on his arm. "Use your coup de grace. These little tricks are useless on me."
The desire to learn the arcane energy of the Mastery burned brightly in Wang Tong's eyes. He knew he was very close to unlocking the secrets.
Guan Dongyang swallowed the pain and managed to pull himself up. He marveled at the power of his opponent, as fear started to set in. Guan Dongyang knew that the power between casters of the Mastery was not that much different than any ordinary fighter of the same level. Despite the few tricks up their sleeves, the mastery casters were significantly weaker physically compared to their regular counterparts.
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