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16.66% Home World (Steven Universe AU) / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: The One in Pink

Chapitre 4: Chapter 4: The One in Pink


In which Blue becomes a bad girl.

The first thing Blue did was plant the sunflower at the zoo, sharing her little adventure with the other amethysts. She brought other Earth flowers too—like the plant she was named after, an orange, and an apple—which were delicious when she ate them. All these things were planted in the human zoo, which she wasn't disturbed by because the zoomans were genuinely happy where they were. Blue wasn't going to take that away from them. They liked her too and were happy when she brought them gifts after her visits to planets.

Blue hummed as she tapped away on the control room screen, making sure the kindergarten of her colony was running smoothly. High and low volume, short and long rhythm—she hummed the music she heard that night. It had been some Earth days since then, but it was the 24 hours she would never forget. She vaguely wondered if she could go back, but that thought was quickly dismissed as she resumed her work.

She spotted a pink dot representing the moon of the planet she was colonizing. For a brief moment, she was reminded of the human male in pink. Her heart skipped a beat, but she ignored it. Pearl glanced at her diamond, recognizing the signs her previous diamond had shown the last time she'd been to Earth. She snorted in amusement, then remembered what her elder diamond had once instructed her to do: "Be someone there for the child as you were for me." Pearl smiled at the memory before looking at the sundial. "It is mealtime, my diamond," she informed, startling Blue from her deep thoughts.

"Already?" Blue replied with a nod, and she got up to head to another room where her food awaited. Once she was done, it was time for play.

Sitting on a powder-blue cloud she had created, Bluebell played an ice-colored lyre harp. Blue definitely had powers from her mother, but as everyone had found out throughout the 14 years of her life, she had unique abilities—like these clouds that increased happiness within an individual. Many of her followers enjoyed her music and the happy clouds that formed as a result of her powers.

Pearl, floating on one of the clouds, got closer to Blue. She recognized that her diamond was playing the music she'd heard at the human party. "Yellow Diamond will take a while to return to Homeworld," she stated, confusing Blue.

An amethyst, who overheard and immediately understood, smirked and tried to "swim" toward them. "Yeah, and you seem to love that music we heard back on Earth," she added with a mischievous look. Blue blinked, not understanding at first, but then it clicked. She looked appalled by the implication.

"What?!" she whispered-yelled, dropping her lyre into her lap, her hands on her cheeks like 'The Scream' painting. "N-no, I couldn't possibly—"

"Blue, it's obvious you want to go back. Your 'mom' did it all the time, why can't you? I mean, you're half human, humans are from Earth, you know?" Amethyst reminded her, rolling onto her back.

"I think she's smitten by that human in pink," Pearl softly teased.

Blue's face turned red as Amethyst laughed. "Hahaha, the one who fell, haha!" Blue groaned, covering her face. "You two are so warped," she bemoaned, making them laugh even more.

Blue thought. They weren't wrong. She did want to go back, but she couldn't. She was a diamond. She had responsibilities—subjects to rule over, trials to judge (though that wasn't often), and even when it occurred, Yellow didn't really allow her to go, saying she was too young. But she was part of the Diamond Authority, with five conquered planets under her fleet. Of course, she could go, but that wasn't the point. Earth was… where humans lived, where her male parent came from, and where that human male was.

Her heart pounded at the thought of visiting again. Of seeing him. "How long until Yellow returns, do you think?" she shyly asked, giving in to temptation. Amethyst gave her a cheeky grin, and Pearl giggled.

"Seven Earth days," Pearl answered.

Blue thought for a moment, then took a breath. "24 hours, no more than that, and this will be my final time," she firmly declared.

Amethyst and Pearl exchanged a look that Blue was too busy staring at her lyre to notice. They smirked, knowing that, without a doubt, Blue would sneak out again.

"I can't believe I'm doing this, I must have cracked my diamond," Blue muttered, staring out the window from her perch on her control chair within her ship. Earth was growing nearer, and this time, only Pearl came with her—others had taken over her responsibilities on the colony while she rested. Since Blue was the only one who needed sleep—being the only organic one—her subjects continued to work while she rested. Hopefully, this wouldn't cause any issues.

Blue opened her mouth to protest, but Pearl cut her off, informing her that they had arrived. Sure enough, they were landing, with the kindergarten directly below them. Pearl had disguised herself as a human, wearing a jacket and obscuring her gem to prevent Blue from using it as an excuse to turn back. But judging by the excitement in Blue's eyes, she wasn't going to protest.

Blue put on the shoes and poncho, then stepped outside. The weather was just as cold as last time, but it wasn't enough to make Blue shiver. This time, their travels had taken them to a familiar place—the building Blue had wanted to return to, not far from the kindergarten. They used the train again, and the ride was quiet and uneventful, but the view was just as beautiful as before. Blue gasped after a while.

"Pearl, look! There it is," she announced before jumping off the still-moving train, floating gracefully onto the cold, wet grass. The air smelled misty, like Yellow's sauna. She strolled toward the building, with Pearl close behind. However, when they reached the door, the human who had been there before wasn't around. Blue peeked inside, finding it empty. But she wasn't discouraged; she entered anyway.

On the opposite side of the building was a stage, and behind it was a large hole. Blue climbed up to the edge and looked out, starstruck by the unexpected yet breathtaking view. A city in the distance, a statue she could barely make out, an ocean of pure blue, with the sun shining across its surface. She hadn't seen this before during her travels, but she was grateful for the chance to see it now.

"Pearl, come look," she urged, not taking her eyes off the scene.

"It is beautiful, my diamond," Pearl agreed, now standing next to her. They stood there for a while, taking in the view, when suddenly, music filled the air. Blue glanced around and spotted something on the ground. As she approached it, the music stopped, and a message appeared on the device, but she couldn't decipher it.

At that moment, Blue remembered that this human device was called a telephone, though she didn't know its purpose. "Do you know what the purpose of this… instrument is?" she asked, picking it up and showing it to Pearl.

Suddenly, the device vibrated and started playing music again. Blue yelped, startled, and dropped it, taking a step back. "It's you," someone said, coming from out of nowhere. Both Blue and Pearl looked up, and Blue's heart skipped a beat when she saw the human standing at the entrance. It was the one who had been on her mind for days, his cheeks slightly red—was it from the cold?

"You… are the one who fell," Blue observed, stepping back slightly as he walked closer to the stage.

He gave an awkward smile. "Yeah, it wasn't my night. Oh," he spotted the device on the floor, "neat, you found it." He climbed onto the stage, and Blue kept her ground.

Blue was about to speak, but he beat her to it. "I'm Steven, by the way. Steven Universe," he introduced himself hastily, smiling at her after picking up the device.

Oh, stars. It was an astonishing smile.

"I'm Bluebell, and this is my friend… Pearl," Blue replied, glancing away, blushing. Then she looked back at Steven. "Are you from around here?"

Steven put the device in his pocket. "We're travelers," Blue answered, tucking some hair behind her ear.

"Really? That's awesome! I can give you a tour of Beach City if you want," Steven offered enthusiastically.

Blue's eyes widened in surprise at his kind offer. Just as quickly, a bright smile appeared on her face. "That would be delightful," she said, excitement evident in her tone as she clasped her hands together.

Steven beamed, hopping down from the stage. He held out his hand to her, and Blue shyly took it. He helped her down, followed by Pearl, who had already jumped down. Steven led them to a ship on wheels. It was a pleasant experience. Blue was confused by the controls, but she didn't ask, as Steven demonstrated how it worked. The vehicle played music, different from the last human music experience but just as pleasant. It was calming.

"How old are you? I-I mean, if you don't mind me asking," Steven said, catching himself. That probably seemed invasive to someone he had just met, and he felt a little small.

Blue thought for a moment about Earth years, as Tanzanite had taught her. "Fourteen," she answered.

"Cool! I remember being 14 when I started traveling too, neat," Steven responded, smiling.

"Oh, cool. So, how long do you plan to stay?" he asked, pulling into a parking lot.

"Until the end of the day," Pearl answered.

"Aw, really? Well, I guess I better make this your best tour ever," Steven said, looking slightly disappointed but still positive as he parked the vehicle.

"It is mealtime, m-Blue," Pearl announced, making Steven look confused.

"Understood," Blue replied, stepping out.

"You're hungry? That's great! I know the perfect place," Steven said, leading them toward a large sign that read "THE BIG DONUT." He had initially come here to grab a small treat and was planning to ask if Blue and Pearl wanted anything, but the timing seemed perfect.

"Ever had a donut?" he asked, beaming at Blue.

Blue shook her head, and Steven's jaw dropped. "What? That's terrible! Come on, you're in for a big surprise," he said excitedly. He ran around the donut shop, taking her hand and leading her inside. After talking to a male human behind the counter, Steven ordered two donuts—one for himself and one for Blue. Pearl had declined when asked, so he just got two and they left the building.

Blue looked at her donut with curiosity as they walked past the ship. She watched Steven take a bite and, feeling encouraged, she did the same. An explosion of flavor that was entirely new to her burst on her tongue. It was absolutely delicious. "Oh stars, this tastes so divine," she blurted out, before taking an even bigger bite and humming in pleasure. Steven laughed.

"Told you," he grinned, and they continued eating their donuts as they walked along the boardwalk. After finishing, Steven helped Blue open a can of apple juice, something she had never tried before. She took a sip, her eyes widening at the new sensation.

"Is this your first time traveling? You don't seem to know a lot of things," Steven asked, raising a brow.

"Many things here, I have never seen or eaten before," Blue replied honestly. It was true—she had never gotten the chance to explore Beach City, and Steven seemed more than happy to show her around.

They made their way to an arcade, a place of entertainment that was perfect for Blue's playtime. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as Steven guided her in. He couldn't help but notice how beautiful her eyes were. He led her to a skeeball game and demonstrated how to play, then it was her turn. Blue threw the ball, but it bounced off and crashed into another game, destroying it. Steven tensed up before quickly announcing, "New game!" and dragging her away.

Pearl had become absorbed in a game of Tetris, and Blue laughed at her friend's tenacity. Meanwhile, Steven showed her another game, but as he demonstrated, something caught Blue's eye. She walked away with a soft exclamation. "Oh stars," she uttered in awe as she spotted a pink whale plush toy.

Steven looked over her shoulder and smiled, "The pink one?"

Blue nodded shyly, and Steven happily inserted a coin into the claw game, expertly winning the toy for her.

"For you, madam," he said with a playful look, holding out the strawberry-scented plush toy.

Blue didn't quite understand what he meant, but she was thrilled by the gift and took it, thanking him. "Oh, you should have one too," she suggested, then tried her hand at the game. After a few tries, she won a blue whale, identical to hers but with a cotton candy scent. It was the first game she had won, and she presented the toy to Steven, who accepted it with a happy smile.

They played for much longer than her usual playtime, but it was so much fun. Steven could have watched her all day, adoring the light in her eyes whenever they shone with excitement. The way she looked at everything in awe made him feel like he was experiencing the world anew. For a moment, he even wondered if this could be considered a date. But just as quickly, he realized how silly that was. They had only just met, and she was leaving at the end of the day. He briefly considered asking for her number but then remembered that she had asked him what a telephone was, which meant she likely didn't have a cell phone.

As they walked down the boardwalk, Blue glanced up at Steven, then deliberately looked away, hugging her plush toy with a small smile. Steven couldn't help but glance at her as well. Maybe he could give her his address and they could write to each other? But then, he realized that if she traveled, she didn't have a permanent place to write to.

"So, how long have you been traveling and from where?" Steven asked, trying to make conversation.

Blue thought about this carefully. She had traveled across multiple star systems, but she didn't think it was wise to tell a human that. "It's not on any map you've seen, but that day at the… party was my first time coming here," she said carefully, choosing her words.

"Oh? So how do you like Beach City so far?" Steven asked with hope in his tone, wondering if there was a chance she might come back one day.

Blue's smile was bittersweet. "It brings me joy. I'm ashamed I won't be able to return after today. My elder would not allow it. 24 hours had been our agreement for my departure," she explained.

Steven looked heartbroken. "Strict parents?" he asked, trying to relate.

Blue paused, thinking about the word "parents." Was it synonymous with "creator"? Like mother and father? "My… creators perished long ago, although there is a system to abide by where I am from," she said softly.

Steven gasped, covering his mouth, feeling stupid and insensitive. "Oh my god, I'm sorry."

Blue gave him a confused look. Pearl whispered in her ear, explaining what humans typically said after hearing such news. Her mother had taught her these phrases long ago. "Tragic, yes, but can't really miss someone you've never met," she said quietly. It was the truth—she had never met the original Blue Diamond, so she couldn't feel anything for her. All she had were the stories, the legacy left behind. But Blue never appreciated being viewed as a replacement for the much older gems. Sometimes, she wondered if Yellow saw her that way too.

Suddenly, they heard music, and both turned toward the sound. Blue recognized the musician from that day. "Oh, I remember that music," she smiled.

"That's Sour Cream," Steven said, taking her hand. "Come on, I have an idea." He led her to the sand where the other boy was playing.

"Hey, Sour Cream, do you mind playing us something?" Steven asked.

The older boy gave him a thumbs up and began playing a tune. Blue smiled and started swaying her hips slowly to the rhythm. But what really made her stop was when Steven began to sing. The moment his voice filled the air, she felt so light and happy, like nothing else in the world mattered except the music and the moment they shared.

As Blue twirls and sings her verse, the air feels electric with their shared moment. The song, the dance, and the harmony between them create something magical—something neither of them expected but both treasured deeply. Steven is caught in awe, lost in the beauty of the moment. He watches Blue with a smile, noticing how free she feels when she sings and dances. Her joy is contagious, and even Pearl, ever the observer, can't help but join in with her delicate ballet steps.

Sour Cream watches too, a knowing grin on his face. He's not sure when Steven found someone like Blue, but it's clear there's a special connection. The song ends, and Blue's smile is bittersweet, an unspoken understanding passing between them. They both know that the day is coming to an end.

When they share their final meal, the mood shifts to something more somber. Steven looks at Blue with sadness in his eyes. "Do you really have to go after this? I didn't even get to show you Fun Land yet." It's a weak excuse, and he knows it, but he can't help how much he wants her to stay. Blue finishes her slice of pizza, shaking her head. "One day." Pearl's words, though unexpected, bring a moment of hope to the conversation. Blue blushes, unable to deny the possibility, but her voice falters as she continues. "In a year, perhaps. I'm not sure." It's a fragile hope, one she'll hold on to even though she knows the reality of it.

Steven's heart sinks at her words, but he tries to stay positive. "I guess it can't be helped." He watches her rise from the table, her serene smile a bittersweet farewell. "Thank you for everything, Steven. I truly did enjoy myself. Goodbye." Her words hang in the air, and Steven stands motionless, helplessly watching her leave. He whispers, "Goodbye," but as she walks out, he feels an unexpected rush of emotion. His eyes sting, and he realizes just how much he's going to miss her.

Despite the fleeting nature of their time together, Blue's presence has left an imprint on Steven's heart, one that he won't easily forget. The tears come unbidden, a silent acknowledgment of how deeply he's been affected by this brief, unforgettable encounter.

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