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85.86% poke fanfic fun to read / Chapter 79: 6-10

Chapitre 79: 6-10

CH 5 Return to Briney Cabin, Dewford Town

Roxanne's POV

The battle against Solaire was more than I expected out of a novice trainer, he manage to beat Rockruff speed with his Ralts with some difficulty which is more than most can say. Since most trainer expect rock type to be slow with few exceptions. His use of its natural ability to paralyze Nosepass was a genius idea it was more in line with a trainer at the advance level.

His Aron was faster than I thought it would be as well as stronger than the usual level. Either it was well trained or had the hidden ability Heavy Metal or possibly both. He use an attack that normally used to slow other Pokémon as well as deal damage as a mean to defend itself.

What really surprised me was his idea of use Magnet Rise for more than it original use. It was ingenious and I hope that he can prove it to be viable. It certainly would help with some of my slower Pokémon that can learn Magnet Rise.

Before long I had Compass my Probopass who was my starter during my journey help tutor Solaire's Aron on the move. It managed to learn it at a basic level and would need further training for it to reach the level what he imagined for it.

It was near noon before I had to head back to the Gym he had a Pokenav so we exchanged numbers so we can stay in contact should he ever need advice on Rock type and moves. He would be a trainer to watch out for.

Solaire's POV

It was around noon when Roxanne need to head back to her Gym, while it was nice of her to help she had a busy schedule already. She told me a bit about Gym Leader, what most don't know is that the Pokémons they use for Gym Battles aren't their main team. They are usually have weaker Pokémon to use on weaker trainer or are offspring of their main battlers that varies on the amount of badge the challenger has.

The only glaring exception would be Norman's and Juan's team. Norman who only use an advance leveled team and his main battler because of his requirement and elite level challenger. As for Juan he uses an Elite level team that has only one of his main battler.

The Gym Leader also have other responsibility like patrolling their city and its surrounding zones, training their gym's trainers, and during emergency act as a Hero unit from those strategy games as rally point or as a powerful trooper on their own.

She also mention that the Elite Fours and the Champion are different starred Generals with the Champion as the Head obviously. As well as one man army to settle difficult situations.

All this was fascinating I always thought that Gym Leader were holding back and this only confirmed it now. This also settle one point don't mess with them unless you got the strength to fight on even term with them.

That made me want to one day fight them with their main battler. But also brought up one nagging suspicion. If this was true did Brock and Misty even leave their Gyms to follow Ash? If so they probably got in trouble unless they manage to get a suitable replacement during that time.

Either way I won't truly know unless I meet them myself. 'Maybe I should check the net on previous Indigo and Silver Conference competitor to see if Ash even real here. I could also check about the movies events as well because I noticed that with each one get more and more dangerous. Especially Sinnoh with the Creation Trio and Arceus itself…'

With a shudder I set myself to looking up the events and found out that a storm around New Island that was building up suddenly dissipated; the Shamouti Archipelago was experiencing freak blizzard, thunderstorms, and heat waves that spread out to Kanto; a mansion in Greenfield was cover in crystals and Entei was spotted nearby.

'Those were just what was noticed by the media, but I have no doubt that the event of 4ever and Heroes happened as well even if nothing was noticed.'

With all that happens so far I was suddenly worried 'Was this what Arceus wanted me to help out with? I need to get stronger fast because since could go from bad to worse so easily. Legendary or not you don't mess with the natural equivalent of gods and expect to get out without a scratch.'

I sighed and decide to get a move on to Dewford Town since Briney would arrive in possibly 5-6 days if nothing delayed him. With that I checked out and left the Center and began backtracking to Route 104 that Briney's Cabin is located at.

It took 3 day with a few pit stop to rest and train for a few hours to reach the cabin. Saphira was bigger than her initial 0.4m which was now 0.6m and her armor was thicker with some smaller spiker forming after the first one. But she was able to get better at Magnet Rise enough to help her avoid ground type move and with her mobility in a single yet short hop in a direction. She also managed to learn Roar and Rockslide during our trip.

Her Roar was able to scare away weaker wild Pokémons from challenging us but it didn't deter those with the strength to fight her. In a way that was a nice bonus it help both Saphira and Hestia get stronger faster.

Hestia was taller than before where she used to be nearly 0.4 meter she now reached 0.7 meter. She also managed to learn Lucky Chant and Heal Pulse as well. During a few trainer battle I noticed that what people hear for Lucky Chant was different for each individuals but in the end the move only affect the user. The way I discovered this was just an innocent question to an older Trainer only to have her blush and stammer.

Confused she left in a hurry the few time I face other trainers I asked and most heard their favorite music. I hear the song 'Silver for Monster' a few time as well as a few other songs I liked. Heal Pulse was a great boon in helping Saphira, Hestia and I recover from most minor injury with no complications.

But I never pushed her since she could probably heal worse injury partially but I never seen or been hurt that badly to try. It is an interesting move a ball of pink psychic power is launched from between the user hand flies to the targeted zone and heal anything abnormal that doesn't include status effect like confusion, frozen, paralysis, burn above 1st degree, and sleep. It also doesn't seem to restore the target stamina.

As we reached Briney cabin as the sun was setting we noticed that he still hasn't arrived yet and began to set up camp and soon after a small dinner we went to sleep.

We woke up the next day and found that Briney had yet to arrive so we busied ourselves with training. Now that we don't have to watch out for wild Pokémons attacking at random moments I began training alongside them to increase my stamina. I usually did a few 50m relay from camp to a tree if there was sufficient space otherwise I did basic workout of push up, sit up, side crunches, squats, and jumping jacks to warm up before the relays.

We stop training around noon as I began to make lunch for us I noticed a small object on the horizon heading toward us from the sea. When we finished eating I found out that it was a ship as it got nearer. When it stopped at the port an old man and a Wingull got off the ship.

He noticed us and called out "Ahoy there lad if you want to hire my ship service come inside the cabin and we can talk."

We followed after him when I finished packing up the camp I made opposite to the cabin. When we went inside I notice that it didn't have much in the way of decorations and the old man was sitting on a rocking chair.

"Hello there lad welcome to my cabin I am Captain Briney and this is Peeko" He pointed at his Wingull "Now is there anything you need? I usually don't get much passenger but I like to sail the sea often and don't mind ferrying other that don't have Pokémons that can cross such distance easily."

"Hello Captain, I'm Solaire Eversteel. I would like to hire your service to get to Dewford Town and to inquire about your ability to reach Slateport City."

At that he gave a small nod "Well then to reach Dewford it will cost 500 pokes to cover the trip to it and as for Slateport I'm afraid I cannot help you. You see the sea to Slateport is much rougher and my ship is a well maintained but old one. If I had a newer ship I could help you there but sadly in my old age that would be rather pointless.

But you don't have to worry there is a ferry that can take you there every weekend since their ship is larger as well as faster."

When he finished explaining I thanked him and inquired about when we should leave. "We will set sail in 3 hours since I will wait on the chance that more would like to join."

With that he asked me to help him out with offloading some smaller crate off his ship and some from a small storage garage to the ship. With Hestia help we managed to finish a lot faster than expected at the end of the third hour only one other asked for his service.

He was another trainer heading to Dewford to challenge Brawley before continuing on his journey. He didn't like to talk much so I just busied myself reading some of the books I bought at Petalburg City.

Before long we set sail. Briney gave both of us instruction on releasing Pokémon on his ship, he said that they can only be released when we stopped at noon and night during the following days. I asked if his ship was tough enough to handle a heavy Pokémon like Saphira who ability doubles her weight from an average Aron.

He told me that his ship could but to not let her walk near the edges of the ship since she could tilt us to one side.

It was 7 days. Seven mind-numbingly boring days until we reached Dewford Town at noon while it was a new experience to sail the sea for me it got boring pretty fast after the first two days. My only saving grace was that I brought some books with me. Hoenn got a particularly colorful history to say the least.

Among the region I know of it was the 3rd to get an official Pokémon League just after Kanto and Johto. The reason why was that it never really had experienced war on the scale that most other region had. With Sir Aaron sacrifice in Kanto, the Burning of the Bell Tower in Ecruteak and the rage of Ho-Oh, the Mysterious Aura Guardian of Mt. Coronet, and the Two King of Unova they all managed to end the war on most regions.

Hoenn had small skirmish here and there but overall was a pretty peaceful region and it didn't get the idea of starting their League until Kanto and Johto did.

When we arrived at Dewford it looked like a small port town with a few harbor for the ships that comes and go. I noticed that the Gym was near the center of the town and had a Pokémon Center right next to it. As we got off I helped Briney offload some crate which he told me on the way was trade material that he and a friend help deliver to the town every so often.

I went to the Center to book a room and to get my Pokémon a checkup. While we were on the sea I notice that Hestia was getting closer to evolution and Saphira was getting there but still need more time. As she worked I asked a few of the other trainer about Granite Cave.

Before long Nurse Joy brought them back to me and gave me some advice about Granite Cave as well. "Now before you head toward Granite Cave you need to know a few thing. Firstly it has no natural light so it is best that you get a lamp or flashlight to help you see in the cave. You can ask one of the tutors that reside at the edge of the town he teaches anyone Pokémons that can learn the move Flash. Secondly there a horde of the Aron evolution line near the lower area please do not disturb them as they can cause serious damage to their surrounding when enraged.

Lastly if you find anything off note please like evolutions stone or held item you can sell them at the market place."

Since it was nearing evening I went to resupply quickly to prepare for tomorrow. Then I went to the tutor location he just gave me a reusable Flash TM and said it was easier than personally teaching Pokémons since the league tend to supply him with the TM.

When I finished using it on Hestia it was night time and I went to the room I booked. I release my companions and told them our plan for the week was to find some new friends to join us on our journey and train at Granite Cave to help prepare for the fight at Brawley's Gym since I remember that it was mostly dark inside until you reached him.

Saphira gave a chirp of excitement when I mentioned new friends, and Hestia sent me a wave of agreement before a flash of light came from her. Blinking away the dot of my vision I noticed her give me a small grin.

"Well I guess that answer the question I was about to ask you. Now can you adjust the amount of light given easily?" She gave a small nod and began to glow softly enough that she lit the room with a warm pink color. After that show of control we went to sleep.

CH6: Granite Cave Part 1

It was early in the morning when I left the Center I checked out of the room because I planned on reaching the mural that was said to contain drawings of the past. Finding the entrances of Granite Cave was easy all I had to do was follow the beach and viola.

As I walked there I saw a warning sign saying that visitor to the beach need to exercise caution since a wild Pokémon was causing trouble recently near the sands. With my foggy memory of event in the anime I couldn't remember what it was because the game had nothing like this.

It could be one of those sand castle like Pokémon that I read about on the trip here but those primarily inhabit the Alola Region. Another guess would be one ttof the crustacean Pokémon Krabby or Corphish. I don't remember where Ash caught his but he probably caught it here.

Before long I managed to find the entrance and called Hestia and Saphira out "Hey you two we are about to enter Granite Cave now. Hestia you will use Flash to provide light while inside the cave when you get tire let me know so I can take out the lantern while you rest. Saphira you will be our fighter here since most Pokémon will be rock type with a few exceptions."

As we began exploring the first level of the cave I notice that the cave is much larger and would take time exploring it fully. Saphira digging a few hole in the wall in search for something with no luck. In a matter of hours we managed to find our first wild Pokémon it was an Abra who looked like it was searching for something.

As we got closer it turn around and let loose a psychic blast at Hestia who promptly teleported away for the blast.

"Hey what the big idea we were just exploring!" The Abra began to let loose another blast when I ordered "Hestia, dodge then use Disarming Voice follow by Confusion blast!"

As she avoided the Abra attack she retaliated with her own. Her Disarming Voice managed to hit it even after it teleported away to avoid it and after the first hit her own blasts landed as well. It staggered as the attack hit and then a series of ball began floating around it like a hula hoop and then began concentrating in front of it.

When it unleashed the attack it was fast enough that Hestia couldn't dodge it and she let out a cry of pain. "Hestia are you okay?" With a small wave of reassurance she stood back up.

I was confused I didn't know what the attack was and it managed to hurt Hestia enough that she cried out with meant it was either a bug or steel type move.

But Abra don't tend to learn either of those unless it was lucky Hidden Power typing which it could learn. At this I called out "Hestia it probably has a Hidden Power that super effective against you. Don't let it hit again so use Double Team follow by Magical Leaf like we did at Roxanne."

The Abra was soon surrounded by copies of Hestia unleashing a storm of Magical Leaf at it. After a few second the attack died off and revealed an Abra who was still stand. Before I could do anything else it fled with a teleport. Hestia and I stood wary of further attacks

'That was unusual Abra tend to flee first, attack never. Hestia's Flash must have awoken it and put it in a bad mood. Either…'

My thought was interrupted when Hestia began to glow white. When I looked toward her I notice that it was the light of a Pokémon undergoing evolution. It was fascinating to watch the process personally, it was like seeing a slideshow fast forwarding until it finish with an explosion of light.

When the light faded Saphira began letting out a hum of congratulation "Hestia you evolved into a Kirlia! Congratulation! Come closer so we can see you better."

As she did so I noticed that she was a bit bigger than before her evolution. Her horns which was at the center of her head was on the side of her head. Her dress looked like a ballerina tutu. Her legs was now longer and could allow her to move better. I then pointed my Pokedex at her to get a bit more info on her species.

Kirlia the Emotion Pokémon. It is said that a Kirlia that is exposed to the positive emotions of its Trainer grows beautiful. This Pokémon controls psychokinetic powers with its highly developed brain.

This specimen is female and has the ability Trace and Synchronize.

Hestia horns then glow when it did it showed me an image of me patting her head when she was a Ralts. Getting her message I began to do so "This is great Hestia. Now let me see the area were that Abra attack hit you so there is no complications."

I didn't see anything out of the ordinary and then we began exploring where the Abra was sleeping at. When we reached it I noticed that it had a few different kinds of stones around it most were just regular rock when two of them caught my attention.

One was a white stone with a rainbow helix inside of it and a purple stone with a center so black I couldn't see through it. 'That helix look a lot like either a key stone or a mega I am not sure but perhaps I can fashion it on a necklace. The other one was a Dusk Stone I read about them they usually form inside cave where dark type Pokémon are said to live in concentrations. I wonder if that means there are more Sableyes around here than I thought…'

With both stone stored securely inside my backpack my companion and I began to explore the floor even further. When I check my Pokenav a few hours later for the time I noticed that it was getting close to evening so I let Hestia and Saphira eat a simple dinner with me. Before we took turn with my Pokenav setting a time limit as we watching out for the others as they sleep.

The next day we went deeper into the cave we noticed that it got harder to walk as the floor was bumpier than the first one. We had to walk slower than before or risk hurting ourselves. We began to notice that there are more Pokémon on this floor than the previous one.

On more than one occasion they just watched as we walked pass them. Hestia began to get used to her new form and made a small discovery with her ability to Teleport. She can use take other for a ride a short distance, I imagined that with further practice she can take us further.

When I asked if she could only teleport to places she has been too she gave me a small nod. On the bright side of thing that means when we get to the mural we can quickly leave instead of hiking up the cave again.

Before long we were challenged by a Mawile. It looked like it wanted to fight Saphira who stepped up to the challenge. I took out my Pokedex and pointed it at the Mawile.

Mawile the Deceiver Pokémon. Mawile's huge jaw are actually steel horns that have been transformed. It docile-looking face serve to lull its foe into letting down it guard. When the foe least expects it, Mawile chomps down with its gaping jaws.

"Alright Saphira this battle will determine whether or not we will get a new companion so let start off with an Iron Head" She gave out a metallic hum and charge the Mawile.

To which it avoided the charge and gave her an Iron Head of it owns. When the attack hit Saphira she let out a grunt then retaliated with Mud Slap. It hit the Mawile in the face blinding it.

"Good job now use Mud Slap once more followed by a Screech then Iron Head" The Mud Slap hit the Mawile whose horn was bite the air wildly around Saphira then it was subjected to a point blank Screech.

It forced the Mawile to cover it ears before receiving an Iron Head to it body. The Mawile managed to stand up quickly and finally remove the muds from it eyes. It then brought around it horn and a black outline marked it tooth and charged Saphira.

"Saphira use Magnet Rise to dodge to the side then use Rock Tomb to trap it." As she did so the Mawile manage to bite one of Saphira hind leg. 'Damn she wasn't fast enough to avoid that Bite attack.' Saphira let out a dull roar and attacked viciously with Metal Claw. 'That Bite shouldn't have don't that much damage perhaps it stronger than it looks? I have to end the battle quickly or Saphira will be in worse shape after this.'

Saphira was limping a bit from the attack to her leg "Saphira time to end this let get this Mawile with First Victory!"

The Mawile got close and before getting Saphira between her horn jaws got a full blast of Screech again before it could recover Saphira used Heavy Slam and began attacking with Metal Claws.

After a few hits she was pushed off the Mawile was tired and I then primed an empty Pokeball and threw it. The Mawile eye grew as it noticed the ball too late to send it back. It hit her horn and was soon sucked inside of it.

The ball was shaking for nearly a full minute before it stop and click in a successful capture. I went and quickly picked it up before checking on Saphira.

Hestia was already using Heal Pulse on her I notice that the Mawile managed to crack Saphira armor enough to cause her pain. While Hestia was healing the damage to Saphira muscle I knew that Saphira won't be fighting for a few days to restore her armor on her legs.

I began searching for some iron scrap I bought at Rustboro and then place it in front of Saphira "Here Saphira eat this to help you restore your armor back to its previous level you won't be fighting soon until you do." Saphira gave me a graceful chirp before chowing down on the scraps. I checked the ball that contains Mawile to see what its gender as well as it moves.

This Mawile specimen is male. It holds the abilities Hyper Cutter and Intimidate. It know the current moves: Play Rough, Iron Head, Bite and Fairy Wind.

"Now Hestia we got to let the Mawile out to let it know the situation before we heal it so be on your guard in case it decide to attack again." As I let it out the Mawile took a look around before it saw me.

"Hello there Mawile. I am Solaire Eversteel your new trainer and right now you have a choice you can come with me and become stronger than you ever imagine or we part ways after we heal you." The Mawile looked at me then Hestia and when he saw Saphira eating he gave her a look of approval and then nodded and pointed at me.

"That great! Welcome to the crew and now just a small question before Hestia starts patching you up. Would you like a nickname?"

At my question it tilted it head for a moment and then gave another nod of acceptance. Hestia began healing it as we went through a few name like Oberon, Paradox, and a few others before he settled on the name Choppers.

Choppers was quite eager to make friend with both Saphira and Hestia after a short while he is quite friendly and didn't hold a grudge from when Saphira beat him. Which was good since I really don't want to deal with Pokémons that don't get along with each other. I really don't know what I will do yet in such case.

'Choppers was a pretty decent battler and even though he had more move he only used what was effective since with Saphira typing limited him to just two move. But he need a bit more diversity I will have Saphira teach him Magnet Rise and use the Rock Tomb TM'

With the plan set I had check the time and it was an hour until noon so I went to my companion and told them it was time to move on. I recalled Saphira to prevent her armor from bothering her. 'I know Pokeball allow the Pokémon to heal at a normal but I still need to be cautious.'

When it was noon I set a small camp and release Saphira. "Now Saphira I want you to help Choppers learn Magnet Rise enough so that he use it as much as you could when you first learn it alright?" When Choppers heard his name he walked to us and I told it the plan for him to learn two move one from Saphira and the other from a TM.

So I first recalled him and took out the TM Case it had a storage area for the discs and an area to place the Pokeball of the Pokémon you want to learn the move. As I place Choppers ball there and selected Rock Tomb his ball glowed an earthly brown.

I let him out and told him to use Rock Tomb a distance away and to use all his current moves on it. His move are all strong enough to compete with my other Pokémons. With his current move set I let Saphira start tutoring Choppers.

It took a few hours until he managed to lift himself off the ground. With that I had them rest for the night since it was near evening and tomorrow was the final floor of this cave. 'After this cave I will need to train for a few days before I challenge Brawley. The only one of my current team that can fight Brawley is Hestia and possibly Choppers if he get better.' With that final thought I went to sleep before it was my watch.

The next morning we went to the final floor and start the last leg of our exploration. We managed to cut down on the time to find the mural since Choppers knew where it was. As he was leading us toward the mural we noticed that the ground was trembling every so often.

It was disconcerting since I really don't want to be inside a cave during a quake. It doesn't help that Hestia and Choppers were both looking at the ground as well.

The ground in front of us began to swell a bit before bursting and reveals an Onix roaring at us it roar was loud and shook the cave enough to make me worry about a cave in. Although I knew what it was I pointed my Pokedex to register it.

Onix the Rock Snake Pokémon. Onix has a magnet in its brain. It acts as a compass so that this Pokémon does not lose direction while it is tunneling. As it grows older, its body becomes increasingly rounder and smoother.

With that I called "Hestia battletime! Start off with Magical Leaf" With her horns glowing several leaves began flying toward the Onix.

The Onix charged recklessly against the attack surprise both of us and landing a Slam on Hestia.

"Hestia!" I cried with worry. She recovered from the hit easily but was now wary of staying in one place in case it happened again. "Good now use Double Team to confuse it and use a mix of your Confusion blast and Magical Leaf."

Hestia surrounded the Onix and began launching her attacks at it. The Onix roared in pain as the attacks hits it ignoring its physical defense. It then coiled into itself as I saw this I called "Hestia Teleport away from it!"

It was a close call since she managed to get away before it swung it tail around it. It roar then a blue flame shot from its mouth trying to burn Hestia with it.

Hestia teleported away from the attack and retaliates with a Disarming Voice then Magical Leaf the Onix was then peppered with even more attack causing it to roar and charge in recklessly once more.

Hestia used a Confusion blast to its face before teleporting away again. That last blast hurts it more than the previous attack it endured it decided to dig into the ground.

I don't know if it decided to escape or will attack again. But it didn't make us wait too long as the ground beneath Hestia swelled. "Hestia get away from there!" I called frantically as its attacked hit her sending her toward the ceiling before winding itself around her.

It started squeezing her harshly "Hestia us Confusion to weaken its grip before teleporting away!" Hestia horns glowed brightly before Onix body near her began to gain a pinkish blue outline forcing it away for her.

It took a short moment before she managed to weaken its grip enough to teleport away. "Hestia are you okay?" She tiredly look at me before turning back to the Onix "I see we need to finish this fast use Magical Leaf one more time."

As several rainbow leaves began to appear around her she sent them flying toward Onix. The Onix looked tired as well but before it could dodge the leaves hit it. It gave one last defiant roar before collapsing on the ground.

I prime a Pokeball and threw it. The ball hit the Onix body before it glowed red and was sucked inside it. It shook for a few minute as Hestia and I tensely waited before it clicked confirming it capture.

We sighed in unison I quickly took out a Potion to heal Hestia up and told her to take a break before I went to get Onix's ball. As I picked it up I heard someone clapping, I turn toward the sound with both my Pokémons ready for trouble. It was a silver hair man wearing a pin stripe suit with a steel band on both his arms.

"Congratulation on catching that Onix. It was causing trouble inside the cave for some time and when I heard you battling against it from the mural behind me I decided to watch. Ah, I forgot my manners. My name is Steven Stone. What's yours?"

CH 7: Granite Cave Part 2, Return to Dewford

'Wow although I knew he was here before hand in the game I really didn't expect to meet him here. Steven Stone a Master of Steel one of my end goals. I wonder if he could help me out on the path.'

I finished staring at him and calmed Hestia and Choppers "Sorry about that I wasn't expecting anyone else here since I pretty much thoroughly explore the previous floor and found nothing but Pokémons. My name is Solaire Eversteel I hope to one day be a Master of Steel."

When I finished introducing myself Steven gained a glint in his eye "A Master of Steel… What do you think being a Master of Steel involves?"

I gave him a curious glance at his question "Well aside from the obvious of training Steel types, I guess it means to truly understand their nature as steel type and if they evolve into it the why and how. I also think that it mean to train Pokémons that can use steel type move with the same efficiency as a steel type. I heard about Volkner from Sinnoh does something similar with his Pokémons."

At my explanation Steven gave a smile "And with what you said you be right for most part. The only thing that you could also do is to help other reach this level understanding. Now if I am not wrong you came to see the mural behind me right?"

I nodded and then we went to the mural. The mural was amazing as it was terrifying since it show the history of both Groundon and Kyogre in what look like their Primal Reversion form as they fight creating land and sea wherever they went. There was mentions of Rayquaza calming both of them but it was extremely vague and only with my foreknowledge of some events does that make sense.

But there was no mention of the orbs so I guess they left those out or place warning of it in another place. 'I should stop by Mt. Pyre to see if they exist or not.'

"So what do you think about the mural is it not amazing? History told through picture with a realism that I would never see again in another place." He said excitedly.

"This mural gives me a sense of respect for the ancients Pokémons. As well as a sense of foreboding like what happened will come to pass again…" Steven gave me a look of confusion

Taking the chance to see if the stone with a helix is a Keystone or a Mega stone, I pulled it out of my bag "Steven, I heard that you are an expert on exotic rocks do you know what this is I found it here at the first floor."

Steven then took a look at the stone for a short while and then pulled a pin from inside his jacket, it had a similar stone at the end of it. He compare the two before he gave it back "Well this is unexpected. What you have there is a keystone, it is one half of the equation that allow a Pokemon to Mega Evolve."

"Mega Evolve?" I parroted back at him pretending I didn't know what Mega Evolution was. "Yes that stone that you showed me is one that the trainer hold while their is a stone called Mega Stone that a Pokemon holds to Mega Evolve."

"Does that means that any Pokemon can Mega Evolve?" I asked keeping up the facade. Steven shook his head "No, I don't really know if all Pokemon can do so. Perhaps Professor Sycamore from Kalos could answer that, but from what I know only fully evolved Pokemon can do so. The only one that I know of is Diantha the Kalos Champion Gardevoir can do so, just as I can with Metagross."

"So do you know where the Mega Evolution come from?" I asked truly curious about it since the game only vaguely mentioned about a Lucario in Kalos that or more likely Rayquaza who didnt need a Mega Stone.

But before he could comment we felt the ground shake harshly below us as well as screaming and roars coming from where we came from. We looked to each other before heading back to where we came in a hurry.

What we saw was a group of people being chased by a horde of Arons and Lairons. Steven pulled out a Pokeball and call out "Aggron use Roar to scare away the horde." Following his lead I told Hestia "Hestia use Confusion and bring those group of peoples closer to us so they don't get caught in-between the battle."

With a pinkish blue glow Hestia Confusion surrounded the group and pulled them toward us faster than the Arons and Lairons could follow. Then Aggron Roared.

It was loud and extremely aggressive that it gave me a fright with it so close. Hestia only falter a bit knowing that if she stop the group would be in trouble. But the Arons and Lairons just froze in fear.

The group was screaming their lungs out they probably thought that they were going from the frying pan into the fire. They stopped when they noticed both Steven and I.

The Arons and Lairons were still frozen in fear before another roar sent them fleeing for their live.

'Now if I didn't already name my Aron Saphira she would probably earn the name Godzilla if Steven's Aggron is anything to go by… Perhaps if her offspring is male…'

With the situation handle Steven calmly asked what was going on as I got a closer look at the group. It seem I finally meet the protagonists of the Pokemon animated series. It was Ash, Brock, May, and Max along with Team Rocket Jessie, James, and Meowth. 'Might as well get rid of them by sending them to jail so they stop chasing Ash and his crew if I am going to follow them since I really don't want to deal with their annoyance daily or weekly…'

The Hero's group told Steven that the Aron hordes was disturb by Team Rocket in an effort to poach their Pokémons as well as the native ones.

"Team Rocket? You mean Kanto's terrorist organization has managed to gain a foothold in Hoenn? With Team Aqua and Magma running around we don't need them making thing worse… Hestia use Confusion to knock them out." At that Hestia quickly knock them out.

Everyone turned to me and Steven gave me a critical look. "Solaire please explain your actions." With a grimace I told them exactly what I heard about Team Rocket.

Which was a lot the destruction of SS Anne, the Game Corner discover in Celadon City that was a smuggling den, Silph corps takeover, Giovanni reveals as the Boss, Golden Rod City radio tower takeover in Johto, the lake of rage massacre. Truthfully all these action really happen and were done by Team Rocket I found out about them while finding major game and anime events.

The group was shocked at what Team Rocket managed to do and still remain at large. 'I imagine Lance is having a fierce headache with the group I wouldn't blame him if he started killing them as well…'

With all that said the group looked at Team Rocket before Steven walked a distance away and took out a Pokenav and called the Local Self Defense Force (LSDF) informing them off a potential Rocket Incursion.

I sighed and looked at Ash group who were pale. "Look I'm sorry we had to meet like that my name is Solaire Eversteel a future Master of Steel. What's your names?" Pretending I don't know them they perked up a bit and answered.

"My name is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town in Kanto. And this is my partner Pikachu" Ash introduced both himself and Pikachu who squeaked as his name was mentioned.

"My name is Brock Slate a former Pewter City Gym Leader." Brock called out 'Now this is interesting I wonder if he joined did Misty do so as well?'

"I'm May Maple and this is my annoying little brother Max." May introduced herself and her brother who exclaimed at her description.

I smiled before I ask "Those are nice names and what brought you four down here?" I couldn't remember why they would be here since they really don't have a reason.

To this Max answered my question "We are looking for Steven Stone to deliver an item from his father to him have you meet him while you were here."

"Well you found him already he was the one you were talking too before I knocked out the Rockets." At this they glanced to where at Steven who was walking back to us.

"Solaire I thank you for helping me capture the Rocket here a reusable TM Flash Cannon and my Pokenav number you can ask about Steel type and move and I can give you pointers. Now the LSDF will be sending an Alakazam to us and will be teleporting us to Dewford soon. Is there anything else?"

After handing me the item he mentioned. Max told Steven about the letter his father gave him which he read quickly before pocketing it and thanked him. He didn't say what was written in the letter, it was probably important since his face took on a serious look before he finished.

The group didn't ask either when the Alakazam appeared. I recalled both Hestia and Chopper as we gathered near it and promptly teleported us to the Pokemon Center. Steven left us shortly along with the Rockets and the group was also about to head inside the Center, when I asked "Hey, what will you be doing for now?"

They looked at each other and Ash answered "Well I challenged the Gym Leader Brawley and lost so I was planning on training my Pokémons to become stronger for when we get a rematch."

"Ah so you are taking the gym circuit as well what about you two?" I gestured to Brock and May to which Brock simply said that he was traveling to be a Pokémon breeder 'Guess he changes to the doctor route after Hoenn.'

"I will be training to be a Pokémon Coordinator and preparing for the Slateport City Pokémon Contest with my Torchic and Wurmple." May said this while a bit nervous, "Don't worry I bet you will do great all you have to do is believe in your Pokémon strength and they will help you as well."

May thanked me for the praise before she got to say more Max interrupted saying he plans on being a Pokémon Trainer when he gets older.

With that said I follow them inside the Center we ask Nurse Joy to book three room to which she apologized "I'm sorry there aren't enough room available we just have 2 at the moment." At that I sighed and told the group they can have it I will just look elsewhere after healing up my Pokémons.

'I didn't forget about the Onix I need to check on it after Nurse Joy healed it. But I also need to train Gym Leaders are all strong and going unprepared and just asking for a beating which was what Ash received.'

Breaking me out of my thought Ash called out to me "Hey Solaire it pretty late to look for another Center and our room has two bunk bed why don't you stay the night with us. May will be taking the single bed room."

At this welcomed turn of event I agreed to stay with them for the night. As we went to the room I decided to ask Brock about his being a former gym leader. He replied that he was always a stand in as a gym leader since his father left with no warning forcing him to take the mantle until either the league finds a new one or his father returned.

Turns out his father was on a trip to collect rarer rock type Pokémons for the gym only that he forgot to tell the league and his family about this. It was the reason he was so ashamed of coming back and was selling rocks nearby.

He also mentioned that another gym leader was traveling with them before they came to Hoenn. But also told me that he would tell me about it another time since it was getting late.

The next 6 day were some of the strangest day I ever seen since I was brought to Hoenn. The first day I called out Onix who was surprisingly docile and was only aggressive because I was intruding on it territory. He accepted me as his trainer I had an urge to call him Solid Snake as his nickname but he settled on Solid.

This was what the Pokedex said.

This specimen is male. Is rock/ground typing. Hold the abilities: Rock Head and Sturdy. Known Moveset: Slam, Bind, Dragonbreath, Dig, Rock Tomb and Rock Throw.

The final two move were after a training session with my other Pokémon which each got stronger during said training. Hestia and Choppers learned two new moves. Draining Kiss, Calm Mind for Hestia; and Flash Cannon, Sweet Scent for Choppers. It also was the day Ash caught his Corphish, that thing was nauseatingly happy I was glad I decided to ignore the warning at the beach.

The next two days were another training session and May's Wurmple after fighting Hestia evolved into Silcoon. I and the rest congratulated her for the evolution, I also told her that now that her Wurmple is a Silcoon it will soon evolve into a Beautifly.

She was ecstatic about this new and gave me a hug to which she hurriedly got off. I was confused but otherwise ignored it since it was just a hug.

On the third and fourth day we found a secret lake that held a school of Mudkips. Brock managed to save one of the younger one and gained the respect of one of the protector and joined him. The following day May's Silcoon evolved again and became a Beautifly to her trainer excitement to which Torchic felt sad that she hasn't evolved yet.

I comforted Torchic tell him that even when if May is excited that her other Pokémons evolved, that he would always remained special to her as he is her starter and nothing can changed that. As to prove me right May called for Torchic and asked if he wanted to train together with Beautifly for the contest.

Torchic was happy about that and even learned Fire Spin one of its signature move in the future.

The final two day were just simple training to prepare for Brawley all my Pokémons where getting stronger and I knew we were ready to take him on. Ash was of similar mind set so we decided to challenge Brawley tomorrow.

As the next day approaches 'I was wondering if they would let me tag along during their journey. I gotten to know them all better but the question remains. I guess I will find out tomorrow for better or worse…'

CH8 Gym Leader Brawly, Arrival to Slateport City

Today the day that both Ash and I challenge Brawly, me for the first time with Ash rematch. Honestly Ash would be battling him first as I would be fighting the gym's trainers before Brawly which let him rest in-between challenge.

Ash battle against Brawly honestly confused me he didn't get to fight some of the stranger foreign Pokémons instead he fought the Machop and Hariyama that he fought with in the anime. He also let down his guard causing him to almost lose Treecko to a series of attacks Machop unleased he recalled him and switch to Corphish.

His Corphish handled the Machop easily but got hammered hard by the Hariyama to which his Corphish did decent damage to it. His Treecko however came through for him hitting Hariyama legs constantly making the damage worse with each hit. Before long Hariyama fell to a final clash between itself and Treecko.

Brawly had a look of disappointment on his face which he covered quickly this confused me since he honestly had no reason to be disappointed. I went over the battle myself and then grimaced, Ash was just bull rushing into the fight with no plans just hoping for the best. He also let his guard down when he shouldn't have which I did notice.

Even though he won the battle it was mostly Ash's Pokémons pulling through than Ash himself. While it good to trust your Pokémon there is an element of teamwork inside the battle since the trainer may notice what the Pokémon may not.

Honestly Ash final tactic was a desperate maneuver that was more luck than anything on his part. 'I wonder if Brocks see the same and just hopes Ash notice this and improve.' Brock himself had a grimace as well so he probably think the same as I did but neither May nor Max noticed this.

I congratulated Ash on his victory and told Brawly that he'll see me soon after I fought through his gym trainer.

Brawly's POV

Ash was a good person but his battle didn't seem much different than when he first battle me. As a fighting type Gym Leader I usually evaluate if the trainer can overcome a powerful enemy and to see if they can plan ahead reliably during and out of battle.

And Ash only barely managed that. He should have tried to use the Taillow I saw him train with once or that Pikachu of his. It obviously was his strongest Pokemon on hand yet he didn't use it even without a type advantage or disadvantage.

I can only hope that this Solaire can prove himself well during our battle. As the group and I watch him battle his way here. I noticed that he used his Aron and Onix to battle my gym trainers. I saw how he handled fighting against Pokémons that had an advantage against his.

He used tactic I personally wouldn't have thought using. Screech, Rock Tomb, Rock Slide as a mean of defense and deterrence to work around their opponents. It honestly surprise me that he used the move the way.

What shocked me was that his Aron used Magnet Rise to evade direct attack just as much as the odd ground type move the gym trainer used against him.

His Onix was great as well using it size and speed to his advantage to limit the opponents' range of motions. I couldn't wait to battle him and test the might of his Pokémons against mine.

'Perhaps I should use those two… They haven't had a decent battle in a while and I might as well show them off.' No sooner than that the door to my arena open once more.

Solaire's POV

Now Brawly's gym had light to which that surprised me, but I got over it soon since I needed to fight a minimum 3 other gym trainer to be able to fight him. Now the trainers themselves weren't hard to fight, but I wanted both Saphira and Solid to have experience dealing with Pokémons that had an advantage over them.

Remembering Roxanne's lesson about weakness being overcome and strength overcoming resistances. Most of the trainer had Machop or a Meditite with an odd Makuhita here and there. Soon I found the doors to the arena and was finally about to challenge Brawly.

"Welcome back Solaire, You gave my gym trainer a good beat and a valuable lesson on underestimating your opponent." He had a grin on his face

"It was hard since I had to be more careful during our battle, but I knew if thing gone badly I would have taken them out of the battle and worked out another plan." I handed my Pokedex to the referee so he can register the battle. At this he gave a nod before the air once again became tense and fill with an energy similar to Roxanne's.

"I'm Brawly! Dewford's Gym Leader! I've been churned in the rough waves of these parts... And I've grown tough using the cave at the outskirts of this town as my training ground, as well as using the equipment in this Gym. So you want to challenge me? Let me see what you're made of!"

When he finished the referee stepped up between us "This will be a two on two Pokémon battle between Brawly Dewford's Gym Leader and Solaire Eversteel. Trainers release your Pokémon."

Brawly released his first what came out was a purple crab with two boxing gloves in his hand. "Crabrawler get ready to ride the wave."

The Crabrawler swung it boxer like pincer at me preparing itself for a battle.

"Huh another Pokémon not from Hoenn. Anyway Choppers, Battletime!" I threw Choppers ball to the field and he appeared with a small twirl and pointed his horn at the Crabrawler.

"Crabrawler use Bulk Up then Power-Up Punch." The crab began flexing its arms before its claws began glowing charged at Choppers.

"Alright Choppers start off with a Sweet Scent once it lowers it guards Play Rough!" Chopper released a pink mist toward the Crabrawler and began charging in.

The mist managed to surround Crabrawler causing it to take a deep breath at the scent before it stopped doing so Choppers began to hit it with Play Rough. It looked a lot like a Close Combat but instead of using punch and kicks, he tossed Crabrawler in the air and began juggling it for a moment.

When the attack hit the Crabrawler regained it sense but was helpless for the moment. "Crabrawler grab onto the Mawile before it sends you up again and Power-Up Punch." It listen to the order but it took a few more hits before it caught Chopper horn and slam a powerful punch to his face.

Chopper recoils at the hit and was sent back a short distance. 'I can't let it get more hit like that because before long it could one shot my Pokémons.'

"Crabrawler use Bubblebeam to cover your approach and use Power-Up Punch again" It raise one of it claws and shots bubbles out of it and it was charging again.

"Choppers use Fairy Wind to blow back those bubbles to it, then use Flash Cannon" Choppers horn opened and blew a pink gust of wind which blew back the bubbles at Crabrawler who was hit by both its own attack and Choppers an explosion of smoke came out.

Choppers was preparing the Flash Cannon to hit it again. However the Crabrawler appear from the smoke and was close to Choppers. He unleased the Flash Cannon just as the Power-Up Punch hit him again on the head.

They both flew back a fair distance and as they tried to get up before falling to the ground again.

"Both side are unable to battle. Trainers release you final Pokémon." The referee made his judgments clear.

"This battle is a blast I bet this next one will be just as exciting!" Brawly said with a full blown smile on his face and then threw out his next Pokémon.

"Hawlucha time to show your power!" Out came what looked like a bird wearing a luchador costume.

'Now this is more familiar but I didn't expect to see one until Kalos.' I called Hestia and she was eager to battle.

"Hestia use Calm Mind then use Disarming Voice!" Hestia began to use Calm Mind I heard what was a drop of water hitting a lake then she attacked.

"Hawlucha use Detect to avoid it until you get close enough for a Wing Attack!" Its eyes glowed white before it wings did and charged avoiding the attack whenever it gets closes.

"Hestia Double Team then use Confusion to squeeze and hold it down for another Disarming Voice!" Hestia avoided the Wing Attack with Double Team then her horns glowed a pinkish blue as she followed my order.

"Get free and get away from it quickly!" Brawly told Hawlucha but it was in pain from the Confusion holding it down and got hit by the Disarming Voice.

It flew a fair distance and got up again smashing it hand together claws glowing. "Good now use Detect and Flying Press on it" Brawley told it animatedly as it flew into the sky.

The Hawlucha made some bizarre pose while it was falling down toward Hestia correcting it course when Hestia tried to avoid it from using Detect. As it was closer to the ground it was about to hit Hestia.

"Hestia use Teleport now!" She disappeared in a flash just as the Hawlucha reached her. It hit the ground with a loud thud causing everyone who heard it to wince as it bouncing from the momentum. It slowly got up did a V-Pose then got to a battle stance.

'You got to admire it grit acting like it was planned all along… But Hestia is getting tired as well I don't think she can handle another close call like that.'

"Hawlucha you alright?" It gave a thumb up to Brawly "Right now get in close and use Karate Chop with Wing Attack!"

"Use Lucky Chant and then use Flash Attack Var.4" She began to chant a simple tune as the Hawlucha got close she glowed a blinding white then used Draining Kiss as the Hawlucha was covering it eyes.

'This is good at least it will restore some of Hestia energy if the Hawlucha still wants to fight.' After the attack the Hawlucha took a V pose then fell onto it back in that pose and didn't rise again. 'Showboating even when it loses…'

"Hawlucha is unable to battle! The winner of the battle is the challenger Solaire Eversteel!" The referee yelled the result of the battle.

The group cheered for my victory against Brawly as I was congratulating Hestia on her hard earned victory. Brawly recalled Hawlucha, then walked toward me "That was a great battle Solaire and here is the Knuckle Badge and the reusable TM Bulk Up."

I took the reward of my victory and then Brawly handed me a paper "This contains my Pokenav number give me a call if you ever want to battle again."

I thanked Brawly before I went to the rest of the group who were waiting to congratulate me.

May was the first "Congratulation on your victory Solaire it was amazing to see how different this battle was than Ash."

"Yeah Solaire it was an amazing match especially when Choppers started to juggle that purple crab in the air! By the way you looked surprise to see it. Did you know what it was as well as Brawly Second Pokémon?" Max chattered away excitedly.

"That right May and my Pokedex couldn't register it. It said it was an unknown Pokémon." Ash commented idly confused about this turn of event.

"Yes I do know about them. Which was why I was mildly surprise to see them here both are Pokémons native to the other regions. The crab is called Crabrawler and the luchador look alike is Hawlucha. They are native to the Alola and Kalos region respectively."

At that I open my Pokedex so they can get the info on the two Pokémons.

Crabrawler the Boxing Pokémon. Its hard pincers are well suited to both offense and defense. Fights between two Crabrawler are like boxing matches.

Hawlucha the Wrestling Pokémon. It overwhelms opponents with quick moves, but sometimes it showboats for too long when it's using a special move and gets itself into a pinch.

As my Pokedex finished describing the two to the group. "Hey how come your Pokedex managed to register them when our couldn't?" May queried as we headed to the Center so both Ash and I can get our Pokémon health restored.

"Well that because of the Nationals Pokedex Registry I am sure that if you ask your Professor they can upgrade it either in person or wirelessly. Why not try asking them as we wait for our Pokémons to heal?"

Both Ash and May agreed to check on with their respective professor as we waited. I turn to Brock and then asked where they were planning to go to next. He replied that the next contest that was about to start was at Slateport City.

When Ash and May return they told me that their professor managed to upgrade their Pokedex to the National version. I started to get a bit nervous since my chance to join them was getting shorter since I finished battling Brawly.

"Hey guys is it possible for me to tag along with you until Mauville City? While traveling alone is nice and I can go at my own pace it can get lonely without other people to talk with. The gym circuit follows a set route and we would probably go along the same path. If it about supplies I can also help with that."

The group looked between themselves and began talking for a moment.

After a short while they turned back to me and Ash spoke up "Sure you can come along but just to be clear we probably will need to hurry sometimes because of the Contests that May will be participating in."

I told them that wasn't a problem and that I looked forward to see how May competes. With that issue behind us we began looking at the ferry schedule and found that the next one leave at noon which was a few hours ahead and there was still tickets available.

As we began resupplying medicine and essentials, I finally found a jewel craftsman that could mount what was most probably a Keystone to a necklace. The necklace was silver with an ornate sword pendant the supposed Keystone slotted at the base of the hilt.

Before long we were at the ferry and we were soon on our way to Slateport City for May first Pokémon contest.

CH9 Slateport City, Pokémon Contest 1

The ferry was quite large and much faster than Briney's ship. The captain over the PA said that we would reach Slateport City in 3 days even though the distance was much larger from Petalburg to Dewford.

I took the time to train up my team endurance to special attacks with Hestia attacking my other Pokemons. They managed to do well the first time but I knew we needed to do better since Watson will hit much harder. Solid was going to be my ace pokemon for that battle, but I was still undecided on the other two since it will be a 3vs3 battle.

The second day I had Saphira teach Protect to my other Pokemons the move is to useful to have only one pokemon know it. The other in the group just relaxed a bit with May training for the contest with Beautifly. She had a decent routine for the appeal and as for the battle part I had Hestia fight with her Beautifly.

May managed to hold herself decently but she needed work and asked that both Ash and I battle with her to help her. We agreed easily enough though with the night of the second day getting closer we went to the room assigned and went to sleep.

On the morning of the third day we reached Slateport city. Our group went to the Center to book our room for the next few day since we didn't know when exactly the Contest will start. We all decided to explore the city, we went to the bazaar first thing.

The bazaar was full of merchants shouting prices and offers to potentials customer. Ash and Brock browse the Pokemons care supplies, well mostly Brock as Ash was lost in all the terms that the merchant spouts.

May managed to find a Pokeblock vendor which interested me as well since I could use the berries I bought for Saphira and Hestia as treat for my Pokemons. The vendor was nice enough to give us both a case and then said that most Centers had a blender that we could borrow. I bought a book on some Pokeblocks recipe since I don't really know much about it aside from that entertaining mini game the game plays.

May asked if she could borrow it sometime when I am not using it, I agreed and we began looking at some other shop. One of which to my delight held reusable TM expensive but worth it I found they sold only support technique which was fine with me.

I bought Thunder Wave and Hone Claw, both move were learnable by Pokemons I had at the moment and the latter would be useful for some of the future Pokemons I would find as well. Even if it would become less useful when I get Sword Dance but until then it very useful.

My funds took a hit but I still had more than 2/3 of it left from all those victories on the way here. I found May looking at a doll store before we left to find the others.

It was around noon that we returned to the Center and I asked the Nurse Joy at the counter if she knew when the contest was going to be held. She told me that it was tomorrow at noon and that contestant had until then to sign up during said day.

I went to tell May this when I found her training her Beautifly to use Silverwind like a tornado. It managed to make it start but was having trouble maintaining it. It wasn't long after the tornado disperse that I heard a voice above us.

"Well, well another wannabe trying her best to become a coordinator." May was flushing in anger as I looked up and saw it was Drew sitting on the balcony edge. "Do try not to embarrass yourself during the contest tomorrow."

I frown as he left 'I knew he was annoying in the beginning but what a way to make a jerk out of yourself.' I turn back to May "I would ignore him if I were you a person like that are dime a dozen. The only one who can stop you from being a coordinator would be you yourself. Beside with the way you are training I bet you will make him eat those words. Also before I forget you got until noon tomorrow to register for the contest."

May gave me a grateful look "You are right Solaire. Why don't you help me train with Beautifly for the battle section."

The training session didn't last long since Beautifly was already tired from the practice of the appeal session. We went inside as the sun was beginning to set. We ate dinner and went back to our room to sleep until tomorrow.

The next day we all woke early and went to the contest hall so May can register ahead of time. We spent the time talking about what the contest would be like. I also began reading the Pokeblock book, it was interesting it seems that to make them you just need sufficient amount of berries to make enough Pokeblock to fill a normal size bowl.

While the blocks themselves lose the ability of the berry, this is overshadowed by the taste since it become much more delicious to the Pokemon in question. This was enough to convince me to use it often for my Pokemon since berries aren't expensive to buy.

When it was time for the Contest to start May went to the participant area and the rest of us went to the spectator area. As we found some seat the light turned off and some spotlight began focusing on the stage. They stopped on a woman with a sport dress.

"Welcome everyone to Slateport City Pokemon Contest! My name is Viviana and I will be your announcer for today. Let's also give a warm welcome for our Judges today!" The spotlight left her and went to the judge counter.

"To the right we have our very own Nurse Joy! At the center we got the President of the Pokemon Fan Club, Mr. Sukizo! And lastly to the left we got our Chief of Pokemon Activities Committee and our Head Judge Mr. Contesta!"

The spotlight reveal the judges as they waved to the crowd whenever Viviana called out a name Mr. Sukizo was a portly man with a shaved head, and Mr. Contesta was the prim gentlemen with a red suit and a medal on it with graying hair.

"Now with our Judges introduced let begin with our first Contestant!" With that most of the appeals act were decent with a few exceptions. There was even a young girl trying her luck with an Azurill, which was one of the better one surprisingly.

I barely paid attention until a man with a Milotic appeared he managed to impress the judge and all the spectators with its beauty. He seemed like a veteran coordinator since the judges recognized him by name.

What followed after him was lackluster until it was Drew turn to appeal, his Roselia was trained very well and it managed to get the hype back for the contest after the man's Milotic appeals. As the appeal round was nearing its end it was finally May's turn.

She released her Beautifly, she had it use Stun Spore spread out by the use of Silver Wind the golden and silver dust mixing in the air quite impressively. To finish up she then had it use Gust to gather the dust into a ball and Poison Sting to explode it.

The dust began falling down shimmering with the colors of the move used by Beautifly. The judges gave her great score better than most of the other which was enough for her to advance to the battle stage.

The random matchup had the man with the Milotic on the opposite corner, but May would be fighting Drew in the Semifinals. When they decided to start with her first she managed to trounce her opponent Marill by using Stun Spore to paralyze it and use her Beautifly agility to avoid the Water Guns and Bubbles.

This caused her opponents to lose point, but Beautifly didn't managed to avoid all of the attacks taking some hit as well as dishing some of its own. May even managed to turn the Bubbles attack back at the Marill with a powerful Silver Wind which lost it its remaining points.

She now either had to face Drew or his opponents.

May's POV

The contest was going great for me and Drew won his round so I had to face him next. I was pumped up and ready to beat him in return for those comments about me yesterday. As the other match were finishing up I was a bit worried about Henry the man with the Milotic, he is obviously a veteran and the most likely to win the contest.

But that won't stop me from trying since I will not give up so easily. When both Drew and my name were called we went up to the battle stage.

"Looky here, I guess you did have some talent after all. That won't help you with this battle since the victor is already decided."

I growled at that "We'll see about that. I will beat you and make you eat those words."

"Alright since both contestant are raring to go. Let's start the battle!" Viviana announced as a picture of us appeared on a large screen with two yellow bars.

"Roselia, show them your magnificence!" He release his small pokemon with rose for hands.

"Beautifly, take the stage!" I called her out and she appear with a small sparkling dust. "Now use String Shot!" She unleashed a flurry of shot at the Roselia.

"Use Magical Leaf to deflect them." The Roselia managed to shoot out several rainbow leaf in which managed to deflect most of them with one tagging its arm.

"Great now pull it to the air and use Silver Wind on it" Beautifly managed to pull it to the air with some effort and use Silver Wind to hurt the Roselia.

"Roselia free yourself with Petal Dance!" Drew didn't expect that a String Shot broke through his Roselia defense and had it try to free itself. Which it did but rather awkwardly but regained it poise.

"Now use Magical Leaf then follow up with a Solarbeam!" It unleashed a flurry of leaves as a distraction for Beautifly as a few hit her and while charging the Solarbeam.

"Beautifly use Silver Wind and String Shots!" May knew that her Beautifly doesn't have move strong enough to block something strong like so she decided to mix those attack to prevent it from reaching her.

When the attack meets a small explosion of smoke appears and when it clear it revealed the screen with both of them with identical points bar. "And time is up. Since this match was exciting our judge will decide who will pass this round."

The judges began deliberating between themselves for a short while before the screen changed.

Solaire's POV

The battle between both May and Drew was very different from what I remember. I could recall that May had trouble fighting against Drew the first time around and ultimately lost. But here I could see May handle herself a bit better.

Was the practice session from both Ash and I with Beautifly enough to prevent the rookie mistakes? I noticed that her appeal act didn't have the disc in it but her battle style was better than the anime. 'I think that May didn't suggest a practice battle against Ash in the series that could have contributed to her lose. I also think she wouldn't be as experienced at battling if it wasn't for my suggestion in the first place.'

When the attacks clash to reveal a tie and that the judge deliberate for a winner. I though the match would go to May. Which it did when the reason for it was the lucky String Shot that hit Roselia and launched it to the air.

From there Drew lost his footing for a bit until the end. Drew seem upset and said some words to May who said something back, probably a retort or something to that end.

The battle against the man with the Milotic was a beat down for May's Beautifly her attacks were expertly handled and she lost quickly.

I know that couldn't have been nice to experience but when the battle was over May didn't seem as upset as she could be. But we went to congratulate her and comfort her lose in the finals.

When we arrive May gave all of us a hug "Thanks you guys for the support while it felt great to beat Drew in the contest and while the lose hurts it wasn't that bad for me since I knew I would have trouble against Henry."

'Ah so that was his name…' I pondered that little fact before I turn to May "While you lost your first Contest you did much better than most could say for their first time. I bet this will make you work even harder for the next Contest right?"

She gave us a bright smile while nodding "Yup! I just have to train for the next one even harder!" With that said she led us to the Center so her Beautifly gets some rest.

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État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

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