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64.13% poke fanfic fun to read / Chapter 59: Ch. 10-Adept and Elite

Chapitre 59: Ch. 10-Adept and Elite

Getting back to Goldenrod doesn't take all that long compared to the trip away. Zaela now likes the water. Something about surprise enemies to clobber appeals to her. If her life could be a rogue like game I think she'd be happiest. Aurora and I make friends. Children love the way she croons at them and everyone appreciates how she can cool things down. Its a bit warm this time a year. She still doesn't like being touched. Likely because we're so much warmer than her.

Mars has started working on strategies in the sky as he flies along. The way he goes through things looks odd to those who don't know him. Aborted attacks and then a long series of winding flights. Inspired by my training, he's begun dragon dancing as much as possible. Tru is keeping an eye on him and properly chastising him if he overdoes it thankfully.Most of the other passengers are tourists and he gets a lot of pictures taken. I'm not arrogant enough to say we can handle anyone who comes after us but it is quite hard to track us down. We don't follow routes anymore really. The plan is to go back out of Goldenrod towards Ecruteak and make a couple stops. Soon we'll be able to make long distant flights ourselves.First off, there is some training that Mars and I have to do in earnest. I'm still holding the mega stone for a later team mate but we haven't yet tried the charizardite that we found in the Valley. Not sure if its X or Y but I'm very, very excited. I'm a little hoping for Y just because he'll keep his black color but I don't mind the X either.Past that I really want to visit the Pokémon Jujitsu Academy. First off for myself and my own training but also to see if anyone there might want to aid or join the Order. Its hard for me to recruit before I'm at least a bit more known without outside help.Professor Redwood and Oak both came through with a few potentials actually. Redwood even went further and made some serious calls. I've got a list of who are very likely to join, those who will need convincing and those almost sure not to take me seriously. I've sent off the not take me serious to mom. She said to let her know if I needed help knocking heads and while I doubt she'd ever join my Order she will support me in extreme ways if needed. While my own personal strength is something she's being hands off now, connections she will and has helped with. If you count bullying the Stones.Goldenrod ends up being unwelcome to me. I don't hate it. I just miss nature a bit. While the Den and Clan compounds had modern aspects for the most part it was very simple. Bare. Even moreso with myself and my team being with Momma so often. Besides, I get to do something I've been looking forward to since I was reborn.The breeze hits me hard as if anticipating the momentous event about to occur. Everyone is back in their balls as I look at the dock we just departed. This is it. I can't even wait to get out of the city. Picking a random spot with enough space I let my sister go free. While there is no usual roar she sure as hell draws attention as usual.I've learned to ignore the gasps, frightened murmurs and the much more pleasing admiring gazes. Zaela looks a bit confused as I start digging into my storage bag. I'm wearing her eyepatch and put on my clothing that syncs up with her hide near perfectly. When the massively expensive saddle I had made starts to appear out of my Devon bag my sister croons lowly. Her voice is so deep now that it disturbs nearby pidgey and wingulls from their perches. A few people snap pictures but there is nothing but her and I once more. A faint echo of our win over Momma in the air. People hush.Flying Mars is amazing. I'll never tire of it. But my sister and I have been waiting for this for ages. I'm still kicking myself for not remembering to get a saddle done in Blackthorn. The aftermath of the fight with Momma kind of overshadowed everything practical. Putting on her saddle requires me to put on the gloves I use to clean her scales and climb up her body like a mankey.More people gather to watch this tiny in comparison blonde girl missing an eye methodically strap a saddle to a dragon none of them would think likely to listen to me. One larger than anything anyone has seen before. It doesn't matter. Its done. We're ready. Jumping higher than I should be able to is easy. Aura enhancing is exponentially paying for itself. Snapping my goggles on I get strapped in laid along her back and reach up to stroke that place along her jaw that I touch to let her know I love her.Now Zaela roars and damn the consequences. No one is prepared for a dragon's roar in the best of circumstances and mine is a King. People scream in fright and wonder as she leaps into the air. The roar turns into shouts of joy as the air breaks to our will. This is right. Earth bends to us. The water now knows we can defeat it. The air is our home. Zaela soars and I join her.The next few days are dominated by flying. I love Mars immensely but it can't compare to this. Zaela and I are bonded in a way I still won't explain. Its too sacred. What was clunky for her now becomes graceful. Hard turns come with ease and she relishes in taking me into the domain where we can see over all she owns.Whew. Even now I want to go back up.NowhereToday is gonna be awesome. Mega evolution. I had a heavy leather strap made to hold Mars' stone in the week we waited for my key stone to be delivered. Everyone is eager to see what happens and Zaela makes it know (predictably) that there is immediately going to be a battle. Mars is actually showing visible excitement about this.The team is shockingly quiet for once and a bit in awe. Like we're about to see something amazing. Just like Zaela's flight. I'm too blessed sometimes. Making sure my key stone is firmly set in the necklace I had it set onto, I move up to Mars and smack his arm playfully."So excited. You sure you're my son?" Mars just snorts and nudges me gently with his snout, hot breath flashing my face and disturbing the few hairs that get pulled from my bun."For once Mother I am eager to give Zaela a fight. I'm not sure how this works. Does your knowledge cover this?" Oddly enough it doesn't. I think its because the connection between trainer and pokémon is subjective. Depends on the individual. Sure I remember the games and anime, but is it the same here?Shrugging I simply look up at him and lean forward to kiss his jaw. Hah! It may not show but I feel your blush mister. "Lets just try to feel how we make each other better. Isn't that what you want of evolution?"Mars gets that look on his face that tells me he's got it in a second and I sigh. It'll take me a bit more time. I wish I could say I follow his example. The problem is that he is essentially my son. I helped him grow and I want to protect him. Not see him get hurt even if I know we will at times.Its an hour later with a supremely bored group of pokémon that has Query stomp over and nudge me."Heart-voice. Do not focus on protection. You hope he has a better life. Dwell on the person he has become and wish for more of that….then let go. All pokémon seek to surpass what comes before."Sigh. Query always knows what to say. I put aside the idea that on my orders he will kill again. That I worry about him having fun. I channel mom and become his commander. Ironic that my mother is the figure who eases the idea of letting my emotions control me. I'm his trainer. He will give me more, always. Happily. I love him. But I will not limit him. Instead I will dream the world for him.His expression shows me he knows everything I feel and it happens. The explosion of power washes over me enough to make me take a knee. Bright, massive light spreads in a circle as something very close to aura hammers down on us all. Boredom is long gone as my family gaze at one of their own exceed what is possible.Blue flames are the first thing I see. Mars' massive tail is a deep green and supports the hissing flame that warps the air around it. His breath is so hot it almost burns me from six feet away as every exhale spouts more of the flame without pause. Two wicked looking spikes armor his shoulders as the horns on his head and the bone outcropping on his wings grow and turn into more intense weapons.My charizard is silent and moves slowly to get used to his form until he snaps his wings out and takes off with a bang of speed. He doesn't seem faster but the way he turns is insane. So quickly. Moving down towards the ground a bit away he slams into a tree with a simple wing attack and the wood creaks for an instant then the whole thing falls. Coming straight back he lands and examines his wing in earnest."That didn't hurt at all." Considering he couldn't do something like that yesterday? Yeah he's beefier. I'm just grinning like mad and I get closer despite the heat. Turning away he experimentally breathes flame and a massive blue explosion happens at the downed tree. He wouldn't have been able to reach that far either."You're a Mega Charizard X. It means a lot of things get boosted, obviously, but you also are part dragon part fire while this lasts. Any move that you use physically wrecks all that much more." Mars' eyes gleam. He does love his Dragon Blitz technique. Zaela finally can't take it."Yeah you're pretty. We've been waiting fucking forever! Can we fight now?"For once Mars doesn't waste time planning and plotting. He simply flaps back a bit and looks to me. I move way, way out of the way and tug an excited Sunny a bit further with me. Aurora actually seems worried and pulls up some boulders for cover if we need it while everyone else just waits with me. The hum of various screens and shields follow.I nod and Mars is already in the air. Zaela follows in a flash and starts to shoot out dragon breath in droves, her flight already natural. What was a weakness for her has been trained relentlessly into something Mars has to respect. Or he would if he hadn't already turned on his wingtip to dodge. Dragon Claws reinforced by slash race along Zaela's side as she's surprised by his agility. He doesn't stop there and slams into her activating Flare Blitz to shove her towards the ground and out of the sky.Normally this would suit Zaela fine. She likes trapping people in the earth. She savages Mars with crunches and her own dragon claws. He's much smaller than her but his defense seems off the scale. Every single one of her attacks is blocked by his much stronger wings, tail or claws, constantly turning metallic for mere seconds, not letting her burn the temporary weakness. His flames alight with searing heat and Zaela, giant as she is, becomes engulfed in the dragon breath he just realized how to use. Its easily twice the size of hers and that ,maybe more than the damage, makes her roar in anger.Zaela hits the earth with a shattering crash as Mars flips over mid air and slams a dragon tail, using the momentum of his maneuver. He didn't know dragon tail before that moment but the energy of it smacking her into the ground disrupts her just diving in like water, fouling her control of the earth by hitting her with her weakness to dragon. My starter has never been more off balance. With Momma she knew what was coming. The elder Garchomp always just hit you hard. Mars is using an in your face type energy to be subtle. Fuck he's amazing. As if that weren't enough Mars shows how much respect he has for Zaela, who is already tossing stone edges his way and raising her beloved sandstorm. His usual guile fades as a dragon pulse that feels like a hyper beam grinds my sister through her set up and into a nearby hill with overwhelming force. Still giving her her due, Mars doesn't let up, speeding forward as his dragon dance that he's been using without even any visible sign completes.The Dragon Bliz he uses is met with Zaela attempting to use her own Dragon Rush to keep him at bay as I honestly see her panic a little. She could fairly easily put Mars on the back foot yesterday. Never does he hit her directly. Always she would be faced with an insidious plan. Not today.The crash is enormous and I hear scales hit the ground even from where I stand, another echo of the fight with Momma. Normally Mars would fight at range and hit and run with Zaela but the dust clears to see him slamming rock slide to stone edge against her, another move he just picked up to keep her from moving him from melee. Every one of the rock attacks is at an angle. She'll have to spend time either going through the boulders or continue to get pelted. Dragon Claws boosted fully by his dance carve into her and now I hear actual pain.Mars still doesn't stop. Zaela would hate him. Years of losing to Momma made us humble but since we've left Blackthorn nothing has truly challenged my starter. Mars rises today to the peak that is my sister. Zaela finally lets loose. Pushed in earnest one on one. Grinder is not a combo move for anything less than possibly a champion opponent. Taking a slash so she can be pushed back just an instant my starter gets herself back into the proper mindset and earth power floods the ground they are on. She takes another slash to the jaw to get Mars' arm in her mouth and shatters the area with Earthquake, the earth power having made the ground shrapnel that is launched by the quake. And that's just the after effect of the actual point of the combo.We don't use the move lightly and there is a reason its the ultimate in all earth abilities we can conceive that isn't a legendary signature move. Even Fissure doesn't have the potential for collateral damage. Softened strategically by her earth power the ground pillars upwards and starts rag dolling Mars even as he draws his now armored wings about him. The first step finished leads to three different rock slides ping ponging through the chaos and forcing Mars to simply kick off things or risk a shredded wing, armor or not. Its almost a twister of jagged, crushing earth already.Third step are stealth rocks that my sister hid with the earth power before the earthquake under ground. When the earth shatters they were exposed and my ping-ponging green charizard sets them off. Its a brutal, savage sight that ends with Zaela following the last massive stealth rock with her head in the Momma of all dragon rushes. Mars is smote from the sky he was pushed into by the Grinder and lands in a skidding heap of ruin. Of course Zaela is going to toss her opponent back into her element. Huffing hard and long my Mega Charizard slowly stands, barely awake and with one eye swollen shut. Bloodied, battered and utterly exhausted, he points upwards.We all stare at the near twenty ancient power rocks he must have gathered as he was put through Grinder. Zaela's curse is cut off by all of them tossing her into the air much the same as Mars was, homing in like swifts with how accurate they are.My charizard just lets out a low huff of laughter and the bright light of evolution appears again but what I'm left with is a knocked out black dragon. Eyes wide, I look over to my starter and for the first time in years I see her out. Completely. When we trained with Momma she would put Zaela down sure but in a fair fight? This is the first Zaela has ever lost. Tied. Frankly I don't know if she'll consider it a tie.Tru is already running towards Mars to start aid along with Sunny who is very quiet but her emotions read more shock than anything. Query follows me to Zaela's body and I sigh as most everything I see will be gone in a few days of care. Pokémon heal obnoxiously quick."Heart-voice? Would all of us who can evolve that way gain such power?" Its been so silent between my family during the fight that Query's voice makes me start even as I'm pulling aura to heal my sister."More or less. I think you gain the same ability as Mars actually. Which for you would be quite brutal with Psi-Fist. Do keep it in mind that Zaela has a mega stone out there." What would her mega form bring about? What could stand against that? I'm so proud of them both. Some might be concerned at the destruction they just unleashed but I was born with a dragon starter. They exist to find glorious battle.Shit. She's never going to stop going after Mars now. Query just hums at my thought as he often does. I ignore what I feel about the idea. Instead I take care of my sister.Zaela wakes up a bit later with a growl and snort and is about to move quick before Query gently presses her down with a psychic. She relaxes as I enter her vision."Did I lose?" I can't place the tone in her voice. Its out there. Different."Yes. No. Its a tie really but you got knocked out first. Maybe. It wasn't clear. Still, I think you should treat this as a loss." I'm thinking more clearly now. What would motivate her more? What is true? For her that she was taken out is a loss I would think. I'm right when she glares over at Mars' sleeping form. He woke for a moment, looked at Zaela and just went to sleep.Lazy or not he looked beat."That mon is mine. Got it? I'll kill anyone who tries to take him. He was glorious." I laugh and shake my head. I think I know her so well and she surprises me just a bit. I shouldn't be really. Momma took a mate who could defeat her."Don't laugh at me sister. You get to think about how he's your son and I want him. Hah! No blood relation but now you're going to think about that all night. Fuck you. I'm going to sleep now. Hurt all over."…Bitch.AcademyThe aftermath wasn't immediate for the fight. Sunny was very concerned that the hated each other with how brutal the fight was but Aurora just said that some people needed to find love in interesting ways.Sunny said everyone already loved each other and spent the day asking us all if we loved her enough that we wouldn't have to fight her like that. Wattson just told her that no one would win against her so there was no need. That she was so well liked. He then promptly said we would happily do whatever she wanted for the rest of the afternoon.Groans came from that as Wattson, Aurora, Mars and I played out Beauty and the Beast for my sylveon as best we could. Aurora was beauty, I was her Dad for some reason, Wattson played the beast and Mars was the bad guy. No she literally called him 'bad guy'. It was kind of fun. Zaela even liked it for how silly we looked. A lot of my clothes were folded as incredibly poor costumes and hats.Could have done without Query constantly using Flash for lighting.What really came from the fight was more respect for Mars, a bit of humility for Zaela and a bit of an idea of just how strong we're becoming.Our next stop the Jujitsu Academy is fairly hidden from the ground. I think. Who am I kidding. I have two dragons. I'm never walking anywhere again if I can fly. Still, Zaela proves her skill again and takes me pretty darn close to it before we have to circle around, having gone right over it. The Academy is fairly large with a few main buildings and a wall surrounding the whole of it all. Japanese like architecture, or at least it appears to me, form most of the buildings and I direct Zaela to the front gate to land fairly softly actually. We're getting better and better at this.The gate doesn't intimidate me. I could have just flown over it. Hopefully that gives me brownie points. I release Tru and pulse my aura. My eye directs to the two guards I feel tensing on top of the wall until they see my lucario. One moves out of the shadows he was in and yells down. This is more military oriented that I expected. Its one of those odd anime episodes that was a one off. Never seen more than once but I wanted to see if things were possible. In Mars' planning he highlighted a lot of possible places to search for recruits. Here we are."State yourself and your purpose!""To let my lucario enjoy your Academy for a while and to speak to your Master about something important."The guard doesn't quite know what to do about the young, one-eyed girl who rode in on a massive dragon. I'm starting to enjoy this level of confusion. Finally he makes a motion to the other guard who immediately runs off."Forgive our suspicion. There have been a few poachers of late and all who seek entry are to be questioned." Hmm. I suppose so but do they really think that a girl my age would be involved? Maybe if we go bust some heads they'll believe me. That actually sounds good. Tru's desire to seek them out reminds me that this would be something a Guardian would immediately go after."Where are these poachers? Perhaps my team and I can help. We're not without strength." An older voice answers me as the doors start creaking open. Its filled with a bit of humor and deep wisdom. Or at least that's what it sounds like to me. Crowned with grey hair and an easy smile the source steps out of the Academy confidently. Years of Mom and Joy's Lucario teaching me combat make my senses scream that this guy could take me out realllllly quick."Do not worry. Someone has already offered to take care of them and I have full confidence that he will keep his word."Tru just peers at him and gives him the deepest bow I've seen her give besides my Mom and Professor Oak. Well. Hello there."Good to know. My name is Ella Mita and I've some things to ask of you. If you have time Master…?""My name is Tōkichi. Indeed I am the Master of this Academy. Come. Would you enjoy a meal? We just finished ours but I'm certain we could find you something." I shake my head in a negative as he leads me toward what is obviously his home or something similar. My eye tracks various younger trainers in red, yellow or blue clothing and older folks in ropes much like Tōkichi wears."Your lucario may visit as she wishes." Tru speaks up for herself before I can answer."No thank you. Perhaps later. I would speak with you too about what Mistress wishes to say. Also I would very much like to meet this person you sent after the poachers." Leave it to Tru to be happy about someone going about justice.The Master of the Academy simply offers a polite smile as we head inside, not blinking an eye at Tru speaking. Not all lucario can do that trick but I expect this man has met a few in his life. I leave my shoes as is proper. It was a bit hard to get used to some customs that seem to cross over. This world is an odd combination of some traditional Japanese customs, western culture and just oddities. In Blackthorn you always wore shoes or you'd hurt your feet running after dragons.Once we're seated I'm treated to tea and I start my spiel."How familiar are you with Aura Guardians Master Tōkichi?" The man is sharp I'll give him that. Actually every older person I've met in this world is sharp. Hrm. The Master's gaze goes back and forth between my lucario and I before he speaks."Fairly well, actually. I've studied them as most martial artists are inspired by aura. It often is associated with the ki we believe in. Likely one and the same. In fact the man who sent himself after the poachers is more familiar with the subject than I."Oh? A possible recruit? Probably best to wait until this mystery man comes back to consider that. Going for a less showy display I settle into my meditative pose and pull deep of my aura and let it slowly start to expand. Tōkichi practically stands as he feels it. Sharp senses there as well.My single eye opens, glowing with the purple color of my aura and I speak with conviction backed by the aura that cannot lie about my desires. "I seek to restore the Order. Not with just users. We are intensely rare even if I have come across one so far in my journey." Maybe this is Fate poking at me to help?Tōkichi stares at me in amazement and more than a little excitement as he considers my words. I do my best not to peek at his emotions while Tru says part of the pitch."What Mistress has not said is that she wishes for you to help. Slowly. Things cannot change over night and the Order would need support and safe places to rest. We shall utilize both high technology and old ways. Adaptability and cunning shall rule first until we are strong enough to inspire. There is much to be said about honor but first we must gain the strength to defend it."I'm definitely only telling people I trust or I view the aura of until there are more of us. This place teaches combat in many ways. Just free instruction alone is worth the trip even if nothing else is gained.Master Tōkichi just looks thoughtful and nods slowly. "I shall have to bring it up with the rest of the Masters. I think at the least we can offer training if you prove to us that you can find more to join your Order. After that? Maybe more. Danger will follow you and I cannot order my people to follow without good cause and mutual trust."That's more than fair. I'm perfectly okay with that. Its actually incredibly fast but tradition is a strong thing in this world. An aura user coming to you with a lucario at their side is something recognized even to this day as something one should give respect to. Its a start and I hand him Professor Oak's and my Mom's number for if he finds anyone who he thinks would want to join me independent of his Academy. That he agrees to with a smile and a nod."Out of curiosity, do you expect the man you spoke of back soon?" Because this is an anime world, the steady steps of someone down the hall answer my question for me. Tru lets out a bit of a curious noise and I pulse my aura tightly. Whoa. This guy has a lot of physical aura but very little spiritual. Its not bad. Just that he's gotta be built like a brick. It by no means suggests he's lacking peace. In fact his emotions are quite calming."Here he is. Welcome back Bruno. Good news?"Bruno. Yes Bruno walks through the door and gazes calmly at us all. Fucking Bruno. Even the lucario next to me only gets the barest of a raised eyebrow as he bows respectfully to Master Tōkichi. "It is done. They have been detained by Officer Jenny and will trouble your lands no more. Forgive me for intruding Master Tōkichi and…?"I don't let the Master answer and instead stand to offer him my hand. He's in his mid twenties(I think) but looks exactly how he'll look later if just a little smaller. The same haircut and build. He wears a torn gi-like shirt and his hand is hard as a rock as I shake it firmly. Another slight eyebrow raise as he feels how rough my own hand is. He's basically pokémon Ryu. "Ella Mita of Blackthorn. Pleased to meet you Bruno."The stoic young man just nods firmly and turns to look at Tru with a bit more interest now that his duty is done. Tru in turn just stands and moves to leave after nodding Bruno after her. I chuckle a bit and stand up after Bruno begins following my aura partner. Master Tōkichi follows as well. We all know that a fight is to happen now.Once outside I lean against a post and watch as Tru gives Bruno a slow bow and waits until it is returned before flying forward. She's going fairly hard on him, just a bit more than me and has to up the pace almost immediately when Bruno's fist comes in with a clang against her side. A satisfied nod from her increases her speed as she pulls just a bit of a bullet bunch at the future Elite Four.All the punches are dodged or blocked with his packed, compressed muscle and he catches a punch to toss Tru towards the ground, showing he's been training here in jujitsu or already knew it. Tru just rolls with it and shoves herself into a gravity defying front flip that lets her tail slam upwards at her opponent.Bruno dodges, barely, and it puts him just slightly off balance. Tru capitalizes as she comes down, throwing the tiniest of aura spheres to his leg and causes a fall that he does his best to roll away from. Its quick and impressive but Tru has been trying to work on her speed to get in and out with heals as fast as possible. Her paw impacts to the side of her head hard enough to enter the earth and he nods, tapping her forearm to show that he knows he lost the first spar.Tru stands and offers him his paw carefully so he won't accidentally grab her spike and I grin some. "So Bruno. What do you know about Aura Guardians?"Sorry Lance. He's going to train my Order. Pokémon and human alike.After that its surprisingly easy to get him on board in between further testing of my lucario. After showing him my abilities and complimenting him on his own internal aura he sits while I tell him my dream. The gaze on the man is beyond piercing. As if every word I have is judged. I don't leave anything back. I speak of global effort and a want to do good. How I wish to stop disasters of any make. Human, pokémon or natural. The whole time he just sits there, arms crossed and his eyes on my face without a word. Again Tru finishes for me."I do not know if you seek anything but to find a center for your life, Master Bruno. You seem pure in your desire to fall down further into martial arts. This is not an offer to put that off. Simply to share it with those who seek to better everyone. Whatever manner you would aid in that is up to your conscience and sense of self. All I can ask is that you help. But teaching is its own path to further enlightenment. To a sense of self. "At this point I'm holding my breath. Bruno continues his stare and then his eyes soften just a bit. Finally he lets out a sigh and nods. "Very well. I will not stop my path but I shall direct it somewhat to yours. If you wish my help you will have it only if you let me choose the way I train others. It will not be pleasant and I am only training them. They will not be my apprentices. I shall pick the place and if they cannot reach me there then the will not be worthy. Is that acceptable? And I am no Master. I have some skill but I seek no end to my path."My eye shines. This is exactly what I desire. Guardians must have a will of iron. If he's going to bust them down and challenge them right back up? That's perfect. Sorry Liza. You're probably going to be his first victim. "I'm only just now starting. My first recruit is a girl my age in the Charicific Valley. She already has a riolu with her." Bruno's eyes gleam for a moment at me mentioning the Valley."I had thought to use Mt. Silver but the Valley is harsh and unforgiving. A good place to forge will." I'm beaming at him and he offers just a bit of a grin back."She's working on forming a group of charizard to aid the Order. I would imagine they would make good sparring partners for you and your team?" Oh now I've got him. I can see it. Yeah really sorry Lance. No Bruno for you."This has been an unexpected day. I will leave in the morning to the Valley and begin carving a home. At least for a few years. More if it agrees with me. If this girl proves you pick worthy persons I shall devote more to your efforts. Thank you for this. I am excited." At no point does his expression change. But a peek at his aura does tell me that having such a high, near impossible, goal excites him. Even if my dream doesn't pan out he is quite pleased at the idea of training in the Valley.Yeah right Bruno. You're mine. Liza has a heart of fire. She'll surprise you.The Master offers a bit more support after watching Bruno and I talk. Mostly just training scrolls and other combat schools I might visit. I've got a busy couple years ahead of me but I already knew that. I don't stay the night and climb on Zaela's back. Someday I'll return to give all my family a chance to try training here but I do have a time schedule. Thank you Fate. If my people get trained by Bruno? Tempered by the desire to make the world better? Nothing will stop them.New Bark TownProfessor RedwoodDespite how much crap he'd get from his old buddies from the war, Arnold Redwood has to admit he's too old for this shit. Retirement was just around the corner. A nice place someplace warm and tropical to look at pretty folks and be a dirty old man. Not actually do anything but the stereotype is there for a fucking reason.His husband died in the war and no man or woman who followed set his heart aflame. Didn't mean he went without companionship, but he never had that spark after Charlie was gone. Pokémon did it though. Before the Rockets started being a true threat, Arnold was a smart little shit who thought he could change the world with his mind.Well, he is, sort of still, but its the story of it! A dumb ass kid with his head in the clouds. Shy as can be and ready to make a fool of himself. Which he did. Even when he grew angry and upset, he never lost his love for pokémon. Not a once. Not when a scyther took his Charlie. Not when he had to mourn his first lost partner. Not even when he helped the enemy's tortured slaves. Because that is what Rockets did to their pokémon. Made them slaves.Aches flow through his body as he looks over his work. Then past that to work that Blackthorn brat has given him. Fuck. Be honest with yourself Arnold.Work she's inspired in him. Fuck Hannah. That bitch. She knew his history. How much he truly abhorred the war. She served under him after all before he retired from the Rangers. She knew he kept fighting despite his hatred of war. To save as many as he could by ending the conflict.Now he's pouring through people he can draw away from ACE. Support crews that are the backbone of any organized force. Turning all he knows of pokémon care to go beyond that. Foreign species that might help in out of the box thinking.Science and mystic ideas both. Because of Ella's words. Of being a proactive force. Arnold looks over Charlie's photo. Would he still be alive if the rumors of how truly awful Team Rocket was had someone dig into it?The world is objectively quite peaceful. Harmony for the most part is followed by human and pokémon alike. But it seems that when things to bad, they go very bad.For a long while he thought he could change things by being a respected man of science. To educate and help people learn. While he's shit at talking to people, he's pretty fucking good at teaching something to last. Of inspiring people with talent. Not with his own ideals. He's a bitter piece of work after all.Sammy-boy. His old student. Now that man succeeded where he didn't. Pride is a pale way of suggesting the feeling he has for him. And its gone well…But Samuel is old. Not as old as him of course. The former Champion still has a bit of lingering strength.I was content to go off and die someplace. To act like it was the vacation I wish I'd taken while you were still alive Charlie. Then some little girl comes with pokémon that would make my shorts tight in excitement at studying them and tells me she's going to change the world. Oh she did it with nice words and caution but the look in her eyes said it all.Huffing, he lets himself feel it. The possibility of something enduring. Legacy was never a concern for him. All he wanted was a decent life. And he let it become sour. Not completely. But a kid? Is that what is changing him at the end of his days? Growling hard, the Professor looks at the work. Always the work.What would you do Charlie? How would you kick my butt in gear?The answer is easy. He hasn't ever lied to himself. The work is worthy. A threat for those who are a threat. But also a promise. A promise to uplift and protect. To do the things he couldn't.So Arnold shakes his old bones and calls the grandchildren of his original team together once more. Another long night. Another reminder he's the last of his family.Scowling at the last letter the little blonde brat sent, asking if he was eating right, he can't help but wonder if he isn't ready to die just yet.Arceus shit. Why couldn't he have taken a day off when Ella Mita came in with dreams and problems?Sighing, Arnold Redwood walks on to live longer. Totally and absolutely pissed about it.EcruteakElla MitaEcruteak had a lot to see. The two towers I know that legendaries are involved with. The Kimono Sisters that have all the eeveelutions. I'm betting Sunny would love that. And the Ghost gym. Which I am quite nervous about. My tactics are against stronger foes for the most part. To knock things off balance and exploit weaknesses. Even Zaela with her incredible strength does that. Ghosts live that way. Er. Unlive? Whatever.I've got a few ideas to fight them but that'll be later. Sunny had a rough trip at sea and I've been flying mostly lately so time to spoil her a bit. The Dance Theater is surprisingly interesting looking and flooded with music as I take a day (night rather) off to spoil my sylveon. I know the Kimono Sisters are very traditional but when I push inside I see what looks like swing dance going on. Sunny is fascinated."Mom! Look! They're twirling! But very twirling! How do they do that? Its amazing! Can we try?""Its about the way they are moving around each other. Hips and-you know what sure!" Despite my old life being rather...Boring, I did indeed enjoy dancing. About the only thing I could brag about liking physically. I wasn't overly good or decent but I put my all into it. Which is what real dancing should be like.Taking Sunny's ribbons I start guiding her along in an area off to the side as the fairly large crowd dances along. We're in our own world. It must be some sort of community thing as no one stopped me at the door and I see people coming and going. Music that blares to a joyful, happy beat helps me show Sunny nothing she doesn't already know. She may not have formal steps but Sunny was born to dance in glee. Other people and pokémon float about but I'm focusing on her, cherishing her innocent.Time goes by as I just let my little girl have the time of her life. My family are together all the time and that's good but I resolve to take a bit of time with each of my family soon. Zaela got me flying with her and gets that a lot. Mars too but I'm going to do something special for him. The others will come in time.Right now its Sunny's time and she delights in it. My poor self tires first and I just laugh and lead her to where I spy water, her ribbons wrapped firmly around my wrist as we weave through the crowd. There are other pokémon here among all the humans. Mostly humanoid but a fair number of eeveelutions which I expect."Sunny. If you want to say hi to all the eeveelutions I don't mind. Just stay in sight."Her nose scrunches up as she can't decide which is more important. I let her drink some of my water as I kneel and stroke along her fur gently. "You don't have to. Just offering."Sunny pauses and looks out, spotting an umbreon who is curled up against his owner then nods to me."Alright! But don't go anywhere. Aurora says you're helpless without me! Well she said that we all were. So you be good!" She giggles a bit at her teasing of 'Mom' and darts off. The music is just loud enough that I can't hear her words but the umbreon sits up and they start talking friendly enough. The umbreon's human just seems to laugh and goes back to the conversation he's having with someone else.Its good to see her like this .Not worrying about anything. Not that she does anyway but as the music washes over me I can't help but think of the rough times I'm sure are ahead. Will Sunny be able to bear it? My other pokémon all can I think. But Sunny is truly pure. Bah. I'm likely being silly."Your sylveon is so lovely. I can tell you love her deeply." Turning I see the owner of the young voice. A pink haired girl is leaning against the wall next to me. Bright eyes gleam as they match the crooked smile she offers me. She's a Joy, but young. Maybe a bit older than me."Yeah. Sunny lives up to her name. So I have to love her. Ella." My hand goes out. She doesn't comment how rough it is nor at my eye. I'm a little tired of noticing it when it does happen. I shouldn't care right? Be strong and proud of my scar. That's how dragons work...Right."Rose Joy. And yes its a silly name. My sister is named Tulip Joy. Mom is a little odd." Her eyes twinkle at me as she grabs my cup and refills my water. Luckily my inner thoughts aren't strong enough to ruin the mood the dancing gave me. "Are you here to see the sisters?"The Kimono Sisters are a name passed down every generation or so. I forget what age they are in the anime so they could be much older or barely teens now. Either way I nod at Sunny. "Was going to see if she'd like to see more of her line mostly. This was a surprise here so thought we'd have fun."Rose simply snickers a little and watches the crowd for a moment as she tosses her hair back. "They have these things every once and a while. This city can be a bit gloomy with the towers and ghosts so this is a good distraction. Are you a trainer? Contests?"I let my dangerous grin slide over my face for an instance and lean forward so she can see my one good eye glitter. "What do you think?"I get a bop on my nose for that. "I'm a Joy. You'll have to be scarier than that….Trainer." The glitter is back in her eyes as she hops up on the counter nearby and tosses her feet slowly. "Joys heal and heal alone. That doesn't mean we lack strength or get trained pokémon but we all share a love of healing. I must admit I'd love to travel someday. See something spectacular." She pauses and points at me. "Don't think I couldn't. Even if I do want to set up a Center. I could challenge you if I liked." Up goes her nose and she can't hold it. Cackles at herself are pleasant to hear."Oh I believe it. The Joy in my home could bring dragons to their knees." My eye softens and I can't help but let out a sigh. "I really miss her. We were very close before I left on my journey." My eye moves back to Sunny who is sitting next to the umbreon and chatting away. For once she's not overly excited and simply seems to be...Talking. Yes. This was good for her."Where are you from? Maybe I know your Joy?""Blackthorn.""Oh! That Joy! Melanie. She got a lucario! Those are amazing partners. Wish I had one." A bit of her voice is odd speaking of my friend. As if there was relief in something about Melanie Joy. Huh. But I have mischief to give her.I can't resist. Winking I hold up Tru's ball and give her my smuggest of grins. She points at me with a horrified expression and smacks my arm a few times."Evil girl! Making me jealous. I won't get my partner until I choose someplace to settle. And I don't want just anywhere. I want a challenge and something amazing." Wait. This can't be real.I gaze over her slowly and she blushes ever so slightly but then does it right back. Is she...thinking I'm flirting? Am I? I was more or less not interested growing up last life. And as an adult it didn't matter to me. I was so self absorbed. Plus I'm ten, almost eleven, now. Well. I carry myself older I suppose. Come to think of it I do look older than my age. Eyepatch, severe bun. Fit body from all the training. Huh.Back to the girl. "How amazing and how big of a challenge?" Her cheeks twinge a bit as she realizes I wasn't checking her out but does she look the tiniest bit disappointed? I'll let myself be confused about that later. Much later."I've always enjoyed the harder road. Something worth doing. Most Joys are already gone as apprentices now. I've never really fit you know? Itchy feet and a desire to aim high."Yeah. I have to see if she's up to it. Is my base in Johto going to be the Charicific Valley? Yikes. I guess it would be suicide to cause problems there.Standing, I grin at her my most charming grin. I grew up messing with people. She should worry about this smile. The blush is back and I just file that way. Maybe in a few years. "Want to go on a walk? I might have a solution for you."We pass by Sunny and I touch a ribbon to tell her we're going. I wait for her to say goodbye to her new friend. Rose follows me along as I look up at the sky, sighing a bit."I'm building something in the Charicific Valley. Something grand. Would you like to be the Nurse Joy of a bunch of charizard, riolu, lucario and Aura Guardians?" My hand lights up as I form an aura sphere and Rose laughs out loud."Wow. Really? Do you know how dangerous it is there?" I nod."Charizard are very difficult!" Another nod."You still think I could do it?" I just grin."And why should I even try for you, fancy glowing lights or not?"That's a fair question. Fine. Bribery it is. "Well. If you choose this path I can probably request you have a riolu as a partner. The Lucario Kingdom takes my calls so to speak."Her face grows very thoughtful and she moves her head in towards mine so she can stare into my eye. Lips press against my cheek softly and she nods. My face heats in surprise. Just surprise. Nothing else."Alright. I'll go and check it out. That sounds like a place to go and brag about to other Joys. I'm at the Center. Send me all the information. If its what you promise I'll give it a true effort. What an adventure that could be."She backs away with her hands behind her, that glitter back in her eyes as she laughs again. "Thank you Ella. I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy getting to scold you if you're always this bold. Inviting a young lady like myself to such a dangerous life. Thank you."Almost skipping away she lets out a happy whistle as I look down at Sunny, my face confused."Are you going to get married? Our Joy always teases Becca like that. Would I have two moms?!"Damnit.GymLast night's weirdness aside I'm ready. This is gonna suck but I have faith in my team. If its more than three on three it will be a bit more difficult but I'm planning to cheat a bit. Well. More like be unfair. Plus Mars says he's got it if needed. He has been going out late at night while we are here for what I presume is training.Aurora is likely first as she hasn't had a fight since the first gym. Tru again cause foresight. Then its Mars. If we come up against something nuts Zaela. I'd prefer not Query as I don't think he's yet fast enough to deal with ghosts and Wattson has mostly physical attacks that he's particularly good at.No way am I sending Sunny out against likely a lot of poison types. Here we go. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. So just like every battle. I got this.The place feels weird already as I walk in. For once I'm alone without a visible pokémon. I don't want anyone to see my lucario just yet so I can get in a little bit of surprise. Though if the Gym Leader has seen my previous battles that's pretty worthless of a gesture. No receptionist so I tap the bell at the counter and observe how high this gym is. Thick walls, likely so ghosts can move around in them. Ideas come and go and I kind of wish the gym leader here will bring in something big.Eventually a rather young looking man comes up in a hurry."Sorry sorry! We're a little short handed! Hi! I'm Morty. Are you here for a gym battle?" Wait. This kid looks around eighteen. Wasn't Morty rather young already in the games? Fine. Whatever. Might just have a baby face."I am. My name is Ella Mita." My pokédex is promptly handed over. Morty hums happily as he brings up my records and nods. "Okay! Since you have three badges we'll go with three on three. I don't really have any gym trainers right now so no need to go through that." He peers at me a bit more and shrugs. "This way!"This seems a bit odd. I follow along through the doors leading into the main gym room and my thoughts are confirmed. Big ol' walls. Yeah. That's gonna suck. "Just out of curiosity have you heard of who I am?"Morty looks over his shoulder and stops. "Hmm? No. I just did take over gym leader duties a year or so ago though. Why? You famous?" He grins then and its a nice one. Okay. So not insulting! Good. I put Zaela's ball away."My mother is the Blackthorn Gym leader. She put out a warning to use a main team around me." His eyes widen at that while he brings his hand up to scratch his chin."Tell you what. We'll try that first. Not that I don't believe you but if I give my main team a cruddy battle they'll never let me live it down. So I'm bringing out the weakest of my main team and you beat them? Then we'll go for the other two."Fine by me! Aurora is getting so close to evolution. "Actually. Do you mind if we wait an hour till dusk? If we do you might see something amazing." Cue Kakashi eyesmile. He looks a bit iffy but shrugs and seems to appreciate my snark."Sure. Though be warned my ghosts are even more potent at night.""Wouldn't have it any other way."Morty goes off to continue what had him busy before I showed up. Myself? I sit down in place and start to meditate. Its odd being alone right now. My team never really is upset to be in their balls but I'm used to at least two constantly around me. I'd release Sunny but I'm not certain she'd enjoy the presence of ghosts.Speaking of ghosts. Their aura is weird. Like an echo. I suppose that makes sense if you think about what a ghost might be but its just...Odd on my senses. As always happens when I meditate time passes quicker than I expect when I come out of it."Ready when you are then, Ella. I'm a bit excited now. I looked you up in more depth while we waited." Morty's voice has a hint of anticipation even without peeking at his emotions.Standing, I grin and tug Aurora's ball free of my belt and hold it ready. Morty across from me looks more composed. He changed his rumpled clothes as well. A tired looking ref comes out to the field and stifles a yawn as we make our way to our positions. The gym is rather plain but the way light hits the craggy looking walls makes it decidedly spooky. Nice."This will be a three on three battle between Ella Mita of Blackthorn and Gym Leader Morty." Huh. No last name stated? Bad stray thoughts! Battle! Morty just quietly tosses out a Haunter that seems to suck in the shadows around it without effort.Aurora pops out with a low cry and she looks curiously up at the creature. Haunter just tilts its head and not its floating hands, not recognizing my ancient fossil pokémon. Neither does Morty. Haunter turns sideways in profile as if wanting to look at Aurora with one eye. Making a joke at me maybe?No orders are told and Aurora seizes the moment. Hail fills the battle arena in thick waves that are joined almost immediately by powdered snow. Its been a while since that first gym and Aurora has put in effort every day to reach the level of the rest of our family. Haunter's mouth grimaces in distaste and a will o' wisp sets himself on fire just a bit or so it seems. Its a bit jarring as the ghost cackles like mad even as he spits out small little flames at my amaura.They bounce off her safeguard as she continues to slowly freeze the area. She was warned about status effects from ghosts and the last week was perfecting safeguard. I bought it as an afterthought from an actual Silph store when I remembered the ghost gym was going to suck.Haunter takes in the block and seems satisfied before finally moving. It was odd until I remembered Morty wanting a good fight for them. Maybe Haunter wasn't convinced until now? He's going under the floor already as Aurora uses probably her favorite move. Magnet rise. While good to deal with ground attacks she likes it more to give her time than anything. And with how she pushes herself with her moves, it leads to odd movement for a relatively stationary style she has….Okay. A big part is because Zaela being a dick under the ground is incredibly annoying, even for my even tempered ice-dinosaur.The rise gives her time to start sending back the shadow balls that just Haunter's hands fling out of the earth. Both of the detached hands start peeking out, not exposing his whole body as she's smacked a few times. All that do hit are returned twice as strong with mirror coat but keep on missing the small part of the ghost that is exposed from the ground. Still nothing we didn't expect.Ancient power is probably Aurora's most adaptable move. Sure, her ice attacks are amazing but something about the richness of the earth makes her ancient power stand above even Mars' application of it. At least until he goes Mega. Simultaneously ripping the ground up to hover ancient power spheres and continuing to use her ability to lower the temperature puts a lot of strain on her. My eye blinks. Too much strain.Her left front hoof is purple. When was she poisoned? Haunter went into profile and pushed his hand down his shadow and into the ground! He poisoned her at the lull and before she safeguarded! Its worse though as I consider my amaura. Every few seconds she winces. Without even a flinch the haunter cursed her too. Fuck. Short time limit."Aurora! Don't be subtle! No time!" My sweet, mothering pokémon just nods firmly as she continues to pull up rock after rock in imitation of Mars' attack on Zaela a week or so ago. Eventually Haunter is exposed and is much slower than he started. The cold already seeped into the ground, powder snow slowing him down considerably as he springs forward, huge tongue out to wrap around my girl and restrict her vision.Someday I want Aurora to be able to put down Zaela in one hit. She has the potential with refrigerate. She's lost this fight already but at least perhaps she can help Haunter lose too. Morty's unfamiliarity with my girl does him in. I expect the tactics are to use disable, lick and mean look to slow her down until the damage tics do her in. Perhaps the annoying as fuck hypnosis/dream eater if the safeguard is disrupted.Sadly, for him, the biting cold makes her not have to worry about gathering energy for the hyper beam she obviously charges. Haunter just keeps speeding towards her and I can feel both the ghost and Morty's confusion as to why this strange pokémon is using a move that Haunter is immune to. Maybe Mega Glalie aren't around yet.The ice-hyper beam hits haunter dead on and carries him into the torn up ground in an instant. Aurora lets her Ancient Power go and the ghost is hit by both attacks in a massive, freezing explosion that makes me shiver hard even as far from is as I am. Through the various psychic barriers as well. Haunter is out but so is Aurora. Or will be in just a few moments. I'm already starting to return Aurora as what I'd hoped for occurs.Aurora always has had the biggest heart out of all of us. Her body expands to match it. Growing over ten feet her legs turn from small saplings into massive trunks. Her neck is corded with muscle meant to keep her steady in a blizzard as her fins draw down the entire length of her upper body. She becomes stocky and immovable. She'll never fit on a simple boat again sadly. Time to go buy tickets for ships.Evolution cures a lot of things but she's still suffering and while she gives me a pleased, soft croon that shakes the place a little I return her immediately even if I'd love to have her explore her new form."What just happened? Haunter didn't feel foresight or anything equivalent that I could tell. Was that a new ice attack?" I just grin at Morty and he lets out a slow, sly one in return."Well! Guess you got what it takes. Prepare yourself. You get to see why I've been given a gym so young."Hey. Weren't the gym leaders at Mossdeep pre-teens? Whatever. Future things! Morty just tosses out a dusk ball and I pale just a bit. Most ghosts are fairly frail. Not Dusknoir. I thought I had the monopoly on rare pokémon here!Tru pops out of her ball and immediately uses foresight before dusknoir can even move. That was absolutely key for our strategy. Despite losing prankster when she evolved, many moves that she practiced to make quicker retain their speed. The ghost just lets out a low moan of amusement and a pulse goes out that Tru shivers at. Imprison. Shit. No shadow ball now and probably a few other things. Tru springs into extremespeed and slams a force palm into the thankfully quite slow ghost. She closes her eyes and relies heavily on Reader as the burly dusknoir pulses confuse rays faster than Query can do his strobe light trick.Tru must sense something as she trades blows with the ghost instead of moving into more dodges. Ice, fire and thunderpunches flow easily from Morty's monster while Tru answers back with the start of Close Combat then jumps away. The edge of gravity hits her and she trips, crashing to the floor as the area she was at explodes in psychic power. When was the future sight set up? Tru uses Regen and eyes her opponent warily before switching to long range. Aura Spheres pelt dusknoir constantly who is thankfully not quick enough to block them all with small bursts of shadow claws. Things look good until the ghost's shadow lances out with shocking speed and suddenly its within melee with Tru again. Shadow sneak and Feint attack at once. Fuck.Tru gets a bit stronger from the dark move and smacks him hard with a High-Jump Kick enhanced by extreme speed but the ghost just chortles and shrieks loud and hard. Pain Split makes the fight even again and Tru struggles under the pressure of Morty's pokémon. She stands with my group of monsters daily but something about this dusknoir's aura is hitting her hard. Desperately she tries to extremespeed away again but a disable leads into an astonish and the ghost's second arm comes around in a massive focus blast it managed to charge at the same time he was restricting her movement.I know Tru. She would have used Endure but it was Imprisoned at the start of the fight just like Shadow Ball. My lucario crumples to the floor and dusknoir floats right on back to his spot across from me. That's the first real loss we've had since Blackthorn. Still, I let my emotions flow over Tru's ball. Pride. Determination to do better. No guilt or disappointment. Never that."Your dusknoir is terrifying. I'm impressed. Well! Suppose we'll see how this goes." I'm excited. I am not sure if Mars' ingenuity and adaptability will help with moves like Destiny Bond and the like but I wouldn't put it past him to find a way. My shiny black dragon emerges with a calm look before lazily taking to the air. Morty's eyes narrow even as dusknoir's shadow is already moving toward Mars steadily boosting form. Dragon dance. All the damn day. Or er. Night right now.Not that he shows the dance easily anymore. Turning Mega did something to make dragon moves that much easier for him to understand. The Feint Attack, Shadow Sneak attack snaps up to close the distance even as I see the sparks of a thunderpunch being charged by dusknoir. That's a mistake. Even a hint has Mars changes tactics. Two Shadow Claws I'm positive he didn't know a few days ago slash out and disrupt dusknoir's approach with remarkable ease. The ghost snarls in pain and starts tossing shadow balls that Mars simply flamethrowers to block. Air cutters rain down as dusknoir tries to hit my son with a disable to drop him to the ground.By now Mars is fully boosted by his dance and begins to compound the issue with ancient powers that batter the ghost. The dusknoir is almost out. Pain split might have helped him a bit but Tru did a fair bit of damage before that. Its still clever though and starts tossing out an intimidating number for will o' wisps at the same time and tries to box Mars into more future sight explosions.Mars simply snots and shocks me again. His air cutters take on a ghostly hue and ominous wind cutters slams down into the wisps. They explode in violent purple smoke and dusknoir is lost from sight. Mars jets high and fast before his claws swipe around him in shadow claws and a crunch as he disrupts the destiny bond that the ghost attempted to bring him down with.Morty just laughs in pleasure and nods at me. "Right. Hope you're ready. This is going to be a blast."A massive gengar appears with a cackle that echoes without any sort of aide from the steadily darkening room. Ghost moves seem to suck out the light, filling the area with intent to cause terror and unease. Morty lifts his hand and bright light fills the air as gengar shifts heavier. Even more giant, the stark white form of Mega Gengar informs me that yes, its shiny.Mars just glances at me and Morty laughs again in delight as Mars is engulfed in the same energy. The Gym Leader's voice is full of reverberating cackles and the pleasant man I first met definitely changes to a proper Ghost trainer.When my charizard X is revealed both pokémon start moving. Mega Gengar begins tossing out shadow balls willed with the eerie glow of ghostly fire and Mars slams an air cutter into his own back to forcibly move him out of the way and exhales a massive smokescreen. Mega Gengar attempts to slam a sucker punch up by detaching one arm but screeches in pain when the smokescreen is found to hold an ominous wind in it as well.Mega Gengar still shoots an attack in, probably aided by the never miss shadow sneak but then desperately hisses with pain. Its entire body disperses, reforming a moment later with his arm returned. Mars emerges from the smoke, trailing blue fire that glows with lingering ominous wind like a protective cloak and chomping at vanishing ghostly energy, signaling the crunch he used against the invading arm. Pulsing waves of spite hit him the moment he emerges and drain some of his ability to use dark energy.He would be pissed if he hadn't tossed a massive blue fire blast at the ground. As Mega Gengar dodges by submerging the still somewhat cratered ground form Aurora's battle, my genius dragon blitzes right after and cracks the earth in a psuedo-earthquake. Rightfully thinking that he can use the previous damage to reach Mega Gengar. Beat up clones follow him down and tear into the dazed Mega Gengar.A massive wave of sludge pools upwards and forces Mars into the air or be hit by the bubbling, acidic mini-lake. The beat up clones don't care though and batter Mega Gengar until spent. More double teams than my entire team can use together fill the gym with white, eerie ghosts but are almost immediately dispersed by the ominous wind that Mars hasn't stopped pushing, his floating, ethereal cape of ghost energy making me think I need to tell him Batman stories. Its not strong enough to cause serious damage but its disruptive to Mega Gengar's attacks so much I can feel the irritation from here. Shadow trap keeps Mars from flying too high but he just keeps on blowing out flame to cover the floor, the sludge wave now on fire and severely limiting any attacks Mega Gengar can do from underground without taking damage. What was once freezing in Aurora's battle is now causing both Morty and I to sweat.Mega Gengar takes to the sky and almost vanishes in speed. A likely psych up to counter heavily boosted genius is worrying for a moment until he flares his tail into a fire spin around him. It doesn't stop the night shade that knocks him around but Mega Gengar again has to pull back his arms.Machine gun like shadow balls follow Mars about the room as he swats the ones he can't dodge with his armored wings and he returns with massive blue flame bursts that explode in area denial that forces Mega Gengar to dodge into yet another fire blast. The formerly near pitch black in places gym is burning with light, weakening the usual shadow movements that ghosts so easily abuse. Indeed, Mars likely has a trap set up for his own shadow past those he's already shown from how his tail is moving steadily. Waiting in predator patience.The stark white otherworldly ghost emerges off center, wary of exactly what my thoughts went to, savage snarl thrums pulses of a promise of pain. A payback hits Mars in the chest with all the malice Mega Gengar can bring. Mars lets out his first grunt of true pain and simply brings two shadow claws down to disrupt hypnosis beams Mega Gengar tried to ensnare him with while suffering the payback. Eating it to make sure he wasn't put to sleep.Then Mars sets off his plan. The burning floor explodes in heat as two massive air cutters feed the flames from snaps of his wings. They explode upwards towards Mega Gengar as the ominous wind my genius has maintained condenses. His tail activates blaze somehow even if he shouldn't have the ability in his Mega form and erases the possible shadow sneak escape for only a few moments. Its all he needs as the flame rises. The result is a pillar of red-purple flame that Mega Gengar wants no part of.Beat Up clones that Mars formed behind the ghost when hit with payback block in his opponent and there is too much ghostly energy in the air to let Mega Gengar safely disperse. The giant ghost does the right thing and tries to rush Mars to get away from the attacks behind him but my boy does one of his favorite tricks and explodes a Flare Blitz behind himself to cause rapid movement. Its where he got the idea for the air cutter boost earlier.Grabbing Mega Gengar with dual shadow claws both fall into the spire of ghost flame Mars created. The explosion creates a shock wave that drives me to my knees to keep from falling ass over head backward. I can barely see Morty's grip on the trainer booth go white to keep himself from something similar.When the dust clears the room is totaled. Near molten rock is all that is left of the floor, light flickering in a much different way than when ghost energy ruled the area. Now all is a hellish, demonic looking fire. Mixed with the ghost wind it feeds on.Numbly, I release Zaela. She looks around in curiosity then snorts in pleasure as Mars is revealed standing over the now normal gengar. He's huffing in exhaustion and has some deep bruises but in an uncharacteristic show of pride tosses his head high, a bright blue flamethrower nearly toching the ceiling to signal his victory, the whoosh of it echoing in the cavernous gym.My starter makes an almost purring sound and uses a low powered surf to start putting out the fires. Before stomping a bit to fix the field so its at least a tad safer. She didn't have to stomp. She's just picking up the lingering excitement and will be pestering me endlessly for the memory of it via Query later.Morty returns what is probably his starter and grins broadly as he makes his way down. Mars powers down then returns himself. Yeah he's gonna nap now. Zaela grunts in annoyance. Without seemingly phased by Zaela's bulk, Morty grins broadly and offers me his hand."That was fantastic. I've learned so much. You too if the way your face changed. You truly connect with your pokémon if they can fight like this without a word. I'd adore to battle you again. And if you ever get a ghost I'd be happy to give you some pointers."Man this guy is different than Agatha. My grin is warm as he hands me a fog badge. I'm definitely going to pick his brain about my Order. Who says we can't have sneaky members? And he totally trolls people for his fun. Nice guy but then cackles like the Joker in battle. Yep. A fellow prankster.The games steadily increased in difficulty. This fight shows that quite a bit. If not for Mars' insane ability to adapt, mega evolution and the unfamiliarity of Aurora's species I would have lost. Which would have been fine. I'm young yet. My team too. My thoughts have changed a bit in regards to getting myself known. Momma already taught me to get stronger through adversity.Even if we adapt. Expand our thinking and methods. One thing will never change.The world is still ours for the taking.HeroLance hated this guy. Hoenn was supposed to be fun and the last step for Clair to come into her own. Last year in Kanto had him winning the Indigo Plateau and losing to Blaine in the Elite Four (Rematch already planned) so he took Clair to Hoenn to find more dragons for his team. Well, that and to help her grow.Even if he was more or less blackmailed to take her.Despite the way he was tricked into helping his cousin she's been an amazing boon. His dragons have learned so much from her differing style and she's gotten pretty funny after she got over the shyness that she displayed when younger.But then this guy. Clair said he was pretty strong when she lost to him in a battle in Rustboro. She found him training there and just had to fight him when she saw how strong his metagross was. Which is good. Dragons have to challenge strong foes to grow.When she lost and got him to try himself he wasn't expecting to have such a close match. He still won but he's not so arrogant to say he wasn't sweating. When the prim and proper bastard asked to come with Clair and him, Lance was all set to say no. Sure. Be polite and thank him for the battle but Clair got googley eyes at the stupid idiots suit and calm voice and said yes before Lance could disagree.You don't fight with family in front of strangers so Lance figured they could ditch him later.Now months later they are still traveling together. Lance really wanted to just fly away with Clair on dragonnite back but the prissy boy had a massively speedy skarmory that could keep up.Its not that having a strong opponent nearby isn't good its just that Clair won't stop...Talking about him.Steven this. Steven that. Fuck Steven. Lance recognizes the look on Clair's face. While he is just now getting interested in girls himself its still too young for Clair. Even a crush. Even if Steven is strong enough to be worthy usually.Damn it. At least the bastard doesn't seem to notice. Or is smart enough not to show he knows in front of Lance.On the other hand he can't imagine anyone in Hoenn would be a rival for him when they fight in the finals this year. That wouldn't be so bad. Destroy him in front of the world and maybe Clair will get over it.And stop making Lance so uncomfortable.A slow grin goes over Lance's face as he watches his cousin and the bastard set up tents. Maybe he'll introduce this idiot to Ella. See how she tears him to pieces. Even if its hard to admit Clair looks up to Ella far more than to him.Which is acceptable with how strong she's become. He wasn't there but the few times he heads back to Blackthorn they are still telling the story of Momma's defeat. Just how tough is Ella now? Tough enough to brutalize Steven he imagines.Then Clair will lay off. Or hopefully wait a few years when he's not there to see it.If prissy boy wants to face more dragon trainers then Lance will give him Ella. That's why he wanted to go with them anyway. Said some bull about seeing a dragon that could put Lance's starter in the ground and keep on going. With Lance and Clair having strong dragons, the jerk said he could use themFine. He said it much more polite than that but Lance doesn't care. The sentiment was the same.Its also annoying how much he appreciated his strength acknowledged like that.Steven's never left Hoenn and Lance knows for a fact that there aren't dragon masters here to write home about. At least that are in the open. Except for Drake. But the bastard said it wasn't him that crushed him.So who was the tough trainer who beat this idiot?Steven just smiled and only said that the dragon trainer was someone he admired.Bah! So frustrating. Whatever. A trip back to Johto and seeing Ella would be nice come to think of it. Its been a few years. She's probably destroying gym leaders now and off on her insane dream.But then he can't really judge. His own goal goes through her. To be the best. She had a head start but he'll overtake her.Well now he's fired up. Lance just laughs at himself. Yeah its good to have Steven around for moments like this."Stone! Get out your team. Time to brawl."Nothing was going to keep Lance from the pinnacle.

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