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14.13% poke fanfic fun to read / Chapter 13: 28-30

Chapitre 13: 28-30

 Chapter 28: Reverse Thad

The menu in Jasmine's hands displayed a wide swath of vegetarian options and seafood specialty dishes. Fried Magikarp wasn't a particular favorite of hers, so her eyes drifted toward the kelp wraps stuffed with tofu. She closed the slightly sticky menu and looked across the table to Whitney and Falkner. Despite the colder weather beginning to set in, Whitney had opted for a tight floral tank top and Capri shorts while Falkner had stayed course with his predictable wardrobe of comfortable blue and white robes.

The restaurant was a small hole in the wall type place with limited seating, an open cooking area, and a pungent smell of fish oil with a layered hint of degreaser. A Hariyama in a chef hat and a pair of human cooks located behind the back counter worked together on chopping up various bits of food.

"Have you two decided yet?" Jasmine asked, waving over the waiter.

Whitney scowled at the menu, her knuckles turning red against the flimsy plastic covering. "Where is the goddamn meat?"

"It's listed in the fish section," Falkner said. His menu was already closed; his elbow resting on top of it as he counted the ceiling tiles. "Just hurry up and pick."

"Fish isn't meat, Falk. I thought Kanto had lots of Tauros. That's why I picked a place that actually serves meat."

"Whitney, it's an island. Most meat here will be Magikarp and maybe some imported Whiscash. I doubt they'd bring Tauros to a place, well, like this," Jasmine gently proclaimed. The waiter approached and Whitney tossed her menu aside with a defeated huff. "Um, I think we'll have three seaweed salads with a set of tofu rolls."

The waiter nodded, jotting down a few notes on a small pad of paper before inserting into their pocketed apron. Whitney threw her hands up and let out a loud grunt. Falkner kept his gaze fixed upward, nearly on the back half of the restaurant's set of tiles.

"It's whatever. I'll have good food when I get home, but!" Whitney slapped the top of the table, managing to get Falkner's attention as he snapped his focus down for a moment. "You have to tell me how traveling has been, Jasmine! You're so lucky to be able to go around without Olivine City getting all on your case about it!"

"Well, one of my trainer's at the gym is trying really hard to make a case to be the Gym Leader. It's worked out I'd say, plus the league gave it the green light at Chuck's behest."

"Chuck has that kind of sway?" Falkner mused.

Jasmine shook her head. "Bruno does, and they're good friends. He would have gone if it weren't for personal things going on, so I was the next up. Our cities being the closest was just icing."

"So, Thad managed to shred through the entirety of the region's Gym Leaders in less than three months," Whitney sighed, slamming her head against the table. Her muffled voice echoed out, "why can't there be any justice? We've trained for so long! That's just not fair! This is Gold all over again."

"Thad actually earned several badges by doing community deeds," Jasmine quickly corrected. "He only battled in a traditional sense against Morty, Bugsy, and Clair for the badges."

"And it took him two tries to get through Morty," Falkner added. He stretched and folded his arms behind his head. "Relax, Whitney. He's talented, but not a freak of nature."

"Have you seen that dude's abs?"

Falkner rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean."

"So, how has Goldenrod been faring since we left?" Jasmine said. She took a sip of water and looked at Whitney expectantly. "Anything new?"

"Permits for impromptu Pokemon-Human events have been restricted, but the cash influx has helped out. The underground has seen a rise in tourism since officials don't like messing around down there," Whitney mused. "Besides that, a few challengers here and there. Managed to break even."

Falkner nodded along. "About the same for me, though much of my attention has been focused on the new tunnel in Dark Cave. Contractors have been using my birds to scout the landscape for the best path to Mahogany Town. Supposed to help encourage trade and help travelers get around the region faster-"

"Are we really going to talk about politics?" Whitney finished the rest of her water in a few gulps and wiped her lips. "C'mon. We should be talking about strategy! Remember the first two rounds you can't face someone from your region, so let's plan! Last time was such a disaster."

"Because you got Leon in the first round?" Jasmine couldn't hide the start of a smile. "That is rotten luck to get a champion in the first round."

"Exactly! So I hope it isn't rigged this time!"

Falkner slowly blinked, averting his gaze. "It's not rigged, Whitney. Someone has to face him. We know it's all random."

"I'm sure someone's got dirt on that Porygon. Just give me someone like you had last year, Falkner. Some ranger outta Orre, yeah?"

"It wasn't easy. I barely won that."

Whitney raised her chin and squinted her eyes. "Mhmmm. Sure. Maybe you should get someone like Leon. Or maybe Blue?" She stole a glance toward Jasmine. "I know he gave you fits last time around."

"He's a champion for a reason," Jasmine shrugged as the waiter deposited their meals on the table. Each of the Gym Leaders clammed up for a moment and smiled at the waiter and nodded, turning their attention back to Jasmine. "But, yes. We should talk a bit about strategy for the early rounds. Usually those tend to be one-on-one matches. It's good for television to keep viewer's attention with rapid fire early rounds, so it makes sense to lead with your most dependable Pokemon. Meta gaming your opponents tendencies too much can trip you up."


"Whit, you brought your Bibarel," Falkner slurped up some of the salad, pausing as he chewed and swallowed. "Should have just used Miltank."

"I thought Leon would lead with Charizard and I wanted a type advantage! Can you blame me?"

Falkner put his fork down and looked directly into Whitney's eyes, his mouth agape. "Your Miltank knows Rollout! Rollout! This kinda overthinking is why you're struggling."

Jasmine picked up a roll and bit into it, chewing quietly as Falkner and Whitney continued to exchange barbs. Which Pokemon would be optimal for each stage, and reminiscing of past events. Despite being a seasoned veteran, Jasmine enjoyed the dinner. Meeting up with her fellow Gym Leaders was a rare occurrence, but was almost always welcome. Few people could relate to her experience and all the burdens, and the lack of fawning over someone felt nice.

Like how Thad doesn't seem to see me just as a Gym Leader. Jasmine used her chopsticks and nibbled on some of her seaweed salad. She took a sip of water as Falkner stood up from the table abruptly, mumbling about going to the bathroom under his breath.

"So, Jasmine," Whitney rested her elbows on the table, cupping her face with both her hands, "you've gotta tell me. Traveling around… have you, ya know."

Jasmine nearly choked on her food, forcing it down with a strong gulp. "Really? You're just going to ask me that out in public?!"

"Yeah! Spill already!"

"Fine, fine, but I think we'll need a change of scenery."

Whitney raised an eyebrow suggestively. "Alcohol?"

"Only if you promise to behave."

"I'll try, but no promises." Whitney stood up from the table, her chair making a loud screeching sound across the floor. "Now let's go! I'm pretty sure there's some place near the waterfront that has a good view of the volcano!"

Jasmine drummed her fingers on the table. "And leave Falkner with the check?"

"Just spot him with your Pokenav later and stop being a Whismur about it C'mon!"

"Alright… I'll message him and we can go." Jasmine whipped out her Pokenav and dialed in a quick transfer. "But nothing too crazy, okay?"

Whitney hooked an arm around Jasmine's and yoinked her away from the table, eliciting a small yelp. A bright, devious smile spread across her face. "Of course!"

The two Gym Leaders scampered out of the restaurant. Jasmine gave a bashful wave goodbye to the perplexed waiter.

Falkner soon after exited the restroom and promptly received the bill. He paid the toll with a heavy sigh, taking a glance at his Pokenav, and then finished the rest of his meal with a satisfied smile on his face, simply enjoying the quiet.

Thad scratched his bare chest as he watched the little plate inside the microwave spin. A large hunk of cured meat spun round and round, a few occasional pops and clicks from the machine going off.

The timer dinged, and Thad immediately thrust his hand inside to collect his savory prize. Breakfast was commonly heralded as the most important meal of the day, and to have the option to not eat dried meats and beans on the trails of Johto, well he'd be remiss not to take the opportunity. The cut looked like a flank steak about the size of his forearm, oozing with marinade and juices.

I didn't see any name on it in the community fridge. Smelt fine. That's the unwritten law. Thad carried his plate to the empty island table in the kitchen, placing his plate down gently. Early morning gains, here I come!

The overhead lights were dim, but pierced through the shadowy morning. Even on the shore, five in the morning was still early for many people, no matter how dedicated. Despite the allure of a cushy cruise and accommodations, no vacation would be taking place. Vacation to Thad was a place designed for more training and competition. Perhaps it was some people's Hell, but Thad knew the path to well-chiseled abs is paved with sacrifices.

A click from the atrium door made Thad perk his head up. The door creaked open to reveal a man with bleach blonde hair, red tracksuit, and a sparkling smile. The cantankerous sound of his custom made tennis shoes echoed throughout the kitchen, stopping only as he opened the fridge. He hummed to himself as he scanned the contents.

"Morning dude," Thad said in between bites. "Looking for grub?"

"Of course! Need to start my morning off right with some premium nutrition!" The man crouched down, sifting through the bottom parts of the fridge drawers. "Pretty sure I can make something quite tasty here."

"Eggs and other meats are middle shelf, my guy."

The man let out a shrill, haughty laugh. "Oh, I shall not be needing any of that. Just getting stuff for my soy milk latte and a nutty kale salad to start the day off."

Thad nearly dropped his large hunk of meat as he watched the tracksuit clad man shimmy through the various tubs of food. Thad quickly checked his ears for a large build up of wax, but they were squeaky clean. He'd heard right. A goddamn soy milk latte for breakfast.

Alright. Maybe it's a fluke. I'll try again.

"So, uh, buddy… what kinda foods do you eat?" Thad asked.

The man spun around, holding a cartoon of milk in one hand and a large swath of greens in the other. He gently placed them down on the marbled countertop before fully facing Thad. His nose twitched as he made brief eye contact with Thad's hearty breakfast choice, curling his lips into a sneer of disdain.

"Nothing so barbaric as that. I prefer whole foods procured by nature. Only raw leafy greens for me and my delicious coffee."

Thad narrowed his eyes, nodding slowly. "Ahuh… and what's your name?"

"Me? I'm Brad. Best Fairy-type specialist in the Kanto region." Brad scooped his cooking materials into a large wicker basket. He walked back toward the entryway, pausing as he looked back to Thad. "I already know who you are, Thad. I've heard quite a lot of you from some of the other patrons. And I must say, you don't impress. Enjoy your slab of ill-gotten gains."

The door slammed closed as Brad left Thad stunned for a lack of words. He relaxed his shoulders and practiced a few breathing exercises before resettling into his seat; he'd not even noticed himself standing up by the time Brad had escaped from the kitchen.

"Vegan weirdos…" Thad grumbled.

He took another bite of his slab of meat, chewing rather loudly. From the man's sleek designed outfit to his holier than thou attitude about food, it rubbed Thad every wrong way possible. Vegetables weren't bad, but there was more to life than broccoli. It'd be like living your whole life doing squats without knowing about the benefits of lunges: pure madness. Plus, it's not like hunting wasn't natural. Stuff made of meat ate other meat all the time. Could it be really that bad?

The doors to the kitchen swung open once again, and this time Thad stood to attention, gripping the bone of his steak like a club. Messy pink hair poked through the crack, and a familiar face rubbing sleep out of her eyes strolled into the room. She blinked and stopped dead in her tracks as Thad remained in position with the weaponized protein.

"Uh, good morning to you too?" Whitney mused, trying to fight off a yawn. "Did I catch you at a bad time?"

Thad sheepishly lowered the steak. "Oh. I thought you were someone else." He tossed the steak aside and wiped off his hands. "How you been!"

The two rushed forward, embracing each other in a tight hug. They lingered for a moment before separating; Thad gestured to an open seat at the table. Whitney took her place and immediately slouched forward, resting her arms on the table for support as her neck struggled to support her head.

"I am… very tired. Stayed out way too late." Whitney looked at Thad's breakfast with a twinkle in her eye. "Hey, uh, Thad… you gonna finish that?"

"Probably," Thad sat back down, scooting his chair in, "but you want a slice? I was gonna make a peanut butter smoothie afterward too. Need those healthy fats before I go out for a long swim."

"Just gimme some of the steak. I'm starved for some real food."

Thad slid his plate over to Whitney. He stood up and sifted through the various drawers for a knife and fork, eventually settling for a large chef knife, skewer, and extra plate for himself. It achieved the same purpose, and even with a bit of style and pizzazz. Thad briefly considered continuing his search, Brad's comment gnawing at the back of his brain, but he doubled down and brought the tools to Whitney.

I know what I'm about. Ain't not latte sipping fool gonna make me think twice.

Whitney gave a manic smile of approval as she graciously accepted the utensils and carved off a large strip, then returning the larger piece to Thad's new plate as he sat down. She munched happily on the meal as Thad mowed through the rest of his dish. He deposited the plate in a small dish pit in the corner of the room and rinsed his dish off with a little bit of soap. Thad adhered to the 'wash what you use' ideology in the kitchen. Accountability is always necessary when being a visitor in the food dojo.

"So, where's Jazzy?" Thad asked as he dried off his hands on a towel. "Figure if you're around, the other Gym Leaders must be too, yeah?"

"Jasmine is currently sleeping in. She got a little bit too into karaoke after a couple drinks. She'll come around by noon, I'm sure," Whitney said. "So, want to meet some of the other people on the ship in the meantime? My roomie has a few guests over."

Thad pumped his fist in the air. "Hell yeah. Lead the way!"

Whitney hopped off the seat and smoothed out her slightly disheveled manila crop-top. Thad followed the spritely Gym Leader down the narrow halls of the ship, taking several tight corners that zigged and zagged haphazardly. Thad occasionally looked up at the ceiling and behind him, as if to confirm it was just the morning grogginess or that the layout of the ship itself seemed akin to a maze designed by bored engineers.

Thad nearly ran over Whitney as she abruptly stopped at the sliding door to a suite. She dug into the shallow pocket of her shorts and flashed her key-card against the scanner beside the door. After a faint click, the door slid open and the sound of several voices carried out into the hallway, dying down immediately as Thad could sense the attention in the room shift.

"I'm back!" Whitney hollered as she crossed the threshold. "And I brought a friend!"

Thad burst into the room with a triumphant pose, hands on his hips and head held high. The small sleeping quarters on the left side had been converted into a meeting room with the coffee table moved to the center, the twin bed mushed against the wall, and a few extra folding chairs pilfered from the unoccupied side of the room. A few blankets were hurriedly stashed in the corner along with some extra beige and pink colored clothes.

"Wassup people," Thad gave a friendly wave to the guests. "Looks like we're all in the same boat for some ass kicking fun, yeah?"

Whitney rushed beside Thad, smiling. "Here, let me introduce you." She pointed to a man lazily lounging on the bed, "you've met Falkner before I'm sure." Falkner gave Thad a slight nod, but not enough to remove his elbow from propping up his head. "And seated on the other side we have Karen and Leaf."

Karen flipped her silvery hair in a playful manner and winked at Thad. The jock was all too eager to return the favor with a subtle flex of his pecs and waggle of his eyebrows. Baggy white jeans and a yellow crop top with a jagged undercut to show off a slim midriff left little to the imagination.

In contrast, the woman beside Karen, Leaf, appeared much more mild mannered than her saucy friend. Long brown hair jutted from a thick brimmed white bowler hat, clashing against a beige purse, short sleeve blue tank top, and a modestly cut red skirt. Her smile was soft and charming, reminding Thad a bit of Jasmine's demeanor as she waved back.

"So this Chuck's new protege?" Karen's sultry voice purred. "Well, if there were to be an image of a Fighting-type specialist in the dictionary, I'd imagine it'd be you."

"You're, uh, certainly a well-built fellow," Leaf added. "A pleasure to meet you."

Thad plopped down on the floor, his back against the thin dividing wall. Whitney chose to weave through the middle of the room, wedging herself into a spot on the bed in which Falkner was forced to scoot aside with a heavy sigh.

"So, y'all ready for the big dance?" Thad asked. "I'm itching to dunk on some peeps."

"Most definitely, though some of us are more prepared than others." Karen's bright eyes flickered toward Whitney, who seemed to wilt underneath her gaze. "We like to talk about the new up and coming people since this tournament only comes around every four years or so. It's a good chance to promote your region and have some fun."

Leaf nodded along. "And the food is usually quite tasty. Sinnoh has a wonderful selection of decadent soups and hearty meals. It's also one of the oldest regions of recorded Pokemon battling."

"Before we get too friendly," Thad gestured to Leaf and Karen, "I don't think you two are Gym Leaders. You reppin' Johto or naw?"

"Oh! Yes, quite so. I was invited by Lance," Leaf proudly said, sitting up a bit straighter. "I was the Johto regional champion a few years ago. Each major region gets twelve nominees; two are special selections, one is by default the reigning champion, and the rest are from the Elite Four or Gym Leaders via application. I was a special selection."

Karen smirked and raised her hand. "And I'm one of the current members of the Johto Elite Four, and I've held the title of interim champion too." She leaned forward a bit, resting her elbows on her thighs; a predatory gleam in her eyes. "Shame we couldn't have battled before the cruise."

"We could always take this topside. Duke it out," Thad offered.

Falkner let out an irritated huff. "Doubtful. Some genius smashed through one of the decks last night, and the captain has forbidden any battling during the cruise. Lance backed him up, so if you want to keep your spot in the tournament, I wouldn't."

Thad clicked his tongue and hummed along. Well, looks like Morty at least didn't tattle on me. Guess ole' scarf guy can keep things on the down low.

"It's always someone each year," Whitney lamented, not minding her arms as she stretched over Falkner's legs. "I remember when Blue and Silver got real into it last time. Made their match last time in Driftveil City all that more exciting."

"Perhaps you forget the part where Blue's Arcanine nearly burned down the ship," Karen quipped, shaking her head. "Time and place for everything. Some of you youngsters are way too hot headed."

"Speaking of which," Leaf dug out a Pokenav from her bag and scrolled through a few screens, "I've got some matches we can watch from some of the other big names that have recently come out. Paldea and Unova look to have some strong contenders this time around. Not to mention Hoenn always brings hardened veterans from their Battle Frontier."

"Well put it on the TV already!" Whitney hastily said. She moved Falkner's legs again, pushing him further into the wall as she tried to get comfy on the messy bed. "I haven't had much time to scout with, well, being busy and all on the farm and city."

Thad propped up his legs and watched as Leaf and Whitney squabble over how to properly connect the Pokenav to the small bedroom TV. The small space with intimate conversation reminded him of the days in college where he and a few trusted teammates would spend hours analyzing every tiny detail of an opposing team and player; whether it be combat sports, football, or track and field. It was a comfort zone for Thad as eventually the TV flickered to life and heated commentary from the years of experience rebounded around the room.

Whitney and Leaf were the most excited over the game play, while Karen made the occasional jest or prod at the misplays. Falkner half watched the video, checked out either on his own Pokenav or making general conjecture anytime a Flying-type Pokemon would appear on screen.

Time flew by as room service was ordered and devoured by the time lunch came around, evening bleeding into the evening as a few breaks were called every few hours or so. Thad felt welcomed to be in the presence of so many invested competitors, even with a few extra people piling into the room as the afternoon wore on like Jasmine, who nestled up beside him on the floor, and a spiky haired man with a jawline that looked chiseled from stone.

Before he knew it, Thad's eyelids were beginning to win the battle of closing and much of the previous chatter began to die down as the sunlight dimmed from the circular window that looked out across the vast ocean.

Jasmine helped Thad to his feet; his legs and back feeling a bit cramped and tense from not moving enough. Not that the position wasn't enjoyable. Good company and the weight of Jasmine's sleepy head on his shoulder were enough to make the small cabin feel a little bit like home.

Eventually as the sun vanished beyond the horizon, people filed out of Karen and Whitney's shared cabin. Thad wandered back to his own cabin half-awake, rubbing his eyes as he tried to sort all the different techniques he'd witnessed. From baton pass strategies, entry hazards, substitutes, and aurora veil setups, they all swam around his brain and how to build momentum and keep the metaphorical foot on the gas pedal.

Thad swiped his key-card and the door to his cabin slid open with a soft thunk. He stepped forward, but was immediately rebuffed by a wall of muscle. His tired eyes glanced up to see Bruno, the mountainous man barely squeezed into the entryway of his quarters. The man placed a massive hand on his shoulder that looked to be roughly the size of a baseball mitt. Their eyes met, and the larger shirtless man let out a faint snort.

"Thad," Bruno's voice boomed like thunder from inside a well, "It is time. Come with me."

"Where big guy?" Thad tried to peek around Bruno, but the man's massive bulk shielded the entirety of the cabin from sight. "You didn't eat scarf bro as a snack, did ya?"

Bruno wrinkled his nose at the comment. "Morty is away. I needed to find you. It is time for you to engage in a timeless tradition of students of combat and fighting." He squeezed Thad's sculpted shoulder a bit then let go, his eyes looking somewhere indiscernible in the distance. "Before every great tournament, there is a place in the Sevii Islands that is sacred and hidden to all those who cannot brave the whirlpools. Only for the truest practitioners of body sculpting. Previously Chuck made the journey, and now it is your turn."

"Booyah. Wait, you said whirlpools? We taking the tiny boat or…" Bruno's lips twitched into the slightest of smiles, and Thad's excitement grew in turn. "We're swimming, aren't we? Dope."

Thad stepped back as Bruno entered the hallway, gesturing to Thad to follow. "We depart for Karate Island immediately. The others will be waiting."

Without another word, the two beefcakes disappeared into the night. They braved the churning waves of the blackened waters, speeding past pods of Dewgong and Wailmer. The currents were vicious and tumultuous, but Thad and Bruno powered through with blistering speed and tenacity. The light of torches eventually pierces the darkness and the sounds of distant drums filled Thad's ears. His heart thrummed with joy as the unrelenting beat grew closer.

There would be more than just training his mind today, but also his muscles and will.

Chapter 29: The Secret of Karate Island

The midnight swim was nothing too difficult for Thad and Bruno to brave over the course of a couple hours. Being raised in California, treading water was like walking for Thad. Between each powerful kick and stroke of his arms, the ripples deterred any seaborn Pokemon from getting any extra ideas. Gyarados included.

The sandy shore of Karate island was adorned with tiki torches up and down the coast. A small jutting mountain dominated the north end of the isle, while the sounds of drums could be heard coming from the center of the island.

Bruno shook his great mane of hair and squeezed out the remaining water. He gave a glance over his shoulder to Thad who had his hands on his hips, leaning back to take in the starry night sky. They made eye contact, and Thad rolled his neck and followed Bruno up the small clay staircase to the center of the island.

"So, Karate island, eh?" Thad spoke up, no longer able to contain his intrusive thoughts. "This a normal thing?"

"A time honored tradition amongst all who choose the path of Fighting-types." Bruno's voice echoed with the might of a fog horn. "While all trainers are dedicated in one way or another, we show our thanks for the greatest tournament in the land… with a tournament of our own."

Thad pumped a fist in the air. "Hell yeah. So, is it a legit karate tournament? Pokemon battles? What's the catch?"

Bruno shrugged. "It is different on each occasion. This year, it is the art of sumo."

"Still haven't told me if it's the people or Pokemon."

A deep chuckle came from Bruno's chest. "Yes. The answer is yes, Thad. Now, come. We have arrived."

The beating of drums and enthusiastic grunts permeated the air as Thad and Bruno breached the circular area. Adorned with tropical trees, vast brambles, and torches lining the flattened area, Thad let out a breathy sigh. It was picturesque of a competitor's dream from the free protein refreshments quietly stashed to the side, everyone in the enclosure looked absolutely shredded, and a mysterious staircase that led up into the darkness located at the far end of the arena to add to the allure of the enchanting arena.

The music stopped; the few people and a small bear-like Pokemon stopped their punishing cadence as all eyes turned toward Bruno and Thad. Thad puffed out his chest and placed his hands on his hips, doing his best to occupy what space beside the titan of a man that stood beside him.

"Welcome!" A jolly, older voice chimed. A lithe man in a green sweat suit, black hat with a few squiggly gray hairs poking out shuffled his way to the center of the area. "You may call me Master Mustard, and by the looks of you both, it would seem the seas didn't hold you back one bit! Ha! Good to see you again, Bruno. And this must be Thad, Chuck's substitution, yes?"

Bruno gave a subtle nod and then glanced over to Thad.

"Ayo, that do be me," Thad gestured to himself. He scanned the crowd of hunky lifters and gave an appreciative nod. "Also, sup people. Though I do have one question though."

"Speak, but do be quick. Our competition is about to begin!" Mustard proclaimed.

Thad rubbed his chin, deep in thought. "So… you like named after the sauce or did you invent it here or something?"

Mustard remained quiet for a moment, then slapped his knee and let out a hoarse laugh. "Oh, that's good. Very entertaining. Now," he cleared his throat, "let us line up. The sumo must begin while we've still got moonlight!"

A general 'hoorah' came from the crowd as people fanned out along the edges of the arena. An older, bulky man in Hawaiian styled garb made his way around to everyone, passing out packets of rice. Thad gave it a good whiff and shake, and then simply shrugged. A simple packet of salt.

"Now, since we are all here, proper introductions are to be made!" Mustard cried out, eying the competition. "Remember, your station and name is fine. This battle is to celebrate the upcoming World's competition, a true test of your Pokemon's might and your foresight! As for this battle, it is to test the will and strength of the trainer, as we being Fighting-type specialists know quite well the tenacity needed to contend with otherworldly might! And so, push each other to the edge! Tonight, we are brothers and sisters sharing in the community of glorious combat! Now, let us proceed!"

Mustard promptly took a seat in the center of the arena, crossing his legs over one another. He gestured to his right and gave a stern nod to the first contestant: the big man that had passed out the rice.

"I am Hala, Elite Four member of Alola and Kahuna of Melemele island. It'll be a pleasure fighting alongside you all tonight."

Hala gave a short bow and then looked to his left. A spunky blue haired surfer man stretched his arms out and flashed a wide smile.

"Hey all, it's me, Brawly, Dewford's Gym Leader from Hoenn. Let's make some waves, yeah?"

The rest of the introductions flew by quickly, shocking nobody, least of all Thad. From Maylene, to Korrina, Dendra, Marshal (dude with wicked eyebrows), and some fighting champ named Anthony that had a brick-like chin that just seemed to ooze testosterone. Several others chimed in too, but Thad quickly became distracted by doing some stretches. Everyone else also seemed to be itching to get into the fight as quickly as possible, and under Mustard's watchful eye, everyone said their bit and passed it off to the next person without pause. Thad couldn't help but beam with thinly veiled giddiness to be in the presence of so many high level competitors. Sure, they were enemies now, but here or later at the World's tournament they'd share a special bond in knowing the shared struggle to be the very swolest across the land.

"Alright, alright, enough chit chat. We'll have plenty of time once World's is over," Mustard decreed, clapping his hands together. "First sumo to start things off; Hala and Bea, you are first."

Mustard somersaulted his way to the edge of the arena as everyone else took a seat besides the two competitors. Hala immediately drew Thad's attention with the more traditional build of a sumo wrestler with his wide stance, long arms, and thick torso. Bea, while cute, looked more at home in a cross-fit regiment than a sumo tournament with her skin tight leggings, loose crop top, and orange hair tie. Bea looked about maybe one-fifth the size of Hala as they squared up across from each other, bowing and then snapping their heads up. Hala even pulled each of his legs up, letting his feet drop with earthshaking stomps. Both tossed some salt over their shoulders and got into a crouched stance.

Mustard eyed each contestant for a moment, then raised a hand. "Ready… Set… Sumo!"

Thad's understanding of sumo was basic at best; he'd never competed in the sport at all, mostly opting for other forms of physical prowess like collegiate wrestling where sumo was only used on the off occasion as a means of practicing balance. The rules were similar to other combat sports he was familiar with, such as no hair pulling, eye gouging, and such. The means to victory were two fold and beautifully simple: force your opponent to the ground or ring them out. Nothing more, nothing less. By the looks of how Mustard and the rest of the attendees watched, it was one round with unlimited time. The truest test of endurance, strength, and skill.

Bea was the first to move, taking an immediate step back and just outside Hala's reach. Hala planted his feet firmly and stared down the slimmer opponent, taking slow, heavy steps forward with his arms stretched out.

Hala took a swipe at Bea, trying to catch her wrist. The older man appeared to move in slow motion when compared to the lightning fast reflexes of Bea as she darted in and back out of Hala's guard. She began to circle the man, taking the occasional feinting step forward to test the elder's reactions.

Thad folded his hands underneath his chin and watched with rapt attention. "Classic cat and mouse… er, Rattata and Persian? Whatever, it's fast versus slow," Thad mumbled to himself. "Both gotta be careful, but it's the big man's match to lose."

About thirty seconds had passed before Bea made her first risky maneuver. She doubled on a feint and ducked down low, reaching for Hala's left ankle. Thad perked up at her trying to go for a low-leg single take down, though he grimaced as Hala's bearpaw-like hand came careening down toward Bea's torso. A knockdown would be all he needed for the win.

Thad raised an eyebrow as Bea spun her body like a corkscrew, sliding to Hala's backside. She was faking the takedown too, just to get around his guard! Clever girl. Maybe I can teach that kinda thing to Ali. Shadow Sneak into a suplex is a move, right? Shadow-plex? If not, it's gonna be.

Bea ducked low and Hala's eyes went wide. The big man's left ankle was hoisted high in the air and he was sent barreling forward, forced to place his hands out to brace for the fall. Hala grunted as he pushed himself off the ground, taking Bea's hand as he slowly got his footing back.

A loud applause rang out from the Fighting-type onlookers as both contestants bowed to one another. Both took their seats as Master Mustard took out a pen and small notepad from his sweatsuit pocket and jabbed down a quick note. He quickly shuffled the papers away and clapped his hands together.

"Next match!"

The rest of the matches went by in a blur to Thad. Limbs and mass colliding with each other, from the lithe builds to the big and beefy, nobody held back. It was by around the third match that Thad noticed his fingers drumming on top of his thigh. Being a spectator was all good and fine, but only for so long. Once the third match had been resolved and Thad heard Mustard call his name, he bolted upright and somersaulted into the arena.

"...against Anthony!" The crowd clapped as Mustard settled back into his cozy spot at the edge of the circle. "Commence your rituals and then begin!"

Anthony strode across the arena opposite of Thad, looking him evenly in the eye with an air of slight smugness. His chin looked carved of marble as it glistened in the torch light, matching the grandeur of his surprisingly hairy chest as he discarded his t-shirt. Thad, being already shirtless, gave himself a few warm up slaps across the pecs, lifted his legs up and stomped them on the ground, and squared up with his equally beefy opponent.

"You ready, newbie?"

Thad smirked. "I was born ready, big guy."

"Sumo!" Mustard cried out.

It only took a fraction of a second for both hulking men to collide in the center of the arena. The ground shook as they locked into an over under hook; neither of them were able to immediately get a leverage advantage. They pressed into each other a bit, circling the ring as a way to check the others balance and footwork. Like a sort of waltz, Thad met each of Anthony's thunderous steps with one of his own.

Not often Thad felt someone who didn't fold to his immediate strength, but he reveled in the challenge as he pressed into Anthony, driving him back a bit. Each inch earned through sheer determination, carefully cultivated technique, and never neglecting leg day. Thad kept his stance square as he bent his knees and began to walk Anthony backward to the edge of the ring, keeping the over under hook tight.

Anthony's face became a deep crimson as he tried to maneuver out of the shoulder lock, but found Thad's grip unrelenting. The sharp chinned man arched his back in a desperate attempt for a lateral drop, but Thad quickly disengaged and gave a firm shove into Anthony's chest, sending him tumbling to the floor.

Thad offered a hand to Anthony and helped hoist him back up to his feet. Anthony brushed himself off and flashed a wry grin at the bronzed adonis.

"You've got one hell of a grip there, man."

"Climbing practice helps build grip strength," Thad said. "Totally rec' it, my dude."

Thad and Anthony separated as the matches continued to fly by. Hala, since his elimination began handing out small snacks of trail mix and bottled protein shakes; all plant based protein. Thad shrugged and downed one of the beverages, savoring the savory flavor and slightly bitter aftertaste that reminded him vaguely of tree bark and citrus.

More fights proceeded, and Thad happily munched away on his snacks underneath the soft glow of the gibbous moon and cool sea breeze. He began to tap his left foot excitedly as Bruno finished his match with a woman named Dendra, helping up the latter from the ground.

Man, if I keep winning I'm probably gonna have to go against Bruno. Dude is built like a mountain with arms and legs. And a head too. Wait, do mountains have heads or are they just called tops? Thad rubbed his chin, humming lightly to himself.

"Thad against Bea!" Mustard's weathered voice rang out.

Both contestants hopped to their feet and scurried over to the center of the ring. Bows and pre-match rituals were initiated as Mustard talked, though Thad barely heard it. He was in the zone, and despite the woman in front of him being half his weight and size, he remembered what had happened to Hala. Brute force wouldn't be an option and he'd have to play it smart.

"And… sumo!"

Bea immediately feinted an ankle pick take down though retreated quickly as Thad immediately backed off and created a bit of space. They began to circle each other, sizing one another up one another. Thad relied on his superior reach to test the waters and keep Bea at bay from any immediately risky passes.

"Going to stall more, new guy?"

"Me using stall?" Thad said with mock hurt. "Never. It's just tactics, lady. I respect your hustle."


"But you lack a bit of accuracy."

Bea smirked and gave another feint step forward, then doubled down to pass around Thad's guard. Thad managed to wedge his arm around Bea and prevent her from taking back control, but she was inside his guard with a collar tie and had wove her leg around his, leaving him off balance.

Thad hopped on his one good foot, beginning to wriggle his hands around Bea's tight grip. He was silently thankful she didn't weigh as much as him, feeling the strain on his neck muscles to stay upright. Bea widened her base as Thad bore down on her, unable to completely shuck off the determined gym leader.

Wait a minute. Thad felt again at Bea's grip, but instead of trying to pry off her clamp-like fingers, he covered her hands and held them in place. Perhaps it's time for a little flip.

Bea barreled her shoulder into Thad's oblique, managing to elicit a sharp gasp of air out of the jock. Thad held his breath and closed his eyes, focusing on his balance. He leaned backward with his grip keeping Bea rooted in place. A few hoots and hollers came from the crowd of onlookers as Thad completely tilted his body back into a suplex, landing on the shoulder Bea had been latched to. A suplex with only one good foot wasn't a move Thad had practiced often, but he felt a rush of adrenaline as he felt the air dissipate from Bea's lungs as her back slapped against the arena ground.

"Match!" Mustard decreed. "Winner, Thad!"

Thad rolled off Bea and gave his shoulder a few rotations as he hopped back to his feet. Bea peeled herself off the floor, holding her head as she groggily moaned under her breath. Thad offered a hand to her, which Bea observed for a moment before shaking from her stupor and accepting the gesture.

"You're more than just a mountain of muscle, aren't you?" Bea commented as she walked with Thad back to their seats. "Your Pokemon must be quite disciplined."

"Some more than others," Thad chuckled. He sat down and crossed his legs, watching Bruno and Marshal begin to square off. "Best results I think come from a mix of instinct and strategy."

Bea scooted closer, her eyes on the sumo match before her but hardly watching. "So not all can be achieved with pure hard work?"

"I mean, you can always push yourself," Thad tentatively replied. "That's good. Finding your limits and whatnot. Just… some people have a higher ceiling than others. Doesn't mean they'll make it there though. So if you think about it, it is solely based on hard work."

"I've not heard that argument before, er, maybe said like you said." Bea let out a satisfactory sigh and refocused on the match. "Good luck at World's, Thad. I'll be sure to prepare against you. Next time will be different if our paths cross."

Thad flashed Bea a wink. "Samezies."

A hint of red appeared on Bea's cheeks as she turned away, biting her lip to avoid smiling at Thad's silly comment. Thad turned back to the match and watched as Bruno wore down Marshal over three grueling rounds of bludgeoning, collar ties, and shoves. Only at the end did Bruno outlast Marshal's endurance and manage to get a ring out on the other towering Fighting-type specialist.

"With Bruno's victory, we have one more before our final match! Take a quick five," Mustard instructed.

Thad took the opportunity to lay down and stretch out his back. He rolled his legs over his torso, managing to get a few nice pops. He massaged his calves for a moment and rolled his shoulders in preparation for the absolute war that would be trying to handle Bruno. He even pocketed an extra protein bar from the refreshment table, just for good luck. Thad had only wrestled a sentient mountain once before with Titan, so he was still eager to improve upon the experience.

As people returned from their brief respite, Thad and Bruno took center stage in the sumo arena. Master Mustard watched both with an unreadable look, and quiet chatter from the eliminated specialists carried on the wind in a hushed manner.

"You ready, Bruno?"

"I am always ready." Thad felt Bruno's deep voice reverberate inside his chest. "I trust that you are as well."

"To be the best, ya gotta beat the best," Thad said, smiling. He held out a fist for a fist bump. "To the best sumo."

Bruno returned the gesture, his Ursaring sized hands dwarfing Thad's own. With pleasantries out of the way, Both men looked each other in the eye with undeterred focus. Mustard's signal was barely more than a muted whisper as they sprung into action, allowing their instincts to take over.

Bruno and Thad clashed in the center of the arena, locking against one another in a thunderous clap. Both men's muscles strained as they fought against each other's leverage; Thad winning out slightly due to his shorter height. Leg day once again had proven to be invaluable as Thad dipped his hips and wrapped his arms around Bruno's tree trunk like waist for a body clinch.

Without delay, Bruno adjusted to Thad's attempt and leaned forward to elongate his body and break Thad's grip. He tried to tie up on Thad's neck, but the well-trained jock's neck muscles held position like a stone made of marble. Thad weaved his hands around for inside control, pressing into Bruno like a football sled. The giant man began to skid back as he readjusted his grip.

Thad's progress was short-lived as Bruno crouched down, and then grabbed Thad's wrists. He slid a bit more for a moment, veering on the edge of the mat before his powerful legs sprang to full extension, taking him and Thad airborne.

The dude just leg pressed both of us! Thad could feel his body tilting back mid-air; landing on his back would be imminent. Bruno's monster grip refused to budge, keeping Thad's wrists locked in place despite his herculean strength. Can't muscle it… so gotta go with another out. Time for the mother of all crunches.

The arena was silent as Bruno and Thad hit the apex of their aerial arc. Thad took a deep breath and tugged at his wrists once again for good measure. Bruno didn't relent, but a small gap between them was made.

Here we go!

Thad vaulted his feet upward, pointing his head toward the ground and wrapping the back of his knees on Bruno's bulky shoulders. His rippling abs flexed wildly as Thad forced himself to do a full sit-up as he and Bruno began to fall.

The momentum of the sit-up launched all of Thad's weight focused on Bruno's chest, and thus turned the pendulum of momentum to his side as Bruno began to fall on his back. Thad locked his legs into place and managed to catch Bruno's wrists as he disengaged in a last ditch effort to escape.

A loud thud boomed from their landing, kicking up dust. All other attendees were silent as Thad pushed himself off Bruno's chest. He offered a hand to the Elite Four member who took it without complaint. Both men nodded to each other, then Bruno raised Thad's hand.

"We have our sumo winner," Bruno announced. Applause and whistles began to pour in and Thad gave a gracious bow. Bruno relinquished his grip and looked over to Mustard. "But, it is not over."

Thad raised an eyebrow. "It's not?"

"It is not!" A mischievous glint appeared in Mustard's eye. "For you see, there is one final challenge. A time honored tradition for the one who wins the competition. They must face the island's patron alone for a blessing."

"So… do I gotta fight them?" Thad asked.

Mustard shook his head. "It is not so simple. It is whatever challenge the patron decides."

"It's a Pokemon, isn't it?"

"Obviously." Mustard grinned. "You didn't think it was me, did you?"

"All respect gramps, but nah, I didn't," Thad replied. He pointed toward the shadowy staircase leading up to another tier of the island. "Right up there, yeah?"

"Good luck, Thad," Mustard pat Thad on the shoulder as he hobbled past him. He looked at the other competitors. "And good luck to you all at the World Pokemon Tournament. These little meetings are to be treasured. Wherever you may be, the spirit of competition and camaraderie shall always be with you. Now, before we run out of moonlight, let us depart."

The Fighting-type specialists began to disperse, a few talking among each other. Thad watched in bewilderment as a few summoned aquatic or aerial Pokemon to leave on, while others like Bruno simply made their way toward the shore to swim… wherever they needed to go.

"Huh… well, that's something." Thad turned his attention back to the stony staircase. "Alright, time to see what's up with this guardian patron dude."

Thad marched up the stairs, jogging along to skip every other step with his long strides. Once on top of the highest peak of the island, Thad skidded to a stop. There was something large that blocked his view.

Covered in vines and brambles, the mound of dirt began to rumble. Two pointed ears poked up from the rubble, and then a round head with sleepy, slited eyes met Thad's gaze. The creature continued to rise until it was well over eight feet tall. Thad's face only came up to the upper part of the creature's large cream colored belly. Stubby arms and legs protruded from their sides, and when coupled with the dopey overbite smile in the moonlight, Thad found himself awestruck.

"You are massive…"

"Lax." The Pokemon seemed to take Thad's comment as a compliment as it shifted its weight to stand up straighter. It patted its belly with a large paw. "Lax."

"You want me to give ya a wallop or a belly rub?" Thad's hand drifted toward the protein bar still in his pocket. "Or maybe… something else?"

The Pokemon let out a strong exhale from its small nose and widened its stance. "SNORLAX!"

I feel like it's challenging me to smack it, but I don't even think my strongest punch could dent this fella. Thad took the protein bar from his pocket, and began to unravel the biodegradable packaging. The Snorlax watched with rapt curiosity, its ears twitching.

"You just woke up from a pretty long nap, and I know I don't feel like me when I'm hungry. So, here," Thad offered up the bar, "this one is on me, homie."

The Snorlax leaned over, sniffed the bar briefly, and then stockpiled the bar into its gluttonous frame with a vacuum-like inhale that nearly toppled Thad over. Not even chewing, the Snorlax rubbed its belly for a moment, lost in the bliss of a delicious snack.

"Pretty good, yeah? There's more down below, or even on the boat I'm on." Thad gave his pecs a tap. "So, Mustard said something about a challenge? Was that it or do we have to fight?"

"Lax." The Snorlax turned sideways, revealing a small shrine hidden behind them. They gestured towards it with an arm and then looked at Thad expectantly.

Alright, it seems that I did the thing. Nice.

Thad approached the shrine and looked around for any marking or engravings. It was ovoid in shape and clearly made out of basalt and granite, though weather worn from years of outdoor exposure. At the base of the statue Thad noticed a small orange diamond piece.

"Weird." Thad hefted the light material in his hand and gave it a look over. It felt like hard silicon, and had a small inscription on one of the sides that read 'Fightiniium-Z'. He held it up to the moonlight and the small silhouette of a fist could be seen encased in the amber-like substance, then he pocketed the strange crystal. "I guess I'll have to ask Jazzy about what this thing is. Seems important. Doubt Mustard would have me come up here for some fancy mood crystal or whatever."


Thad turned back around to see the Snorlax looming over him, with a paw extended out. The big guy's stomach let out a deep gurgle.

"You want more protein? I don't blame ya. Stuff is delicious… say," Thad rubbed his chin, deep in thought. "If you're allowed to, wanna come with me? Being the patron of the island and all I bet you can slap with the best of 'em. And I can make you the mother of all protein shakes. Whaddya say?"

The Snorlax considered Thad's request with a glazed over look in their squinted eyes. A slight nod came from the behemoth before they scooped up the jock and placed them on its shoulders. Thad maneuvered around to get settled as the Snorlax bulldozed its way down the sheer side of the island, ignoring the diminutive stairs.

"I'll take that as a yes!" Thad shouted, clutching onto the Snorlax during the bumpy descent. "Also, you'll need a name! How about Butterbean? Big bulky slugger type, yeah?"

"LAX!" The Snorlax replied enthusiastically. They skid to a stop as the sand began to meet the churning tide.

"Nice." Thad's head swiveled left to right. "Oh, we need to go that way by the way. Gotta catch back up to the boat. You fast at swimming?"

"Lax," Butterbean grunted, as if the answer were obvious. They waded into the water and began to flop onto their stomach. Thad maneuvered to sit on their back like a life raft.

"So, I steer you paddle?" Thad asked.

Just as Thad got into position, he felt something churn inside Butterbean. His whole body shivered and he looked over the edge at the Snorlax's head barely above water.

And then, for a fraction of a second, Butterbean's eyes opened to their full capacity. Two beams of white energy roared out, and then Butterbean stuck his head underwater as they began to rocket across the water like a speedboat.

Under the guise of moonlight, Thad guided the Hyper Beam propelled Snorlax raft into the distance. At their current pace he reckoned they'd make it back just by dawn.

Jazzy is never going to believe this. Thad laughed to himself as Butterbean took a quick break, catching a breath of air. Then again, I could always have Butterbean be my ace at World's. My secret tech. They'll never see it coming… despite it being a two-thousand pound gorilla bear dude that shoots lasers out of its eyes.

Butterbean and Thad continued to drift throughout the night, eventually intercepting the cruise boat in the early morning. None were the wiser as Thad managed to get a Pokeball for Butterbean, along with a whole canister of protein mix. The pact was sealed and only the greatest competition laid ahead.



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