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75% Blazing the Competition - Pokémon SI / Chapter 15: 45-47

Chapitre 15: 45-47

Chapter 45 – Pack Attack

 "Egon we are not going off route to find a wild Absol just so you can prove some crazy nerd theory of yours!""We won't, but to travel on foot from the beginning of route 120 to the connecting route 121 will take us around two and a half days. I am betting we'll come across one in that timeframe."This morning I prepared breakfast as usual for each of our respective teams and then I went off to the center's computer room to check on my emails. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Eli had sent me a ranger corps' manual on how to train up a torkoal to develop the drought ability. Once I got past all the irrelevant information pertaining to the raising of Torkoal I got the instructions down to the bare tacks.Firstly, the Pokémon in question had to be proficient in the use of Sunny Day and secondly The Pokémon in question has to spend over a month at high altitudes in a place that's extremely sunny. The rangers had a base camp up on the peak of Mt. Chimney where they discovered this interaction.When the torkoal finally leave that sun spot their bodies instead of adapting back to the regular amount of UV radiation instinctively intensify the sun's rays in their surroundings. The torkoal could suppress this instinct when in human settlements but it does make them uncomfortable having to hold back their bodies' now natural ingrained reaction."Vi?" "Do you know any places with high altitudes?""Yeah, but it's a long shot. Mt. Pyre extends up into the clouds. However, the mountain side doesn't get consistent sun, when a cloud drifts on over, the whole area fogs up. There could be a good spot right at the summit, but they don't just let anybody up there.""Because of the orbs?""Yeah… they haven't told me, but I am guessing that Phoebe's family keeps them there on some sort of altar.""Egoooon! It's rude to have conversations when I can only hear half of it. Now… who is Phoebe and why do you want to go to Mt. Pyre?"We were situated at the border between Fortree city and route 120. Nearest to us was a ranger outpost covered with flyers warning people of all the dangers present on the route. I made it a point to show Flannery all the dangers we could encounter on our days-long trek through the route."My grandpa goes to Mt. Pyre every year to pay respect to our family's deceased Arcanine. He usually takes me along and I made friends with the granddaughter of the people who run the place. As for the reason why I want to go there… Eli finally revealed the secret of how to train up drought.""Really?! But what's the secret then?""I can't tell you I made a promise. Just know that going up the mountain is one of the requirements.""Unfair! You don't even have a torkoal! He should've told me first!""I am trying to prove that vulpix also have the aptitude for developing this ability. He shared the method with me for scientific purposes. Also, I promised him that I wouldn't try to catch any torkoal in the future.""Are you crazy!? Torkoal are the best!"As we were busy arguing, the sole ranger manning this outpost stepped out. Obviously miffed by Flannery's shouting."Quiet you! I work night patrols, this is the only time I can get some sleep in!"I moved quickly to diffuse the situation. Staying in the rangers' good books is imperative for any aspiring trainer."Sorry! From now on I'll be sure to properly admonish my companion if she gets too loud again.""Ahem, I guess it's fine. You kids heading up to route 120?""Yes, we are heading for the safari zone.""Hmm that's about five days' worth of travel on foot, are you sure that you have brought enough supplies? These routes aren't like the rookie zones around Littleroot. You do have a chance of coming across hungry predator Pokémon.""That's okay if we do manage to get ourselves into a dangerous situation, I'll just bribe the hungry Pokémon with some berries.""Mightyena groupings can grow to be as large as twenty individuals per pack. I highly doubt you'll have enough food to satiate them all. Of course, the wild Pokémon around here know that any sort of hunting on the routes will have consequences but there's always a small chance that you come across a pack that just migrated southwards and have never seen a human in their life.""Is there anything else we should look out for?""Yes, there is a small chance you might come across a wild absol. Now normally absol don't show themselves to humans but if you catch more than a glimpse of one just take the quickest path out of there. Absol sightings have been linked with natural disasters like mudslides, earthquakes, hurricanes and wildfires. Seeing one always means you are about to be hit with a streak of bad luck.""Wait wait! Aren't absol just warning humans what's about to happen? They could have precognitive abilities.""Doesn't make much of a difference to me, either way just run for it when you see one."With that last statement the ranger turned around and walked back inside the outpost probably eager to catch up with his sleeping schedule."Let's set out, Flanny. If we are quick, we can pass the on-route swamp before nightfall." After four hours walking* "Egon, my feet hurt!""Well, I guess we can take a short break."We were nearing the great bridge spanning the entire length of the largest lake on route 120. Up here we had a clear view of the entire reservoir together with the flooded cave system the people passing by aptly dubbed the scorched slabs. This used to be the site of an active volcano, but centuries of inactivity and rain caused the entire caldera to fill up forming a picturesque lake.Both me and Flannery released our entire teams to enjoy the view with us. I had set clear guidelines on what each member of our traveling group needs to do when we stop for breaks or when preparing to go to sleep while in the wilderness. Having Flannery with us forced me to redistribute each of our roles on the fly."Tini, can you get down by the lake and fill up this bucket with water?""Vi Vi!" "Okay!""Glove you set up the picnic blanket and look after Halo. The rest of us will go foraging for some herbs and berries.""Dar!""Now remember to only pick up edible plants and berries that have already fallen on the ground. We don't want to get into any legal trouble with the rangers or Arceus forbid any angry territorial Pokémon. Let's split into two groups. Numsy you look after Flannery's group. If you guys encounter a strong Pokémon, send out a distress flare with lava plume, ok?""Rupt!""Flannery, since you've earned your trainer's license, I will assume you know how to differentiate between poisonous plants and the ones that are safe to eat. Just to make extra sure we'll inspect anything you bring back so don't start nibbling on unfamiliar mushrooms on your own. We will reconvene after half an hour.""Don't boss me around Egon! Come along Numsy, our group is much cooler than his.""Came…?"Like that, Rena and Orin went north while Flannery's group started their search in the south. We didn't really need much, only just enough so we could have something to snack on. The real reason I pushed the idea to go foraging is so I could have the chance to look around for any wild absol. That and Flannery needed some experience foraging if she ever ran out of food while in the wilderness."Vuuul!""You are my best sniffer, Rena. Can you smell any large feline Pokémon in the area? We won't go off route into the mountainous area but if you can smell any that are close we can go check it out."My Vulpix positioned herself in an upwind position and smelled the air blowing towards her. After a good minute she turned to me to share her findings."Pix Pix!""Too faint to tell… that's too bad I guess we'll just go ahead and gather some herbs and mushrooms."After twenty minutes of looking around we got a fair amount of edible mushrooms and even some wild mint and yarrow for a nice cup of tea. I was about to head back to our meeting place when I spotted a bulbous plant with leaves sticking out of the ground that closely resembled a mandrake's. Naturally these plants were poisonous, but you could still use them as painkillers or laxatives when properly diluted. When I was in the middle of pulling the plant out of the ground I heard a loud wailing noise."Oddd!"'Wait this isn't any ordinary plant?!'The "plant" glared at me fiercely, obviously upset that I disturbed its sleep and rudely pulled on its head."I am sorry little Oddish I mistook you for an actual plant.""Dish…""How about you come and have lunch with us as an apology? We have some berries and do you like mint tea?"The word berries seemed to be Oddish' trigger word because the little grass type hopped out of its hidey hole obviously eager to have a go at our food supply."Odd!""Here let me pick you up. It must be tough moving around on those little legs."The Oddish didn't resist as I picked it up and held it in my arms. While I was holding on to the little weed Pokémon Rena guided us back to our basking spot in front of the bridge. Halo and Victini were playing around while glove dutifully watched over them. Flannery hadn't returned yet but seeing as we arrived back ten minutes early there was no cause for concern."Heya guys this is Oddish he is going to be having lunch with us.""Odd!""Oh sorry! She is going to be having lunch with us."The bucket of water I asked Victini to bring was filled to the brim and the water inside was clear enough to see through. Now I just needed Numsy to come back so he could heat it up for tea making purposes. None of the others were as proficient as him when it came to boiling water and Numsy took a certain level of pride in that, so I was loath to give his job to someone else. Usually for lunch it was just straight up diced berries in a bowl, no kibble whatsoever. So, I unloaded my cutting board and the tupperware container holding all of my berries and got to work preparing the food. Victini used telekinesis to deposit the diced berries into the appropriate bowls. While we were busy doing that I started talking to Oddish who was distractedly looking at the berry filled bowls."What kind of flavor do you prefer Oddish? We have Spicy, Sour, Sweet and Dry tasting berries.""Odd…""She's never had the opportunity to taste a berry before?!"The rest of my team was also flabbergasted at Oddish' surprise reveal. I was under the impression that wild Pokémon got to eat wild berries on occasion especially since most berry trees grew throughout the year."Is competition for food on this route that intense?""Dish…""That's okay little gal. I'll give you a bit of everything and you can find out what you like."It was at that moment that Flannery returned from her scavenging trip. She seemed pleased with herself for some reason, the pep in her step being unmistakable for anything else."Egon, I had my first battle with a wild Pokémon. It was a blast!""That's fine and all but did you gather any herbs?""No… but this Poochyena was really fierce! Not like a regular poochyena at all. In the end my Slugma had to pull out his best moves to win the battle.""Fine… but don't get distracted next time. Come sit, lunch is almost done.""Numsy can you do the usual?""Rupt!"With his bigger size it was kind of awkward to heat up the teakettle over his back, but he made it a bit easier for me by crouching down. The kettle was held aloft over one his volcano humps by use of a rope and a long stick struck deep into the ground. While I was waiting for the water to start boiling I distributed everyone's bowls to their respective recipients. They all started eating with much gusto, especially oddish was over the moon with the wide selection of different berries placed inside her bowl which used to be Tranquill's."Dissh!""Slow down a bit Oddish we still need to figure out which berry is your favorite. Now take a small bite of each and tell me what you think.""Odd!"She did as instructed taking a small bite each time before moving on. When she first tried tasting a slice of aspear her face sported a short grimace before moving on to the other flavored berries."Dish!""So, you dislike sour tasting berries hmm but the rest you liked in equal measures. Next time I should remember to buy bitter tasting berries."Seeing as Oddish started getting comfortable with us I decided to ask it some questions regarding the route she called home."Hey Oddish, have you ever seen any absol around here?""Dish?""What's an Absol?""Large mountain cat Pokémon with white fur and a horn on the right side of their faces.""Dish! Odd!""She's seen those before, but they don't live in these parts only coming down the mountain on occasion to warn everybody if something bad is about to happen.""Drat! Well at least I confirmed my suspicions."The mint tea was served to those who wanted to try it. All of my fire type Pokémon declined to try the hot leaf water except for Victini who took hers with extra sugar. As we were about to finish and head on deeper into the route a distinct howling sound was heard all around us."Awoooo!"The bushes started shaking until eventually the group of Pokémon who were eying us revealed themselves. A pack of seven full grown Mightyena and limping behind them a Poochyena with burn marks all along his fur coat."Flannery…! What did you do?""Nothing, we were just battling it out like normal! Poochyena is just being a sore loser..."Flannery whispered that last part in my ear. At least she was smart enough not to agitate the pack of angry Pokémon any further."Grrrr!"'I am asking for a raise after this.'"Hello there, lovely weather we are having today... How can we help you fine group of Pokémon?""Is that all you got!?""Well sorry that I don't make a habit out of riling up packs of dangerous Pokémon!"I knew instinctively the reason that we haven't gotten jumped yet was because we were fielding a large grouping of trainer owned Pokémon ourselves. That being the case I was hoping this could be resolved with a spritz of burn heal and some lava cookies. The biggest Mightyena, which was also probably their leader, stepped forth to voice out their demands."Arf!""Vi Vi." "They want enough berries for all of them or else.""Mightyena this must all be because of some misunderstanding on my companion's part. How about we get Poochyena all cleaned up and send you and yours off with a helping of my grandma's specially crafted patent blended Lava cookies?"The Mightyena seemed to think about it for a moment. Giving out another cursory glance to all our Pokémon who were now in a battle-ready state in case the negotiations went sideways. Even the little oddish seemed to be ready to lend out a helping hand."Ruff!"Mightyena relented, easing up on their demands and accepting my counter proposal. Having been picked as their leader this one could weigh the cost and benefits of my proposal would still slant in their favor and they could avoid expending their energy on fighting with us and eventually the rangers if things got really out of hand."Little one come closer. Let me take care of all those nasty burn marks on you."The Poochyena first looked to the pack's leader for permission. After receiving a slow nod from that Mightyena he walked forward and stood still near me waiting to be treated."Now Flannery since you were the one who left this Poochyena with these marks you are going to fix him up. Grab the burn heal spray from my backpack. You know how to use it right?"Flannery was still not convinced that the Poochyena was actually hurt and reluctantly grabbed the burn heal before starting to apply it to the soot covered canine Pokémon. The girl couldn't stop herself from trying to get just one last lick in."I won fair and square, and you know it!""Grrr.""Don't mind this one, she has a problem admitting fault. How about you try a Lava cookie?""Ruff!"My container containing all of our Lava cookies emptied out till I only had about half of my original supply remaining. The Mightyena pack seemed to appreciate my peace offering well enough giving me yips of appreciation. Numsy and Victini on the other hand were giving me sour looks over the whole ordeal. Those two did not appreciate me expending their future treats on costly shenanigans like these. I reminded myself to call up grandma for an extra order the next time we settled someplace for a longer period of time."Dish?""Thanks for wanting to help out even if you didn't need to. My team is strong, you know?""Arf!"Having finished my peace offerings, the pack was about ready to set off. Their leader calling the Poochyena to come back home with them. Before leaving the little rascal wanted to let Flannery know that this is what happens when you mess with him. He did so by blowing a raspberry in her direction."Why you…!""Calm down Flanny. Do you want to start this thing all over again? Just give that adorable pugger a kiss goodbye.""That Poochyena is the worst! I'd sooner kiss my Slugma.""Maaa?""Nothing's wrong with you Mag. It's just to keep your body from hardening the minerals need to be above melting point. That's too hot even for me. As soon as I figure a way around that I'll give you all the smooches you could want!""Maaa!"As the last of the pack left our vicinity, I addressed Flannery to find out if she's learned anything from this encounter."You know what you did wrong?""Yes, that is the last time I am trusting a dark type not to go back crying to its mommy!""Not that, battling wild Pokémon is fine, I'd encourage it even. Though there is a certain protocol I stick to whenever the battle's finished to make sure there are no hard feelings. A half berry or some encouraging training advice goes a long way. Pokémon have feelings too you know? None of us like to lose and have the opposing party gloat afterwards. The next time you get into a fight, call me so I can make sure that you show proper battle etiquette.""Ugh stop babying me!""Nope, your grandfather is paying me too much money to half ass this mentorship. Now let's quickly get out of that pack's territory while we still have the chance. Camping anywhere close to them when they know that we have a large food supply is a bad idea.""Dish!""Oddish, do you want me to bring you back to your sleeping spot? I know that your kind only really becomes active at night.""Dish…""She wants to stick with us for a while longer."The little grass Pokémon seemed to have come to enjoy our company. The free food and companionship probably beats out sleeping inside a hole in the ground."Sure, you can be our guide while we are on this route. Feeding a Pokémon of your size isn't a burden at all."After recalling most of our Pokémon we hit the road again crossing the giant bridge that stretched out over the lake. While we were walking over the bridge, I couldn't help but look down. The grotto housing the supposed legendary Pokémon was the only thing sticking out of the water's surface.'Someday… though it is strange that the ranger corps hasn't fully explored the scorched slabs. Those preppers live for that kind of thing. Maybe the apocalypse event set to happen in a few years will dry out the cave's tunnel systems revealing the Pokémon hidden inside.'"With the help of everyone I am sure that we can desiccate the entire cave system on our own!"'Where's the vapor supposed to go? It will only hit the cave's ceiling and recondense into water again. We need some kind of strategy…'While me and Victini were busy exchanging ideas I didn't notice that we already crossed the bridge and entered the swampy area. In places like this where the water could get up to knee height the most important thing to have would be a set of well insulated rubber boots. Luckily, I had the foresight of bringing a pair of those with me."Flanny put on your boots we entered swamp country. Any puddle we come across could have a barboach just waiting for a chance to bite at our ankles. Oddish, do you know what other kind of Pokémon live in this here swamp?""Dish Dish!""Surskit and Masquerain, sometimes the marill from the lake come here to play as well.""You hear that Flannery? Ya better get those muckboots on unless you want to develop a case of trench foot.""Egon stop using that fake Unovan farmer accent!""It fits the theme! Just go with it Flanny! This is how us Unovans speak when in swamp country." POV - ??? "Are you sure that son of yours is up for the challenge? I ain't holding back my punches for anyone Joseph.""You can rest assured that my son will be the top contender this year. Our battle analysts have crafted strategies to counter every possible strategy you and your elite four could come up with. Barring any unforeseen technicalities Steven will be crowned champion.""All these fancy strategies of yours won't mean anything if the bonds between your son and his Pokémon are untested. Only trials filled with hardship can do that. From what I hear, that son of yours has more of an interest in being a spelunker than to go through the life of a hardened trainer.""We hired the finest of tutors for both Steven and his Pokémon. We are confident that all of them are at the elite level, especially Steven's Metagross.""We'll see… If this doesn't pan out, I have two others that could replace me in the future.""Two?""Wallace of course but there's a new kid trying out his luck this circuit.""This child… Can you tell me more about him?""He's been learning under old Tim for the last few years. On first glance there's nothing remarkable about him but the brat has managed to earn himself the allegiance of a mythical Pokémon. If he doesn't mind revealing that Pokémon to the world, I could see him getting to the conference finals and facing off against that son of yours."'All my plans…!'"Joseph, do not interfere in that boy's journey. I only told you this because you would've found out eventually. There's not much that goes on in Hoenn without your lickspittles finding out about it. The kid's a good seed, my dragons liked him well enough on their first meeting and you know how rare that is.""Does anyone else know?""From my reckoning a handful of higherups in the Unovan league. Usually in cases like this the boy would have not been allowed to leave the region. Somehow the kid's got preferential treatment from them.""Alright then. Anything else?""Yeah, when are you going to come out of that dusty office of yours and join me and Briney for some old-fashioned exploration? Briney's been faring trainers between his home on route 104, Dewford, Slateport and Lilycove for fun. He says there's a good chance the King Neptune sank somewhere near Wazoo Island.""We don't all have the free time to do whatever we want Drake. Devon has never been more profitable than it is now. From a small company that mined rocks and smelted iron sand to what we are now. Our specialized poké balls are used worldwide beating out those Johtonian apricot balls in usage and we are this close to creating a viable prototype of a revival machine.""Fine, maybe next time. See you later, old friend."*Click'For now, it's best to observe this possible future hindrance. I've put in too much time and effort to have my family's bid for hegemony put into jeopardy.'"Kennedy!""Yes sir!""Have one of our private eyes look into a rookie trainer who is participating this year. He's supposed to have studied under Moore from the elite four. Narrow it down and have someone privately investigate the kid. I want to know everything from his favorite food to the color of his socks. Make sure they are discreet and let them know there's a bonus in it for them if the kid doesn't find out.""Will do, sir!""Has our spy inside Cinnabar Labs gotten any closer to obtaining those blueprints yet?""Sir! The last time he managed to send a message out our spy let us know that he's about a month away from getting the position that would allow him to take a copy home with him.""Excellent, let him know that the agreed upon bonus is doubled when he delivers. Devon corporation needs to be at the forefront of all scientific innovation. We can't have those upstarts in Kanto get even an inch ahead of us. How's our fossil acquisition coming along?""Three completely intact root fossils and two armor fossils. We have been unable to purchase any overseas fossils without abiding by the strict budget you gave to us.""Good. Having Devon corporation buy up more fossils in that short a time frame makes us look suspicious. Our detractors must have no grounds upon which to sully our reputation."'So much to do, When Steven finally becomes champion I can grow this company without limitations. Drake won't allow any apparent favoritism but with my own son leading the league association those pesky environmental regulations won't be a hindrance anymore. With the league's backing I will finally be able to start project Delta Emerald.'

Chapter 46 – Interlude Zinnia undergoes draconid trial pt1.
Living in the village got better once big sis Aster started taking care of me. The bigger kids now kept away to avoid getting on big sister's bad side, daddy compromised with me by replacing Horsea's old fishbowl with a nice big aquarium that he asked the village's glass artisan to build, all so my little dragon could comfortably sleep together with me in my room. He even told me that if I said nice things about him to Aster, he'd eventually have a pond built in the yard.
"Mommy we are going out to play!"
"Be back before dinner!"
Horsea and I went back to the river to practice our moves again. With big sis' help Horsea managed to learn a bunch of cool moves. Dragon breath, Twister, Agility and even without big sis' help Horsea managed to learn Bubblebeam all on his own. The last three weeks have been way more fun with big sis coming to see us every day. Sometimes the old grumpy men in weird robes keep her busy for a long time and she can't come that day. Being alone again during those times was bad but at least Horsea was there to keep me company. The other children still wouldn't let us play with them, but we'd show them how cool we are someday soon.
"Horsea… we can make more friends right? Brother always says having lots of friends fixes all your problems."
"Little sister, I am back!"
It was around afternoon time. Big sis aster usually had to spend most of her time with the village leaders called the elder council. They made sure that the traditions of the tribe are upheld, but big sister had big plans to open up the village for any prospective dragon type specialist looking to learn more about dragon types. She believed by closing up our borders we were also closing off our hearts to the world surrounding us. I usually don't understand what she's talking about, but I would really like it if my brother is allowed to visit the village.
"Big sis! Can we ride around on Dragonair again?"
"Of course, but first I have some exciting news for you. Do you want to guess what it is?"
"We got invited to become participants in the trick house contest?!"
"Nooo! Silly! I got you a spot in tomorrow's coming of age rite."
"But I am already really big! Horsea thinks so too!"
"Not like that! Although I do think you are more mature for your age compared to the other children living in the village. The coming-of-age rite is an event that our tribe holds every year. All the tribe's children who are deemed to have developed a suitable temperament are allowed to participate."
"Can we not go? Every time me and Horsea draw too much attention I get scolded at home..."
"Don't worry about it. I'll have a talk with that father of yours. If he gives you any more trouble he can kiss that position on the elders' council goodbye."
"You can do that big sis?!"
"I'll have you know that your big sister is a bigshot around these parts. Anything I say goes and none of those old fogies can do anything about it."
"That's so cool! Can I become a bigshot as well? That way everyone has to play with me!"
"Well… my position is already filled. However, you can be my successor that way you'll be the little bigshot."
"You must be the best battler in the whole tribe big sis! That's how you got your position right?"
"No, there are many people who are more skilled in battle than I am, especially the elders. Their Pokémon are in a completely different league. The reason that I got elected is because of my sky friend."
"A sky friend…?"
"Yes, he visits me on occasion and everyone in the tribe thinks he's the best. I met him during my own rite of passage, and we've been friends ever since."
"The rite of passage is for making friends?"
"Exactly, tomorrow you and the tribe's other younglings will be allowed to enter a very special place. Inside you'll get the chance to make a lifelong partner who will stick with you through thick and thin."
"Like me and Horsea?"
"Yes, just like you and this little cutie."
"This is a unique opportunity reserved for the children of our tribe. The parents of your new potential partners won't tolerate grown adults making the attempt to bond with their hatchlings."
"Oh! You mean Pokémon friends! I can do that. Back in my old home all the Pokémon really liked me! Our household's Vulpix always let me touch her tails whenever I wanted, and my brother's Numel shared his berries with me whenever I forgot to eat my lunch at school."
"There are differences, fire types are overly passionate while dragons tend to be a bit more prideful, especially the younger ones who are not yet secure in their own power. Therefore, the process of forming bonds also tends to differ. Dragons usually decide to bond with humans based on their adherence to what being "strong" means to them. So, for today's lesson I'll teach you all I know about how to get along with wild dragon types."
"Brother always says that making friends with any wild Pokémon is easy as long as you give it berries and lots of head pats!"
"See? Even Horsea agrees."
Big sis Aster suddenly closed in on me to give me an uncomfortable suffocating hug. She did this a lot for some reason.
"Zinnia, you saying that has reassured me that you are ready for the rite. There's no way a cutie like you wouldn't walk away with an extra friend with that kind of attitude. Still… there are also the circumstances of the other party to consider. In the wild a Pokémon might be hurt and scared prompting it to lash out at you even though it would love to eat a berry and receive head pats. This is why it's important to be able to discern a Pokémon's state of mind before you approach. Dragon types have numerous tells not all of them obvious. Be prepared my disciple! Today I'll give you a crash course on how to read a dragon's body language."
The next morning*
'Today's the day! I hope Horsea can get along with the Pokémon I'll bring back with me.'
Daddy told me that showing up at the rite also shows the rest of the village that the council has already accepted me as an official member of Meteor village. Then he went on about our family's history and that partnering up with strong dragons is important for our family's standing in the village. Even Mommy forced me to take a bath last night so I could make a good first impression.
'I swim together with Horsea in the same river every day. I don't need to shower! If it's good enough for the Pokémon living here it's good enough for me also!'
This was the first-time mommy and daddy both made time for me. Holding their hands as they walked me to the yearly festival made me feel like the happiest girl in the village. If there was one thing I'd say that was missing it would be the presence of my nerdy brother and his ramblings.
Today all the villagers grouped up in front of the big tunnel grownups say we aren't allowed to be in. This event according to Big sister was one of the events the entire village looked forward to celebrating. A kindly older looking lady in antiquated garbs holding a staff with a rainbow-colored stone inserted at the tip was leading the procession. She was currently giving a lecture about letting hatchlings leave the nest.
'A keystone… brother said you need those to mega evolve a Pokémon.'
Me and two boys were lined up in front of the crowd while the old lady commenced the event with a speech.
"Villagers! Today we gathered here to witness the forming of new bonds. Three of our own have been deemed worthy of taking on this year's rite of passage. Taking their first steps on their journeys to become dragon masters. Hopefuls come forward!"
'This is the perfect opportunity for friend making. First to introduce myself by saying something nice to the other party just like Egon taught me.'
"I like your cape, it makes you look like a superhero. My name is Zinnia. What is your name?"
"Nicolas, don't talk to me so casually. This is a competition between us three."
"Competition why…?"
"My goal is to partner up with the strongest dragon inside the nesting grounds. Father already told me which one I should be aiming for. If you know what's good for you, stay away from the Salamence nesting grounds. A larger than normal hatchling Bagon has revealed itself. My aim is to claim that dragon for my own."
"My brother says size doesn't matter in Pokémon battles! All Pokémon can be trained up to be just as strong!"
"Your brother is a fool obviously."
"Take that back! My brother is a genius, he knows everything there is to know about Pokémon!"
"Fine, I accept your challenge."
"You and me a Pokémon battle. After the rite is concluded, together with our new partners of course."
"Hmpff! You are on! If I win you have to take back the words you said about my brother."
"Fine and if I win you will relinquish any dragon you manage to acquire over to me."
It was at this moment that the other boy tried stepping into our conversation.
"Nicolas isn't that a bit…"
"Shut it, Dray! I don't care what the Lorekeeper says. This girl was not born inside the village, that makes her an outsider."
Big sis was watching us from the crowd not stepping in to tell those meanies to behave. She was putting her faith in me to stand up for myself. We made a promise that she would convince the adults and that it would be my job to win over my age mates. The grand elder finally finished giving out her speech and now turned to the three of us.
"Before being granted access to the nesting grounds you must traverse this tunnel without help. You will be watched by an unbiased overseer while doing so. We will leave it up to fate to decide who will gain the privilege of entering first."
A big grumpy looking man walked up to us holding a covered box. It was similar to the ones they used in flashy game shows.
"Pull your lots. the number denoted on your piece of paper determines in what order the three of you will be setting off."
"I'll go first!"
Nicolas stuck his hand in the box first without asking and with a smirk on his face revealed the number he pulled to the rest of us.
"Number one as expected."
The kind boy Dray went next, pulling out the number two slot. Which left me with number three. The caped granny readdressed us now that the ordering had been determined.
"Nicolas as number one you will go first. When you are ready to enter, make your way to the tunnel's entrance. The rules are as follows; you are not allowed to use a poké balls, after you've entered the nesting grounds proper the next waiting participant will be sent in after you, when the sun starts to go down all participants will be removed from the nesting grounds and brought back here even if they haven't managed to find a willing partner. The ones that can't find a partner are allowed to try again next year. If you kids have any questions now is the time to ask."
"Old lady, are we allowed to bring food with us? And can I bring Horsea with me?"
"Zinnia, you can just call me granny. And no, we don't want you children trying to bribe a hatchling into going with you. As for your Horsea…"
Big sister moved in close and took the poké ball containing Horsea from my hands.
"I'll look after Horsea, little sister, don't worry about him. He can spend his time playing with Dragonair while waiting for you. Just make sure that you find yourself a cute partner. You do remember all the different dragons the clan keeps right?"
"I knoooow big sis!"
"You are still disappointed we don't have any Hydreigon?"
"My brother didn't want to get me a deino either! Even though I'd take really good care of it and when it evolves it would be like having two friends in one Pokémon."
"I am sure you would be an excellent deino trainer but for now keep your focus on the task at hand."
Nicolas was now standing in front of the tunnel's entrance waiting eagerly for granny's go ahead. The meanie was giving me what my brother would call the stink eye, overly confident that he would win our bet. Eventually when the sun broke through the horizon, he did receive confirmation from granny that he was allowed to enter inside.
"Nicolas you can go now."
The bully gave me one last sneer before running into the tunnel. After his departure, time seemed to slow down making every extra minute I had to wait for my turn seem to take even longer. Mommy came closer to hold my hand whispering words of encouragement in my ear. While daddy was busy trying to start a conversation with big sis Aster. She didn't seem to be interested enough to engage with him. Her Dragonair wrapping itself around her fending off daddy's unwanted advances.
Dray's turn came and after he left the jitters got to me. This would be my first time trying to get a partner of my own. What if I picked the wrong Pokémon and we had to break up afterwards? Egon was much better at choosing partners, Horsea and I fit perfectly together.
'Egon says that I should pick partners who I share aspirations with. So, a Pokémon who loves battling for sure.'
Dray's time in the tunnel was comparatively shorter than Nicolas' and soon my name was called by Granny letting me know it was time to enter the tunnel.
"Don't worry child, I am sure you'll find your destined partner inside. When this is over, come visit my house for tea. I want to get to know my youngest grandchild."
"Granny… you are really my granny?!"
"I have many children and grandchildren. My work on the council keeps me busy on most days but I just love it when one of my grandkids comes for a visit. Aster has told me so much about you. To think my no-good son only just recently brought you back with him into the village. When you come and visit me, I'd sure like to hear what living outside was like for you."
"Yes! I can't believe I now have two grannies!"
"Now hurry along dear we can't have your new partner waiting all day."
Excited, I ran inside the tunnel leading to the dragon nesting grounds. Meteor falls has numerous little tunnels like these. Big sis and I explored a few of them, most housed a lunatone and solrock pair. The ones hiding dragon types are usually shallow ones situated on the sunny side of the mountain range because dragons enjoyed feeling the sunlight directly on their scales. This tunnel seemed to go way deeper, and the walls had funny looking script painted on. Looking closer I recognized the shapes to be Unown.
'Brother says that Unown are harmless and likable by themselves but when in groups they grant transient wishes to children experiencing strong emotions. They dwell in ancient ruins pretending to be wall script but also live in their own separate dimension.'
As I walked further along light started streaming into the tunnel from the other side leaving the lettering completely exposed. My hand traced the shapes on the walls leaving me disappointed. The letters showing no signs of activity.
'Would've been so cool if they were the real thing… Wait! I have to get to the nesting grounds. I can't waste my time here!'
For the rest of the way I ignored my surroundings no matter how colorful the inscriptions got. Finally, the tunnel's exit became visible and I rushed out with all the speed I could muster.
The nesting grounds now being fully visible. I saw all kinds of different dragon types. Some of them wild, others belonging to a tribe member. Big sis said that about half of all the dragons living on meteor falls belong with or have been partners to a tribe member. Dragon types on average lived three or four times longer than humans so it was a good chance some of these dragons partnered up with an ancestor on my father's side of the family.
"Hold on there for a second young lady. I get that you are all excited to be entering this place for the first time, but I am going to have to inform you on the dos and don'ts as well as help you navigate the grounds layout. Can't have you upset any of the matriarchs by accident you know."
"The mother dragons are watching everything that plays out in the nesting grounds during the rite of passage. If you manage to convince one of their hatchlings to come with you the next step would be to ask for permission from the parent. Although rare, there have been cases where a parent has refused to let their child go."
"That's so sweet! Their mommies must love them very much. Please tell me more, Mr. overseer."
"The nesting grounds are divided into four areas each corresponding with one of the dragon species that are currently nesting here. The biggest area belongs to the bagons, further along you can find a collection of caves housing a colony of noibat, the big lake in the middle accommodates a single dratini if you want to try out your luck. We also have a bunch of Goomy taking up the eastern side of the nesting ground if you don't mind getting all slimed up. Lastly our newest addition to the nesting ground is a triplet of gible. We haven't had the time to set up a desert environment for them so try to avoid any moist habitats and you might run into them. They can usually be found playing in the large sandboxes we set up around the outer perimeter. All of the hatchlings living here have an interest to be trained by one of the tribe's members. It will be up to you to convince them that you are the right trainer for them. I wish you good luck"
With that the overseer left, releasing a perky looking flygon and flying off in(on?) its back. Now having the freedom to choose I thought hard about what kind of dragon type Pokémon would best suit me.
'Now to pick one and go for it. Noibat are cute, and daddy has a Noivern… we could have training sessions together!'
Having made up my mind I decided to head towards the caves but before I had a chance to even get close my eyes landed on a particular scene.
A pale purple blob was being chased by a large thuggish looking Bagon. At first, I didn't recognize the amorphous shaped Pokémon until I remembered my brother mentioning a Kalosian dragon type who looked just like this one.
'A Goomy, brother says they start out as the weakest of all dragon types but evolve to become fairly strong. This one must be playing tag with his friend, that's nice.'
The Bagon finally caught up to Goomy and started planting its feet on top of Goomy's head. Instead of the game being finished and Goomy getting to be the one that chases Bagon. The rock head Pokémon kept bashing down on Goomy making the Pokémon slowly lose its shape. The expression of fear on Goomy's face was harrowing.
"Stop it you bully!"
I rushed up to the two and tackled Bagon off his victim. Giving Goomy a chance to escape from the nefarious Pokémon.
"Didn't your mommy teach you that it's wrong to hurt others?! That's a bad dragon BAD!"
Ticked off Bagon prepared to blast us with an ember attack judging by the flames flickering out of its mouth. Brother says the best strategy to employ when facing off against a wild Pokémon while you have none of your own is to…
"I am not afraid! I'll show you the secret battle strategy I learned from my brother!"
"Running away!"
I turned around and instantly made a run for it. Goomy, who was in the middle of his own exit strategy, was too slow, so I closed the distance between us in a few seconds and lifted the Pokémon into my arms.
"That's okay I'll carry you. Let's escape together, Goomy!"
Picking up Goomy was like getting a tongue bath from an overly eager growlithe. The mucus began covering my entire upper body as I carried Goomy away in my arms. Bagon, who overcame his surprise, started chasing us. Luckily, I am faster than him due to his stubby legs. We heard him shouting behind us, probably telling me to turn around, but I didn't stop running until Bagon was completely out of sight.
"Pheew! That was a close one, are you alright Goomy?"
"Goom Goooom!"
Goomy's face held a happy expression as the soft tissue Pokémon buried itself further into my chest.
"There there… I know what it's like living with bullies. That's why I had to step in. Does that Bagon do that to you a lot?"
"I see, did you try telling on him? I know for sure that if his mother was around, he'd be getting scolded for sure!"
"I don't know what you just said but I feel like it would hurt your pride as a dragon. Am I right, Goomy?
"That's okay then you'll just have to train a bunch and surpass that Bagon! I know you can do it, Goomy! You may start out as the weakest dragon type but you can become one of the strongest if you put your mind to it!"
"You like leaves, right? Let's go eat some and then we can play as much as we want!"
Some time later*
Goomy led us to one of his favorite spots in the nesting grounds. The area resembled a swamp with the ground was(being) moist with lots of different kinds of leaves spread around all over the soil. I've never heard about naturally occurring swamps on big mountains like this one. This area must be specially made for the Pokémon living here so Goomy and his kind can live comfortably.
"And that's how I came to live in Meteor Falls. My goal is to become the champion."
"The champion is the best battler in all of Hoenn. He protects all of Hoenn from bullies who do bad stuff to the Pokémon and people living here. That's my dream!"
"Goom! Goo!"
"You like that too? Do you want to become partners with me? That way we'll be stopping meanies all over from doing bad stuff!"
Goomy was as excited as me at the notion of stopping evildoers.
'We are going to be just like Zubatman! Noibat are cute but Goomy has a heart of justice!'
"Since we are now partners, I want to know everything about you. What's your favorite type of berry? What is your family like? Oh! you have to introduce me! Your mother must be a beautiful and kind Goodra!"
"Goom! Goom!"
Goomy motioned me to follow him with his antenna. This place must also be home to the rest of his kind and judging by his actions his mother must surely be living inside this artificial swamp.
"Do you think she'll like me? I usually don't get along with grown-ups."
Now that we found ourselves in the swamp, Goomy turned into a little speedster, her body perfectly adapted to the living environment. The little dragon type was brimming with excitement bouncing up and down the whole way over to her home. Eventually we came upon a bog filled with mosses and shrubs covered by giant evergreen trees. I looked around for a bit but I didn't see any other pokémon.
"Goomy, are you sure your mother lives here? I don't see anyone."
As if responding to the sound of my voice a giant figure surfaced out of the water's edge. Standing as tall as the largest man I've ever seen, a large dragon closely resembling my little goomy stepped forward to greet us.
"Dra? Goo!"
Goodra spoke to us in a questioning tone. As if wondering why me and Goomy came to her nesting spot. Gathering up all my courage I addressed the great she-dragon.
"Hello Ma'am! My name is Zinnia. It's really nice to meet you!"
Goomy made some squeaky noises before touching horns with her mother, an intimate act. Aster's lessons finally paying off. Goomy would only touch horns with Pokémon and people they truly trust. Goodra seemed to be accepting of my presence here and waved one of her antennae in my direction encouraging me to go on.
"So… ahem. Me and Goomy like each other so I was wondering if we could get your permission to become partners. I'll treat her like my best friend! She can stay with me in my home if she wants to and I'll train her up to become the strongest goomy around! And we'll have slumber parties here and maybe if my Horsea can come over as well and…!?"
Goodra used her big hind horns to pull me in for a big hug. It felt warm…
"Thank you! Thank you! Me and Goomy will visit you every time we get permission."
Goodra gave me a knowing smile as she bowed down picking up goomy and deposited the little dragon into my arms. By now I was completely covered in slime, but I didn't care I was too happy from making another friend. While all of this was going on I saw a small shadow watching us from behind a nearby tree before quickly retreating into a nearby shrub.
"Do you also feel like we are being watched?"
Chapter 47 - Interlude pt2
"Thank you again! We'll be sure to visit you lots!"
Me and Goomy waved her mother goodbye as she retreated back into the swamp. Now that Goomy is officially my partner, I can tell her all my secret plans. Egon always says it's ok to keep secrets from anyone, but not the partners who trust you to lead them into battle. So, as we walked back to the agreed upon gathering area I did just that.
"The Fairy type is going to be revealed to the rest of the world soon. To keep my edge as a trainer of dragons we'll have to come up with a new stratagem. You'll be my secret weapon, Goomy."
"Yes you. Brother told me that Goomy can evolve into an alternate form. Now that I have you as my partner, we are going to work towards turning you into a steel type."
"Long ago the Goodra and Sliggoo living in the Sinnoh region used to be partial steel types. Egon mentioned something about iron rich water helping your species develop shells for extra protection."
"Yes! We'll ask big sister Aster for help. She is the smartest person I know except for my brother of course."
Just like that I kept exchanging ideas with Goomy. Unlike daddy, Goomy was a great listener, even getting excited by some of my brilliant plans. I couldn't help but feel like we were being followed by someone though. Every time we turned around to the sound of the grass rustling behind us we couldn't see anyone there.
'The area surrounding the tunnel leading back to the village is empty of hiding places. We'll see if this stalker will dare to show his face in front of us hmpff!'
Me and Goomy finally made it to the edge of the swamp reentering the nesting ground's middle area. Now free from the thick foliage I expected our stalker to reveal himself at any time.
"We know that you have been following us! Show yourself!"
From behind a nearby tree a stubby little claw showed itself and little by little the entire figure emerged. It was the same Bagon that had been bullying my cute little Goomy earlier this day.
"Why are you following us? You meanie!"
Goomy, still traumatized by the previous event, tried to hide herself behind my legs.
"It's okay, I'll protect you, Goomy. We can just use our secret battle strategy like last time."
"Gon Gon!"
"Huh…? Is Bagon trying to tell us something Goomy?"
The cute little blob lacking hands tried her best emoting in an attempt to relay Bagon's message to me. Brother says it would take at least a couple of months before trainers start understanding even the very basics of their Pokémon's body language.
'I can understand Rena, this shouldn't be that different. Come on Zinnia, you can do this!'
"Bagon wants… to take our berries?"
"Gon!" "Goom!"
The two Pokémon simultaneously deny my claim. Bagon, frustrated with my confusion, closes the gap between us. I was about to make a run for it but somehow the little dragon type sped up enough to close in on me before I had a chance to turn around. I felt Bagon's scale brush up against my shins. The rock head pokémon clamped onto me without showing any of the tell-tale signs of aggression big sister told me to watch out for.
"You want to come with me?"
This time the Pokémon nodded visibly pleased that I finally correctly guessed his intentions.
"Sorry but I can't."
"Goomy is the partner I've chosen. Her feelings are the most important thing to me right now. If she accepts your apology then you can come with us."
"Gon! Gon!"
I was hoping to see Bagon change his ways and honestly apologize for picking on my new friend, but it seemed the little dragon hadn't learned his lesson yet. Judging by the aggressive tone of his voice.
"Come on Goomy, let's get back to the exit point."
'Is Bagon crying? He must have been even lonelier than me. Maybe if…'
I looked back at Goomy and the two of us exchanged gazes. Somehow, I knew we were both feeling the same thing. Even after having been bullied by Bagon my partner was also feeling sorry for him.
'Brother always says bullies come from a broken home. Maybe there's a reason Bagon is like this.'
"Okay you can come with us… But no more bullying! If I hear about you picking on anyone else again I'll ask big sister to bring you back to the nesting grounds."
"So where is your mommy? We have to get her permission first."
Bagon shook his head as if to say he didn't have any older Pokémon looking after him.
"She's not here? Did she leave with her human partner?"
Bagon nodded his head agreeing with my previous statement. Before gripping the edges of my shorts even tighter.
"It must've been tough on you right? Okay! When we get back, I'll ask around for the whereabouts of your mommy. Even if she doesn't come back, you can always rely on big brothers, grandmas, and grandpas. They will surely want to take care of you!"
Since we left the swamp, it was only a ten minutes' walk back to the tunnel leading back into the village. I was already looking forward to kicking Nicolas' butt and making him apologize for saying bad stuff about my brother. Goomy would trash any Pokémon he could possibly scrounge up. While we were walking Bagon insisted on sticking close to me which forced me to hold onto Goomy. The little cutie was still scared of her fellow dragon type and I didn't want her to panic. To calm her down I continued our conversation from before.
"So… once we get back, I'll introduce you to my other Pokémon. Horsea is very sweet and a water type. He can douse you in water when it gets too hot and you two can play in the backyard pond together when daddy says it's okay to dig one out."
"He can play with you too… but he's a fully aquatic species of Pokémon. So, you'll have to learn how to swim."
"It's okay, I can teach you. Brother taught me how to swim using the hot springs behind the Lavaridge Pokémon center. Big sister told me that most dragons can learn water type moves. Horsea is the oldest, so he can teach the both of you."
We finally arrived at the spot and I was super happy seeing Dray together with his own Pokémon. The Noibat he kept with him was perched on top of his head using its leathery wings to shield its eyes from the sunlight now that it was out of its natural habitat. The boy's clothes were all rumpled up like he'd been hit by a twister.
"Your Noibat is super cute, Dray! Can I pet it please?"
"That's okay I guess…"
I couldn't help but go off on a tangent as I scratched the little Noibat behind the ears.
"Unlike zubat noibat can live solely on eating fruits and berries. I want to catch one too in the future."
Dray couldn't help noticing the two pokémon following behind me.
Which one of these two is yours?"
"Goomy's mother gave me her approval. I don't know if I can bring Bagon with me but he really wanted to come along for some reason."
"Hmm I've never heard about participants bringing out two dragons at the end of the rite. The rest of the tribe members hoping to catch a second partner aren't allowed inside the nesting grounds. After they've bonded with their first partner."
"The nesting grounds exist exclusively for nesting parents and their offspring. Once the hatchlings get too old, they are relocated somewhere else on the mountain range."
"Even the dragons that originally come from other regions?"
"Well, those are encouraged to find a human partner. If they aren't satisfied with the available trainers, one of our members discreetly relocates them back to their natural habitat."
The man who had spoken that last sentence came out of the tunnel entrance. We recognized immediately as the man that was responsible for looking after this place.
"Mr. Overseer!"
"I see that you managed to pick up another additional friend on the way over and that it's the troublemaker."
"Yes, this Bagon has been acting out because its mother and her trainer have been gone for quite a while. I was planning to pair this one up with a group of Shelgon after the rite's conclusion. Seeing as Bagon followed you all the way here I guess we could make an exception this time. If you can get one of the council members to agree."
"Yay! My grandma is on the council. I am sure she'll agree."
"Almost everyone's grandmother or grandfather is on the council. Ask anybody, they don't play favorites."
It was at this point that the last participant showed himself. Nicolas otherwise known to me as the meanie was walking back with a gregarious looking Gible by his side. The land shark Pokémon looked like the oblivious sort not that concerned with what's going on around it as long as it got fed and properly taken care of.
"No! That's the Bagon I was looking for! Which of you managed to convince him to come along? I called dibs!"
'This is the perfect time to gloat like a Roserade!'
"Bagon followed me and Goomy out of the swamp. He likes me better than all the other trainers."
"Wrong! I never even saw him. Bagon, how about joining up with me? This outsider doesn't even know the first thing about training dragon types."
The overseer took this moment to intervene.
"Nicolas quit it. Even though you are my nephew it's bad form to proposition another's Pokémon even outsiders frown upon that kind of behavior. Still… I see you have brought along one of the Gible, just be satisfied with that. Their line is well known for their speed and power."
"Yes… uncle Damian"
"Someone told me that you started a wager with the little miss over here. Which if she loses would result in her having to give up the Pokémon she just managed to partner with?"
"So…?! The rule of not wagering Pokémon only counts for tribe members."
It was at this point that the nice overseer smacked him over the head.
"Bonded Pokémon are not to be wagered, that's common sense! When we get back your mother is going to hear about this! And you!"
"Don't give in to societal pressure! You still have a lot to learn before you can even begin to scratch the surface that is the art of training dragon type Pokémon. Now come along, you guys have been gone for most of the afternoon, the festivities are winding down and villagers are waiting for you to finish up."
The nice overseer led us back through the tunnel and as we did so I couldn't help but ask him all sorts of questions.
"Mr. Overseer, how come this place is filled with unknown symbols?"
"Heck, I don't know. Just be glad these aren't the actual Pokémon. Supposedly this is what they used for lettering back in the old days. Now only a single person in the tribe is trained up to read them somewhat accurately. The tribe is old, and we keep a lot of secret training methods and ancient lore to ourselves. If a thief ever manages to sneak in here, they'd also have to be able to translate their stolen knowledge into regular script."
"How come the tribe gets to keep Kalosian dragon types here in the nesting grounds?"
"Well… it's complicated. Most of our tribe members forgo participating in the Ever Grande conference because of our inability to field foreign dragon types while participating in televised tournaments. The Hoenn league association and our tribe would face massive political pressure for keeping foreign Pokémon. As for how we managed to get Kalosian dragon types… A descendant of our tribe lives in the region with his family keeping some of the old traditions alive. On occasion he discreetly sends us some Pokémon that are of interest."
"Wow! I can't wait to go see Kalos for myself!"
"You younger ones will get that opportunity someday in the future once the restrictions have been lifted. Of that, I am sure."
We finally reached the cave's exit. The villagers were already forming a crowd in anticipation of our arrival. Big sister told me that it was tradition to show off your new partner to the village and then have a battle between those who managed to find a partner. Mr. Overseer walked off to talk to granny and some of the other elderly people wearing strange robes. I kept walking around until I finally spotted big sister inside the crowd.
"Big sis!"
"Little sis! Don't hug me! What happened to you? You are covered in mucous."
"Oh! Now I know what happened. You managed to befriend this little cutie. That's amazing I knew you had it in you to make a new friend. Goomy are known to be the most even tempered of all dragons, a great choice of partner."
"And who is this? Which contestant managed to snag this big handsome fellow?"
"Ahem, I did… Bagon kept following us and Mr. Overseer says I might be able to keep him as well if the funny looking old people agree."
"You know taking care of an extra Pokémon is a big responsibility. Are you sure that you are up to the task of taking care of three at the same time? Bagon especially are difficult to care for. Their instinctual desire to fly requires you to never let him out of your sight. They have a tendency to throw themselves off of cliffs because their bodies tell them that they should be capable of flight."
"I can do it! Brother managed to take care of two Pokémon at my age and he's a lazy bum!"
"There there. Dragon types are a lot harder to keep around than your brother's Pokémon. Except for Goomy of course, they are known to be loving and good natured."
"You do have to get used to being covered in slime and cleaning up after them can be a hassle."
"Oh no no! Not that that's a bad thing, Goomy. I've heard your mucus does wonders for the skin. I know that even some of the elders collect and use it to keep looking young for longer. If you are certain that you will be able to handle the extra responsibilities I'll help you convince the council to let Bagon stay with you."
"You'd do that for me? Thank you, sis!"
"Before I forget here's Horsea's poké ball. We left him to swim in the river. You can find him over there when the rite of passage is concluded."
With that my big sister left our side to join up with the council members and Mr. overseer participating in their heated debate.
"I can't wait for you two to meet Horsea! He'll be your big brother taking care of you just like big sis Aster takes care of me."
Half an hour later*
"This will be a one versus one battle between Dray from Meteor village and Zinnia from Lavaridge town. Let the match begin!"
It was decided that Dray and Nicolas would square off first. Noibat was a fierce battler zipping around using super sonic and screech to overwhelm Nicolas' Gible. The ground type had no way to land a direct hit on its faster and more agile opponent. Now that I myself was up against the same opponent we got very nervous.
"Go Goomy!"
"Noibat let's show 'em!"
Dray's Noibat took center stage while my own cutie was still hiding behind my legs.
"What's wrong Goomy?"
"Don't worry about winning or losing. This is also my very first battle. Just as long as we've tried our best no one is going to laugh at us."
Hesitant but willing Goomy crawled up to his side of the battlefield. The soft tissue Pokémon clearly not being at ease being watched by so many people.
"Sorry! We are ready now."
Our referee Mr. Overseer was kind enough to wait for my peptalk to finish. He motioned for us to start the battle.
"Okay let's start off with bubble!"
The gust blew away our bubble attack and at the same time brought Goomy off balance. She didn't get blown away though Goomy was sticky enough to hold her ground. Right away I knew we faced the same problem as that meanie Nicolas and his Gible. Noibat was too agile for us, the only thing I could think of that could maybe help us pull this off was a certain move. My brother told me not to try in a real match.
"Hold on and bide your time, Goomy!"
Our opponents noticed that we were not planning on doing anything. So, they kept up with their long-distance attacks.
"Keep using gust blow them all the way out of the battlefield!"
"Don't underestimate Goomy's stickiness! Let's show them your determination, Goomy!"
Goomy kept on holding his ground until he eventually started giving off a red light. Goomy looked back at me flailing his right antennae to let me know he was done charging.
"Blast away Goomy!"
Goomy opened her mouth and unleashed a beam of pure white light. With impressive speed the beam found its target and before the little Noibat could react he was shot out of the sky and crash landed on the battlefield.
"The battle is over, Goomy and Zinnia win!"
Dray ran up to Noibat to check up on the cute little bat Pokémon before picking him up and walking away to have him get checked by one of the village's medicine ladies.
"Yay we won! I knew you could do it, Goomy!"
"You were lucky that Dray didn't know how to recognize the moment a Pokémon uses bide. Else you would've lost that match."
Nicolas the meanie stepped out of the crowd acting the sore loser. Still I knew that there was some truth to his words.
"Nu-Uh! Even if bide hadn't worked we still would've won. Goomy and I are the perfect team!"
Instead of accepting our position as the most promising up and coming battler in this village. Nicolas decided to be his usual self.
"Enjoy your moment in the sun once Gible and I get some training in we'll wipe the floor with you!"
"Bring it on! We are faster, smarter, and stronger than you!"
Now that our moment of victory had passed and Nicolas backed off to go back home. Big sis Aster and granny walked up to us together with Bagon who was waddling behind them.
"Good job little sister! We also have some good news to share. The council has agreed to let Bagon stay with you on one condition. If or when his mother comes back, she must give the two of you her blessing. When that Salamence does so Bagon can officially become your third Pokémon."
"That's great news big sis!"
This time granny had something to say to the three of us.
"We have also brought you these... They are brand new, bought from a poké mart in Rustburo city."
Granny presented me with two empty poké balls to keep my new friends in.
"Thanks a bunch granny!"
Granny didn't seem as excited for me as Aster was. Giving me a curt nod before walking off again.
"What's wrong with grannny?"
"Don't mind her, she was born at a time where poké balls were just invented. Her generation thinks it's unnatural to keep their bonded partners inside fancy round little balls."
"Brother always says that you should spend as much time with your Pokémon outside of their balls, but that they are a requirement for traveling trainers that need to visit the big cities."
"That's true also some Pokémon prefer the comfort of a ball to regular bedding when it's nighttime. Anyway, me and the council members have a lot to do so why don't you go and check out some of the stalls. They have a wide selection of cool stuff to buy that you can't find anywhere else in Hoenn. Just make sure to ask your mother for some pocket money."
After giving my big sister a hug, I hurriedly left in search of my parents. They must have been watching me kick butt in the arena. Daddy especially must be very proud of my achievement, always telling me not to embarrass him. Surely his face must be glowing with pride from having his daughter win her first battle ever. After searching for him in the crowd together with Bagon and Goomy we eventually found him. Daddy and mommy seemed to be busy talking to some other grown ups.
"Daddy! Mommy! I want you to meet my two new friends!"
Daddy was the first to respond.
"Not now, Zinnia. Daddy is busy. Go play at the river some more."
"Daddy is busy right now. How about you go visit the stalls together with your Pokémon? Every year the village's merchants bring some interesting things with them. Hurry along now daddy is busy with an important meeting."
Something about the situation set Bagon off. Flames were leaking out of his mouth, and it seemed daddy was the target of his anger. Before he had the chance to fire off a pot shot full of embers. I braced his head with my body putting a halt to his outburst.
"It's okay. I have you, Goomy and Horsea as my friends not to mention a big sister that looks after me."
Goomy joined in on the hug, his fear of Bagon not being enough to dissuade him from wanting to cheer me up.
"I have the bestest friends. We'll show daddy that he missed out today by becoming the greatest battlers in the whole village!"
'I'll get us the most expensive thingy on the market, make daddy pay for it and act out like that pair of eevee sisters on that tv show Egon won't let me watch.'
POV – Change Egon
'Why do I suddenly feel like hitting someone?'
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah, it's just that all of a sudden I feel this bout of aggressive energy…"
"Egoooon! Help me!"
"Just wait a second Flanny! I am working through something here."
"It's got me by the leg! This Barboach is eating me!"
"I am the one leading! If you followed my footsteps as you should have, then this would not be happening! The Barbroach is probably miffed that you stepped on his little sister or something. Just give up your leg as compensation!"
"Ugh... fine I am coming!"
I retraced my steps back until I was faced with a peculiar scene. Flannery's left leg was being pulled down further and further into a deceptively shallow looking puddle. The Pokémon who was orchestrating this impromptu leg napping was completely covered by the murky water, but common sense dictates a barboach to be the one responsible. The resulting threshing spat out filthy swamp water all over Flannery's previously clean clothes.
'Tini, can you lift up Flannery with telekinesis? Barboach are deceptively strong so if it looks like her body can't handle being pulled from two directions, we'll try another method.'
Victini who was half-asleep taking a powernap inside my backpack was now fully awake. The rabbit Pokémon floated out of her semi-permanent home and tried to solve Flannery's problem as I instructed. Flannery floated up in the air together with the entirety of the shallow pool's content which included the one Barboach a whole lot of water and debris and eerily enough the exoskeleton from what looked to be the remains of a small surskit.
'Arceus! I hope this catfish Pokémon wasn't planning to eat Flannery. I always knew that water types tended to be more predatory since most berries don't grow underwater but having this realization put on display for Flannery like this must be traumatizing for a girl her age.'
"What should we do?"
'Try to cover up the remains as much as possible, I'll dig out a grave for them later.'
It was always disheartening to be confronted by the realities of nature. My job was to protect Flannery from such things for as long as possible.
"Barboach, human legs are not fit for eating. How about you calm down for a bit?"
That response told me all I needed to know. Their species was well known for being extremely territorial. First claiming the pond that they're born in and once they've evolved a large body of freshwater. Scaring away all living beings they judge to be potential threats with massive earthquakes.
Victini lifted the struggling Barboach even further before launching him away with a considerable amount of force. We weren't about to punish a Pokémon for just following its instincts, but it did chew on my childhood friend for a while. Having barboach be thrown in a lake where it would soon discover it was not the biggest predator was karmic justice in my book.
"You alright Flanny?"
Barboach don't have teeth, just a series of rough pads to grab a hold of their prey but that didn't prevent it from tearing up that pant leg. In retrospect I should have taken her predicament a bit more seriously.
"How about we get you a change of clothes as soon as we get out of this marshland. You can use up all the freshwater we have to clean yourself."
'A strange mood swing and mucking it through a barboach filled bog. Not all days as a trainer are glamorous.'

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