After dinner, Rayne quickly cleaned up the dirty dishes using her favorite method: the system trash bin.
She thoroughly enjoyed the dinner, and Julian proved to be great company. The more they talked, the more she enjoyed his presence. She was glad that she had offered to let him stay with her while he healed his twisted ankle.
As it was getting closer to night time, Rayne began to fold up the table in the living room of the camper so that she could fold out the couch into a bed. She would let Julian sleep on the fold-out bed, while she slept in her bedroom.
She felt a little shy since there was no door between her room and the living room, making her feel like they were sleeping in the same room.
She shook her head, trying to avoid thinking about it, and opened her system panel to bring out a few more pillows and blankets for Julian. Once she finished setting everything up, she invited Julian inside her camper.
Oooo lala~
Thank you for reading!
I just published a new novel, 'Secretly Mine' <3