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74.07% The Owl House Watches The Owl House / Chapter 40: Chapter 40: Through the Looking Glass Ruins Part 2

Chapitre 40: Chapter 40: Through the Looking Glass Ruins Part 2

In the Forearm Forest; Bria is using a sword to cut through the plants in her way saying that this will be a breeze once they get the Galdorstones. Gus asks what could they actually do; Mattholomule explains that if you are holding one then any spell you cast gets a big power boost. Angmar says that he could grow a forest and make his own butterfly sanctuary, Gavin says that he bet his dad would pay attention if he could make the biggest Abomination ever.

The audience were amazed as the Hexside students began thinking about what they could do if they had got once.

Gus is amazed but Mattholomule says that they don't do squat for illusions since you can't enhance what isn't actually there.

The illusion students were glaring at Mattholomule with the twins having a death glare which made him gulp.

Gus says that he knows that and they start shoving which turns into a shoving fight.

Bria says they are at their first challenge a huge blockade of giant vines; Mattholomule tells Gus to show them what he has got and Bria encourages him saying that she knows that he could do it. Gus takes out a glyph and uses it to send a fireball through the vines creating a path for them with the trio excited, Bria saying that she knew it was a good idea to bring him and Mattholomule tells him that he doesn't know what is going on but he has his eyes on him.

"Seriously; how did you end up palling around with someone so nice like Bria?" Luz asked in disbelief with mutters of agreement but Mattholomule laughs humorlessly.

In the Forbidden Stacks; Luz asks Amity how much further they need to go and Amity says that they are there with books flying and giant red illusions of hands moving the books. Amity tells Luz to wait and go on their knees as there is a demon who looks to where they was; then they roll away after looking at eachother with red on their cheeks.

More embarassment from the couple in question as there were more giggles from the audience.

Luz says that they will be super sneaky and quiet; Amity explains that Malphas was actually the one who gave her the job and her own study room. He is usually nice but if they were caught then they would feed them to the bookworms.

"off course there are man eating bookworms in the library; because why off course not?" Camila muttered sarcastically with her arms folded sound like she was just done with how many things that could threaten her daughter on a normal bases in the Boiling Isles.

Luz says that in the human world 'bookworm' is just a cute name for nerds and Amity says that the human world sounds odd; Luz says that maybe it will be less odd if she shows her around someday as Amity is more red in the face. Luz suggests to turn back as she doesn't want to push Amity but Amity says that they are getting that diary as she drags Luz away by the arm.

"Sounds like you want to help Luz find a way home so you can have a date there." teased Willow as Luz gave her a glare.

"I would be happy to help show you around if we get the chance." Camila told Amity with a smile as Amity smiled back.

Back in the forest Mattholomule says that according to the map they should be getting close but he steps on a snape demon's tail who lifts him up by the ankle, Gus then uses a plant glyph to summon a vine to get the demon to drop him.

"You know you probably won't thank Gus for that." Willow told Mattholomule sternly who muttered a sarcastic thank you in Gus's direction.

Angmar and Gavin gets Gus up saying that they are not surprised that he couldn't handle Glandus. Gus asks about that and Bria explains that things work differently there; weak students are pushed around by the strong but if she had a Galdorstone then she might be able to change things for the better.

"Wow... Glandus sounds like a bully's paradise... So glad that I didn't end up there after being mistaken for a student with my clothes." Luz muttered with sounds of agreement from the weaker Hexside students.

Mattholomule was wondering if they were going to see how she really feels about this system.

Mattholomule shouts as he finds the entrance to the Ruins; Angmar is put on lookout duty and Bria warns him with a smile that if she catches him playing with anymore bugs then she will make him eat them which makes him scared.

This has the audience taken back; "Boscha, I have a feeling that Bria is not as nice as she seems..." Skara mutters to Boscha who gives her a look that silently asked 'no, really?'.

Inside they spot the statues and Bria climbs to get a Galdorstone from one of the statues which she takes down. She then uses it to bring up a giant wooden tree that towers over all others.

Most were in awe at this, "Big deal; I could do that easily and see how it helps against the Guardian..." Eda muttered with her arms folded.

They are excited and Gus looks at the statues as they try out the power; Gus then puts away leafs in front of a statue to see that it reads '~MARI~ THE PHANTOM BRINGER'. He does the same for the other statues to see more names and titles and realises what these titles are for.

"An illusionist graveyard?" Bump points out as this had taken them by surprise.

Gus tells them that these aren't ruins and it's an illusionist graveyard and Bria laughs saying that he says it like it's a bad thing, Gus says that these Stones there there's and they shouldn't take them but Bria replies that even if these witches were alive what would they use the Galdorstones for.

"I am starting to like her less and less..." Bo muttered with sounds of agreement.

She gives him one asking that doesn't he want to power up those cool spells of his, Gus says no that it isn't right and won't let them steal them. Bria says that she doesnt' think that he knows what he is saying but then Angmar comes saying that the guardian is real and he is coming this way showing a fog coming their way. They run away and there is a tornado with eyes that turns into alight blue demon; Angmar says that he heard that it has the power to control weather and Gavin said and to summon ghosts.

Most were scared off this by this image as Eda looked away; not wanting to feel the embarassment if these dumb kids end up beating the Guardian when she couldn't.

"Looks like something you should throw a ball to catch." Cornholio joked and there was silence with him in disbelief. "Come on... It looks like a Pokemon!" He yelled as there was some mutters of acknowledgement from the human teens. "I know it looks like a whale one but the name escapes me because I am not so into Pokemon that I am an obsessed freak who has all the original generation Pokemon' names memorised by heart, trying to make sense of all of the anime events happening without Ash aging and already has a ten page rant ready if Scarlet and Vioet doesn't end up having their favourites." Cornholio explained.

"I feel like you are attacking me..." muttered a human teen with a Charizard shirt.

Bria pushes Gus forward wondering if the Guardian can handle a little fire as the Guardian comes after him but he is all out of glyphs and looks towards the Guardian scared.

Most gulped as this didn't seem good as Perry looked to his son in concern.

In the Donations Deadwardian Era (1600s) section of the Forbidden Stack, Luz watches one of the red hands and Amity reaches for a book only for it to turn to dust.

"Only see things like that in cartoons..." muttered a human student.

Luz ends up finding the diary and they are silently excited but tells eachother to shush.

Luz smiles; hopefully they can now escape safely...

Luz opens it but most of the pages are eaten by an echo mouse.

"You can't be serious... That little rat!" Luz shouted out angrily as her friends and loved ones shook their heads since it was clear that nothing was ever going to be that easy for her.

"That's an Echo Mouse; they can feed on information through the writing and show them; the diary's contents are not lost." Amity informed Luz who felt a bit more relieved.

Luz angrily calls him a little rat which echoes throughout the Stacks, Malphas appears behind them sound scary as he calls out Amity's name.

"Oh no... Amity, I am so sorry..." Luz moaned as Amity was open mouthed and the audience were tense...

It then cuts to them both outside as Malphas sounding so chill saying that he is like so dissapointed in Amity; he relucantly fires her taking her badge away and the doors are closed.

This left the audience stunned as this was oddly anticlimatic; however the little students were looking in sadness at the thought that Amity wasn't going to read to them anymore at the library. "Amity..." Luz moaned as she looked away.

"Not like the blame is all your's Luz; you did want to go back but Amity had you keep going." Bump pointed out which they felt was a good point but Amity looked upset.

"Amity, I will make sure that this doesn't happen..." Luz told her as Amity wiped away a tear and tried not to be angry with her.

Luz tries to apologise but Amity says not right now; everything has changed since she came her, being around her makes her do stupid things and she wish it didn't as she has tears in her eyes. Luz with tears in her eyes says that it's okay, she does stupid things around her too and Amity then goes home.

"You ask me I prefer you after meeting your little girlfriend Amity." Edric said as he was then hit on the arm by his twin for being so tactless.

Luz looks determined and speaks in spanish before turning and walking.

"Nothing will work unless you make it work." Luz translates and Amity smiles at her.

"You are going to do what you can to get my job back, aren't you?" Amity asks as Luz puts her arm around her shoulder.

"Anything to make it right to my future girlfriend." Luz responded as Camila, Eda, Gus, Willow, Lilith, Hooty, Edric, Emira and others smile at them.

"Seeing them together; makes having to watch them crush hard more bearable." Willow comments as the couple is embarassed.

Back at the Ruins, Gus is sent back by the Guardian and hides behind a statue; he tries to scare it away with an illusion copy of itself but it dissapears. Then the Guardian does and Gus sees the Keeper who introduces himself to Gus, hugging him and saying that it has been a very song time since he had a visitor and to think that it was another illusionist.

This was surprising to the but Eda was open mouthed; "I couldn't beat... An illusion?" Eda muttered in disbelief as LIlith didn't know what to make of this herself.

"You ran away like a coward from an illusion; I remember that day and how I had to get you to admit that you were being a coward before I let us leave..." King laughed out loud before being hit on the back off the head of a furious Eda as there were laughter erupting in the audience.

"Wait... How does he eat... Does he bath and wash his clothes?" Camila asks and it was something to think about.

He just didn't think that he would be that small, the Keeper explains that an illusionist has always kept watch over the Galdorstones since they gain no powers from them so they are the least likely to use them for evil... Probably.

"That makes sense..." Amity noted as did most of the audience.

Gus says that they will have to get out of here now but then Bria comes out from hiding behind the top of a statue, saying the big bad Guardian is just another useless illusionist as Gavin and Angmar uses their magic against them caught by an Abomination and then by vines. She smirks at Gus who glares at her.

"Wow... She is just a bully; isn't she Mattholomule?" Gus asked Mattholomule who sighed with the students looking at her.

"One of the worst but hides it underneath her friendly exterior." Mattholomule explains.

"Just wow..." Boscha muttered as there were looks to her, "Don't look at me like that; I don't hide what I am." Boscha shouts as they knew that it was a good point.

They get the Galdorstones and Mattholomule gets one but Angmar takes it from him, Bria explains that they are playing by Glandus rules where you can have anything you want if you are strong enough to take it which the trio laughs about and Mattholomule looks down.

"This was normal back at Glandus; wasn't it?" Gus asks Mattholomule who sighs.

"Well; we could have another go at being friends depending on what happens?" Gus suggests with the HAS members looking at him smiling but Mattholomule just looks away.

He says that he didn't know that she was going to do this as Bria calls him over to hold her stuff, Mattholomule says that this is exactly how it was at Glandus: always being Bria's stooge. Gus says that better a stooge than a clown and Bria was right that illusions are nothing more than high def party tricks.

Gus was looking down with his father and friends looking at him, "Come on Gus: I know that we will see you show them up!" Willow tries to assure him but he wasn't convinced.

"Have more faith in yourself Gus." Luz tells him and he looks up thinking that he coudl at least wait and see.

Mattholomule conjures up a stone key to start cutting them free saying that he used to think that too but then he met some dork that used his powers to save him from a man eating Detention Pit. Mattholomule says that all he is saying is that if a dumb illusion could save a jerk like him, maybe it's not as uselessas he thinks as Gus smiles.

This takes Gus by surprise and smiles at Mattholomule who ends up smiling back to him.

Gus thanks him and says that it's time to teach those jerks a lesson which the Keeper agrees and says that he will call the hounds, Gus says that with due respect he would like to try something a little more creative.

"Is there hounds there?" Skara asks as Eda shook her head; probably just illusions again.

Bria is tossing a Galdorstone to Gavin who tosses it back to her only to get intercepted by Angmar landing at a staute which cracks which they laugh about. Angmar notices an illusion butterfly as Bria suggests selling the small Galdorstones to the Emperor's Coven and keep the rest for themselves; she tells Angmar to start collecting but he is distracted chasing after the illusion butterfly with her telling him to get back there.

There were giggles at this.

The butterfly then winks and goes into fog with Angmar following, Bria says whatever since she never really liked him anyway but Gavin sees an illusion off his dad who says that he is proud off him and suggest they go grab some ice cream. Gavin follows but asks when did he grow a moustache as they go into the fog.

"So love starved that he didn't think too much about how it didn't look like him..." Lilith muttered as there were some looks of sympathy for the poor boy. Amity thought that she could relate as well as Lilith...

Bria tells them to come on out since she isn't dumb enough to fall for these tricks but then there is darkness around her which she dispells by conjuring up a rock from the ground, Bria asks who is strong now saying that she never needed those losers anyway as she goes to grab the sack with the Galdorstones.

They were thinking that she really was just another bully.

There is light blue flog and the statue's head turns to her and seems to bleed red with a statue crawling towards her. Bria calls it cute but finds her magic not working and it seems her hands turn to stone and breaks away, she asks what is going on and Bria says that the illusion can't even touch her. The crawling statue grabs her foot and she is scared as the statue put it's head up to face her looking like her face.

Most of the audience were really creeped out by this.

Bria runs out out of the Ruins saying the place is cursed as it shows that her hands are still there, the statue crawling illusion goes away revealing it to be Gus saying that it took alot of concentration as all the illusions drop.

There were cheers for Gus who grinned and he ran to high five his friends including the HAS and Mattholomule who ends up high fiving back. "Breaking news: Gus Porter proves illusionist critics wrong and makes his father proud!" Perry cheered out as Gus smiles at him.

Keeper says the illusion over the whole graveyard to make it seem like the Stones weren't working was very clever; he tells him to keep honing his powers and there is no limit to what he can do; Gus says that there are some limits and wishes that he could repair the damage.

Mattholomule says that maybe he can help as the statues are back together, the Keeper thanks them and suggests that perhaps it's time to hid this place for good. Gus says there are so much history there and Mattholomule suggests what if they come back on the weekend to help build his defences which the Keeper would like very much saying that they are both welcome to come back whenever they please.

"We really need to start visiting him now." Gus says to Mattholomule who smiles.

"How do you think that we explain to the Keeper about how we already know about him and his illusions?" Mattholomule points out as Gus is agitated.

"You had to ruin it with your perfectly logical questions!" Gus snaps as there are some laughs.

They wave to him and Mattholomule says that he is definitely a ghost, Gus asks if this means that they are like friends nowand they walk off with him saying that he doesn't know with them laughing playfully shoving eachother and calling eachother names.

There were smiles at this.

In a room at the Bliight Manor; Edric is looking in a mirror as Emira is brushing Amity's hair, Amity says that ever since Luz came here things just go so confusing: she's thinking things that she never thought before and she's feeling things that she never used to feel. Emira asks if that is so bad, she wasn't happy before.

There were surprised looks and they face Emira; "what? I may tease her and I may have gone overboard with our plan to post her diary but I love my sister and I know to help her when I need to." Emira responds as Amity smiles at him.

Emira tells Edric not to pick since he will only make it worse and he replies too late.

"Ruin the moment; why don't you Ed?" groans Emira as Edric looks away.

Amity sighs, Emira tells her that her roots are growing out and asks if she wants to dye her hair again as Amity touches her hair.

They look towards Amity having a feeling as to what is going on.

Luz reaches the Manor and it cuts to the camera facing the top of Amity's new purple hair asking how does it look.

"Your cotton candy hair!" Luz points out to Amity and she smiles.

"Yes the purple hair I was supposed to give you when we got here but that got ruined... Thanks again for that Alyssa..." Cornholio mutters with his arms fodled.

Edric says that it looks like she is about to get into big trouble with their mum but Emira lightly punches him, she says that she thinks that it looks great but maybe don't tell their mum that she helped as they hear a knock.

Some giggles at this but they did have a point. "Don't worry about it Amity; the state we left your so called mother in I doubt she will be stable enough to care about your hair when we all return." Eda points out as she, Amity and Camila giggles thinking back to that memory:

"My Arm doesn't bend that way, my army doesn't bend that way..." After a crunch sound she says "now it does..."

Amity answers the door with Luz with her eyes closed holding out Amity's badge, saying sorry and opens her eyes to see Amity's new look.

"Thanks Luz." Amity smiles at Luz as the audience were grinning with anticipation though Camila did hold Luz close after seeing her in the state.

Luz says that it looks different , Amity says that her mum always liked it green but she thought that she could use a change as they are both incredibly red in the face.

"It's happening..." Willow thought in her head smiling.

Amity gets her badge back asking how did she get it back and what happened, Luz says that to convince Malphas to hire her back she had to go through some trials which included a taming a paper dragon which wasn't fun.

"At least it seems that your life wasn't in danger in this episode..." Camila pointed out relieved.

Luz says hello to the twins waving as they wave back from their hiding spot before they go away. Amity closes the door saying that it looks like that Luz made a new friends as there is the echo mouse on her leg and she chases after it saying that it's the one that eat the diary.

They see that this is probably how Luz gets the knowledge.

She grabs it saying that she hates it with Amity helping her up saying that it's an echo mouse which means that it can consume knowledge by eating writing and play back anything it eats which they deal a lot off at work. She activates it and it shows a projection with a narration by Philip Wittbane saying that his journey in the Demon Realm is far from over but today he humbly donates his journal to the age.

The audience were wondering again about this Wittbane guy.

On the first entry he gives his name and found himself on a world so horrid few minds could have dreamed it; he is certain that more that he learns about the realm the more he can harness it's strange powers to to return home as there is a drawing of the Door: today he begins his journal to build a portal back home.

"Could he... Have made my door?" Eda asks wide eyed as they thought that this probably was the case.

Luz is handed the Echo Mouse thanking the creature hoping that they could become good friends.

"Two enemies turned friends in one episode!" laughed King as the audience joined in at the funny detail.

Amity looks at her badge and smiles; she tells her not to worry as she always has a way to sneak into people's hearts before kissing her on the cheek.

The Lumity couple were blushing as the audience were grinning.

They look at eachother as the twins are watching from the window above, Edric says bold move. Amity is red in the face says good to see her and farewell forever as she goes to the doors while asking herself why did she do that.

There were moans of dissapointment as Amity was embarassed; "What? Why did you react like that Amity? Now we have to suffer through this some more..." groaned Willow.

"Come on Willow... Trying to confess to a crush isn't easy and it's not like I was too certain about my feelings..." Amity retorts as Camila puts a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay; you are still just a girl figuring all this out which is still confusing to you." Camila assured her as Amity smiled.

"Still means that we have to suffer..." groans Emira as she and her brother had their arms folded.

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