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61.11% The Owl House Watches The Owl House / Chapter 33: Chapter 33: Escaping Expulsion

Chapitre 33: Chapter 33: Escaping Expulsion

At the facility of Blight Industries (a subsidiary of the Abomination Coven), Edric and Emira are at the door greeting in hooded investors, Edric magics up a 'Hex Me' sign on one of the guests' back with him giggling along with Emira.

"Oh great one of these special things!" Amity complained putting her face in her hands and then glares at her giggling siblings. "I have no idea how you two haven't gotten caught doing that!" Amity yelled to the twins as there were more laughs from the audience.

"A private sale presentation that my parents' company puts together." Amity explains to the Nocedas while shaking her head.

Odalia is wearing a similar hooded cloak along with Alador, she welcomes them to the annual Blight Industries private sale taking off the cloak with Alador attempting the same only to fall down before he gets up with it off.

"These are your parents Amity?" Luz asked as Camila was glaring at the screen with there mutters since the audience remembered about what was revealed in the Understanding Willow episode. Amity nods as Luz mutters "I think that your dad looked more imposing when he was just a shadow..."

Infomercial type music plays as Emira explains asking if they are interested in reliable security, they are there to help and if they have an enemy or two then who are they to judge with laughs from the audience.

"What?" screamed the humans in stunned surprised as they weren't expecting something like this. Camila didn't think about what Amity's parents must have do in their business but if she thought about it she would never have thought of them being like infomercial sales people.

How does this world keep finding new ways to surprise her?

Odalia introduces Alador as the greatest Abomination creator of the era, Odalia touches her necklace explaining that as an Oracle she predicts that they will love what they got in store for tonight.

The Oracle track students had heard about what a top student that Odalia had been at Hexside.

Odalia presents the Abomatron Soldier with Amity standing next to it looking disinterested with the audience clapping, it can pour their tea, help keep up with the latest trends (showing it doing a hair makeover of Amity) and defend against any unwanted visitors.

"This is embarrassing..." Amity muttered to giggles from the audience as Luz put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Well you have a better hair makeover now." Luz told her and she smiled in response.

Odalia uses the necklace to speak to Amity calling Mama to Mittens reminding that the agreement is that she makes this look good and they will forgive her recent lacklustre performance in school to which Amity says yes.

"Wait? 'Mittens' is not just some pet nickname that your siblings use but is something that your mother uses to demean you?" Camila exclaims shocked at an embarrassed Amity and then looked behind her to spot Edric and Emira who sees her glaring harshly at her with Luz herself looking none too pleased to hear about this. There were mutters about this moment as the twins looked nervous.

"All in good fun... Mum uses it so we thought that..." Emira manages to mutter out with a fake smile but then gulps from the look that Camila sent her way. Their sister's human girlfriend's mother was scaring them at the moment.

The Abomatron sends fists as Amity jumps back saying in a disinterested voice that it's so fast and strong and to order now.

"I have to be completely honest Amity... Your acting sucks! I mean seriously if you were at the Romeo and Juliet school audition then the teacher would have yelled 'next' seconds into it!" Luz tells her and realising what she had just said went to apologised but Amity was giggling as there were looks at Amity's performance here.

"Doesn't help that I didn't want to be here, I would be open to actually working on my performance if I got a good enough co-lead in a romance story." Amity suggested and Luz smiled in return.

The units ordered chart goes up as the Abomatron picks Amity up with her saying that it's undefeatable and how will she ever escape, from her sleeve drops the Grom picture of her with Luz, Gus and Willow.

"Oh no, I am just going to get ruin it and get Mum mad..." Amity thinks to herself in horror knowing what was going to happen.

Amity is shocked and uses magic to slice its arm and easily destroys it to the mutters of the investors who starts to leave with Odalia trying to play it off as a beta test and it will be finished for next week.

The audience were getting the sense that Odalia was not going to take that well.

Odalia rants at Amity for all the money that they had just lost as Amity looks at her picture which Odalia notices saying that it looks like that she has gotten distracted.

"She wouldn't dare..." Camila mutters promising murder if she DARES tries something as Luz, Willow and Gus gulped as they were worried about what was going to happen along with their parents. Amity was terrified in her seat wishing that her screen self was more careful.

The opening is shown.

There is a pot on top of the Owl House's weather vane which Hooty starts pushing into like a bell as Luz uses light, ice and plant glyphs in front of a blackboard with a drape off over welcoming to the magic boot camp's 3rd day as fire lights up waking up King and causing him to scamper away. Eda is drawing while sitting at a desk while next to her on her desk Lilith is clapping.

Almost everyone's eyes widened as they didn't know what to make of this. Eda muttered that before she swore never to be caught at a school desk again.

Luz then takes the drape off the blackboard showing off the four glyphs that she had learned up until now so today they will learn something new, Lilith asks if they are going to encounter a never before seen glyph and Luz replies unfortunately no since she doesn't know where to find more.

Luz looked disappointed but figured that she could learn more this season as Steve noticed that Lilith had gotten a pen and paper to write down what was shown on the board.

Luz says that today they are learning about how to alter glyphs to do specific things while turning it around to show the diagram, Lilith puts up her hand to show her drawing off the glyphs asking if she did it right and Luz calls it really good.

"Decades later and you still know how to pull off the teacher's pet act Lily." Eda snarked with her arms folded but Lilith put on an innocent pose with humans swearing that they could see a halo floating above her head.

"How is she doing that act so well to the girl that she almost got killed late last season?" remarked a human teen confused as most of them was still thinking about what an odd sight this was.

She goes to see how Eda is doing but she is crossing two glyphs on her desk with a knife, Luz doesn't think it's a good idea but Eda interrupts activating her double glyph combo causing a small explosion.

"Fortunate that it didn't blow up causing me have to send a bill to your parents for destroyed school equipment." Bump snarked as Eda glared at him.

"You really should study the basics before experimenting like that Eda." Luz chided her and Eda glared at her.

"Last I checked, out of the show you are still the student and I am still the teacher and I know what I'm doing." Eda told her and Camila sighed thinking that there is no way that what probably was Eda's subplot for this episode going to go well.

Luz tells her that she knows that she is impatient to get her powers back but suggests she masters the basics before she starts experimenting. Eda calls her as boring as Lilith as Hooty comes up saying the Hexside train is coming picking up Luz who puts King in charge while she is gone.

"You should have seen about getting better substitute staff for your little boot camp considering what happened when this little demon proclaimed himself a teacher at my school." Bump commented as King glared at him.

King is excited about power.

The audience were filled with groans as King yelled out "serious, when will the King of demons get the respect that he deserves from this show?"

Eda is excited about teacher is gone so she can start experimenting and Lilith reminds her that teacher said that they are supposed to master the basics but Eda interrupts saying that basics are so basic and if they want to become powerful again then they better start thinking outside the box. Lilith replies that if they want to become powerful again then they have to figure out how to use glyphs perfectly through memorization, repetition and following the rules showing her cards. Eda pushes them away saying that she is more interested in experimentation, innovation and laughing at tools like her as she starts laughing while walking away.

"Was conversations like this common when you were both school children?" Camila asked them both and their faces pretty much gave the answer that she had already known and expected.

Lilith angrily looks down at King who was scratching himself and annoyed says that he will deal with it, walking away saying that no one said power comes with responsibility.

"King, I need to give you lessons about Spider-Man." Luz said towards King's direction as there comments about King's approach to this position of authority he was given.

Luz tells herself to be chill about the first day back from the Petrifaction Ceremony while entering the front door with her as well as Gus and Willow happily embracing eachother.

The Hexside students were muttering about Gus's voice and Gus was embarrassed as there were comments about how he sounds now, "My little man will be growing up soon." Perry said to himself wiping away a tear to Gus's further embarrassment.

Luz notices how higher pitched Gus's voice is (after saying that she is alright) and he is taller as she asks if she missed a birthday and he explains that it's puberty. Luz can't thank her enough for helping her and Eda at the Conformitorium and Gus says that it's cool and hopes that it helps Eda to learn his name since she keeps calling him Goose with a passerby student doing so causing Gus to complain about it already spreading.

"Goose, I am going to start using that name." Eda smirked causing Gus to moan.

"So who are you going to ask to be your wingman Goose?" joked Hal with giggles from the humans and confusion from the Boiling Isles residents.

"Sure the Principal gets his reference recognised..." sighed Cornholio with annoyance.

Amity goes up to Luz saying that in celebration of her return she brought her a homemade fairy pie with Luz getting excited before she notices the arms, leg and the screaming.

Most of the humans looked at the screen in horror, "what? Does it look like I have not used enough flour?" Amity asked alarmed mentally chiding herself but Luz shook her head.

"I don't think that's something us humans would like to eat, even if the fairies weren't still alive. We generally don't eat things that are still alive..." Luz explained to her and Amity took that in while the humans looked like they were going to puke.

"Seriously, those extremist vegetarians and vegans that like to bring live cows to protest in front of fast food places... What would they say about this?" asked a human teen with mutters of agreement from the humans.

"Not trying to demean vegetarians and vegans since I don't want to disparage people for this lifestyle. This was directed to those that did this and I am saying this now so I can be lazy and not have to type it up in an author's note." Cornholio noted to the confusion of the audience.

Amity calls the ingredients very fresh as she passes it over and Luz thanks her, Luz is happy to ret to some sense of normalcy after everything that has happened but the intercom plays with Bump ranting that they can't just barge in here and Odalia is heard saying that yes they can since they are the Parent Creature Association catching attention of students as Odalia has the 4 report to the principal's office much to Amity's shock.

The four in questioned looked scared at the screen along with their families with Camila already feeling like she was ready to give certain somebodies a piece of her mind.

They are sitted down with Amity having her head down as Odalia reminds of the abomination situation, the destruction of Detention and the rampage of Grom which are but a few of the incidents that endangered the Hexside students including their daughter with Amity glaring at her.

They hated to acknowledge the fact she had made good points which were hard to argue against.

Odalia said that the PCA has decided while coughing to get the attention of Alador who was just distracted by the tail of Frewin.

"Frewin doesn't like that." Bump said simply dreading what was next as much as everyone else.

Alador said that the three are bad influences and must be executed to their shock and coughs saying that he meant expelled.

"No way! If I ever have to see those Blights... I didn't do all that junk or will do that junk to get my kid into Hexside for her to ruin that..." Eda fumed at the screen as the Nocedas, Parks, Porters and Amity were staring at the screen in silence with most of the Hexside crowd being unhappy as well.

"Just no Mum, Dad..." Edric said shaking his head with a saddened expression along with Emira.

"The school wouldn't nearly be as much fun without you three." Emira said to the three along with looks of agreement from the rest of the Hexside crowd.

They are further shocked as Odalia speaks to Amity through the necklace saying to take this as a lesson about how a Blight always upholds their end of a deal.

"She gives us Oracles a bad name!" ranted Luna the moon shaped headed girl along with her fellow Oracle students.

"How could anyone deal with someone like her?" Camila muttered angrily. There were looks towards Lilith.

"Kiki and the Golden Guard are the two who are on top of the list of those who I hate having to hold my tongue dealing with but I assure you that Odalia is not a distant 3rd place." Lilith said and then there was Boscha's mother.

"Our families work together but it doesn't mean that we have to like eachother." Was all that she said.

Camila suddenly remembered how condescending Amity acted to Willow when they first saw her in the show, it was clear where she got that behaviour from...

Bump looks upset as he said that sadly he has no choice in the matter and says that they are no longer students to Luz's protests and asks Amity to tell them but a look from Odalia silences her.

"Wow Blight, can't stick up for your stupid friends or your little girlfriend?" mocked Boscha as there were massive harsh glares towards her.

"Ms Boscha, you should count yourself lucky that you are not one of my students in school because I would never stand for this abuse victim blaming nonsense that you dare to use!" thundered Hal and Boscha gulped especially when she noticed Cornholio having his fingers in a snapping pose warningly.

Odalia says that Amity will be taking double the classes to make up for lost time and is appalled that she isn't in class right now with her saying sorry as she gets up.

"You called her there yourself you..." Camila shouted out but stopped before she could go on. There were boos at the screen and Amity noticed that they included the young children in her reading group.

Odalia clicks her fingers and the guards comes to take them away with Luz calling for Amity and Odalia puts her hand on Amity's shoulder as the door closes.

Amity had tears in her eyes but felt Luz pulling her into an embrace with a warm smile as she returned it and Camila joined in the embrace.

Gus is unhappy outside saying that their adventures have come to an end and his dad can't find out about this and he will have to start surviving off the land picking up a leaf that he almost licks.

"Getting ahead of yourself son?" muttered Perry but knowing that without knowing the full picture his screen self would not take it well.

Willow literally hugs a tree saying that this is goodbye and waters it one last time with her tears.

"The Track wouldn't be the same without you Willow." said one of the Plant students and she smiled at him.

Odalia and Alador leave through the gates with Luz calling them out asking how dare she mess with her friends' lives and what have they ever done to her.

"Luz, your bravery is commendable but it doesn't hurt to know when to pick your battles." Amity sighed hating that she was torn about what to think of this picture.

"I would never stand for this Amity, not just me but our friends being unfairly kicked out." Luz replied to her as Willow and Gus watched on.

Odalia claims that this isn't personal and she actually appreciates her tenacity and they are just trying to teach their daughter a valuable lesson in business. Luz asks how this changes anything since they are still going to be friends with her and is calling apple sauce on this business baloney. Odalia finds her human language hard to understand but she sees her point while Alador is chasing after an open mouthed small pink haired creature with some sort of skeleton part down it, butterfly wings and two horns which Odalia then crushes to Alador's shock.

"Are you sure that this is the same guy that we saw in a shadow in that memory?" questioned a Hexside student as Amity sighed.

"Dad always had his eccentricities but he grew more into them as time went on." Edric explained remembering when their father was much stricter.

"He doesn't seem as bad as your mum Amity." Luz commented as Amity sighed.

"He still doesn't do much to reign Mum in and is mostly content to let her be, enabling her." Amity pointed out and Camila thought that Alador was only better by so much than his wife.

"Are we just going to ignore whatever that thing was? If you have Evolution or Darwinism in the Boiling Isles then how did that monstrosity came to be?" asked a human science student wondering why they are letting that thing no phasing them.

Odalia then hands over a Blight Industries card saying that if she is interested in talking things through then she is sure that they can come to some sort of agreement.

"There is no way that Luz will end up taking her up on... I can't even finish it!" Amity yelled as there were shakes of the heads knowing that there were no kidding itself as Luz would do this.

"Come on, she could be persuaded." Luz asked and she was given looks. "Well I would have to try something!" Luz defended her screen self's future actions.

Gus chomps on it and Willow puts her hand around Luz's shoulder saying that they can figure this out on their own; Gus then spits it out saying that's right they will get back into Hexside or die trying.

"Hold on a second, they are the ones encouraging you to do a hair brained scheme? You really have affected them Luz." Eda commented with admiration and Willow and Gus laughed nervously.

They walk back with Willow saying that no one is dying and Gus replies not with that attitude, Odalia is amused saying that when that doesn't work then she knows where to find them as she then pushes her husband to walk with her who was still upset about the butterfly thing.

Camila really wished for once their hair brained would have worked (because off course they were not going to work) since she would rather they go through that than have to make a deal with her.

Eda is putting together a pyramid using the glyphs, King asks what is it expected to do after being interrupted from his nap and Eda explains that it's supposed to prove that she is the superior witch and to watch and learn. She then activates it crating a small blue flame and thinks it over asking why she can't mix them up too like bile sacks having different spell phlegm sloshing around together.

"It's thinking like that Edalyn that got all those bad grades on your report cards." Lilith told Eda shaking her head to which she spat her tongue at her. Lilith sighed thinking back to when the report cards came and their mother gave so little time to her stellar grades but would have soft talks with Eda about her behaviour and how Hexside clearly wasn't teaching her the right way.

King points out that those are disgusting liquids while the glyphs are symbols of the Isle so maybe there's a different way to combine them.

"King is talking smart?" Luz asked amazed and there were similar reactions but King looked annoyed.

"Why did you say that like that? Don't I always talk smart?" King asked and then was ready to do a Squeal of Rage to the silence that followed his question.

Eda thinks but hears Hooty shouting and looks through the window to see Hooty watching Lilith fold up a glyph creating an ice crown for him causing Eda to glare.

"Show off!" Eda told Lilith and she smirked at her.

"Coming from you?" Lilith replied and Eda humphed.

She then creates two ice popsicles for them and then a giant ice statue of Hooty as a swan who bets that even Eda couldn't do that.

Lilith got up to take a bow at the amazed silence that followed which turned to claps making Eda madder.

Eda is angry and King reminds her that maybe if she just learns the basics like Luz said and Eda retorts that she doesn't have time for basics and will prove that she is onto something.

"Seriously King, how did you become the sensible one?" Luz asked as Eda and King were both annoyed at her statement for different reasons.

There are banned posters of Willow, Luz and Gus at the Hexside entrance so the three starts Operation: Change Bump's Mind while spy music is playing. Bump is at his desk watching a memory scrapbook with pictures of Luz as an abomination, Willow and Gus pulling Luz out of a locker's mouth and the three of them posing with Bump at the Grom while he looks grumpy.

"Why didn't we see that one amongst the other Grom pictures?" Luz asked as Bump glared at the giggles that followed.

Bump hears a knock at the window and finds a basket made out to their favourite principal with a sad doggy sticker with a word bubble asking to ex-expel them, there is a drawing of Bump and a desert made out to look like him in the basket itself which he yells throwing at their faces.

"Thought that counts Luz." Camila sighed as Bump muttered that the desert in that basket looked scary.

The three comes out the path being illusioned as teachers but Bump is there with the teachers in question glaring at them and he dispels the illusions, he turns and there is a tear in his eye.

"What exactly was your plan there you idiots: pretend to be the teachers all day or transform back and just hide from the actual staff and students who would know that you weren't allowed there anymore?" Eda asked sigh as Bump was grateful that they didn't bring up the sentimentality that he was clearly feeling.

"You should have called us to help, we would have done so in a heartbeat!" Viney spoke with nods from Barcus and Jerbo followed by most of the other Hexside students.

Then the three try flying on Eda's staff to the school but Bump and an abomination readies a spear launcher causing them to fly back and he openly crying about life being so dull without them.

"Wow Princy B; you really are a softie!" Luz said with a smile as Bump had his face in his hands with similar remarks from Willow and Gus.

"See Luz, I have been saying that Bumpy has a soft spot for us troublemakers." Eda laughed as there were more laughs especially from the Hexside students.

Bump stood up looking angry summoning two large abominations, "Detention for EVERYONE in my school for the rest of your time at Hexside if you don't pipe down!" Bump warned as they quietened down and he sat down hoping that this works out in the end.

The guards then close the door as Gus thinks it's hopeless since nothing is working, Luz tells them not to worry as long as they stick together they will think of something but there is a crow phone that lands on Willow's head with a voice asking her if she had gotten expelled.

Willow groaned and Gilbert shared a look with Mr Park as they both knew that they wouldn't take this well, probably better if they knew the context of everything like they do now.

Gus then has one land on his head and carries him back by the hood with Perry talking like it's a news bulletin saying that Gus will be grounded for no less than a year. Willow is carried away with the voice saying that she is grounded for 3 at least.

Boscha forced herself to keep quiet as there were sympathetic looks towards the two and Luz sighed along with Amity.

Luz watches them being carried by asking for help and she notices behind her Amity with her books that she drops saying that she is sorry for being a coward in there.

"You are far from a coward, it's hard to stand up to parents Amity." chided Camila softly as Luz then softly punched Amity on the arm causing them both to look at her.

"I think I get to do this if you two were allowed to do that to me for putting myself down by claiming that I'm a burden last episode." Luz explained and they just gave a small smile.

Luz gets that she is scared of her mum but she isn't and she needs Amity to take her to her since she seemed open to talking things through. Amity says that she doesn't have to do that and Luz replies that yes she does since Willow and Gus doesn't deserve this so asks if she will help her please after picking up a book for her.

Amity says that she can't and hearing the bell says that she has to go taking the book but Luz steps on the business card picking it up.

"Amity, I wonder why you would ever think that Luz would have that as the end of it all." Willow told Amity and Amity just shook her head thinking that she really should know Luz by now.

King asks what the glyph on the table is supposed to be and Eda calls it the Super Glyph but King calls it a Stupid Glyph, Eda says just he wait since it will be a killer combo with lesser glyphs shrinking in fear.

"Let's hope the Owl House will be left standing, that's my body you know hoot-hoot." Hooty commented with the audience bursted into laughter except for Eda who had her arms folded angrily.

She activates it creating an ice cube and she is excited since it didn't blow up but it turns into a large horned shape with King asking if it's supposed to do that as it changes size and grows larger capturing things in ice as they run away.

"With thinking like that, it's any wonder how you managed to survive all this time on the run Eda." Lilith sighed as Eda looked worried along with Luz and King.

At the Blight Manor, Luz goes up to the front door taking some flowers from the bush and knocks on the door to see an abomination butler, Luz looks through the living room amazed as the abomination is carrying a tray with a cup and pot.

"Chip and Mrs Potts up on that tray have seen better days." Luz joked to laughs from the humans as Cornholio pinched his nose.

Luz comments about how the place smells a lot better than the Owl House and changes the butler's head to look like a kitten before it melts with her saying that she tried.

"You are definitely being invited to our home after we get out of here Luz, that makeover really suits him." Emira said as Amity glared at her high fiving siblings as Luz being at the Manor would never be a good thing. Case in point...

Luz goes through the door to Alador's lab dodging an abomination hand with Alador being at work and Odalia drinking tea saying not to mind him since he is getting ready for their demonstration that night telling him that it's looking good. Luz says that she is there to appeal to their hearts which Odalia finds sweet but let them get to the deal: they have an important presentation that night for new products.

"There has to be a heart for you to appeal to Luz." Camila said folding her arms.

Luz asks like abominations and Odalia replies something like that and normally Amity helps with those things but she is busy catching up on schoolwork. Luz gets it and says that she will help showing off the weird abomination gunk if she promise to let her and her friends back into school and Odalia tells her not to worry as a Blight always upholds their end of a deal.

"Just try something..." Camila glared at the image of Odalia on the screen along with Eda.

"I still have my powers so anything happens to my kid then I pay back to her in full." Eda said swinging her staff.

Odalia says that she will want to get ready because they have a long night ahead of them as it cuts to the meeting with Luz nervously in front of abominations and the weapons with the investors in the crowd who starts cheering and Luz nervously laughs.

There were great fear in the audience at this.

Luz asks Alador what he says is the specialty of Blight Industries and he replies that they make a variety of Abomination based accessories for home security which Luz thinks sounds safe but Alador says that they specialise in weaponry so she might want to duck. Luz is then blasted by abomination goo by a weapon Odalia is holing looking like a machine gun saying that their Sticky Launcher can peacefully subdue any foe and if peaceful isn't their thing she then set it to another level and fires out green fire which scares Luz.

Camila and Eda were glaring harshly at the screen along with similar reacts and Luz found herself being embraced protectively by Camila. Amity managed a glare as well.

Amity is back at the living room of the Manor calling to Odalia saying that she is ready for the show that night but sees a note from Odalia saying that they found a replacement. The butler is feather dusting Amity with her asking if anyone came to the house that day and then she notices the melted cat look of the butler and she looks annoyed.

"It's at point where I can instantly recognise your work a mile away." Amity sighed.

"Emira is right, it's a good look for him." Edric said smiling.

Gilbert in Willow's room puts down 4 big books on her table and Mr Park said that to make sure that she is getting a top notch education the both of them are quitting their jobs to home school her.

"Dads, how would we get by?" Willow exclaimed looking their way.

"We would find a way to make it work, it's always worth it to ensure our daughter's future." Gilbert replied nodding along with his husband.

Mr Park follows it up saying that they will spend all their free time having fun as a family with Gilbert then says see her first light on a test on the Lifecycle of the Common Swap Toad showing off the book.

"Looks like it could be a cartoon character." Luz commented looking at the picture on the book.

"From a show that I am not super into compared to this show it's fellow Gravity Falls replacement, not super into frogs unless a best girl from a manga franchise about a superhero school is based on one or it's a classic video game character." Cornholio replied popping up his Mystery Mini figure of Frogger.

The door is closed and a small illusion of Gus appears on the stack of books and points to the window which she goes to but then comes in Mr Park who notices and then closes it making a shush sound with a smile.

"You two suck at discipline." Eda spoke as Willow smiled at her dads who smiled back.

"Do you think that you would have reacted the same Mr Porter?" Camila asked Perry who thought it over and nodded to Gus's relief since it would be unlikely now that his onscreen self would have to look forward to being grounded for an eternity.

Willow looks through the window to notice Gus with Amity who explains that Luz is in trouble and Gus follows it up saying again.

"Seriously Gus? Did you have to point that out?" Luz moaned as Gus refused to look her way.

At the entrance of the private sale Luz's screams are head as the three sneaks up to the gate, Willow says that she can use the root system underground to tunnel their way in but Amity replies that it will take too long and they should rush the guards at the door.

"Leeroy Jenkins your way through it? I thought that you were supposed to be smart?" asked a human teen and Amity not getting the reference thought that Luz being in danger must have messed with her usual planning skills.

Gus says that he will distract them with illusions of beautiful lady guards but Willow exclaims that this isn't a cartoon from the 40s.

"Wait you have cartoons in the Boiling Isles that stretch back to the 40s and would be similar to the ones that we had in that time period?" exclaimed Camila with the humans shocked as well, the ways that this place keeps throwing refreshing surprises at them.

A Hexside student showed off a flipbook and said "my dad is the head of the Animation Coven and I want to be just like him when I am older!"

Willow says that they need a better plan as Gus and Amity argue with Willow saying that they are running out of time.

"So I have to be the smart and sensible one?" asked Willow with a sigh with Gus and Willow looking embarrassed.

They hear Edric saying here's an idea and asks why don't they just walk through the front as he and Emira then throws them hoods that the investors wear. Amity asks if they are helping and Emira says off course and asks that they just don't tell their mum.

Amity looked back to her siblings surprised as they smiled at her and she smiled back, "Off course we would help Mi... I mean Amity, especially knowing what we know now." Edric told her.

"We know that it's kind of unfair that Mum is much harder on you than she is with us but we will always be there for you Amity when you need it." Emira told her.

They put on the robes but then appears 'Hex Me' signs illusioned up on their backs by Edric as the twins laughs but then they are all thrown at Edric's head with Amity putting two fingers to her eyes and then points them back at them.

"Seriously you two!" Amity screamed at them with them growing nervous from the unimpressed looks.

They join the crowd as an abomination is firing a laser crossbow at Luz who looks a little worse for wear but she ends up blocking a shot using an ice glyph before it shatters sending her to the ground. From a magic seal on the ground she is punched up by a giant abomination fist and is then caught by it with the crowd cheering.

"Urge to kill rising..." Camila clenched her teeth with most looking concerned for Luz and Luz found Amity practically squeezing her hand.

Odalia thanks the crowd as the abomination walks away with her asking that they said that they couldn't make crossbows more fun.

"You could at least pretend you aren't enjoying this." Eda told her and Lilith was glaring at her.

"You're stupid speeches were never funny and it feels good not to have to hold back how I feel about the arrogant witch!" Lilith exclaimed feeling like she was having a rush.

The fist disappears as Odalia says that they are excited to show off the last product of this line to Luz's relief, from a panel on the ground it opens up to show the giant Abomatron 2.0 and Amity is shocked taking off her hood as she goes up a ladder but abomination guards grabs Willow and Gus before they could follow.

There were gulps from all around them.

Odalia says that the Abomatron 2.0 is the perfect soldier and it won't rest until its enemy is completely eliminated.

Camila then snarled at the image, the anger she felt at Lilith near the end of last season was now doubled and being directed at Odalia and Eda and Amity weren't too far off with their reactions.

Luz looks up at the Abomatron calling it a big boy as its hands transforms into weapons and launches its arms at Luz with a fist catching her. Luz says that its super strong and tells Odalia that she thinks that the crowd gets it, Alador tells Odalia that she has a point but she replies that didn't they hear here when she said that it won't rest until it's enemy is completely eliminated.

There were furious looks and Camila jumped out of her seat yelling a lot of stuff in Spanish with Luz covering her mouth and Camila ended it with calling Odalia a huge bitch that should burn in Hell. She then sat down realising what she had just said and Luz faced the crowd saying "I would prefer not to translate..."

The Abomatron sends Luz flying up as she then lands on a pipe thinking that it can't get her up there but sure enough it jumped up and landed on the pipe behind her. Luz calls her a fool and uses an ice glyph which is cut through by the Abomatron and Luz picks up a piece as a makeshift sword. They duel with Luz being sent down and throws it at it with Amity climbing up the ladder.

Luz was now praying for a miracle with everyone wondering why this had to be so tense when this was only the 2nd episode of the season.

The sword is shattered and Luz is sent back and the Abomatron slices through a pipe as Luz is being chased and Luz slings away with a plant vine.

She has a glyph ready as she launches herself at the Abomatron but it fires causing them both to fall down to the ground with the investors escaping. Luz is still holding onto her vine before she falls down noticing she is alright but the Abomatron catches her leg ready to strike with the other hand readying a blade weapon.

Everyone was fearing the worse.

Luz calls her dead and it is about to slice when it is caught by magic.

Things were becoming more tense as Amity wondered if what she suspected was happening was really happening.

The fists are destroyed as the Abomatron is sent back, Amity is heard yelling from the pipe causing gasps from the audience, her hood is down as she uses magic telling the Abomatron to stay away from her Luz with Luz surprised.

"Wow Amity." said Willow as Amity noticed all the positive encouraging remarks coming her way. She got up and smiled at Luz as there was Willow giggling asking "so she is your Luz huh?"

Amity was embarrassed but then there was Luz smirking as she stood up and took her hand saying "you bet that I'm her Luz, Willow just like she's my Amity!"

The audience thought about how sweet this was as they now had their cheeks reddened as Camila, Eda and the Blight siblings smiled at the display before they sat down.

Back at the Owl House Lilith is sitting by the swan Hooty as along with the ice pop and crown Hooty now has an ice chain necklace but there is a thud. Lilith then knocks at the door asking if those are stress noises or normal noises, Eda has a giant morning star mace keeping the ice thing back with King holding onto her leg as she claims that completely normal and not to come in, she strikes at the ice thing saying that she is it's mother and die as she strikes at it.

"Look on the bright side Eda, you are not the worst mum in the episode." Gus remarked and Eda glared at him as there were giggles at what Gus said.

Eda is sent back as the ice thing is about to capture King who asks for her to help him but he is completely caught.

"KING!" Luz and Eda yelled in fear and concern at the same time looking towards the little demon in concern who always looked scared.

Eda then sighed realising that she would have to suck up her pride here.

Eda is shocked and annoyed says fine calling for Lilith for an emergency. Lilith kicks the door open and Eda admits that she messed up and is ready to follow the rules but Lilith holds glyphs ready as she likes to try an experiment with Hooty making a noise in response.

"Cleaning up after one of your big ideas goes astray, it does feel like we are back in school Edalyn." grinned Lilith as Eda spat her tongue out at her.

Amity swings down in front of the down Abomatron with Odalia angrily using the necklace to tell Amity that she is in so much trouble but Amity takes off her necklace and crushes it in her hand to Odalia's shock.

Amity looked up at her screen self and felt encouraged by this, she then took her own necklace off and repeated the same motion as her screen self did. She then shared a smile with the Nocedas.

Amity looks behind her asking Luz if she's okay and Luz uh-huh with red appearing on her cheeks.

The couple were now embarrassed at the giggles at this.

Luz tells her to look out as the Abomatron gets back up, Amity uses magic to freeze the Abomatron in place with it sizzling, Odalia yells at her to get away but Amity replies no and she is going to listen to her for once: Luz, Willow and Gus are her friends, they are nice to eachother, they listen to eachother, they make her think of the kind of person she really wants to be as she then has the Abomatron frozen in place.

Willow and Gus then ran out of their seats to where Luz and Amity were sitted down and the three then pulled Amity into a hug which she returned while trying to weakly protest it. Their families smiled at this, "Gilbert do you remember that before yesterday it seemed that Willow and Amity's friendship was broken beyond repair?" Mr Park commented to Gilbert who replied that it had been a funny time since they were all brought here.

Luz gets up and is now back to back with Amity with them both looking away from eachother embarrassed. Odalia looks at her sales charts going down asking what she wants and Amity tells her to let her friends back into Hexside or her precious investors will watch her rip the Abomatron bit by bit and Luz asks if she can actually do that but Amity tells her to shush. The crowd starts booing and Odalia relents saying it's a deal and to just stop with the theatrics.

The four then had cheers from most of the Hexside students as Skara was coming over with the others that they were on good terms like the former Detention students. However to their surprise there was Bump who lifted Luz, Willow and Gus up in an air with a hug as he was openly crying. However after a minute he put them down and coughed and went back to his seat along with everyone else.

Luz and Amity smirks at eachother as Amity lets go and the Abomatron puts down a hammer fist as Amity protects Luz, they are both stomped into a hole in the ground together with them smiling at eachother.

There were claps as while it was terrifying it was still quite a show.

The Abomatron deactivates as the crowd gets excited and Willow and Gus rushes out of the guard's grip and the unites ordered reaches full with Odalia being angry saying as if she will actually go back.

"What happened to Blights upholding their end of the deal?" Eda commented with a glare along with others.

Odalia says that she will call every authority that she knows but Alador calls her name saying that she made a deal with her daughter and a Blight always upholds their end of a deal.

Eda smirked and the Blights blinked surprised as it was rare for their father to argue with the mother over anything, especially not for something like this.

They watch as Willow and Gus helps Luz up before they all walk away together with Alador saying besides Amity is getting stronger, strong enough to become a Coven head someday with Odalia saying wise words and they have to focus on what's best for the family but then she sees that he wandered off distracted by something to her irritation.

There were laughs but a sigh from Amity, "Dad is the lesser of the two evils but still his main concern is still the family image." Amity told Luz and Camila who got it but still found it odd that the man was an eccentric easily distracted inventor as well as a cold emotionally abusive parent.

King is on the couch with a blanket over his head and a mug as Lilith and Eda are drawing glyphs together with Eda asking how she beat the thing again. Lilith asks if she would like for her to lay out the basics to which Eda says yes.

They watched to see how this happened.

Lilith explains that Eda was right in that the glyphs act like the basic elements but instead of containing magic like they do they command the magic around them so they are like words and drawing glyphs on top of eachother like Eda did. Eda continues on saying that it was like screaming three different words at the same time so the spell got confuse. Lilith is shown using the Glyph Combo (copyrighted by her) helps organise the commands so you can combine and specify what you want to do and she used it to melt the ice.

"...Complicated but I followed." Luz spoke as it did seem like a lot to take in.

King shivers in the snow saying about time as Eda catches snow from the flakes in the air, Eda in the present day says that with the right combo you can cast any spell. King suggests that the reason why Luz hasn't found any more glyphs is that there aren't anymore and Eda says that they had better start learning some new combinations.

Luz had her eyes widened at this as this information would be very useful and still odd that King could be so smart.

Luz comes in greeting them while wiping away abomination goo as Eda explains that they actually learned something new and Luz asks if it can wait until morning since she has to lie down.

"Yes please, I had a long day." Luz said and the audience thought that that was putting it so lightly.

Lilith then shows an ice statue of herself bowing before Luz with a robe with her eyes closed and a hand behind her back with Lilith asking if she gets extra credit.

Then Lilith stood up and conjured up an apple which she walked up to Luz and gave her to the amusement of the audience, "Luz, she almost got you killed and cursed me when we were kids! I am not letting anyone forget those facts!" Eda yelled hating the teacher's pet routine that Lilith had pretty much perfected.

Luz is amazed and Eda says that she can do it too activating a glyph creating an ice ball which rolls off the table and Luz says yeah showing off gold stars saying extra credit for everyone with Lilith in a hurry to catch her's which she cuddles to her cheek.

There were more laughs at this.

Abominations are sweeping the floors at the Blight Industries building as Alador is working on fixing the Abomatron, Odalia says that despite the spectacle this was quite a successful sale and commends her husband on an excellent job on the 2.0.

"Did we seriously need to see more of them for the ending?" Eda moaned and Camila couldn't agree more.

They hear the Golden Guard as he has two other Emperor's Coven members with him as he says that the Abomatrons are quite extraordinary but too bad no one will be receiving them.

"Great, as if having Odalia around on the screen wasn't enough annoyance." Camila sighed as most had forgotten about him.

The Blights then kneels down as the Golden Guard explains that the Emperor will be buying everyone of the Abomatrons and will personally fund researching into making them stronger with Odalia nervously calling it great news with them honoured.

There were snickering at Odalia having to act like this and Amity thought about the times when there were inspectors at the facility so Odalia would suck up to them.

The Golden Guard says that they should be and that Emperor Belos doesn't take kindly to civilians making a private army saying the last bit as a threat. He then walks off as the Blights get up and looks at eachother concerned.

"So to continue on the Emperor dropping the pretence that he is anything but a tyrant but at least the arrogant 1% are in danger of facing his wrath as well." Eda said and then stretched her arms. "A much as I love the situation being resolved, after what the Blight mother had pulled putting my kid in mortal peril like that I still have some anger that I want to take out on." Eda commented and Camila nodded.

"I have the strong urge to strangle the b...woman's neck." Camila commented as Cornholio was in front of the crowd grinning.

"That can be arranged." Cornholio said making the door to the room appear and then motioned for Amity, Camila and Eda to come closer.

They then saw that Odalia was now inside looking confused and they grinned as they came in closer, "Where am I? Who are you and the Owl Lady wanted criminal. Amity, what happened to your hair..." they heard Odalia yell and the door screamed and for the next ten minutes there was plenty of screaming and different sound effects.

Then the three then smiled a they exited having gotten it out of their system and Luz afraid to ask for details, Cornholio vanished Odalia back to her time in the present and disappeared the blood as he closed the door. It would still be needed for the next episode...

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