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12.3% My Hero Academia: God / Chapter 8: Queen Bee

Chapitre 8: Queen Bee

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The infected are showing up more and more often, and that's not good. So far, I've been able to subdue the Trigger-enhanced enemies, but there's no telling what might happen, and I'm not going to have much fun. That's why I set out to make an antidote.

I have a little laboratory at home for experiments in the basement. My grandfather doesn't use it anyway, so he gave it to me for my own use, for which I was extremely grateful. It was a simple matter for me to furnish the lab, I covered the walls with thick metal plates in case of an explosion, and I got a bunch of furniture and a special medical scanner with a holographic projector and other equipment I'd borrowed from an unscrupulous medical company.

Researching the trigger's composition was not a difficult process, it took no more than a day, much more difficult was the process of synthesising the drug itself. If the trigger itself increased the aggression hormones, the drug had to counteract it somehow.

- What are you doing? - Kazuho looked out from behind my shoulder, watching me run tests and check them against the readings on the panel.

By the way, she was now without her suit and mask. Funny, but the girl who likes to dress slutty turned out to be an unattractive schoolgirl with glasses...although girls with glasses are my type too, and anyway, Kazuho is attractive enough, in my opinion.

From the moment we met, Kazuho and I began to communicate and hang out together, although, as hang out, usually I'm dragging around the city and sometimes beat up some villain, and Kazuho stands next to and admires... well, physical help, of course, is good, but moral support has not prevented no one. I didn't want her to follow me around and put herself in danger, but she was stubborn and kept following me around. Also, I'm often, and sometimes late, in the lab, and she visits me almost every day, and sometimes even after school, to change into her slutty costume. She tells me not to peek, of course, but frankly Kazuho is a bit of a tsundere, and when she says no, it can be interpreted as a yes. So I often see myself having a free striptease session, and she sees me staring at her, and does so at a deliberately slower pace.

After I fondle her during the performance, she sometimes looks at me for a long time and blushes. It seems that Kazuho has been neglected by guys in the past, and it would be better if she continues to be neglected... It's a bit strange that I'm attracted to the first girl I meet, but maybe if I went to school, I'd be attracted to more girls, so I'd be more choosy, but I'd only be attracted to Tengu fans, so Kazuho is currently my closest female friend that I'm attracted to. But the bespectacled cutie seems to have a different opinion, and it didn't even stop her when she found out that I'm only thirteen, while she's already fifteen...I don't understand female logic, much less that of a schoolgirl with superpowers and dressed in a slutty costume.

- I'm trying to create an antidote to Trigger. - I answered, turning to the girl so that our faces were dangerously close to each other.

- Look, is there anything you can't do? - The girl asked, not even thinking about moving away. - It's just that you're handsome, strong, smart, wealthy, and you have a few quirks, so I'm wondering whether I should continue to be surprised or not.

- A few quirks?

- Well you were able to heal that hero with weird green energy, and when your clothes were suddenly replaced by other clothes...and you can also shoot those light things from your sword and shoot lasers from your eyes and hands...How do you even do that?

- My quirk, it's not shooting out of my eyes and changing clothes, it's energy management. There is an energy in the human body, which in martial arts is often referred to as life energy, so I can treat people with it. I change clothes with the help of a pocket dimension, which I create by manipulating spatial energy, and I make lasers out of my eyes and other things by manipulating photon energy. So, I only have one quirk, I just use it more creatively than the others, because of my mind. - I lied, while also telling the truth. My powers depend mainly on my soul and system, and secondarily on my body.

- Since today you are so rich in answers, tell me: where did you learn to fight and swing a sword? - she asked. - I will never believe that you learnt it yourself.

- Grandfather taught me, he's a martial artist.

- Where is he? - The girl looked round. - I've been coming to see you for a fortnight now, and I haven't seen him once.

- Usually he's not even home, he goes out on his own and comes back in the evening, but sometimes he's gone for days. Most of the time I see him when we train at the dojo.

- What else can you do? - The interested Kazuho asked the question again.

- I can do with one inquisitive girl, a lot of bad things, - I said, undressing Pop with a look. - But I won't, in case this girl has a boyfriend, and I don't want to give someone horns.

- Oh, if only there was someone to give a horn to. I've never even kissed a guy, let alone dated one. - she finished quietly with her head down.

- Guys are only interested in me when I pop-step, that's why I started performing on the streets, because in real life, I'm a grey mouse. Only when I put on a mask can I be somebody, cos in real life, I'm nobody.

- You're not a nobody, you're a pretty schoolgirl with glasses, and for the record, I like girls with glasses a lot. - I lifted her head by her chin and then brought my face close to her face for a kiss, she didn't push me away but closed her eyes and reached forwards. Naturally I kissed her.

I still had some experience from my previous life, but Kazuho had never been kissed at all, judging by her stiffness. For comfort, I sat down on the couch and Kazuho sat on my lap and continued kissing. When I got my tongue involved, she moaned into my mouth and wrapped her arms around my neck. She'd never had tongue kisses before, either.

- Did you like it, Ass? - I asked the heavily breathing Kazuho.

- I told you not to call me that. - The girl said, leaning into my shoulder.

- Okay, if I can't call you Butt, then I'll have to touch that butt. - I said, putting my hands under Kazuho's skirt and pawing her buttocks.

- Pervert... - She snuggled up to me and kissed me.

I pawed Kazuho and licked her, but I didn't get under her panties yet. I don't think she's ready for that yet, I'd like more, but relationships are designed so that you have to take into account the opinion and wishes of your partners. But now that our relationship has moved to a new level, I can slowly but surely incline her to intimacy, which I do every day. I was able to create an antidote to Trigger after all. Funny thing is, I found the cure in myself. Strange as it may seem, the Trigger doesn't work on me. I injected it into myself, but nothing happened because of my body's high resistance to the toxins. From my blood, I synthesised antibodies to inhibit foreign toxic substances in the body, including the trigger. And I got there just in time.

I sent a drone to follow the eel guy, just in case Quinn Hachisuka contacted him again, but it seems she wasn't so stupid and noticed I was following him and that I was trying to get on her trail. So she tried to throw me off the trail. A week later, there was a sudden outbreak of infection in Naruhata, and the townspeople were suddenly, out of nowhere, right in the middle of the streets, going on rampages and mutating as they went.

Fortunately, I was prepared for such a development, and came up with a solution. I assembled another batch of new drones, only this time I added a special gas cylinder and atomiser.

- You've already thought of a solution to this problem, right? - Kazuho asked, looking at the rampaging passersby below, while we were on the roof...again.

- Naturally, I finished the antidote, and figured out a way to make the medicine get to all the infected into the body. - I pressed a panel on my wristband, activating all the spray drones. Dozens of spray drones were immediately scattered throughout the streets, not much different in design from their predecessors except for the six gas atomisers at the bottom of the structure.

The drones immediately began spraying the area, and the results were almost immediate. The infected inhaled the antidote, immediately calmed down and returned to normal appearance, well, it is here, who has what, suddenly for someone natural appearance is a head backwards.

- I knew it. - Pop said, not the least bit surprised. - With you, I never stop being surprised at anything.

- And I do not cease to be surprised by your tantalising buttocks, Pop. - I came up to Kazuho and grabbed his arse.

- You're a pervert. - she said, aroused by my molestation.

- Yeah, I am. - I kissed Kazuho as I continued groping her on the roof. - What is this? - I asked, pulling away from her tantalising lips when I saw something small and foreign sitting on her shoulder.

Taking it in my hand and taking a closer look, I realised that it was...a bee, only a strange one, its abdomen more like a syringe than a normal bee. This syringe-belly contained Trigger...well, now it's clear why a bunch of people suddenly went crazy, they were stung by bees... Several of my drones detected a swarm of similar bees near the victims. I, through the wristband, gave the command to follow the bees to reach the beekeeper.

- Bingo! - I shouted when I got the message. - The beekeeper has been found, she's a couple of blocks away, we have to go before she escapes. Popstep,' I turned to Popstep. - I'm sorry, but I've got to go catch the bad guy, and you better go home, just to be safe.

- All right. - she stretched out. - How about a kiss for the road? - She stuck out her tongue playfully.

- For the road, for the road. - I kissed her and flew towards the source of today's problems.

As I flew up, the drones had already managed to drop me a picture of the criminal I'd run across. Quin Hachisuka, in fact, turned out to be a missing high school student, Tamao Oguro, daughter of the not-so-familiar Iwao Oguro, aka the hero of O-clock. What's even weirder is that the hero network says he's retired, for health reasons.

By the way, when I read about O-clock, I immediately realised who Kastet reminded me of. It's funny that he's now running around like a vigilante, and somehow he doesn't look like an infirm, sick old man...it's very suspicious, I should contact him after catching the Beekeeper.

As I flew up to the right back alley, I saw Quin, in company with a shaggy, ugly man.

- Congratulations! You get the award for being the biggest pain in the arse! - said a pretty girl with a patch over her left eye.

- Bitch, what the fuck are you talking about? - replied the man, clearly stoned.

- I was wondering the same thing. - and I landed next to the two of them.

- And you, who the fuck are you! - said the subject profanely.

- There's no point in answering you, but this girl knows who I am. - I looked at Hachisuka, and she didn't expect to see me here.

- Yeah, I know. - She said and pulled out of the suitcase that was in her hand, a bunch of injections with Trigger and stuck them in the back of the not expected junkie.

- So long, samurai. Try not to die or something. - She waved me off and ran away, leaving me with a trigger-happy junkie.

- You could have done something more original, instead of just 'aah' and 'die'. - I said, ducking from the next blow of the enemy, counterattacking, leaving on his back a strip from the sword.

The junkie stopped speaking at all, but only shouted and growled, trying to beat me up, but to no avail. The amount of stimulant made him stop thinking and behave like a wild animal. While we were fighting, I noticed that his quirk is the accumulation of kinetic energy, or impact energy, but he doesn't absorb it very well, otherwise it would be impossible to hurt him physically.

- Rrr! - He growled, still trying to hit me with his fists, which were already bloody from misses on the ground or walls.

- I'm sick of being ceremonious with you. - I moved sharply behind him, and struck his head with my light-charged fist, the blow knocking him back into the wall, and then I knocked him to the pavement with another blow. - Here's a shot to keep your boo-boos at bay. - I injected an antidote into the junkie's neck, and in a second he was lying in his usual weak and stoned state. - Now, back to the bee. - I chased after the Queen Bee.

She couldn't get far, my drones were following her, so I quickly caught up with her as she ran away, jumping over buildings on rooftops.

- How far are you running? - I asked with a mocking grin, instantly getting close to the girl.

- Shit!' she stopped abruptly. - Why are you picking on me? Get off me!

- I won't let go until I learn everything about the Quin Hachisuka Trigger from you, or should I call you Tamao Oguro?

- I got it...ha ha, so the rotten old man sent you. Well, it's your loss. - She took off her blindfold, and a swarm of bees suddenly flew out of her left eye, hidden by her fringes, and flew towards me. - Suck it!

- That's disgusting. - I commented on what I saw, and fired a plasma beam from my hand at the swarm, instantly incinerating all the bees.

- Ouch! - She clutched her eye, which was bleeding. Apparently the destruction of the bees had the opposite effect, injuring their owner.

- Pleasant dreams! - I shouted and kicked her with my foot, knocking her out instantly.

After catching Hachisuka, I contacted Castet, who was easy to find, and told him I'd found his daughter and asked him to explain why the hell she was a drug dealer. Turns out Tamao wasn't the one supplying the drugs. Well, she was, but not exactly.

Knuckles, aka O-Cloud, told us what was going on. After the story of the underground masquerade, Iwao had been trying to find that mysterious person who took people's quirks, and he had found it...but in the end, it had turned out badly for him. The villain took the quirk away from him, and after this incident, the commission sent him into retirement, which he strongly disagreed with and continued his investigation and came across the supply of Trigger, which also had something to do with the quirk-taking villain. That's when Quin Hachisuka showed up. Actually, Quin, isn't a girl, but a bee mate that infects another's body like a parasite and takes control of it. Hachisuka took over the body of Iwao's daughter, Tamao, and the father went in search of his daughter and it led him to Naruhata.

It would be nice to get some information from Hachisuka, but I don't think she'll talk, and I'm not going to leave her in the body of Kastet's daughter. I've got her phone with her customer database, so all is not lost. Taking Kastet with me to the basement lab, where I had all the equipment I needed to extract a bee uterus, I got down to business. It was located in the left eye socket, where the bees flew out from. Not to say that the process was particularly difficult I am not a surgeon, but I know how to handle medical equipment. The main problem was the bee itself, it was not going to just let itself be pulled out, and maybe even kill its host, which is not good.

The solution was trivial, all bees can't stand pungent odours especially the smell of smoke. I was able to safely remove the bee and heal the girl's injuries so she wouldn't have to walk around with one eye. I also treated Kastet's wife, who was seriously ill and in the hospital, for which Iwao was very grateful to me, as was the Oguro family.

I didn't know what to do with the bee uterus, so I left it in a flask in the lab to be used in future experiments.

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