???: So I'm going to repeat this, and you had better answer me!
Y/n: agh, fine, Ms. Aggressive, teen, what do you want?
Y/n was scanning the room to see if he could escape.
But the very obvious door was the only thing that popped out to him besides the desk covered with blueprints and mounts of Mountain Dew cans.
The worker drone hopped off her chair, walked towards him with angry gremlin vibes, and climbed onto his lap, sitting down.
She clasps her hands onto his face and stares into his eyes like she is trying to see into his soul.
???: Why are you here, human?
Her tone suggested defiance, which he found pretty cute, especially for a small drone with such a wide range of emotions.
???Are you here to enslave us again to work for the evil JC Jenson, huh??\!
She grabbed his jacket, pulling him uncomfortably close to her drone face.
Y/n: maybe if you back off, I'll tell you.
He was having difficulty talking from the pressure she was putting on his face with her head.
Her eyes narrowed for a moment as she took in what he said, then she obeyed his request while keeping her eyes very close to him.
Now that he finally had a moment to analyze the situation, his eyes looked at the worker drone from head to toe, taking in her details.
While he joked about her gremlin personality, he didn't expect her to be the size of one. She was short… really short—compared to the Disassembly Drones.
Though, of course, Disassembly Drones weren't always that tall especially back then.
Other details about her appearance included her short purple hair, a beanie on top, and eyes that matched her hair color.
She was also wearing a black jacket to cover her drone body.
Y/n glanced back at a mirror in the corner of the room, which showed him exactly how she tied his hand.
???: So, are you going to talk?
She crossed her hands with the other and started tapping her finger on her arm.
A metallic sound rang out from her body with each tap.
Y/n: well, can't we start with something more basic, like what your name is?
???: you really think that I would give a hu-
Suddenly, a banging sound came from the door, which sounded like someone knocking.
???: OH Uzi, I'm going to be heading out for work, you know, for the walls, so I thought for plot reasons I could just let you know this time so see ya
The two stared at each other for a moment in silence.
Uzi's eyes were wide open as she saw what had just happened, and her screen changed to one of embarrassment.
Uzi: y-y-You better forget that you hear me!
Y/n: ya ya sure thing…Uzi
Y/n smirked at the worker drone with a big grin on his face.
Uzi: ugh, Bit me!
Y/n had stopped what he was doing when he heard that comment. It reminded him of someone he once knew.
He had been, for some time now, rubbing his hands in a motion that had started to cause him to bleed his dark blood.
But it worked as his hands started to get through the material binding him to the chair.
Y/n: so you want to know why I'm here, don't you?
Uzi: Yes, that is quite obvious from the many times I asked you.
Y/n: well, technically, you only ask 3 times.
Uzi: agh, your annoying
Y/n: So I was told, but to answer your question, I'm trapped here on this planet.
Uzi: why were the Disassembly Drones trying to kill you? Shouldn't they be trying to help you or whatever?
Y/N: Well, you know what they say: If you mess with the hive, you must deal with the hornets.
Uzi: no one has ever said that.
Y/n: I just did.
Uzi: are you always this much of a smart ass.
Y/n: you tell me. Hey, by the way.
Uzi: what is it now?
Y/n: catch.
Uzi: catch?
Y/N pushed his feet underneath him to jump backward. As soon as his feet landed, he threw the chair at the drone, just barely missing her.
Y/n, however, didn't wait to see what she would do to him. She bolted for the door as fast as he could.
As he ran out, the door opened wide for him. Quickly looking around, he noticed a normal-sized door, which must have been the entrance to the place.
He quickly started to run for it, but the drone slid underneath him while he was running and blocked the door.
Uzi: you aren't escaping human.
Y/n: Yeah, do you want to see me try?
He swallows saliva to cleanse his mouth of the dry feeling. They stare each other down, their eyes narrowing before he randomly runs into another room.
He quickly turned around, slapping his hand against the door button, leaving a bloody print of his palm behind.
He stepped away from the door, panting for air to feel his lungs.
While finally having a chance to relax a little, he realized that he wasn't in as much pain as you would typically expect for someone who got smashed through a wall.
He wiped away sweat from his forehead, forgetting the blood on his hands as it covered his head.
Suddenly, a banging sound started to ring out from the door, and the muffled sounds could be heard from the little drone.
He ignored the sounds as he looked around the room, trying to figure out where he was. He must have been in some kind of bathroom from how the room looked.
That raised a good question for him: why did drones have a bathroom?
He shook his head, trying to forget the thought, as he had much more important things to do.
Such as finding a way out from the room where he was. No matter where he looked, there appeared to be nowhere for him to go.
His eyes glanced at the mirror for a split second before quickly looking back at himself to see his body's mess.
His clothes were stained with his blood, along with his forehead was covered in a reddish-black substance.
Y/n: agh fuck, this is going to take forever to heal.
His eyes drifted to his hands that were on the counter, and he saw a pool of blood on it, staining the steel.
He quickly searched for anything that might stop the bleeding, and, to his luck, he found bandages.
He wrapped them around the exposed skin, covering up the damaged surface.
While he was focused on that, he heard the metal doors rubbing against each other as they tried to open.
He quickly finished his work and looked around the room again, noticing a vent above, which gave him an idea.
*uzi pov*
Uzi crouched beside the door panel, working at it and trying to open it.
She couldn't believe how careless she was when tying him to the chair.
If he were to do something dangerous to the others, then she would be the one to blame for bringing him into the compound.
She needed to capture him as fast as she could.
She only brought him into the building because he might have knowledge of the disassembly drones and be used as a hostage.
She wanted humanity to pay for the pain they caused them…and for her mother.
Because those who have the right mind would want to stay hiding behind some doors like cowards with no way of fighting back.
She brought two wires together, which sparked a bit before finally opening the doors.
She quickly went inside only to see that he was nowhere to be found.
Now, the situation has gotten ten times worse than before.
She noticed the open-air duct and tried climbing in, but it was too tall for her.
She stared at it for a moment before rolling her eyes.
Uzi: agh, Bit me, stupid air duct!
Her eyes traced along the ventilation, following it closely while checking to ensure it didn't open anywhere.
Eventually, it went through the wall that led to the outside of her apartment.
Uzi: (image here)
Uzi's eyes are wide open.
The door to the hallway opened, and she popped her head out sideways, looking down the left and right while still maintaining the same facial motion.
*back with y/n.
Y/n had been crawling through the air duet, looking for any safe place to drop out from.
But no matter where he looked, there were worker drones everywhere.
One drone he saw looked really familiar to him as he had a mustache that was actually fake.
Another was some kind of jock-looking one that was shooting hoops.
He kept crawling till he got to another small opening. Looking through, he saw two drones.
One of the drones had neon pink eyes, long blonde hair tied in a ponytail, and a yellow bow shaped like cat ears.
???: So I said fuck no, even I wouldn't suck his dick even if it was that small.
The two started to laugh about some drone that had a small dick which y/n felt terrible about, even though he didn't understand why a drone would have a thing like that.
The second drone appeared to have long, dark indigo hair with bangs that slightly covered both of her red-orange eyes.
Suddenly, the second drone looked up at the vents as if she could feel his presence. Her eyes narrowed.
???: I need to go. I think I have bugs in the vents.
???: whatever, doll.
Y/n wrapped his hand around his mouth to try to catch the sound of his breathing.
He quickly started crawling again, hoping to be anywhere but there.
Because he was moving fast, he couldn't hear the creaking sound from the vent itself.
Suddenly, he felt the vent jolt for a moment before it collapsed on him.
He smacked hard onto the ground, his body in pain as he slowly crawled out from the vent shaft that he was still partially in.
He slowly got up and used the wall as support.
He tried looking around to get an idea of where he was, but the problem was that it was pitch black.
His hand touched the wall several times, trying to find a light switch, which he eventually found.
As he flipped the switch, the light above him lit up, giving a better view of what was before him.
However, he still couldn't see it, as the light above him was the only one that turned on.
Only adding more to his problem was the fact that the light was flickering.
He simply backed up a few feet, turned around, and tried opening the door, but it was locked.
Suddenly, a loud bang sounded behind him. He slowly turned around to see a can slowly rolling out from the darkness.
???:мы встречаемся снова, даже спустя столько лет. "подпиши" ты все еще хорошо выглядишь, как на фотографиях
A voice came out from the shadows with a creepy tone to it.
Y/n: what the hell?
???:в отличие от моей матери, я сделаю тебя своей
Y/n started spamming his finger against the open button on the door.
A dark force emerged from the darkness, and metal against metal rang out from whatever was in the darkness.
Eventually, the door opened, and he fell face-first into the ground.
He quickly scrambled up and looked back into the apartment. He saw the only working light suddenly go out.
His heart was beating in a very unhealthy way, like unnaturally beating fast.
He slowly walked through the complex's hallways, peeking his head from the corners to ensure they were clear before proceeding.
???: AH HA, there you are!
Y/n looked over his shoulder and saw the purple-haired drone from before.
Y/n: god, don't you give up?
Uzi: Not in your life.
She started charging at him and went to grab something from her jacket.
Y/n sighed before running away from her. Now, he was just running down random halls with no plan.
He was just hoping he would be lucky in one turn.
As he ran around a corner, he bumped into something or someone.
He fell onto the floor for the several times today.
Looking back, he saw the cat ear bow drone from before.
Unlike him, she wasn't knocked over so easily. She looked at him for a moment with no reaction on her face.
Y/n went to try getting up; however, before he could, a hard metal drone landed on him and started to tie him up without wasting a second.
Y/n: god, you could at least not tie it so hard!
Uzi: As if I would listen to you. Now, come on. I'm putting you back before anyone sees you….
Uzi finally noticed the drone standing a few feet away from the pair.
The drone brought her phone out and took a picture.
???: He is pretty cute
Uzi: UGH!! There's nothing to see here. It's just a totally normal thing going on. Yep. There's nothing wrong happening here whatsoever.
Uzi quickly grabbed his jacket and started pulling him along with her before anymore drones stumbled upon the two.
*sometime later*
y/n had been tied back up to the chair in Uzi's room. At the same time, Uzi was lying in bed with her hands on her face.
Y/n couldn't escape this time as the rope was much tighter, so he was stuck there.
The only thing he could do was spin in circles.
Y/n: So, what exactly do you want to know?
His tone had taken a 180 compared to before as he stopped spinning to look at Uzi.
She didn't look at him at first, but after a few minutes, she eventually turned to her side to look at him.
Uzi: How do I kill a disassembly drone?
Y/n: You can't.
Uzi: what do you mean you can't?
Y/n: do you really think these three murder drones are the only ones?
Uzi: well… no, I guess not.
Y/N: But that doesn't mean you can't kill them. It just means that even if you did, there would be one ready to replace it.
Uzi seemed interested in the conversation as she sat up and leaned toward him slightly.
Uzi: why are you cooperating now?
Y/n: meh, from what I saw, you're probably my safest place to be.
Uzi: I can kill you. You know that, right?
Y/n: Yeah, you could, but you haven't since it appears you need me.
Y/n: So I'm thinking we should be mutually beneficial to each other.
Uzi looked intrigued by what he was suggesting.
Uzi: you really want to work with me?
Y/n: yeah, sure, why not?
Uzi: Okay…so what do you want?
Y/n: Hmm, how about I provide you with all the information you want? In return, you will let me live and be able to walk around.
Uzi narrowed her eyes at him after hearing the second request.
Uzi: And what's stopping you from leaving, huh?
Y/n: well, as you saw, the disassembly drones want me quite dead.
Uzi closed her for a moment, considering what he said before opening them again with determination.
She got up and slowly walked around before untying him from the chair.
Y/n: thanks, Uz.
He snapped his fingers and pointed at her. A picture blush appeared on her screen for a moment before shaking her head.
Uzi: don't act like we are friends! Because once your usefulness runs out, that is when your time ends.
She tried to sound intimidating, but to y/n, he found it cute as he tried to pet her head.
But she slaps his hand away and turns away from his direction. A slight pouting noise came from her direction afterward.
Which y/n just laughed at while he sat down to finally rest after such a long, painful day.
*night time*
Y/n was lying on the ground, sleeping away, a bit too trusting of his robot companion, sleeping on the bed with a wire connected to her head.
Her screen showed a charging bar before a small program opened up on the top right of her screen.
/////update available for program A_S////////
//////changes to program have been made/////
///prompt_has been change/////
///update to A_S commencing////
////please stand by for diagnostics/////
////program may be bugging due to older files////
/// Main object has been updated////
Word count 2857
I happen to have some free time with me already and have my other book chapter ready so I had this to a vote.
However someone made a good argument so I went ahead and made the second chapter to the story.
Don't worry your time is soon just a few chapters left of my other story then it will be murder drones focus.
— Un nouveau chapitre arrive bientôt — Écrire un avis
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