"How dare you lie to us?! Do you know who my father is?! Frobitna helvete! Snövalp!"
"I would've had you executed for scamming us if we were in the North! In fact, I'll bury you in the snow and let my dogs piss on your frozen corpse! Te isätande råtta!"
I frowned in utter confusion.
What were they even saying?
I had no idea what any of most of those last words meant. Or the ones before them, for that matter.
See, I was just heading back to my dorm when these three knuckleheads jumped in front of me and blocked my way.
They didn't even bother introducing themselves or what possible vendetta they had against me!
Instead, they just started hurling obscenities in my face. They were spitting curses like they were on a timer.
But half of their insults didn't even make sense to me since they kept switching back to their native tongue.