"Wow, that's already a lot of people," Aysel mumbled, doing a quick mental calculation. A few seconds later, she looked at him. "He got between 37 and 47 members in his family! That's soooo much!"
"Yes, and that's not even including their various spouses yet."
"Amazing," Aysel said, shaking her head. Her hand rested on her chin as she gestured. "What about your third Grand-Uncle?"
"His name is Liam," Nathaniel began. "He had seven sons. Two of them were twins, and another set were triplets. They're all married. Six of them have no less than three children, while one currently only has a son."
"That's surprising," Aysel said, shaking her head as a notification indicated a new message in her WhatsApp. She glanced at it and saw that it was Lucas sending her another voice note.
I swear I've forgotten the original name of Aysel's company, didn't even know if I mentioned it. So let's just stick with Icons Entertainment, I think it sounds good too. Doesn't it?