And yet when I reach to touch that which he has created inside my dreams, he takes it away from me. He is cruel.
However, unlike the previous revelations of the strange woman, this level did not take months to pass. In days, I was able to touch her, to caress the softness of her cheek, to wipe the tears from her eyes.
She never spoke a word, but she never refused or rejected my touch either. Why do you always cry? I had asked her many times, but her response was always the same.
It was annoying. Yet I could never wait to fall asleep.
At some point, I could kiss her. The dreams were growing more real than I would have expected.
At some point I began to want more than innocent kisses. So much more.
I'd find myself fantasizing about a dream girl, literally. Thinking of the many things we could do together if we could just get off that damned beach where the dream was always happening.
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