A way to take your vengeance? Those were the words that finally brought a semblance of emotion on the grim man's face. Staring intently at the revered Theta who had kicked hope in his dead heart, he decided to confirm if he heard right.
"A way to take my vengeance?" He repeated, not quite believing that was possible. While it was true that the Theta was an embodiment of hope and encouragement, she was no Alpha, nor was she a king.
So was it possible that this blind woman whose white eyes eerily rested squarely on him could have a way for him to get his revenge?
The dead faces of his wife and two little children flashed before his eyes. The hunger they felt, the despair they went through, the depression that finally took their life. He wanted to die too alright, but the thought that his loved ones souls could rest easier had him wishing to live.
Was there really a way?
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