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81.59% Reborn as the Clown Prince / Chapter 164: Recognition

Chapitre 164: Recognition

After a little joke, the people in the crowd smiled, and the strange tense atmosphere immediately disappeared. That's the way to start a speech, not with tons of pathos. Given the situation, I was ninety-nine percent sure that Bats or Clark had been there, talking about the great responsibility of the Earth's defenders. But that doesn't take away from their oratorical skills, because one is a professional journalist and the other is a multinational corporation owner with excellent diction, so we should try not to make a mess of it.

I began my prepared speech by thanking the ordinary citizens who had united against the alien threat, went over the superheroes who had appeared and recommended that they choose names that were not too flashy. Naturally, I didn't forget to mention the supervillains who were on the path of correction. In my mind, I realize that some of them are bastards, like Zasa and Penguin and KillerCroc, but judging by the recent news, many of them should really be given a second chance. Yeah, and it would look strange to call for finding and brutally punishing escaped criminals, given my own history.

During the speech, I didn't forget to listen to the quiet whispering of the superheroes behind me, who were discussing our spectacular appearance. Well, what did they want? Even a quick sorting of the trophies into conditionally safe, dangerous, and fucking dangerous, so that this thing doesn't accidentally detonate, takes a lot of time and effort. We just didn't have time to go through the mail, and to assume that in just 24 hours such a large-scale event would just be taken and moved to the capital - it's necessary to be crazy. And it's good that my favorite still checked social networks before going out, otherwise we would have been left without a festive banquet. And when else will I be able to make a speech directly from the White House podium?


***Same time, a few meters from the bleachers***


"Hey, why did he decide to take the name Justice League for all of us? - Lantern was outraged, raising his voice slightly and causing the speaker to falter. But the hiccup was so minor that only the Dark Knight noticed it.

"It was really ugly, but it's hard not to admit that it's a much better name than you suggested. Justice League," Superman said slowly, as if listening to every syllable. - There's really something to it.

"I agree... That'll do... The past was better... I don't care... Good thing it's not Superfriends... - the male part of the team unanimously agreed.

"Diana? - The Kryptonian turned to the subdued girl, who had been immersed in her own thoughts since Joker's appearance.

"Yes?" the Amazon was startled. It took her a few seconds to go over the whole conversation in her head. - I'd suggest Pantheon, but Justice League sounds good, too.

"Why the Pantheon? - Clark asked interestedly.

"It's simple. I'm Artemis. Cyborg is Hephaestus, Hermes," Flash glared at them. - Ares, Poseidon, Apollo," Batman and Aquaman smirked, and Green Lantern proudly stuck out his chest and even glowed a little greenish light, happy with such a flattering comparison. - Athena," Harley warmed her ears behind her back and gave a thumbs-up in approval. - And Zeus.

"Wait, wait, wait," the glow of the Will ring faded. - The Joker is Zeus? No, I understand, magic-schmagic, but I can also create lightning, but green... Anyway, being able to create lightning doesn't qualify anyone to be the head of the Greek pantheon. I mean, even Batman can say he's Zeus just by using a taser.

"Oh..." The dark-haired beauty averted her eyes. - Maybe you haven't noticed, but I paid attention not only to the external manifestation of powers, but also to the inner qualities of character. Zeus has always been famous not only for his ability to create lightning. The ancient Greek myths are pretty clear on that.

"Pointing to what? - Lantern even scratched his head, stimulating his thought activity. - Hey, why are you all grinning like that?

"If you have time, read about the kidnapping of Europe," the Dark Knight condescended to explain, causing the rest of the team, including the Joker, to cough uncontrollably.

"Yeah, there's really something about him," Superman said thoughtfully, when everyone had calmed down a bit. - But then who am I?

"You're... I've never met anyone like you, Superman. You're a god among gods," the warrior finished, confused.

There was an awkward pause, during which the fragile blonde lightly crumpled the handle of a metal baseball bat that had come from nowhere.

"Eckham," Barry snapped to attention, "speaking of the head of the Pantheon. Did I understand correctly that no one is against Joker being our leader? I know he's reformed, and anyway..." he waved his hand uncertainly. - Just. Doesn't that seem a little wrong to anyone?

"What?! - The aforementioned person abruptly turned away from the podium, covering the microphone with his hand. - Have you lost your mind? Who the hell is the leader?! Let Bats take the responsibility or Superman as the strongest.

"The president called our team leader, and you came out. And quite spectacularly. It's too late to change anything now," Gotham's protector said with feigned sympathy, clearly enjoying the panic slowly creeping into his old enemy's face.

"But I... What about..." the green-haired man in white makeup couldn't find the censorious words.

"Oh, come on, Mr. J, but as head of the League, you can recruit pretty superheroines. I've been watching the feeds for bunny girl and tiger girl, and don't forget Mousey. Oh, and then there's Canary. She's got such juicy thighs in her mesh stockings, mmm," Harley Quinn encouraged her boyfriend, putting the bat away and pressing herself tightly against his arm.

"Hmm, this is getting interesting. Only I thought Tigress was playing for a team of supervillains."

"But the others are unlikely to refuse to join our ranks, and we'll figure something out with Tigress," the satisfied blonde said.

"You know, I wouldn't mind having the Joker as our leader," Lantern said, and Flash's eyes grew dreamy.

But the harmony achieved was still broken by the Dark Knight, who realized that a little more and his best friend could actually stand at the head of the world's first superhero team officially recognized by the government.

"Besides jokes, we really need a real leader, - Batman's voice became serious, and his gloomy figure began to emit tons of pathos. - Someone who will be the face of the League. Honest. Wise. Brave. Someone who will not waver in the face of danger and will go even to his death," the heroes listened breathlessly. - So, Superman, you're up," the Dark Knight finished his speech calmly.

"Me? But I don't know anything about management and am only strong as an independent unit," said the journalist.

"Don't worry, we'll always be able to advise and help you, that's what a team is for. Am I right?"

The man in the bat costume was supported by a ragged chorus of approving voices.

"Then it's settled, we're counting on you."


***Twenty minutes of pompous speeches later. White House Banquet Room***


Holy shit, I went to the awards show. I almost didn't get a yoke around my neck in the form of a superhero team. But I didn't get away with it, and now I'm the official public relations officer. And that's Clark, who had a simple way of explaining my appearance at the podium. The position was purely nominal and didn't require me to do anything serious. As for my abrupt rejection of the proud title of the Head of the Justice League, I am not an idiot and I am well aware of the consequences of such a step. The same Lantern may well begin to sabotage orders, and with the recruitment of new members will clearly be problems, not to mention the image of the team, put at the head of the former supercriminal. In short, there are a lot of problems, but the output is minimal, so what the hell is it worth.

I don't know what I expected from the banquet, but I can say with certainty that my expectations were not met. In fact, it was just an ordinary private party with a pretension to elitism. The same crowd of invited guests in the amount of a hundred heads, however, all of them are quite famous, and the costumes worn by them obviously cost as a couple of inexpensive cars, expensive alcohol and snacks, pleasant background music. All in all, one and the same as a recent charity event, except for two things: at the end there was clearly not enough good entertainment, but I have no particular complaints here, since it's hard to find another crazy person who wants to be the Joker, and also I wasn't the center of attention. Of course, people came up to us, including the President and the Secretary of Defense, but it was just a common courtesy, because the same Superman and Bats were gently perching for a whole hour while the event was going on. However, after a bit of brainstorming, I was completely satisfied with this arrangement. No one was chasing me away from the table with excellent appetizers, no one was getting under my arm, and there was a beautiful girl at my side, who didn't mind munching on a couple - idyll.

When we had time to pay homage to the local chef's skills, save Flash from undue attention by just letting him stand around, and get a little bored, we were still invited to a private room that was located in the west wing of the building on the basement floor.

The general style of the room did not differ much from the banquet hall. All the same pictures of the founders on the walls, flags of the country, blue carpet with a thick pile underfoot, light wallpaper, even the curtains on the windows were the same style, and in the center of all this splendor there was a large oval table with comfortable chairs, divided into two separate halves, between which there was an empty space of three meters.

As I took my seats according to the special signs and was glad that even Harley had a comfortable chair next to me, I finally turned my eyes to the gradually arriving people. In addition to the Minister of Defense and the President, a dark-skinned woman, whom I had certainly not seen at the party, received special attention. It wasn't because she was at least a hundred and fifty kilograms tall, or because she had a look that made you feel like someone was aiming a grenade launcher at you, but because she was the only one with magical protection.

A thin, translucent haze surrounded an obese body dressed in a formal dark blue suit. I looked closer and saw that the anomaly was a multitude of small, weightless, moving threads that formed a cocoon.

Hmm, very strange shield spells. I noticed them only because there were no other magical manifestations in the area, or they would have gotten lost in the background, and after my adventures in the cultists' labyrinth, my true vision had increased considerably. It was still a challenge to find the deadly thing flying at you in the riot of the elements, and it required unrealistic concentration.

Or is it not a shield?

That's right! An alarm. Weak enough to be inconspicuous, yet quite effective. It'll react in no time to outside interference simply by virtue of its malleable structure. Well, that's really well done, you wouldn't know people could have artifacts like that. I don't even doubt that it's an artifact and not a personal ability. The structure of the threads looks unnatural in some places, a normal magician would have tried to remove these flaws, although one can always assume that he does not possess true sight.

While I was having fun looking at the weave and thinking about how it could be repeated, which clearly made the woman, who introduced herself as Amanda Waller, nervous, the higher-ups were discussing a cooperation agreement. This name was a little known to me from the old world, because this person was responsible for the creation of a squad of supervillains. And no, she could not be called a charismatic leader, able to unite under her command bright individualists with a criminal past. Amanda's approach was much simpler: she would voluntarily and compulsorily put explosive collars around the necks of lifelong convicts and send them out on deadly missions in exchange for a reduced prison sentence and other perks like a TV in their cell or a comfortable hammock. It's possible that if I hadn't taken the path of correction, I might have fallen into her clutches, but now I'm protected by the authority of the Justice League.

The main points had already been repeatedly discussed with Bats' direct participation, so our team only had to sign a couple of papers and quietly go away... Probably the government was counting on just such a variant of events, but unfortunately for them I was too lazy to read the pack of paperwork provided for signing, and also to take away a pen from too active Flash. Barry kept trying to put his X on it.

"What the hell is this? - I had a thought, which caused three dozen people to whisper indignantly.

"I'll ask for more respect, you're in the White House," the plump old man in charge of the Treasury Department admonished me.

"Oh, I apologize. Gentlemen, ladies," I nodded hello to Amanda, who would have incinerated me if she could shoot lasers out of her eyes, "what the hell is this? - I even had to wave a stack of sheets for clarity.

"It's a treaty that defines the Justice League's mission to maintain peace and eliminate earthly and other-worldly threats," the same old man began to explain, as if I were retarded.

"That's all perfectly clear to me, but why the fuck... I'm sorry, why the fuck do we have to ask the States for permission to intervene if other countries are involved? Ow. Every quarter we have some mad scientist inventing a doomsday machine or some nutjob stealing a nuke and threatening to blow up a city of millions. I don't want to emphasize that the treaty will be in the public domain, which means that some supervillain, purely out of research interest and love of art, can take a small country hostage to watch the reaction of superheroes, - the looks of the people in the room from disapproving became suspicious, because it's not just anyone talking about research interest, but a former criminal, who was doing something similar. - And you're suggesting we wait for the local government to give the go-ahead every time? With that approach, we'll never get anywhere! And this paragraph about sanctions in case of exceeding the League's authority I don't understand at all.

"You must realize that by violating the clauses of the contract, the consequences will not be long in coming."

"Yeah... Prison time and community service... I hate to break it to you, but even that fussy guy could easily destroy our planet if he was cornered," I pointed to Flash sitting next to me.

"Can I? - He asked in surprise.

"You can," I patted his shoulder reassuringly. - I'm not even mentioning Superman; you know all about his power.

"Look, we've already made some serious concessions with this treaty. In fact, we've entrusted you with our security by officially recognizing the Justice League and allowing government agencies to assist you, even though we don't even know your names," the Defense Minister said sternly.

"Thank you, of course, but first of all, we would have gotten together as a group without your approval simply because it is easier to fight against strong opponents. Secondly, most of us have not cooperated with government agencies and will not do so, except for a few individuals. In short, my opinion as a public relations official is that the League's affairs are the League's affairs, and there's no need to involve a third party like the government," I finished my impromptu speech.

So, the high sides, though not without my help, still managed to agree on normal cooperation. Only I don't understand the desire of Bats and Superman to put a heavier yoke on themselves. In spite of all my warnings, they try to promise that they will not interfere in localized military conflicts in foreign countries, and then they say that they will not act without prior government approval in case of global problems.

After three hours of back and forth and seven attempts to talk me into it, during which I'd had no trouble getting Lantern, Flash, and even Diana, who seemed to be drifting away, to agree to a more or less adequate contract. It would still be a piece of paper, though, given the power of the individuals involved, but it would make me feel better.


***Oval Office***


"What do you say, Miss Waller? - The owner of the office asked, reclining tiredly in his chair after all the strangers had left the room.

"You know very well my opinion, Mr. President."

"I understand your reluctance to entrust the defense of your country and planet to a third force, but what can we do? You've seen the recordings, and you must realize that only the strongest metalmen can stand up to Darkseid and his kind, and it's unlikely that they'll willingly put a collar around their necks."

"And if not voluntarily? - The dark-skinned woman asked curtly.

A look of consternation flashed across the president's eyes.

"Don't even think about it! They're heroes, people won't understand if we put Earth's saviors in chains!"

"No, no, no, no, no. Let the heroes be, uh... Heroic. I'm talking about criminals," she opened a black briefcase with a biometric lock and carefully placed several paper files on the table.

"KillerCroc, Captain Boomerang, KGBist, Witch," Barack listed, looking through the files provided, "and... Are you kidding? How did she even get on this list?!"

"Don't worry, it's not what you think it is, read the first page carefully."

The man delved deeper into his reading, and the more time passed, the more calm his face became.

"So that's how it is. Yeah, that could really work."

"As a test, we started working with one of the candidates, nicknamed the Enigma, and I must say, the results are excellent. Thanks to his intervention, two major terrorist attacks have already been thwarted. And with the expansion of the squad, we can begin to perform more serious tasks."

"Okay, I give my consent to the initiative..."

"Suicide Squad," Amanda said proudly. - The initiative is called Suicide Squad.

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