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7.46% Reborn as the Clown Prince / Chapter 15: Impersonator

Chapitre 15: Impersonator

I didn't say that phrase for nothing, because the "guards" were crowding the aisle and I had a lot of leeway as long as they were in line. I didn't want to have to explain my actions to the doctor later, plus I'd have to warn Ivy. I jumped up from my chair and threw it at the attackers, knocking down three armed men, but one of them managed to dodge and now was pointing his weapon at Harley's friend as the most dangerous one present. I have a meter and a half to get to the girl, and five meters to the bandit, ready to shoot, so the choice is obvious. I darted out of the line of fire, throwing another chair and incapacitating the last attacker, who still had time to fire a single shot.

"Ouch, that was close."

There was an unpleasant ringing in my ears.

"Guards" were lying on the floor trying to get out of the pile of babes.

"Put me back."

The redheaded beauty wasn't too pleased with my actions.

"Oh, what did I do wrong again? I was saving you."

The girl gained ground under her feet and immediately tied up the attacking criminals with vines that grew from a couple of plants on the windowsill.

"I could have handled it myself."

Dr. Arkham had been sitting quietly in his seat the whole time, watching our actions with interest, not saying a word, as if our therapy was still going on.

"Hey, asshole," I kicked one bandit in the side, making him grimace in pain, "what's going on on the island?

"Fuck you, impersonator."

The man tried to spit at me, but I was faster and dodged it, giving him a healing kick in the jaw: he would live, but in the near future his diet would be liquid food only.

"Why don't you explain what the hell is going on here?" I moved on to the next victim.

"The Joker's not gonna let this go!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?!"

The defeated bandit looked at me with anger.

"Did you really think anyone would believe your bullshit about the Joker being reformed? Jay Arkham, ha-ha-ha-ha," the fake security guard, who dodged the first chair thrown his way, responded.

"Okay, talk to me!"

I lifted the vines-covered man to eye level.

"The real Joker has shown up and he's very unhappy with the impersonator, so there's a big reward from the king of the underworld for your live body. Oh, man, I don't envy you. You'd have to be such an idiot to say you're him! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, asshole."

The bandit's laughter cut off abruptly when my fist collided with his face, sending him into nirvana. I'm sick of laughing. Now I realized how annoying my laughter could be.

"What!!!" I asked irritatedly to the doctor and the dryad, who were looking at me with a complicated expression on their faces.

Man, what the hell kind of setup is this? I'm sure this body is the real one, but where would another clown come from? So there's a shapeshifter involved, and I know one I just sent to this clinic myself.

"Stop looking at me with those eyes, I'm sure it's the handiwork of Glayface. These knuckleheads," I kicked one of the bound bastards, "need a strong motivation and a symbol. And the Clown Prince of Crime will be perfect for this role."

I wanted to take it out on someone. My rehabilitation plan was coming to fruition, and it was happening much faster than I'd anticipated. I was quickly transferred from the secure prison block to the mansion and assigned a whole room with a beautiful roommate who, though she made a disgruntled face, didn't mind having some fun in bed with Harley's promise. Everything was going just fine. In a month I planned to appear in court to recognize me as fully capable of acting, and at the same time to dissociate myself from the charges brought against the old owner of this body.... But because of fucking assholes with a shiv in one place, it's all going to hell!

Jeremiah Arkham was still sitting in his chair, looking at me with interest, but the suspicion in Pamela's eyes was not going away.

"Ivy, stop it, you know I'm real."

"Uh, I'm not sure. I used to think you were a moral asshole, a jerk and a douche bag. But now I think you're just a jerk. A dramatic change in the short time we've known each other."

"And now it was a shame, I'd come to you with all my heart, and you..."

"Hmpf!" Ivy turned away, crossing her arms over her chest. At times she acted like a typical tsundere.

There was the sound of a gunshot outside, which brought us back from heaven to earth.

"Mr. Arkham," I turned to the head of the treatment facility, "is there any evacuation tunnel from this island?"

"I'm afraid not. Otherwise there'd be a risk of the prisoners trying to break through. There was always enough of a bridge connecting this place to the big earth," the Doctor had so far shown no signs of concern in light of the situation. "All staff who are not in charge of security are taking refuge in safe rooms. The police and SWAT team are expected to repel the place soon."

"What happens if employees don't take cover in time?"

Sighing heavily, Jeremiah replied, that their fate will be a sad one, after all, this place contains dangerous people.

"Mr. Arkham, can you tell me if there's a safe room nearby? We should take shelter in it."

"You're right, let's go," the man rose from his seat and walked toward the exit. "The door on the right at the end of the hallway."

I had to slow down the frisky head of the healer and carefully peek out into the corridor, checking it for hostiles, but all was clear. It looked like the four of them had been the first to think of making a quick dash to the place to grab me.

Before a bunch of bounty hunters appeared here, we quickly march fifty meters and find ourselves in a rest room with a working TV. The table was littered with uneaten leftovers.

The Doctor walked over to a seemingly ordinary wall with several paintings and pushed one of the works of art aside, revealing a code lock underneath.

Suddenly a sign appeared in front of my eyes:

[Battle for Arkham quest generated: Disarm Patients 0/318. Reward: 31 free points.

Additional task: rescue 0/65 employees. Reward: 12 free points]

It looks like the system's caught the ba-hion by sending requests to the local universe, but, hell, three hundred and eighteen people.... I'm getting tired of beating them all up, and I have to save my employees in the process, and now I have to get rid of the doctor somehow.

"Locked," said the man after entering the command. "So someone is already sitting there, and this door can be opened only with special keys, which are kept in the police department. I suggest you go to the safe room in my office on the top floor, it should be open there."

"I don't want to upset anyone, but it's unlikely that this island will be liberated anytime soon," said the dryad, who'd been watching the working TV all this time. She turned up the sound.

"...olice or special forces come to this island, I'll activate the bombs planted in the city! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"

A familiar face that I see in the mirror every day raged on the screen.

The image switched to a happy girl announcer (here the psychos have taken over the whole island and mined the buildings in the city, and she is happy).

"You've heard the appeal. Now the true motives of the Joker, who just recently turned himself in to the police, telling them that he had reformed. It was all a plot to get to the island and take it over! Ending a days-long dispute that has rocked Gotham. Max, now you owe me a hundred bucks," suddenly the announcer said, looking away from the camera to somewhere off to the side. "Uh, excuse me. And now we turn the floor over to Police Commissioner James Gordon."

The camera shifted to a red-haired man with a bushy mustache standing in front of armored SWAT vans and heavy equipment, who was both furious and happy:

"I knew it!!! Ha-ha-ha-ha! I knew it was all some kind of clever trick!" the commissioner shook his fist at the camera, grinning evilly. "Hold on Joker, it won't be long before I get to you, let me just clear the city buildings! You've managed to mislead even my daughter, but now your devious plans have come to an end! Ha-ha."

~Bam! ~


I rubbed the fist I'd used to bend the refrigerator door.

"When I get to Clayface, I'm gonna beat the shit out of him!"

My eyes burned with a flame of vengeance. Barbara was a nice girl, but after this twist, she wouldn't believe me, and neither would the rest of the world.

"You're going to have some problems with that," Ivy looked out the window and saw the clinic's free-hunting patients who had gotten hold of guns. "You're not going to be able to clear your name anytime soon."


Now I'm at a crossroads. I could sit in the safe room of the doctor's office together and wait for Batman to handle the situation on his own. Jeremiah will be able to confirm that I didn't even step away from him, partially returning my reputation loss, but on the other side of the scale there are forty-three free points and moral satisfaction from saving people, and revenge on this pile of shit, which successfully pretends to be dirt, is worth a lot.... A dilemma...

Okay, I shook my head, it was worth saving the doctor first anyway, after all, he treated me well despite my past.

"Let's go."

I headed for the exit of the room, and my companions followed me.

Thanks to the powers of Poison Ivy, we were quickly able to get to the right office by blocking the plants from uninvited guests upstairs.

The doctor's room was lavishly furnished, but I didn't have time to admire it. Jeremiah dialed the secret code, pushing aside a wooden panel of the wall, and walked through the doorway, glancing back at Ivy and me.

"The food and water supply in this place is enough for a month for the three of us, so you have nothing to worry about."

I looked questioningly at the head of the hospital. I wanted to slam the door shut and go out to beat up freaks and save people, earning free points.

[Battle for Arkham quest updated: Disarm Patients 2/318. Reward: 31 free points.

Additional task: save employees 0/62(65). Reward: 12 free points]

Fuck, if I've got it right, the number of people to be rescued has been reduced by three, yet the system doesn't care who disarms the crazies.

I can't do this anymore. In this world, you can't pass up a chance for reinforcement like this. And why do I care about the doctor, because the rescued people will be able to tell me who helped them?

I've made a decision.

"Sorry, Mr. Arkham. But I want to fix this and try to save as many people as I can," with those words, I tried to slam the door to the shelter shut sharply, but it wouldn't budge even a millimeter, as if it were jammed. "Uh..."

The doctor was still looking at me intently, not moving.

"There is a small lever under the handle, push it to close the door," suddenly said the head of the hospital.


"You want to be a hero, so go ahead. I'm not going to stop you."

I was looked at with a completely unperturbed expression on my face.

"But, but why?"

"You see, Mr. Arkham. You're the first patient I've ever had who's changed so much."

"Wait, there was Riddler and Penguin, and Ivy, after all!"

"No, no, no," the head of the hospital shook his head negatively. "Ms. Isley is a special case, yet she literally feels the pain of plants and generally doesn't care about people, as long as they don't harm nature. Mr. Cobblepot and Mr. Nygma, on the other hand, have never changed internally. You see, the therapy I developed is designed to regulate my patients' external interaction with the world. I've never asked patients to give up anger, hatred and other destructive emotions. I have always believed that a person's mood is insignificant when contrasted with their actions. The contemplation of murder is not as significant as the actual act of committing murder or torture. But you've managed to impress me by changing inwardly, as if you were a different person. So I don't mind if you go save the staff at the hospital. Good luck."


Unbelieving my happiness, I still pulled the lever under the handle and closed the door to the shelter. This is really too good to be true. At least now my hands were free.

"Ivy, would you like to join me on my liberation quest and be a real hero?"

"Not really. You heard what the doctor said: I don't care about people. "

The girl stood nonchalantly in the middle of the room, looking at the books and various memorabilia on the shelves, apparently belonging to the head of the clinic.

"What about me and Harley?"

I walked over and gently hugged the red-haired beauty, who didn't pull away, but didn't return the gesture either, standing motionless as a statue to herself.

"You know I'm doing all this for Harley, and I hate you."

"Come on," I moved closer and licked the girl's ear gently, feeling her shiver, "you would have found a way to kill me quietly without anyone knowing. Besides, you'd love my tongue in your pussy."

My hands clenched the dryad's appetizing ass.

"Okay, hands off, quickly," Ivy said, furrowing her brow.

She's just like a tsundere.

"Hmm, if you do help me..." I whispered, still kneading the girl's soft buns, "I'll get Harley to give you a cunnilingus, no, I'll ask her to be your slave for twenty-four hours."

Poison Ivy thought hard.

"Well. Okay. Mm-mm-mm-mm!"

I couldn't resist kissing Pamela, who didn't particularly like the gesture.

"Asshole! What if I forgot to remove the toxin from my lips?!"

"It would have taken a while to work on me, and you would have had time to pump me up. Or left me to die, and then you'd have the good conscience to tell Harley I was suicidal, ha-ha-ha."

"Fool, why don't we go save the staff?"

"All right, let's go save people and beatup the impostor's ass!"

We were now on the third floor of the west side of the mansion. The floor below was the therapy room, the staff rooms, and Dr. Young's office: a pleasant woman who once did therapy, asking odd questions about my favorite aliases.

Ivy removed the plants from the floor below, and we immediately ran into a dozen bandits who were instantly swaddled by vines.

[Battle for Arkham quest updated: Disarm Patients 14/318. Reward: 31 free points.

Additional task: save employees 0/61(65). Reward: 12 free points]

Once again, a staff member is lost and no unit shows up in the saved. Didn't the system count the doctor? That's weird.

Our little party decided to split up to sweep this floor. Ivy headed north toward Dr. Yang's office to block another passageway, and I headed deeper into the building, almost immediately coming upon three escaped patients mocking a man in an orderly's uniform lying on the floor.

"Fuck you, assholes."

I didn't see the point in a flashy appearance, so I attacked from the back, sending my enemies into a blackout. My achievement was immediately recognized by the system:

[Battle for Arkham quest updated: Disarm Patients 17/318. Reward: 31 free points.

Additional task: save employees 0/61(65). Reward: 12 free points]

"Man, you okay?"

"Uh-huh. Not really, it looks like my leg is broken and I'm dizzy."

"Come on, I'll take you to the safe room, just tell me where it is."

"What are you, an intern? Not knowing the most important information about this hospital," the man on the ground struggled to open his swollen eyes and stared at me in shock. "Joker?!"

"Jay Arkham. If you're referring to the asshole on TV who's running this whole bunch of scumbags, that's Clayface who's taken on my guise," I feel like I'm gonna have to explain all this to the rescuers more than once. "Uh, come on, show me the way."

"Cough, Cough, Cough," the man coughed. "I'll do it myself."

"Don't be stupid. You're not going to get anywhere on your own. You could use a doctor's help, too."

"You're right. Looks like some rib damage. I heard the bandits say they cornered some guards with the treatment staff in the east wing. Cough. In the warden's office."

"I get the hint. All right, you lie here while I run to the end of the wing and check for hostiles. Don't go anywhere."

"Cough, cough, very funny. Get outta here."

After I jumped out into the hallway, the system plate reappeared in front of my eyes:

[Battle for Arkham quest updated: Disarm Patients 21/318. Reward: 31 free points.

Additional task: save employees 0/61(65). Reward: 12 free points]

System, turn off the alerts on this quest, or they'll pop up at the most important moment.

It didn't take long to clear the wing, and fortunately or unfortunately I didn't encounter any new employees, and a couple of my punches were enough to knock out the psychos. After that, I went back to the rescued man.

"Man, you okay?"

During my absence, the orderly had crawled a bit off the aisle, leaning against the wall.

"Oh, it's you. I thought it was all one big deathbed hallucination..."

"Don't lose consciousness."

I gently picked up the battered man and carried him to the rendezvous point with Pamela.

"Who did you bring?" asked the girl, noticing my burden.

"Corpsman. Ivy, can you see what's wrong with him, because my first aid skills aren't very good, please."

"All right, put him on the floor," the dryad bent over the wounded man and began to feel his wounds.

"It'll live," she said three minutes later, fixing the displaced bones with sturdy leaves that looked like huge plantains she'd grown from the stalks sticking out of her lush hair.

"That's good," I picked up the man and carried him on my back toward the stairs. "Now let's finish this wing and get to the warden's office."

"We can head straight to the central hall. While you were cleaning up just a couple of rooms and dragging the injured, I went through all the floors and blocked off the passageways with vines, disarming the escaped patients in the process."

"You're doing great, thank you," my hand gently stroked the girl's hair.

"Finish being nice, and let's go rescue the others."

Our company headed into the main hall, where we encountered sluggish resistance. Ivy calmly dispersed the attackers and blocked the passageways, including the door to the street, preventing any more escaped patients.

Several shots rang out as they approached the warden's office. It looked like the bandits were going for another attack, but the dryad plants quickly subdued them.

"Hey, are you okay?" I shouted toward the makeshift barricade of tables and couches.

"Who's that?"

"Jay Arkham!"

"Did you come to kill us personally?"

"Guys, he saved me!" shouted from behind me by a rescued orderly.


"Yes! Guys, it was Clayface! Jay had nothing to do with it, his girlfriend even helped me by splinting my broken bones!"

"I'm not his girlfriend," Ivy glared at my burden.

The voice from outside the warden's room temporarily fell silent, but then resumed again:

"Come here, but don't be silly, we're armed!"

After crossing the corridor, we found ourselves in a large room with seven people who were employees of the clinic, only one, a uniformed security guard, had a rifle.

"Jesus, Charlie, is that really you? One of the orderlies came forward."

"Uh, yeah. Thanks Jay, if it wasn't for him I would have been kicked to death."

The man with the weapon kept an attentive gaze on Ivy and me, but allowed his comrade to pick up the wounded man.

"Well, now that everything has been resolved so well, come on, we'll take you to the safe room."

I suggested it, but the others were against it.

"No need, we'd better barricade ourselves in here again. It's been a long time, they're probably all occupied by now."

"Good, then Ivy will block the passage with vines so no one can get to you for sure."

"One second," one of those present ran out into the corridor and returned with several rifles he had taken from the bandits. "You can all go now."

"Come on, Ivy, we're not welcome here."

Leaving the unpleasant company, we headed for our room. The last part of the mansion that hadn't been cleared of intruders remained.




There was an ambush waiting for us in the room, but they couldn't do anything against the dryad's power. Next in line was the library, where we found five more bandits and hostages in a lower room, separated from the main room by an energy field. The violent patients were instantly enveloped by a multitude of plants, turning them into green cocoons. Now we must rescue the hostages. A second of manipulation with vines and the girl stops supplying electricity to the blocks supporting the energy field. The bound people stared in surprise at our entering company. As soon as we crossed the threshold, a fanfare sounded and the TV set mounted on a large gift box next to the hostages started up.

"Hello, Batman! Ha-ha-ha-ha!" the Joker was laughing on the screen. "I've been thinking long and hard, and I've decided to get my own private island. Wouldn't that be great? But you know, some Maldives or Bahamas islands are too far from this magnificent city, so I decided to settle here. I had to fake my normality to get in here and organize everything, ha-ha-ha!"

I'm still going to kill the creep who dares to pretend to be me. The imposter on the screen didn't seem to be letting up as I gingerly groped the walls of the gift, sure there was a bomb hidden inside.

"Of course, my private island needed security, and what better than these handsome men?"

The camera shifted to the side and several huge bandits with veins glowing greenish in color entered the frame.

"That's the Titan special mutagen that Dr. Yang kindly helped me develop, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Poor thing didn't even realize she was working for me. Now you follow the breadcrumbs looking for clues, but know I'm always one step ahead! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Have fun!"

The clown on the screen picturesquely snapped his fingers and the walls of the present fell away, revealing a bomb with a ticking timer.

"Can you handle it?" Ivy asked, coming over to me.

"Yep," the timer started counting down thirty seconds, but ten was enough to prevent an explosion. Still, this blowhard wasn't even close to Harley in terms of mined objects.

"What's going on here?" the untied hostage asked perplexed.

"It's Clayface who pretended to be me. Come on, I'll take you to the warden's office. There are several staff barricaded in there, so you'll be safe there."

The two rescuers didn't trust me much, but they followed me nonetheless. It didn't take long to get back, and then we stopped in front of the main entrance. The next building in line is the infirmary, after which we'll try to free the prison.

"You ready?"

The dryad gestured to the front door and swung it open with a single gesture, standing frozen on the threshold. I looked over her shoulder and froze, too: the entire island was covered by a strange greenish fog seeping through the ventilation shafts. The twisted trees had grown in size under its influence, but they looked even more sickly, oozing a yellow-green sludge that looked like pus.

"My babies!!!" the enraged girl's cry resembled that of a banshee.

At the bottom of the stairs, standing knee-deep in green mist, were several men who immediately reacted by raising their weapons. But Pamela was unstoppable. In an instant, she practically flew down and attacked the lunatics with vines grown from her hands.

Strike, strike again!

The three bandits take flight. I'm already rejoicing in victory, but the girl suddenly falls to her knees and is twisted in pain.

"Shit!" at the last moment I manage to reach the dryad and knock out the remaining two men of criminal appearance, who are stunned by Pamela's sharp attack.

"Ivy, what's wrong?"

I held the redhead by the shoulders, but she whimpered, wrapping her arms around herself.

"Come on, everybody!" there are several people coming from the botanical gardens. "It's the imposter, guys! Don't let him get away! We're gonna be fucking rich!!!"

~Bang! ~

The first shot knocked out a rock chip right next to us.

Holy shit! I pick up the dryad and run back to the mansion. Gunshots sound behind me. My right leg explodes with blinding pain.


The space is filled with my laughter.

Yes, it's a hit-and-run, no pain, but the mobility of the limb has clearly decreased. I cover the last meters and dive fishily into the doorway.

"Ivy, honey, we need to barricade the doors now."

The dryad struggled to raise her arm, but then a fit of pain twisted her again. It's really bad...

I hide Pamela behind the side staircase leading to the second floor, and move closer to the doors. There were only three attackers, and they're trying to take me alive, so I have a good chance of dealing with them.

"Where is he?"

The trio of bandits burst into the room, looking around carefully.

~Bam! ~

An accurate throw of an iron trash can takes one out of the game.

"On the right!" they managed to turn around, but one of them flies off, catching my powerful blow with his body.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! What bitches, you want a reward?"

"Stay back!"

The rifle in the hands of the last man standing on his feet moves around.

"Yes, yes. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"

Concentration soars to unprecedented heights. A diagonal jerk helps me avoid a shot, and then my fist collides with the bandit's face.

"Whew. I need to get myself some gadgets, or I'll be fighting with chairs and trash cans, they're not aerodynamic, hah!"

I locked the front door, then walked over to the girl lying in the fetal position, bandaging my wound. The bullet had gone through without hitting any arteries, so I'd live.

"Hey, you okay?"

"It hurt..."

Tears glistened in Ivy's eyes.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Water... Bathtub..."

"Got it," I pick up the dryad and carry her over to the fountain, lowering her into the water. "Better?"

"S-s-s-s-s. A little bit. Is that blood?"

"Nope," I was kneeling in the water, so the dripping blood was washing off, getting on the green conservationist's skin.

"Are you hurt?"

"Bullshit, it's not a fatal wound."

Harley's friend touched her hair and pulled a small green stalk out of it. I've seen this before, when she treated an orderly, turning such stalks into large leaves, so I gently stop the girl's hand.

"Don't. It's really not a fatal wound, so save your strength."

The girl relaxed, covering her eyes.

"What was that stuff?" I asked the question.

"I don't know. Some kind of toxin that affected my powers," the dryad struggled to move her lips. "I feel like I've had herbicide, only this stuff is a hundred times worse."

Shit, I need an antidote, but I can't make one myself: I don't have the skills. But I know someone who can. If I've got it right, this nasty fog is a byproduct of titanium, or it is titanium itself, which means I need its creator.

"Ivy, I want to find Dr. Yang and have her create an antidote. Why don't I move you to the bathtub in our room and block the door with furniture?"

The girl nodded weakly. I picked her up and headed for the east wing. In our room, I drew water and dipped the dryad into it, who began to moan again.

"Ivy, hang in there, I'll try to get back as soon as I can."

I block the entrance to our room and run to the warden's office.

"Hey there, do you know where Dr. Yang is?"



"Why do you need this information?"

"Stop playing the Jew. Ivy's been exposed to some kind of toxin and I need an antidote now!"

There was silence for five seconds, but then I did get an answer:

"She was supposed to be working in the med block in the experimental ward today!"

"Thank you!"

I run for the exit, then stealthily make my way to the first roadblock, noting the increased number of bandits, but I don't care about them now. Swearing quietly, I climb up the rock face and traverse the airlock cave to the ceiling, clinging to the steel supports that hold the cave in place. How grateful I am that the designer made the vents wide.

A march through the central part of the island with the ICU building, and once again I find myself in front of the steel doors of the huge gate. But this time the ventilation shaft is not so easy to reach without climbing equipment. So I carefully peek through the observation window, mentally preparing myself for a fight, and freeze, looking at the escaped patients lying here and there.

Bats, and this could only have been done by you, thank you so much.

The airlocks open and I find myself on the east side of the island. To my right is the compartment I'm looking for. There are no aggressive people in the foreseeable space, so I quickly run to the doors, swinging them open with my foot. I knew roughly the plans of all the buildings because I had prepared myself before visiting this wonderful place. Ahead of me was a small anteroom where six people could barely fit together, so I had no fear of resistance in this narrow area, but instead of the expected thugs, I was suddenly confronted by a girl dressed as a cheerleader.


My surprise was unparalleled.

"Mr. J?!"

Much to my assistant's surprise and delight.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

I barely missed the baseball bat that hit me in the head.

"Don't worry, Mr. J, I remember where that beam hit you, so just hold still for a few seconds so I can get a good aim," the girl said, still waving her weapon around.

"Ha-ha-ha. Oh, stop it! I'm fine! It was Clayface taking advantage of my image," I tried to explain myself, but the blonde wasn't listening to me at all, trying to hit me. Well, it was time for the heavy artillery.

"If you don't stop, I'll tie you up and make you watch me fuck Ivy and I won't even touch you!"

The girl froze, then uttered in disbelief:

"Mr. J?"

"Who else?"

"Mr. J!" a second and she throws herself around my neck, covering my face with kisses. "You're normal!"

"Ha-ha-ha, sort of," I spun the joyful girl around and kissed her back. "How did it even occur to you to bring me back with a blow to the head?"

"It's Mousey. We sat together in the library and saw the report about you... You were laughing like a madman again. Well, crazier than the other day. and saying such scary things. I like the new you a lot better."

Harley rubbed her head against me like a cat.

"Where's Mousey herself?"

"She's sneaking through the vents to attack the bandits from above. Damn it, we've got to save her!"

Harley rushed forward with her bat.

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