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92.66% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 240: Awakenings

Chapitre 240: Awakenings

I don't own Star Wars

Crete was as black as the empty void around it with only the light of a distant sun to even guide our ship towards it. Nothing but rocks, dust, and ruins of ancient cities long glassed by sith weapons, or republic weapons… did it really matter? It was a dead rock.

I felt the shocks of the ship bounce as I landed it on the plant. Oriana smiled fondly at me and rubbed my shoulder. "Getting better." She said as I shut the flight systems down and glanced out the window at the vast ruins before us… collapsing buildings, towers spires long collapsed, statues worn away and smashed, burn trees and dusty winds…

We landed on the far side of the plant, which means it was night outside. I got out of my seat as all the other girls exited their rooms. Lala in her underwear and yawning as she scratched herself, Lidia sighed as she eyed the naked Zeltron.

"…Would you like to get dressed first?" she asked as Lala looked down at her body and shrugged.

"…Nah I think I'm good… what do you think Kal, Baby should I get dressed?" I sighed quietly.

"…It's too dark outside to go exploring now." Oriana said firmly as Lidia… pouted, I think is the best word. "We can wait for a bit of light I think."

"I'd rather get it over with quickly if it's all the same to you." Lidia noted frankly, "I don't want to be caught by Imperial forces…"

Oriana nodded slowly, "There haven't been any patrols in this district for months. Our contacts in the Empire gave us her word on that."

And Aida would not lie… to me… in this circumstance… probably.

Lidia sighed and crossed her arms. "Well… I could just go alone."

"We'll wait for daylight." I replied firmly, "You never know what's waiting for you in the dark." I added as Nerri walked to the pilot's cabin glance out at the darkness.

"Well… it's a dead world so that might not be much." She then rubbed her eyes, "…But I also wouldn't say no to a good rest."

Lidia smiled wistfully and shook her head, "Well since I'm being outvoted on my own mission. Fine. We'll set out properly at first light. We could've stayed in orbit if that was the case…" she added but Oriana glanced down over the railing at Rattletrap and T260 who seemed to be in a constant state of back and forth repairs.

Rattletrap would repair something, T260 would fix it. T260 would attempt to fix something else and Rattletrap would repair it. Oddly enough it seemed like they were both doing half-assed jobs. Each fixing what the other missed… didn't stop them from arguing, or Rattletrap from yelling at T260 and the astromech 'beep-booping' angrily back.

"…I honestly would sleep better knowing that those two won't cause a catastrophic system failure and we get sucked out a crack in the wall." She noted softly, "Rest will do us good. We've barely slept since that excursion with Sawtooth."

"I suppose we have been planet hopping a lot…" Lidia finally admitted, "…Alright…" she then returned to her cabin, all of which have been fitted with actual doors since T260's arrival and rivalry with Rattletrap. But she hesitated outside, "…We'll rest for the night." she shut her cabin behind her as Oriana rolled her eyes, whispering to me softly.

"Not that we could stop her if she tried to leave anyway…" she turned to Nerri and returned to the pilot's cabin, "Come on we might as well run a few scans on the planet, maybe we'll find something." Nerri nodded.

"Right. Although even in ruins those buildings might cause some problems for the scanners-" I stopped listening to their conversation but I could hear the power in the ship transfer to the scanning instruments. Lala stretched her mostly nude body before returning quietly to her room with a coy smirk and I went down the elevator…

T260 beeped and bwooed as Rattletrap's hand protruded from a hole in the floor, slapping around towards a set of tools. "Hand me the *unintelligible Jawa noise* if you're going to keep complaining…" he replied as T260 pushed some sort of combination screwdriver and blowtorch with its treads into his hand before it vanished back into the hole.

"Beep-Beep BWoo."

"I know that the power is fluctuating." Rattletrap replied, "I can't do anything about that until we overhaul the entire system." His head popped out of the hole. "I can't do anything about that in SPACE…" he replied.

"We're not in space." I replied as he shrugged.

"But we're going to be before I have the time to do what I need."


"I COULD do that, but I don't want to." he replied before dropping back into the vent. "If you want to do something other than yap at me, try rewiring the stabilizers, they're on the fritz." T260 made a furious screech, rattling side to side before spinning around and speeding away, but soon hooked himself into one of the many ports and began buzzing and sparking…

I released a deep sigh, at least they aren't shouting at each other anymore. Suddenly feeling exhausted I grabbed a quick drink of water, then went back into my room before collapsing onto my cot and almost instantly dozed off to the sound of their work echoing through the ship.

I'm not sure how long I slept but I awoke abruptly to the sound of footsteps in my room. My instincts acting before my reason. "Shuush." Lala purred with my hand around her throat. I took a breath and let go… the fact that she was in my room wasn't so much of a surprise, neither was the fact that she was naked, but that she snuck in at all was curious…

"Lala, what are you do-" she put her hands on my chest and shoved me back onto my bed. I blinked up at her and snorted, "Oh."

"Oh? Just 'oh?' the fact that I'm naked so elect more than an oh, Kal baby…" she leaned over me and pressed her lips to mine. "Mmmn-mmn…" rubbing my chest as she pulled away from our kiss to slid down, sitting on her heels as she spread my legs apart and rubbed my increasingly bulging cock…

I didn't say a word and neither did she as she unzipped me, reaching into my pants and extracting my throbbing length, biting her bottom lip in anticipation as she gazed up at me, stroking my shaft as it twitched in her hand… before vanishing in her mouth. "MMngh…"

She buried her face into my crotch, taking the entirety of my shaft into her throat and massaging my thighs as I relaxed… then rested a hand on her purple-haired head as she trembled, cooing softly as her hips waggled on her feet.

She slowly began to move her head back and forth along my length, her tongue sliding up and down my shaft as it stuck out from her lips at the tip, before being shoved back in as she took all of me back into her throat with a soft gagging sound that made me harder… I ground my teeth together, sinking into the feeling of her headgame as my hand on her head tightened FIRMLY around her ponytail.

"Mgph?" she shuddered as I released a growl, completely on reflex, I was enjoying her attention I couldn't deny it. But it was taking everything I had not to pound her face like an animal. I wanted to enjoy her mouth, not use it… One fist coiled in my sheets the other in her hair I yanked her slowly back to my tip. "MMGh-SLURP, mmmmn-hmn!" her purple lips stretching leaving a trail of slobber behind them until they rested around my glans and suckled notedly. She gazed into my eyes, awaiting my response. Or perhaps my orders but I was never comfortable giving them…

"Bwaah." She popped off my tip abruptly, running her tongue around it and cooed softly, "Want to cum Kal, Baby? When's the last time you emptied those balls in a warm hole? Huh?" she whispered, opening her mouth wide and breathing heavily on my skin as it quivered from her hot breath against her saliva dripping off my length. "Want to shoot it in my throat? Want me to taste it first?" her tongue flicked on my urethra, probing it curiously for any precum as I growled. "Or maybe just pin me down and let what comes naturally?"

"…Don't stop." I said finally, but… it sounded more pleadingly than anything as she grinned almost in triumph.

"I'll suck you dry Kal, baby…" and she dove down my length without resistance, burying her face back into my crotch as I almost howled in pleasure. It was like she was holding back the whole time, and now at the dizzying speed she was flying up and down my length I was almost assured of it.

She needed no help from me even if my hand seemed glued to her ponytail, she winked up at me as she hilted my cock into her throat, slid to my tip, then slammed her face back down sputtering around it and drooling as I opened my mouth.

"Ha!" I covered it quickly, snarling into my hand as she buried my length into her throat one final time and moaned… my seed rushing directly into her stomach as she snarled playfully, jerking her face like a dog with a bone.

"Mmngh-umgh…" she jerked her head slower, before bouncing it back and forth but her lips didn't leave my base until if finally stopped ejaculating and she slid to my tip. "Bwaah… ahh…" she gasped, keeping her mouth open with sticky strings of saliva hanging inside like spider's thread before she closed it and smirked at me. "…Nothing quite like warm glass of milk to help a girl sleep."

I breathed heavily, my length hanging limp off the bed as she leaned forward and kissed it delicately making it twitch, she rested her hands on my bed to push herself up. "Well Kal, baby I can see your too tuckered out to play some more, so-"

…I knew she was egging me on… but perhaps some combination of my Kane pride, my Shistavaanan instincts and my Firemane lust flared my loins back to life and I got to my feet, my rigid cock smacking against her surprised face as she quickly smiled at me. "Oh… well nevermind-whoop!"

I hauled her up from the floor, then tossed her face down on my bed. "Face down." I growled, slamming her face into my pillow as she squealed delightedly, "Ass UP." I lifted her hips up so quickly off the bed I lifted her from it and let her drop on her knees. Her curvaceous and plump pink ass in the air, her pussy dripping arousal as she managed to twist her face from my pillow grinning cheekily at me as I climbed onto the bed, mounting her from behind as I pinned her down with my hands on her back. I gripped her hair again, yanking it back as she lifted her head with a laugh and I slammed it back into my pillow to muffle her screams.

I pierced into her soft, warm pussy with one heavy thrust and she tightened around me immediately, her arms and legs tensing up, her fingers clutching my pillow to her face as her scream of orgasm was effectively subdued. "MMMRRGH! MMGH! MMNGH! MMNGH!!" her nose and mouth were muzzled by the pillow but her eyes spun in her head as she gazed into the far wall, squealing with each thrust of my hips and rapidly increasing as I pounded away at her upraised backside, her pink-skinned ass cheeks rippling pleasantly with the smacking of my hips.

She was tight and fitted perfectly to me, I don't know if that was a zeltron thing or if we were just that compatible but it didn't matter. I was focused on one thing and one thing only, my release, and considering after 10 minutes of relentless pounding she's climaxed three-now four times, I needed to focus.

Her fourth spasm finally turned her legs to jello and they stretched out behind me lying her flat on the bed as she shuddered erotically, squealing into my pillow now soaked with her drool. I fell flat on her body and made her head jump from my pillow in a silent scream.

"Eeeeeeaaah…" the sound hissed from her lips like an airhorn with no air, my cock was balls deep in her body and feeling her inner walls tighten around me, fueling my instincts as I covered her mouth, pulled back my cock, and slammed HARD into her body until finally I didn't pull back out. I growled in her ear and felt her fifth orgasm turn her body into one coiled muscle, twitching and moaning into my hand as I flooded her womb, not a drop escaped her insides as I sighed heavily… remaining on top of her as she panted for breath through her nose…

I finally pulled my hand away as her tongue lolled and she shivered my teeth nibbled on her neck, and ear possessively as her toes curled in my sheets, her legs rubbing against mine fondly as I took a breath and rested my head over her shoulder on the bed. Remaining still…

"…Uh…" my eyes opened slowly, viewing the back of Lala's purple hair. "…Kal, Baby? Can I get up now?"

"No." I growled, closing my eyes.

"Uh… Kal… baby? I'm done… promise… I'll sleep like a log."

"…Then sleep." I snarled, not opening my eyes as her inner walls trembled around my cock, still buried inside her.

"Oh come on Kal I-" I raised my head from the bed, resting my lips against her upraised her. I slid my tongue into it as she squeaked and remained silent before I HISSED my final words deep into her ear canal before I went back to sleep.

"If I want more. I don't have to go get you." She tightened around me like a vice, biting her lower lip nervously, squirming beneath me like trapped prey. And without another word, I rested my head down on the bed and went right back to sleep with a mumbling Lala beneath me. Her body was tight and warm around my cock… I had good dreams… felt good too.

Master Lidia

Master Knox worries too much. Kallus and his crew are trustworthy, and they mean well but I can just have a quick peek outside, find the labyrinth entrance and be off this rock before T2 and Rattletrap start an open war on each other… I waited long enough for them to sleep, before breaking my meditation and getting off my bed. I retrieved my robe, my kit, my lightsaber, and made sure my form-fitting suit wasn't loosened anywhere… considering it was squeezing my body extra tight, perhaps I should lay off the blue milk treats…

I made no sound. I trick of the force I learned from Master Knox that has come in handy more than once. T2 was charging in the engine rooms and Rattletrap was… somewhere, still working I imagine. Nerri says he has some sort of secret room but where he could have that on this ship I wouldn't be able to tell you.

I snuck past Lala's room. Shut: and Nerrisa's: also shut. Oriana was asleep in the cockpit and that just left Lala, more than likely asleep, and Kallus who I would have to be most careful off. His shistavaanan instincts are not to be underestimated-

"MMMGH!!" I paused, Kallus's door was just barely opened, less than an inch. I glanced inside it and- "MMGh! MNNGh!"

…They were having sex… I… should not be surprised they were having sex… but… I couldn't look away…

Lala was… she looked so… I don't know how to say it but clearly… she LOVED it. I've never seen another woman so enthralled before. It's not like I watch seedy holo-vids or the Holo-girls this was a new experience for me… I've never seen it happen… like this.

…Wow look at him go… all muscles and raw stamina and animal-NOOOOOOOoo… I am better than this! I have met hundreds of handsome men like Kallus. Jedi, republic officers, even a few of my old youngling classmates I used to have a crush… on…

…I couldn't look away. I know Kallus is… well he's a KANE and a FIREMANE and, well, some of my Master's intelligence reports do not embellish what they get up to. Aiden Firemane, Roland Firemane… they satisfy the multiple women in their lives after all…

Stop watching them Lidia… STOP. WATCHING. THEM… now… do it NOW. My eyes widened however as Lala went flat on the bed and Kal didn't stop. He just kept… he just kept going and going and going… How many times has she ORGASMED?!

One of my former masters, a female, once encouraged self-experimentation to prevent future curiosity… and to wheedle out a few students who needed to be given extra attention to prevent addiction… I experienced such a bodily function once and it took effort… yet Lala must have orgasmed at least twice from my viewing!

Kal finally stopped… Lala was still and for a moment I thought she passed out. Or Kal had fornicated her to death that was clearly an option from what I've seen. But she looked so… content. Blissful… Kal whispered something in her ear and lied back down… clearly going to sleep, still on top of her.

No longer hypnotized by their act I finally managed to pull away but… I was out of breath, my face was hot, my legs shuddered and my… well… I… I needed to take a bath I think. I clenched my fists and stripped off my robe heading back to my room.

…I… I need to meditate. A lot.

End of chapter

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