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41.93% Fall for the Void / Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Chapitre 13: Chapter 13

"What are you doing here Deku?" Bakugo yelled as little explosions went off in his hands. Izuku quickly stood up, backing himself into the wall. Beside him, the Herrscher was watching the interaction between the two boys with care.

"I'm not doing anything. Your mom invited us over." Izuku quickly defended as he held his hands up as a sign he meant no harm. The Herrscher frowned at him and forced his arms back down. Izuku's eyes widened as his arms moved to his side. He tried to move them back up but he was met with resistance from the Herrscher.

"Stop that!" The Herrscher spoke. Izuku didn't listen and continued to resist. "Do not submit yourself to that weakling. You are embarrassing us." She warned Izuku. He didn't listen to her.

"Are you making fun of me?" Bakugo sneered; his voice embittered as a vein popped out on his forehead. "Why you!" He threw a right hook at Izuku, his fist colliding quickly with Izuku's face. The green and black-haired boy, staggered back against the wall using it to support himself.

Izuku breathed deeply, holding his left cheek. It hurts a lot but it was nothing new. He could see the Herrscher's disapproving stare. She let out a sigh as she leaned back against the wall. "Well, are you just going to take that? Give me the reigns, let me finish him off" She whispered to him as her eyes drifted over to Bakugo. "Look at him." She commanded.

Izuku's eyes followed and to his surprise, Bakugo was also recoiling in pain. He was currently clutching his right shoulder as he bit back a scream. Izuku could feel the smugness on the Herrscher's face. "He's weaker than he once was, and you're stronger than before. If not me, then you can thrash him." The Herrscher tempted.

Izuku ignored the Herrscher. "Bakugo are you alright?" He asked the injured boy. His response was Bakugo thrusting his hand into his chest and releasing an explosion. The force pushed him back into the wall. Izuku gasped in pain as he struck the wall before Bakugo kneed him in the stomach. Izuku bent forward, clutching his abdomen. It hurt, it hurt a lot. Still, he'd bear it. He forced himself to stand back up straight.

"Fight back, Izuku. Punch him, kick him, headbutt the bastard" The Herrscher told him as she clenched her fists. It egged her to see her host like this. He was fine submitting himself to his bully, but against her, he'd resist. "Just do something, anything."

"I don't need your pity Deku." Bakugo yelled. "You think just because I'm injured, that means I'm some weakling like you now." Bakugo punched him in the ribs.

"No." Izuku apologized. "I ….would…. never." He defended himself. His voice was shaky. He didn't want to be here, to be facing Bakugo right now. He could feel his body starting to tremble as his palms became sweaty. It was an all too familiar feeling to him.

"You damn nerd! Get out of my sight right now." Bakugo ordered as he stepped forward. He expected Izuku to cower, to run away like the pest he was.

"No." The Herrscher spoke when she sensed Izuku's desire to leave. Izuku's feet were rooted in the ground and his body refused to move, as if it was paralyzed. "You will not run away, not this time. If you insist on resisting me then you ought to resist him as well."

It was no good. The Herrscher insisted on keeping him here. Looks like he had no choice, he had to try reasoning with Kachaan. "Bakugo, please, I don't want to hurt you." Izuku tried to warn his former friend. He didn't want to hurt him, to let the Herrscher out, not when so many others were around.

"Really…you think you can hurt me." Bakugo chuckled. "Give it your best shot." Bakugo taunted. As if the little quirkless wimp would do anything.

"Come on, Izuku, he's actually asking for you to do it." The Herrscher pointed out to the quirkless boy.

"No, that's not what I meant." Izuku tried to defend. "I just wanted to apologize." He spoke with a tremble in his voice. "For the Herrscher."

"The Herrscher," Bakugo said in a quieter voice, his eye slowly twitching. His teeth clenched as he heard the name of that wretch. He grabbed Izuku with his good arm and pulled him close. "What do you have to apologize for with the Herrscher?" Bakugo glowered at the boy.

"If…I…was there." Izuku stuttered. If he was awake at the time, perhaps he could have stopped the Herrscher, perhaps he could have convinced her not to do it. "I could have done something."

"What do you think you could even do?" Bakugo slammed Izuku back on the wall. "You think you could have saved me from the villain? Get it through your skull Deku. You're no hero." He mocked as he threw Izuku back on the ground. "I'm sure if you had been there, you'd have been dead on the spot. Heck, I bet the Herrscher wouldn't even kill you because that's how pathetic you are. It would be a waste of time."

The Herrscher didn't say anything and quite frankly Izuku didn't want her to speak. It was horrifying enough to live with her but he could only imagine the terrifying situation he'd be in without the mercy of being her host. It was very likely to be true as well.

"I'm nothing like you Deku," Bakugo repeated. "I'm not weak like you. When I recover, I'm going to train my quirk and get even stronger. Then when I become a hero…I'll make sure that whore pays." He clenched his fist as he glared at Izuku.

"Izuku." The Herrscher whispered darkly. "If you don't fight back. I will." The Herrscher threatened she was growing more and more annoyed by the boy attacking her host and insulting her as well.

Izuku tried to ignore the Herrscher's words as he looked over Bakugo. The explosion user was mad, anger practically radiated from his body. Yet Izuku saw something else, something he'd never thought he'd see on Bakugo. "You're shaking." He commented.

This seemed to surprise Bakugo whose eyes widened briefly. "What?" He gasped in surprise before looking down at his hand. "No, I'm not," Bakugo told him.

"You're afraid of the Herrscher," Izuku commented. It was a familiar feeling. One he had gotten to know too well. Of course, Bakugo didn't have the Herrscher's soul bonded to him, but Izuku could only imagine how much trauma she might have had.

"Me…. afraid." Bakugo gritted his teeth. He wasn't afraid. She had just gotten lucky. That was all. If he faced her again things would be different. "I'm not afraid." He screamed at Deku. He threw another punch, this time with his left hand, his quirk igniting once more.

Izuku braced himself. Prepared to take the blast head-on. He didn't want it to hit. It was going to hurt a lot. He didn't want to deal with another explosion, but he had to.

"ENOUGH!" The Herrscher screamed in Izuku's head. Izuku felt the Herrscher's will overtake him. He tried to stop it, but he couldn't. It was too strong at this point. He could feel the control of his body, get ripped right away from him.

Bakugo's eyes widened as green eyes turned gold and black hair turned white.

"How are you and Masaru taking it?" Inko questioned as she sat down with Mitsuki. She could only imagine just how scary such a situation might be.

Mitsuki looked at her friend and sighed. "We're glad he's alive," Mitsuki answered as she sipped her tea. "But it was still a terrifying time."

"Yeah, it's good things are better now," Inko noted.

"We still haven't told him." Mitsuki lamented as she placed her cup down. She glanced over at the stairway making sure no one was there. "According to the doctors, Katsuki's arms are damaged enough that his ability to use his quirk is now compromised."

"But he can still them right?" Inko questioned.

"Yeah, he can, but the kickback now will hurt him," Mitsuki noted. "Even when he fully recovers, he'll never be able to use them like how he used to. He's always been a proud boy…. overconfident at times, but he was always so sure of his quirk." Mitsuki noted. "Now I'm just wondering how to break it to him."

"Katsuki's a strong and stubborn child. I'm sure he'll be fine." Inko assured her.

"Inko, I know this is going to sound rude," Mitsuki told her. "But how did you handle it when you had to tell Izuku?"

Inko froze. She turned her gaze from Mitsuki and looked at her cup of tea. "I…I don't think I handled it well either. I was fortunate the Doctor had just bluntly told him. All I could do was try and console him afterward." Inko recalled.

"Somehow I don't think he'd be in the mood." Mitsuki chuckled. "There's a reason we have our floors and ceilings soundproof. When he starts exploding his frustrations it can be unpleasant." She noted.

"I sure hope Izuku and him are doing okay." Inko sighed as she looked up.


"Oh, that's probably, Masaru. I'll go get the door." Mitsuki told Inko as she walked to the door.

"Inspector Naomasa!" Mitsuki gasped. Inko looked over from where she was sitting and saw two strange men at the door.

With a space, a purple void, The Herrscher of the Void had appeared before the young boy, his bedroom and hallway fully devoured by her domain. Her face was expressionless but her gaze was cold and unfeeling. Amber eyes pulsed with a radiant power, alien to this world and its inhabitants. They were devoid of any emotion, any warmth that was familiar to other beings. They were an empty void threatening to swallow the arrogant child.

Bakugo's body had frozen in its place at the woman before him. Her skin was pale, almost white like that of a ghost and her hair was just snowy. Bakugo tried to move but he felt his body stiffen even more as if he was being clutched by an invisible force.

He was powerless, he was helpless, he wanted to scream, but his mouth couldn't open. The Herrscher lifted her hand right hand and clenched her fist. Without even touching him, Bakugo felt a hand grasp around his neck as the air was forced out of his body. It was agonizing but no matter what, Bakugo couldn't make a sound, not a peep.

He opened his palms trying to make an explosion, but two portals appeared and devoured both his hands, leaving him with two stubs. After what felt like an eternity, the Herrscher released her 'grip' and Bakugo could finally breathe. He gasped for air.

"Too weak." She finally spoke softly, she was floating a few feet away, yet it felt like she was right next to him, her lips just barely touching his ears as she whispered. She formed a familiar lance above her head

Bakugo realized what that was. He started breathing heavily. His heart racing a million beats a minute. No, it couldn't be. Not again. Without hesitation, the lance was launched at him.

"NO!" Bakugo screamed as he covered himself. He didn't want to be impaled again. He waited, he expected the lance would skewer him again, but it never did. Slowly he he opened his eyes and noticed none other than Izuku, huddling up against the wall, right where Bakugo had last seen him, when he was just mere moments away from striking.

"What?" Bakugo asked as he looked around. There was no one here, only the useless Deku. He glanced over at Deku, black and green-haired Deku.

Deku didn't say anything, instead, he was huddled in the corner, his eyes averted from Bakugo. Suddenly Izuku stood up and Bakugo heard footsteps.

"Boys?" Inko called. Not wanting anyone else to see him like this, Bakugo also stood up, just as Inko came into view. "Mitsuki wants you both downstairs," Inko commented.

"We'll be right down," Izuku answered in a monotone voice as he tried to hide his face. "I just have to use the bathroom." He commented before heading to the nearby washroom. He hurried inside.

Bakugo meanwhile tried to maintain his image. He forced a calm expression on his face before agreeing to go with Inko. As he walked he felt his throat as a new memory had been engraved into him.

He was hallucinating. That's it. His meds were still making him trippy. There was no way she was here. She couldn't possibly be here. Why would she be here?

Inside the washroom, 'Izuku' locked the door before walking over to the sink. He scowled at his reflection, his amber eyes furious. 'Izuku' turned on the tap and splashed himself with some water as he did, his eyes faded to green. The young boy almost doubled over as he felt his body felt drained, just barely keeping himself standing by supporting himself on the vanity.

"What was that?" The Herrscher grumbled as she appeared beside the boy. The boy didn't answer her immediately. The contents of his stomach started to spill out into the sink, the repeated strike to his belly and the Herrscher's power had made him nauseous.

"I…couldn't let you hurt him." Izuku reasoned as he turned to face the Herrscher.

"That's not what I meant." The Herrscher muttered under her breath as she floated towards Izuku. The young boy backed away from the young lady as she invaded his personal space. "I meant…what was that stunt you pulled back there." The Herrscher hissed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Izuku defended.

"Oh yeah." The Herrscher scoffed she then gestured to the mirror. "Explain that." She told him.

Izuku glanced in the mirror noticing the bruised spots that had started to appear on his face from where Bakugo had hit him. There was slight swelling and some areas had started to change color.

"I'm waiting." The Herrscher glowered as she stood behind him.

"I…." Izuku tried to find the words. "This was an accident." He tried to argue.

"Oh is it."

"Yes. Bakugo's not usually like this." Izuku tried to defend. "He's…."

"Worse." The Herrscher finished. The memories had definitely shown far worse states than what she was seeing.

"He's not himself," Izuku argued. "He's…under distress." His eyes then glared at the Herrscher. "From you."

"Oh really." The Herrscher rolled her eyes. " From me. I only met him a few days ago. What about all the times before that, Izuku?" The Herrscher pressed on.


"Yeah…go one Izuku…spit it out." The Herrscher jeered.

"It was my fault." Izuku reasoned. "I…" He was stopped when the Herrscher held up her hand.

"No." She told him. "Don't even say it. It wasn't your fault. It was his. He's the one who instigates those beatings." She answered. "You're blind if you don't see it."

"No. I'm just…" Izuku tried to find the words. "I don't want to hurt anyone. He's my friend. He's a good person, a future hero."

"You call that a friend." The Herrscher scoffed. "Don't make me laugh human, I have seen true bonds and yours with that worm, Bakudo is but a pathetic wretched thing. A friend is someone you play games with. A friend is someone willing to fry their brain to save you from danger. A friend is someone who can stick beside you…even if you are bonded to me." The Herrscher growled.

She recalled very vividly one very annoying yet very persistent insect who had dared to challenge her. A girl with silver hair, who had to rely on a robot to fight her and didn't even have real legs. The Herrscher may have hated her, but she certainly was aware enough to know she was a good friend. A friend named Bronya.

"Izuku…look at what he did to you." The Herrscher reiterated.

"It's nothing. It doesn't even hurt that much." Izuku reasoned. The Herrscher reached her fingers out and gently caressed his cheek. "Ouch." He winced. The Herrscher shot him an unimpressed look.

"He hurt you." The Herrscher glared at him.

"Why do you even care?" Izuku questioned.

"I don't." The Herrscher responded. She didn't. She just couldn't stand that her host, the one who was limiting her, who was restraining her was this…boy, before her. "I could feel every hit you received." She explained to him.

Izuku's eyes widened. "Oh you forgot, we're linked. Remember? Just like how you felt the acid burning you, I felt his blows. Every. Single. One." The Herrscher explained. "And you just stood there, and you let him do it. You just took it." She whispered.

"I couldn't do anything," Izuku told her.

"You could have asked me." The Herrscher told him. "I was right there, Izuku. One word and I would have solved it."

"You would have killed him." Izuku reasoned.

"Even if that's true….you still had so many other choices." The Herrscher scolded.

"I couldn't move. You kept me there. You forced me to stay there."

"I did…because I wasn't going to let you be a coward." The Herrscher told him. "But….I was wrong."

"I'm not…a coward," Izuku answered.

"Oh, you aren't. You had multiple choices in that situation." The Herrscher held up three fingers at him. "A, ask for my help, B, block him, or C, counterattack and fight back on your own. You know what you did, D, do nothing." The Herrscher scolded. "YOU. DID. NOTHING!"

Izuku said nothing in response. It irked her even more. She gritted her teeth as she stared at the boy.

It was frustrating to the Herrscher. If it was Kiana, she would have fought back. She would have beaten the brat senselessly for attacking her or her friend. "You are weak, Izuku, but it's not because you don't have a quirk." The Herrscher spat. "It's because you don't have a spine. If you had a spine, maybe people would actually notice you, especially if you actually stood on your own two feet and didn't double over when you got knocked over."

"You admired that boy because of his strength. Yet you never had the courage to stand back up…after he tore you down." The Herrscher scoffed. "Perhaps he was right if I didn't need your body. It would have been a waste to destroy."

Izuku still said nothing.

How could this…insect be the one to hold back? How is it that this is the human whose will can stop her? It was maddening to think about. It was almost paradoxical. He was so fragile, so 'delicate', so easy to break down to others, yet with her, he was defiant to the end. It was like God decided to pull another twisted joke on her.

"You know what. I've had enough of this." The Herrscher told her host. "I thought this night would be fun, but even I can't find any delight in this. Just head back out and stop wasting my time." The Herrscher sighed.

Izuku for once, did as she had told him. He turned around defeated and headed to the door.

"On second thought. Hold on." The Herrscher told him. Izuku turned to her once more and she floated over to him. She frowned as she saw his swollen face. The Herrscher placed touched his cheeks and Izuku felt a familiar warmth radiate through his body. It was uncomfortably pleasant. "There…that should do it. I would have healed it completely but I think that's a decent punishment for how much of a wimp you are."

Izuku glanced at the mirror and noticed his face. It was healed…somewhat. He brought a finger up to his face, and touch where the bruise had been. "Ouch." He winced. It still hurt…no it hurt even worse now but it looked normal. "What? Why did you?"

"As tempting as it would be to let you go out there and worry your mother. Potentially letting her grill you, and risking ruining her friendship, I am not in the mood for feeling your disgusting emotions running through me again. No doubt you'll tell them the same rubbish you told me so I'm saving us the trouble. Go eat, get it over with, and let's head home." The Herrscher told him.

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