*yeah, I'm still alive. Lot of work, me tired, less write. Sorry yall, I'mma keep trying tho. For now enjoy this silly bit. Peace out and Deus vult*
Mark simply stood idle as Himeko explained the rest of the reason for their return to the Planet of Festivities, going through the subject of the academic conference on the topic of 'Trailblazing' and how they could attend university as guest students. He simply stood by, idly tracing back his memories of the moment that didn't get to arrive.
"Is something on your mind, Mark?" asked Welt, noticing how Mark's gaze had simply fixated itself on the floor, a habit of his done mainly when focused on his thoughts. The others turned to look at him again, expecting some kind of answer, perhaps focused on the nature of their mission or some random bit of information like the usual ordeal that he spewed out from the depths of his psyche.
"Oh, I was just thinking that, before I somehow found myself in this entire mess, I had just finished my finals in high school. Technically, I had been accepted into university; alas, we'll never know how it would have been there for me," he said calmly, nodding slightly as if approving his own words.
"With how dumb you are at times, I'm surprised you even made it that far," chuckled March, yet the tinge of truth in her words hit Mark like a slap in the face.
"As self-aware of my idiocy as I am, it still feels like a slap to have someone else point it out for me," he chuckled, shaking his head slightly.
"What major?" asked Himeko, curiosity carved into her expression, the gentle gaze she usually wore painted with soft undertones of the emotion.
"Software Engineering. Yes, I kinda married my laptop by that point... damn, I miss my laptop..."
As he trailed off with the flicker of love for his now-gone laptop, the others chuckled softly, and Stelle gave him a playful pat on the back.
"Being married to your laptop sure sounds a bit sad. I'm glad that you're touching more grass with us and you're exploring the universe."
The comment brought back memories of simple times when touching grass was the issue he'd use with most of his friends that were too busy either playing games all day or reading fanfics to no end.
"Well, I did touch more grass than a lot of people I knew, but surely it can't hurt to touch some more."
Deep was the sigh that left his lungs as he ran a sluggish hand through his hair, feeling the now somewhat long locks of hair. It had been a while, and it sure did keep growing before he even knew it. Just then, he became aware of how the shorter strands on the sides were prickling his earlobe, silently threatening to take over if given enough time. His forehead scrunched as his irises moved upwards to the now-visible hair that fell over his forehead and now got into his eyes.
"Fuck," he muttered, moving it aside once more. Himeko chuckled slightly, while Stelle and March, somewhat curious, began running their hands through it, and Mark didn't even bother protesting.
"It seems like you need a haircut," she said as the sight before her slowly evolved into March and Stelle silently communicating about tying his hair into a lot of tiny ponytails. They giggled as their fingers slowly began tugging on it, pulling it from all sides. He simply sighed, glancing over at Dan Heng, who was relieved to not be the object of their silly actions for once.
"Yeah, I could use a haircut. Not too short, cuz I look funny. Just a little at the tips to not let it get into my eyes, and the sides back to low-key 0.5 or whatever," he muttered blankly, the request part of him after the past visits to the barbershop.
"I could trim your hair a little, if it's fine with you," chuckled Himeko, the unexpected offer catching him off guard. For a second, his hand shot up to his hair, trying to figure out if her hairstylist skills were the same as her cooking ones.
"Uhm... you know what? I'll just wear a damn cap if it goes wrong. I guess I'll get a little haircut before our little university experience."
Stelle and March kept tugging on his hair, his head moving around until they finally let go of him, the mess left behind reminiscent of a tornado ravaging all in its path.
"In that case, I'll go get the equipment. It's pretty hard to get haircuts here while on the Express, so we handle it ourselves," she added, and before Mark could say anything else, she went off to grab the things. Meanwhile, he left the group and prepared for the ordeal, a bit unsure of whether his head would escape safely from the whole thing.
So, there he waited, alone in the bathroom, sitting on a chair in front of the mirror. He didn't yet have a change of clothes, so instead of risking his shirt being filled with hair, he took it off, trying to fight back whatever thoughts came swirling in his mind. Just them, alone in there...
"Focus, motherfucker! Focus, alright? The situation is still a little tense between us. Just fucking stop being stupid, alright?"
He let out a heavy sigh, staring at his body in the mirror, the difference in nuance between his new arm and the rest of his body clear. The bits of Himeko's sword were still in his shoulder, a heart-shaped reminder of her sacrifice, her nature, and his wish to protect the Himeko of this world. He couldn't help but wonder if, maybe, he could've saved that part of her will found within the sword and brought back the real thing. The question, however, would remain without an answer.
The bathroom door opened slowly, revealing Himeko with a tiny suitcase. She shot a glance Mark's way, noticing that he was shirtless. Her cheeks couldn't help but betray a little blush, which quickly faded away as she kept her composure. Her eyes quickly scanned over the changes in his body, traces of sadness lingering inside them.
"Is it... alright?" she asked softly, putting the suitcase down before taking out the scissors, then the hair clipper, and other stuff she'd need. Mark was focused on the mirror, looking over his own arm.
"I'd say it's alright, I guess. Feels normal, behaves normally; I guess it's... fine," he replied, yet the undertone was clear. His voice was strained, a noticeable difference that hinted at clear emotions boiling up inside. She wished to help, and yet he still seemed far away from her. There was a silent distance between them, one that needed a few steps to be closed—but oh, how difficult walking felt in those moments.
She slowly stepped closer, looking down at him, meeting his gaze in the mirror for the briefest of moments. She focused on his shoulder, noticing the heart-shaped bit of metal implanted there. It felt eerily familiar, and without much thinking, she reached out, softly trailing the tips of her fingers along.
"When did you get this?" she asked softly, a little out of it as the smooth surface embedded in his skin was foreign yet known to her.
"Oh, this? When my new hand became a thing inside the cube. It just happened," he said bluntly, not going to reveal the whole truth to her. It was something that could use so much explaining to the point of altering things that he didn't want touched in the slightest. Still, the thought of Himeko meeting her other self brought about a tiny headache, yet it was an issue for another day.
"Just happened? I find it hard to believe, but then again, you speak when you deem it necessary. It's a bit frustrating, I have to admit, but... it's your way of being. I shouldn't be upset," she whispered, the words reaching his ears like feathers caressing his skin.
"Some things aren't meant to be known, while others are meant to be revealed in due time. Who knows what might happen going forward?"
She nodded, the action absentminded as her focus was on the bit of steel in his shoulder. Somehow, it called out to her, so she kept tracing it. Mark, who was watching her expression mirrored in front of him, simply bit back a smile. It took her a while to snap out of it, a moment in which she kept going as if nothing had happened. Her hand reached out for the comb, brushing his hair in preparation.
"So, just a bit at the tips and the sides shorter, right?"
He nodded, watching the process in the mirror.
"Yeah, just that."
Thus, she slowly got ready to work, putting the cover around him before changing the size of how much the clipper would trim, letting it move along the sides of his head. He stood there, attentive, doing his best to not move at all. She was holding his head in place with one hand, moving it a bit when needed as her other one cut down thousands of hair strands.
The buzz of the machine was the only sound in the room for a while; their minds sunk each into its own mess of words, apologies, and questions of all sorts. The colorful assortment was too much, but it needs a good sorting session to bring it back to light.
"You know," she spoke, breaking the constant buzzing with the sounds of her voice. It was filled with emotion, yet Mark couldn't single out which one. "About my reaction back on Penacony, when you were going around with Acheron..."
Mark sighed, smiling slightly. Still, he let her speak, listening intently to every word that came out of her lips.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me, but for some reason, I just lashed out at you. I shouldn't have done that, and... I'm sorry."
He sighed softly, watching how she pulled the machine away from his head as she quickly wiped her eyes.
"It's fine. I understand. I did go ahead randomly and just straight up began speaking with people, dancing, and doing whatever. I expect some things to play out the wrong way. It's like tossing a rock into a lake and expecting it to not cause ripples."
She smiled a bit, meeting his gaze as she looked down his way, noticing that he turned his face her way.
"Just like that? I'll be honest, I expected it to be a little difficult, considering how things played out after that," she chuckled softly, earning herself a simple wave of his hand.
"Water under the bridge. Sure, I threw a fit, cuz I too have emotions and stuff that act up at times, but... knowing you're genuinely sorry is all I need. I was a bit of an asshole too, or at least I feel like that. I'm sorry as well."
Gentle silence settled in before she tugged slightly on his hair.
"I think we should stop this sap show, alright?"
With one light nod from him, she was back to work, dutifully handling his hair, letting it fall down on the cover, the prickly strands forgotten there. Then, it switched to the sound of scissors chirping their little melody while they chattered away about the most random of things, getting to simply know each other a little more. It was a refreshing moment, just being open and relaxed, speaking with calmness and joy.
"Well, it's done. What do you think?"
He tilted his head from side to side as she brushed aside what hair remained, using the brush to clean his neck and shoulders as she pulled the cover away. Her gaze took a quick glance down his torso, noticing that his abdomen was intact, not even a scar remaining in the place.
"I'd say I'm pretty damn handsome. Thanks. I like it."
"You cheeky thing. Looks like you don't hold back on complimenting yourself," she teased, ruffling his hair. He stood up, staring at himself in the mirror. He was far from the same man at the start of the journey. His body didn't feel his own. His arm wasn't his. The question kept lingering in the back of his mind, showing itself anew.
"Am I even human anymore?"
Noticing the deep state of contemplation he was in, she couldn't help but playfully pinch his back.
"Ouch!" he jumped, turning her way. Their gazes locked, the proximity clear.
"You looked so deep in thought I couldn't help myself. Sometimes you make for an easy target, Mark."
"Did you mean to make that pun?"
She scoffed, looking away.
"You and your puns. Of course I didn't mean to make it."
He chuckled.
"The joke sure hit the right 'Mark.' You aim well for the 'marked' target."
She rolled her eyes, trying to fight back the smile that was creeping up her lips.
"See? These jokes left their 'mark' on you. I told you I'm the guy who does that. Name checks out."
She sighed, playfully hitting his shoulder, the soft sound of metal being hit resounding bluntly.
"You sure know how to press all the wrong buttons on someone's mind, don't you?"
He shrugged, raising his brows as he gave a mock 'clueless' face.
"No clue what you're talking about. Now, I should take a shower. Gotta clean the remaining hair on my damned neck and shoulders before I put on my shirt and scream with regret."
"You better hurry then," she warned him playfully. "I might start the warp with you in the shower. You know, payback for the puns and jokes you threw around."
The image did make him laugh, seeing himself sprawled around, legs up in the air, his back on the floor from a simple slip.
"You want little ole' me breaking my back? That's mean, you know?"
She smiled, giving him a quick run over with her gaze before tapping his stomach.
"I see no scar left. If you survived that, I expect you to use some trick and survive this too."
She winked before heading for the door.
"I'll leave you to your shower, alright? Just make sure to be quick since we're about to leave for Penacony once more."
He sighed, stretching a little.
"Yeah, yeah, sure. Not like I'm going to invite you to join me or something," he yawned, covering his mouth. She gave him a teasing look, answering without hesitation.
"Behave yourself, young man. You'd love that, wouldn't you?"
The door clicked closed, and Mark was left there to his devices. The exchange was random, perhaps him opening up too much and making the stupid jokes he used to with his friends, but she took it in stride.
"Hell... I sometimes grow a good pair on the fly then lose it..."
*I'm still alive, fuckers :)) not dyin anytime soon (but I did have work n stuff n got busy so chapters on the low for a while. Gonna see how I handle it moving forward, but I WILL KEEP THIS GOING -not dropping my baby)
So yeah, enjoy. Peace out and Deus vult*
Mark, fresh out of the shower, made sure to dress up and join the others in the parlor car. Wasting time wasn't on his list, since Himeko had made it clear to him that they had a schedule to follow and a place to go to. Thus, he met up with everyone, watching them chat away as he entered the room. March cast a glance at him, grinning from ear to ear.
"Wowee, it seems that Miss Himeko is quite the good hairstylist," she chuckled, to which Stelle joined in on the fun.
"You finally stopped looking like a hobo."
Mark rolled his eyes, scoffing softly.
"Says the raccoon that sleeps in a cardboard box. Maybe once we're done with this silly adventure at the university, I will toss you inside the room and wait until you finish cleaning up."
She crossed her arms, giving him a threatening look.
"You wouldn't dare do that, Mark."
A tiny smirk plastered itself on his lips as he mused.
"Try me."
Dan Heng shook his head, while Himeko chuckled and looked over them both.
"Come on, you two. It's time for us to depart. We'll have enough time to talk about Stelle's room. For now, just get ready."
Mark sat himself down, running a hand through his now neatly trimmed hair, feeling at the prickling sides where Himeko cut it shorter. As if unable to hold it, Stelle rubbed her palm there too, the allure of the spiky head too much for normal people to resist. He sighed, simply allowing whatever to happen at that point.
The familiar countdown began, and soon they were once again ready for the jump. The familiar memories clouded Mark's mind, and before he knew it, both he and Stelle at his side were asleep, coming to a brush up with the incoming chaos, the song of the monkeys.
"Ba, na, na, na~"
The sound was enough to get his body going, and unlike Stelle, Mark woke up at once, ready to throw down should it be needed.
"Whoa, careful. We've arrived," said March, now trying to wake up Stelle. She was asleep like a log, so without a choice, the cheerful girl tossed the glove off and began lightly slapping Stelle's face.
"Bana?" said Stelle, opening her eyes in a confused haze. Mark bit his tongue, the word bringing back headaches.
"Wakey wakey, we've arrived."
With a shake of her head, she got up to her feet, focusing instead on their departure. Everyone walked off, going to the hotel to check in.
"Feels good to be shareholders," said Mark, arms behind his head. The others exchanged glances, breaking out into laughter.
"At this point I think we no longer have any excuse to be surprised. I don't think anyone told you about it since you were stuck within that cube, and yet you're aware of it," said Welt, smiling a little as his cane tapped against the ground.
"Well, I did hear the things spoken around me while I was stuck there. I simply couldn't react. It was a bit like a strange dream," mumbled Mark, cracking his fingers ever so slightly, pushing on them one by one.
His mind was already at work from the moment he set foot in the area. Memories of past trailers and leaks came to him, yet some important details still remained shrouded in the fog of forgetfulness. Welt and Himeko had gone ahead in the game, but now they were all checking in at once. He shrugged, hoping that the little difference wouldn't play out a huge role.
At the hotel lobby, they learned about 'Pom-Pom' having checked in a few days back, to which Dan Heng was quick to play along with Boothill's supposed charade, his little way of meddling within Penacony.
"Yeah, Pom-Pom sure is a little busy at times, you know?" chuckled Mark with the group as they walked to their rooms.
"Well, I think that it's Boothill checking in under Pom-Pom's name," added Dan Heng, his arms crossed as his thoughts were steering right into the subject.
"I see. That sure sounds... interesting, to say the least," added Welt, and Dan Heng went on to further clarify it.
"When we worked together last time in Penacony, he used Pom-Pom's identity then, too. He's the only one I can think of who would do that."
"Boothill? What is he doing here?" asked March, already worried a little about her university experience.
"I don't know. Galaxy Rangers always work alone, but I don't think Boothill would do anything that is detrimental to the Express."
Mark chuckled, shaking his head slightly.
"He hates the IPC, too. Comrade in arms, that's for sure."
"Well now," said Himeko, "I wonder what exactly fuels your hatred for them."
Mark mulled his words over, but then spoke them as sincerely as possible, his tone taking a grim undertone.
"Their plan seems clear, in a way. Preservation done wrong, or so I see it. Just trying to capitalize on the universal market by reinforcing their credits and bullshit. That's how they gain a monopoly over things and thus can increase their influence. In my eyes, the top dogs in there are just money-hungry fuckers who give no shits about human lives."
His voice turned into a low growl, his fists clenched to the point the veins in his palms were bulging out. The tension in the air was as palpable as his hatred.
"They killed billions at this point, all because of some stupid debts, like the thing with Belobog. They stopped caring, only to show up there for money once communication had been restored. I don't blame Topaz for that, but I do blame the higher-ups. At least she does try to make things work."
Stelle lightly tapped him on the shoulder, and he slowly relaxed, realizing just how tense his body had become from speaking those few lines.
"I see," said Himeko, gently patting his back. "You sure seem to have a good heart in that chest of yours, Mark. Just make sure to not let that hate cloud your judgment, alright?"
He sighed, nodding along.
"Fine, fine, enough babying me around. Let's just all go mind our business, alright?"
He gazed at both Himeko and Welt, smiling a little at the context. She had once been his student, at least another version of her, and now both were attending some conference. It was a beautiful reminder of a past that wasn't meant to be.
"You two take care, ok? Don't put anyone to sleep with too much technicality," he joked, earning himself a pair of amused smiles.
"I'll keep that in mind, Mark," said Welt, fixing his glasses.
"I'll make sure to bore you back on the Express when this is done," said Himeko, teasing him back. The others were watching the scene play out, with Stelle and March exchanging knowing glances, like they were sensing something in there, subtle as it was.
Meanwhile, Welt and Mark did exchange glances, silently aware of what the scene felt like. For them both aware of the past, such moments were akin to luxury, even if Mark hadn't lived a difficult life like Welt.
"I guess we split up now, then?" asked March, and the answer was a nod from everyone.
"We'll meet up in the dream, then. See y'all in the Moment of Sol," said Mark, heading off to his room without a worry.
The whole situation didn't bother him much, at least not in the starting stages. Stelle would have to deal with the funny things, such as the Bloodhound family members and the supposed new friend they were to meet. Mark's memories were clearer for once, probably due to all the trailers he saw—and leaks.
And so, he was able to relax in the bathtub, enjoying the feeling, albeit nudged in the side by a hint of anxiety, lingering from his past experiences in the dream world. It had been more of a nightmare for him, and the image of the woman he loved simply turning to flames before his very eyes left scars, subtle as they were—lacking pain on the surface.
Slowly but steadily, he sank into his own fatigue and need for sleep, seeking the dream world. The security system's audio was there, ensuring a safe 'trip,' and yet hell itself had been unleashed. Like a victim strapped to a steel chair, forced to watch psychological horrors on a screen in a dark room, so was he forced to witness the damned monkey video play out before his very eyes.
Still, rebellion was deeply engrained in his being, and the flames of his will flared up in an all-consuming storm, engulfing the images themselves until he woke up inside the dream, with Stelle by his side. She was holding on to her own head, looking as confused as a drunkard tossed out in the street.
"You good, Stelle?" he asked calmly, crossing his arms. She shook her head, meeting his gaze in a haze.
"Did I just witness something strange? Have you seen it, Mark?"
She wasn't in much distress, yet the confusion caused by the unexpected elements did throw her in for a loop.
"I have, yes. Something's off, but I don't know what, exactly. It simply has to do with monkeys, like that one."
His eyes shot forward, staring at the solitary monkey, a tiny creature with goofy eyes, a cowlick on the top of its head, and a pair of oversized glasses threatening to jump off its face. They both approached it, looking down at the little creature. It instantly began singing and making weird 'bana' noises, which they couldn't understand.
Swiftly, like the ever-creeping feeling of solitude, his mind was fogged up, the images of bananas and those damn monkeys clogging up his mind. In a flash, he snapped himself away as his inner being took over, burning any mental intrusion to ashes. Stelle was mumbling the banana gibberish, attracting more monkeys around. Without thinking much, Mark gave Stelle a flick on her forehead, making sure to snap her out of it.
"OUCH!" she jumped, rubbing the sore spot while glaring at him, until realization struck. "What was that?"
Mark's words were left waiting as another voice called out, the person somewhat familiar to him, at least in name and image.
"By the Great Lan above!" shouted the figure, standing above them on the ledge. "A most terrifying close call that was. But fear not! The darkest hour of the night may be upon us, but this majestic skyscraper shall now welcome the start of an epic hunt!"
Dressed in a strange outfit, with a mix between streetwear and some odd sense of fashion, she looked down, making her declarations loudly with a boldness few possessed.
Spray cans in hand, pulled from only she knows where, her entrance was made in stride with a rap moment while Mark and Stelle were staring at her, confusion etched on her face while he was amused, preparing his own little thingy, just in case.
The Dazzling Ninja, AKA Rappa. The last verse marked her introduction, her leap from the building above to their level ending with the can of paint hitting her right on top of the head, ruining her poise. Mark sighed, taking on his own thoughts, throwing a glance Stelle's way before trying to get in on the vibe.
"Can't rap for shit, I got no bars
I left my heat back there, to sink
In my mind, deep underneath
Found my passion for the craft.
Got my sword slinging along,
Cleaving evil for my toll.
Price to pay comes out in blood
So let's go get the job done."
Stelle stared at them both like they were crazy. She wasn't sure if Rappa simply acted like that for some reason, but Mark's random mood swings did worry her a little.
"You're rapping now, Mark? Seriously? Just... I don't even want to know," she announced, crossing her arms together while looking away. Rappa, however, gave him a run over to quickly get an idea about him.
"I see. You have decent skills and seem to be versed in the ways of ninjutsu. However, we have greater issues at hand, especially since those fiendlings have gathered here."
She stared at the monkeys, who were circling around Stelle and Mark, chanting their weird bana song over and over, bringing about the same euphoric mist that sought to cloud his mind. It burned to a crisp, yet Stelle seemed to be affected. Before he could do it, Rappa sprung into action, striking a pose.
"Dazzling Palm: Righteous Chop!"
She looked dead serious as her palm flew Stelle's way, hitting with a loud bam. Mark's finger flick looked like child's play in comparison. At once, her senses were cut off, slowly returning as her mind was cleared from the monkey's influence. Thinking nothing much of it, Mark just turned his attention to the tiny creatures. In a flash, they were gone, running away at the sight of his glare.
"Hm, you're more than adept in the arts of striking fear in the heart of your foe. Well done," she said with a tiny smile, patting his shoulder.
Stelle, now a little more in the realm of the living, tried to understand once more what was going on.
"Mark, what's going on now?"
He sighed, tossing a glance at Rappa, as if waiting for her explanation. Still, she didn't speak much of it, instead focusing on her own mission.
"Come, follow me. The fiends have scattered for now, but the hunt is far from over."
She moved ahead, going to the edge of the building, looking at a weird monkey-shaped thing that seemed to be made up of liquid. Stelle let out a sigh, chuckling a little to herself as she finally gave the situation a second thought. Singing ninjas, Mark rapping, monkeys around singing about bananas. It was all a funny dream she was having, or so she told herself.
Meanwhile, they had walked closer to the edge, staring at the strange object.
"You can return to a safe location after touching this object. 'Pinecany' truly is filled with boundless mysteries."
She turned to face the duo, half of which was in a self-induced state of amusement, and the other was simply chill and unphased as usual.
"Since fate saw fit to bring us together, may I know your names before we part ways?"
Stelle, joining in on the fun, answered without thinking much.
"I'm Ninja Stelle, and this right here is Ninja Mark, my comrade in this mission."
He sighed, smiling despite himself. Rappa nodded, trying to commit the names to mind.
"Strong names for strong people. Well met, Baseball Bat Ninja and Ninja Shirushi."
"Ninja Shirushi?" asked Mark, raising a brow at the name. Rappa nodded, smiling.
"Well met indeed, Dazzling Ninja," replied Stelle, still riding that high that came with embracing the crazy nature of life.
"Forgive me for speaking out of turn, Baseball Bat Ninja. But for your safety, you and your companions should leave this land of dreams as soon as possible."
Mark's mind was in a haze again, but he could answer one thing firmly, so he spoke up.
"Don't worry, Dazzling Ninja. No damn foe too strong should be around here, at least for now. The strong ones do show themselves."
Rappa's tone took on a bit more of an urgent nuance to it, one mixed with worry for them.
"Ninja Shirushi, while I do appreciate your prowess, this is no laughing matter. The Ninja Hero's archenemy has their eyes set on the land. The emotionless, soulless, and merciless Evil Ninja Osaru."
Mark was unimpressed, yet he did flinch from the headache. The bit of information was important, if not for the present moment, for the future.
"No worries, Rappa," he said calmly, his expression hardening a little. "I won't let harm come upon the innocent, nor upon the ones I care for."
He eased at once, putting on his casual demeanor anew, the earlier moment forgotten like a breeze.
"See ya around."
Rappa, having her own business to handle, instantly jumped into the monkey-shaped dream bubble, making herself unseen.
"On we go too, Stelle. Come on," said Mark, leaping the same way the ninja had done, and Stelle, having no other choice, followed along.
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