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72.22% Superman in mha / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: time skip

Chapitre 13: Chapter 13: time skip

Five years had passed in the blink of an eye. Clark, now a young 15-year-old, was in the backyard of his house, the afternoon sun shining on his skin as he trained intensely. Beads of sweat dripped down his focused face as he performed a series of complex moves All Might had taught him.

Suddenly, the silence was broken by the shrill ring of his cellphone. Clark stopped his training, grabbing a towel to wipe his face as he walked over to the device. Seeing the number of U.A. High School flashing on the screen, he felt a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Hello?" he answered, his voice slightly breathless from the exercise.

"Clark, this is Principal Nezu," came the small but authoritative voice on the other end of the line. "I'd like you to come to the school as soon as possible. We have something important to discuss."

Intrigued, Clark quickly got ready, changing his training clothes for a clean t-shirt and jeans. He then headed to U.A. High School.

The U.A. campus was as imposing as ever, the modern buildings towering against the blue sky. Clark walked through the main gates, feeling that familiar wave of admiration that always hit him when entering the prestigious hero school.

At the entrance, he was greeted by Principal Nezu himself. The small anthropomorphic animal smiled kindly, his eyes shining with an intelligence that always made Clark feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Welcome, Clark," Nezu greeted. "Please, follow me."

They walked through the bright corridors of U.A., passing high-tech classrooms and advanced training areas. Students in the hallways looked curiously at Clark, some whispering to each other as they recognized the son of the legendary All Might.

Finally, they arrived at a meeting room on the top floor. The room was spacious and well-lit, with a large oval table in the center and a panoramic view of the city through floor-to-ceiling windows.

Upon entering, Clark was surprised to see his father, All Might, waiting for him. All Might was in his "normal" form, muscular but slightly leaner, but his blue eyes shone with the same vigor as always.

"Clark," said All Might with a warm smile, standing up to greet his son. "We have something important to talk about."

Clark looked from his father to Principal Nezu, who had settled into one of the chairs around the table. The air in the room felt charged with expectation, and Clark felt his heart race with anticipation of what was to come.

"What's going on?" he asked, his voice a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

All Might and Nezu exchanged a significant look before turning back to Clark, ready to reveal the reason for this unexpected meeting.

All Might gestured for Clark to sit. The young man obeyed, looking between his father and Principal Nezu with curiosity.

"Clark," All Might began, his voice gentle, "we know you've been training intensely over the past few years. Your powers... well, they are exceptional."

Nezu nodded, adding, "Indeed, your abilities have already surpassed everyone else; you are already the strongest person in the world."

Clark frowned, unsure where the conversation was heading. "Thank you, but... what does that have to do with calling me here?"

Nezu tilted his head, his eyes shining with wisdom beyond his appearance. "Clark, if it's about being a hero, you're already fully qualified. Your powers and your heart already place you above many current professionals."

All Might, for his part, looked at his son with a familiarity that only years of living together could provide. His face lit up with a knowing smile, the kind of smile only a father who truly understands his child can give.

"But you don't just want to become a hero, do you?" All Might said, his voice laden with pride and understanding. "You want something more, something greater. You want to change the very meaning of what it is to be a hero."

Clark settled into the chair, his blue eyes reflecting a maturity beyond his years. All Might and Nezu watched him intently, waiting for him to speak.

All Might leaned forward, his characteristic face already showing an expression of genuine interest.

Clark took a deep breath, organizing his thoughts. "In recent years, I've been watching the hero world closely. And, honestly, I'm worried about the direction things are taking."

Nezu raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "How so, Clark?"

"Well," Clark continued, his eyes turning to the window for a moment, "being a hero seems to have become just another job, like being a firefighter or a police officer. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that's bad in itself, but the true meaning of being a hero seems to be getting lost."

He paused, searching for the right words. All Might nodded encouragingly.

Clark proceeded, turning his gaze back to the two. "Nowadays, being a hero brings popularity, fame, money. I know that better than anyone, even without officially being a hero."

All Might sighed heavily, a shadow of sadness crossing his face. "I understand your concern, Clark. It's something that's been bothering me too."

Clark continued, his voice gaining intensity. "And this system of making heroes compete against each other... Don't get me wrong, I know it brings a lot of incentive. But I'm afraid that the true meaning of being a hero is getting lost in this competition."

He paused, "A hero is not measured by the size of their strength, but by the strength of their heart. That's what I'm afraid we're forgetting."

All Might smiled proudly, his eyes shining with emotion. "Clark, you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that."

Nezu observed Clark with a new respect in his shrewd eyes. "So, Clark, what do you propose?"

Clark straightened in the chair, his posture reflecting determination. "I don't want to be the best or the strongest. I want to bring hope to people. I want them to know that a better day awaits them, no matter how difficult things seem now."

He looked directly at All Might, a soft smile on his lips. "Dad, you're the one who still keeps alive this concept of what it really means to be a hero. That's what I want to continue, that's what I believe in."

All Might seemed to be fighting back tears, clearly moved by his son's words. Nezu, on the other hand, had a thoughtful gleam in his eyes.

"Clark," Nezu said finally, "I think you've just given us even more reasons to want you at U.A. Your vision is exactly what we need to shape the next generation of heroes."

All Might nodded vigorously. "Son, I'm incredibly proud of you. Your strength is not just in your powers, but in your heart and mind. That's exactly what the world needs now."

All Might smiled proudly. "And that's why we're having this conversation. Clark, changing the system starts with education."

"Exactly," Nezu agreed. "U.A. is not just about training powers. It's about shaping minds, forming leaders."

Clark nodded slowly, understanding. "So, you think I should enroll at U.A., not to train my abilities, but to learn to lead and understand the system from within, in order to know how to change it?"

"Precisely," All Might confirmed. "Think of it as a unique opportunity. You'll have the chance to influence the next generation of heroes from the start."

Clark was silent for a moment, absorbing everything. Finally, he looked at his father and Nezu, a new gleam of determination in his eyes.

"You're right," he said. "If I really want to make a difference, I need to understand everything completely. And that starts here, at U.A."

All Might beamed. "I'm proud of you, son. This is not the easy choice, but it's the right one."

Nezu clapped his paws together, looking satisfied. "Excellent! Then, Clark Kent, are you ready to join Class 1-A and begin your journey to change the hero world?"

Clark nodded, a determined smile on his face. "I'm ready. Let's do this."

Nezu nodded, satisfied with the conversation they had just had. He leaned forward, his paws crossed on the table.

"Well, Clark," said Nezu, his voice soft but decisive, "the standard procedure for someone with a recommendation would be to take the recommendation exam, which consists of a written test, followed by a practical one, and finally an interview. Normally, this exam will take place in ten months."

All Might smiled, placing a hand on Clark's shoulder. "This will give you time to prepare not only physically but also mentally for the challenge ahead."

Clark nodded, absorbing the information. "I understand. I'll use this time to reflect more on how I can contribute to changing the system from within."

Nezu stood up, extending a paw to Clark. "We're looking forward to seeing what you'll bring to U.A., young Kent. I believe your presence here will be transformative."

All Might also stood up, his broad, proud smile. "Son, no matter what you decide, know that I'm incredibly proud of you and your vision."

Clark stood up, shaking Nezu's paw and embracing his father. "Thank you both for this opportunity. I promise I'll do my best to honor the trust you're placing in me."

With warm goodbyes and promises to keep in touch, Clark left the office, his mind already working on the possibilities that the future at U.A. could bring. All Might and Nezu watched him leave, both certain that the world of heroes was about to change for the better.

Clark walked through the busy streets of Musutafu, his boots echoing on the sidewalk. The light morning breeze caressed his face as he observed the tall buildings, heroes patrolling the sky, and ordinary people going about their routines.

"Who am I?" he thought, his mind plunging into a whirlwind of memories that had gradually come over the years. "Clark Kent. Son of the greatest hero this world has ever known. But there's something more... something beyond this life. Hazy images of a distant past haunt me."

As his body developed and his brain matured, the memories of his past life became clearer. Perhaps it was the natural development of his mind, or maybe the fusion of souls? In the past, he had only glimpses and fragments, intertwined memories of a life that seemed like a distant dream. But now, it was clear as day.

"This is the world of My Hero Academia, a place where fantasy and reality intertwine. A world that should be just fiction to me, but is now my reality. My powers, my strength, my invulnerability... characteristics that resemble those of a Kryptonian. But how is this possible?"

Clark looked at his hands, hands that could lift mountains and save lives. "If this is a dream, it's the most real one I've ever had. But if it's true, what's my purpose here? Am I just a hero like my father, or am I something more?"

"We all seek to understand who we are," he continued in his internal monologue. "But what if who we are doesn't fit the definitions of our world? I am Clark, All Might's son. I am also, somehow, an ordinary person from Earth. Two identities, two worlds, colliding within me."

Clark stopped, looking at the horizon where the sun was beginning to rise, illuminating the city with a golden light. "Maybe being a hero isn't about fully understanding who I am, but about what I do with the power I have. Maybe my destiny is to create a new path, uniting the best of these two worlds. Here, where fiction and reality meet, I must find my own meaning."

He resumed his walk, each step firmer and more determined. "Whether as Clark or not, the mission is the same: to protect, inspire, and bring hope. That's what really matters. And with these memories, with this power, I'll do everything in my power to honor that."

Clark raised his eyes, a determined gleam in his gaze. "I am Clark Kent. And I'm here to be the hero this world needs."

As he walked, some people began to recognize him. "Hey, it's All Might's son!" someone exclaimed. "Clark!" another person waved enthusiastically. Clark smiled at them, feeling more confident than ever. He knew who he was and what he had to do.

A week later, Clark received a short message from his father asking to meet him at Dagobah Beach. Intrigued, he decided to answer the call.

Clark landed softly on the sand of Dagobah Beach, the morning sun reflecting off his black hair. His blue eyes quickly located All Might's imposing figure, but it was the boy next to him that caught his attention. The green-haired youth seemed to be having a silent existential crisis, his eyes wide and mouth slightly open.

"Hi, Dad," Clark called out, walking towards them. "I got your message. What's going on?"

All Might opened his characteristic smile. "Ah, Clark! Good to see you came. I want you to meet someone."

The green-haired boy seemed to be waging an internal battle between panicking and exploding with excitement. His green eyes shone with a mixture of admiration and nervousness as they quickly alternated between Clark and All Might.

"This is Izuku Midoriya," All Might introduced, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Midoriya, this is my son, Clark Kent."

Izuku gulped, his cheeks blushing intensely. He bowed so deeply that for a moment Clark feared he might fall face-first into the sand.

"I-it's an incredible honor to meet you, Kent-san!" Izuku stuttered, his voice an octave higher than normal. "I... I'm a huge fan of your work! That time you saved the bullet train in Tokyo was simply amazing! And when you..."

Clark blinked, slightly surprised by the explosion of words. He cast an amused look at his father, who just shrugged with a smile.

"Whoa, breathe, Midoriya," Clark said gently, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. "It's a pleasure to meet you too. Please, call me Clark."

Izuku stopped abruptly, his face turning even redder. "S-sorry! I have a habit of rambling when I get nervous and... wait, can I really call you Clark?"

All Might cleared his throat, his smile diminishing a bit. "Clark, there's something I need to tell you." He looked at Izuku, who seemed confused, and then back at Clark. "Remember when we talked about One For All?"

Clark nodded slowly, his eyes widening in understanding. "Dad, you didn't..."

"Yes," All Might confirmed, placing a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Young Midoriya here is the person to whom I passed One For All."

Izuku looked between the two, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. "W-wait, Clark-san knows about One For All?"

Clark remained silent for a moment, his blue eyes studying Izuku intensely. The green-haired youth seemed to be trying hard not to shrink under the penetrating gaze.

Finally, Clark spoke, his voice calm and curious: "Midoriya, what do you think a hero is?"

The question caught Izuku by surprise. He blinked a few times, but then his face lit up with a fierce determination that Clark didn't expect to see.

"To me," Izuku began, his voice gaining strength as he spoke, "a hero is someone who's always ready to help others, no matter how difficult the situation. It's someone who gives people hope, who makes them feel safe just by being present. A hero isn't just someone with incredible powers, but someone with a strong heart and the will to make a difference."

Izuku paused, taking a deep breath before continuing: "A true hero gets up even when everyone tells them to stay down. They fight not only against villains, but against injustice and despair. It's someone who inspires others to be better, to believe in themselves."

His eyes shone with passion as he concluded: "To me, being a hero means being willing to risk everything to save even a single person, because every life is precious."

Clark listened attentively, a slow smile forming on his face. He looked at All Might, who was watching Izuku with evident paternal pride.

"Well," Clark finally said, extending his hand to Izuku. "I think my father made a great choice. It will be an honor to fight by your side, Izuku."

Izuku looked at the outstretched hand, his eyes filling with tears. With a half-choked sob, he shook Clark's hand, a trembling but radiant smile on his face.

All Might laughed, the sound echoing across the beach. "Well, now that that's settled, how about we start training? We have a lot of work ahead of us!"

(First of all, I would like to apologize to you all. I was unable to explain the initial configurations of the protagonist, which caused doubts for many. I believe this happened due to my inexperience as a new writer. I wanted to create a situation where the main character would feel a sense of belonging to the world, which is rarely explored in fanfics. Most fanfics have the main character treating everyone as if it were still an anime and women as if they were Pokémon. Anyway, I tried to explain things more clearly in this chapter. I'm still learning a lot from your criticisms. Thank you all.)

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