Q/A #1
"Hello! And welcome to Ask Away! Everything here is purely for fun! So don't worry about the main stories!" The author, who is perfectly fine, greets you warmly.
He is currently sitting in the middle of the grand room, full of furniture and decorations that add a certain charm to the overall ambiance. His eyes, crinkled at the edges, radiate a sense of ease and comfort as he kindly welcomes you.
"Say hi, everyone!" His voice echoed around the room as a vibrant chorus of voices responded, each varying in tone and temperament.
Sitting on the left side of the room is everyone from The Boys: Let Me Show You a True Hero!
Maeve calmly waved her hand from where she sat along with Kimiko and Noir, who were both silently enjoying their cup of tea in their other hand. Ground Hawk was the total opposite as he was excitedly swinging his hammer hands around as he shouted at the top of his lungs, almost hitting A-Train and Blind Spot in the process.
Now you might be asking yourselves, wait a minute! Where's John? Well…
Up in the ceiling, floating in the air, was John who was dead asleep.
On the opposite side occupying another plush sofa was the cast from Charming Demon.
The Princess of Hell, Charlie, emanates an aura of unfaltering positivity as she flashes a brilliant smile and waves with enthusiasm. Her loyal companion, Vaggie, sits beside her, offering a polite nod. Angel Dust, ever the showman, grins widely and puffs out his chest. Husk chugged down a bottle of alcohol, he couldn't care less about saying hello. Mayberry was sitting down with Niffty on her lap while Niffty is just Niffty.
Meanwhile, Alastor gives his signature smile, sitting on his own chair away from everyone else.
"Of course, there will be more people joining us later but for now that's everyone!" The author continued before turning back to you! "I know many of you may not like this form of Q and A, seeing as one of you wanted me to create a discord instead of this, but I find that horribly boring! After all! I am here to entertain and not just give out bland answers."
A silence then fills the room, broken only by the soft rustling of paper as he shuffles through his notes, ready to engage in lively discussion and bestow upon you his knowledge and experience.
He takes a moment to sip from his coffee cup, leaving a whimsical foam mustache on his upper lip which he quickly wipes away with a laugh.
"So!" he begins, leaning comfortably back into the plush cushion of his couch. "What curious questions do you have for me today? Remember, no subject is off the table until I say otherwise~"
He waits for his readers to ask him questions but was met with silence and the sound of a cricket chirping. He looks down at his imaginary watch and finds it to be far too early for him to get live questions.
"Well! I guess I'm a bit too excited to get this show on the road! So, I'll just be answering some questions from the ones who left an early question for me to answer!"
He pulls out a slip of yellow paper and throws it out into the air, the words flew off the paper and into the air for everyone to see.
Reader #201: Hmm, does Alastor have a deer tail? Idk, I'm not that pressing when it comes to questions but are there any rules? Also, can they react to AU versions of themselves with you reading off of the description or something like that? Interested to see where this is headed.
"Oh my, starting off strong I see!" The author smirks before he turns to the ever-smiling demon who found everyone's attention to be on him, besides Vaggie and John.
She already knew the answer and he was still passed out.
"Care to answer the question?" The writer asks the demon.
Alastor, his ever-present smile never faltered.
"Why yes, I do have a tail~ Quite astute of you," he responds, his voice smooth as syrup. "Though I try to hide it as best as I can, I found that part of me… unsightly."
The room filled with nervous laughter, the surrealness of the situation not lost on anyone.
"Really!? You had a tail this whole time!?" Charlie gasps excitedly. "I have a tail too!"
She reached behind her back and pulled out a long black tail, the tip was in the shape of a heart.
"Tail buddies!"
"…" No words escaped Alastor's mouth as he stared at the princess proudly showing off her tail to him.
Vaggie sighed to herself before gently taking Charlie's tail and putting it back, making the princess shiver with a blush on her face as she did so.
"*COUGH!* As for rules," the author interrupts, retaking center stage. "There really aren't many, just be respectful to everyone and stay on topic. Oh! I also won't write anyone's name unless stated otherwise as well!"
He takes a moment to let this sink in before pulling out another slip of yellow paper.
"And to answer your last question," he started, an eager glint in his eyes making him look just like a kid about to open a Christmas present. "Why not? It could be quite entertaining to see how these guys react to different versions of themselves."
"Wait, there's different versions of-" Ground Hawk tried to ask when suddenly, another slip of paper flew from the author's hand and floated in the air with another question.
Reader # 162: Here is the question. How much time do you spend writing in a week? I doubt if it is more than 10 hours a week.
Before the author could so much as let out a single word, he was interrupted by the entire cast of Charming Demon.
"HA! It's not even in the double digits!" Angel Dust laughed as he took the bottle that Husk was drinking and took a sip, much to the demon cats' annoyance.
"If he was spending that much time writing, we would've been at chapter 20 by now," Husk grumbled before he forcefully took back his bottle from Angel Dust.
"I agree with Husk, if he doesn't get sidetracked so much we would be so much farther ahead." Vaggie nodded her head, agreeing with him, making the author cry out in outrage at the verbal jumping he was receiving.
"Guys! Calm down! I'm sure he has a reasonable explanation." Charlie jumped in to defend, much to the author's gratitude.
"Thank you, Charlie! That's why you are one of my favorites!" the author said, a wave of relief washing over him. "Yes, I do have my reasons! So, save your gasps because the words that will exit my mouth may be shocking to a whole lot of you!
He stands up from his seat to fully express himself.
"I have a life!"
The room fell into an awkward silence, everyone looked at each other with confusion in their eyes unsure of how to react.
"That's right people! I have a life! I have a job! I have bills to pay! And I have people who I spend my time with! So don't expect chapters to be popping out left and right! I do this as a hobby! Just consider yourself lucky you only have to wait a couple of days instead of months for a single chapter!"
He sat down and took another sip from his coffee cup before continuing.
"Besides, we should also remember that quality is far more crucial than quantity. I'd rather spend more time and effort to create something that you all would enjoy rather than churn out half-baked chapters that do nothing but add to the word count."
He took a deep sigh and put his coffee down and looked at everyone in the room.
"In truth, it varies from week to week," he began with a smile. "There are weeks when I do go beyond 10 hours if I'm deeply immersed in a story or idea. But then there are others when life gets hectic, and I could barely manage even a minute of focused writing."
Angel Dust snorted in disbelief while Husk simply rolled his eyes at the explanation, but the author paid them no mind.
Charlie smiled at him, clapping her hands together when he finished his speech.
"Let's move on to the final question before we move on and wait for the live ones to come." His eyes landed on another piece of yellow paper. "This one looks good, but I going to have to cut some parts out since they aren't really questions."
He grabbed it and tossed it into the air, the words jumped off and began floating around.
Reader #93: Hello, a celestial traveler here to ask 2 characters questions.
-1. Alastor which side of voodoo do you use and does that mean to you that other pantheons may be real?
-2. Izuku how's your family and do you know the rumors of your mother's side being descendants of samurai who own mystical artifacts or that your father is all for one?
Under the curious eyes of all, Alastor, with his characteristic foxlike grin widened as he looked at the author, who nodded for him to proceed.
"Well, aren't you popular? Getting all the questions and making everyone else just sit there and look pretty!" Angel Dust whined, getting a round of nods from everyone else.
"Ah! Voodoo you say?" He began while ignoring the Porn star, his fingers danced in the air to imitate casting a spell. "I use all sides, my dear celestial traveler. You never know when you might find them useful~"
He swirled his hand around as a doll popped into existence, looking remarkably like Angel Dust.
"As for the other pantheons being real, well wouldn't that be an intriguing twist? It would certainly make our reality much more... colorful."
There was a shimmering in the air just then and suddenly, there was Izuku, appearing out of nowhere. He looked flustered as if he had been pulled out from a very important moment.
"Hey! W-Where am I-" He exclaimed stumbling over his thoughts, but upon seeing everyone's expectant expressions, especially the authors, he collected himself quickly. "O-Oh, it's just you."
"Welcome to the Q and A! One of the readers has a question for you!" The author informed with a wide smile on his face.
The young man looked at the floating question and blinked.
"W-Well...my family's doing great," He answered first, scratching nervously at his green hair. "And I don't know where you heard those rumors but they're not true... I mean samurai descendants? Mystical artifacts? Also, my father is Hisashi Midoriya who's One for-Mmph!"
"BABABAB!!! No spoilers!" The author quickly cuts in and stops him from continuing to ask. "Quick! Someone send in a live question!!!
— Un nouveau chapitre arrive bientôt — Écrire un avis