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21.42% Messing With Canon With A Shop…Wait What!? / Chapter 3: I Don’t Recognize My First Customer!?

Chapitre 3: I Don’t Recognize My First Customer!?

Firstly, thanks for the power stones, as I was not expecting to receive any so soon, but it's nice to see people enjoying this so far. As for future updates, I can't promise one chapter every day due to a slightly busy schedule. But I'll try anyway.


It's been three days since Cobalt read that manual. Three days it took him to finally make a check list to for fill each month. Currently in this world technically January-December don't exist but doesn't mean he can't use the months to keep track on dates. Since the world was born literally three days ago, he dubbed three days ago to be January 1st and today January 4th.

Day and night cycles are the classic 12 hours shifts so it was promising that he wouldn't have to deal with eternal day or night for days on end. Night he realized will have to be in the future when he expands the shop.

The sky during the day is that of art piece. Meanwhile the night sky can be considered a living dream. The stars shine brighter than ever with he moon appearing to be also full. He doesn't get why though, doesn't this world rotate on a axis? Questions for a time where he can explore them maybe.

The night sky wasn't just stars and the colors of space. It had a constant Aurora Borealis. One day it was shifting teal and red. The next violet and yellow. Last night a green and blue. Which brings up questions agian. How the hell is it forming? He's no scientist but he's pretty sure you need the proper environment for it to appear. Oh well, once again more questions for later.

Now this check list he made goes as follows.

1) upgrade or gain a new product. This way he can bring in more customers more frequently. He needs a solid income each month.

2) save money to buy media. He didn't gain future knowledge of media he missed when he died. The market offers comics to anime to movies to watch, which each can be a future cast of customers to accommodate for.

3) The manual didn't specify how much 10% is to manage the shop. So to set a goal was to make maybe $1000 USD. He just started so the goal will increase In the future when more customers are available.

4) Training. He may have access to every items in the Omniverse but it's not cheap. A fruit from the tree of might is $100,000 USD. It might be cheap to some but remember you can't grow the tree without the sacrifice of a planet. And he has only little money as it is. So everyday before opening the shop he'll follow a training regime without weight lifting. Cause he doesn't have any.

5) A pet. It's a little lonely being by myself. Possible a pokemon or even a digimon. He don't mind as long as it's sentient and house trainable. So each month to save for a pet.

Obviously the universal rule to never run out of money is there too but that's pretty obvious. Currently going broke doesn't mean having $1 to your name but nothing at all. In the future upkeep will increase so if he's not careful, will perish along with the shop and maybe the world as it's connected to the shop.

So with $3000 USD to start with he bought enough essentials for the month.

Groceries: $200-> $2800

Mostly quick and easy meals as he's no master chef and will have to learn to make better stuff in the future. So cereal, frozen stuff, the basics.

Clothes: $300 -> $2500

He bought five outfits to start with, for as cheap as they go. Each having a color scheme mostly. He's not greatest at fashion but not color blind.

Bathroom Essentials: $150-> $2350

Liquid Soap,normal soap, shampoo,conditioner, toothpaste, loofahs, and brushes. He filled the general bathroom with liquid soap, body wash, as some people with find it uncomfortable to wash themself with the same soap. He bought his own with normal bar soap.

Shoes: $200 -> $2150

One pair of grey running shoes and a pair of all black steel toed ones. One for his morning exercises and the other for work. Supposedly a slightly more durable then regular ones.

So he now only had $2150. The market is shown to be slightly expensive so he tried to not go over $1000. So he woke up today, showered and ate a basic egg sandwich and ran a laps of what he roughly guess is a mile around the shop. He doesn't have a gym or track field so guessing is all he can do.

Afterwards he stretched a bit to do some push ups and sit ups. Without anything to use for weights he can't do any strength training unless he buys them. And they weren't cheap. So seeing as he won't be leaving the shop anytime soon he had all the time in the world to get some.

Showering to get ready for work, he grew nervous. "Todays the day. I'll open the shop and a customer will appear. But what if it's a bad guy? Or one of those organization type people? Will they try to capture me?"

He chewed his lip before slapping his face. The sharp pain amplified by it being wet killed that feeling. "It's gonna be fine! I can kick them out at anytime and ban them! I just got to be careful not to reveal too much to untrustworthy characters." Getting out and picking out a black shirt with a white stripe down the right side and a pair of dark brown cargos like the ones he use to wear as a warehouse worker.

He inspected everything to be in order before heading to the computer. In it new icons appeared after the manual was read. First is a book with a red bookmark. This was the encyclopedia of information. Here he can look up terms and effects and keep track of customers and what world they are in. Even the time period is mention.

Next was a dollar sign where the shops finances are handled. From upkeep to paying the 10% it ran here along with renovations.

Next is a picture of a jail cell, this is where banned customers are shown and how long they are banned.

Next is a picture of a tv with a smiling face. Turns out when a customer appears they'll get notifications about the shop such as deals or future upgrades. Here he can sent messages to promote anything he believes would interest the costumer.

Finally is the most important. A icon with two glass doors opening. This is where he can open and close the shop to the multiverse. Looking at the clock it read 8:59, so when the final minute struck, he opened the shop.

??? POV

I hummed a small tune while running down a path back home. I was able to finish my mission quite early today and can't wait to return! Maybe have a big meal too, though I won't be able to have sweets sadly. I ran out of things to make them.

Letting out a sign I kept my smile up.up ahead she spotted the beautiful trees that ran along the parameter of the area. It's fine, as long as I can share a meal with my friends I don't mind at all. I wonder if I can get To-huh?

A door.

I skid to a halt. As a door of glass was standing to the side of the road. Above me, my cute little friend circled around before landing on top of it. "A door! A door! A door to no where!" She tapped the glass, making a tinging sound. I blinked before walking up to it and knocking on it before running around. It was really a door to no where. "Oh maybe some of those guys left it here! Could it be too heavy for them to bring it?" I felt sad they couldn't bring quite a nice looking door.

Grinning I grabbed both ends of the door and raised it effortlessly above my head. My little buddy landed on top and pointed with her wing. "Bring it home! Bring it home! Have them pick it up there!" Your right you cutey! We can have them pick it up at the compound. "Onwards!" I said with a giggle and raced back home with door above. Maybe she can ask to get one too! It looks really nice!

On the way many workers stopped to greet me but quickly looked at the door in my hand. They must be waiting for it I guess and made it to my home. I placed down the door to take my footwear of and entered with it and placed it against a wall. "There. Now they can come by to pick it up anytime!" Urara can you in inform someone to bring me baking supplies? I'll have to make deserts tomorrow unfortunately."

Urara nodded and flew out. I let out a giggle at her, she's so cute! Yosh! Lets get cooking…huh? Before my eyes the glass door was opening. Despite it being see through I couldn't see the wall. Instead as it opened, a pleasant smell started filling up the room. It was so nice! It smelled like fresh plants being watered, with a nice warm breeze with it.

But that doesn't make sense? There was nothing on the other side of the wall? With my trusty weapon on my waist I approached what seems to be a dark corridor. At the end was a light where the warm breeze and smell comes from. "Should I ask someone to come with me? What if it's one of them!"

Oh I would get into so much trouble if I brought in a trap! Maybe if I can deal with it will go away! I grinned and grabbed my footwear and began to enter the corridor. It was dark and I couldn't see any walls nor feel any. It as if I was outside with how open it was.

As I headed closer to the light the warm breeze picked up and the scent got stronger. Hopefully whoever this was isn't strong!

As I reached the light I was met with a sight I wish to never forget.

Third Person POV

"EHHHHHHH!?" Cobalt blinked at the shriek outside, confused as he was pretty sure the only one in this world. So a customer?

"Ah. I forgot this is a different world." He already got use to the prospect of a different world. Though his customers would be a different story.

Walking around his counter he peered through the window of the front to see…pink. A pink hair girl looking around in shock. Oh she also had green highlights! Odd combination but she makes it work. She wore a white haroi with a open…jacket? Maybe it's a uniform, none he ever saw. Though he might have to recommend a bra in the future once he unlocks clothes. Green stocking with slippers are also a…interesting choice.

Oh she also has a sword. Huh.

Who the fuck is she?

Cobalt didn't have much access to manga being in the US other then what he can find on online or in his local mall. Nothing about this girl was familiar to him. She's a swordsman…swordswoman? She's also very eye catching too, she definitely is from a manga or anime I never seen before. So gotta play extra cautions not to trigger her or I'll have to ban my first customer.

Walking out the shop I gave her a wave. "Yo! Are you here to buy something?" The girl flinched before blinking. She ran over, she definitely need a bra, and skid in front of me. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Do you know where I am? I was home and it was first dark and then I keep feeling this pleasant smell and then wind and…". She started sprouting off different details with exaggerated hand movements.

"Um ma'am?"

"Oh and the stars are out but the sun is only past afternoon!"

"Well thats because-"

"It can't be a demon or it would of disappeared by now!"

"What, demon? There isn't demons-"

"Oh! And the grass feels so real and gives of such a great smell of nature and-"


She eeped and looked down with her fair bright. Cobalt sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Allow me explain what's happening. Come on let's go inside." I held the door open and motion her to go inside.

She hesitated before shuffling inside before gasping as what she saw. While the shop was indeed mostly empty it was big with many different shelf's and displays. I walked past her and return to my post behind the counter, waiting for her to reach the counter.

"Is this a store? What's a store doing in this place?" She took it in then she finally noticed the counter. Lined in front of the counter was the limited sweets I had. On a little shelf next to the mini fridge was the chips available for purchase. Clearing my throat I gave my best natural smile. "Welcome to the Shooting Star. I'm the owner Cobalt and you are my first customer!"

The girl stared before a big smile bloomed on her face. "Oh my! I didn't know a store was here. Oh and I'm the first! What did I get!" Cobalt cringed. He didn't have anything but one must always be quick on their feet! He can't lose what could be his only customer for the month!

Gesturing to the counter, he congratulated her. "Well as the first customer you get to pick out any three products for free! Oh but I should explain how you reached here huh?" The girl excitedly nodded.

"Well you see, this shop in is another world or dimension if you know what that is. You must of stumbled upon a gateway to my shop and world though I don't know much on how." The girl eyes widened. "A…different world? Thats exists?"

"You saw the outside. What do you think?"

"Oh! It's the perfect area for a picnic! The place is so warm and the grass is soft! The stars are super pretty too!" She appraised while clapping her hands together.

Is..is she just going along with it?

She's not the brightest tool in the drawer it appears. Welp whatever makes it easier for Cobalt to sell shit he's fine. "Well now that your here, whatever way you came in is now connected to my world. You see the purpose of my shop and world is to help those who discover it. From giving them food to making them stronger. For example pick out three things that interest you."

The girl hummed and scanned his selection before getting a box of chocolate wafers, a white chocolate bar and a cola from the fridge. "Are these really chocolate? It's quite hard to get in Japan. And this brown drink is called so-da?" Cobalt nodded.

"'Now while these are just sweets and a drink they can give you effects! You see if you consume that chocolate bar you it can grant you regeneration."


"Hm what's up?"

"Ano, you mean like how a demon heals?"

"I'm not from your world do I don't know what a demon is too you."

"Oh that's right um…your not technically suppose to know that but I guess since this is another world I can tell you. Demons are scary monsters that eat humans. They can only fight at night casue they burn up in the sun. I'm a demon slayer and my job is to kill demons so they don't hurt people anymore. A demon can only be killed with a nichirin blade. I'm sorry but I can't tell you anymore then that." She looked down sadly but I waved her off.

"It's alright. Lets go back to the chocolate bar. You see it grants regeneration for ten minutes but it's really weak so I suggest using it for small wounds or to help stabilize someone. All sweets grant you [Minor Regeneration] but each have there own effect. The chocolate bar grants a 2% increase for your speed and can increase up to 10% if you each give bars."

His customer mood changed from sad to happily surprised quickly. "That's amazing! That can help so many demon slayers keep up with demons! Oh what about these!" She point to her other items.

He picked both up and stiffled a grunt as the information flew in his head.

Chocolate Wafers

$1 USD

1 store Credit

Effect: Grants [Minor Regeneration] -> 10 minutes

+2% defense -> 3minutes -> Stacks Five times

Resets once consumed more

Builds [Sugar Rush]


$1.25 USD

1 store credit

Effect: Grants [Minor Stamina Recovery] -> 10 minutes

+5% speed -> 3 minutes -> cannot stack with itself

Can Stack with other effects

Builds [Sugar Rush]

He relayed the information which only made her more excited. "This is incredible! Can I buy more stuff Cobalt-san?" She stared into his pretty star eyes with her own pink puppy eyes.


"Why of course ma'am, though I never gotten your name."

"Oh my apologies my name is Kanroji Mitsuri. It's nice to meet you. Now let's see." He rummaged in her haroi and pulled out a cute wallet with pink flowers. Peering in she pull out three 100 yen coins. "What can I get you 300 yen?"

Cobalt went to his computer and opened finances and check the yen to USD. He hid a wince when it came out to be only $1.87. He can't scare her way especially when her wallet looked kind of empty. Sigh, he'll have to make up some bullshit once again.

Giving her a full smile and his eyes close to hide the pain of losing profit he explained. "Ehile it would be enough to but more then one item, since your the first customer I'll trade you 300 yen for three more items." He'll have make a money conversation poster and hang it on the window.

Mitsuri cheered and grabbed another cola, a normal chocolate bar and a box of strawberry wafers. He ranged up the items and placed them in a plastic bag, that he's sure never had, and handed it to Mitsuri. "I'll be posting a money conversation poster so you can understand the prices better. Thank you for shopping at Shooting Star. Oh there one more thing to give you."

He pulled out a blue box and pulled out a blue metallic stick. These appeared when he finished the manual and found out there watches. "Please hold out your left hand." She nodded and held it up. Cobalt placed the stick and it morph around her wrist.

"Eh? Is this jewelry?"

"Not quite. You see my shop is open and closed at certain time snd I plan on making events take place here. This is a watch. When you tap on it a window will appear telling you when the shop is open or closed or any deals happening. You can change to color to by asking it clearly."

She oohed at the watch. "Please change to pink!" A second later and her watch morphed into a pink similar to her hair. She squealed on how cute it is and tap the top. A holographic screen popped up with a time, date and status on the shop. "It can even tell time!? Oh Cobalt this is great! Thank you so much! Next time I'll buy more stuff! Oh what's this about store credit?"

"Store credit is a type of currency you can use at the shop. I don't recommend using them to buy sweet as you gain one per purchase and can be saved up when you are in pinch. Once I gain enough money I can at new items that can quite expensive but purchasable with store credit."

She nodded determinedly and grinned widely at her credit. Technically she only bought three items so she only had three store credits. "Okay! I'll make sure to save them Cobalt-san. Oh can my friends come visit?"

Cobalt grinned and nodded. "The more the merrier! Though don't bring any trouble makers as I'm not strong enough to repel them. I can kick them out the store but won't be able to fight them for a while." She nodded before a idea popped in her head. "I can try to teach you the basics of my breathing technique!"


"Um, breathing technique?" How does breathing better fight demons? Mitsuri smiled. "Not normal breathing. You see demon slayers use sword arts called breathing techniques and there based on fighting like the elements. Like water and wind."

"Oh. That's sounds useful what breathing do you use?"

"Well I started of using flame breathing but it was too rigid for me so I made it based off it and call it Love Breathing." She said bubbly.

What the hell does sword fighting based on love look like? Only thing Cobalt put together was 'sword fighting' and he's not talking about blades. He cringed.

"Thats sound fitting for you Kanroji-san."

"Oh call me Mitsuri! All my friends do."

"Are we friends?"

"Of course we are! Your helping me by selling em sweets with amazing abilities!"

"Then I gladly accept Mitsuri-san."

She blushed but cheered. She was so bubbly and cheerful. How can someone this sweet be a killer of man-eating demons?

She waved goodbye as she took her items and walked out the door. Apparently the door she used as the same as the shop and send her right back where so walked through.

In total of lost profit it was $4.13. He now has a total of $2150.87. But that was fine. He now gain what is hopefully a returning customer who will bring in more. To upgrade sweets to the next tier would take $2000 USD so he can't risk it until he makes enough to have at least 1k in the bank.

Cobalt sighed and went to the market. Time to make a poster. And maybe find out what anime Mitsuri is from.

Mitsuri POV

"Oh! Iguro your here!" The snake Hashira nodded as he sat in front of the table. His petty yellow and blue eyes soften everytime he sees me. It's felt nice!

"Hello Mitsuri…ano whats in the bag?"

"Oh that's right! You won't believe this but, I went into this door I brought with me I found outside and put it on my wall. Then it started to open and shows this weird eerie dark hallway but at the end was a bright light that took me to this wonderful open field! It smelled relaxing and was warm! The sky was bright with all colors of pink and purple with stars. At first I was super surprised but then a shop keeper came out and greeted me! His name his cobalt and I was his first ever customer! So he gave me three free items with amazing effects! They can make you faster and heal better, so I had to buy more! I didn't have much on me as I like to carry light but next time I'll buy as much as I can! You should come!"







"Mitsuri…what in the world are you talking about?"

"Oh that's right it turns out to be another world too!"



Poor Obanai. Stuck in one of Mitsuris crazy rants. I chose Mitsuri as she's the first to come in mind when being open to buy sweets and bring other customers.

I would like to see what other people would of chose if your only product was sweets.

Thanks again for giving this story a try and have a good day~

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