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12.5% Marvel: False God - Avatar of Ogdoad / Chapter 4: [4] Spider-Man? Peter-Man? And Game of Gods.

Chapitre 4: [4] Spider-Man? Peter-Man? And Game of Gods.

Chapter 4: Spider-Man? Peter-Man? And Game of Gods.

The day after Rogue left, Enrique managed to turn an entire family of three into believers of Mut. It wasn't that hard, although he needed to do some talking.

Mr. Jones was your everyday civilian, and he had taken a loan from a small gang due to his tough financial situation. His daughter was sick, and the hospital bills were out of his hands. The loan helped him treat his daughter, and he had enough ready to pay it back now. However, it had been three months since then, and the interest rate was so high that Mr Jones passed out from the number. 

His initial loan of $3,000 had ballooned to a whopping $30,000!!

While Mr. Jones had the money to repay the original loan, the exorbitant interest was beyond his means. In the end, since it's his daughter who the money had gone to, the gang responded by kidnapping that 11-year-old girl, threatening to ruin her innocence and sell her organs if Mr. Jones didn't pay up within the week. It was quite fucked up.

"I- I can't go to the police… because Wilson Fisk is behind this gang!" The old man said those words after explaining the situation to Enrique while crying on the floor.

He was familiar with this type of situation, having been friends with many gang leaders in his previous life. He had no personal history with such cheap schemes, it was quite low-class for him, but he recognized the setup. 

Technically, it was Mr. Jones' fault for taking a loan from a suspicious group. However, heroism favored the poor, and Enrique saw this as an opportunity to bring Mr. Jones, his wife, and his daughter into Mut's religion. Plus, although people would call him a villain based on his history, he was still a human in the end, he couldn't see a poor 11-year-old suffer in such gruesome manners, and it managed to irk even him.

So upon learning about their hideout from Mr. Jones, he flew into a warehouse and swiftly dealt with the gang, making them accept Mr. Jones' $3,000 and close the deal. Despite being Fisk's lackeys, Enrique doubted they'd try anything later, considering how painfully he had beaten them up. Having their manhood crushed with his boots, and being electrocuted to the verge of near death should be a sufficient warning to stay put.

"But even if they try taking revenge, they would probably come after me rather than you," Enrique had told the group of three earlier after he had rescued their daughter.

Mr. Jones was immensely grateful. To a father, his daughter's safety was paramount, so he converted to Mut's religion without hesitation. His wife and daughter followed suit, with the daughter's faith being the strongest according to Mut. She was a child, after all, who saw lightning save her from cruel fate.

Enrique then described to the family the way to pray to Mut, "Listen, this is a discount since my Goddess took a liking to your little girl. The last believer had to do a lot more than this," and it was true. Their requirements were less than the old lady's.


– As a new believer, the family was to butcher just one goat within the next thirty days.

– Additionally, they were to butcher a goat or more every year, as many times as their wealth allowed [under 5 times] without harming them financially.

– They were to buy a statue of Mut; size didn't matter, but bigger was better, and worship it every morning and night before sleep in a specific manner.


After that, leaving the family thanking him again and again, Enrique took off into the air, feeling the wind slapping against his face.

"Flying is great," more so, after a good day of heroism. It didn't feel bad to help people, honestly. Although he wished he had earned something more tangible out of this than just believer numbers.

"...Something tangible, eh," that gave him an idea. He looked around the sky, chewing on his lips, before he smiled. He should do that.

Enrique returned to the gang's hideout, this time at night, and instead of crashing from above the rooftop, he sneaked in from somewhere else.

"Ugh, fuck," the gang members were on the floor, on makeshift beds, or mattresses. "Why is the boss not sending a doctor yet?" They were complaining about something, rubbing their skin to soothe their pain.

"I am regretting taking this line of work," one of them grumbled, "we can't even go to the hospital because of how wanted we are."

Oh, so they're wanted. No surprise there, Enrique noted, hidden behind a bunch of empty boxes. This time, his super-suit had transformed into tight white spandex that covered his whole body, including his face. He didn't want them to know that the hero earlier and he right now were the same person. Because he was going to commit a crime. 

Enrique looked to his side, there was an electric circuit there. He put his palm over it… and released a charge. The entire warehouse went dark.

"W-what? FUCK!"

"Why are the lights acting up too? Fucking hell man, I wanna quit."

It was too late to quit. Enrique lunged at them in the darkness, his heightened senses allowing him a vision in the dark, and beat them up to a pulp. They fell unconscious without much of a resistance. Then he raided the gang's money stash.

Unfortunately, it wasn't as full as he hoped it would. They probably shifted the cash to some other place. Enrique was disappointed to find only $7,450. Still, he took the money. Before leaving, he grabbed one of the thug's phones and called the police. They would be here to raid the warehouse anytime now.

Then, Enrique fled the scene.


"Phew, finally, it looks full," he let out a satisfied sigh.

He had gone to an IT shop, bought a TV, furniture, a fridge, a ready-made high-end PC, and other essentials. He would have loved to build the PC on his own, but he would have to work with this for now. He hired a truck that delivered everything to his apartment. 

For a moment, he considered moving to a better place, but he decided to save money for now and buy a house later. If things went according to plan, buying houses wouldn't be hard in the coming weeks.

Plus if Anna fled Xavier's and returned here to find him gone, it would be troublesome.

As he finished everything, took a shower, and placed the PC on his desk, Mut's voice echoed in his mind.

 [Just what are you planning?] she asked. [I'm very satisfied with your progress, but I sense something interesting brewing. Care to share?]

Mut hadn't mentioned his failure to keep Rogue, perhaps thinking it would hurt his pride. She was one of the Supers, after all, one who was worth a thousand believers. Rather than caring about that, Mut seemed intrigued by his current actions.

Enrique connected the PC brick to the monitor and turned it on, watching as the neon lights illuminated the setup. He settled into a comfy chair, smiling at the air. "I plan to make a game. In my previous life, I was a pretty decent programmer." 

When he said decent, he meant world-class. That was how he rose to the rankings in the messy field of international business. He had risen to billionaire status by being insanely talented with computers. Yet he said it was decent because, by this world's standards, it wasn't wrong. "Not as great as some people here, like Stark, but I have my fair share of achievements. Anyway, I plan to make a game where people will worship and pray to you, my Goddess."

[Huh, but…] Mut's skeptical voice sounded in his head. [Will that work though? They wouldn't actually be praying to me, so there shouldn't be any faith generated, would there? Did the Gods in your world do similar stuff?]

"No, they didn't. So that's what we're going to test first," Enrique replied. "I'm making a small game for now. If players [Pray] to you, they'll get a [Restart] in-game. It might sound complicated to you since you're not familiar with this, but trust me it'd make sense. Hopefully." He added, "The process of praying will be subtle enough to avoid detection by other pantheons, I think. If it works, we can move on to bigger projects. Something like gacha games."

[And what are gacha games?]

Enrique smiled. "Hellhole."

Mut chuckled. [Alright, fine. You've proven your capabilities. I should at least let you try this out. You have one week. You don't have to earn more believers this week. Just focus on what you're doing. I'm looking forward to it.]

"This won't be a failure, rest assured. The rate of success may vary, though." Enrique explained. "Even if it fails to gather faith points, it will at least bring me cash. I can't keep stealing money indefinitely, I'm sure you don't want your Avatar to be a cheap thief. I need a more stable income, and a game company would provide that." 


He then focused on his PC. "In any case, please stay quiet for a bit. I need to concentrate, and I hate distractions while working."

[You almost sounded as if you were the boss for a moment. But alright, as you wish,] he heard a soft, amused giggle that he ignored. It was good for his ears.

Let's see, which game should I dip my fingers in? It was 2011, the start of the smartphone era. Rather than making big, time-consuming games, Enrique decided to focus on mobile games. Incredibly famous games like Clash of Clans would have been perfect since he could incorporate a Goddess into the lore, but that would take months to develop and require a server and many employees. 

For now, he needed something he could create by himself that could still become very popular.

For example, something like [Subway Surfers].


After three days of continuous work, eating cup noodles, and sleeping for only three hours a night, he finished making the game. In the meantime, he had also made a bank account and dealt with lawyers for the paperwork. Thankfully despite it being just 2011, it wasn't very complicated. Finally, the game was ready to launch.

"This is neat," Enrique yawned. It would have taken him at least a week in his previous world, even with a better computer, but he had finished it now. Heightened focus was incredibly helpful. He could type faster, think better, and multitask with ease.

The game was mostly done on the second day, but he had to order different models of phones to ensure the game worked well on all devices. Doing all that alone was mentally draining though. He wished he had a crew. 

There was a lot of legal work for such a small thing. 

Privacy Policy: Detailing how he collected, used, and protected user data. 

Terms of Service: This asked him to define rules for using his game and the responsibilities of users. 

End User License Agreement: Specify terms under which users can use his game.

That was just a small part of the whole process, there was the review process in the end. Compliance and Policy Issues, especially. If his game raised concerns regarding policies (e.g., content, monetization, data handling), which might take longer than weeks if Google finds problems.

Putting aside all that worrying details, he needed sleep. Although he didn't tire during all his fights earlier, he still needed rest.

He tried testing if the game could collect faith, but it seemed he couldn't do that on his own. As Mut's Avatar, his faith was already at max, and the game would only produce a small amount of faith points, which the Goddess couldn't sense. He needed another person's help to test it out.

If Rogue were here, she could have helped, Enrique wondered how she was doing in the Mutant school. She had called him twice, on the first and second days, but there was no call yesterday or today. Something he expected.

Enrique decided to test it later and first made a patent for his game, releasing it. It would take 12 hours for approval if nothing went wrong, so he decided to sleep for those 12 hours.


When he woke up, the game was already up on the PlayStore, AppStore, and other game stores accessible internationally.

The downloads, however, were dismal. A massive zero on all sites. He needed to promote it, but he didn't have enough money after all the purchases. It was the fifth day since he started, so he had two more days before resuming his quest for believers. He needed to work fast and find a way to promote his game quickly.

Enrique washed his face and cooked something other than cup noodles, savoring the different tastes while watching TV.

"The rumor about the appearance of another superhero in New York, supposedly clad in a flashy white businessman suit that changes into an even flashier super suit, is yet to be confirmed," the TV reporter said, discussing him. It was amusing to see people speculate about his identity. "On the other hand, the other recent yet well-known superhero, self-proclaimed friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, has yet again saved the day."

Enrique stopped eating, watching the clip of a guy in a red hoodie and goggles swinging through New York's skyscrapers.

"That's right," he put down his plate, drinking water. "I have the perfect guy to promote my game."

Enrique couldn't promote his game himself; it might sully his prophet image. Not yet, anyway. So, he decided to let Spider-Man keep him occupied until Rogue returned.


From Spider-Man's makeshift costume, Enrique recognized this spider to most likely be Tom Holland's version. It made sense since many elements in this world were from the Cinematic Universe. So he decided to visit Queens to meet the hero.

"Should be around the corner," he flew across the sky, wondering out loud. 

From what he gathered in the past few hours, Peter Parker started his superhero journey about a month ago. He mostly only came out at night, so Enrique planned to do some heroics himself until nightfall.

He could have staged a big event to draw Spider-Man's attention and act like he saved the day, but he knew from countless comic scenarios that such plans rarely ended well. Take Mysterio, for example. Plus what was the point in causing trouble and saving it himself, when others could create that trouble for him? So, he decided to let things play out naturally.

Fortunately, it seemed good luck was on Enrique's side – though it was terrible luck for others – as he came across a burning building in Queens. Such a big fire would surely bring Peter out before nightfall.

[Why do you smile like that when you see a fire?] Mut's confused voice echoed in his mind. [What a weird child.]

Enrique decided to play hero before Peter could arrive.


"Hey, nerd! Eating that cheap stuff again?" A short chubby boy, Flash Thompson, yelled, eliciting laughs from his friends.

Peter, the target of the insult, didn't even look up, causing Flash to hurl more insults. He just shrugged it off. After fighting criminals with his life on the line, these taunts seemed childish.

"If only he knew who he was insulting," Ned, the fat boy sitting beside Peter, chuckled, munching on his food. As the only person who knew the world's greatest secret, he too found Flash's antics outdated and immature.

"Shh, Ned, not here," Peter whispered, watching Ned's eyes widen as he put a finger to his lips. "Good."

When he was about to return to his meal, Peter's phone vibrated, signaling a 'Breaking News' alert. He checked the latest notifications. "Holy shit, Ned," Peter gasped at the news. "It's a fire. I need to go."

Before Ned could respond, Peter threw him a thumbs-up and dashed off, chugging a water bottle. Is this too late? I hope nobody died. The fire was in a three-story building, likely housing at least a dozen people. Peter had to hurry to prevent casualties.

Changing into his red hoodie, blue trousers, and goggles as he ran, Peter swung through Queens, soon reaching the scene. Firefighters were battling the blaze, but his job was to save anyone trapped inside.

"Are there people still inside?" Peter asked a firefighter, who blinked before nodding.

"O-oh, Spider-Man! Yes, but—"

"Alright, I'm going in." Peter was about to jump into the burning building when a low, crisp voice stopped him.

"There's no need for that." Peter turned to see a tall man flying down from the third floor, carrying a girl who clung to him in fear. "She was the last one inside."

The man wore a pristine white costume with a large lightning symbol on his chest, where small black orbs danced like a live wallpaper. His white cape floated behind him, and a gold and white mask covered his face under a hood.

Whoa, damn. Who the hell is that? That's such a sick suit! Peter's mind raced, staring in awe as the new superhero landed in front of him. The firefighter took the girl, and the man extended his hand to Spider-Man.

"Huh?" Peter blinked. "Ah, handshake." Peter quickly shook his hand. "Hi, Spider-Man. Fancy seeing you here. Uh, Mister…?"

"Ah," the man took off his hood, revealing a handsome, smiling face. Spider-Man's eyes twitched, and he felt jealous. Not only was he super handsome, but he was also carefree – meaning strong – enough to reveal his face to the world.

Goddammit, some people are just born with luck, Peter wished he was as tall as the man.

"Some called me Pharoah earlier, but I'm going with Super-Nova," the man said. "Kind of a play on my real name, but otherwise it means an exploding star—I'm sure you know already."

[How arrogant, calling yourself Super-Nova based on your last name,] the Goddess remarked to his narcissistic naming sense. [It's a good name. The grandeur behind it suits my magnificence.]

"Aha," Peter kept shaking his hand. It was a cool name, his pristine white suit and cold silver eyes matched the star theme well. He entered and started with everything sorted up, huh? Peter felt unprofessional in front of his suit. "I think I heard rumors about you. But I didn't expect to meet you here. Thanks for saving the people. I was too late."

Supernova glanced at their still-shaking hands, making Peter let go, embarrassed. "Yes, I hesitated to come since Queens is your territory. But seeing the fire, I decided to help anyway. Hope you don't mind."

"Hey, no way. I'm a spider, not a wolf. Territories aren't my thing," Peter said, pointing at himself with a thumb. "I'm grateful you saved them. But what do we do now—"

Peter's [Peter Tingle] flinched, snapping his head to the side. "Dude, did you sense that?"

"I don't think I have a sixth sense, but now that you say it, yes," Supernova said, starting to float. "Let's move. I heard your senses are sharp; we better trust them."

Peter stared at him flying for a bit before nodding, swinging behind him as they moved. He couldn't help but feel self-conscious. Didn't he, his suit especially, look too lame beside this shining dude?


[Honestly, I thought you'd call yourself Mut's Pharaoh.] That sounded like trash in Enrique's head, but he decided to stay silent. 

The Goddess added, [You broke my heart. But I suppose Super-Nova really isn't bad. Abbadon would have been a good name too, suits you somewhat since it was the Demiurge who sent you here. It means the Angel of the Abyss, I was thinking of suggesting to you that if you couldn't decide on a name.]

She's more chunibyo than I thought, Enrique thought, whispering back replies in a low, hushed voice. 

The area he followed Peter to was another fire, caused by a gas explosion, and he and Peter took care of it together. He spent the day with Spider-Man, cornering thugs and taking down criminals. It was fun for Enrique, who hadn't done street fights in a long time. His techniques were a bit rusty, not that it mattered due to his strength, but he learned some moves from Spider-Man.

His style doesn't suit me though, he's too flexible. Instead, I have to find someone to learn martial arts, he made a mental note. Although he didn't know the upper limit of his strength when wearing the suit, he wasn't that strong physically without it. 

Peak human strength was incredible against normal humans, but monsters roamed the streets of this world, he'd love to know some life-saving moves. Without his suit on, he was pretty sure even a (somewhat) natural human-like Natasha could take him down.

Enrique didn't try to convert anyone today, nor did he mug the criminals he defeated. It was nighttime, and he and Spider-Man were atop a skyscraper. Enrique tossed Peter a pack of McDonald's while opening his own.

As he was about to take a bite, Peter pulled up his mask just enough to reveal his mouth. Enrique feigned surprise.

"Hey," Enrique said. "How old are you?"

Peter choked on his food, probably thinking Enrique wouldn't notice his young skin in the darkness. He quickly pulled down his mask. "W-what do you mean?" he asked in a deeper voice. "I-I'm old enough to drive."

"Right. You're what, fifteen? Sixteen?" Enrique inquired. "Really, what the hell, kid?"

"Hey! We fought beside each other all day, drop it!" Peter grunted. "...Saving lives shouldn't have a minimum age."

Damn, he's right. That was a quotable line. Enrique actually really liked Spider-Man, from both comics and now in real life. He could never be him, but he could respect the mindset this young man had. It was incredible.

He faked a sigh. "Fine, you got a point. You're a capable superhero. But don't you have school and stuff? Isn't this hard to manage?"

"Well, yeah," Peter admitted, rubbing the back of his head. "I actually ran from my lunch break. I wasn't even full, but knowing about a fire, I couldn't just sit and eat. That's why I accepted your offer of eating here, on top of a 50-story building. It feels refreshing."

"Oh wow." Enrique took a bite, leaning against the fence. "It's been hard on you. What's your name? Your real one."

Peter kept munching, not answering.

"Fine." Enrique sighed. "Do I use my godly superpowers to figure it out? Peter Parker?" Peter choked again. "Don't worry, nobody can read my mind. Your secret is safe."

"Dude!" Peter yelled after gulping down another bottle of water. "You don't just peek into people's lives like that!"

"Hey, calm down. I was curious."

"What kind of power was that? Mind reading? S-shit, don't look at my memories of the night I got my powers!" He quickly wrapped his arms around his head, making Enrique burst out laughing.

"That's specific. Let me—" Peter nearly panicked, so Enrique laughed even harder. Peter was fun. "Hahaha, don't worry, I don't have mind-reading powers. You actually dropped this while fighting." He pulled out Peter's money bag, handing it over. "Sorry, I didn't know how else to approach the conversation. Don't carry it when you're out. People can easily track you down."

Peter moved like a dumbfounded robot, accepting his money bag. "You saw my student ID…" he muttered before sighing and taking off his mask, revealing a young but quite handsome face. "Ugh, alright, fine. Let's go all the way." He reached out a hand for a handshake. "Peter Parker. Nice to meet you."

Enrique shook his hand, his super suit morphing into a casual white outfit. "Enrique Nova. Nice to meet you too."

Peter laughed sheepishly and pulled back, grabbing his burger. "So, Enrique, what do you do for a living? Now that you know I'm a student, I think I deserve to know a bit about your life too."

"I thought you'd never ask." Enrique smiled, pulling out his phone. He was about to speak, but Peter raised a hand.

"Wait, I just realized. Your super suit can shape-shift. So cool. But where was the phone when you wore the suit? It didn't have pockets."

"Well," Enrique looked at the sky. "It's all thanks to my Mother, Goddess Mut's, power. Everything in my pocket ends up in her heaven, Aaru, when I wear the super suit."

"Damn," Peter marveled. "Didn't take you for the religious type."

"She's real," Enrique said. "Like, literally. Gods are real. Zeus, Odin. Remember that hammer in the news a few weeks ago? That's Thor's hammer, from Norse mythology."

Peter had stopped eating. "Proof?"

Enrique clasped his hands. "My lovely Goddess, if you may."

The sky brightened, and…


A huge bolt of lightning split the clear sky in two. Peter stared in stupefaction. Enrique took that as a good sign.

"You might doubt this is an extension of my power, and I can't disprove that. But it's up to you if you want to believe."

"Damn." Peter hissed. "Holy shit. So, is Aphrodite real too?"

"Wow, teenagers," Enrique chuckled. "Yes, she is. Be careful of her though, she'a a slut as far as I know."

[She is,] even Mut confirmed.

After a few minutes of chatting, Peter seemed convinced. The recent incident of gaining his powers left him open-minded. Peter shared some secrets too. This Peter, despite looking like Tom Holland, had organic webs, which was a unique trait. 

It made Enrique realize this world was a blend of X-Men and MCU with weird aspects like the blonde Sabretooth resembling Liev Schreiber and Jean Grey looking like her comic-book counterpart. Could he be sure of any of his canon knowledge, at this point?

Ignoring these details, Enrique continued. "About my job, I'm a game developer," he watched Peter raise an eyebrow. "Really. I recently made a mobile game. Want to try?"

He opened the [Subway Surfer] app and tossed his phone to Peter, who yelped and caught it. "Dude, this looks expensive. Don't just throw it." Peter cleared his throat, looking at the screen. "Let's see…"

The screen darkened, and a fancy logo saying [Nova Games] appeared, followed by the Subway Surfers logo. The familiar scene of a boy painting a train popped up, and Peter clicked start.

Peter's character was arrested immediately.

On the next try, he lasted longer. Minutes passed, and Peter kept getting arrested. After the third capture, an announcement popped up.


"Hey, this didn't come up earlier!" Peter complained.

"It only appears every third arrest," Enrique explained. Peter clicked [Revive], and the pop-up changed to a cartoonish chibi statue of Mut. Below her chibi form, bold text read:

[Pray to the Divine Mother, and she shall grant your wish.]

[Pray] - [Start Over]

"What's this about?" Peter asked. "Is this a way to convert me?"

"It's just a game," Enrique shrugged. "You're not actually joining her religion. The text doesn't say that, does it?"

Peter, now open to the idea of gods being real, thought over his words carefully. His aunt was Christian, and while Peter's beliefs weren't that strong, he sometimes visited the church. A moment of consideration later, he clicked [Pray], and Enrique narrowed his eyes.

The screen flashed gold, and the game continued. Enrique heard Mut's surprised voice.

[It… worked.] she said. [He didn't become a believer, but I got faith points when he clicked Pray. Quite a bit for something this insignificant. This is very… wow, it actually worked!]

Smartphone games didn't exist when the Egyptian pantheon was prosperous, so this had never been tried. Though Peter didn't become a believer by clicking Pray, Enrique wasn't worried. Given time, he could develop a game that required genuine belief. It was not as hard as it sounded like.

For example, if rumors spread that Genshin Impact granted items or characters if one prayed wholeheartedly to Mut, many gamers would try it. Enrique wasn't joking. The gacha fanbase was a bit crazy in the head.

"Hey, this is fun," Peter said, continuing to play. "You made this? Why isn't it popular?"

"I just released it today. You're probably the first to play it." Enrique said, watching Peter cheer. "Damn, you seem happy. I'm glad you like it. How about I take a picture of you playing? With your mask on, of course. I'll even pay you. How does a thousand dollars sound?"

"Holy shit, for real?" Peter looked shocked. For a 15-year-old, $1,000 was a lot, especially for Peter. But he soon rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Is that okay, though? That J. Jonah Jameson might say, 'Hey, look, Spider-Man is playing games instead of saving people!' or something worse." Peter said, imitating the old reporter's voice, making Enrique crackle up. "Yeah, that guy's such a dick. I don't know why he's so stuck up with me, man. I feel kinda bad sometimes."

Enrique patted Peter's shoulders. He actually took a liking to this kid. But yes, Peter's fear was valid. However, Enrique had a counter for it. "Not if we caption it: 'Even the busy Spider-Man takes a break! People, don't overdo yourselves!'"

"That sounds cool. I've seen kids overworking for no reason. Spider-Man can help them! Sure, take a picture. How should I pose?" Peter grinned, he was happy seeing this as a chance to help the crowd instead of seeing it as a way to earn money.

Enrique explained his plan, and Peter agreed. Enrique then changed his suit again, turning his cape into a backpack. From within, he pulled out an expensive camera. Peter was surprised, so Enrique once again mentioned Aaru.

In truth, Enrique could change his costume in thousands of ways, storing thousands of items in his pockets and backpacks. The items of a previous outfit would be transported to Mut's Heaven, Aaru, until he'd switch back. It was a neat trick, and Enrique planned to abuse it. It was basically an Inventory. He someday wished to have his own useful set of powers, rather than to rely on the Goddess for everything.

After finding a good view, Peter jumped from the top of the 50-story building, flinging a web from his right hand while playing Subway Surfers with his left. Enrique flew behind him, capturing a perfect picture.

That single picture became the week's hot topic, and Enrique's downloads skyrocketed. Advertisement, done.




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