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100% My life in the Demon Slayer / Chapter 7: The Well's Gaze

Chapitre 7: The Well's Gaze

The voice, smooth and insidious, seemed to slither into Fujitora's very bones, chilling him to the core. He redoubled his efforts, slamming his fists against the barrier, but it remained unyielding, a wall of pure, malevolent energy that separated him from Hana.

"Let her go!" Fujitora roared, his voice raw with desperation. He could feel his control slipping, anger and fear threatening to consume him. But even in his rage, he knew that losing his composure would only play into the demon's hands.

"But why would I do that?" the voice purred, a mocking lilt to its tone. "She has offered me such a precious gift, a token of her deepest fear, her most vulnerable desires. It would be rude not to accept, wouldn't it?"

Fujitora's gaze darted to Hana. She stood frozen on the other side of the barrier, her eyes wide and unseeing, her body swaying slightly as if buffeted by an unseen wind. The white flower, now nothing more than a pile of ash, lay forgotten at her feet.

He could see the fear in her eyes, but it was different now, twisted, amplified by the demon's influence. It was a fear that had taken root in her very being, a seed of darkness that threatened to consume her from the inside out.

He had to reach her, had to break through whatever hold the demon had over her. But how? His sword was useless against this intangible barrier, his strength meaningless against the creature's insidious power.

He racked his brain, trying to recall his training, anything that could help him in this impossible situation. Giyu's words echoed in his mind, "Water adapts, it flows around obstacles, finds the path of least resistance."

But what if there was no path? What if the only way to fight darkness was to confront it head-on, to meet its power with a force even more unyielding?

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, drawing upon the energy that flowed within him, the power of Water Breathing that had become as familiar as his own heartbeat. He had always thought of Water Breathing as a physical discipline, a series of forms and techniques designed to enhance his speed and agility.

But what if it was more than that? What if it was a way to tap into something deeper, something primal, a force of nature as relentless and unyielding as the water that carved its path through mountains?

He focused his will, picturing the waterfall near Giyu's cabin, the way the water crashed against the rocks, relentless, unstoppable. He imagined himself as that water, his anger, his fear, transforming into a torrent of pure energy.

He opened his eyes, his gaze fixed on the barrier, and for the first time, he didn't see an obstacle. He saw a challenge.

He didn't attack the barrier with his sword, didn't waste his energy on brute force. Instead, he focused his will, channeling the torrent of emotions surging within him, the fear for Hana, the anger at the demon's manipulation, the unwavering resolve to protect the innocent.

He breathed, not the measured breaths of his training, but deep, primal breaths that seemed to draw power from the very air around him. He felt a warmth spread through his chest, a tingling sensation that flowed down his arms, into his hands, until it reached the hilt of his sword.

The air around him shimmered, the faint outline of his body blurring as if reflected in moving water. The temperature in the clearing plummeted, a sudden chill that had nothing to do with the night air.

And then, with a roar that seemed to shake the very foundations of the village, he unleashed his attack.

It wasn't a physical strike, not a tangible blow. It was something else entirely. A wave of pure energy, as forceful and unyielding as a tidal wave, erupted from his body, washing over the barrier, engulfing it in a blinding white light.

The demon's voice, which had been a mocking whisper moments before, rose in a shriek of surprise and outrage. The barrier shuddered, the air crackling with energy as the two opposing forces collided.

Fujitora didn't hesitate. He poured more of himself into the attack, his anger, his fear, his determination, fueling the wave of energy that threatened to consume everything in its path. He could feel the strain on his body, the limits of his endurance stretched to the breaking point. But he couldn't stop, not now, not when Hana's life hung in the balance.

And then, with a sound like shattering glass, the barrier broke.

The wave of energy surged forward, crashing into the well with a force that seemed to split the earth itself. The ground beneath Fujitora's feet buckled, throwing him off balance. He stumbled back, shielding his eyes from the blinding light that engulfed the well.

As the light faded, he saw her.

Hana lay sprawled on the ground, a few feet from the well's edge. The demon's hold over her had broken, the unnatural fear that had gripped her replaced by a dazed confusion.

He rushed to her side, dropping to his knees beside her, his heart pounding against his ribs.

"Hana? Hana, are you alright?"

He had to reach her before the demon could regain its hold, before the fear it had sown could take root and consume her from within. He pushed himself harder, his feet barely touching the ground as he closed the distance between them.

The demon, caught off guard by Fujitora's sudden burst of power, let out a roar of anger, its voice echoing from the depths of the well. The air around the well churned, the blood-red eye reappearing, this time larger, more malevolent than before.

"You dare interfere?!" the demon shrieked, its voice laced with fury. "You cannot defy me, mortal!"

But Fujitora wasn't listening. He had reached Hana, his hand shooting out to grasp her wrist, pulling her away from the well's edge. She stumbled against him, her body limp, her eyes still vacant, but he held her firm, a steadying presence against the chaos that swirled around them.

"Hana, it's me, Fujitora," he said, his voice low and urgent, hoping to pierce through the fog of fear that clouded her mind. "Fight it, Hana. Remember who you are."

He could feel the demon's anger, its frustration, radiating outwards from the well like a physical force. The air crackled with energy, the ground beneath their feet trembling as the creature struggled to regain control of the situation.

"You cannot deny me my prize," the demon hissed, its voice closer now, slithering around them like a venomous serpent. "She is mine! Her fear, her despair, it belongs to me!"

A dark, viscous tendril shot out from the well, aimed at Hana, its tip glowing with a sickly green light. Fujitora reacted instinctively, pushing Hana behind him, using his own body as a shield.

The tendril slammed against his chest, the force of the impact knocking him off his feet. He landed hard on his back, the air knocked out of his lungs, a sharp pain radiating through his ribs.

He gasped for breath, his vision blurring at the edges, but he couldn't afford to black out, not now. He struggled to his feet, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword, but it was gone, knocked away from him during the fall.

He was unarmed, injured, and facing a creature of immense power, a creature that fed on fear, on despair. He had never felt so outmatched, so utterly hopeless.

But then, he heard it.

A faint whisper, barely audible above the pounding of his heart and the demon's enraged snarls.

"Water… like the rain… cleansing… protecting…"

It was Hana.

But then, he heard it. A faint whisper, barely audible above the pounding of his heart and the demon's enraged growls, yet filled with a strength that belied its fragility.


He looked up, his vision blurry, and saw Hana. She was still standing, her body trembling, but her eyes...her eyes were different. The fear was still there, but it was fading, replaced by a spark of defiance, a flicker of the strong-willed girl he had glimpsed beneath the terror.

She was clutching something in her hand, a small, white object that shimmered faintly in the moonlight. He recognized it with a jolt – the single white flower, the one she had offered to the well, the one that had withered and turned to ash.

But this flower wasn't withered. It wasn't consumed by darkness. It was glowing, radiating a soft, white light that seemed to push back the shadows, to hold the demon's darkness at bay.

"This is...mine," Hana repeated, her voice gaining strength with each word. "My fear...my hope...it's mine to control."

She closed her eyes, her grip tightening on the flower, and as she did, a wave of energy erupted from her, a surge of pure, unwavering will that slammed against the demon's oppressive aura like a physical force.

The demon shrieked, its voice laced with surprise and pain. "What is this?!" it roared, its tone laced with a hint of fear. "What have you done?!"

"I choose hope," Hana whispered, her voice trembling but resolute. "I choose life."

And with a final surge of will, she crushed the flower in her hand, the white petals dissolving into a blinding flash of light that engulfed the entire village.

The explosion of light was blinding, a supernova of pure, raw energy that erupted from Hana's small frame and engulfed the entire village. Fujitora, caught in the blast, threw his arms up to shield his eyes, his ears ringing from the deafening roar that seemed to split the night itself.

Then, as quickly as it began, it was over. The light faded, leaving behind an eerie silence that was somehow more profound than the stillness that had preceded it. Fujitora slowly lowered his arms, his vision blurry, his ears still ringing.

The village around him was bathed in an ethereal white glow, the shadows that had clung to the houses, the well, the very air itself, seemingly banished by the blast. The air, previously thick with the demon's oppressive aura, now felt clear, light, almost… joyful.

He looked around, his heart pounding, searching for Hana. She was gone. The spot where she had stood moments before was empty, the only evidence of her presence the faint scent of wildflowers and a single, white petal that drifted down from the sky, settling gently on the ground before him.

"Hana?" he called out, his voice hoarse, a tremor of fear running through him despite the evidence of the demon's retreat. "Hana, where are you?"


He scrambled to his feet, his gaze darting around the village, searching for any sign of her. He raced towards the well, his heart pounding against his ribs, fearing the worst.

But the well was empty. The blood-red eye, the churning darkness, the oppressive aura that had clung to it moments before – all gone, vanished as if they had never been.

He stood there for a moment, his chest heaving, his mind struggling to grasp the magnitude of what had just transpired. Hana, the frightened girl who had clung to his sleeve, had faced down a demon, a creature of immense power and darkness, and she had won.

But at what cost?

He looked down at the single white petal in his hand, its delicate form seemingly untouched by the maelstrom of energy it had unleashed. It was a fragile reminder of the strength that lay dormant within even the most unassuming hearts, a testament to the power of hope, of courage, of unwavering belief.

He didn't know where Hana was, or if she would ever return. But he knew, with a certainty that settled deep in his bones, that he would never forget her, that her courage would forever inspire him, a guiding light on his own path as a Demon Slayer.

He didn't know where Hana was, or if she would ever return. But he knew, with a certainty that defied logic or explanation, that she was alive. He could feel it in the air, in the rustling leaves, in the very essence of the world around him. She was gone, but not lost. Changed, perhaps, but not broken.

He tucked the white petal carefully into his pocket, a tangible reminder of the girl who had faced down a demon and emerged victorious. He had much to ponder, much to learn about the true nature of demons, about the depths of human strength and resilience.

He had come to this village seeking to prove himself, to test his skills as a Demon Slayer. But he had discovered something far more profound, a truth that transcended the art of the sword, the mastery of Water Breathing.

He had discovered that true strength lay not in power, but in compassion. Not in the ability to destroy, but in the will to protect. Not in the absence of fear, but in the courage to face it, to embrace it, and to transform it into something brighter, something stronger.

He had learned that even the smallest spark of hope, nurtured by courage and determination, could banish the deepest darkness.

He left the village at dawn, his wounds healed, his spirit lighter than it had been in weeks. He didn't know where his journey would take him next, what new challenges awaited him on the path he had chosen. But he was no longer the same boy who had set out from Giyu's mountain. He had faced his fears, confronted his weaknesses, and emerged from the crucible of battle forever changed.

He was a Demon Slayer, a protector of humanity. But he was also something more. He was a beacon of hope, a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit, a living embodiment of the eleventh form of Water Breathing: Torrent of Cleansing.

And he would carry the memory of that night, the memory of Hana's courage, the memory of the white flower that banished the darkness, with him always.

The rising sun painted the sky in hues of orange and gold as Fujitora walked, each step carrying him further from the village, deeper into the heart of a world he was only beginning to understand. The encounter with the demon at the well, the encounter with Hana, had been a baptism by fire, a brutal initiation into the true nature of his calling.

He was no longer just a student, honing his skills in the safety of Giyu's mountain. He was a Demon Slayer, a warrior who walked a path fraught with danger, a path where life and death danced a macabre waltz beneath a moonless sky.

He thought about Giyu, his stoic face, his unwavering dedication to his duty. He had always admired Giyu's strength, his mastery of Water Breathing. But now, he understood that true strength went beyond physical prowess, beyond the ability to wield a sword with deadly grace.

True strength lay in the willingness to confront not just the demons that lurked in the shadows, but the demons that resided within, the fear, the doubt, the temptation to turn away from the darkness instead of facing it head-on.

He thought about Hana, her quiet courage, the way she had faced down a creature of immense power with nothing but a single white flower and the strength of her convictions. He realized that he had been wrong to underestimate her, to dismiss her as just another frightened villager.

She had shown him the true potential of the human spirit, the power that lay dormant within every heart, waiting to be awakened. He had seen a glimpse of that power in the way she had channeled her fear, her despair, transforming them into a force that had banished the darkness, a force that had even given the demon pause.

He still didn't understand how she had done it, how she had managed to summon such power. But he was determined to find out. He had glimpsed a truth that night, a truth that went beyond the teachings of the Water Breathing style, a truth that hinted at a deeper connection between humans and demons, between light and darkness.

He touched the white petal tucked safely in his pocket, its delicate form a tangible reminder of the girl who had defied a demon and vanished into the night. He didn't know if their paths would ever cross again, but he carried her memory with him, a beacon of hope in the face of the darkness he had sworn to fight.

He was a Demon Slayer, a warrior of the night. But he was also a student, a seeker of truth. And he would follow his path, wherever it led, with courage in his heart and a newfound understanding of the power that lay dormant within him, waiting to be unleashed.



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