The sudden apparition shocked everyone present!
A brilliant fissure suddenly tore open the sky.
From this crack burst a dazzling golden ray of Divine Power, different from any flame or magic on the battlefield, but a warm and solemn force, full of redemption and hope.
Like the dawn's first light piercing through the war's gloom, the ray instantly illuminated the entire battlefield, bringing all killing and strife to a halt at that moment.
"It's Divine Power!"
"The Lord of Salvation's Divine Power, no less!"
Several Monarch powerful experts among the Rhea People were so astonished they were at a loss for words; subsequently, they cried out loudly for help, hoping the Lord of Salvation's power could directly destroy their enemies.
"Oh great Lord of Salvation, save us!"
"Please vanquish our enemies!"
Karl instantly realized what it was.
"The power of the Lord of Salvation?"
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