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89.65% Fate/Zero Requiem / Chapter 26: Traps and Betrayal

Chapitre 26: Traps and Betrayal

Fuyuki City.

It was late in the evening.

In the far corner of the city, inside the abandoned building, the western magus grunted as he looked over his belongings. Almost everything Kayneth brought with him to Japan was lost during the blasted explosion of the Hyatt Hotel. The future head of the El-Melloi family lost many of his personal Mystic Codes. He no longer had the tools he prepared specifically for winning the Holy Grail War.

That included his own Servant.

It was the most devastating blow. Not because Kayneth cared about Lancer. Quite the opposite. He despised the male Servant because of his curse's effects on Sola-Ui.

Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, or Diarmuid of the Love Spot. Had the curse been able to affect the Master of Saber, or maybe even just Saber or Avenger herself, it would've been fine. In fact, it would've been a great advantage for his Servant to be able to woo others to their side.

Yet instead, the nobleman magus had been given the misfortune of the accursed mark only having the nasty effect of turning his beloved fiancé against him. Even now, after Lancer had long passed.

'Keh… even to the end… Useless mutt.' But while Lancer's death appeased Kayneth' s irritation of the fact, it also complicated his position. 'I don't have a servant. Normally, continuing fighting in such a situation would have been foolish. But… But I cannot admit defeat! Not like this!'

There were many reasons why Kayneth couldn't just leave war like this. Besmirching his family's name for one. It would forever tarnish the long-lived name of the Archibald family. Not to mention, he wouldn't ever be able to endure the shame for the rest of his life.

Right now his chances of winning this war were low. Worse still was the lower chances to survive the accursed ritual!

Dying during the Grail War was one thing. It was expected and a valiant outcome for participants who struggled to the end. But that was if one was willing to die for such an honour!

But… admitting one's defeat was a different matter…

Clock Tower inner politics were brutal and had no place for mercy. Many people, including those within his own family, would like to see the rising star of the El-Melloi family fall from grace. If he returned to London with empty hands, it would lead to a lot of problems. As the future head of the El-Melloi family and the Lord of Mineralogy Department in Clock Tower, he had many enemies. Even amongst his own blood.

If he didn't die here, he was certain they would use his defeat in the Grail War as an opportunity to destroy his reputation and position within the Moonlit world.

Death or dishonour. Either path would be the end of him.

'And then there is Waver Velvet! Losing to other first-rate magi is something that can be understood, but surrendering while my own student continued to fight… That is the worst possibility!' No one will forgive it. Kayneth certainly wouldn't. He could not allow Waver to survive, much less win this war.

For the sake of his reputation, his student must be silenced no matter the cost. However, he still had a good chance to return to London with victory.

The Magus Killer, Kiritsugu Emiya was an infamous individual, more so in the magic community. Feared and hated, every magus knew of him. Should Kayneth be the one to slay him, no one will question his defeat in the long run then. In fact, it might win him favours among other lords within Clock Tower.

The Magus Killer made many enemies within their organization. And though most would never comment on their hiring the man to remove dangerous individuals, many will be openly thankful if he was removed. Not to mention, the prestige he will gain for defeating the magus representative of the Einzbern family.

The secretive German magi clan believed they were superior to everyone else, always hiding away inside their forest. If he managed to defeat both Emiya and Einzbern, it would secure Kayneth' s position. Not that of absolute victory, but a compromise he could accept, nonetheless.

After all, Lelouch was planning to take care of Saber. With the backup of Avenger and Berserker, the blonde magus won't have issues killing the homunculus Master or her lap dogs on his own.

As of now, his best option was to trust his 'ally', Lelouch Lamperouge, and that disrespectful tyrant of woman. With their potential accomplice from the Matou family, they were in a strong position of three Masters and two Servants against a single Master-Servant pair and a couple of mutts considered a disgrace to magi the world over.

Currently, the former Master of Lancer was confident in his position. And while Kayneth didn't have Servant anymore, he was an experienced magus and prodigy. Neither Lamperouge nor Matou master were first-rate magi. And their servants certainly didn't compare to him in this field. Not by a long shot.

For now, his service as the only actually trained magus in their group was his biggest leverage. But Kayneth understood that was his only use for both of his allies. Without a Servant, there was little else he had up his sleeve. However, what concerned him, even more, was the fact that, without Lancer, he didn't have anyone capable of protecting him from the other Servants. Especially those of his 'allies'.

Kayneth wasn't a fool.

Being a magus was and always will be a dangerous life. This war only exemplified that fact. Lamperouge himself said that their alliance won't last until the end of the war. Only until Saber, Archer and Caster were dead. After that, they would revert to being enemies. But now he was without a Servant, and that raised a natural question.

'How is he supposed to win this war when he no longer can protect himself or Sola-Ui–?' His thoughts were interrupted when he felt something. 'Hm? This is…'

His senses sharpened. Someone had entered his boundary field.

As a first-rate magus, the first thing Kayneth knew to do was to set up several boundary fields around their current base of operation. Of course, none of it could've compared to the fortress that was the bombed hotel. Among the many barriers was a simple alarm system that would notify its creator when someone without authorization entered the magi' s territory.

Kayneth froze, this wasn't Lelouch or his Servant Avenger. Those two had permission to enter his domain and therefore the boundary field wouldn't so much as react to them with an alarm. This meant that it was an outsider.

An enemy.

The first thing Kayneth did was to turn towards the room that housed the resting Matou magus. If this was an enemy Servant, he'd have no choice but to rely on the master of Berserker for his and his fiancé's protection.

However, before he could take a step forward to inform his guest, said dear fiancé Sola entered the room.

"A priest has come."


Kirei silently waited before the largest of the old, ruined buildings.

He didn't need to enter further. Just being within the border of the boundary field had to be enough to alert its creator. Especially for someone as prestigious as Lord El-Melloi of the Clock Tower. It didn't take long before the Servant-less Master made his appearance.

Kayneth stopped a few meters away. Expression kept polite and noble, despite the dilapidated state of his new base. From where he stood, it didn't seem like the magus had prepared any form of protection, much less call for his deceased Servant. But Kirei remembered the events from the last battle.

The western magus was still in possession of quite the formidable Mystic Code. Not even a novice like Kirei would dare underestimate the perfect defence that could be created by a mass of mercury under the control of a high-ranking mage. A cursory glance of the area was enough for the Executioner to notice the light glow of silver liquid moving among the grass. Slowly, they made their way to form a perimeter around Kirei.

The young priest slightly smiled and raised his hands at their expected apprehension. He knew better to show that he had no ill intentions behind this sudden visit. At least, not right now.

"Lord Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, pardon for the disturbance on this fine evening, however, I came here as a messenger. Not as a combatant."

Kayneth' s expression shifted slightly but didn't give away much in the way of his thoughts. As expected of an esteemed member of the Mage Association. "Messenger? From whom could it be and why would a former Master as yourself be the one to deliver it? Might it be from your father, the supervisor?"

"I think we both know that my father is no longer among the living. And I have a good guess who was behind this sudden murder." Kirei smirked when Kayneth tensed. Perhaps, his earlier assessment of the man's composure was false. "Just for clarity' s sake, I must confirm. You, like all the other Masters, are well-aware that the supervisor is a neutral party in this war."

"Hm. Of course, I do." The smile returned but widened slightly. "And perhaps, if the old priest played by the rules he enforced, he would've survived."

Kirei didn't let slip anything. But he couldn't help but ask. "Whatever could you—"

"Don't play games with me, Executioner! We know that both you and your dear father were supporting the Tohsakas!" Kayneth pointed his finger at Kirei. As if it was a signal, his signature Volumen Hydrargyrum formed a defensive perimeter around its creator, ready to react to any form of attack. "Don't even think about playing dumb! I might not have a Servant, but I, Lord El Melloi Archibald, am still a Lord from the Clock Tower—!"

"You misunderstand me, Milord Archibald." Kirei's neutral, almost uncaring tone caught the magus ire, but he pressed before he could be interrupted himself. "Be relieved, for I have no intentions in avenging my father. Nor did I come here to punish you for breaking the rules. After all, as you say, we did not follow them either. Please, calm down and let me speak."

Kayneth's confusion lasted for only a second. His guard was still up.

"Hmph. If you didn't come for that, then what is it that you want, priest?"

"As I said, I' m just a messenger tonight. My teacher, Tohsaka Tokiomi, desires to speak with the man currently in your care."

The blonde magus didn't react, but Kirei could sense the air about him. He was nervous. "You speak of the Master of the Matou?"

The man of God nodded. "It took me some time to ascertain the location of Matou Kariya as he hadn't returned to his apartment and didn't visit his home. It only dawned upon me recently that another Master must have been helping him. Though unexpected, it wasn't hard to guess who. If you don't mind me saying, your ally, Lelouch Lamperouge… He is quite an… unusual magus."

Kirei smirked and gleaned more anxiety from the man before him. Kayneth still said nothing, but anyone could tell. Even the most prestigious magus participating in the Grail War was just as perturbed about the boy as the rest of them.

No matter. That wasn't what he came for anyway. "Moving on. I came only to pass the letter from my teacher, nothing more."

"And why would the Tohsaka want to chat with the man who almost killed their Master?" it seemed out of the blue to ask, but Kirei couldn't fault the man for digging. He was aware the Lord of the Clock Tower needed as many allies as he could get, having lost his only one.

"Family Matters, I believe. An unexpected matter had appeared. Something that involves both Matou and Tohsaka clans."

The magus' frustrated curiosity was masked with slight irritation.

"And this matter is about—?"

"Classified," Kirei replied. A small smile formed when he registered the grimace on Kayneth' s face. "Pardon me, as I was not privy to the details. And even if I were to know, I'm afraid it has nothing to do with either you or the Master of Avenger. I would politely ask that you stay out of this."

"Hoh? Do tell, why should I? As far as I stand, Matou' s Master is currently my guest and is enjoying my hospitality. This invitation sounds suspicious, so pardon me as well," the mercury pools all rippled and started to bubble. Like they were readying for an attack, or it was an attempt at intimidation. "However, as a kind host, I wouldn't want any harm to endanger the life of my guest. Besides, even if I were to pass on your message, it isn't sealed in stone that he would accept. My, he might prefer to refuse such talks with the Tohsaka being, oh, I don't know, these two not having the best of relationships."

"That is true…" Kirei nodded but wasn't at all perturbed by the stubborn nobleman. "And that' s why my teacher asked me to pass this as well."

Pulling out a scroll, he threw it before Kayneth. Volumen Hydrargyrum's defensive form shot out a silver tentacle that caught it midair. It then tenderly undid the seal and revealed its contents to its creator from a safe distance before bringing it closer when it was clear it wasn't a trap.

Kayneth' s façade of composure slowly vanished as he continued to read it. The man's eyes were as wide as marbles by the time he was done.

"This is—?!"

"Indeed. My teacher has signed a Self-Geis Scroll."

Geis, the Holy Oath, one of the worst curses in magecraft. For those who aren't magi, it was nothing but meaningless scribbles and intricate patterns on a high-quality calfskin parchment. But to any mage, it is a curse. One that directly binds the Magic Crest of the target and signer to fulfil the terms and conditions of the agreement written within.

As the signature of the declarer is signed in blood and infused with Magical Energy, it is bound both by blood and soul. This contract… not only was it absolute, but it also couldn't ever theoretically be erased, resisted, or lifted… even after one has fulfilled the agreement within or if the signer dies. Truly, an eternal binding contract.

Though not a true magus by any sense of the word, Kirei was aware it was a very dangerous magecraft made for a society where treachery and betrayal was a common occurrence. Even the most distrustful of magi needed something that offered the maximal concession.

One in which betrayal was never going to be an option.

Kayneth quickly let go of the scroll. Kirei would've thought the man a bit too superstitious, knowing that some considered even holding one as a bad omen. But as a priest, he couldn't be one to talk, no? The scroll was caught and delivered back to him by another silver tentacle. Apparently, the magus drew the superstitious line at Volumen Hydrargyrum.

Meeting gazes with the mass of mercury's creator, this time, Kayneth showed more polite concern. Albeit forced, but concern, still.

"I see that Tohsaka doesn't play around. Self-Geis… Hmph, by the Root, I would say it is both insanity and foolishness combined into one."

"My teacher simply acts as he sees fit. It is not in my position to comment." Kirei had to stifle a chuckle there. Not that Tokiomi was in any position to say anything either. Taking a bow, he hid the nasty grin that was overtaking his lower face. "This contract is hereby signed by and with the blood of my teacher. By its terms, I reiterate that it guarantees the safety of Matou Kariya, Master of Berserker. My teacher, Tohsaka Tokiomi, swears an oath that neither his Servant nor himself will harm Matou Kariya in any way." Managing to reign in his mirth, the priest raised his head to meet the magus' gaze once more. "So long as he will be willing for a peaceful conversation, of course."

Kayneth quickly noticed the loophole. "However, it says nothing about you."

"While that may be true, I' m sure you know that there is little I can do against a Servant." Not by himself anyway. "Let alone, someone as dangerous as Berserker."

Kayneth' s expression was one of careful contemplation. To him, it may as well be a good chance to get rid of Archer. Lamperouge and Avenger would no doubt think the same as well had they been present. It was as best an opportunity as they could ask to deal with their biggest obstacle in this war. Kirei was aware of it as much as Lord Archibald was.

The question now was 'how much does he think I realize this as well?'

"You must realize that while I don't mind staying out of this, my other ally will have his own ideas on the matter."

The magi' s answer was broad and open to interpretation. Kirei answered back. "Hmm, in that case, I have something else that might occupy young Lamperouge and his Servant," Kirei said, tossing another paper, this time it was non-magical. Kayneth' s mercury tentacles captured it just like the earlier scroll.

"And what may this be?"

"The address of Emiya Kiritsugu' s new base of operation," Kirei replied, failing to notice the light in Kayneth' s eyes. "Consider this as payment for your cooperation. My teacher merely asks for one night to speak with Matou Kariya. Surely, the Magus Killer will be of some interest compared to a family issue with him being a bigger fish to slay for your community."

"Hm. Is that so?" There was something slightly odd about Kayneth' s suddenly indifferent tone, but Kirei couldn't place it. But the man's follow up was something Kirei knew to respond against. "In that case, would you care to tell me what exactly is stopping us from going after your teacher first, then later visiting the Magus Killer with this address you so kindly provided for us?"

"You would be fighting the King of Heroes who, may I remind you, doesn't like it when others disrespect his hospitality. While the Master of Avenger and Matou Kariya might have Servants ready to protect them from the wrath of his Highness, could the same be said of yourself, Lord El-Melloi?" A small mischievous smile appeared on Kirei's face when he caught the insulted smirk of the mage. "You no longer have a Servant to fight for you and I highly doubt other Servants would prioritize your life above their Masters. I trust you wouldn't try anything ridiculous while at a disadvantage. Someone of your calibre should very well know their place in this matter."

Even if they attack, it doesn't mean everything will go as they want. Archer was powerful and wouldn't go down without a fight. Well aware of the haughty king's personality, if they tried, they would die trying.

Lelouch and Kariya had Servants to protect them but Kayneth didn't. Gilgamesh didn't even need to shoot one of his weapons at him, merely draw his gaze. The western magus would be done for, either by Tokiomi if he was still capable, or him if it came down to it. On the other hand, both the Magus Killer and Saber would be an easier target compared to Archer.

"Besides, who knows if you will have such a chance to strike at Emiya again? The Magus Killer is a very careful person. Next time, neither he nor Einzbern might be there. Especially if someone would alert them about a possible attack."

"Tch." Kayneth clicked his tongue.

With this, it was clear. Tohsaka Tokiomi, or so it would appear, preferred that no one would interrupt them. Insinuating that it'd be more difficult to find and hunt down Emiya would also imply that the Tohsaka wouldn't be so. With the necessity of going after Tokiomi and Kirei himself later, planting this seed was sure to make it an appealing bait.

"Very well, I will pass on your message."

Kirei appreciated it, truly. "Thank you, Lord El-Melloi. Still, it pains me to see such proud magus be reduced to assistant."

"What did you just say?!"

It was a jab at insecurities. And he was glad he was right on the mark. "Apologies. I was just thinking about your situation. Without a Servant, at the mercy of your ally who I understand to be just a boy with quite a powerful Servant of his own. Apart from your extensive experience in magecraft, I cannot seem to pick up why they would ally with you. More so when you are less capable in a fight against other Servants." Kirei was sure his small smirk rubbed Kayneth the wrong way. It is practically shown in the way the man's temple started bulging with veins. "It is difficult to imagine how you might get out of your situation alive. Well… you have my condolences. And my prayers—"

"You'd do well to hold your tongue, knave! I might not be in the best position at the moment, but I am still one of the Clock Tower Lords! This temporary setback… It will not stop me!"

"Forgive my careless remarks." Kirei politely nodded, noting the man's lacking self-control. "Your confidence in the matter is… inspiring to say the least. However, Lord El-Melloi, even you must realize when it is important to have an alternative, an escape strategy if you will."

"You dare—!" Kayneth seemed about ready to snap, but he stopped. The look on his face was exactly what Kirei wanted. "Wait… There is another reason why you come here, is it not? I doubt a priest such as yourself would dare mouth off so much for a mere delivery."

Said priest smiled. "For someone of your talents to die in this war will be a tragedy. Let's just say that, as a member of the Church, it is still within my duties to help Masters without a Servant of their own. I and my master understood why it is important to have a good relationship with someone like you. And that is why…" Kirei pulled out a second Self-Geis Scroll and immediately tossed it over. "We decided to extend a helping hand. However, be warned that our assistance only extends to you. Regrettably, the young Master of Avenger is not permitted such a privilege for his status as a novice mage can't be outweighed by a Lord such as yourself."

Kayneth took the second cursed scroll to read. Once he finished, the blonde magus made to momentarily consider the offer. From the stare he directed at Kirei, the man knew Archibald was aware of what this offer would mean for them in the near future.

Divide and conquer. A strategy is as old as time. But despite the backstabbing nature of it, it was nevertheless effective. Still, would the man do what the contract asked of him?

But of course! After all, magi were treacherous creatures, to begin with. If they hadn't been, why else would someone develop the means of a binding contract?

The Servant-less Master smiled. Undoubtedly, he was thinking to himself on how to impart upon the young Lamperouge a most important lesson every first-rate magi like Kayneth knew and believed wholeheartedly. Even if it will be the last thing he will learn.

"Intriguing. Ahahahahah!" The western magus let out a short laugh before slowly walking away from the priest. "Return to your lord, Executioner. Tell him we have a deal."

Kirei bowed feigned respect for the Lord that his away in the ruins. Things were coming along nicely.

As both Kayneth and Kirei departed from their exchange for the evening, neither noticed the familiar that was floating above them in the air.


Lelouch could see that yesterday's day off had a positive effect on Nobunaga.

Or 'Nobu' as he was now calling her.

The redheaded daimyo had a pleasant smile on her face the entire time, and Lelouch wasn't about to question it. Happy Nobu meant she enjoyed the sights and scenery of the city.

That also meant no arson. Considering the short fuse she had, that was a good thing. Destroying a perfectly useful battlefield before the final battle wasn't what he enjoyed after all. Nor did he really prefer to use such wanton destruction in his tactics either. Not unless it was out of necessity anyways.

Still, right now, both Master and Servant were making their way towards their latest friend. The Master of Berserk should be rested and healed by now. It meant that there should be time to discuss an alliance between them if Kayneth hadn't already started. Kayneth and Sola had the entire day to convince the Matou master to listen to their proposal. It'd be odd if the high and mighty magus hadn't.

The two of them entered Kayneth' s current territory without any issue and soon they were inside the half-destroyed building. Lelouch noticed neither the magus nor his fiancé. Speaking with the latter one first would be helpful right about now. He much preferred getting things out of the way before he started with the main issue.

"I sense another Servant," Nobu said.

"Berserker," Lelouch noted her alert expression. "He most likely can feel you too. Well, he hasn't attacked us yet, so I will take that as a sign that our ally has at least managed to get on speaking terms with Matou Kariya."

Nobu smirked. "Heh. At least the annoying noble is good for something."

"I heard that!" Kayneth shouted as he entered the room. "Hmph. I will let you know, I was busy with my own business."

"Good morning to you too, Lord Archibald." Lelouch politely greeted him. "How is our guest doing?"

"Go and ask him yourself. How he could rest in such a state, I fail to understand, but he's been well-rested and is currently waiting in his room."

"Thank you for going through the trouble."

The man's rude and pompous attitude wasn't at all deterred by the sordid living conditions he'd been forced in. In Lelouch's eyes, that at least told him the man was made of tougher stuff than most Britannian nobles.

"But Lamperouge, there is something you must know about."

Lelouch gave the man a curious glance while Kayneth started to tell him about last night's visitor. That being the son of the priest and former Master of Assassin, Kotomine Kirei. A particular topic however had the Demon Emperor's keen interest.

"A meeting with the Tohsaka Master is it… And this binding contract, pardon me, but what is it called again?"

"Please pay attention when I explain so that I need not waste time repeating myself!" Nobu's gaze on the man wordlessly stated that he was wasting time itself by saying as much. But luckily, she didn't go off and threaten Kayneth again. "It's called a 'Self-Geis Scroll'. A binding contract that seals not only the body but one' s soul by means of the signer's Magic Crest."

Lelouch pondered on this new discovery. Self-Geis Scroll.



'Hahaha, what an incredible coincidence.' Lelouch bit his tongue in order to stop himself from chuckling aloud. The contact that was ensuring its participants obeyed its rules no matter what? He couldn't help but be amused by the irony of it all. 'The simple existence of such magic is… Heh… Hahahah! How amusing! Well, with my experience from my own Geass, these contracts might be an interesting tool in the future.'

"You think this is funny, Lamperouge?"

Kayneth cottoned on to his amusement. Likely due to his shaking shoulders. It seems the man wasn't much of a fan of Geis scrolls. The cursed contract was feared among magi for a reason, there was nothing worse than cursing your Magic Crest and dooming the legacy of your family.

"Sorry. I don't mean to mock you. I just remembered… something from the past." Lelouch replied with a small smile. "So, Kirei gave you a Geis contract and the address of Emiya Kiritsugu?"

"I-Indeed." Coughing into his balled fist, the magus recomposed. "I propose we go after the Magus Killer first. Taking him out right now will make the rest of the war easier."

'Not to mention, Tohsaka Tokiomi might expect us. But allowing Matou Kariya to walk into an obvious trap was foolish.' The master of Archer most likely wanted to get rid of the man who almost killed him one way or another. Not necessarily killing. Both men had a history after all. Still. 'I need to learn more about this Sakura girl and what exactly happened.'

Knowing Kariya's motivation would make it easier to persuade him. But it seemed learning it from the man in question was the only option available to him right now. Lelouch didn't like the direct method if he could avoid it. Especially when the man didn't have much of a reason to side with them, other than out of convenience.

"I'll speak with Matou Kariya and see what he thinks about it." As Lelouch said it, he and Nobu started to walk towards the ill master's room. However, Kayneth called him.

"Oh, right. One last piece of news. I received a call from our 'associates', the police." The smile on Kayneth's face turned sadistic. "They found Waver's location. That fool is hiding among non-magi peasants in the suburban area."

'Hmm, good news. Now we have locations of both Saber and Rider. Waver and Iskandar will have to wait for some time though.' While Lelouch was thinking as much, someone else was thrilled.

"Finally! Now I can show that brute who is the best conqueror in this war!" Nobu's smile was wide and eager. If he allowed her, no doubt she'd go wild.

'However, wouldn't that be me? Having conquered the entirety of the world, and all?' Lelouch carefully whispered into her head with a hint of sarcasm.

'You—! That doesn't count!' Nobu thought back with a pout and turned away. She then mumbled so only he could hear. "That was by default. This is between me and Rider."

Lelouch gave her a pleasant smile, he couldn't help but find her reaction cute. She certainly remained abashed but still challenged him with her gaze, mentally promising a one-up.

Kayneth, unable to hear the full conversation of their light exchange nor did he want to, asked instead. "So, what do you propose we should do with my foolish student?"

"Sending familiars out to keep an eye on him would do for now. We need to monitor them while keeping a safe distance as we don't want them alerted while we consider what to do with Matou Kariya. Archer and Saber are currently our top priority. So long as we don't provoke Rider, we may be able to bide our time as we discuss our strategy for the other two."

"Very well. If you need me, I shall be in my workshop." Kayneth sighed before leaving them alone. However, on his way out, another familiar face appeared for a few seconds. Sola-Ui stood outside the door. She'd shot a glare at her passing fiancé who, to his credit, ignored the audacious display of hate. But, most importantly, she acknowledged and nodded Lelouch's way.

The Demon Emperor gave her a small smile before moving towards the room that was currently used by their guest and his surprisingly behaving mad Servant.

Lelouch and Nobu were standing in front of Kariya's little room. Nodding once to her, his partner's face darkened before being enveloped in crimson light. She'd changed into her battle attire in a flash and was standing ready in front of Lelouch.

Grasping the doorknob, she twisted it tentatively and pushed. Both Demons eyed the room's occupants.

Kariya Matou was still lying on a medical bed looking healthier compared to the first time Lelouch saw him. However, what immediately attracted their attention was the black knight standing next to him. Not menacingly or at the ready. Just there, standing. If it wasn't for the black aura he exuded, he could've been mistaken for a prop.

Berserker didn't have any weapon on him but his fists were clenched and the air about the mad Servant told Lelouch he'd be ready to act should they do anything untoward. To this end, Lelouch slowly raised his hands.

"Matou Kariya, we only come here to talk."

The white-haired man who looked like he could've died and been brought back to life stared hard. The raven-haired boy stared back. The adult didn't answer nor had he shown any signs of comprehension. The greyed pupil of his dead eye didn't help. Avenger didn't move but her hand remained firmly on the hilt of her katana. After a short silence, Kariya's head slowly nodded towards his Servant.


The still black knight finally made signs of movement. Armour clinking slightly, it let out a low guttural growl before taking a step backwards. It wasn't much for keeping distance, but Nobu did the same and even let go of her weapon before allowing the two Masters silence to chat.

"Lelouch Lamperouge, Master of Avenger. A pleasure to meet you." The former monarch gave his best fake smile.

"Kariya Matou, Master of Berserker." The older man wasn't as keen on politeness as his cold tone impressed upon the boy." I was told by that man that you're interested in killing Tokiomi."

"Right to the business, is it? Very well." Lelouch nodded, dropping the pleasantries. "Indeed, Tohsaka Tokiomi and his Servant pose a great threat to us and must be taken out. Having sat back all this time, watching us tear away at each other, he's conserved most of his strength as well as keeping most of his cards hidden. His Servant, Gilgamesh, on the other hand, doesn't seem to share the man's taste in strategy and was quite eager to fight other Servants." Lelouch eyed the man who had yet to react to anything he said. But he could see the thirsty look in Matou Kariya's working eye. He wanted him to stop stalling. "And, well, after what Berserker did in the forest, not to mention his prior encounters with the King of Heroes, I believe you two will be the first target on his list should Tohsaka change to a more aggressive stance."

"I could say that he is welcome to try… or so I would, but last time didn't work out so well for me. Something you, as my apparent saviours, can attest to." Admitting he was weak to what should've been an enemy didn't seem all that difficult for this man before him. Lelouch wondered if he the man had no pride, or rather, chose not to show it. "Don't give me that look, kid. You don't need to pity me when even I know I'm a beaten dog."

"I don't mean to imply so—"

"I said save it!" Matou Kariya snapped before going back to wordlessly brooding again. "Even someone like Tokiomi had help while I… I was alone. I know I need allies of my own as well… if I want to get a chance at tearing him a new one." Kariya started to stare at him again. The healthy eye sharpened as it crossed with Lelouch's expressionless own. "I'm not an idiot, Lelouch Lamperouge. I know the only reason you're helping me is because you need my Berserker. Even I can tell. That bastard's Archer... he finds my Servant as much a thorn in his side as I do my already-dead leg. Berserker is the best weapon any of us has against that gold bastard. But don't take this as me saying you'll need me more than I do you. I agree with your assessment."

'A man who sets aside pride for his own goal.' Lelouch's respect for the cripple was elevated slightly. It was more than even Kayneth was worth, but then again, the nobleman didn't set much of a bar to earn Lelouch's high regard. The boy smirked a bit. "Funny, I haven't made to assess anything of you, Matou-dono."

"Don't underestimate adults, kid." He never had. But he didn't say when the man's piercing eye winced lightly. "I can tell by that look in your eyes. You're one of their kind. A damned magus willing to do anything to get what they want."

By technicality, Lelouch was not really one, but there was absolute certainty in the latter half of the man's statement.

"You would accept an alliance then?"

"As long as Tokiomi losses, I'm willing to cooperate. But once he and his Servant are gone—"

"Our alliance ends." Lelouch nodded, receiving an understanding look back. How one eye could convey the innermost feelings of one man was astounding if not slightly unnerving due to the blank stare the greyed one gave his chest. 'Huh. Seems like I didn't need to convince him.'

But there was still that niggling issue. He still wanted to learn about the reason why the man fought with his current state. Going after Tohsaka Tokiomi while cooperating with them was certainly a boon, but… Lelouch could've worked with more.

It had something to do with that Sakura girl, and while it would appear Lelouch hadn't needed to use that card, he still felt a bit curious about their story.

After all, if the Master of the mad Servant was to be believed, the Master of Archer had sold off his own daughter. Such a thing, though it didn't concern him, it greatly bothered him.

'Seems like negotiations are going smoothly. Do we pull out now or…?' Nobu internally commented but Lelouch shook his head. The urge to push was stronger than the internal voice telling him it would all suffice.

"I'm grateful to be working with you, Matou-dono. But… I also have a few questions for you."

The man before him stared before sighing. His weakness and need to keep the alliance outweighed his desire to refuse. "What else do you need to know?"

"Will it be alright if you could humour my curiosity?" Kariya's working eye stared hard but he gave a nod. "I'll keep it brief. Do you fight for the sake of Tohsaka Sakura?"

The moment Lelouch said that name, he froze. The silver-haired man stared at him hard. His lone working pupil seemed to dilate his eye as his face went white.

"How—?! How do you know that name?!"

"You must not have remembered it, but you mentioned her during your ravings before your duel with Tokiomi on the rooftop." Kariya's expression was one of maddened attempt at reminiscing, but clearly, he wasn't in a state to be forcing himself. Lelouch opted to help jog his memory. "You started to demand questions from Tohsaka about Sakura. Both I and Kayneth heard some of it. Although, I only wish to ask why it is you would fight for the sake of Tohsaka's child."

The shaken man said nothing but turned away. Amidst laboured breathing and attempts to calm down, he bit his lip. Lelouch's eyes focused on a sudden twinge. He'd noticed movement. Something had squirmed, moving under Kariya's skin. Just as he started to think what it could be, Kariya let out a silent yet pained growl before breaking the silence.

"What difference does it make to you? Don't you all fight to achieve your wishes." Kariya sounded tired. But more than that, he sounded like he was losing it. More squirming of his skin and his grunts of pain got even louder. "Damn this war… Ngh! Damn this fucking Grail… Makes everyone go crazy. Heh. Then again, guess I'm no different."

"So it would seem. But then, not everyone in this war fights for the sake of another." He tried to frame it as a compliment. Not that he expected the man to take it as such. "If I may be honest, I don't. Neither does Lord Kayneth. And I'm sure that the same goes for the priest and Tohsaka Tokiomi—"

"That bastard only wants one thing!" The rage in his tone was apparent. Lelouch could sense it was a core reason for the man's vendetta. "That's to achieve access to the Root, or whatever you damned magi called it."

Another light on the world of the magic society. But this time, it came from someone who seemed to be upset about the said aspect of the magus world. So much so that Kariya had stood up and punched the nearby wall hard enough for Lelouch to hear bones crack.

"Fucking bastard. He doesn't care about anything else! All for the stupid Root. Fucking prestige and respect… He doesn't care what it would take, so long as he achieves it! Even if it includes selling off his own daughter to a monster!" The man's laboured breathing was stifled when something squirmed up his back and down his bicep. It was so large and caused the man's jersey to bulge that Lelouch had to stop himself from reeling. "Do you know what poor little Sakura has gone through?! What that wretched worm did to her?! How she suffered in that accursed pit?! How these— these… monsters… violate her, day and night?! Tokiomi knew! He knew it would happen… … but he didn't care enough about her to bother with what goes on inside that damned house… He doesn't care… about what broke his daughter."

Lelouch remained silent, showing no reaction to man's outburst. And yet, he could feel the anger, the vile hate, in the man's tone. It was familiar for him. After all, he himself was sold off by his father.

Charles zi Britannia sent him and Nunnally to Japan as political hostages, as tools, expecting them to die during the Britannian invasion. Circumstances were different, but the Demon Emperor understood where Matou Kariya was coming from.

He knew well the face of a man seeking justice. Seeking revenge.

"So, you wish to use the Grail to save this child Sakura from her fate?" Nobu asked for him while he was distracted by sympathy.

"… No…" Kariya's fist clenched. Having faced the wall all this time, Lelouch couldn't see much besides the man's back, but he saw the twitching of the man's knuckles. The blood that dripped from them, he knew it came from the punch Kariya threw at the concrete. "I made a deal with my bastard of a family. The old worm who is supposed to be my father, Matou Zouken. Fucking bastard's keeping Sakura as a hostage. To free her from that wretched house… I was tasked with winning and giving him the Grail… a trade. Are you happy now?"

Lelouch… was not. He was certainly satisfied with knowing, but he thought about something. That being his mission.

He was told to make sure no one wins this war or get a wish.

While that in itself prevented him from handing over what Kariya wanted, Lelouch didn't think it a hopeless conclusion. Kariya didn't have a wish for the Grail, to begin with. Instead, the sickly man needed it to trade for a little girl. That meant he could be able to try and win Kariya's full loyalty simply by helping him save Sakura without the Grail.

It wouldn't conflict with his mission if he could just retrieve the kid or get rid of the one holding her captive. He could intervene in this matter and gain Berserker's power simply by resolving this case.

But there was still a question.

'Why should I intervene?'

It was easy to see that Kariya had little love for this Zouken figure. Lelouch knew what it was like to hate one's parents and wish them death. But just because he could sympathize did not mean he should lend them a hand.

'I have nothing to do with this family drama. Even if Kariya doesn't want Grail for himself, he doesn't seem too keen on letting me offer aid. And, if his father was indeed willing to kill off Sakura so easily, that meant he still needed to at least obtain the Grail.' That would also imply letting Nobu die and he was definitely not about to approve that. 'I'm not a saint. I can't just go around helping everyone. Especially when this man will most likely turn on me as soon as our common foe is killed. But leaving someone to a similar fate is...'

Lelouch had killed his parents for what they did to him and Nunnally. No, he murdered them for their continued plans even after. They were evil in every sense of the word. But… this man just wanted to save a little girl from a life full of suffering.

A desire to protect and achieve his vengeance was a familiar one to the Demon Emperor. After all, the world fell to his grand ambition… all for the sake of the one true family he had left.

"She is currently with your family. If so, why can't you try to break her out by yourself?" Nobunaga asked the obvious, going so far as to jerk her head at the only one who'd kept his silence 'till now. "Don't tell me that pile of junk over there is useless for killing things you need dead."

"It… isn't so easy. Zouken is a strong magus. He may call himself my father, but he's way older and far more experienced than he lets on." Another immortal? Lelouch wondered if there were more coincidences he should be worried about. "He even has his little abominations inside me! Worm familiars… They were made to enhance my abilities… to control… or at least supply Berserker with the mana he needs. That bastard still has control over them. If I try to act against him, he could just order the worms inside my body to eat what's left of my vital organs and be done with it. Or worse."

"These… worms…" Lelouch asked inquisitively.

"Crest worms. Agh!" Kariya said with all the venom he could spit. Alongside blood. "It's the Matou family magic. They violate and merge with their victim to feast on the user's bodily fluids. It potentially gives a boost to the user's mana but must subsist on their host's body until they die."

Quite a vile system. The boost, he could understand, but if it weakened one's own self to the extent Kariya was suffering, Lelouch wondered how such inefficient magic could be considered 'helpful'.

"Originally, Sakura was meant to be trained in my family's magic." Kariya continued. "She was supposed to wait and win the next Grail War since… well, my family's lacking a proper representative. But I… I volunteered to participate in this Grail War… … if it meant Zouken would free Sakura. That damned vampire only wants the Grail. He doesn't care how, so long as he gets it."

'Training?' Lelouch raised his eyebrow. For some unknown reason, he felt a chill run down his spine when he heard it. "What kind of training are you talking about?"

Kariya froze. The man said nothing and just stared at them. His face became pale, the look of horror was seen in his only working eye. The dead one shifted slightly, but Lelouch could tell that it wasn't from the man absentmindedly covering half of his face.

He was reminiscing painful memories. Both Demons saw this kind of expression before. On the face of their soldiers after bloody battles. PTSD on a scale that sent anyone quiet and reliving nightmares. Nobu and Lelouch were familiar with it and could tell that, whatever this training was, it was neither pretty nor acceptable by any means.

"My apologies. Don't answer that. I can see that it isn't easy for you. Sorry for making you remember something like that."

Kariya looked away, his expression changed from one of dread to sorrow. If it could turn the visibly angry madman into a whimpering coward, then Lelouch didn't want to imagine just how 'broken' the girl Sakura must've been.

"I—I don't want Sakura to suffer any more than she already has… She doesn't deserve this, this is all… all Zouken and Tokiomi's fault! All of it! And I… I will make him pay. I will make them pay!"

Lelouch couldn't help biting his lip. But neither could he keep silent. "We will make him pay, Matou-dono."

The man's confusion was apparent in his one eye. "What?"

"You already agreed to cooperate with us in order to take down Tohsaka Tokiomi. However, before I only wanted to defeat him because he is one of the enemy Masters. Your answering my questions has changed that."

Lelouch wouldn't openly proclaim it to someone he was knowingly using for his own gain, but he hated people like the head of the Tohsaka family. People who were ready to sacrifice their own flesh and blood for the sake of power.

He wasn't some kind of samaritan. His hands were covered in blood. Not just that of strangers. It included his siblings. People who were just in the way. But also those that were caught in the crossfire… or were wronged by his power on accident…

Claiming to want to get rid of someone like Tokiomi would sound hypocritical of a Demon who's bathed in the blood of countless innocents… but, it would be the least he can do to offer this man some peace of mind.

"Before it was just a business. But I, too, am of the same opinion. I would love to see him dead if it means you can achieve your revenge." It was there he had to draw the line though. "However, I'm not sure I can help you win Grail. I won't allow anyone to get it."

Lelouch said and raised his hand but deep inside the Demon Emperor was having mixed thoughts.

'Killing the father will not solve the issue. That girl didn't do anything to deserve whatever she's going through.' And yet, he couldn't. 'I created the Order of Black Knights to create a world for Nunnally where she will be happy. Kariya went so far, offering himself to win the war and save Sakura.' And despite respecting such selflessness, he couldn't help this man. 'I have nothing to do with it… I don't. But… … leaving this situation unresolved like this feels like cowardice.'

Coming from someone who braved the world's ire, all for the sake of creating a world where Nunnally could live free… It was definitely cowardice. Now, he could see someone in a similar situation. Someone else was doing the same, fighting so the ones they cared about could have a brighter future.

Could he just close his eyes and forget about it? Yes. That was a given. Lelouch and Nobunaga can just use Kariya as another tool against Tokiomi and either kill him themselves or allow other Masters to do it. Hell, they could even put the man out of his misery as soon as his purpose was served. Going down this path… was the safer bet, an easier option, in achieving his overall goal.

'But the easy way… isn't it so boring?'

Kariya must've been staring at him hard. The look the man gave him was filled with hesitation, but he spoke anyway. "If you can help me kill Tokiomi, that'd be enough for me. What comes after… we shall see."

Lelouch, seeing the man's eyes, or eye, decided. Offering a hand, he replied. "We will take down that bastard. This I promise you."

The sick man was hesitant, but he shook Lelouch's hand.

"Thank you."

Lelouch wasn't done.

"But as your temporary ally, I feel like saving Tohsaka Sakura from the Matou family is a matter of importance as well." He said it with such a confident smile that both Nobu and Kariya could only gawk at him with surprise. It felt a bit too cheeky to even ask. "What?"

Nobu started. "Just… just now—…"

"…—What… did you just say?" Kariya ended. Lelouch wondered who was whose Master here.

"You said so yourself, did you not? That you don't want the Grail for yourself. In that case, I don't see why I shouldn't lend a helping hand to rid you of the other obstacle in your way. Even I find involving children in such horrendous schemes such as this… distasteful." He had a crippled sister. That alone was enough for him to feel involving children in anything bad was wrong. Still met with disbelief, not just by his own Servant but by the man still sitting on the floor, he asked as he pulled the man up to his feet. "Tell me, Matou Kariya. If I aid you in saving Sakura, will you continue fighting in the Grail War?"

"No…" Was his immediate answer, although he needed a bit of help staying on his feet. "I… I won't."

"Really?" Lelouch obliged the man his shoulder, trying not to think of the wriggling he felt through the man's jersey. "Then, does this mean you, a mage fighting in the Grail War, currently have no desire to win it?"

"I… hate this war. I never wanted to participate in it!" Kariya's working eye was filled with rage. But unlike earlier, it was more controlled. More… composed.

"Then, what of your family, the Matou house—?"

"I hate everything about my family. Zouken can eat shit for all I care! My only reason for joining is to save Sakura!" The man reaffirmed his goal. His hardened expression and struggle to stand in defiance of his crippled leg proved that. However, his expression softened soon after. "... But are you serious? You… do you really want to help me?"

"If it means helping to save a little girl from injustice, then yes. Besides, I was originally a normal person before all this, not a proper magus, so I too don't like what has happened to her." To be honest, he was being truthful in accordance with this world's standards. He was just another normal human being until he was dragged into this mess. "I still won't allow you to get Grail, but if you can achieve your goal without it, then there's no sense in me not helping you. I achieve my goal, you with yours. Everyone wins. Won't you agree?"

Kariya didn't say anything and only stared at Lelouch for some time. The Master of Berserker couldn't believe it. For someone to suddenly want to help him and Sakura? It would most certainly be impossible. But Lelouch stood strong, not ever deceiving the man he made a deal with in this room. He was even confident in his ability to assist him.

But of course, Kariya still had his doubts.

"Zouken isn't a human. He is a monster who survived for centuries. Nothing can kill him."

Lelouch would beg to differ, having two immortals in his body count already. But still, Kariya's words were not to be taken lightly. After all, he was a man who'd wanted yet was unable to rebel for the longest time. Surely, he'd tried and failed countless times already in trying to think up ways to kill the man who called himself his father.

With fear and trauma on his shoulders, however, they were limited to thoughts, not action. Making even an attempt was nothing short of an impossible dream. Especially with the worms coursing through his body.

"I… I can't… I can't do it…" Of course, the daunting task would force him to cower at the last minute. "I… I just need to give him what he wants! Once I do that, he'll free Sakura and—!"

"Or he will just continue to torture her." Commented Nobu and reinforcing the exact mentality Lelouch needed. "If he is someone you fear so, what makes you think he would keep his word? The moment he gets his hands on the Grail, Matou Zouken will have no use for you, someone he considers less than an insect. Or a worm." Lelouch didn't want her to go too far, but thankfully, Nobunaga knew how to speak and kept her Charisma from overpowering her words. "When that time comes to pass, what will you do, Matou Kariya? A puny, insignificant human like yourself cannot stand against him. What then will happen to the poor girl unfortunate enough to be given false hope by your cowardice? Your weakness?"

The lack of response answered her question. Lelouch took over from there.

"You know this too, don't you, Kariya? If you let him win, then there's no running from it—"

"What else can I do?!" Kariya screamed and slammed his bleeding hand onto the cot. When that didn't elicit enough pain, he flipped it over in anger. The bed slammed onto the floor near the unmoving Berserker that eyed its Master through the crimson visors. "I… I'm not a magus… There is little—nothing… I can do! Winning this stupid war… it's my only choice!"

The tears, the whimpering, it was all indicant of Matou Kariya's fear. His inability to do anything. How quaint. Lelouch himself felt like that once. A long time ago, before he gained his power.

"You never know. Rebelling against your parents is quite easy once you get the hand of it." Lelouch tried to suppress his smirk. "If you wish to succumb to fear, go on. Give him what he wants. Surrender to his whims." Lelouch leaned in to whisper. "But know this… You'd be forfeiting not just your life, but the girl's as well."

"S—Sakura?" realization dawned on the man's face. He was made aware of what was on the line here. Now, he just needed a little push in the right direction.

"If you want to save the girl, you will have no choice but to fully commit to your alliance with me. I can save her. I will help you save her. If you would only let me." Pulling away, he gave the man space to think, but he wasn't done. "But, should you choose this path, you must aim for nothing but absolute victory. You cannot allow fear and doubt to cloud your resolve. If you would see her saved, you must see this through to the end."

A witch once asked him a question in his past life. 'Can you do what it takes to win, Lelouch? No matter how many will die, friends and enemies alike?'

He always answered that he would have his victory over Britannia, no matter what it would take. It was always easier to answer. But never to commit. Hesitation came in many forms after all.

Death of a friend's family. Death of a friend. Death of family. If he continued down his path, how many more would die? How many would he inadvertently sentence to a life of suffering?

Before Suzaku was turned against him, before Euphemia died by his hand, Lelouch hadn't ever truly had an answer to that question. Now though, he wasn't the same naive boy who thought he could achieve everything he wanted without sacrifice.

The former face of rebellion could sympathize with why Kariya was hesitant. He'd experienced it himself before. To suffer on his own was no issue. To allow those he cared about to suffer, that was worse than hell.

'However, if I' m going to save this little girl, I cannot allow anything to make my allies hesitate. I cannot allow him to be weak.'

"Matou Kariya, if you are unsure of my intentions and ability to help you, how about I prove it to you with my actions?" Lelouch pulled the Self Geis Scroll Kayneth had given him.

"What is this?" Kariya eyed the scroll warily.

"An invitation from Tokiomi," Lelouch replied, causing Kariya's eyes to grow wide. He quickly snatched the parchment away and read the entire message. "It seems that after your last chat, the Master of Archer wants to speak with you about… 'family matters'. Not exactly difficult to guess what the main topic of discussion will be."

"Sakura." Kariya's breath hitched, but after a moment of silence, he sighed. "This… is a trap."

"Obviously." Both Nobu and Lelouch said in unison with knowing stares.

Kariya's expression though, it mellowed slightly before snarling.

"That bastard… He never cared to begin with… To bring this up now?"

"A change of heart may as well be the perfect bait," Lelouch added. "For someone who was so consumed with rage last night, making the right choice would be difficult if presented quite the ludicrous offer."

"If Tokiomi wants to bring me this close… just to toy with me, he is welcome to try. I'll show him what happens when you mess with me." Kariya's good eye glanced at Berserker. The seemingly impassive suit of armour suddenly groaned and creaked, reacting in approval, or eagerness, to his Master's desire to hunt.

Nobu let out a short laugh. "Such confidence in face of danger. Both admirable and foolish. You can't go into an obvious ambush without a plan."

Kariya wanted to say that it won't stop him, but his expression mellowed out once more. He was quick to remember his last failure. He certainly was no fool, knowing to think before leaping into the fray. The white-haired man let slip a long sigh. A very, very tired one.

"You're right. I will need your help."

"And you will get it." Lelouch nodded with a pleasant smile. "As promised, we will help you and prove that we can save Sakura."

Kariya chuckled, but he wasn't optimistic. "You don't even know her."

"Do I need to personally know the person who is suffering because of others? It is my choice. Assisting you is merely something I decided on my own. Only I can choose to change my mind." Lelouch said and placed a hand over his chest. "If I put my mind into something, I will achieve it no matter what. And right now, that includes helping you and Tohsaka Sakura."

"What are you? Some kind of superhero?" Lelouch waved away his comment.

"Me, a hero? Please," Lelouch no longer wore that mask, but some things didn't change. He still made to declare with his head held high. "Call me a Man of Miracles, for that, is what you need. In exchange for excusing yourself from this war, I shall perform unto you the miracle of the girl's salvation!"

It was too good to be true, but Kariya had no reason to decline. Not anymore. He had everything to lose either way. Even if this young man before him wouldn't be able to back up his words, Kariya could always fall back onto Zouken's deal. Saving her through someone's help, or saving her even if it meant his dying breath, what did it matter?

However, a small part of him wanted to believe that Lelouch could actually do it and save Sakura. For even if there was little guarantee of success, victory by the boy's hand meant absolute salvation for the child trapped by Zouken's cage.

"… First thing's first." Kariya eyed the scroll in his hand once more. "We need to get rid of Tokiomi and his Archer first."

"Indeed." Lelouch nodded. "I have an idea how we can do this, but first, we will need to speak with Kayneth."

'And Sola.' Lelouch sent an order to Nobu who nodded and moved into spirit form.

With Kariya's compliance, there was little need for him to keep his guard up. The man needed him just as much as he needed Kariya's Berserker. This would work.

While his partner will be getting a report from an unhappy fiancé, the two Masters could speak about the upcoming battle.

"Tell me, Kariya. Have you ever worked with plastics before?"

The man in question tilted his head to the side and, for a second, his working eye winced with a concerned look.

"I mean these ones." Bringing out a small object from his pocket, he laid out the sample for the adult to check.

Again, the good eye winced hard to study what had been placed before him. It was only after a good minute did Kariya's confusion turn from befuddlement to pure shock.

What made the stare the man gave him worse was the fact that the dead eye made him squelch slightly. Not that the owner noticed.


Fuyuki City. Church

Kariya looked at the supposed holy place with a heavy dose of anxiety.

The only church in the Fuyuki area looked quite intimidating at nighttime. It didn't help that it was quite far from the city. The remote and quiet hill was quite the ideal place for exchange between magus to occur.

The Master of Berserker let out his umpteenth sigh before walking forward, past the front gates and towards the front door. He was rested and felt better after being healed. Before leaving Kayneth's place, the Master of Avenger had given him something to help once the situation became problematic.

He glanced at his chest. The crest worms didn't move too much, they'd squirmed a bit since waking, but only after reacting to his heightened emotions. They weren't fully awake now, therefore his body wasn't in pain. Not yet at least.

The gift Lelouch and Kayneth gave him were still on him. And while Kariya didn't expect them to hurt Archer in any way, it should at least give him an opening. With Berserker in spirit form, he made sure his hand with command seals was covered.

Kariya had already used two spells before. During the fight in the docks and when preparing a trap for Caster who never came. That Berserker was quite uncontrollable as his class' namesake at the time meant that Tokiomi should at least account for them.

The desperate man was thankful his new allies had seals to spare.

Kariya stopped before the wooden doors and reviewed the plan again. It was simple and suicidal, but if it meant getting rid of Tokiomi, he would do it.

'As Lelouch told me, I used one. I just hope Berserker acts quick enough. It must work.' Not allowing doubts to form in his mind, Kariya opened the doors and openly walked into the trap he was invited to.

The first thing he noticed was the low visibility. There were lights but they weren't too bright. It took his only working eye a few seconds to focus. Lacking depth perception in the darkness was a bitch. More so than the limping leg he used to walk in.

The place was empty, save for one person. There he was, the man who ruined Kariya's life. But instead of anger, Matou felt only shock.


The arrogant head of Tohsaka, the man who married Kariya's love and sold off his own daughter for the sake of his twisted vision, sat before him in the middle of two rows of seats. Sitting in a wheelchair.

Tokiomi Tohsaka didn't look like his usual self. Gone was the confidence and usual arrogance. Now, the Master of Archer looked sick. No way near Kariya's condition, of course. But it didn't take a genius to see his terrible condition. Arms that seemed thinner than they usually were. Legs, more so. The man's fingers were twitching constantly.

It was… a far cry from the man he faced two nights ago.

The moment his eyes met Kariya, the wheelchair-bound magus did his best to show an expression of ease. The usual cocky smile that Kariya wanted to punch returned to him. However, under the fake mask, Tokiomi was obviously nervous.

This was odd. According to Kayneth, Kotomine Kirei said he would be there to assist his teacher. It was likely a ploy to do so during the ambush, but it's not as if the priest needed to hide from him specifically either. Executioner or not, he had a good chance of landing a killing blow on Kariya anytime.

If Berserker was the issue, Gilgamesh would be able to buy his Master time. He wanted to get rid of Kariya's Servant too, didn't he? So… where were they?!

"Finally. Took you long enough, Kariya-kun." His attention was once again drawn to the disabled man he had so earlier wanted to kill. "I started to think I signed that Geis for nothing."

There were many things Kariya had to say to him, but right now only one thing had come out of his mouth.

"What happened to you?"

The last time he saw Tokiomi, the bastard was wounded… but nowhere near this state.

"Oh, this?" Tokiomi asked and gestured at the wheelchair, scoffing like it was a new car he was taking out for a spin. "Let's just say I had displeasure learning what the Magus Killer does to his victims." He let out a dry laugh. "Except, I didn't die. Instead, I suffered a fate worse than death for magi."

Magus Killer? Lelouch told him it was the title given to the mercenary who was working for Saber's Master. According to Archibald's report, Tokiomi's student had tried to distract Lelouch and Kayneth with that man's address, hoping they would go after him. Kariya didn't care about that stuff right now. His attention was only on the magus before him.

"So what? Use your magic to fix it. You always called yourself a proud magus. Come on, Tokiomi! You can do what others can only dream of, can't you?" Kariya taunted as he started to walk closer. As he approached, Tokiomi slowly rolled his seat backwards. His mask of confidence started to shake. "What's the matter? Don't tell me he blew that arrogant spine of yours away too."

"It's not so simple, Kariya-kun. Even you must understand that healing magecraft isn't so easy—"

"Soo, you can't… You can't do it, can you?" Kariya's words, although supposed to be a simple statement, brought to him an even greater realization.

He stopped in his tracks. Thinking about it, why wouldn't someone like Tokiomi be able to heal himself? The man looked down on everything not related to the moonlight world and always boasted about the superiority of magecraft over all. He wouldn't allow himself to be in such a position unless… unless he couldn't…

"You… You can no longer use magecraft, can you, you bastard." Saying it felt so… so… good. He was feeling so euphoric, he didn't even mind that he nearly tripped a bit in his excitement. "Ha… Haha… Hahahah…" He also couldn't help himself from laughing at the irony of it all.

Using his shaky grip, Tokiomi rolled back again. Constantly looking at the sides, it was as if he was desperately trying to look for his student and Servant. Kirei and Gilgamesh were, strangely, still absent when they were supposed to be protecting him.

That worked well for Kariya. "Whatever, that Magus Killer did, you can't use magecraft anymore. I'm right, aren't I?" A wicked smile took form on Kariya's face.

"Stand back, Kariya. I—I'm still the head of Tohsaka and second owner of—"


Before the cropped magus could finish, Kariya put all the strength he could muster into his arms and grabbed onto the wheelchair. Tokiomi froze, the mask of confidence was gone and Kariya saw the horror on his face. His smile grew feral.

"Who cares about any of that?" he asked, the smile hiding away his anger and frustrations. "You no longer have magecraft. Right now, you're no better than the regular people you look down on. Part of the rabble, aren't ya?!" Kariya's eyes fell to the man's arms that struggled to even grasp tightly on his own. "No… In fact, you're even lower than them, Tokiomi. You can't do jackshit on your own anymore, can't you?!"

Seeing the man who took everything from him in such a pathetic state was satisfying. His entire life, Tokiomi relied on magecraft and didn't know, didn't accept anything beyond it. Now, the once-proud magus was reduced to a crippled fool. A scared, crippled, old fool.

Kariya was ecstatic. He'd been in a terrible state because of his struggle to even be the bare minimum for his Servant. The Crest worms devastated him far beyond human comprehension…

But… even as he was, just by grabbing onto the only thing he could use to move himself, Kariya could make Tokiomi shiver in absolute fear.

'I have only one working eye and half of my organs don't work but despite that, I feel… feel… powerful! Tokiomi can't do anything without his magic and he knows it! He knows… to fear me!' Honestly, Kariya was sure, if Tokiomi tried to fight back, he might overpower him. The crest worms weren't active yet but any hit might wake one and send the rest into a feeding frenzy.

But the man in the wheelchair didn't act. He couldn't. Too scared of the cripple towering over him, Tokiomi, for the first time ever since knowing him, began to beg.

"Wait! I… I wanted to talk about S—Sakura!" His voice trembled. The man was trying to find any way out of this. "A—After what you said on that rooftop, I… I started to think about her—"


"NGH!" Kariya grabbed him by the collar. He couldn't lift the bigger man but was able to bring Tokiomi closer. Close enough to smell the stench of death in Kariya's very breath. "W… wait—!

"Don't lie to me, Tokiomi! You don't care about your daughters. YOU NEVER DID!" Years' worth of resentment, months' worth of enduring, weeks' worth of torment, and finally, days' worth of unbridled madness… all of it came pouring out of his mouth. "Not Sakura. Nor Rin. For you, they're just a means to an end! If you ever truly cared about them, you wouldn't have separated those sisters! You wouldn't have sold Sakura to Zouken! Of all the magi… to that worm… you!"

He raised him up further. The man's ruined collar was now half-choking him, but it didn't bother Kariya one bit. All the agony a single child went through in barely a year, the struggle he was forcing onto this man didn't compare. It never would.

"That worm did unthinkable things to your child. And you didn't care! YOU DIDN'T GIVE A DAMN! Your own daughter was tortured, violated, broken by the Matou Crest worms on the very day she was tossed aside!" He shook him as hard as his struggling arms could. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?!"

"T—that was for her own sake—!"

"RAAAAGHH!" Kariya couldn't take it anymore and pushed Tokiomi backwards, off and over his wheelchair. The former magus fell on the cold floor with a grunt, grabbing the closest seat while trying to lift himself.

"Stop, Kariya!" Tokiomi raised his hand in hopes to calm him down. If it was a bid for time, it wouldn't buy him any. Kariya was done being patient. "As head of the family, I couldn't give my children the same treatment. I could raise only one heir and it was Rin. Sakura's talent would've gone to waste had she stayed! Neither of my children would've ever reached their full potential under my care! Not at the same time! This way, they will be magi first and sisters second! I wanted them to be prepared, for when the next Grail War will start, so neither would hesitate to nurture themselves, to grow, to—"

"'To fight each other'?! Is that your sick idea of parenthood?! Raising them to be ready for a battle to the death?!" Kariya roared as punched the already down man further into the ground. "That's your excuse? That's why you sold her off to a monster who feeds his family to the worms for the sake of immortality?! Your child lost the very light in her eyes because of these creatures and you call it better treatment?! Was Sakura's suffering your idea too?!"

"I was confident Sakura could handle it, she's a daughter of a magus! She's a natural-born talent not seen in—"

"SHE! IS! A! CHILD!" Kariya roared, punching the man's face in for every word as he further lost his rationality. He then grabbed Tokiomi's throat. Kariya put all the strength his sick had and started to choke Tokiomi. The man on the ground tried to stop him, he tried to claw away at Kariya's arms. But sucks for him. He could barely feel anything in his limbs anymore, much less be coaxed to release someone who deserved death.

In his madness, Kariya forgot about the plan, about what his allies told him to do. His mind was consumed by anger. It was focused only on one thing. That is, killing Tokiomi!

"Agh! K-K-Kariya—!"

"You took everything from me… You've always… always been the more successful… the most blessed…. While I could hardly do anything, you had everything! Aoi-san chose you! She had you over me! You had the family I always dreamed of and what did you do with it?! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" His spit splattered all over the man's foaming mouth. "You squandered it all! You sold your daughter! You betrayed Aoi-san's love! You even lost your magecraft! And even now, at the brink of it all, you still have the gall to say you wanted your children to grow up and fight to the death?!"

The anger… The emotions he'd buried deep within him… The pain for seeing his love being with a man who didn't deserve her… He knew Aoi wouldn't love him the way he loved her. Yet, as Kariya decided that if he can't be with her, he could be there for her and her children, Tokiomi just had to go and ruin that too.

"Unforgivable!" It was beyond outrage. It was insanity. "UNFORGIVABLE!"

"P-please, Kariya—Agh! Stop—!"

Tokiomi was in agony. He'd always thought of Kariya as nothing more than a pathetic bug. Kariya had seen it in the way the man looked at him. But now… now, he was begging him to spare his life.

All this hate he'd built up over years. Tokiomi, Zouken, the worms, the war, Kariya was done with them. Kariya was over this madness.

"It should have been my life! Not yours!"

"P-plea—ERGH!" the man begged. "Ka… ri… ya… Don't—!"

"TOKIOMI!" he merely tightened his grip.

Kariya hated him. He hated his family. He hated his life. He endured it for Aoi. When that was unacceptable, he endured it for Rin and Sakura. He suffered for the sake of his daughter when he should've been the one to keep her safe.

But… because of Tokiomi… because he now had the power… no more… No more! NO MORE!

"Die!" he muttered under breath. "Die! Die! DIE!"

He repeated it again and again. From a low growl to a guttural roar.

For a moment, he thought he heard the faint sound of something snapping. If there had been, it likely would've been what remained of his sanity.

As he pressed further, the resistance from the man under him started to weaken out. Soon, he stopped struggling entirely. Tokiomi arms limped and fell to his sides. It was then that Kariya's strength finally gave out and his grip loosened.

Although free, the man didn't move. He simply lay under Kariya. His pupils froze in abject fear, his last expression was one of pain and humiliation. Even in death, all Kariya could see was the worthless, pathetic face of a man he envied.

But, for the murderer who'd achieved his lifelong desire, he was still trying to process what just happened.

After all, "I-I did it! I… I killed him! I finally… killed… Tokiomi! I… Haha… Hahaha… Hahahahahahahaha!"

He felt like shouting. He felt like celebrating. He finally did it! After all these years he actually did what he always dreamed of. Kariya killed the one who stole his life, his happiness. At long last!

"Indeed, you killed a weak and crippled man who couldn't fight back. Congratulations." The celebratory laughing was cut short. The arrogant tone of the voice had Kariya's gaze on the ceiling focusing on someone standing on the chapel's second floor. "Then again, this is probably the best a mongrel like yourself can do."

There, standing in one of the church's inner balconies, two figures sat watching him. The young Kotomine and the blonde Servant sporting regular clothes had been sitting there, watching the show from above. The blondie, Archer, rose up from his seat and started.

"This was better than I expected," Gilgamesh said with a satisfied grin. "Not the fierce battle between two rivals I anticipated, but to hear a madman's ravings… Although crude, it is passable every now and then, Kirei."

Kariya's mouth was agape. "What?"

"Ah, here I was, hoping Tokiomi would put up at least a good show of resistance… But sadly, this was as far as someone as pitiful as he could go. Hahaha!" Gilgamesh laughed. "Rejoice, mongrel! You, a walking corpse filled to the brim with rot and maggots, managed to entertain me. Even if it lasted only a few moments, be honoured to have earned my amusement! Now, call upon your mutt so that I may top off my evening wine by slaying that rabid dog!"

Now that adrenaline left Kariya's body, he started to think again. Wait, didn't Tokiomi sign a Geas? Why didn't Archer attack him the moment Kariya jumped on his master. What was going on?!

"Milord." Kirei stood up and bowed to the Servant of all people. "It appears that he's been left stupefied by tonight's happenings. Perhaps, I may clarify with him so that your entertainment may continue posthaste?"

"Granted. But hurry up before I finish this glass, lest my patience runs thin." Gilgamesh nodded while taking a light sip of the half-empty champagne glass.

"I see that you're confused, Matou Kariya." Kirei started again but stared down on Kariya's form with a smug grin. "It is understandable. To cut a long story short, my teacher wasn't the one who called you."

"But… the Geis!" still reeling but managing to piece things together, Kariya spoke.

"Tokiomi, my former master, could do little in his position, as you've no doubt ascertained with your bare hands. So he did as I told him to." Kirei said with a cruel smile. "He wasn't fit to be a Master of his Highness any longer. So I took upon this role myself."

"You… betrayed, Tokiomi?!"

Kirei shrugged. "Call it what you believe. You, however, did get what you wanted, isn't that correct, Matou Kariya? The one responsible for your suffering is dead. Tell me, how does it feel? After finally ending it, after killing the man you most despised? How… Does vengeance feel?"

Kariya looked down at Tokiomi' s lifeless corpse. He finally got what he deserved, after all this time. There… was only one answer. "It feels… amazing."

"Is that so?" Kirei smirked. "I'm curious, will I feel the same way when I kill Emiya Kiritsugu?" When the man downstairs didn't know how to answer such a question, Kirei cleared his throat. "Moving on. Now, where are your allies?"

"W-what are you talking about?"

"Don't try to fool us, mongrel." Glass shattered as Gilgamesh discarded his empty wine glass to the floor near Tokiomi's face. The Servant himself didn't seem at all bothered by maiming the face of his deceased former master. "Now! Out with it! We're well aware Lelouch and his lackeys will attack us." Gilgamesh had on an expression that looked forward to killing both Berserker and Avenger. Knowing one of the two servants was a major pain in the goldie's ass since the start of the war, Kariya finally snapped out of his victory high. He didn't even flinch when the King addressed him again. "So, mongrel! Drop the act! What is their plan? They prepared something outside the church, had you not? What's your move?! Where is your trap?"

"Move…?" All the pieces clicked back into places. All the conditions had already been cleared. Lowering his gaze to the floor, Kariya's voice echoed all over the chapel walls. "Trap? Where, you ask? Heh. Heheheh. Ahahahahah!"

"Hm. Hearing it once was acceptable as insanity is a flavour best tasted rarely. But this just spoils my mood." Kirei was suddenly subjected to criticism by the King on his work as the madman continued to lose it. "Any more of this, and even your precious wine wouldn't be enough to appease me, Kirei."

"Apologies, milord." Kirei bowed with a modicum of respect, but he followed up with an initiative that his former teacher lacked dearly. "Let me handle it."

Hopping down to the floor below, Kirei smashed the stone earth and glass fragments with the sole of his boots before grabbing the deranged, laughing lunatic by the fringes of his greying hair. Three sets of black keys were drawn, all blades on the man's neck who, despite the threat of immediate death, continued to laugh.

Even Kirei was starting to bore from this. "Answer me, Matou Kariya. What are your allies up to? What did Lelouch Lamperouge and Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald do while they had you distract us with this farce of a revenge plot."

"Heheh… Farce?" the man suddenly spoke, only good eye meeting Kirei's own while the dead one stayed on Kariya's own reflection against the blades. "Wasn't this you're doing, to begin with, priest?"

Kirei withdrew the blades. But instead of letting the man go, he landed a strong haymaker on Kariya's nose. Something snapped, likely the aforementioned snout. But Kariya didn't seem to register the pain.

Even as he was picked up by his hair once more, "Heh… Heheheh… Hahahah…"

The man just laughed. Kirei, losing patience, asked once more.

"What's so funny, Matou Kariya?"

"You… you guys were looking for a trap, yeah?" At this reply, Kariya tugged on his coat. With his one good arm, he pulled out a small box… that vaguely resembled a detonator.

"Well, I'm that trap."

Kirei's eyes widened upon hearing a click.

It was followed by an explosion that rocked the chapel to its very foundations.


(A/N): Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Kariya finally got his revenge while Tokiomi got what he deserved. I changed it from Aoi to him because Tokiomi isn't needed anymore. I had few ideas but decided that killing him is the best option. Also, now Lelouch knows more about Sakura and will try his best to save her.

Imperators_Slave Imperators_Slave

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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