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43.1% Deity of Destruction / Chapter 25: Yetzirah.

Chapitre 25: Yetzirah.

This will be the last chapter of the kind Reinhard, thank you for being patient. Also for those who are criticizing me for using AI to clean my grammars... Mind your business man, write your own story for all I care, if you can't stand reading this then just stop.

Throw some stones, bastards~



Arriving in his golden domain, Gladsheimr, Reinhard immediately felt the shift in the atmosphere. The immense power and gravity of the place were palpable, a testament to his dominion and might. As he settled onto his throne, Milim cradled securely in one arm, he called upon the seven Primordial Angels.

Within moments, the seven celestial beings materialized before him. The atmosphere within Gladsheimr weighed heavily on them, a constant reminder of Reinhard's overwhelming power. Each step they took towards his throne seemed to solidify the reality that they were entirely at his mercy, bound by his will. The aura of the domain was oppressive, filling them with a mixture of awe and dread.

Reaching the base of his throne, the Primordial Angels knelt in unison, heads bowed in reverence. "Lord Reinhard, we are here. What are your orders?" their voices harmonized, each one laced with a mix of fear and respect.

Reinhard's eyes glowed with a fierce intensity as he gazed down upon them. "Heaven shall be locked off," he commanded, his voice echoing through the vast hall. "Milim is not yet old enough to inherit it, and I will not risk its stability in her infancy."

The angels nodded, understanding the gravity of his order. "It shall be done, Lord Reinhard."

"Furthermore," Reinhard continued, his tone unwavering, "You are to follow the last orders of my father, whatever they may be. I do not care for the specifics, but you will ensure that his will is carried out to the letter."

The Primordial Angels acknowledged his directive with a unified, "As you command, Lord Reinhard."

Satisfied with their response, Reinhard dismissed them with a wave of his hand. The angels rose, their presence in the golden domain fleeting as they departed to carry out his orders. As they left, the oppressive atmosphere of Gladsheimr seemed to lighten slightly, though its overwhelming presence remained.

With the angels gone, Reinhard turned his attention back to Milim, who was peacefully asleep in his arms. He felt a profound sense of responsibility and determination, knowing that her future rested in his hands. Despite the challenges ahead, Reinhard was resolute in his commitment to raising and protecting his sister, ensuring that she would one day inherit the legacy of their father.

Reinhard sat on his throne, deep in thought. He knew that in order to fully protect Milim and uphold his promise, he would need to reclaim the full extent of his power. After a moment of contemplation, he made a decisive move.

He reached out with his hand, and with a mere thought, the Swastika monument located in Dagruel's Territory shattered. The breaking of this seal sent ripples of immense energy throughout the entire Cardinal World. The ground trembled, and the sky darkened as the insane power contained within the Swastika was released.

The power unleashed was so formidable that it could have easily destroyed the entire Cardinal World with a single slash. From the shattered monument, a radiant light emerged, revealing Reinhard's True Holy Relic—Longinuslanze Testament. The spear gleamed with overwhelming might, a symbol of Reinhard's true power and dominion.

Reinhard's eyes glinted with satisfaction as he grasped the spear, feeling its immense energy coursing through him. With this relic in his possession, he felt an even greater sense of readiness to face any challenges that might come his way.

Across the Cardinal World, powerful beings sensed the monument's destruction and the emergence of the Longinuslanze Testament. The sheer magnitude of the event left them in awe and trepidation, realizing that Reinhard had reclaimed a portion of his true strength.

Back in his golden domain, Reinhard stood tall, the spear held firmly in his hand. He gazed down at Milim, who remained asleep, unaware of the monumental shift in power that had just occurred.

Reinhard, with Longinuslanze Testament in hand, felt the immense power coursing through him. He turned his gaze towards the resting place of his father's lifeless body. With a determined expression, he knew what needed to be done.

"Father" Reinhard whispered. He raised the spear high, channeling its overwhelming energy into a single point of radiant light. The golden aura enveloped the corpse of Veldanava, causing it to glow intensely.

'Lord of Wisdom, Raphael,' Reinhard called out in his mind. 'Begin the calculations. Transform my father's body into a new being. A True Dragon.'

Raphael responded immediately, its calculating speed unmatched. «Understood, Master. Commencing transformation process.»

The spear's power surged, guided by Raphael's precise calculations. The corpse of Veldanava began to shift and change, shrinking in size. Bones reshaped, scales grew, and a new form emerged from the radiant light. The process was intense, every detail meticulously calculated by Raphael.

As the light dimmed, a small dragon lay where Veldanava's body had once been. It was a newborn True Dragon, its scales shimmering with a deep, iridescent hue. Reinhard gazed at the creature, a mixture of satisfaction and reverence in his eyes.

"Velgaia," Reinhard declared, naming the new being. "You shall be Velgaia, a future playmate for Milim and also her new sibling. I won't acknowledge you as a sibling of mine"

Velgaia blinked its large, curious eyes, sensing the immense power and authority of Reinhard. It let out a soft, melodic growl, a sign of its recognition and acceptance.

Reinhard gently placed Milim next to Velgaia, watching as the newborn dragon nuzzled against her. There was a profound sense of peace in this moment, knowing that both Milim and Velgaia would grow together, strong and protected.

The golden domain of Gladsheimr radiated with an even greater brilliance, a testament to the rebirth of a new True Dragon and the unyielding will of Reinhard. As he stood watch over the two young beings, he felt a renewed sense of purpose.

"With the power of Longinuslanze Testament, I will shape a future where Milim and Velgaia can thrive," Reinhard vowed. "No force in this world or beyond shall threaten their safety or our dominion."






Several years had passed since the rebirth of Velgaia and the establishment of Gladsheimr as a new moon in the Cardinal World. Within the golden domain, life had taken on a new rhythm. Milim, now the same size as her anime counterpart, was in the kitchen, her eyes glued to her brother as he meticulously baked a cake.

Reinhard, having discovered a rare sense of peace in these domestic activities, worked with precision and grace, his movements almost hypnotic. For Milim, watching her brother had become a cherished hobby. Having grown up with only Reinhard and Velgaia as her companions, she was deeply attached to them. Her bright, curious eyes followed every step of the baking process, her excitement palpable.

"Brother, hurry up! I'm hungry!" Milim called out, her voice carrying a familiar blend of impatience and affection. She bounced on her toes, unable to contain her excitement any longer.

Reinhard glanced over his shoulder, a rare, soft smile touching his lips. "Patience, Milim. Good things come to those who wait."

Milim pouted, crossing her arms. "But waiting is so boring! I want cake now!"

Reinhard chuckled softly, turning back to his work. "It won't be much longer. Just a few more minutes."

Milim sighed dramatically but continued to watch, her eyes widening with anticipation as the delicious aroma of the baking cake filled the kitchen. She had grown accustomed to Reinhard's calm and collected demeanor, even when indulging in such mundane tasks. It was a stark contrast to her own boundless energy and enthusiasm.

Velgaia, now larger and more majestic, lounged nearby, watching the interaction with mild curiosity. The bond between the siblings and the dragon had grown strong over the years, each finding a sense of family and belonging in their unique circumstances.

Finally, the cake was ready. Reinhard carefully removed it from the oven, the golden-brown confection a masterpiece of his careful efforts. He set it on the counter to cool, then began to prepare the icing.

Milim could hardly contain herself. She hovered close, practically vibrating with excitement. "It looks so good! Can I have a piece now?"

Reinhard shook his head, smiling at her impatience. "Not yet. It needs to cool first, and then I'll add the icing. Just a little longer."

Milim huffed but stayed close, her eyes never leaving the cake. "Fine, but it better be the best cake ever!"

Reinhard nodded, his expression serene. "It will be, Milim. Just for you."

As he worked on the finishing touches, Milim's excitement grew even more. Despite her impatience, she treasured these moments with her brother, finding comfort and joy in their simple routines. For Reinhard, these quiet moments were a rare respite from the weight of his responsibilities, a chance to bond with his beloved sister and enjoy the peace they had carved out in their golden domain.

With the cake finally ready, Reinhard cut a generous slice and handed it to Milim. She took it eagerly, her eyes lighting up as she took her first bite. "Mmm! This is amazing, Brother! Thank you!"

Reinhard's smile widened, a rare but genuine expression of happiness. "I'm glad you like it, Milim. Happy birthday."

Milim beamed, her joy filling the room with warmth. "It's the best birthday ever! You're the best, Brother!"

As they shared the cake, Reinhard felt a profound sense of fulfillment.

As they finished the last crumbs of cake, Reinhard gently guided Milim towards her bedroom within Gladsheimr. She protested, her youthful energy still high from the sugar rush.

"But I don't want to read, Brother! I want to play more!" Milim exclaimed, her voice filled with the stubbornness of youth.

Reinhard sighed softly, his expression firm yet gentle. "Milim, playing is important, but so is learning. These books will help you understand many things. They're not just stories; they're lessons in courage, wisdom, and leadership."

Milim crossed her arms, pouting slightly. "But I don't need to lead an army! I just want to have fun."

Reinhard knelt down to her level, his eyes meeting hers with a seriousness that belied his usual calm demeanor. "Milim, you are strong and powerful. But strength alone is not enough. You need knowledge and wisdom to guide your strength. Learning to read and understand these stories will make you even stronger."

Milim hesitated, sensing the earnestness in Reinhard's words. She knew he only wanted the best for her, even if it meant doing things she didn't always enjoy. With a reluctant nod, she took the books from him.

"Fine, I'll read them," Milim conceded, her voice softening. "But only because you said so, Brother."

Reinhard smiled warmly, relieved that she had acquiesced. "Thank you, Milim. I promise you'll enjoy them. And if you have any questions or want to talk about the stories, I'll always be here."

Milim nodded again, her curiosity now piqued despite her initial resistance. She settled onto her bed with the books, flipping through the pages as Reinhard watched over her with a sense of quiet pride. Each story held a lesson, subtly imparting values that would shape Milim's understanding of the world.

As Milim immersed herself in the tales of Disney princesses and their adventures, Reinhard remained nearby, occasionally explaining difficult words or discussing the deeper meanings behind the stories. He wanted her to not only read but to comprehend and learn from each narrative.

Hours passed, and soon the evening sun began to set outside Gladsheimr. Milim, now engrossed in her reading, had forgotten her earlier protests. She looked up at Reinhard with newfound admiration.

"These stories are amazing, Brother!" Milim exclaimed, her eyes bright with excitement. "The princesses are so brave and smart. I want to be like them!"

Reinhard smiled, pleased to see her enthusiasm. "You can be, Milim. With strength and knowledge, you can be anything you want to be."

Milim nodded, her determination renewed. "I'll learn everything, just like you, Brother."

Reinhard's heart swelled with pride. He knew that guiding Milim towards knowledge and strength was crucial, not just for her sake, but for the future they would face together.

After tucking Milim into bed, Reinhard's expression hardened. The gentleness he reserved for his sister gave way to the cold, domineering presence that defined him. He turned away from her sleeping form and left the room, his steps measured and resolute.

He made his way to his private chamber, where a sealed report awaited him. Feldway had sent news of an anomaly in a nearby world occupied by Cryptids—an anomaly significant enough to pique Reinhard's interest. Feldway's report mentioned that one of the Cryptids had gained sentience, an occurrence that should have been impossible.

Reinhard opened the report, scanning its contents with a keen eye. The details were sparse, but the implications were clear: something had disrupted the natural order, and it needed to be addressed.

"Interesting," Reinhard muttered to himself. "A sentient Cryptid..."

With a wave of his hand, he summoned a portal to the designated world. Stepping through, he felt the familiar rush of energy as he traversed dimensions. When he arrived, the landscape before him was barren and desolate, a testament to the harsh environment these Cryptids thrived in.

The moment he set foot on the planet, a palpable shift occurred. The Cryptids, monstrous and primal beings, halted in their tracks, sensing the overwhelming presence of Reinhard. His aura, cold and destructive, permeated the air, causing even the most ferocious creatures to cower in fear.

Reinhard surveyed the area, his gaze sharp and unyielding. Despite having lost most of his energy, his body still radiated immense power. The nearly 100 million souls he had accumulated continued to nourish him, maintaining his formidable strength.

He moved forward, the Cryptids parting before him like a sea. They could feel the raw, untamed power coursing through him, a power that far surpassed their own. His every step was a reminder of his dominance, and none dared challenge him.

Reinhard's search led him to the heart of the anomaly. There, standing among its kin, was the Cryptid that had gained sentience. It was different from the others—its eyes held a spark of intelligence, a glimmer of awareness that set it apart.

The sentient Cryptid regarded Reinhard with a mix of fear and curiosity. It was aware of its own uniqueness, and it could sense the danger posed by the being before it.

Reinhard observed the creature silently, his mind racing with possibilities. This anomaly could be a threat or an opportunity, depending on how he chose to handle it.

"Tell me," Reinhard spoke, his voice echoing with authority. "How did you come to be?"

The Cryptid hesitated, its newfound sentience struggling to find the right words. "I... do not know. I woke up... different. I understand things now, things I could not before."

Reinhard's eyes narrowed. "Interesting. Your existence is an anomaly, one that should not occur. Yet here you are."

Reinhard observed the sentient Cryptid with keen interest. The anomaly before him was a rare occurrence, one that warranted further attention. The creature's newfound intelligence was evident in its cautious gaze and hesitant movements.

"I will give you a name," Reinhard declared, his voice cold and commanding. "From now on, you shall be known as Zelanus."

The Cryptid, now named Zelanus, blinked in surprise. The act of naming was a powerful one, and it signified Reinhard's acknowledgment of its existence and potential.

"Zelanus," Reinhard continued, "you are the first of a new race. Those who come after you will be known as Insectars. You are naturally born fighters, and your existence is a testament to that."

Zelanus bowed its head in understanding, the gravity of Reinhard's words sinking in. The responsibility of being the progenitor of a new race weighed heavily on its shoulders, but it accepted the role with determination.

Reinhard's gaze hardened as he issued a warning. "Do not interfere with the angels. They serve a higher purpose and are not to be trifled with. Understand this, and you may continue to exist."

"Yes, Lord Reinhard," Zelanus replied, its voice steady despite the fear that still lingered.

With his warning delivered, Reinhard turned to leave. As he prepared to step through the portal back to Gladsheimr, he sensed a presence from a realm adjacent to this one. It was a presence that challenged his very concept of destruction, a power that piqued his interest.

However, Reinhard quickly realized that this presence was hibernating. The being was in a state of rest, and Reinhard had no interest in disturbing a foe that posed no immediate threat.

"Another time," he muttered to himself, making a mental note of the presence for future consideration.

Stepping through the portal, Reinhard left the world of the Cryptids behind. Zelanus watched him go, understanding the magnitude of the opportunity and challenge that lay ahead.

Back in Gladsheimr, Reinhard returned to his throne, his mind already racing with new plans and possibilities. The creation of the Insectars was just the beginning, a small piece in the grand tapestry of his designs.

He leaned back, his cold eyes surveying his golden domain. The future was filled with uncertainties, but one thing was clear: Reinhard would continue to shape the world according to his will, unyielding and unstoppable.

As he settled into his throne, his thoughts turned back to Milim and the responsibilities that awaited him. The balance of power in the Cardinal World was ever-shifting, and Reinhard was determined to stay ahead of it, no matter the cost.



I spared Zelanus for a reason, he will be useful for Reinhard in the future.

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