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Blessing of Destruction.



Reinhard reclined on his golden throne, the vast expanse of Gladsheimr stretching out before him. His gaze, usually sharp and discerning, softened as he allowed himself a rare moment of rest. The power of his domain, his own creation, lulled him into a state of serene slumber. He intended it to be a brief nap, just enough to clear his mind and renew his focus.

However, when he awoke, he realized that years had passed. Rising from his throne, Reinhard felt a disturbance, a sensation that was both familiar and unsettling. It was as if a being of immense power, akin to his own, had emerged within the Cardinal World.

His curiosity piqued, Reinhard extended his senses, searching for the source of this disturbance. The answer came swiftly: Lucia. The one his father Veldanava fancied. The realization struck him with clarity. The birth of Milim was imminent, and this event had stirred the very fabric of the world.

Deciding to investigate, Reinhard prepared to leave Gladsheimr. As he did, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. Milim, a being destined for great power and significance, was about to enter the world, and Reinhard wanted to witness this momentous occasion firsthand.

With a thought, he teleported from his domain, crossing the vast distances between Gladsheimr and the Cardinal World in an instant. He appeared in a secluded forest near Lucia's location, the trees bowing under the weight of his presence. His aura, though restrained, caused the very air to crackle with energy.

Reinhard walked through the forest, his steps soundless and his expression composed. He soon reached a clearing where Lucia stood, her form glowing with an ethereal light. She was preparing for the birth, her aura resonating with an intensity that matched the significance of the event.

"Lucia," Reinhard greeted, his voice calm but carrying an undercurrent of authority.

Lucia turned to him, her eyes widening in surprise. "Reinhard. I didn't expect you to be here."

Reinhard inclined his head slightly. "I sensed a familiar presence. It seems the birth of your child is near."

Lucia nodded, her expression a mix of exhaustion and determination. "Yes, it is. She will be here soon."

Reinhard stepped closer, his gaze fixed on Lucia. "My father has a fondness for you, Lucia. That alone merits my interest in this event. But more than that, Milim's birth is a momentous occasion for the world."

Lucia smiled faintly. "Thank you, Reinhard. Your presence here means a lot."

Reinhard's eyes softened, a rare display of empathy. "Milim will be a force to be reckoned with. Her destiny is intertwined with the fate of this world. I will ensure she has the guidance she needs."

Lucia nodded, a look of gratitude in her eyes. "I trust you, Reinhard. Milim will need someone like you."

As the moments passed, the atmosphere grew charged with anticipation. Reinhard remained by Lucia's side, his presence a silent promise of protection and support.

As the moments drew near, the air thickened with anticipation. Lucia's glow intensified, signaling that the birth was imminent. Suddenly, a presence equally powerful like Reinhard's filled the clearing. Veldanava appeared, his form radiating divine light, and by his side stood Rudra, Lucia's brother, and Velgrynd. Veldanava's eyes were soft as he gazed lovingly at his wife, who was about to give birth.

"Lucia," Veldanava said gently, moving to stand beside her. His voice was filled with warmth and love. "You've been so strong."

Lucia smiled weakly, her hand reaching out to grasp Veldanava's. "Veldanava, it's almost time."

Veldanava nodded, then turned to acknowledge Reinhard. "Reinhard, my son. Thank you for coming."

Reinhard's gaze met his father's, and for a moment, the two stood in silent communication. Reinhard could sense it—the faint but undeniable aura of impending death surrounding Veldanava. Despite his immense power, Veldanava's end was drawing near. Reinhard's heart tightened at the thought. Veldanava was more than just a powerful being, he was his father.

"Father," Reinhard began, his voice uncharacteristically hesitant. "Are you sure about this?"

Veldanava's eyes held a serene acceptance. "Yes, Reinhard. This is the path I have chosen. The birth of Milim will bring about a new era, and my time has come."

Reinhard's usual stoic demeanor faltered. The prospect of losing his father, despite all his strength and pride, was troubling. But Veldanava's joyous and peaceful expression stopped him from voicing his protest. It was clear that Veldanava had made peace with his fate.

Veldanava's voice was calm and resolute. "Reinhard, you have always been my pride. Trust in the future. Your sister will need your guidance and strength."

Reinhard's gaze softened, a rare vulnerability showing in his eyes. "Very well. If this is what you wish, then I will honor it. Milim shall have my blessing."

As Lucia's contractions intensified, Veldanava stayed close by her side, his presence a source of comfort and strength. Reinhard stepped forward, raising his hand. A golden light enveloped it, resonating with the power of his domain, Gladsheimr.

"I, Reinhard Nava, bestow my blessing upon Milim Nava. May her path be filled with strength, wisdom, and unyielding power," Reinhard declared. The golden light flowed from his hand and enveloped Lucia, infusing her with Reinhard's blessing.

The light seemed to meld with Lucia's aura, amplifying the energy surrounding her. Veldanava's eyes glistened with pride and gratitude as he watched his son impart such a powerful gift.

«Report. Ultimate Skill Wrathful King Satanael has been handed to individual 'Milim Nava' recreation of the skill has been completed eons ago and is now ready to be replicated»

Among all of the skills that Reinhard wanted, he made sure that Satanael would be replicated first because he is aware that Milim should be the owner of it.

As the energy subsided, Lucia let out a final, powerful cry, and the clearing was filled with a blinding light. When it faded, a small, radiant being lay in Lucia's arms. Milim Nava had been born, her presence already exuding an aura of immense potential and power.

Veldanava, overcome with emotion, leaned down to kiss Lucia and then their newborn daughter. "Welcome to the world, Milim," he whispered softly.

Reinhard stood back, observing the scene with a mix of solemnity and determination. He knew that the future held many challenges, but with Milim now a part of it, and with Veldanava's wishes clear in his mind, he was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Rudra and Velgrynd also moved closer, their expressions filled with wonder and joy. The family gathered around the newborn, each of them understanding the significance of this moment.

Reinhard, feeling a deep sense of duty and resolve, turned his gaze back to the horizon.

The radiant moment of Milim's birth was both a blessing and a curse. As the light surrounding the newborn faded, Lucia's strength began to wane. The energy required to bring such a powerful being into the world had taken its toll on her.

Lucia, cradling Milim in her arms, looked up at Veldanava, her eyes filled with love and an unspoken understanding. "Veldanava, our daughter is extraordinary. She will change the world."

Veldanava's expression was one of deep sorrow and pride. "Lucia, you have given us a miracle. But... you must stay with us."

Lucia shook her head weakly, her breath coming in shallow gasps. "My time is over, my love. Milim needs you now. Guide her, protect her... as you have always protected us."

Rudra knelt beside her, his face a mask of anguish. "Sister, you can't leave us now. We need you. Milim needs you."

Velgrynd, tears streaming down her face, held Lucia's other hand. "Lucia, please stay. We can't do this without you."

Lucia smiled faintly, her gaze softening as she looked at each of them. "My dear family, you are strong. You will endure. Veldanava, Rudra, Velgrynd... my love for you will never fade."

As she spoke, her strength continued to ebb away. She lay down on the ground, her head resting in Veldanava's lap. He held her close, his eyes brimming with tears, a rare display of emotion for the god-like being.

"Lucia," Veldanava whispered, his voice breaking. "I cannot bear to lose you."

Lucia's hand reached up to touch his face. "My dearest, I will always be with you, in your heart and in Milim. She is our legacy, our love made flesh."

With her final breath, Lucia's eyes closed, and her body went still. Veldanava, overcome with despair, held her tightly, his tears falling freely.

Reinhard, who had been watching from a respectful distance, felt a pang of sorrow. Despite his often cold demeanor, the sight of his father's anguish moved him deeply. He understood the weight of loss, and though he rarely showed it, he empathized with Veldanava's pain.

Rudra and Velgrynd, their faces wet with tears, stood by in silent mourning. The joy of Milim's birth was overshadowed by the tragic loss of Lucia. The family was united in their grief, each of them feeling the profound void left by her passing.

Reinhard stepped forward, his presence a steadying force in the midst of their sorrow. He placed a hand on Veldanava's shoulder. "Father, her sacrifice was not in vain. Milim will carry her spirit and strength."

Veldanava looked up at Reinhard, his eyes filled with gratitude and sorrow. "Thank you, Reinhard. Your words bring some comfort in this dark hour."

Reinhard nodded solemnly. "Milim is a symbol of your love and Lucia's courage. She will need all of us to guide her."

As the family gathered around the fallen Lucia, they made a silent vow to protect and nurture Milim, honoring Lucia's memory and the love she had bestowed upon them. The birth of Milim was both a gift and a responsibility, one that they would carry with them as they faced the future together.






A few days after Lucia's death, the atmosphere within the realm shifted. Veldanava's health began to deteriorate, a gradual but undeniable decline. The loss of his beloved had taken a toll on his immortal essence, and even his divine power seemed unable to fully stave off the effects.

In an attempt to prepare for the future and strengthen his brother-in-law, Veldanava decided to trade his Ultimate Skill, Justice King Michael, to Rudra in exchange for Rudra's Ultimate Skill, Lord of Vows Uriel. The exchange was a symbolic passing of power and responsibility, ensuring that Rudra would have the strength and resolve to protect Milim and maintain balance in the world.

The three True Dragons—Velzard, Velgrynd, and Veldora—remained by Veldanava's side during his final days. Their presence was a testament to the bond they shared, and they did their best to provide comfort and support. Velzard, the Ice Dragon, often sat in silence, her icy demeanor softened by the sorrow she felt. Velgrynd, the Scorch Dragon, stayed close, her fiery spirit tempered by a deep sense of duty. Veldora, the Storm Dragon, who was often more boisterous, now showed a rare quiet strength, his loyalty unwavering.

On the last day of Veldanava's life, the atmosphere was heavy with an unspoken understanding. It was time to say goodbye. Reinhard, who had been away for much of this time, finally made his way to his father's side. He entered the chamber where Veldanava lay, a mixture of resolve and sorrow in his eyes.

"Father," Reinhard said quietly, approaching the bed where Veldanava rested. The room was filled with a subdued light, and the presence of the True Dragons created an almost sacred atmosphere.

Veldanava looked up at Reinhard, a weak but warm smile forming on his lips. "Reinhard, my son. I am glad you came."

Reinhard's expression softened slightly, though the weight of the moment was evident. "I had to be here. For you."

Veldanava reached out, and Reinhard took his hand, feeling the frailty that had taken hold of the once-mighty god. "You have always been strong, Reinhard. Even now, I see the strength and determination in you."

Reinhard nodded, his eyes never leaving his father's face. "You have taught me well, Father. I will honor your legacy."

Veldanava's gaze grew distant for a moment, as if he were looking beyond the present. "Milim... She will need guidance, strength, and love. Promise me, Reinhard, that you will watch over her."

"I promise," Reinhard said, his voice firm. "Milim will have my protection and my guidance. She will not face the challenges of this world alone."

A sense of peace seemed to settle over Veldanava. "Thank you, my son. You have always been my pride."

As the moments passed, Veldanava's breathing grew more labored. The True Dragons, sensing the end was near, moved closer, their presence a final act of solidarity and love. Velzard placed a hand on Veldanava's shoulder, Velgrynd held his other hand, and Veldora stood at his feet, his gaze fixed on his brother.

Reinhard, feeling the weight of the impending loss, leaned in and spoke softly. "Father, rest now. You have done enough."

He raised his hand and manifested his Longinuslanze Testament before piercing the chest of Veldanava. For he loved Veldanava the most, he will be the one to spell his destruction. That attack destroyed the spirit and soul of Veldanava leaving no chance for revival. The True Dragons were shocked by his action but somehow understood that it is his best action he can do for his father.

They know of their brother's wish to stay with his wife's side on the other side, they will respect his wish and let Reinhard do what he wants.

Reinhard stood up, his expression a mixture of grief and determination. The world had lost its greatest protector, but he would ensure that Veldanava's legacy lived on. Turning to the True Dragons, he nodded, a silent acknowledgment of their shared loss and the responsibility that now rested on their shoulders.

As they mourned the passing of their leader, friend, and brother, they also prepared for the future. Milim's birth marked a new chapter, one that they would navigate together, carrying the memory of Veldanava with them as a guiding light.

As the True Dragons and Reinhard mourned the passing of Veldanava, the atmosphere was heavy with sorrow and a profound sense of loss. Rudra, devastated by the loss of both his sister Lucia and his brother-in-law Veldanava, found himself overwhelmed by grief. The responsibility of taking care of Milim, which he had initially promised to uphold, seemed insurmountable in his current state.

Velgrynd, sensing her brother's turmoil, took Rudra's hand and gently led him away from the scene. "Come, Rudra. We need to find solace and gather our strength," she whispered, her own voice laced with sorrow.

Rudra nodded, his eyes hollow and distant. "Yes, Velgrynd. I... I can't do this right now."

As Rudra and Velgrynd left, Reinhard stood in the room, gazing at the tiny, powerful being in his arms—Milim, the embodiment of his father's and Lucia's legacy. He felt the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders, understanding that the task of raising and guiding Milim now fell to him.

With a determined expression, Reinhard approached the body of his father. He knelt beside Veldanava and placed a hand on his chest, speaking softly. "Father, I will honor your memory and your wishes. Milim will be cared for, and your legacy will endure."

Reinhard then turned to the True Dragons. "I will take care of Milim. It is my duty and my promise to our father."

Velzard, and Veldora nodded in agreement, their expressions a mixture of sadness and trust. They knew Reinhard was capable of fulfilling this responsibility, and they respected his decision.

Reinhard gently transferred Milim into Velzard's arms for a moment, then carefully lifted Veldanava's body. "I will make sure his body does not go to waste," he said, his voice filled with resolve. "It will be used and honored as it deserves."

With Veldanava's body secured, Reinhard took Milim back into his arms. He felt a deep sense of duty and a fierce determination to protect and guide his sister, just as he had promised.

Reinhard then took one last look at the room, the place where so much had changed, and then began the journey back to the Gladsheimr with Milim and Veldanava's body. The path ahead was uncertain, but Reinhard was resolute. He would raise Milim with the strength and wisdom imparted by their father, ensuring that she would grow into the powerful and influential being she was destined to become.

As Reinhard walked through the portal that connected their realms, he sent a silent message to the heavens and the world itself: He would carry the weight of his father's legacy, guiding Milim and honoring Veldanava's memory. With every step, he felt the gravity of his new role, but he was undeterred. Reinhard was prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, for the sake of his family and the future of their world.



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