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Sylvia El Ru

Feel free to ignore this chapter. I really hate the way I wrote it. Also, bear with me guys, there are 2-3 chapters more of these shits. I regretted trying to change his personality so I am returning it to the original.



As Reinhard and Veldanava continued to watch the battle unfold in comfortable silence, Veldanava broke the tranquility with a question that had been lingering in his mind.

"Reinhard," he began, his tone casual but laced with curiosity, "I couldn't help but notice that your energy levels suddenly plummeted earlier. Care to explain what happened?"

Reinhard glanced at his father, contemplating how much to reveal. He decided on a vague response, not wanting to delve into the complexities just yet. "I'm in the process of creating a new skill," he replied simply, keeping his explanation concise.

Veldanava studied his son for a moment, his eyes reflecting a depth of understanding. Though Reinhard's answer was intentionally vague, Veldanava seemed to grasp the underlying significance. A faint smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, and he nodded slowly.

"I see," he said thoughtfully. "You're always pushing boundaries, seeking new heights. It's one of the things I admire about you, Reinhard."

Reinhard felt a flicker of warmth at his father's words, appreciating the support implicit in them. Veldanava continued, his voice gentle yet resolute. "No matter what path you choose or what goals you pursue, know that I will always support you. Your journey is your own, and I have faith in your decisions."

Reinhard nodded, feeling a sense of reassurance wash over him. "Thank you, Father," he said sincerely. "That means a lot."

Veldanava's smile widened, and he returned his gaze to the screen, where the fierce battle continued. "It's important to remember that even in the pursuit of great power, we remain connected to those we care about. Our bonds give us strength and purpose."

Reinhard absorbed his father's words, reflecting on their significance. Despite his immense power and the grand ambitions he harbored, the support of his family provided a foundation that anchored him. It was a reminder that, no matter how high he soared, he was never truly alone.

Reinhard continued to watch the unfolding battle, his mind occasionally drifting back to his father's words. The support and faith Veldanava had expressed bolstered his resolve, reminding him of the strength that came from their bond. As he observed the scene, something else caught his attention. His father's gaze seemed unusually focused, particularly on the girl cheering beside Velgrynd.

Curiosity piqued, Reinhard decided to address it. "Father," he began, a hint of amusement in his voice, "I've noticed that your attention has been quite fixed on someone besides the fighters. The girl cheering beside Velgrynd, in particular. Do you fancy her?"

Veldanava's eyes twinkled with a mixture of surprise and amusement at his son's perceptiveness. He glanced at Reinhard, a soft smile playing on his lips. "You're quite observant, as always," he replied, his tone light yet contemplative. "The girl you speak of is indeed quite special."

Reinhard raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Special? In what way?" he asked, leaning back in his chair, genuinely interested in his father's response.

Veldanava's gaze shifted back to the screen, where the girl was energetically cheering for Rudra, her enthusiasm matching Velgrynd's. "Her name is Lucia," he began, a fondness evident in his voice. "She possesses a unique spirit and strength that draws people to her. There's an inherent purity and resilience in her that's quite rare."

Reinhard studied his father's expression, noting the warmth and admiration in his eyes. It was a rare sight, seeing Veldanava so captivated by someone. "It seems she has made quite an impression on you," Reinhard remarked, his tone thoughtful.

Veldanava nodded, his smile deepening. "Indeed, she has. Lucia reminds me of the enduring qualities that make life truly remarkable. Her presence is a reminder of the beauty and strength that can be found in even the most challenging circumstances."

Reinhard considered his father's words, reflecting on the importance of such qualities. It was clear that Lucia held a special place in Veldanava's heart, and Reinhard couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for someone who could inspire such admiration in his father.

As they continued to watch the battle, Reinhard's thoughts wandered back to his own goals and the challenges that lay ahead. The presence of figures like Lucia, Velzard, Velgrynd, and even Rudra and Guy, highlighted the intricate web of relationships and motivations that shaped their world. It was a reminder that strength and power were not solely defined by individual prowess, but also by the connections and influences of those around them.

Reinhard glanced at Veldanava, feeling a renewed sense of determination and purpose. "Father," he said, breaking the comfortable silence once more, "thank you for sharing this with me."

Veldanava looked at his son, his eyes filled with pride and affection. "You're welcome, Reinhard"

With those words, the two continued to watch the battle, appreciating not only the spectacle before them but also the deeper meanings and relationships that it represented.

The fight raged on, neither side giving an inch as the hours passed. Blows were exchanged with precision and fury, each combatant pushing their limits. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, both Rudra and Guy Crimson stood panting, their bodies battered and bruised, but their spirits unbroken. The battle ended in a draw, a testament to the incredible resilience and skill of both warriors.

Velzard quickly moved to Guy's side, her expression softening as she tended to his injuries with a mix of concern and admiration. Lucia and Velgrynd, on the other hand, rushed to Rudra, their efforts focused on helping the exhausted hero. It was a scene of tender care and mutual respect, a stark contrast to the brutal combat that had just unfolded.

Reinhard stood up from his seat, stretching slightly as he prepared to take his leave. "I've seen enough for today," he said, turning to his father. "Thank you for this, Father. It was... enlightening."

Veldanava nodded, his expression warm. "Take care, Reinhard. Remember, you are always welcome here."

Reinhard gave a slight nod in acknowledgment before stepping out of the cabin. The fresh air greeted him, and he took a moment to savor it. It had been a long time since he had left the confines of Ramiris's labyrinth, decades in fact. As he walked away from the cabin, a thought crossed his mind. Perhaps it was time to revisit the world he once roamed so freely.

The idea grew more appealing with each step. The Cardinal World held countless memories and experiences, and despite his power and responsibilities, there was a part of him that yearned to reconnect with it. Reinhard paused, looking out at the horizon. The labyrinth had been a place of solitude and reflection, but now, the world beckoned with its endless possibilities.

With a final glance back at the cabin, Reinhard made up his mind. He would visit the world again, explore its wonders, and perhaps, in the process, rediscover aspects of himself that had been set aside in the pursuit of power and duty.

Reinhard set off on his journey, leaving behind the comforting familiarity of his father's cabin. The world spread out before him, vast and full of promise. As he roamed the lands, he encountered diverse landscapes: towering mountains, sprawling forests, and shimmering lakes. Each step was a reminder of the world's beauty and complexity, a stark contrast to the confined spaces of Ramiris's labyrinth.

Days turned into weeks as Reinhard traveled, his presence barely noticeable to the ordinary inhabitants of the world. He moved with a quiet grace, his powerful aura suppressed so as not to disturb the delicate balance of the lands he traversed. He took in the sights and sounds, savoring the freedom and tranquility that came with his journey.

Eventually, Reinhard arrived at a place that piqued his interest—a humongous tree with sprawling roots that wove through the earth like ancient veins. Houses were nestled within the roots, creating a hidden sanctuary that exuded a serene, almost mystical aura. Reinhard walked through the area, his curiosity growing with each step.

As he explored the base of the massive tree, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the intricate craftsmanship and the natural beauty that surrounded him. However, his peaceful exploration was abruptly interrupted. He felt a shift in the air, a tension that hinted at hidden dangers. Within moments, hundreds of elves emerged from their hiding places, surrounding him in a tight circle.

Each elf was poised to attack, their bows drawn and magical energies crackling in the air. Reinhard observed them calmly, noting their determination and readiness. The leader of the elves, a tall figure with striking features and an aura of authority, stepped forward.

"Intruder," the elf leader called out, their voice steady and commanding. "State your purpose here, or face the consequences of your trespassing."

Reinhard met the leader's gaze, his expression hardening. He was not one to appreciate being treated with hostility, especially by those he deemed far weaker than himself. "I am merely passing through, exploring the world," he replied, his tone clipped and authoritative. To emphasize his point, Reinhard allowed a fraction of his aura to seep out, a mere hint of his overwhelming power.

The effect was immediate. The elves, sensing the immense pressure and power emanating from him, recoiled in fear. Their weapons wavered, and whispers of panic spread through their ranks. The leader struggled to maintain composure but could not hide the unease in their eyes.

Reinhard watched them coolly, his aura a reminder of the vast difference in their strengths. "I assure you, you won't die. I am Reinhard, and I seek only to see and understand the beauty of this place."

The name seemed to stir something among the elves. Whispers spread through their ranks, and the leader's eyes widened slightly, recognizing the significance of his name. The leader lowered their weapon, signaling the others to do the same.

"You are Reinhard?" the leader asked, their tone now tinged with curiosity and respect. "The one spoken of in legends?"

Reinhard nodded curtly. "Indeed. I have traveled far and wide, and I wish to learn more about this place and its inhabitants."

The tension in the air eased, and the elves relaxed their stances, though they remained alert. The leader stepped forward, extending a hand in a gesture of peace.

"Welcome to our home, Reinhard," they said. "I am Elowen, the guardian of this sanctuary. We are honored by your presence."

Reinhard accepted the gesture with a nod, his demeanor still cool and distant. "Very well, Elowen. Show me what this place has to offer."

Elowen nodded and gestured for him to follow. "Our Elven Empress will want to meet you. Please, this way."

As Elowen led him deeper into their sanctuary, Reinhard maintained his aloofness. Despite his initial irritation, he couldn't deny a growing curiosity about the hidden world within the roots of the humongous tree.

Reinhard followed Elowen deeper into the sanctuary, his curiosity mingling with a lingering irritation. The elves maintained a respectful distance as they walked, their wariness evident. They eventually reached a grand entrance, intricately carved and adorned with symbols of elven heritage. Beyond the doors lay the throne room, the heart of their domain.

The doors opened, and Reinhard stepped inside. The room was vast, filled with natural light filtering through the canopy above. At the far end sat Sylvia El Ru, the Elven Empress, on an ornate throne. Her presence commanded attention, but Reinhard immediately noted her lack of deference. She remained seated, her gaze steady as she observed him.

Reinhard's eyes narrowed slightly. He disliked the subtle message her posture conveyed. Despite not showing overt arrogance, her decision to remain seated irked him. He approached with a measured pace, his aura restrained but unmistakable.

"Welcome, Reinhard," Sylvia said, her voice calm and composed. "I am Sylvia El Ru, Empress of the Elves. It is an honor to meet one of your stature."

Reinhard didn't nod his head. "Sylvia El Ru," he acknowledged. "I recognize your name. You are one of Twilight Valentine's creations, are you not?"

A flicker of surprise crossed Sylvia's face, quickly masked by her composed demeanor. "Indeed, I am," she replied. "Twilight Valentine was a mentor and guide. He spoke of you often."

Reinhard's gaze sharpened. "Twilight Valentine, the one who once dared to offend me but managed to earn my forgiveness. He was fortunate to survive our encounter."

Sylvia's composure wavered for a moment, a sign that Reinhard's words had struck a chord. She remained seated, though, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of curiosity and caution.

"You speak of strength and forgiveness, Reinhard," Sylvia said. "What wisdom do you wish to impart upon us?"

Reinhard stepped closer, his presence commanding the room. With a single tap of his finger, he shattered Sylvia's throne, sending splinters flying. The force of his gesture left Sylvia standing, her expression a mix of shock and fear. The elves around them gasped, taking a step back, clearly intimidated.

"Understand this, Sylvia," he began, his tone cold and authoritative. "There is no king before me. Strength is not just about power or dominance. It is about knowing when to show restraint, when to forgive, and when to remind others of their place. Twilight Valentine learned this lesson, and so must you."

Sylvia listened intently, her posture remaining composed but her eyes reflecting a deeper understanding. Reinhard continued, his words carrying the weight of his experience and authority.

"True strength lies in the ability to rise above petty arrogance and recognize the broader picture," Reinhard said. "You sat upon that throne, a symbol of your authority. But remember, it is not the throne that defines your strength—it is your actions, your decisions, and your ability to acknowledge those who stand above you."

Sylvia nodded slowly, absorbing his words. "I understand, Reinhard. Your presence here is a reminder of the delicate balance we must maintain."

Reinhard's expression remained cold and unyielding. "Good. Remember this lesson, Sylvia El Ru. In the grand scheme of things, we all have roles to play. Embrace yours with humility and wisdom."

Without waiting for her response, Reinhard turned on his heel and strode out of the throne room, his aura flaring with barely restrained power. The elves around him trembled, sensing the immense pressure he exuded. As he stepped outside, the very air seemed to crackle with energy, threatening to tear the sanctuary apart.

Reinhard walked away from the elven sanctuary, his aura still pulsating. The threat was clear: he could destroy the entire nation of Sarion if he wished. His patience was thin, and his tolerance for disrespect even thinner. He had given Sylvia a lesson she would not soon forget, and now it was time to move on.

After Reinhard's departure, the throne room fell into a tense silence. Sylvia El Ru, who had managed to maintain her composure during the encounter, felt her knees give way beneath her. She collapsed to the ground, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The fear she had suppressed now surged through her, leaving her trembling.

The elves who had witnessed the scene were equally shaken. They exchanged nervous glances, still feeling the lingering presence of Reinhard's immense power. The threat he left behind was palpable, a reminder of their precarious position.

Sylvia wiped the sweat from her brow, her mind racing. Reinhard's aura had been overwhelming, a stark contrast to anything she had ever experienced. He was an anomaly, a being of such power and authority that he defied the natural order of the world. She could now understand, to some extent, the thoughts of her creator, Twilight Valentine, regarding Reinhard.

"We are fortunate to have survived his wrath," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "It was my fault for acting that way, for not showing the respect he demanded."

She slowly got to her feet, the weight of the encounter still heavy on her shoulders. Sylvia knew that this would be a turning point for her and her people. Reinhard's visit had left an indelible mark, a lesson in humility and the true meaning of strength.

Elowen approached her cautiously, her concern evident. "Are you alright, Your Majesty?"

Sylvia nodded, though her expression was weary. "I will be. We must ensure that we never provoke such a being again. Reinhard's power is beyond comprehension, and we cannot afford to make enemies of such entities."

The elves around her nodded in agreement, their respect for their empress tinged with newfound fear. They had all witnessed the potential for devastation that Reinhard carried with him, and it was a lesson none of them would forget.

Sylvia took a deep breath, regaining her composure. "We must learn from this and move forward. Let this be a reminder of the delicate balance we must maintain in our dealings with those more powerful than ourselves."

With that, she turned to address her people, her voice steady and resolute. "Let us honor Reinhard's visit by becoming stronger, wiser, and more united. We have been given a second chance, and we must not squander it."

The elves bowed their heads in agreement, their resolve strengthened by Sylvia's words. They had survived Reinhard's wrath, and now it was time to rebuild and grow, always mindful of the lessons imparted by the powerful being who had graced their sanctuary with his presence.

As they dispersed, Sylvia couldn't help but reflect on the encounter. She had faced Reinhard and lived to tell the tale. It was a humbling experience, one that would shape her leadership and her people's future. She vowed to honor the lessons learned and to never forget the overwhelming power and presence of Reinhard, the anomaly who had briefly crossed their path.



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