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36.2% Deity of Destruction / Chapter 21: Ultimate Skill Analysis.

Chapitre 21: Ultimate Skill Analysis.



A few years have passed since the reunion between Reinhard and Ramiris, the two spent their years arguing with each other as they had nothing to do anyway. Ramiris is currently sleeping in her own room, while Reinhard is sitting on his throne thinking about something. He asked his Ultimate Skill Raphael about the progress she has made.

«Report. Analysis of the following Skills -

Unique Skill [Pride]

Ultimate Skill [Lord of Charity, Raguel]

Ultimate Skill [Lord of Patience, Gabriel]

Ultimate Skill [Lord of Justice, Michael]

Ultimate Skill [Lord of Purity, Metatron]

Ultimate Skill [Lord of Hope, Sariel]

has been completed. Creation of these skills will consume 70% of master's energy»

Reinhard raised his eyebrow hearing that. "Are Michael, Sariel, and Metatron the only skills you can analyze from Father? He appears to have more than this right? How about Sandolphon? Or Melchizedek?" he asked, wondering about those.

«Negative. With my current calculating speed, I can roughly analyze all of Lord Veldanava's skills within another 3 millennia. Permission to proceed master?»

Just then, Reinhard realized that Raphael was far different from Ciel. Her calculating speed falls short compared to that disgraceful Manas. Although Reinhard is tempted to evolve Raphael, he has no interest in having a whole different ego floating around his head. He would rather wait than to have something like that, he believes that only he should be at the top and having another ego would be a rule breaker.

"It consumes 70%? How much would I have left?" he asked.

«Report. Master's current existential points have reached the number of 530 million. Subtracting 70% among those… Master will be left with 159 million EP»

'So still greater compared to the combination of Velzard and Velgrynd… this should be enough' Reinhard thought as he fell deep into his thoughts.

"There's no other way for this, is there?" Reinhard finally said.

«Affirmative. Given the parameters and the current objectives, this course of action is the most optimal,» Raphael responded, her tone devoid of any hesitation.

Reinhard sighed, leaning back on his throne. "Very well, proceed as planned," he ordered, resigning himself to the necessity of the situation.

«Acknowledged. Commencing energy extraction and skill creation,» Raphael stated, beginning the process without delay.

Immediately, Reinhard felt a powerful surge as his energy was siphoned off. The room was filled with a shimmering aura, radiating from Reinhard as his immense energy was harnessed. The sensation was overwhelming, his body tingling with the intensity of the transfer.

This sudden fluctuation in energy did not go unnoticed. Across the world, various powerful beings sensed the disturbance, their attentions drawn to the source of this immense power. Among them, the one most alarmed was Ramiris. Despite being in a deep sleep, the Queen of Spirits was highly attuned to such changes.

Ramiris stirred, her senses on high alert as she quickly awoke. Recognizing the source of the energy drain, she leaped from her bed, her small form darting towards Reinhard's room with remarkable speed. Without hesitation, she barged through the doors, her eyes wide with concern.

"Reinhard! What are you doing?!" Ramiris exclaimed, her voice filled with both worry and anger as she took in the sight of her friend engulfed in a brilliant light.

Reinhard coldly observed his body, noting the sensations and changes as the energy was siphoned. He wondered what would happen to it when such a significant portion of his power was drained. The process was fascinating in a detached way, almost like an experiment.

Ramiris, on the other hand, was frantic. She started calling upon a multitude of spirits, her desperation evident. "Come on, help me!" she shouted, summoning various elemental spirits that swirled around her, but none seemed to be able to counteract the intense energy flow from Reinhard.

In a final attempt, Ramiris focused her energy and summoned a Superior Spirit of Light. "Please, help him!" she implored, directing the spirit towards Reinhard. The Superior Spirit of Light merged with him, infusing his body with a new, radiant power. In that moment, a Hero's Egg was forced into existence within Reinhard, adding an unexpected layer to the ongoing transformation.

The siphoning of energy finally ended, and the brilliant aura around Reinhard began to fade. He stopped his observation, noting the subtle yet profound changes within his body. Glancing at Ramiris, his expression was a deadpan look that clearly conveyed, "Why did you do such an unnecessary thing?"

Ramiris, still flushed with concern and effort, caught his look and bristled slightly. "I was just trying to help! You should be happy I was concerned about you!" she retorted, her voice a mix of defensiveness and lingering worry. "Do you even realize how dangerous that looked? You can't just—"

Reinhard raised a hand, silencing her mid-sentence. "Ramiris, your concern is noted. But unnecessary," he stated calmly, though his tone carried a hint of annoyance.

Ramiris huffed, crossing her arms. "Well, excuse me for caring. Next time I'll just let you drain yourself dry without lifting a finger," she muttered, though there was no real malice in her words. She was still visibly shaken by the whole ordeal, and her eyes searched Reinhard's face for any signs of distress.

Reinhard sighed inwardly. "I appreciate your concern, Ramiris. But this was something I needed to do."

Although tired of Ramiris' antics, Reinhard decided to show his appreciation in a way she would understand. With a slight wave of his hand, he summoned a small, round pastry and handed it to her. "Here, a token of thanks for your concern."

Ramiris took the donut, her eyes widening in delight at the sight of the unfamiliar treat. "What is this?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity and excitement.

"It's called a donut," Reinhard replied, watching her reaction.

Ramiris sniffed the donut, the delicious smell causing her to break into a wide grin. "It smells amazing!" Without further hesitation, she took a bite and immediately started celebrating. "This is so good! Why have I never had this before?"

Reinhard couldn't help but smile slightly at her reaction. "Consider it a reward for your concern," he said.

As Ramiris continued to enjoy her donut, Reinhard turned his attention inward, mentally asking Raphael about the progress. «Report.»

«Good progress has been made, Master,» Raphael responded. «The skills will be created in exactly 573 years.»

Reinhard's initial reaction to Raphael's report was one of frustration. "573 years," he muttered, not hiding his irritation. He hadn't expected the process to take that long.

«Apologies, Master. The complexity of these skills requires extensive time to properly integrate,» Raphael conveyed, her tone contrite.

Reinhard sighed, eventually deciding to push the matter out of his head. "Very well, continue as planned," he said, resolving to be patient despite his initial disappointment.

Just as he was about to refocus on his thoughts, a telepathic call interrupted him. The voice of his father echoed in his mind, clear and commanding. "Reinhard, come. We will be watching a very interesting sight."

Reinhard straightened, his frustration momentarily forgotten. "Ramiris, I need to go," he said abruptly, his tone indicating the urgency of the situation. Without waiting for her response, he prepared to heed his father's summons.

Reinhard straightened, his frustration momentarily forgotten. "Ramiris, I need to go," he said abruptly, his tone indicating the urgency of the situation. Without waiting for her response, he prepared to heed his father's summons. His figure blurred and vanished, reappearing in the sky as he flew at incredible speeds towards his father's location.

As he soared through the sky, Reinhard's mind returned to what Ramiris had done earlier. The presence of the Hero's Egg within him was undeniable, a new entity sprouted into his existence. A Hero's Egg was typically a mark of someone powerful and inherently good, destined to follow a path of righteousness. Reinhard, however, had always considered himself above such simplistic dichotomies as good and evil. He operated on a plane of existence where those concepts were irrelevant, guided instead by his own principles and objectives.

The idea of being branded with something as defining as a Hero's Egg was almost insulting. It suggested a destiny or alignment he had not chosen for himself. His thoughts turned to the notion of coexistence. Could a Hero's Egg and a Demon Lord's Seed, entities that symbolized opposing forces, truly exist within the same being? The Hero's Egg was a symbol of light and justice, while the Demon Lord's Seed represented darkness and power. Reinhard pondered the implications.

If they could coexist, it would make him an entity unlike any other. He would embody the ultimate balance of power and morality, transcending the limitations of both roles. But such a balance would be precarious, requiring constant vigilance to maintain. He could not afford any distractions or unnecessary burdens, which made Ramiris' actions even more irksome.

As he neared his father's location, Reinhard forced these thoughts aside. His father had summoned him for something significant, and he needed to focus entirely on that. The matter of the Hero's Egg could wait. There would be time enough to address its implications later. For now, he had to see what his father found so intriguing that he had called upon him so urgently.

Reinhard arrived at his father's humble abode, a simple wooden cabin nestled in a serene, forested area. Despite its unassuming exterior, the cabin exuded a warm and nostalgic feeling, reminiscent of simpler times. The air around it seemed almost enchanted, filled with a sense of peace and timelessness that was at odds with the immense power Reinhard knew resided within.

He landed gracefully at the cabin's entrance and took a moment to steady himself, pushing aside the lingering thoughts about the Hero's Egg. Entering the cabin, he was greeted by the familiar sight of his father, Veldanava, seated comfortably in a rustic chair. The room was modestly furnished, with a hearth crackling gently in the background, adding to the cozy atmosphere.

"Father," Reinhard greeted, inclining his head respectfully. "You summoned me. What is this interesting sight you mentioned?"

Veldanava, the creator of all things and the most powerful being in existence, turned his attention to Reinhard with a calm, knowing smile. "Ah, Reinhard. I'm glad you came quickly," he said, his voice carrying an air of quiet authority. He gestured to a screen on the wall, an ethereal display shimmering with magical energy. "Look here."

Reinhard followed his father's gesture and focused on the screen. It displayed a vivid scene, a fierce battle unfolding in real time. Warriors clashed with incredible power and precision, the very air around them crackling with energy. He watched intently, his sharp eyes analyzing every movement, every exchange of blows.

"What am I looking at?" Reinhard inquired, his curiosity piqued despite himself. The fighters on the screen were formidable, their skills and techniques hinting at extraordinary training and experience.

Veldanava leaned back in his chair, his gaze never leaving the screen. "These are the latest contenders in a conflict that has been brewing for some time," he explained. "They represent the peak of their respective domains, each one a potential catalyst for significant change in our world."

Reinhard's interest deepened. His father rarely showed such interest in individual battles unless they held greater significance. "And why is this particular fight so important?" he asked, his mind already considering the broader implications.

Veldanava's eyes twinkled with a mixture of amusement and seriousness. "Because, my son, the outcome of this battle will set the stage for events that could reshape the balance of power. It is a delicate situation, one that requires careful observation."

Reinhard continued to watch the screen intently, taking in the impressive display of skill and power. Veldanava, observing his son's focus, began to elaborate.

"The fighter in the golden armor is Hero Rudra," Veldanava explained. "He's one of the most formidable heroes in existence, his power and resolve unmatched by most. He's been battling Guy Crimson for many days now, and each encounter ends in a draw."

Reinhard's eyes narrowed slightly as he watched Rudra's swift and precise movements. He knew Guy Crimson well, having assigned him the role of the world's 'Mediator.' They had fought before, and Reinhard had easily bested him. Seeing Guy now, locked in a seemingly endless struggle, piqued his interest.

"I see Guy is still as persistent as ever," Reinhard remarked, his tone carrying a hint of amusement.

Veldanava nodded, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of amusement and pride. "Indeed. Despite your previous encounters, he continues to push his limits. Rudra, however, is a new player in this high-stakes game. His dedication to heroism and order is commendable."

Reinhard observed Veldanava closely, noticing a rare expression of genuine happiness on his father's face. It was unusual for Veldanava to show such emotion, especially over a battle. "You seem quite happy to talk about this, Father," Reinhard noted, his curiosity piqued. "Why is that?"

Veldanava simply pointed back to the screen, his smile widening slightly. Reinhard followed his father's gesture, his eyes once again locking onto the intense combat displayed before him.

Watching Rudra and Guy clash, Reinhard began to understand. This wasn't just a battle; it was a living representation of the eternal struggle between order and chaos, light and darkness. Rudra's relentless pursuit of justice and Guy's embodiment of demonic power created a dynamic that fascinated Veldanava. It was a testament to the balance Veldanava had crafted in the world, a balance that required constant vigilance and adjustment.

Reinhard continued to scrutinize the screen, his focus on the intense clash between Rudra and Guy. He pondered the potential lessons about balance and power, considering how they might apply to his own situation. However, something seemed off about his father's amusement. Veldanava was not one to be amused by philosophical notions alone. Reinhard glanced back at Veldanava, seeking further clarification.

His father noticed his confusion and chuckled. "Reinhard, you're missing the real spectacle here," Veldanava said, pointing again at the screen. "Look closely at the sidelines."

Reinhard shifted his gaze to the edges of the battlefield. To his surprise, he spotted two familiar figures. Velzard, the Ice Dragon, and Velgrynd, the Scorch Dragon, were present. They were not fighting but rather cheering on the combatants with animated expressions.

"Your aunts seem to have taken a keen interest in this battle," Veldanava explained, his tone light and amused. "Velzard followed Guy Crimson after their last fight ended in a draw. She was jealous, you see. Jealous that Guy had gained your acknowledgment."

Reinhard raised an eyebrow, glancing at Velzard's enthusiastic cheers for Guy. The image of the usually stoic Ice Dragon cheering so openly was both surprising and slightly amusing. Velzard had always been fiercely competitive, especially when it came to matters involving their family.

"And Velgrynd?" Reinhard asked, turning his attention to the fiery dragoness who was cheering for Rudra with equal fervor.

Veldanava's smile softened. "Velgrynd has deemed Rudra the love of her life. She fell for his charisma and resolve some time ago. They had a conversation with me about it. She believes in him deeply and supports him wholeheartedly."

Reinhard watched the scene unfold with a new understanding. His aunts, powerful dragons in their own right, had found reasons to invest themselves in this ongoing conflict. Velzard's competitive nature had driven her to follow Guy, while Velgrynd's romantic feelings had bound her to Rudra.

"So, this battle is not just about light and darkness," Reinhard mused aloud, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "It's also a personal matter for our family."

Veldanava nodded. "Indeed. It's fascinating to see how personal motivations and broader conflicts intertwine. This battle represents more than just a struggle for power; it's a convergence of personal desires and greater destinies."

Reinhard felt a sense of kinship watching his aunts' antics. Despite the vast differences in their personalities and motivations, they were all connected by their familial bonds and shared histories. As he continued to watch the battle, he couldn't help but feel a deeper appreciation for the complex tapestry of relationships that made up their world. For now, he would observe and learn, ready to support his family in whatever way was needed.

Reinhard conjured a seat with a casual wave of his hand, placing it beside his father's chair. He settled into it, the two of them sitting side by side, their eyes fixed on the screen displaying the ongoing battle. The sounds of clashing swords and roaring energies filled the air, but within the cabin, there was a profound silence. This was a rare moment for father and son, a time of peace and quiet where they could simply be in each other's company without the weight of titles and responsibilities.

The two watched the battle unfold in companionable silence, appreciating the view in front of them. For Reinhard, these moments were precious. They allowed him to drop his usual demeanor of arrogance and pride, shedding the mantle of power that he wore so naturally. Here, in the presence of his father, he could simply be Reinhard from Earth—the man he once was, before destiny had thrust such immense responsibilities upon him.

Veldanava glanced at his son, sensing the shift in his demeanor. He said nothing, understanding that sometimes words were unnecessary. These moments of silent bonding were where their true connection was nurtured, beyond the grandiose displays of power and the cosmic duties that bound them.

Reinhard let out a small sigh, feeling the tension drain from his shoulders. He allowed himself to relax, absorbing the tranquil atmosphere of the cabin. He knew that these times were fleeting, but they were also grounding, reminding him of the simpler, more human side of his existence.

As they continued to watch, the battle between Rudra and Guy raged on, a testament to the unyielding spirits of both combatants. Velzard and Velgrynd's cheers added a unique, almost familial touch to the scene, reinforcing the idea that even amidst great power and cosmic struggles, personal connections and emotions played a crucial role.

Reinhard's mind wandered back to his life on Earth, the memories of his past life mingling with his current experiences. He thought of the people he had known, the simpler challenges he had faced, and the ordinary joys he had once taken for granted. These reflections brought a sense of clarity and perspective, a reminder that despite his immense power, he was still shaped by his past.

Veldanava, sensing his son's introspection, placed a hand on Reinhard's shoulder, a silent gesture of support and understanding. Reinhard looked at his father and offered a small, genuine smile, feeling a warmth that transcended their usual dynamic.

For now, they would sit together, appreciating the chaotic beauty of the battle before them and the peaceful connection they shared. It was a moment of tranquility in a world of constant turmoil, a reminder of the bonds that grounded them amidst the vastness of their responsibilities.



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