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46.66% HOTD: Targaryen Requiem / Chapter 5: New Wife/War?

Chapitre 5: New Wife/War?

-Location: Eyrie, The Vale Of Arryn- 

-Date: 112 AC- 

-POV: Narrator- 

High above the Eyrie flew Haedes. The inhabitants of the vale could see the huge black dragon blot out the sun. 

Down below the inhabitants of the Eyrie looked up. The current lady of house Arryn, Jeyne Arryn stood and watched. 

Rhaegar landed his dragon outside of the castle, helping his mother off of the dragon. 

Haedes immediately flew off and rested in between two mountain peaks. 

"Remind me not to ride that thing again." Said his mother as she held on to his arm. 

She got some motion sickness on the way, so they had to take a break. They stopped at Maidenspool, which is ruled by House Mooton. 

After some rest the flew straight to the vale. 

Outside of the gates stood lady Jeyne Arryn, his cousin. Aemma walked to her and gave her a hug. 

Aemma sends ravens to her home a lot, so she kept in touch with her sisters, and her cousin, Jeyne Arryn. 

"It's nice to see you cousin. What do I owe the pleasure?" Asked Jeyne. 

"I will be staying in the eyrie Indefinitely. I can't stay in kings landing anymore." Said Aemma. 

Jeyne paused for a second and looked at Rhaegar. He nodded and sighed. Jeyne quickly agreed and showed them around the Eyrie. 

Rhaegar had been to the Eyrie a few times, but that was for political purposes. He's never actually seen everything here. 

After some time, the sky turned dark and Jeyne asked Rhaegar to stay for the night. He agreed but said he'll head back in the morning. 

He already knows his father is going to be furious, but he really didn't care. 

-POV: Viserys Targaryen- 

What should I do? 

Aemma has left me, and my son took her to the vale. Rhaenyra seems sad, maybe chasing after that dream split this family apart. 

No, that's can't be it. I need to make it come true. Aegon's prophecy needs to be fulfilled. The Song of Ice and Fire. 

I can't keep waiting, I need to act. Maybe Otto was right, I need another wife. But who. 


I hear a knock at the door and seen grandmother walk in. She seems to be angry. Probably something I did. 

"Viserys iam very disappointed in you. Forcing your wife away at a time like this?" Said the former queen. 

"Forcing? She chose to leave. I didn't force anything." I said with some anger. 

"You're considering the chance at gaining another wife. That's a good enough reason to leave. Do you think any sane woman would want to share their husband?" Asked my grandmother. 

"Aegon had two wives, what's the difference between the two of us?" I asked while raising my voice. 

"You're not Aegon The Conqueror. He unified Westeros and forces those kings to bend the knee. What have you done? Nothing but throw tourneys and drink. Don't even compare your self to my grandfather." Said Alysanne with the look of madness on her face. 

She was so angry that her dragon started roaring. Silverwing's roars reached the red keep from the dragons pit. 

I bit my tongue is frustration. She is right, i haven't done anything as grand as unite the seven kingdoms. Dorne still doesn't swear allegiance to us. 

So technically it's six kingdoms. Until the Martell's marry into the family, Dorne with not be a part of the seven kingdoms. 

"So what are your plans? Aemma had left and your heir took her." Said Grandmother. 

"I will take another wife. In order to fulfill Aegon's prophecy." I said with some certainty. 

"Listen Viserys, this isn't going to be pretty. If your new wife births males, then there will be a fight of succession. Do you really want that?" Asked Alysanne. 

"No, but my heir will always be Rhaegar. Me and him may have are fights and disagreements. But he is the best choice for the realm."  I said will pride and confidence. 

Rhaegar was an enigma. He was different from other Targaryens that have been around. He genuinely care for the Targaryen culture and customs. 

After he and Lady Laena's wedding, he and her had a tradition Valyrian wedding. He is also loved by the entire realm. It's hard to see him as anything but a king. 

I know he'll be a much better king the I. He was born to be king. 

Alysanne smiled and nodded. It seems she has the same thoughts as I. Rhaegar will always be king, and his future brothers will help him. 

(A/n: Oh my sweet viserys. You don't know how wrong you are.) 

"Good, the boy has already started making changes to the kingdom. His best invention was that bar of soap. The scents are delicious and the perfumes too." Said Alysanne. 

Something my son invented. We've already had soap, but it was unscented and barely washed anything. 

He used plants from Essos and Dorne to make the perfume and soap. He also made it mandatory for everyone to bath everyday. 

He's always did it since he was a child, so making other do it wasn't a surprise. It's working as the smallfolk use the bath house everyday. 

Obviously it's cost to use them, just one copper star. 

"I've already told him. I will not die until I see him ascend the throne. And I plan on seeing it Viserys." Said Alysanne with a serious expression. 

"I understand grandmother." I said as I drink my wine and look at the old Valyria model. 

-Six Months Later- 

-POV: End- 

It's been six months since the Queen left the red keep. Viserys has been doing his duties as king, but one thing that plagues his mind is the person who will be his new wife. 

Due to some convincing of the faith from Otto. They allowed the king to take another wife. Even without their approval, he'd still take another wife. 

Rhaegar has been working with Corlys, his uncle, and Gerald Dayne, on how they would stop the Crabfeeder. 

Viserys hasn't said anything about the Step Stones since the tourney, which was months ago. 

Corlys was running low on patience. He needed to act now. But as he was about to announce his departure to the step stones. 

Viserys had an announcement to make. So he summoned all the council members, including both of his children. 

"Good marrow my lords, today I have an announcement on who will be my second wife." Said Viserys as he looked at Rhaenyra. 

She encouraged him to speak. Rhaegar stood behind his father and looked at the father and daughter duo of Alicent and Otto. 

He knew where this was going and he honestly didn't care. It was inevitable for this to happen, so there was no point in him getting upset. 

"My second wife, will be the lady, Alicent Hightower." Said Viserys as he surveyed the room. 

He eyes landed on his daughter, and he could see the look of betrayal on her face. His heart sank and he watched as his daughter left the room. 

"Now that, thats over. Father, me and lord Corlys will be leaving for the step stones. Uncle Daemon, and Ser Gerald will come along with us. We've already sent a raven to house Martell informing them of our arrival." Said Rhaegar. 

The room went silent, Otto looked at Viserys and sighed. 

"Without my permission?" Said Viserys. 

"Lord Corlys had been asking the crown for months to do something, and all you can think about is a second wife. Not to mention you choose someone the same age as your daughter. Specially your daughter's best friend." Said Rhaegar. 

"I don't want war with the free cities. If we act, and show force, it will lead to a war." Said Viserys. 

"They invade our shores, cripple our shipping lanes, destroy our ports, and kill our men that guard the step stones. Is that not aggression against the realm?" Asked Rhaegar. 

"My prince, what the king says is reasonable. For the free cities to be so bold as to start a war with us, they must have sometime funding their armies." Said Otto. 

"The Crabfeeder is said to be a former Prince. So he obviously has some type of backer from the free cities. They started this damn war, and we will end it. I'm going." Said Rhaegar. 

Rhaegar left and went straight back to his room. He sent some knights to tell his uncle and Ser Gerald that it's time to leave. 

-Later That Day- 

Outside of Kings Landing, Rhaegar stood with a full set of Armor. Daemon said his goodbyes to his wife and children. He then mounted Caraxes. 


Rhaenyra was standing along side Laena and seen off Rhaegar. 

"Be safe my love, and please look after my father and brother. This will be Laenor's first time seeing war." Said Laena. 

"Don't worry, Seasmoke will protect him. Please look after Rhaenyra, she gets very upset easily." Said Rhaegar as he kissed his wife and kiss his sister on top of the head. 

He walked towards Haedes and monted her with ease. Both dragons lifted off and flew towards the sea. 

Laena looked in the distance and seen the Jade dragon, Vhagar. She couldn't help but feel happy. She unconsciously started to walk towards the giant she dragon. 

Vhagar seeing this began to build up her fire, but stopped as she heard Laena singing in High Valyrian. 

Laena got closer and stuck we hand out to touch the dragon. Vhagar was hesitant, but drew closer. 

When Laena's hand touched Vhagar, both of them started to feel a connection. Laena stared to beam with joy. 

Rhaenyra watched and smiled. 

-A Few weeks later- 

The battle of the step stones has raged on for years. It's only started to get serious last year. With Prince Rhaegar, Prince Daemon, and Ser Gerald, this battle is over. 

Currently, Lord Corlys is going over their attack plan. With both princes, his son and heir, and his brother Vaemond. 

"We are running out of food for the men. With about 700 foot soldiers, and 60 knights, we could fend off another assault." Said Corlys. 

"Prince Daemon and Laenor will give support from the air, I and Ser Gerald will lead the vanguard on land, and lord Corlys and Lord Vaemond will battle at sea." Said Rhaegar. 

"This will be the last day you men will be here. Make sure you make it home." Said Rhaegar. 

Everyone started to get into formation. Rhaegar walked up to his dragon and started petting her. 

"We will go home soon, just give me support from the air." Said Rhaegar. 

He finished walked away and met up with Ser Gerald. He wore his armor that had purple cape and cloth. His house sigil was on his cape. 

"Are you ready? The famed sword of the morning is seeing battle." Said Rhaegar as he joked with Ser Gerald. 

"It's been a while since I've been in a war. I fought ever since I was a child, so this will help me see if I still got it." Said Gerald as he looked at his sword Dawn. 


Rhaegar gripped his sword Blackfyre and felt anxious. Over the past few weeks he's been burning people with his dragon. So killing has become an afterthought now. 

But he still felt anxious because he gets to go all out for the very first time in his life. He's always had to hold back against his uncle and Ser Gerald. So now that there is a threat, he can finally burn off some energy. 


A horn was blown, signaling that the Triarchy had begun their assault. Rhaegar put his helmet on and lead his men to battle. 

The Crabfeeder sent his men out to confront them. The archers that sat above the battlefield were about to launch their assault, but were taken out by Caraxes and Seasmoke. 

Rhaegar ran and outpaced his men. He encountered five men and took them down with one swing of Blackfyre. 

He kept moving at high speeds slaughtering the Crabfeeder men. As the he watched his men die. He looked up and seen Daemon starring at him while on Caraxes. 

The Crabfeeder went inside of the cave and waited for Rhaegar to come inside. 

Rhaegar chopped his way through the men that came out of the cave. Rhaegar had tossed his helmet and cape from his armor. 

His hair was a mess, and his platinum silver hair was now dyed with blood. Blackfyre was dripping with the blood of the men he slayed. 


After yelling and overwhelming force crashed down on the people around him. Some of the passed out while other felt dizzy. This was Rhaegar's first time using his conquerors haki. 

Rhaegar stood in wait for the man to come, after a few seconds. The Crabfeeder came out with a larger warhammer in hand. 

Rhaegar laughed to himself because of the irony. Robert Baratheon wielded a war hammer. Now his name is Rhaegar, and he fights against a cunt with a warhammer. 

'Well future Rhaegar, read and learn.' Thought Rhaegar as he stood and watched Drahar swung his hammer. 

(A/n: He said read and learn because this will obviously be written down in the history books.) 

Rhaegar dodged with ease and kicked Drahar back. He was toying with him, Rhaegar could read his movements with ease. 

They were sluggish and wide. He could bisect him if he wanted, but he wanted his men to watch as their leader get humiliated. 

After a few seconds of dodging, and earning laughs from Daemon. Rhaegar just decided to end it. 

In a quick fashion, the Crabfeeder was cut from head to cock. The blood was everywhere. 

Rhaegar went to the body and took both sides of the mask, signaling that he defeated him. 

He looked at his dragon and said the words. 

"Dracarys!" Said Rhaegar as Haeder burned Drahar's body with her blackish purple flames. 

Corlys and his men cheered from their boats. The dragons shot flames into the air, showing their happiness. 

Beams of Red, Silver, and Blackish Purple flames lit the sky up. Rhaegar looked up into the sky and smiled. This shit was finally over. 

-1 Week Later- 

-POV: Rhaenyra Targaryen- 

Father and his new wife are having another child. My "best friend" Alicent is having a child with my father. 

It sounds so disgusting that everytime i think about it, it makes me want to die. When I said pick anyone, i didn't think he'd pick her. 

Maybe brother was right. Otto had been scheming something. This can't be a coincidence. Especially now that father is making me entertain suitors for marriage. 

I'am currently leaving Storms End after a long day of hearing offers from old men and children. Is this what it's like being a woman of high status? 

"Princess, are you alright?" Asked Ser Criston. 

He was the Knight that almost bested my uncle. Most of the knights that were at the tourney had zero combat experience. Ser Criston has fought against the dornish. 

"I'am fine Ser Criston, I just want to go back home." I said while looking at the red keep in the distance. 

I wish I could take Syrax. Father forbid me from taking her. She stays in the kingswood now with Vhagar. 

Speaking of Vhagar, lady Laena had became her rider. She seems so happy when she bonded with her. 

It's always been Laena's dream to become Vhagar's rider, so watching it happen was something i didn't expect. 

As I looked out at the sea, the crew in the ship heard a roar from above. I and Ser Criston looked up seeing nothing. 

But Ser Criston told everyone to get down, and after that Caraxes flew past the ship. Thanks to his wings, the ship moved back and forth. 

When I stood up i could see my brother laughing while flying towards the red keep. He and Uncle Daemon like playing pranks on people. It's something they get from Aunt Gael. 

"Are you alright Princess?" Asked Ser Criston. 

"I'm fine. It seems my brother and uncle are back. Hopefully they bring good news." I said with a smile. 

-POV: End- 

-Location: Red Keep, Kings Landing- 

Inside the throne room, members of the court stood in wait for both Princes. Princess Rhaenyra stood at the foot of the throne, next to Alicent. 

(A/n: It's only been a few weeks to a month, so signs of pregnancy obviously aren't showing.) 

Soon everyone heard the footsteps. Rhaegar walked in with Daemon next to him. He looked at his father and continued to walk. 

As he made his way towards his father, he looked at his wife and smiled. He would see her later. 

He stopped at the foot of the iron throne and looked at his father. 

"Prince Rhaegar Targaryen has returned with good news. The step stones have been reclaimed, and an alliance with Dorne had been formed. With new additions obviously." Said Rhaegar. 

"And what would those additions be my son?" Asked Viserys. 

"Instead of just one of my sons marrying one of his daughters. If I have two sons, they both will marry his two daughters, bringing Dorne into the seven kingdoms for good." Said Rhaegar. 

Viserys nodded and smiled. His son had stepped up and formed an alliance that would last many generations. 

Daemon looked at Otto and could see that disappointment on his face. Daemon smiled at the cunt and kept quiet. He turned to see his wife and children. 

His son who was one and ten name days, and his daughter who was ten name days. 

"Where is lord Corlys and Ser Gerald?" Asked Viserys. 

"Lord Corlys went back to Driftmark to see princess Rhaenys, and Ser Gerald went back to Starfall to see Princess Gael." Said Rhaegar. 

"Good, my son and heir had returned. This calls for a celebration." Yelled Viserys as he hugged his son. 

Otto had a sour expression while watch the father and son duo. Hopefully the child that Alicent is carrying is a boy. Because if it is, he'll try to push his claim. 

Hopefully Alicent can prepare, because she will be having more children to support his grandsons claim to the throne. 

-To Be Continued- 


One good thing about viserys is that he never renounced Rhaenyra claim to the throne after Aegon was born. So I'am obviously gonna keep that trait in this story. 

Otto will definitely have less supporters then he had in canon. But he'll still have a significant influence over Old town and most of the reach. 

Since a lot of things are different from canon. Otto has to find ways to manipulate Viserys. So what do y'all suggest he does after Aegon is born? 

And what crown to yall want Rhaegar to have? King Jaehaerys crown, The conquerors crown, or a custom crown?

If yall wanna know what Haedes sounds like heres the link. 


And yes, when Haedes shoots flames it sounds like Godzilla's atomic breath. There is no reason why, It's just cool. 

Are y'all watching the new season or hotd? How do y'all like it so far. 

Thanks for reading. 

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