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40% HOTD: Targaryen Requiem / Chapter 4: Stillborn

Chapitre 4: Stillborn

-Location: Kings Landing, Crownlands-

-Date: 112 AC- 

-POV: Narrator- 

Today was a special day. It would be the birth of a new Targaryen Prince. King Viserys and Queen Aemma are expecting a boy. 

Everyone was happy except for Rhaegar. He knew the outcome of his mother's labor. He couldn't stomach losing her. 

But right now he couldn't be near her. Because today is the tourney to celebrate the birth of his sibling. So he had to be in attendance. 

Laena who was sitting next to her husband, could see the look of nervousness on his face. 

She took his hand and put her head on his shoulder. This seemed to make Rhaegar relax a little. 

"The Queen will be fine dear. You just have to have faith." Said Laena. 

"I can feel it in my gut. Something is going to happen. She's had stillborn children before. I can't handle losing her this time." Said Rhaegar as he held his wife's hand. 

(A/n: If yall expect a edgelord Mc, then this isn't for you. My Mc is a genuinely good person that has to do messed up things. So hes obviously gonna show his discomfort.) 

Laena just sighed and waited for the tourney to begin. Unknown to her, both of her parents were looking at her. 

Lady Rhaenys has been trying to convince Laena to have children soon. But it was met by a "it's too early to have children" from her daughter. 

Obviously this upset Rhaenys, but after an explanation why from Rhaegar, so calmed down a bit. 

Her opinion on Rhaegar changed a bit after that. She doesn't have a problem with Rhaegar. It's just her anger towards Viserys was slowly shifting to Rhaegar. 

But now that has stopped. She now's see him in a positive light. And it's because of the genuine care he has for Laena. 

She could tell the two of them genuinely loved each other. Also like herself and Corlys. 

So she didn't mind the wait for Laena to have children. Because it is inevitable that her blood will be on the throne. 

Rhaegar turned around and seen his father make his way towards his chair. Seeing his father made him think back to the small council meeting yesterday. 


King Viserys sat at the head of the table while joking and with the small council. Rhaegar stood to his right and looked at Lord Corlys. 

They both looked at each other and sighed. Lord Corlys spoke up about the alliance between the free cities. 

Rhaegar knew that this was a serious situation. But with his presence something's had changed. Dorne isn't aiding the Triarchy like in the original. 

They were actually the ones who informed he and his father-in-law of this situation. Dorne has been fighting them off, but ultimately requested aid from the king. 

To which his father ignored. Saying that Dorne can fend for themselves. This obviously angered both Rhaegar and Corlys. 

"Father, I think we should take this seriously. If we help Dorne their relationship with us will deepen. This is a serious matter that needs to be dealt with. What lord Corlys proposed isn't something far fetched." Said Rhaegar. 

"But how do we know it isn't a ploy from the dornish themselves?" Asked Otto. 

"Well lord Otto, why would they reveal to us that they're struggling to keep some pirates at bay? Dorne is known for their cunning and assassination tactics. Now, this could very well be a trap but why would it?" Asked Rhaegar. 

The room went silent with that statement. The Martell's could've just asked the houses in Dorne for aid but the directly went to the king. Showing that this is a bigger problem. 

"And like Lord Corlys said, it will cripple our ports, and imports from Essos. Without our trading routes, the kingdom will suffer." Said Rhaegar, getting a nod from the lords in the room. 

The door opened and Rhaenyra walked through. This caused Viserys to change the subject. 

"Rhaenyra, you're late!" Said Viserys. 

"I was visiting mother." Said Rhaenyra as she kissed Rhaegar on the cheek and did the same to Viserys. 

"On dragon back?" Joked Viserys. 

"The Crown had heard your voice, and will take it under consideration." Said Otto. 

"Consideration? This is about the kingdom and you want to consider it? There is no issue with us helping. Dorne is apart of the seven kingdoms, and when they call for help we go." Said Rhaegar with anger in his tone. 

"But we don't know if it's true or not. What if this is a trick that Dorne had planned?" Asked Lord Beesbury. 

"You could be right, but what if it's true? Then what would we look like if we failed to protect the realm?" Asked Rhaegar. 

"Okay enough Rhaegar. Your brother will soon be born, let us discuss the tourney for tomorrow." Said Viserys. 

"Tourney? You want to play games while the realm is being raided by some filth. You're the king father, show some damn spine." Yelled Rhaegar as he walked out. 


The door was thrown off of its hinges as Rhaegar exited the room. This caused Lord Beesbury to sigh, as he was the one who had to pay for it. 

"You should listen to your son. He makes a good point. In times of need the kingdom comes first." Said Corlys as he walked out himself. 

Viserys just sighed and looked at his daughter. She herself was confused on why her brother was angry. But from the conversation, she could tell it was something that affected the kingdom. 

"I guess this meeting is over." Said Viserys as he got up and walked out. 

-Flashback Over- 

Viserys stood at his seat and began his announcement. 

"Good day, lord and ladies. You've traveled long leagues to be at these games, but i promise you will not be disappointed. When i look at the fine knights on this list, i see a group without equal. On this great day has been made more auspicious, with the news, of the birth in my son." Said Viserys. 

"May the luck of the seven shine on all combatants." Said Viserys as he sat down. 

The Tourney began with a jousting. Riders from noble houses, and hedge knights participated in the tourney. 

Rhaegar was pretty bored so he just placed his head on Laena's shoulder and closed his eyes. 

He didn't fall asleep as he wanted to listen for the message his father will receive about his mother. 

She was currently in labor, so he was on high alert. With his speed he could get to the red keep in about 5 seconds. It was pretty far, so it was a good distance. 

He was kinda pissed because he didn't want to rip his outfit due to his speed and friction. But his mother was his top priority, so his clothes will just be a sacrifice. 


The tourney went on, but the crowd began to grow even louder. Which caused Rhaegar to open his eyes. 

He seen his uncle trotting around on his horse while the game master announced his presence. 

"Prince Daemon Targaryen shall now choose his opponent." Said the game master. 

Daemon looked at all the contestants and stopped at Gwayne Hightower, son of Otto Hightower. 

Rhaegar smiled and sat up. Much to Laena's dismay. She knew her husband had a dislike for Otto and his family. Shown by how he just ignores Alicents presence. 

So she knew her husband would get a kick out of seeing Otto's son get put on his ass by Daemon. 

Daemon stared at Otto for some time and commanded his horse to go. The two riders drew closer to each other, and then finally reached the middle. 


They both stalemated. Daemon and Gwayne went around and grabbed another jousting lance. 

This time they changed at full speed. But this time the outcome was different. Daemon clipped the horses knee, making Gwayne fly off. 

The crowd went silent for a few seconds until Gwayne began to move, confirming that he was alive. The crowd clapped and cheered. 

Daemon then rode to the stand where the royal family and the families of the small council members resided. 

Rhaenyra stood up along with Alicent and Daemon being petty asked for Alicents favor. Much to her father's dismay. 

But as Rhaegar was about to speak to his uncle, he heard a maester tell Otto about the queens health. 

Rhaegar Stood up and took off his cloak, sitting it on his chair. He unbuckled Blackfyre from his waist and handed it to Laena. 

He kissed her and then disappeared in thin air. This shocked everyone present. Otto then told Viserys what happened. 

Viserys immediately stood up and was escorted to the Red Keep. 

-POV: Rhaegar Targaryen- 

Thank god I made it on time. It took about seven seconds to run here. 

I bursted into the room, and see my mother screaming and trying to push the baby out. 

The maester then informed me that the babe is stuck. This pissed me off. How the hell did the babe get stuck? 

I shove him out of the way and go to my mother's side. She takes my hand and continues to push. 

This is hell, watching her be in so much pain is hunting. 

"My Prince, the queen won't survive with this much blood loss. We have to cut the babe out of her." Said the Maester. 

"That's not an option, you will kill her if that happens. Just get out." I said with rage building up in me.


Haedes seems to be feeling my anger. She's angry herself. 

"But my Prince, she will die without us." Said the maester. 

"GET OUT!" I yelled as I looked at him with boundless fury. 

Everyone ran out of the room. I get up and locked the door. And then went back to sitting next to my mother. 

"Do you want to live muna?" I asked. 

"Just get this damn thing out of me." Said my mother with anger. 

I was surprised because my mother was never one to get angry or curse. But she did both. 

I nodded and took an immortal herb out of my dimension. I asked her to open her mouth and chew. 

She did just that, while I grab a knife and started to cut. Not before giving her something to bite down on. 

It took me about 5 minutes to cut her open and get the babe out. During that time, my father walked in and seen me holding the dead babe in my arms. 

My mother's wound heal up slowly thanks to the immortal herb. She didn't have a scare or a blemish. 

Some would question how the babe was birthed, but I don't care. My mother is alive and that's all that matters. 

"Rhaegar, what happened here?" Asked my father. 

"This child didn't survive. It's another stillborn." I said as he sat on the floor while leaning on the bed with the dead babe in my arms. 

Well at least my father was right. It is a boy. A dead one. 

My father went to my mother's side and checked her condition. She was currently sleeping, but there were some noticeable changes. 

She seemed younger and more vibrant for a woman who was just in labor. Thanks to the immortal herb, my mother seemed to de-aged back to her prime. 

I haven't eaten one yet, but before me and Laena have our first child we will consume it. Maybe are children with be born with immortality. 

"Father, this has to stop. This is the final time she will give birth. Her body can't handle it anymore. She almost died today."I said with a tired voice. 

"I hear you my son. But my dream, it was so vivid. Like I was there, watching my sons fight with each other and unite the realm." Said Viserys. 

I looked at my father with disbelief. I know dreams in this world should be taken seriously, but sometimes they sound so far fetched. 

But he could be talking about my brothers he has with Alicent. It seems with the survival of my mother, the universe will find another way for Aegon and my siblings to be born. 

Which means the dance is inevitable. But when that time comes, hopefully I could change the minds of my future brothers. 

"I'm going to take a bath. Mother needs her rest. Don't wake her." I said as he placed the dead babe in its cradle and left. 

-8 hour later- 

-POV: End- 

Rhaegar was in the bath that was in he and Laena's room. He sat there in silence and he looked out of the window. 

It's been 8 hours since his mother gave birth. He finally took a bath after sitting in his room all day. 

He almost lost his mother today, but that wasn't his biggest problem. The problem he has is how will Otto manipulate Alicent into being near his father. 

As he sat in the bath, the door to his room opened and Laena walked in with Blackfyre in her hands. 

She put it down and took off her clothes. She got into the bathtub with Rhaegar and leaned against his chest. 

"I heard what happened. Are you going to be okay?" Asked Laena. 

Rhaegar kissed the top of her head and hugged her. Laena took that as his answer and sat in silence. 

"I don't want to put you through something like that. I had to cut open my own mother. I can't bear to see you in that position." Said Rhaegar. 

"But at some point in time, we have to produce an heir. You will be king, and I Queen. We can't keep delaying this." Said Laena. 

"You're right, in a few more years we'll have children. I promise." Said Rhaegar. 

They both sat there in silence. Laena and Rhaegar began washing each other with soup. 

After some time they both started to get intimate with each other. Making the water and the tub slash everywhere. 

The two of them just let their desire take over and a long night of love making ensued. 

-Next Day- 

In the room of the small council, Viserys was escorted in by the Knight commander. He sat at his seat and while the other's sat too. 

"Where is Rhaenyra?" Asked Viserys. 

"She's with Mother right now. She said she would miss today's meeting." Said Rhaegar as he stood next to his father. 

The room went silent as everyone didn't know what to say. So Otto was the one who broke the ice. 

"It's been a tragic week for us all. With the passing of the kings son, we need to suggest something that boost the strength of the throne." Said Otto. 

"And what would that be lord Hightower?" Asked Corlys. 

"That the king should take another wife." Said Otto. 

Viserys shot an icy glare at Otto. He was about to speak was beaten by his son. 

"Repeat what you just said?" Asked Rhaegar as he stepped forward. 

"I said the king should take another wife." Said Otto as he stared at Rhaegar without moving a muscle. 


Rhaegar struck Otto, knocking him out of his cheer. Rhaegar then picked Otto up by his neck and held him in the air. 

"Are you mad? You dare suggest something so stupid. You're supposed to be the hand of the king. You're the brains of the realm. Yet you suggest something so stupid." Said Rhaegar. 

"Rhaegar, put him down." Said Viserys. 

Rhaegar tossed him and walked back to his father's side. 

"Why would you suggest something so stupid as that Otto?" Asked Viserys. 

Otto reorganized himself and sat back down, he had swelling on his left cheek, but he ignored it. 

"Because of your dream. You once told me that you seen your sons uniting the realm. Your family is known to have dreams that come true." Said Otto. 

Rhaegar looked at his father and sighed. Otto was a vulture when it came to knowledge. So he guessed his father must of told Otto about Daenys the dreamer. The one who predicted the doom of Valyria, and the first rider of Balerion the black dread. 

"Maybe if you take another wife, your dream would come true." Said Otto. 

Viserys just sat and stared at Otto. He eventually dismissed the council and went back to his room. 

Rhaegar went to check on his mother, and seen that Rhaenyra was still there. 

"Brother, mother seems to be healthy. She was able to walk around." Said Rhaenyra. 

"That's good." Said Rhaegar. 

"What is it? You seem lost." Asked Rhaenyra. 

"Lord Hightower suggested father take another wife." Said Rhaegar as he sat down. 

Both Aemma and Rhaenyra looked at Rhaegar in shock. Rhaenyra stormed out and went to find her father. 

"What did your father say?" Asked Aemma. 

"He didn't say anything. He just sat there in silence after Otto explained his reason for suggesting such a thing." Said Rhaegar. 

Aemma stood up and went towards the window. She looked out at the sea and sighed. 

"I will be going back to the vale. I can't stay here anymore." said Aemma. 

"Are you sure? Rhaenyra will be upset." Said Rhaegar. 

"She's almost at the age of marriage. She needs to start thinking of making her own family." Said Aemma. 

"And she could always visit. It's her home just as much as it's mine." Said Aemma. 

"I will take you there on dragon back. I know you don't like riding, but I can't take any chances." Said Rhaegar. 

Because he had a gut feeling something would happen if he let his mother be escorted there. He couldn't rule it out so he decided to take her himself. 

"Fine, I'll get my things ready. I'll have to explain to Rhaenyra." Said Aemma with a smile. 

"She's mature for her age. She'll understand." Said Rhaegar. 

-POV: Rhaenyra Targaryen- 

What is my father thinking. Taking another wife. He can't just throw away my mother just because his son was stillborn. 

Is this what it's like be a woman in Westeros? Are we only good for pumping out babes? I refuse to be like this. 

I stormed into my father chambers. He was looking at his model of old Valyria. Something he does from time to time. 

"It seems your brother told you what happened in the meeting today." Said father. 

"Are you really considering it? Are me and Rhaegar not enough for you?" I asked as tears started to weep. 

"That's not the case Rhaenyra. I just can't accept the fact that my dream may have been false. It was so clear to me that this is what the gods wanted." Said Viserys. 

"What more could you need? You have an heir that is loved by the realm, you have a daughter that is loved. Why would you need more children?" I asked as my sadness turned to anger. 

"My blood will be the one to stop the prophecy that Aegon the Conqueror foretold all those years ago. I can't stop, we don't know when the others will come." Said my father. 

He's not making sense anymore. The others? What is he spewing? 

And Aegons prophecy? How come I've never heard of it? 

"What are you saying father?" I asked. 

"I've said too much. Go back to your mother." Said Viserys. 

Now he's pushing me away. This day couldn't get any worse. 

-POV: End- 

Rhaegar waited for his mother at the front gate. He could see her explaining to Rhaenyra that she's leaving. 

But up above, he could see his father looking from his chambers. Aemma finally said her goodbyes and got onto her horse. 

They had to go outside of the city gates to get onto Haedes. She was too big to fit in the dragon pit and the courtyard for the red keep. 

They rode through kings landing gaining attention from the smallfolk. Rhaegar greeted everyone and continued to the city gate. 

Once outside the gates, Haedes sat there in wait. She had grown even bigger than. Before. Towering over the city gates. 

She was slightly bigger than Vhagar now. Due to not being kept in the dragon pit. Vhagar herself stays in the kingswood along with Haedes. 

Surprisingly the two get along with each other. Maybe because Vhagar is the mother of Haedes. 

That could be the contributing factor. Aemma and Rhaegar unmounted their horses and walked towards Haedes. 

Haedes lowered her head and snuggled against Rhaegar. He felt her scales and smiled. She purred like a small house cat. 

Rhaegar then helped his mother mount Haedes and then mounted her himself. They soon took off and headed towards the Eyrie. 

To be Continued


Since Aemma survived and is now immortal. Otto had to come up with another way for him to get Alicent close to Viserys. So he used something the Viserys cares about most. 

His dream that he had of his son. Obviously since Rhaegar exists it changed, so instead of one son, it was multiple sons. And you can pretty much figure out who they are. 

Rhaegar, Aegon, Aemond, and Daeron. 

So with Otto implanting his "suggestion" into Viserys's mind, he'll have Viserys thinking about it. 

And this is the beginning of the end. Otto already has his claws in Viserys, so now it's time to take action with Alicent. 

Thanks for reading. 

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