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60% Naruto: Kurogami, The Gamer Shinobi / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Entertainment

Chapitre 6: Chapter 6: Entertainment

A/N: As a human, I know I can make mistakes so please correct me if there's anything wrong with what I've written, thank you


Kurogami awoke the next day and arrived at the Little Ninja Academy where he saw all the first years from yesterday gathering out the front.

Seeing a familiar spiky blonde-haired boy at the back of the group, Kurogami walked over to the boy and called out, "Yo, Naruto!" 

Naruto turned around, a massive smile on his face appearing as soon as he heard Kurogami's voice enter his ears, "Kurogami!" He replied enthusiastically, happy to see his friend, "Look, look! They have the classes up!" He pointed to the front of where all the students were looking.

"Really now...?" Kurogami muttered with interest, "Have you taken a look?" He asked, to which Naruto shook his head with a sigh saying that there were too many kids shoving and pushing.

"Just wait until the crowd dies down a little" Kurogami said, the two stepping back a little as they watched the number of kids dissipate minute by minute, "See?" He pointed at the visible classes, the two boys walking over to the boards.

Kurogami looked for his name, when suddenly he had been grabbed and a loud Naruto yelled in his ears, "Kurogami! We're in the same class!!" He jumped up and clapped his feet together.

As Naruto had said, Kurogami found his name on the list for the 'best' class which was full of clan kids - this meant he would be in the same class as the main 9(? If he wasn't wrong) for these 6 years, unless something happened.

Not only that, "Looks like we're in the same class" The two boys turned around to see Hanabi approach them with a small wave. They looked behind her to see a shy blue-haired girl attempting to hide, "This is my nee-san, Hinata" She introduced, pushing the shy Hinata forward much to her embarrassment, "Hinata, Naruto and Kurogami"

"Nice to meet you" Kurogami nodded, "Nice to meet ya, Hinata!" Naruto said a little too loudly, the three people having to cover their ears whilst he laughed innocently.

"N-Nice..." Hinata stuttered, pushing her index fingers together as her face grew redder and redder with each passing second, "T-t-t-to..." Her head eventually overloaded, smoke coming out of her heads magically as she fell backwards, falling unconscious from the shock.

"Haa..." Hanabi sighed, catching Hinata who immediately woke up and covered her face in embarrassment, "Let's just go class" They nodded in agreement, the squad walking together with Hanabi and Kurogami at the front, and Naruto attempting to make conversation with Hinata slightly behind them.

Eventually, the four ended up at the right class, Kurogami grabbing the door and sliding it open to reveal a close-to-full class of students and a teacher at the front turning to look at them with a small frown

"Late on the first day?" The teacher shook his head, "I'll be nice and let you off, but anymore times and you'll have to get detention. Find your seats and quiet down, understood?" The man with brown hair kept in a ponytail, dark eyes and a scar that runs across the bridge of his nose requested, the group of 4 nodding and finding empty seats.

Kurogami moved to the back row beside the window, the exact same seat he took his theory exam much to his nostalgia and joy. Similarly, Hanabi sat in front of him, with Naruto in the row in front of her. Hinata, on the other hand, sat in the back row's middle table. The group had been split due to their lateness, much to their sadness, but this is the consequence of their actions of arriving late.

"Let's start with introductions, shall we?" The teacher said, grabbing a white chalk and turning his back to the class as he began writing on the big board at the front of the class, "Iruka Umino, that is my name. You must refer to me as either 'Iruka sensei' or 'Sensei', and I'll be your teacher for most of your classes" Iruka said as he looked around the room, glad to see that most of the students were able to follow along, "Now, I know some of you probably know each other from yesterday, but we'll be starting the day off with introductions before I carry on with any other important explanations, understood?"

[Iruka Umino, Chunin Teacher] [Level: ??] [Reputation: -1] (For being late)

"Yes, Iruka-sensei!" The class unanimously shouted in sync, Iruka nodding at the sight

"Good. One by one, you'll come up to the front of the class and give a brief introduction - nothing too long but nothing too short, you're kids not edgy, boring adults like me" Iruka 'joked', earning a couple laughs from the class, "Starting with you" He pointed to a kid in the first row, closest to the window.

And so, the class introduced themselves. There were over 30 kids in the class, so introductions took quite a while but eventually Iruka landed on Kurogami.

So far, the original anime group (Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Hinata, Shino and Kiba) and Hanabi had introduced themselves. Additionally, a few familiar faces from yesterday such as Maya Izuno and Rito Sarutobi were also in the class. 

Walking towards the front, Kurogami turned around to see all the kids looking at him with interest. He saw that all their reputation's, minus Maya's, were in the positives due to his title which meant they already had a good impression of him, which he found nice.

"My name's Kurogami, an orphan. It's nice to meet you all and I hope we all get along" He gave a small bow before looking to Iruka for approval of his introduction, who nodded which allowed him to walk back to his seat and sit down quietly. 

All the previous introductions were similar to Kurogami's. They simply gave their names, a little of their background, and a nice comment or something along those lines. Thankfully for Kurogami as well, after his simple introduction Iruka's reputation had gone up to 1.

Eventually, once all introductions were done, Iruka clapped his hands loudly, "Good job, guys and girls! As you all introduced yourselves so fast and efficiently, I actually have time to explain more about the curriculum before your next class with Mizuki sensei begins" Iruka coughed, allowing the kids to prepare themselves for the information dump

"As you know, you guys are currently in 'Little Ninja Academy', which is before the official 'Ninja Academy'. You'll be here as students for 6 years, and this will be GUARANTEED - there is no early graduation unlike Ninja Academy. These 6 years are different compared to Ninja Academy, and arguably, in not a good way if I do say so myself: You won't be learning any jutsu or anything to do with chakra until you graduate, if you do, and enter the Ninja Academy.

Rather, you'll purely be learning about the theories of jutsu and chakra, and be learning the basic necessities such as maths, history, science, etc. Fortunately, the school doesn't neglect your training completely as you WILL be partaking in daily physical activities to prepare your bodies for when you do learn and utilise chakra, and these are mandatory - if you skip or do not participate, you'll be put in detention" Iruka explained, bringing his hand to his chin as he began to think if he was missing anything else, "Hmm... I think that's it...?"

"..." Kurogami, who sat at the back of the class, had his mouth hanging in shock and agony, '...s-six years...? I must be hallucinating' He looked around the class and saw their faces hadn't changed, clearly not affected by the news 'What the fuck is this world?! No jutsus or learning chakra until I'm 12?! How are they even going to check and know if I and other kids learn to use chakra before then?!' He questioned, grabbing his hair.

He watched as Iruma left the classroom with a wave, allowing the students to start their normal chatter with their already made friends. 

Hanabi turned around and rested her arms on the back of her chair, looking up at Kurogami (The rows are ascending), "Did you understand all that?" She asked.

"Sadly, I did..." Kurogami sighed, confusing Hanabi who wanted to ask more but was stopped by a wild Naruto jumping from his row to Hanabi's right to Kurogami's, "Hey guys!" He said, looking over to Hinata who shyly totted over to join them.

"So... why exactly aren't we able to use chakra until we join the Ninja Academy?" Kurogami asked bluntly, not being able to get it out of his head at the stupid fact.

"Well... If I'm not wrong, I think it's because the Hokage, who you might know as 'The Professor' or 'God of Shinobi', found out that learning and using chakra at a young age before one's body is physically fit is actually really bad and may prove to limit their potential as their body is unable to handle their chakra to the fullest - something like that, and that the best time to learn and start using chakra is at the age of 12 after much calculation, which is why this Academy was made. To be honest, the whole Hyuga clan and I think I heard our father say that pretty much all the other main clans in Konoha think that it's stupid that we're not allowed to learn chakra in the Little Ninja Academy. But, it's the Third Hokage's rules so we can't really do much about it" Hanabi explained, but Kurogami still wasn't happy with the explanation. (A/N: I know this may be confusing, so if you want to know more just ask in this paragraph comment and I'll reply to the best of my ability - to be honest, I just wanted to find a reason for them to not learn chakra until they were 12 for the sake of the plot. After all, I'm the author so I have the power for that)

'This is bullshit!' He screamed internally, but nodded externally, when suddenly a light bulb flashed in his mind, 'Wait a minute... the rule should only apply to 'Normal' ninja like these guys, but I have this system! Maybe, just maybe... I can learn to use chakra at whatever age I want without my 'potential' or whatever being affected!'

"But wait, can't someone like you clan members or anyone smart enough to go to Konoha's library just learn chakra?" Kurogami asked.

"Well, technically yes...? But as I said, it's apparently harmful to the body and can deteriorate your body which no one wants to risk, including myself. And even if someone wants to, I heard from our dad that the Third Hokage put more ninjas in the village to watch and make sure no one is learning chakra. They also, somehow, managed to pull a Hyuga onto their side and uses them to make sure no one's doing so" Hanabi sighed.

'This all sounds really confusing, and is lowkey hurting my brain, but I think I get it' Kurogami shrugged, a small, smug smile flashing on his face before the sound of the door sliding open rattled the class.

A man with white shoulder-length hair with a slight hint of blue to it and green eyes entered the class with a soft smile on his face, "Good morning class, please refer to me as 'Mizuki sensei', I'll be your history teacher for the next 6 years so I hope we all get along" His eyes were closed and his smile got bigger.

[Mizuki Suganuma, Chunin Teacher] [Level: ??] [Reputation: 0]

Kurogami frowned a little at the man's appearance, knowing he was the one who attempted to frame Naruto in the first episode of the show. His frown grew bigger throughout the lesson, however, when he gave a long, hour and a half lecture on the history of the school.

"Ughhhh...!" The students all groaned once Mizuki left the class, glad his lecture had ended.

The day went pretty much the same throughout, lunch after Mizuki's lesson, a lesson, physical activity time, and then a short homeroom session before school ended. The timetable was as such:

9 am - Homeroom with Iruka

9:30 am - Lesson 

11 am - Lunch

12:30 pm - Lesson

2 pm - Physical Activities

3:30 pm - Homeroom

4pm - Home time 

After school, the group split after a short walk. Kurogami, rather than going to the orphanage however, decided to go to the Konoha library.

*Ting ding* As the door opened, the sound of bells jingling could be heard to signal someone's entry or departure.

Kurogami walked to the front desk where he saw an old lady with reading glasses reading a fantasy book with a frown. [Shizuka Nanao, Hardcore Librarian], [Level: ??], [Reputation: 0] 

"Um... hello?" Kurogami witnessed the librarian pinch her nose before looking up at him and placing the book down firmly, "Yes?" Her voice came off as quite rude.

"I'd like to freely use the library if possible, do I need a membership or anything like that, ma'am?" He asked, Shizuka raising her brows in surprise

"A young brat like yourself, wanting to use the library? Really now?" She asked, intrigued at his young interest.

"Yes" Kurogami gave a quick nod, "I want to read" He gave a smile.

"Aww, what a cute little guy" Shizuka's mood seemed to lighten up as she leant over her desk and ruffled Kurogami's hair, "Here, let me get you a membership - free of charge, fellow youthful reader" After a minute, she handed him a small card named 'Library membership' which simply had his name on it, "There you go. If you want to take out any books, then just come to me, okay?" She said with a smile, her reputation rising to 7.

"Okay! Thank you" Kurogami gave a quick bow before running to a random shelf, Shizuka watching his back with a soft smile, "Ahh... reminds me of my youthful, cultured self..." She smiled and looked at the book she had placed out of the corner of her eye, her frown reappearing, "Back when these bloody books were actually good and enjoyable to read, not this trash bullcrap!" She mumbled angrily, throwing the book into the bin under her desk, "If only someone made and published a new, good fantasy book" She groaned.

Though Kurogami wanted to originally use the library as his cheat to learning and using chakra whenever he wanted, he was also - at least he felt like he was - an avid reader and wanted to see the level of the books in the ninja world, and...

"...I-..." His voice broke, his body falling to his knees as 20 or so opened books lay beside, "These are so shit... so shit, it's almost unbelievable how bad they are..." He complained, having grabbed books that had both words and pictures "Even I could draw something better than this!" He proclaimed proudly

[New Quest! Sub Quest: Ninja World's Entertainment - Part 1]

[Sub Quest Objective: Get a drawing skill and reach level 10]

[Sub Quest Rewards: Part 2 of Quest, Random Shonen Manga Manuscript, Inventory Function]

[Accept? Y/N]

Looking at the quest, a smile appeared on Kurogami's face. 'If there's nothing good, just make it, obviously!' He accepted, especially considering the fact there were no failure/consequences involved.

And so, he ran out of the library and with the 1000 Ryo, he spent it all on paper, a pencil and a pen which he carried all the way to the orphanage. He explained to Mika that he wanted to pick up a hobby to pass time, which she accepted after a while. Fortunately, to avoid the other children disrupting him, she allowed Kurogami to draw quietly and peacefully in her office.

And so, he did. For the next 2-3 hours or so he drew as much as he could, wasting a lot of paper with his mediocre drawing skills.

[Passive Skill: Drawing - Lv. 8]

[The drawing skills of user increases, allowing for better, more skilled pieces of art. 16% increase in drawing speed]

7 Levels is all Kurogami could get with his amount of paper. He got up and left the office, looking at the bin one last time to take a look at all the pencil bits in the bin from where he sharpened it a numerous amount of times.

'I need to buy more paper somehow...' He then looked at his 5cm long pencil, 'And a few pencils, eheh...' He lightly chuckled. Fortunately, from the continuous, restless amount of drawing his VIT managed to increase by 1, increasing his HP by 10 as well.

'I'm tired now, though, so time to hit the hay' He though with a yawn, walking over to his bed which he jumped into and fell asleep in no time.




The next day was the same as yesterday, which caused Kurogami to already curse at his repetitive school life which he didn't want to experience again, though he couldn't remember how his first school life went.

Not having any money left after yesterday's spending, Kurogami decided that on his lunch break he would attempt to take some items to 'borrow'. 

And so, as of right now, he was sneaking in the hallways whilst the students and most teachers were outside or in the cafeteria.

[New Skill Gained after continuously sneaking around and hiding from others: Stealth]

[Active Skill: Stealth - Lv. 1] 

[Activating the ability gives you the power to hide in plain sight, a crucial skill for being a ninja. 5% chance of not being spotted. For stronger opponents, -2% for each level they surpass you]

Happy with the new skill, he didn't let himself get distracted by it as he entered a classroom and took 2 pencils, stuffing it in his pocket. He took another 4 pencils in total from other class, before finding stacks of A4 paper, which he placed in his bag. The stealth skill levelled up to 2, and increased from 5% to 10%.

With a successful haul of borrowed goods, he returned to his class and put his bag under his seat before joining his friends outside.

Hours later, school had ended and Kurogami spent another hour on drawing random things until eventually:

[Sub Quest: Ninja World's Entertainment - Part 1 - Complete]

[Sub Quest Objective: Get a drawing skill and reach level 10 - Complete]

[Sub Quest Rewards: Part 2 of Quest, Random Shonen Manga Manuscript, Inventory Function]

With the inventory function now opened, Kurogami put his remaining paper and pencils and pens in there. As for the Random Manga Manuscript, a wheel appeared in front of him which spun by itself until landing on- 


A/N: Jojo, Fairy Tail, Black Clover or Bleach as the reward?

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